414 Int. J. Global Warming, Vol. 12, Nos. 3/4, 2017 Climate literacy: a systematic review and model integration José Azevedo* and Margarida Marques Faculty of Arts, University of Porto, Via Panorâmica, s/n, 4150-564 Porto, Portugal Email: azevedo@letras.up.pt Email: margmmarq@gmail.com *Corresponding author Abstract: Snow’s division between cultures is visible in scientific literacy (SL) research: there is a gap between the science education and the science communication fields. We reflect on a way to end this critical disparity. The case of climate change was used as a situational prototype that helps to unite broad communication issues and established knowledge. The choice of this case is justified by the current international interest and calls for the development of a climate-literate public. Research has shown that misunderstandings about climate change can persist even after instruction and that some scepticism emerged in several developed countries. A literature review of climate literacy was conducted. The analysis resulted in a new integrative model for understanding literacy. We hope that the proposed model can be the basis for the re-emergence of science literacy as a key concept, of well-grounded practices and of accurate measurement tools. Keywords: science literacy; science education; science communication; climate literacy; literature review. Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Azevedo, J. and Marques, M. (2017) ‘Climate literacy: a systematic review and model integration’, Int. J. Global Warming, Vol. 12, Nos. 3/4, pp.414–430. Biographical notes: José Azevedo is an Associate Professor of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto and the Vice-Director of the Digital Media Doctoral Program. His primary research interests include public understanding of science, science literacy, science documentary and digital divide. He coordinated the project Science 2.0 (http://www.ciencia20.up.pt) funded by Compete/Ciência Viva (2011 to 2013), which received the 2013 National Award for Best Multimedia Content in Education. The two most recent projects he has been coordinating are Nutriscience – play, cook, learn (http://nutriciencia.pt/) and Clima@EduMedia – Climate Change: learning through the school media (http://www.climaedumedia.com/), both funded by EEA grants (2014 to 2016). Margarida Marques received her PhD in Didactics and Formation. She is a Research Fellow of the project Clima@EduMedia of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto. Her current research interests are science literacy, science education and teacher professional development. Previously, she analysed a science teachers’ community of practice, particularly their dynamics of interaction, science teaching strategies developed, innovative features of their work, and mobilised principles of curricular development. Copyright © 2017 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. Climate literacy: a systematic review and model integration 1 415 Introduction A science literate public has been highlighted as a precondition for developing and implementing effective social responses to the new challenges posed by the post-industrial society. As a direct consequence of globalisation and knowledge explosion, the educational system must be revised in order to meet the new demands of the labour market and, additionally, to create conscious and emancipated citizens. In fact, the level of scientific knowledge of the general population is of great concern to academic scholars and governmental decision makers. In most developed countries, there is a substantial consensus about the importance of a scientifically literate population for democratic processes in a society that is more and more technologically demanding (e.g., Bybee, 2012; Lewenstein, 2015). As interest in science literacy (SL) has grown, particularly in the fields of science education and science communication (Lewenstein, 2015), definitions have widened and, as a result, have become confused with similar concepts. For example, numerous scholars have argued that the terms SL and scientific culture have been used in so many different ways that they remain somewhat contested and opened to multiple interpretations (e.g., Bybee, 1997; Lewenstein, 2015). This creates difficulties in communicating the phenomenon, in evaluating its strengths and weaknesses, as well as in assessing its unique nature. Despite the widespread, and at times, indiscriminate use of these terms, efforts1 have been made to firmly anchor their characterisations in broad theoretical frameworks. Such theories are built on a concept of SL and yet it is acknowledged that confusion still exists around it, thus, providing a poor basis for theory. This is then a crucial time to systematically and rigorously analyse the concept itself to enable the emergence of appropriate theory, of well-grounded practice and of accurate measurement tools. Literacy researchers have tended to stay within traditional discipline boundaries either of science education or science communication. In 1956, Snow characterised a division between two cultures – the culture of humanists and the one of scientists and technicians – as well as the communication problems between them. “The separation between the two cultures”, he wrote, “has been getting deeper under our eyes, there is precious little communication