Senior uthor Lionel Sandner Catherine Little Science Education Consultant and Writer formerly Lead Coordinator, Pan-Canadian Science Project Program Coordinator Science, Environmental and Ecologica l Studies Toronto District School Board ut or Nora Alexander Rosebank Road Public School Durham District School Board Mike Carlin Jim Walsh Instructor, Science and Technology Facu lty of Education, University of Ottawa Sandy M. Wohl Instructor, Curriculum Studies Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia Vice-Principa I Walter Scott Public School York Region District School Board Contrib ti g Authors Glen Fatkin Jay Ingram North Surrey Secondary School Surrey School District, BC Doily Planet Science Journalist Discovery Channel Canada Doug Herridge Greensborough Public School York Region District School Board Sandra Mirabelli Academic Consultant, Literacy, Grades 4- 8 Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Michael Lattner Special Assign ment Teacher Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board enior 'J chnology Con ult nt Josef Martha Science Education Consultant and Writer PEARSON formerly Northern Gateway Public Schools, AB . . ~ . , ,., - .~ ' PEARSON Copyright if) 2008 Pearson Education Canada a division of Pearson Canada Inc. All rights reserved, This publicalion is protected by coPYright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, stor(lge in a retrie al system, or t.ransmlssion in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewis For information regarding permiSSion, write to the PermiSSions Department at Pearson Education Canada, The information and activihes pr sen ted in this book have been carefully edited and reviel./ved, However, the publisher shall not be liable for any damages reSUlting, in whole or in part, fro m the reader's use of Ihls materiaL Brand na mes that appea r in photographs of products in this textbook are intended to provide students ilh a ens€ of the real-world applications of science and technology and are in no way intended to endorse specific products ISB , i3 978-0- 13-20804 9- 1 ISBN- IO 0- 13-208049-4 Th is work in alternate fo rm t is re produced with the permission of the Canad ian Reprograp hy colle ction , The books are fin anced by th e Ministry of Edu cation , Ontario and are lent without charge to vi sually handicapped studen ts, Printed and bou d in Canada 1 234 5 TC 121 1 1098 PROJEG MA AG ER Yvonne Van Ruskenveld CEdvantage Press) DEVELOPMENTAL EDITORS Nancy ndraos, Tricia Armstrong, Janis Barr, Susan Girvan, Georgina Montgomery, Rosemary Tanner CONTRIBUTI NG WRITERS Erin Khelouiati, Ken Peck COpy EDITORS Moira Calder, Louise Oborne PROOFR EADERS Jennifer Hedg s, Christine McPhee, Kari Magnuson IN DEXER: Jennifer Hedges PRODUGION COORDI NATO RS Sharlene Ross, Shonelle Ra mserran SENIOR MAN UFAQURING COORDINATOR Jane Schell DESIGN Alex Li COMPOSITION: Carolyn E, Sebestyen ILLUSTRATORS Kevin Cheng, David Cheung, Crowle Art Group, Jeff Dixon, Jane Whitney PHOTO R SEARCH ER Terri Rothman PUB LI SHER Reid McAlpin e MANAGING EDITOR: Cecilia Cha n R SCARCH AND CO lMUNICATION MANAG ER: eborah Nelson This book was prin ted using paper containing recycled fibre content. iv el11ents Consultants and Reviewers Mirella Sa nwalka Curriculum Consultant Science K- 12, Environment York Region District School Board Mariett a (Mars) Bloch Director, Education SeNices Let's Tal SCience Raymond Wiersma Lord Elgin Public School Thames Val ley District School Board t Derek Totten Curriculum Consultant York Region District School Board fade Maureen Sims 51 Timothy Catholic School Toronto Catholic District School Board Sandra Mirabelli Academic Consultan , Literacy, Grades 4 - 8 Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Catheri ne Costello Education Consult ilt formerly Curriculum C ordlnator, Literacy York Region District School Bo rd n al Educatio J Jane E. Sims ducati on Consu ltan t formerly Sir Sandford Fleming Academy 10ronto District School Board Maureen Sims st. Timothy Catholic School Toran 0 Catholic District Sch 01BOdrd Jane Forbes Instructor, SCience and l echnology Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto I Education Peter Bloch orthern Secondary Sc 001 Toronto District School Board Darin Corbiere Consultant, Aboriginal Education Tarant District School Board Ingrid Bajewsky ipissing University truction Randy Dumont Kare n Hume McMaster University tudent Succes Leader Durham District School Board Ma rina Milner-Bolotin Ryerson niversity Dr. Nagina Parmar Hospital or Sick Children (Toronto) Sue Conti nell i Grapeview Public School District School Board of Niagara s Marietta Alibranti uca Ion Dennis Caron t. Maurice Catholic School Toronto Catholic District School Board Leda Ostafichuk Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic Elementary School Toronto Catholic District School Boa d Bayview Midd le School Toronto District School Board Chris Atkinson Math/Science!Technology Consultant Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario Angela Cule Highview Public School Hamilton-Wentvvorth District School Board v Jodie Hancox-Meyer Anne Bradley Doon Public Schoo l