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Pediatric Nursing & Family Influences Reading Guide

NUR 431
Reading Guide: Perspectives of Pediatric Nursing and Family Influences
Reading: Chapter 1 and Chapter 2
What is the major goal for pediatric nursing?
a. To improve the quality of healthcare for children and their families. Millions of children
still without health insurance which results in lack of access to care and health
promotion activities.
2. Childhood Injuries
a. Most common cause of _____________________ and __________________ in the U.S.
b. What has surpassed MVA’s as the leading cause of injury mortality?
c. What unintentional injuries are most common in children?
i. Drowning
ii. Burns
iii. Head injuries
iv. Firearm accidents
d. The type of injury is very closely related to the child’s ____________________
e. What do you see as the role of the nurse in preventing these unintentional injuries?
i. Anticipatory guidance
ii. education
II. The Art of Pediatric Nursing
The two key parts of the philosophy of care in pediatrics are:
a. Family centered care
b. Atraumatic care
b. What is family centered care?
i. Recognizing that the family is the constant in the childs life and you cannot
treat the child without treating the family. Family should be a part of the
treatment team and have a role in decision making for the child.
ii. What are the nurse’s role in family centered care?
1. Identify strengths in the family and build on these
2. Recognize that family is expert in the care for their child
3. Empower families to advocate and care for child
4. Enable by creating opporunities for family members to show their
skills and to learn new skills.
c. What is atraumatic care?
i. Eliminating or minimizing psychological and physical distress by children and
families in healthcare setting.
d. What are signs of psychological distress in children?
i. Anxiety
ii. Fear
iii. Anger
iv. Sadness
e. What are the physical signs of distress?
i. Difficulty sleeping
ii. Pain
iii. Sensitivity to noises and light
f. What is the overriding goal of providing atraumatic care?
i. Do no harm
ii. Prevent or limit separation from caregiver/family
iii. Promote sense of control
iv. Minimize bodily injury/pain
g. What are some ways you, as a nurse, can provide this care?
i. Sleeping in
ii. Procedures on laps of parents when possible
iii. Giving choices
iv. Using distraction or pain med before procedure (elamax)
2. Therapeutic Relationship
a. Pediatric nurses should have a meaningful relationship with patients and families but with
well defined _______________________. These are _______________________ and
______________________________and promote the family’s control over the child’s health.
I. What is a family defined?
II. Family Theories
Family systems theory:
Family stress theory:
Developmental theory:
III. Family Structure
What are some of the different types of families you may come into contact with?
a. Nuclear
IV. Parenting Behaviors
A. Define the 3 types of parenting styles
a. Authoritarian
b. Authoritative
c. Permissive
V. Family Assessment
A. What information needs to be included in your assessment of the family?
a. Medical histories
b. Structure of the family