between them; little but different kinds of incomprehension and dislike” [Snow, (1956), p.413]. Snow’s essay has generated much discussion on whether this deep division really exists. In this paper, it is argued that the division between two cultures is indeed real in literacy studies. There is a gap within the field of literacy studies, in other words, between those who approach literacy with a practice governed by cause-effect relationships and those who see literacy as a human event of communication, meaning making and interpretation. In the science education field, the focus seems to be the transmission and acquisition of something – knowledge, skills, and dispositions – helping someone to become qualified to live in our complex modern societies. On the other hand, in the science communication area the emphasis is now on the person, as subject of action and responsibility, practices, ways of doing and being – such as cultural practices, political practices, professional practices, and so on. 416 J. Azevedo and M. Marques Bearing this in mind, this article’s aim is to present a reflection on a path to end this critical disparity when deciding the type of general knowledge every educated person should possess in relation to all areas of human thought. So, we chose climate change as a situational prototype that helps to unite broad communication issues and established knowledge. To this effect, we will show a series of dimensions that may help to overcome the debate of the two cultures alluded to by Snow. In order to bolster the utility of ‘literacy’ as a conceptual tool for science promotion, the following requirements need to be met: first, climate literacy (CL) has to be clearly defined and its constituent domains identified; second, it should go beyond traditional discipline boundaries, either of education or communication, and it should take into consideration some important work not automatically associated with the literacy field that has been written by researchers whose concerns overlap with the issues raised by the literacy concept. This paper examines the concept of CL in peer-reviewed work, published in the last decade. As we will see, this new term (Miler and Sladek, 2011) has been submitted to several efforts of conceptualisation. Its meaning, however, is still subject to debate (Dupigny-Giroux, 2010; Miler and Sladek, 2011). In this line, the next section presents a CL literature review. Firstly, the collection method of published works and the analysis focus are described. Secondly, a synthesis of the conceptualisation of CL, in the considered literature, is discussed. The most relevant literature recommendations regarding the promotion of CL are also highlighted. Finally, this paper proposes a new integrative, inter/transdisciplinary and epistemological model to approach the centrality of SL. 2 Literature review of CL The scientific community has been accumulating a body of evidence supporting the existence of climate change and of the human responsibility in the changing climate system (IPCC, 2014). However, some scepticism regarding climate change remains strong in some developed countries, particularly in the USA (e.g., Capstick et al., 2015; Schuldt et al., 2011). Additionally, recent research has shown a low climate change knowledge among lay people (Carvalho, 2011; Leiserowitz et al., 2011; McCaffrey and Buhr, 2008) and stressed that even in university students, taking science related courses, misunderstandings can persist after instruction (Lambert et al., 2012). This may be associated with a low adoption of proactive behaviours by today’s citizens related to climate issues (Capstick et al., 2015; Pidgeon and Fischhoff, 2011; Powers et al., 2013), which justifies the present international interest and calls for the development of a climate-literate public (Arndt and Ladue, 2008; McCaffrey, 2015; Niepold et al., 2007), including this special issue. However, correlation between scientific knowledge and positive attitudes, about science and technology, seems to be small (Bauer et al., 2007), so we need to be cautious as a high CL may not directly translate into adaptation to climate change’s unavoidable effects or mitigation of its causes (Carvalho, 2011; Stevenson et al., 2014). Climate literacy: a systematic review and model integration 417 In line with the literature (Bybee, 2012; Fauville et al., 2015; McCaffrey and Buhr, 2008; USGCRP, 2009), we consider CL connected with SL. More specifically, we consider it to be a context of application in SL. In recent years, several science-related concepts of literacy have been proposed as relevant for a literate citizen, such as Earth science literacy (e.g., Reis et al., 2014), ocean literacy (e.g., Fauville et al., 2015), energy literacy (e.g., Gold et al., 2015), atmospheric science literacy (Johnson et al., 2008), weather literacy (e.g., Arndt and LaDue, 2008), CL (e.g., Miler and Sladek, 2011; Niepold et al., 2007), among others. This was also noted in the literature, namely by Dupigny-Giroux et al. (2012). Figure 1 aims to visually represent the interrelation and scope of the aforementioned science-related concepts of literacy. Figure 1 Visual representation of the interrelation and scope of several science-related concepts of literacy SCIENCE LITERACY Earth science literacy Ocean literacy Climate literacy Environmental literacy Weather