Waterloo Region Distri d Sch oo l Board 51. James the Greater Catholic Schoo l Catholic District School Board of Eastern Onta rio Terry Jay Helen Brown Assikinack Public School Imcoe County Distrid School Board Gordon B. Attersley Public School Durham District School Board Kristi na Kerno han Patricia Cava Applecroft Public School Durham District School Board Sacred Hearl High School Ottawa catholic District School Board Jessica Kotsopoulos Brenda Collins Yorkhill Elementary School York Region Distrid School Board St. Jude Catholic School London Catholic District School Board Heather A. Mace Joan D'Elia Feath rston Drive Public School Ottawa-Carl eton District School Board Ruth Thompson Middle School Peel District School Board Au dra Mo rgan Chris di Tomasso Donviev Middle School Toronto Dis rict School Board Sacred Heart Catholic School Catholic Dlstnd School Board of astern Ontario Brian Murra nt Jessica Egelnick Regent Park Public School Simcoe County District Scl100l Board Royal Orchard Middle School Peel District School Board Jette Powrie Jody Ferdinand AJ. Charbonneau Public School Orchard Park Public School Halton District School Board Renfrew County Distrid School Board Rebecca Rid ler Heidi Ferguson Prince of Wal .s Public School Simcoe County Distrid School Board Ou r ady of Sorrows Catholic School Renfrew Coun athok Distri d School Board Allan Savage Aliso n Fernandes Joseph Howe Senior Public School Toronto District Sch ool Board SI. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Jeffrey Schaeffer Andy Forgrave Bl ue Willow Public School York Region Distrid School Board Harmony Public School Hastings and Prince Edward District School Boa rd Robert Stronach Donna Forward Annette Street Public School Toronto District. School Board Sacred Heart Intermediate School Ottawa Catholic District School Board Casey Wilson David Gillespie WG . Davis Senior Public School Peel District School Board Roland Michener Public School Durham District School Board Susan Wilso n Jocelyn Harrison SI. Rita Catholic Elementary School Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Dixon Grove JUnior Middle School Toronto District School Board ch r Chris Atkinson 51. Francis Xavier Catholic School Catholic District School Board of Eastern Onta rio Jody Bonner-Vickers l IN Walker School Rainy River District School Board vi Pat Hoga n st. Francis de Sales Catholic School Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario Bill Hrynkiw Nottingh m Public School Durham District School Boa rd • . • Niza m Hussain Brian Murrant Military Trail Public School Toronto District School Board Victoria Harbour Elementary School Simco County District School Board Colleen Hutch eson Tom Rhind Glashan Public School Otlawa-Carleton District School Board Lakewood School Ke watin-Patrici District chool Board Terry Jay Reb ecca Ridler Assikinack Public School imcoe County District School Board Prince of Wales Public School Simcoe County District School Board Matt Johnston Phil Sanders Birch Cliff Public School Toronto District School Board Northdale Central Public School Thames Valley Distnct School Board Kristi Johnston Bates Rey Sandre 51. Michael Catholic High School Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario 51. Ma rk Catholic School Toronto Catholic District School Board Tom Karrow Ryan Seale Wellesley Public School Waterloo Region District School Board acred Heart Catholic chool Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario Kristin a Kern ohan John Starratt Applecroh Public School Durham District School Board Monsignor Michael O'Leary School Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board Irene Kicak Corinna Tave rna-Rossi Glenview Se io Public chool Toronto District School Board Ka teri Tekakwitha Catholic Elementary School York Catholic District School Board Heather Lanning Stacy van Boxtel General Crerar Public School Toronto District School Board 51. Andrew's School Renfrew County Catholic District School Board Jeff Laucke Cathy Viscount Roseda le Public School Lambton Kent Dlstric School Board Stanley Park Public School Waterl oo R gion Dlstnct School Board Nicholas Lemi re Jan ice Whiton HumbelWood Downs Junior Middle Academy Toronto District School Board Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic Elementary School York Catholic District School Board Tait l uste Raymond Wiersma Glenh ven Sen ior Public School Peel District Sch 01 Board Chippewa Public School Thames Valley District School Board Hugh Maclean Craig Winslow Centennial Public School Water! a Region Dlstnct School Board 51. Martin School iagara Catholic District School Board Ma rjory Masson Earl Beatty Juor and 5 nior Public School Toronto District School Board Irene McCuaig Lakewood School Keewatin-Patricia District chool Board -Ine authors and Pearson Education Canada would like to than k all the students who participated in focus groups and field tests during the development of this boo . Mary Sue Mcintyre Monsignor Michael Ol eary School Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board vii . ~ J!:. Ion vi Lisa Ackman Highview Public chool Renfrew Cou nty District School Board Ann -M