Uploaded by Kandarp Jindal

Salt Analysis Lab Report: Acidic & Basic Radicals

Experiment No. 4
Aim: To identify acidic and basic radical in the given
sample of salt.
1. Preliminary examination
a. Note the colour of salt
b. Note the odour of salt
c. Note the solubility of the salt
2. Dry heating test
a. Take a pinch of salt in dry
test tube and heat.
b. Perform flame test .
Black / brown
No odour
Soluble in water
Fe3+ may pr
NH4+ , CH3COO- ab
Black residue or colour of salt
changes brown to red /yellow,
colourless gas with pungent
Fe3+ may present
Cl- may present
Pb2+ ab
No specific flame
c. Perform charcoal cavity test No specific bead
3. Wet Test for acidic radical
a. salt + dil. H2SO4
No rx in hot and cold
Zn2+ Pb 2+ absent
b. salt + conc. H2SO4
colourless gas with pungent
Cl- may pr
White ppt
Greenish yellow gas evolved
Cl- pr
4. Confirmatory test for
acidic radical
a. Saly solution + AgNO3
b. salt +MnO2 + conc H2SO4 +
c. Bring moist starch iodide
paper near the mouth of test
d. Bring rod dipped in
NH4OH near the mouth of test
5. Confirmatory test for
basic radical
* Salt solution + NaOH + heat
* Salt solution + Dil HCl
* Salt solution + dil. HCl +
* Salt solution + NH4Cl +
* dissolve the ppt in HCl and
divide in 2 parts
* To 1st part + KSCN
* To 2 part+ K4[Fe(CN)6]
Violet spot on paper
Dense white fumes
CO32- ab
Cl- conf
Cl- conf
no smell of ammonia
no white ppt
no black ppt
NH4+ ab Zero grp ab
Pb2+ ab 1st grp absent.
2nd grp absent , Cu2+ ab
brown ppt
3rd grp present +, Fe3+ present
blood red
Prussian blue
Fe3+ confirmed
Fe3+ confirmed
Result : The given salt is Ferric chloride with Cl- as acidic
radical and Fe3+ as basic radical
Experiment :5
Aim: To identify acidic and basic radical in the given
sample of salt.
1. Preliminary examination
a. Note the colour of salt
b. Note the odour of salt
c. Note the solubility of the salt
2. Dry heating test
a. Take a pinch of salt in dry
test tube and heat.
b. Perform flame test .
c. Perform charcoal cavity test
No odour
Soluble in water
NH4+ , Zn2+ Al3+ Mg2+ may pr
NH4+ , CH3COO- ab
Colour of salt yellow when
hot and white when cold,
colourless gas with pungent
No specific flame
White incrustations
Zn2+ may present
Cl- may present
3. Wet Test for acidic radical
a. salt + dil. H2SO4
No rx in hot and cold
b. salt + conc. H2SO4
colourless gas with pungent
4. Confirmatory test for
acidic radical
a. Saly solution + AgNO3
b. Salt + MnO2 + conc H2SO4
c. Bring moist starch iodide
paper near the mouth of test
d. Bring rod dipped in
NH4OH near the mouth of test
5. Confirmatory test for
basic radical
* Salt solution + NaOH + heat
* Salt solution + Dil HCl
* Salt solution + dil. HCl +
* Salt solution + NH4Cl +
* Salt solution + NH4Cl +
* dissolve the ppt in dil.HCl
Divide in 2 parts
* To 1st part + NaOH
* To 2 part + K4[Fe(CN)6
Pb2+ ab
Zn2+ may present
CO32- ab
Cl- may pr
White ppt
Greenish yellow gas evolved
Cl- pr
Cl- conf
Violet spot on paper
Cl- conf
Dense white fumes
Cl- conf
no smell of ammonia
no white ppt
no black ppt
NH4+ ab Zero grp ab
Pb2+ ab 1st grp absent.
2nd grp absent , Cu2+ ab
no ppt
3rd grp absent Fe3+, Al3+ ab
dirty white ppt
white ppt
sky blue ppt
4th grp pr, Zn2+ may pr
Zn2+ confirmed
Zn2+ confirmed
Result : The given salt is Zinc chloride with Cl- as acidic
radical and Zn2+ as basic radical
Experiment :5
Aim: To identify acidic and basic radical in the given
sample of salt.
1. Preliminary examination
a. Note the colour of salt
b. Note the odour of salt
c. Note the solubility of the salt
2. Dry heating test
a. Take a pinch of salt in dry
test tube and heat.
b. Perform flame test .
c. Perform charcoal cavity test
No odour
Soluble in water
Ni2+ may pr
NH4+ , CH3COO- ab
Black residue,
colourless gas with pungent
No specific flame
No bead
Zn2+ may present
Cl- may present
3. Wet Test for acidic radical
a. salt + dil. H2SO4
No rx in hot and cold
b. salt + conc. H2SO4
colourless gas with pungent
4. Confirmatory test for
acidic radical
a. Saly solution + AgNO3
b. Salt + MnO2 + conc H2SO4
c. Bring moist starch iodide
paper near the mouth of test
d. Bring rod dipped in
NH4OH near the mouth of test
5. Confirmatory test for
basic radical
* Salt solution + NaOH + heat
* Salt solution + Dil HCl
* Salt solution + dil. HCl +
* Salt solution + NH4Cl +
* Salt solution + NH4Cl +
* dissolve the ppt in aqua
regia and dimethyl glyoxime +
Pb2+ ab
Zn2+ Pb 2+ ab
CO32- ab
Cl- may pr
White ppt
Greenish yellow gas evolved
Cl- pr
Cl- conf
Violet spot on paper
Cl- conf
Dense white fumes
Cl- conf
no smell of ammonia
no white ppt
no black ppt
NH4+ ab Zero grp ab
Pb2+ ab 1st grp absent.