literacy Energy literacy … Other science related literacy Peer-reviewed studies may refer to ‘CL’, ‘climate change literacy’ or ‘climate science literacy’. For the purposes of this paper, we consider these three expressions synonyms. They all refer to a context of SL where the knowledge, competences and attitudes are revealed within the climate science area. Having emerged in the literature in the mid-2000s, CL is a new term. The interest in the promotion of CL is justified with the advancement of climate change science (McNeal et al., 2014), the relevance of laypeople being able to critically analyse the media information about climate change (Cooper, 2011; Niepold et al., 2007) and the urgency to address the challenges of climate change (Bodzin et al., 2014; Garfin et al., 2011; Ledley et al., 2014; Lohr, 2014; Niepold et al., 2007; Stevenson et al., 2014; 418 J. Azevedo and M. Marques Uherek and Schupbach, 2008). In sum, CL is considered to be relevant to all citizens, so they can be “able to make informed and responsible decisions with regard to actions that may affect climate” [USGCRP, (2009), p.4]. Hence, there is a need to analyse relevant CL literature, and so the next two subsections describe the collection and analysis methods used. 2.1 Data retrieving method Altogether, the data corpus is composed by peer-reviewed documents resulting from two identical searches for the terms ‘CL’, ‘climate change literacy’, or ‘climate science literacy’ in the title, keywords or abstract. The first search was performed in some of the most referred databases, including Scopus, Web of Science, Academic Search Complete, among others. 147 papers were retrieved from that search, with the articles published in a 2008 special issue of the periodic physical geography being the oldest, and covering a wide range of topics. On the second search, we used Google Scholar, retrieving us 187 papers. The earliest paper found was authored by Seacrest et al. (2000). In fact, the expression ‘climate change literacy’ was used a single time in their paper on public perception of climate change. Yet, the authors seem to include in that concept the understanding, attitudes towards and awareness/concern about climate change. We highlight that long before this study, the literature was already studying public perceptions and ‘misleading models’ of climate change, for example, Kempton (1991). After removing the duplicate results and the works with no CL definition, our corpus of documents to analyse was reduced to only 22 papers, published between 2007 and 2015, almost a decade. The exclusion of studies without a clear conceptualisation of CL was due to the fact that we focused on comparing definitional treatments of this concept. That is, we focused on the contributions that explicitly attempted to provide or refine a definition to CL. Our focus on definitions served to set practical limits on the scope of our study. 2.2 Content analysis method The considered papers were analysed in accordance with the adaptation of the PISA 2015 science framework (OECD/PISA, 2013), synthesised in Table 1.2 The PISA 2015 science framework was developed to assess “the knowledge that 15-year-old students can reasonably be expected to have” [OECD/PISA, (2013), p.7]. As we intend to conceptualise CL for a broader public, including adult laypeople, we considered in the competences’ component additional ones, mentioned in the analysed literature, such as “communicates about climate and climate change in a meaningful way” [USGCRP, (2009), p.4]. Another feature of this framework is its fluid nature, in other words, it considers the use of a set of competences in different contexts, which require content, procedural and epistemic knowledge to be mobilised, and is influenced by the individual’s attitudes towards science and technology. Climate literacy: a systematic review and model integration Table 1 Dimension Context 419 2015 PISA’s science literacy framework, adapted from OECD/PISA (2013), with examples of citations from the reviewed literature, whenever possible Description Personal: situations relating to the self, family and peer groups. Local/national: situations relating to the community. Example of citations from the reviewed literature All the reviewed literature is included in the context of climate change, particularly at a global level. Global: situations relating to the world. Includes both current and historical issues, which demand some understanding of science and technology. The areas of application are: health and disease, natural resources, environmental quality, hazards, and the frontiers of science and technology [OECD/PISA, (2013), p.11, pp.13–14]. Scientific knowledge Content knowledge: knowledge of the facts, concepts and explanatory theories about the natural world and of the technological artefacts [OECD/PISA, (2013), p.11, p.17]. • “Climate Science Literacy is an understanding of your influence on climate and climate’s influence on you and society. A climate-literate person: • understands the essential principles of Earth’s climate system” [USGCRP, (2009), p.4]. Procedural knowledge: knowledge of how such ideas are produced [OECD/PISA, (2013), p.11, p.19]. • “we propose that climate science – literate citizens should understand three basic concepts: (…) (3) climate scientists’ assessments of the past and present state of Earth’s climate system rely upon empirical evidence – observations and measurements that can be reproduced and validated through peer review” [Niepold et al., (2008), p.534]. Epistemic knowledge: an understanding of the underlying rationale for these procedures and the justification for their use [OECD/PISA, (2013), p.11, pp.20–21]. • “People who are climate science literate (…) have the ability to assess the validity of scientific arguments about climate” [Dupigny-Giroux, (2010), p.1204]. 