ari e Babineau DA Moodie Public School Ottawa-Carleton District School Bo rd Savita Balagopal Sir John A Macdonald Middle School Peel District chool Boa rd . I ... - Michele Chomnia k Abbey Lane Public School Halton District School Bo rd Brenda Collins St Jude School London District Catholic School Board Cra ig Corbett Rolling Meadows Public School Halton District School Board Rosalie Cross Vijaya Balchandan i Blossom Park Public School Ottawa-Carleton District School Board North Kipling Junior Middle School Toronto District School Board Mary Cuylle Swarn aly Banerj ee-Modi Tomken Road Middle School Peel District School Boa d Janet Bartolini Hu b r Valley ViII ge Junior School Toronto District School Board Martin Beswick Princess Margaret Public School District School Board of Niagara Shivani Bhagria Huttonville Public School Peel District School Board Marlene Bilkey Roberta Bondar Public School Peel District School Board Tracy Bridgen Westdale Park Public School Limestone District School Board Hillcrest Public School Peel District School Board Kara Dalgleish Bellmore Elementary School Hamilton-We tworth District School Board Brett Davis Queen Eliza beth Publ iC School Hastmg and Prince Edw rd District Schoo l Board Ian Dawson Roberta Bonda r Public School Peel District School Board Veronica Deignan St. Elizabeth Catholic School Waterloo Catholic District School Board Sonia DiCola Kop ichan ski Our Lady of Lourdes School London District Catholic School Board Nadine Dodds Cormack Melissa Brownlow W.H. Day Elementary School Simcoe County District School Board Earnscliffe enior Public School Peel District School Board Seana Donohue Mahlon Bryanton Beachburg Public School Renfr w County District School Board Sukw inder Buall Elia Middle School Toronto District School Boa rd otre Dame High School Ottawa Catholic School Board Kristy Duncan Lockview Public School District chool Board of Niagara Sam Falzone Shayne Campbell RJ Lang Elementary' & Middle School Toronto District School Board Kin g George Public School Upp r Grand District School Board Julia Farewell Patricia Cava Camilla Road S nior Public School Peel District Scho ol Board Sacr d Heart High School Ottawa Catholic chool Board Jodi Ferdinand Lenn y Chiro Amesbury Middle School Toronto District School Board viii AJ. Charbonneau Public School Renfrew County District School Board J •• . Heidi Ferguson Deb Hearn OUf Lady of Sorrows R nfrew County Catholic District School Board McCrimm on Middle School Peel District School Board Ian Fischer Tara Hewitt 51. Joseph High School Ottawa Catholic School Agnes Hodge Public School Gra nd Erie District School Board Erika Flem ing Gillespi e Marc Hodgkinson 51. Andrews Public School Waterloo Regional District School Board Lorn Aven ue Public School Thames Valley Distri ct School Boa rd Kim Foley Bryan Honsinger Perth Road Public School Limestone District School Boa rd Carleton Public School District School Board of Niagara Donna Forward Colleen Hutcheson Sacred Heart High School Ottawa Catholic School Board Glashan Public School Ottawa-Carl eton District School Board Michae l Fran kfort Wayne Isaac Teston Village Public School York Region District School Board St. An drews Publ ic School Waterloo Regional District School Board Jeff Fra ser Krista Jarvie R berta Bondar Public School Peel DistTict School Board Huttonville Public School Peel District School Board Jennifer Freelandt Brent Johnston Immaculata High School Ottawa Catholic School Board w.T. Townsend Publ ic School Waterloo Region District School Board Lorra ine Ganesh Kristi Johnston-Bates Fairwind Senior Publ ic School Peel Dstrict School Board St. Michael High School Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario Sarah Garrett Darayus Kanga King Georg Public School Upper Grand District School Board Hilltop Middle School Toro nto District School Board Krista Gauthier Tom Karrow Rockwood School Renfrew County District School Board Wellesley Pu bl ic School Waterl oo Regional District School Boa rd Frase r Gill Adam Kelly McCrimmon Middle School Peel District School Board Greenbank Public School Ottawa-Carleton Districi School Board Mike Glazier Gita Khanna London District Catholic School Board Fisherville Junior High School Toronto District School Board Kevin Goode Minesing Central Public School Simcoe County District School Board Shaunna Goode Mount Ro al Public School Peel District chool Board Rob Green Treeline Public School Peel District School Board Akaran Guyadin Deb Kiekens Earling Public School Thames Valley District School Board Amy Kilty Schwandt Oxbow Public School Thames Valley District School Board Dr. Jean Kisoon-Singh Mount Royal Public School Peel District School Board The Elms Junior Middle School Toronto District School Board ix , ,. .... Brenda Kus men ko Elizabeth Mayock FailWind Senior Public School Peel District School Board Harry J. Clarke Public School Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board Helen Laferriere Monica McArthur-Joseph Monsignor JE. Ronan School imcoe Muskoka Cathohc District School Board Erin Centre Middle School Peel District School Board Ma ri lyn Lajeun esse Rob McBeth Monsignor