2nd grp absent , Cu2+ ab
no ppt
3rd grp absent Fe3+, Al3+ absen
black ppt
4th grp pr, Ni2+ may pr
pink ppt
Ni2+ conf
Result : The given salt is Nickle chloride with Cl- as acidic
radical and Ni2+ as basic radical
Experiment :6
Aim: To identify acidic and basic radical in the given
sample of salt.
1. Preliminary examination
a. Note the colour of salt
b. Note the odour of salt
c. Note the solubility of the salt
2. Dry heating test
a. Take a pinch of salt in dry
test tube and heat.
b. Perform flame test .
c. Perform charcoal cavity test
Rose red
No odour
Soluble in water
Co2+ may pr
NH4+ , CH3COO- ab
Blue when hot and pink when
Brown fumes
No specific flame
No bead
Co2+ may present
3. Wet Test for acidic radical
a. salt + dil. H2SO4
No rx in hot and cold
b. salt + conc. H2SO4
Brown fumes
4. Confirmatory test for
acidic radical
a. Salt solution + AgNO3
b. Salt solution + BaCl2
c. Salt solution + Cobalt
d. salt solution + Cu turnings
+ conc. H2SO4 + heat
e. Salt solution + Freshly
prepared FeSO4 + con H2SO4
from walls of test tube
5. Confirmatory test for
basic radical
* Salt solution + NaOH + heat
* Salt solution + Dil HCl
* Salt solution + dil. HCl +
* Salt solution + NH4Cl +
* Salt solution + NH4Cl +
* dissolve the ppt in aqua
regia and divide in 2 parts
* To 1 part + NH4SCN and
* To 2 part+ NaNO2+ acetic
acid+ NH4OH
NO3- may present
Pb2+ ab
Zn2+ Pb 2+ ab
CO32- ab
NO3- may pr
No White ppt
No white ppt
No violet colour
Cl- ab
SO42- ab
PO43- ab
Brown fumes
NO3- conf
Brown ring at the junction of
two liquids
NO3- conf
no smell of ammonia
no white ppt
no black ppt
NH4+ ab Zero grp ab
Pb2+ ab 1st grp absent.
2nd grp absent , Cu2+ ab
no ppt
3rd grp absent Fe3+, Al3+ absen
black ppt
4th grp pr, Co2+ may pr
blue colour in alcohol layer
Co2+ conf
yellow ppt
Co2+ conf
Result : The given salt is Cobalt nitrate with NO3- as acidic
radical and Co2+ as basic radical
Experiment :7
Aim: To identify acidic and basic radical in the given
sample of salt.
1. Preliminary examination
a. Note the colour of salt
b. Note the odour of salt
c. Note the solubility of the salt
2. Dry heating test
a. Take a pinch of salt in dry
test tube and heat.
b. Perform flame test with Pt
c. Perform charcoal cavity test
No odour
Soluble in water
Zn2+ Pb2+ NH4+may pr
NH4+ , CH3COO- ab
White residue glows on
Mg2+ may present
Pb2+ ab
No specific flame
Zn2+ Pb2+absent
No bead
3. Wet Test for acidic radical
a. salt + dil. H2SO4
No rx in hot and cold
b. salt + conc. H2SO4
No rx
CO32- ab
Cl- , NO3- and CH3COO- ab
4. Confirmatory test for
acidic radical
a. Saly solution + AgNO3
b. Salt solution + BaCl2
c. Add dil HCl or HNO3
No White ppt
White ppt
White ppt remains
Cl- ab
SO42- pr
SO42- conf
White ppt
SO42- conf
no smell of ammonia
no white ppt
no black ppt
NH4+ ab Zero grp ab
Pb2+ ab 1st grp absent.
2nd grp absent , Cu2+ ab
no ppt
3rd grp absent Fe3+, Al3+ absen
no ppt
4th grp ab, Zn2+ may ab
no ppt
5th grp absent, Ca2+ , Ba2+ ab
white ppt
6th grp present, Mg2+ present
Sky blue ppt
pink ash
white ppt
d. salt solution
+lead acetate + acetic acid
5. Confirmatory test for
basic radical
* Salt solution + NaOH + heat
* Salt solution + Dil HCl
* Salt solution + dil. HCl +
* Salt solution + NH4Cl +
* Salt solution + NH4Cl +
* Salt solution + NH4Cl +
NH4OH + Ammonium
* salt solution+ ammonium
* Dissolve the ppt in equal
amount of water and divide in
2 parts
* To 1st part + magneson
reagent + NaOH
* To 2nd part + crystals of
cobalt nitrate + dip a piece of
filter paper and burn
* salt solution+ Na2HPO4+
Result : The given salt is Magnesium sulphate with SO42- as
acidic radical and Mg2+ as basic radical