420 J. Azevedo and M. Marques Table 1 2015 PISA’s science literacy framework, adapted from OECD/PISA (2013), with examples of citations from the reviewed literature, whenever possible (continued) Dimension Scientific competence Description Example of citations from the reviewed literature The ability to explain phenomena scientifically, for example, by recalling and applying appropriate scientific knowledge [OECD/PISA, (2013), p.11, pp.14–15]. The ability to evaluate and design scientific enquiry, for example, by identifying the question explored in a given scientific study [OECD/PISA, (2013), p.11, pp.15–16]. Attitude The ability to interpret data and evidence scientifically, for example, by transforming data from one representation to another [OECD/PISA, (2013), p.11, p.16–17]. • “to be literate in climate science, one needs to (…) know how to assess scientifically credible information about climate” [Liu et al., (2014), p.31]. The ability to communicate in a meaningful way, for example, by conveying one’s ideas to others. • “A climate-literate person: (…) communicates about climate and climate change in a meaningful way” [Ledley et al., (2014), p.309]. The ability to solve problems, for example, by considering alterative possible solutions. • “climate literacy education programs should address (…) problem solving skills” [Powers et al., (2013), p.23.928.3]. Interest in science and technology, indicated by, for example, a curiosity in science and science-related issues and endeavours [OECD/PISA, (2013), p.11, pp.36–38]. Valuing of scientific approaches to enquiry, where appropriate, indicated by, for example, a commitment to evidence as the basis of belief for explanations of the material world [OECD/PISA, (2013), p.11, pp.36–38]. A perception and awareness of environmental issues, indicated by, for example, a concern for the environment and sustainable living [OECD/PISA, (2013), p.11, pp.36–39]. Make informed and responsible decisions, for example, by using climate science relevant information to support one’s options. • “The objective of educating the next generation in climate literacy is to provide the knowhow and information for informed citizens to make responsible decisions in the future” [Uherek and Schupbach, (2008), p.545]. Climate literacy: a systematic review and model integration 421 Each paper was analysed according to five categories: 1 region where the study is centred (USA/Europe/other) 2 field of study (education or communication) 3 the presence/absence of the dimensions of CL, in line with the adapted PISA 2015 science framework. Further details regarding this analysis are presented in Table 3, in the Appendix. While neither exhaustive nor intended as a rigid categorisation, this analysis allows us an easier examination of the multiplicity and diversity of uses of these characterisations. In addition to describing the overall discourse, this work may provide avenues for deeper exploration and critical analysis of each strand of discussion. It may also offer reference points and/or sources of inspiration for planning educational strategies and may assist educators in situating, analysing, and/or enriching their own theoretical choices and practices. 2.3 The concept of CL in the analysed literature The analysis of the literature included in this study is synthesised in Table 2. Table 2 SE SC 19 5 Synthesis of the number of studies in the literature, with a proposal of CL definition, included in each dimension of an adaptation of the PISA 2015 science framework Knowledge Competences Attitudes CK PK EK EPS EDSE IDES CMW SP In RI VSAI REA MIRD general 22 4 5 0 3 10 11 3 2 0 0 0 16 Notes: ASE = area of science education; ASC = area of science communication; CK = content knowledge; PK = procedural knowledge; EK= epistemic knowledge; EPS = explain phenomena scientifically; EDSE = evaluate and design scientific enquiry; IDES = interpret data and evidence scientifically; CMW = communicate in a meaningful way; SP = solve problems; RI = reveal interest; VSAI = value scientific approaches to enquiry; REA = reveal environmental awareness; MIRD = make informed and responsible decisions Analysing the relevant literature, the majority of the studies found was included in the area of science education; only a few were from science communication. Additionally, the majority of studies (19) were conducted in the USA and a few (3) were Europeans (Switzerland, Slovenia and Czech Republic); therefore, there is a clear lack of literature from developing countries. One US initiative, the proposal of the essential principles of climate literacy (USGCRP, 2009), emerged in the early discussion and conceptualisation of CL. This research-based iterative peer-review effort (as described by McCaffrey and Buhr, 2008), has been having an impressive impact in the US context, as it has been referred to and its definition for CL has been accepted (e.g., Arndt