William Gleason Catholic School Waterloo District School Board Baden Public School Wa erlno Region District Sc 001 BOdid Jean-B en oit Lanca Cara McCrae Immaculata High School Ottawa Catholic School Board Centennidl Central Public School Tham s Valley District School Board Chris Lanis Diana McFarland-Mundy J hn nghsh Junior Middle School Toronto Distnct School Boa rd Queen Elizabeth Public Scho I Ottawa Carleton Dlstlct School Board Bill Legate Dave McGaghran Beavercrest Community School Bluewoter Dis rict School Board Ryerson Public School Grand Elle District School Board Natalie Leitch Mark MCKinley J.D. Hogarth Public School Upper Gr nd District School Board James Strath Public School Kawartha Pine Ridge District Scho I Board And rew Lesli e Chris McKinnon Hillcrest Public School Simcoe County District School Board St. Timothy Catholic School Waterloo Catholic District School Board Steve Logue Hugh Mclea n Cheyne Middle School Peel District School Board Centennial Public School Waterloo Regional District 5 hool Board Lara Loseto Ma nish Mehta Walter Scott Public School York Region District School Board Lisgar Middle School Peel District School Board And rew Lovatt Paul Menicanin 51 Thomas Aquinas High School Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario Winona Public School Hamilton Wentworth Dislnct School Board Heather Mace Cindi Mitchell Featherstone Drive Public School Ott wa-Carleton District School Board Armadale Public School ork Region District School Board Jenn MacKin non Yvan Moise 51 Agnes Catholic School Waterloo Catholic District School Board 51. Paul High School Ottawa CatholiCSchool Boar Tracey MacMillian Ginny Monagha n Herman Street Public School Renfrew County District School Board Bristol Road Middle Schoo l Peel District School Board Art MacNeil Lu is Morgadinho McCrimmon Middle School Peel District School Board 51 John A Macdonald Middle School Peel District School Board Sean Matheson Fran k Muller Highland Junior High School Toronto District School Board Bristol Road Middle School Peel District School Boa rd x ? #' • I .•• . ' Katie Muller Clare Shannon Gateway Public School Upper Grand District School Board Egremont Comm unity School Bluewater District School Board Trevor Orm erod David Shulman Elementary Instructional R ource Teacher Peel District School Board Germaine Mills Public School York Region District School Boa rd Joha nna Pastma Denise Stansfield Caistor Central Public School District School Board of Niagara Sir John A. Macdonald Middle School Peel District School Board Steacy Petersen Trevor Starkes Ko right Public School Upper Grand District School Board Ruth Thompson Middle School Peel District School Board Jennifer Phi llips Corrina Strong Humberwood Downs Junior Middle Academy Toran 0 District School Board Lisgar Middle School P el District School Board El izabeth Piw owa r Enzo Tignanelli Sir John A. Macdonald Middle School Peel District School Board 51. Luke Catholic School Waterloo Catholic District School Board Julie Podesta John Tovey Hillcrest Public School Thames Valley District School Boa rd Nobleton Sr. Public School York Region District School Board Georg ina Purchase Brandon Tse Jack Donah ue Public School Ottawa-Carleton District School Board Lisgar Middle School Peel District School Board Rena Ro Cathy Viscount Sunny View Middle School Peel Distnct School Board Stanley Park Public School Waterloo Regional District School Board Lisa Ro me Dana Wallace Hawthorn Public chool Peel District School Board Si r Winston Churchill Public School Ottawa-Carl eton District School Board Michaeline Row berry Greg Watson Bristol Road Middle School Peel District School Board Port Weller Public School District School Board of Niaga ra Ernie Salac Corey Wells James Strath Public School Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board Baxter Central Public School Simcoe County District School Boa rd Shirl ey Saund ers Deborah Weston Hawthorn Public School Peel District School Boa rd Lisga r Middle School Peel District School Board Tam ara Sayers-Pri ngle Lisa Weston Tourigny Harry J Clarke Public School Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board Sir Arthur Ca rty School London District Catholic School Board Ericka Schroeder Annie White Sl. Clemens Catholic School Wat rloo Catholic Diskct School Board Bennetto Elementary School Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board Ma nny Sci berras Michelle Willson John McCrae Public School York Region District School Board Cou rtland Public School Grand Erie District School Board Sandy Wilson Hillcrest Public School Thames Vall y District School Boa rd xi . ..