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Nutrition, Diabetes, and Urinary Health Study Guide

BMR/BMI – what changes effect each one (Ch. 36)
Diet orders
S/s of different types of malnutrition
TPN vs EN – what can’t you give directly into the bloodstream (lipids/fats)
Certain diets to assist with diabetes
What effects glucose levels
Components of diabetic diet
How to educate about diabetic diet (same questions for cardiac diet)
Effects that could come about if they don’t follow those diets
Carbs, complex, simple, proteins, fats, fiber – examples of each
Examples of foods that carry certain vitamins and minerals
Good source of calcium
What do you need if you are giving calcium – vitamin D. What are good sources of vitamin D?
What do you need to bind with iron – vitamin C. What are good sources of vitamin C?
Kegal exercises – what it is, how to do them, how often, etc
UTI – causes, education
Diuretics – different classes, which one is appropriate for a particular patient
Urine retention – what device do we use (bladder scan for post bladder retention)
Types of catheters
Understand and know constipation