and Ladue, 2008; Dupigny-Giroux et al., 2012; Gold et al., 2015; McNeal et al., 2014; Shepardson et al., 2011). In what concerns the PISA dimensions for SL, the analysis revealed that the content knowledge component seems to be the most common concern in the CL studies analysed. Moreover, content knowledge was included in the conceptualisation of CL by all authors, 422 J. Azevedo and M. Marques thus, there seems to be a general consensus towards this component. The same is not true for the other two components of the knowledge dimension: procedural knowledge is acknowledged in only four studies (Dupigny-Giroux, 2008, 2010; Niepold et al., 2008; USGCRP, 2009) and epistemic knowledge in five (idem; Niepold et al., 2007). We consider this to be a point to discuss in future research because, being relevant elements of SL, it is important to include these two knowledge components in CL as well. Additionally, the literature emphasises a specific aspect of content: the misconceptions related to climate change science. As some studies have suggested a positive relationship between increased climate change knowledge and acceptance of anthropogenic global warming among middle school students (Stevenson et al., 2014), the knowledge component of CL is definitively a relevant aspect. This valorisation of the knowledge dimension is supported by the literature. Further research should be performed regarding climate change misconceptions, particularly their pervasiveness and how to address them in formal and non-formal learning. Regarding the competences, these do not seem to be particularly valued in the analysed literature. For example, no paper included in the CL definition the competence ‘to explain phenomena scientifically’, in spite of it being part of the PISA 2015 science framework. The other two PISA competences, ‘to evaluate and design scientific enquiry’ and ‘to interpret data and evidence scientifically’, seem to have encountered some echo in the analysed literature, particularly in the information credibility assessment. On the other hand, a competence not explicitly included in the PISA framework, ‘to communicate in a meaningful way about climate and climate change’, is relatively frequent (11 occurrences in 22 possible ones). Finally, CL also includes attitudes, beliefs, motivational orientations, self-efficacy, and values. In the literature, the most valued attitude is making informed and responsible decisions, with 16 occurrences. This suggests that the analysed papers do not value only a basic knowledge of climate per se. The main goal seems to be the possibility of acting upon that knowledge, in the personal, professional and communal lives: “The objective of educating the next generation in climate literacy is to provide the knowhow and information for informed citizens to make responsible decisions in the future” [Uherek and Schupbach, (2008), p.545]. We are aiming at the change of behaviours (e.g., Dupigny-Giroux, 2008; Shafer, 2008) towards the development and adoption of adaptation and mitigation solutions (DeWaters et al., 2014), whilst acknowledging that knowledge will not be enough (Niepold et al., 2008). In sum, according to the analysed literature, to be climate literate, one needs to: 1 have some knowledge of climate science, in its content, procedural and epistemic components 2 master in some degree a number of competences that allow accessing and assessing relevant information about this theme, as well as communicate it in a meaningful way 3 reveal a set of attitudes that lead to one’s contribution to the conception and/or implementation of adaptation and mitigation strategies. Climate literacy: a systematic review and model integration 3 423 Concluding remarks Historically, the relationship between science and society has never been simple nor unidirectional (Colucci-Gray et al., 2006). The history of science abounds with examples of ‘societal interferences’ that shaped the formulation of important scientific theories and made the separation of a scientist’s work from his or her society no longer tenable (Collins, 1982). Climate change is one of the best examples of that situation. The proposal we outline in this article is located in some discernible developments: principally the re-thinking of CL to encompass the multiplicity of perspectives we face when trying to understand and participate in discussions about the complex issues posed by our contemporary post-industrial society. We departed from Snow’s ‘two cultures’ model that depicted the fragmentation of knowledge in two opposing directions represented, in our case, by education and communication disciplines. Baram-Tsabari and Osborne (2015, p.135) summarise the differences between these two approaches in this way: Another difference is the critical view that some science communication research adapts towards science and scientists, a result possibly of its journalistic and sociological foundations. Science education tends to position ‘what science says’ and ‘how scientists do things’ as the truth that frames the model for what students should learn. In contrast, many science communication researchers position ‘what science says’ as only one of many types of potentially relevant knowledge and ‘how scientists do things’ as an imperfect way of making sense of the world. Our analysis has shown that the most common papers were from the