• - '!' . • , Science and Technology Safety Procedures Exploring Your Textbook - Investigating Science and Technology 8 xx XXIII 1 .0 Ch apter Review 2 32 A 19 Thinking about Science, Technology, and Society Reverse Osmosis 33 Cellular processes sustain living things A Qu c lao One Big Cell 6 34 A20 Quick L b Meeting Basic Needs for Survival 37 A2 Thinking about Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment Using an Insecticide 6 I 5 .Jr In Composter7 Cells are the basic units of all living things 8 A3 Quick L 11 Defining Livi n Things 1 .1 Living Thing s and Cell Th eo ry A 12 t o ' n Make Your Ow Magnifier AS During R A6 Quir: Reading Like a Writer 12 13 Lab Care and Use of a Microscope Check and Reflect 16 1.2 Comparing Plant and Animal Cell s What's the 01 A9 During Re'l I agnification7 Using Headings 0 nt What 15 Going on in the 38 A2 Duri g R dl Combination otes AU Inqu Organisms Visualizing with 39 ActiVit,. Observing Unicellular 41 42 C eck and Reflect A24 Thinking about Science, Technology, 42 and Society Cooking and Freezing 15 A7 Thinking about Science, Technology, and Society The Importance of Technology in Science 38 2.1 Uni ce llular Organisms 16 17 17 19 2 . 2 Mu lticellul ar Organisms and Cell Specia lization 43 5 r I oi Specialized Structures to Do Specialized Jobs 43 A26 Learning Checkpoint Explaining the Size 46 A27 InqUiry Organisms c i i Y Observi ng Multicellular 47 21 A28 D~sign a lab Cells and Solutions 48 A II Quicl< Lab Preparing Dry Mount Slides 21 Check and Reflect 49 A 12 Quick Lab Preparing Wet Mount hdes 22 Check and Reflect 23 A29 Thinking about Science, Technology, and Society Water for Celis 49 A 13 Thinking about Science, Technology, and Society "Perfecting" Plants 2 Al0 Quick lab Building a Cell 2.3 Plant and Animal Cellular Processes nt Yeast in Action 1 .3 The Flow of Materials Into and 24 Out of Cells .. Du Factory or a City 50 50 Visualizing the Celi as a 51 24 An Quick Lab Modelling Diffusion 53 A15 Learning Checkpoint Budd a Mind Map 25 Check and Reflect 54 A 28 A33 Thinking about Science, Technology, and Society Helping Celis, Harming Cells 55 I t Finding BUried Treasure nq Iry A t! ty Diffusion Detective A - II ':J II Y Activity Food fo Thought 29 Check and Reflect 30 rl Microbiologists at Work 55 Al8 Thinking about Science, Technology, and Society The Artificial Kidney 30 or Solving the Mystery of Viruses xii 31 2.0 Chapter Review A34 Thinking about Science, Technology, and Society Protecting Cells in the Environment 56 57 Healthy organisms depend on the interaction of healthy cells, tissues, and oraans . Amoeba Race A3S Quick L 61 3 .1 From Cells to Tissues to Organs t r in You r Body Ca n Heal Itself oi A37 Learning Checkpoint ~rob em 0" ng c ote Taking IVlty 58 62 62 64 Special-Effects Technician 65 Check an d Reflect 66 A39 Thinking about Science, Technology, and Society X-Rays and Magnetic Resonance Imaging 66 3.2 Inter dependent Organ Syst ems n P 40 An Open and Shut Case I 1 ) J ., qu 67 The tructure of a I Ne spa per Article 2 I 67 69 i Ynower Po er I 70 Check and Refled 71 A43 Thinking about Science, Technology, and Society How Loud Is "Too Loud"! 71 3 .3 The Im pact of Research in Cell Biology tar J o n Simple Solutions A4S During Wri I What's Your Opinion! is 0 1\ I And y Spread of Infectious Disease Stopping the AD ' . a n Corn and Other Modified Plants Growing Bt 72 72 75 76 Check and R fled 77 78 A48 Thinking about Science, Technology, and Society What Kind of Testing Should Be Done! 78 Making Connections Wow' Bacteria 79 3 .0 Cha pter Review 80 A49 Thinking about Science, Technology, and Society Public Choic s Affect the Health of C lis 81 Unit A Summary 82 Unit A Task 83 Unit A Review 84 ASO Thinking about Science. Technology, Society. and the Environment What's the Limit! 87 ... . , ~ hnol gy n Your Wo 123 Ar t ificial Limbs c L b Clothes Peg Surgery 82 Thinking about Science. Technology. Society. and the Environment Componen a System 92 of Mechanical systems use forces to transfer energy. 83 QUick ab Lift Th is 92 94 Identifying Forces g Poi Making Connections ur B6 Learning Checkpoint Weight and Mass 98 Measuring Force with a Spri ng Scale The Force of Gra vity LI Check and Reflect 4. 2 Work an d Energ y I ui L Making Connections 107 Check and Reflect B14 Thinking about Science. Technology. and Society Giving Soci ety a Lift 4 .3 M echan ical Advantage B Everyday Machines II I 130 132 B26 Learning Checkpoint Three Classes of 135 c l-S 14 1 • Best Machine for the Job 142 Check and ReRect 143 829 Thinking about Science. Technology. and Society Th ink Before You Buy 143 5 .2 Efficiency 144 8 0 t r mg om Work Can Be a Drag 11 2 831 Learning Checkpoint Ca lculating Efficiency 147 In 112 113 Increasing Efficiency 144 149 Check and Reflect 150 833 Thinking about Technology, Society. and the Environment Ontario's Bright Idea 150 1 13 Mechanical Engineer 151 116 817 Learning Checkpoint Mech anical Advantage 119 818 Learning Checkpoint Hum an Mechanical Advantage 1 19 Calculating Mecha nical Ad antage 120 My Bi cycl e's Mechanical xiv " Choose a Simple Machine III B16 Learning Checkpoint Describ ing Machine Forces n DL'n Readin To Predict or to Infer7 o 106 How Mu ch Work Does It Take7 130 nq i kr: tv Measuri ng the Mechanical Advan ag of Simple Mach ines hat Is Work 7 812 Learning Checkpoint Cal culating Work 5.1 Simple Machines and Mechanisms 104 106 1 26 129 Levers 105 125 u -I Locating Simple Machines on ountain Bike a 103 105 89 Thinking about Technology. Society, and the Environment The Right Shoe Mechanical systems Involve machines that are designed to do work efficiently. 