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Plant Tropisms & Organ Functions Worksheet

Name: ________________________
Plant Review: Card sort activity
1. Responses:
a. Cut out the cards and match with the correct type of response.
Response Type
1. Hydrotropism
2. Geotropism
3. Thigmotropism
2. Let’s ‘dig’ a little deeper: RESPONSES
a. Responses - There are other types of tropisms than just the ones we covered in class.
How would you explain hydrotropism?
- Add hydrotropism as the 4th response above, and add your own description
and example (drawn or in writing)
3. Leaves, Stems, Roots:
a. Cut out the cards with descriptions/functions of the three plant organs.
Sort the cards into the correct square.
4. Let’s ‘dig’ a little deeper: Question stems for each section:
a. Leaves - In the winter, the leaves of many trees change color and/or fall off. But they
don’t just fall off, the trees are shedding them on purpose. Explain two advantages
and 1 disadvantage for a tree or plant to shed its leaves in winter. (hint - think of the
function of leaves and what the stomata do)
- Possible answer stem: “One advantage for a tree to shed its leaves is ….”
- _______________________________________________
b. Stems - As we saw, stems are not all the same and come in different shapes and sizes.
What would happen if a tree didn’t have a thick ‘stem’ (its trunk?)
- Possible answer stem: “If a tree did not have a thick stem, then…”
- _______________________________________________
Rank the importance of the 3 main plant organs. Explain your reasoning!
- _______________________________________________
Cards for Responses (Tropisms)
Plants respond to
Plants respond to
movement or touch
Plants respond to
Cards for Leaves, Stems, Roots
Help to anchor plants
Contain xylem and
phloem tissue
Capture sunlight for
Help to support the plant,
leaves and flowers
Absorb necessary water
and nutrients
Can be used as storage
for a plant
Where stomata are located
Where chloroplasts are
The transport system of
the plant