education side. Science communication issues were mainly reported indirectly and in terms of recommendations. One of the most relevant recommendations found was to intentionally address your audience (Niepold et al., 2008; Hallar et al., 2011). In Niepold et al. (2008) words, there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ strategy. Similarly, Kelly et al. (2014) also proposed to adjust CL resources to the audiences’ perspectives, grouped accordingly to the ‘Six Americas’, in other words, the six segments acknowledged in the US public regarding global warming: alarmed, concerned, cautious, disengaged, doubtful, and dismissive. On the other hand, the relevance of local, unbiased climate resources and the monitoring of their use by the audience were also highlighted (Shafer, 2008; Uherek and Schupbach, 2008). Some of the proposals are to provide science information within the context of a story, with the claimed advantages of increasing its understanding and recalling, and to use sophisticated, networked visualisation tools (Niepold et al., 2008). Contrasting with the traditional perspective of teaching, the literature demands for a more comprehensive approach, instead of a knowledge-focused one (Cooper, 2011; Powers et al., 2013). In this line, offering opportunities for the development of science competences is also valued, particularly the ones related with effective communication (Miler and Sladek, 2011; Shafer et al., 2009) and problem-solving (McCaffrey, 2015; Powers et al., 2013). Finally, regardless of the area addressing the CL challenge, either education or communication, the value of close collaboration among several stakeholders emerges, for example, to provide scientific information compatible with the public’s cognitive processes (Liu et al., 2014) or even to address climate change itself (Niepold et al., 2008). 424 J. Azevedo and M. Marques CL objectives are achieved only when technoscientific and humanistic perspectives are simultaneously and evenly considered, allowing educational and communication communities to overcome the gap that isolates the ‘two cultures’. The model synthesised in the Figure 1 aims to be a basis for the re-emergence of science literacy as a key concept, for conceptualisation and bridging approaches to research on public, science, communication and learning. The model helps to bridge the domains of education and communication in many ways. First, like other integrated system model approaches, it provides feedback between different variables (agents). Second, disciplinary knowledge in the form of available theories or models can be used. This kind of integrated modelling requires intensive discussions among the modellers from all the relevant disciplines. Further research in other subject areas is needed to refine and broaden this proposal. Figure 2 Framework illustrating the role of CL in fostering education and communication for sustainability CLIMATE LITERACY SOCIETY SCIENCE ENVIRONMENT TECHNOLOGY SCIENCE EDUCATION APPROACHES ETHICS TWO CULTURES INSTRUCTION SCIENCE COMMUNICATION APPROACHES ENGAGEMENT COMPLEXITY AND CONFLICT EDUCATION/COMMUNICATION FOR SUSTAINABILITY Source: Modified from Correia et al. (2010) Collaboration between science and society is often requested if uncertainty arises or if fundamental changes of the natural or social environment are faced. Situations such as the introduction of a new technology or climate change are paradigmatic cases.3 According to this model: Climate literacy: a systematic review and model integration 425 1 Science literacy is the key concept for this new integrative, inter/transdisciplinary epistemological approach, necessary to allow autonomous citizenship. 2 New interfaces between science, technology, society, environment and ethics are necessary (see first frame in Figure 2). Each of these domains has been approached accordingly to the acknowledged cultures of science education and science communication, but we are responsible for improvements, using strategies that promote the dialogue between traditions and critical thinking. This is required for a holistic perspective of education/communication for sustainability. 3 Science literacy should overcome definitions and models strictly connected with education or communication approaches and include knowledge, attitudes, contents, as well as communication issues in complex models, providing societal capacitybuilding and bridging the growing gulf between many areas of research and the public. 4 A holistic view of knowledge about the environment and human-environments interactions is required. Complexity and systems theory4 should be incorporated towards an integration of knowledge from different academic fields. 5 The focus on the transmission and acquisition of something – knowledge, skills, dispositions – should be complemented by an emphasis on cultural practices, political practices, professional practices, and so on. Different groups have different perspectives and values about what should be preserved or changed in the environment, therefore transmission and engagement should be balanced. 