100 102 124 822 Thinking about Science. Technology, and Society Garden Rake versus Leaf Blower 97 98 4.1 Force 4. 0 Chapter Review Advantage 12 1 Check and ReRect 122 B21 Thinking about Science, Technology. and Society Ca n Opener 12 2 5. 0 Chapter Review 834 Thinking about Science. Technology. and Society Building a Modern Pyramid 152 153 , ..... . Systems have an impact on our society. 1 54 835 Qu c La Your School's Waste Man gement 157 6 . 1 Non-mechanical Systems in Society 158 6 Non-mechan ical Systems in Sode~ 158 7 During Wri i Some Solutions A Problem, its Causes, and 159 838 Quid L b Assembly Not incl uded 39 Quic b Pro iding a Service to SOCiety Check and Reflect 161 162 163 840 Thinking about Science, Technology, and Society You: The Consumer 163 6.2 Assessing the Impact of Automation and Alternative Systems 164 lIt "1 I To Mall or Not to Mall That is the Question b4 0 rlOg ri inb Organizing Wri~ng ideas 164 1 5 843 Deci ion- Making Anal sis My Opinion of Automation 171 Check and Reflect 172 844 Thinking about Science, Technology. and Society Automating Your School's Recycling Program Making Connections The Trebuchet 6 .0 Chapter Review 172 173 174 845 Thinking about Science. Technology. and Society Assessing the Change 175 Unit 8 Summary 176 Unit B Task 177 Unit B Review 178 846 Thinking about Science. Technology. Society. and the Environment Rethinking the Engine 181 . -. . . , . • .... . "- a 182 8.1 V iscosity and the Effects of Temperature ic Pump Up the Volume a 186 C2 Thinking about Science. Technology. Society. and the Environment Fluids on the Move 186 CI 210 Thick or Thin 7 ng 210 1 Du r Pe I Monitoring Comprehension With "Fix-up" Strategies 1 Desi n 212 ab Flow Rate of Flu ids 214 215 Check and Reflect Fluids are used in technological devices anrf pver ria materials. 188 C3 Quick La Cartesian Diver 19 1 C18 Thinking about Science and Technology Measuring the Flollv Rate of Gas 192 Fi nding F owing Fluids ic Lab Function s of Fluids t r ir Dense and Denser 216 C20 Learning Checkpoint Ca lculate and 192 Com pa re 194 Co. 1 qUI c IVI Ca lcul ting ass-to-Volume Ratio 222 02 roblem- olvi Hydrometer 224 195 Check and Reflect 216 8.2 Density and Buoyancy ~ 19 7.1 The M any Uses of Fluids 215 196 219 ctivity Homemade Check and Reflect C7 Thinking about Science and Technology Useful Prope rties of Ruids 196 226 C23 Thinking about Science and Technology Worldwide Shipping 7 .2 Fluids and the Partic le Th eory of M atter 197 Colourful Crystal 197 C9 Learning Checkpoint Understanding the Text 199 Balloon Tricks ck La c n 200 Mixtures of Matt r 01 Check and Reflect 202 226 Pressure Ca n - Teacher r Demonstration 25 I Q Ac' 227 Ity Com pressing Fluid s 232 C26 Thinking about Science and Technology Pipes and plumbing 232 n Yo r a Glowing Glass 204 cn Thinking about Science and Technology Technology Tools Viscosity. density, and compressibility are all propertl E: Of fl .. ·rfr I . La Demonstration YI Your Wo Meteorologist 233 8.0 Chapter Review 234 203 7 . 0 Chapter Review CI 010 202 log C27 Thinking about Science and Technology Propane Tanks 235 20 5 Many technologies are based on the proper ie!=: of fluids . C28 Quick Lab Soap Foam 2'36 239 206 240 9 . 1 Fluid Systems Full of Hot Air - Teacher 209 1 Pressure Push o Du ' Itm~ Using a Venn Diagram to Compare and Contrast xvi 230 Check and Reflect C12 Thinking about Science and Technology When Water Freezes 227 8.3 Pressure in Fluids 240 243 I Du mg Writinr Tal k Time - A Rehearsa l for Wri ting 246 o cion-Making Analy i The "Cost" of Extracting Oi l ble -S ng Activ 248 Golf Ball Loader 249 Check and Reflect 250 04 Thinking about Science and Technology Transporting Fluid 250 9 .2 The Impa ct of Fluid Spills 251 rttng P n Not Every Oil Spill Is the Same 251 06 Learning Checkpoint Classifying Clean-up Methods c smnHousehold Fluids I nq I 255 mg Analy i Disposing of ct 257 Oil Spi ll Clean-up Check and Reflect 25 8 260 09 Thinking about Science and Technology Searching for the Source of Spills 260 Making Connections Quicksand 9 .0 Chapter Review C40 Thinking about Science and the Environment Ta king Care of Fluids 261 262 263 Unit C Summary 264 Unit C Task 265 Un·t"" 266 eVlew C41 Thinking about Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment Pipelille Problems 269 ,. , I • I · .... - 270 Taking a Closer Look at Earth's Population Check and Reflect 302 018 Thinking about Science and the Environment The Unfreezing of the Northwest Passage 302 274 02 Thinking about Science. Technology. Society. and the Environment Caring for Our Globa l Wat r Supply Point Pelee : A Gr eat Lakes Microclimate 30 3 274 10.0 Ch apter R evi ew 019 Thinking about Science and the Environment Predic ing Major Storms Water on Earth exists in different states and is always moving and r.h~ ~ir Ol Quick Lab Would You Drink It) 10.1 Earth 's Supply of Water Water Systems Alphabet 279 280 80 05 Learning Checkpoint Liquid Wate 283 06 Learning Checkpoint The Watershed Connection 287 o ui<. Lab How Much Fresh Water Is Available for Use! o I ur Make a odel Aquifer 87 28 89 Check and Reflect 09 Thinking about Science and the Environment Canad 's Groundwater Mapping Program 28 10.2 Water's Influe nc e on W e ather 2 90 a nd Clim ate 01 Weather ng Poi Th Wat r Cycle and Monitoring water systems is critical for maintaining water supply and lit I 305 306 o 0 ic Dissecting a Wat r Fil ration Device - Teacher Demonstration 309 11.1 N atural a nd Human Factors Affe cti ng Our W ater Supply 1 t a ure and the Water Tab le 022 Learning Checkpoint You r Water Table K- -L Chart 310 3 10 3 13 o ,) Problem-Solving ActiVity Clearing Muddy Waters 315 Check and Reflect 3 16 024 Thinking about Science, Society. and the Environment Competing for Water Use 3 16 11.2 Obtaining Wa ter Quality 31 7 290 How Much Do You Know About Your Drinking Water! 317 321 012 Learning Checkpoint Water's Heat 291 29- 026 Learning Checkpoint The Water You Drin k Oll QUICk ab Investigating Climate Data 295 o 0 ri ead ng Main Idea or Supporting Deta il? 014 Inqui Actlvl~ Can It Take the Heat! 296 Check and Reflect 297 015 Thinking about Science and the Environment Weather in the Media 297 29 8 Syste ms I Predicting the Effects of Water System Change o 1 nq iry Act' Glacier A iJ27 nqui Inspector v 298 ty Researching a hanging 301 Be a Water Qua lity 322 Check and Reflect 323 028 Thinking about Science, Society. and the Environment Down the Drain 323 11.3 M ana ging Our Wate r System s I 10.3 The Effe cts of Ice on Water xviii 304 324 How Much Do You Know About Wastewater! 324 030 Learning Checkpoint Treatmg Waste Water 326 OJ 1 D g e l The Question-Answer Relationship 330 ." ,. . .. l:IC i ab How Phosphates Affect Our Wate r Supply 330 :3 sio 1m n I Small Sound's Wa er Suppl y I •• " Managing 331 D46 In ulfY Activit Changing Salt Water into Fresh Water 355 Check and Reflect 356 356 Check and Refl ct 332 D47 Thinking about Technology, Society, and the Environment Fog Water D34 Thinking about Science, Society, and the Environment Educating the Commu nity 33 2 Making Connections A Tea Cup of Storm Clouds 333 Career Public Health Inspector 11 .0 Chapter Review 334 D35 Thinking about Science, Society, and the Environment Lessons Leamed Stewardship of our water systems is needed to ensure their sustain "lit I Star in 0 n Daily Water Use in an Average Canadian Home u ~36 "1 340 340 n Gathering Information in a Web 34 1 U (" I • Be a Water atchdog 359 Unit 0 Summary 360 Unit 0 Task 361 Uf"'i 0 362 e e\l\ D49 Thinking about Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment Water for All 365 Toolkits 366 Glossary Index 405 411 Photo Credits and Acknowledgements 417 34 4 Check and Refl ect 345 D40 Thinking about Technology, Society, and the Environment You and Your Water Bill 345 12.2 Issues Relating to W ater's Sust ainability D48 Thinking about Society and the Environment Group Actions 358 335 (; What Does Stewardship of Water Systems Look Li ke7 339 1 2 .1 Steward ship Thr ough Water Con servati on 12.0 Chapter Review 357 346 Finding Messages I Behind Words 347 Writers Make Decisions 349 Deqslon M Great Lakes Iss ue ng Analysi Exploring a 350 Check and Reflect 35 1 D44 Thinking about Science, Society, and the Environment Mini Media Analysis 35 1 1 2 .3 W at er Su stai na bility t hrough Science and Technology r Solutions r 352 Looking More Closely at 352 xix -- Safety- J~. f' " Science and Technology Safety Procedures You will be doing many activities in this book When doing an activity, it is very important that you follow the safety rules below. Your teacher may have safety instructions to add to this list. As yo n read the rules, discuss with a partner or note why each one is an example of commonsense safety. 7. If you have long or loose hair, tie it back. Roll up long shirt sleeves. 8. Inform yonr teacher if you have any allergies or medical cond itions, or anything else that might affect your work in the science classroom. During the Activity 9. Report any safety concerns you have or Before You Begin 1. Read and mal e sure you understand the insh-uctions in the text or in any handouts your teacher may provide. Follow your teacher's direction always. Never change or start an activity without approval. 2. Watch for "Caution ' notes. These notes will te ll you h ow to take extra care as you work through the activity. Make sure you understand what the cautions mean. hazards you see (such as spills) to your teacher. 10. Don ' t eat, drink, or chew gum in your science classroom. 11. Never taste anything in science class. 12. Never smell any substance directly. Instead , gently wave your hand over it to bring its vapours toward your nose, as shown in the photo below. 3. Learn to recognize the warning sy mbols t r hazardous materials shown in Toolkit 1, pages 367-368 . 4. Keep your work area uncluttered and organized. 5. Kn ow the 10cation of fire extinguishers and other safety equipment. 6. Always wear safety goggles and any other safety clothing as requested by your teach er or this book. Smell an odour by wafting it towa rd you. xx 13. Handle all glassware carefully. If you see cracked or broken glass, ask your teacher how to dispose of it properly. 14. Handle knives and other sharp objects with care. Always cut away from yourself, and never point a sharp object at ano ther person. 