6 Incorporating uncertainty and conflict. Environmental problems cause conflicts among human systems. This kind of ‘commons dilemma’ conflict between human systems occurs on the micro and macro level. Thus, CL requires competence to properly cope with these problems stemming from different individual, company, and society interests. In order to accomplish that we should step into real-world cases to gain valuable additional information from directly talking, interacting, collaborating with, and getting first-hand information from the people and human actors who are directly experiencing, benefiting from, and interacting with the environment. 7 Incorporating sustainability learning. In the past 20 years, a specific form of knowledge integration was developed in the frame of sustainable development (UNESCO, 1997). 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US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) (2009) Climate Literacy: The Essential Principles of Climate Science, [eBook], Global Change Research Program, Washington DC, USA. Climate literacy: a systematic review and model integration 429 Notes 1 2 For example, the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) aims to assess 15 year-old students’ reading literacy, mathematical literacy, and science literacy, each one composed by three parallel dimensions: process skills, knowledge and understanding, and context of application. Currently, that programme involves more than 60 countries and one of its outputs is a country rank for each assessed literacy. PISA defines literacy as the knowledge and skills for adult life that are acquired through formal and informal learning over a lifetime; and SL as “The capacity to use scientific knowledge, to identify questions and draw evidencebased conclusions in order to understand and help make decisions about the natural world and the changes made to it through human activity” [OECD/PISA, (2001), p.76]. This table includes three columns: • the first identifies the dimension of the framework • the second presents a description of each of the four dimensions, based on information from the PISA framework (lines with italic text) or based on information from the reviewed literature (remaining text) • 3 4 the third column presents a citation from the reviewed literature that can be seen as an example illustrating the considered dimension. Climate literacy is used to introduce the model, but we should read it as a general pattern to all science contents. Therefore, in our model, science literacy is equivalent to climate literacy. Systems theory is an interdisciplinary theory about the nature of complex systems in nature, society, and science. Its origin goes back to 1920s biology, but was very influential in the interdisciplinary dialogue between a large number of academic fields. Some of the most prominent authors are Von Bertalanffy (biology), Boulding (economics), Parsons and Luhmann (sociology), Von Foerster (physics) among many other. 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 Bodzin et al. Kelly et al. DeWaters et al. Ledley et al. Liu et al. McCaffrey USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Europe (Czech Republic) USA USA USA Europe (Slovenia) USA USA USA USA USA Europe (Switzerland) JGE GC PG, SIEL FPP SC JGE JGE FE-ACUA FE-ACUA JSE JGE NTEOE ASEEACE BAMS CC ICEEP CL 18th SE Guide XIV IOSTES PG, SIEL PG, SIEL PG, SIEL PG, SIEL 5th ISDE SE √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ IDES √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ CMW Competences EDSE √ √ EPS √ √ √ √ √ √ EK Categories of analysis √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ PK CK Knowledge √ √ √ SP √ √ In general Attitudes √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ RI VSAI REA MIRD Notes: SE = science education; SC = science communication; CK = content knowledge; PK = procedural knowledge; EK = epistemic knowledge; EPS = explain phenomena scientifically; EDSE = evaluate and design scientific enquiry; IDES = interpret data and evidence scientifically; CMW = communicate in a meaningful way; SP = solve problems; RI = reveal interest; VSAI = Value SCIENTIFIC approaches to enquiry; Rea = Reveal environmental awareness; MIRD = make informed and responsible decisions; 5th ISDE = Fifth International Symposium on Digital Earth; FPP = forum on public policy; PG, SIEL = physical geography, special issue environmental literacy (EL); CL = climate research; 18th SE = 18th Symposium on Education; XIV IOSTES = XIV International Organization for Science and Technology Education Symposium; GC = geography compass; BAMS = Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society; CC = climatic change; ICEEP = International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology; ASEEACE = American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition; NTEOE = New Trends in Earth-Science Outreach and Engagement; JGE = Journal of Geoscience Education; FE-ACUA = future Earth – advancing civic understanding of the anthropocene; JSE = Journal of Sustainability Education 2013 2010 2011 2011 2011 Dupigny-Giroux Hallar et al. Shepardson et al. Miler and Sladek 2014 2009 2009 2009 2010 Lowrey et al. Shafer et al. USGCRP Bogataj Berbeco and McCaffrey 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 Niepold et al. Batteen et al. Dupigny-Giroux Niepold et al. Shafer Uherek and Schupbach Region Field of study Table 3 Powers et al. Year Author(s) Paper 430 J. Azevedo and M. Marques Appendix Analysis of studies in the literature, with a proposal of climate literacy definition, included in each dimension of the adaptation of the PISA 2015 science framework