15. Heat solids and liquids only in open heat-resistant glass containers and test tubes. Use tongs or protective gloves to pick up hot objects. 16. ,\Vhen you heat test tubes, make sure that the open end is pointing away from you and anyone else in the room. The photo below shows the correct way to do this. 17. When heating a substance, make sure the container does not boil dry. 18. If any part of your body comes in contact with a chemical, wash the area im mediately and thoroughly with water. If you get anything in your eyes, do not touch them. Wash them immediately and continuously with water for 15 minutes. Inform your teacher. 19. Keep water or wet hands away from electrical outlets or sockets. 20. Use tools safely when cutting, joining, or drilling. Make SUTe you know how to use any tools properly. 21. Use special care when you are near objects in motion, gears and pulleys, and elevated objects. 22. Make sure equipment is placed safely so that people will not knock it over or trip over it. Report any damaged equipment to your teacher immediately. 23. Treat all living things with respect. Follow your teacher's instructions when working with living things in the classroom or on a field trip. When You Finish the Activity 24. Make sure you close the containers of chemicals immediately after you use them. ake sure the open end of the test tube is pointing away from you when YOLi heat it. 25 . Follow your teacher's instructions to safely dispose of all waste materials. xxi . ~ • , ... 26. Always wash your hands well wi th soap, preferably liquid soap, after handling chemicals or other materials. Always wash your hands after touching plants, soil, or any animals and their cages or containers. 27. When you have finished an experiment, clean all the equipment before putting it away. Be careful with hot plates and equipment that have been heated as they may take a long time to cool down. Wear the proper safety equipment when doing Safety Skills The picture shows a science class performing a science activity. Unfortunately, some of the students are not following proper safety procedu res. Work with a partner to identify and list the problem actions. Then suggest a better, safer way to perform each action. After you have finished, share your observations with the class. xxii SCi nee activities. Investigating Science and Technology 8 Discover how to use your Investigating Science and Technology 8 book. Explore the different parts of your textbook by finding the answers to the fonowing questions. . ou will study in what are the four units y J 8 1. .. nd Techno ogy 7. Investigating SCience a . A7 rs are th ere in Unit . 2. How many chapte . d· to parts What are E h chapter is dlVl de In . . ac 7 many are there In these parts called . How ch apter 37 0 different types of 3 Find examples 0 f tw . f· d . . . Where WI\\ you In reading activities. each one 7 1. Find the Unit OveNiew for Unit B. Wha t Big Ideas wi ll you learn as you explore this unit7 2. At the beginning of each chapter you can find a list of key terms. How many key terms are there in Chapter 57 Wh . ere can you go to find the mea nings of these terms 7 3. Find a Take it Further margin feature in Chapter 7 that describes plasma Wh . ere can you go to explore thi s topic In more detail 7 4 . For some of the Inquiry Acti vities, there are symbols at the top of th e Materials & Equipment list Find and sketch three of these symbols and deSCribe what they mean. Ca n you find a place in you r textbook where all of the symbols are explained 7 ----~ L 11 1. Where ca n you fin d a summ ary of what ·111 . you WI earn In each section 7 2. Find a Words Matter margin feature from Chapter 9 that describes what SCUBA means. What can you learn about in a Words Matter margin feature 7 3. When wou ld you use a Learning Checkpoint7 d R ad feature at Look at the Getting Rea y to de ·t 1. .. of Unit A. What oes I the beginning d the unit? u do to help you rea suggest yo I f another Getting Ready Find an examp e 0 k to Read feature In your textboo . the Toolkits located at h would you use 2. W en k7 Find an activity that the back of the boo . refers you to Toolkit 2 .. Before Reading ActiVity 3 . Find an example : chapter How could at the beginning 0 nderstand the this activity help you to u o~ 7 chapter better . . f a Ch apter ReView k t the headings or . 4. Loo a . . Wh h headings occur In d Unit ReView. IC . I an a . h. h headings occur In on Y both reviewS7 W Ie . 7 one review. xxiii Fundamental Concepts • • Big Ideas I ~----- -------------------------------~ Overall Expectations ivl osq uitoes feed on th e blood of an imals. They bite birds, cats, dogs, peop le, and other an imals in their hunt for food to ensure their surviva l. 4 UNIT A Cells hen you get a mosquito bite, you may get an itchy red bump v,rhere you were bitten. If you live in a country n ear the equator, you may develop malaria after the bite. If you live in North America , you may develop "Vest Nile virus. If you get sick, you may have a fever or you may ache all over. We now know what is happeni ng to our bodies during all these events. Hovvever, until doctors and scientists were able to examine human cells, they had no idea what was causing illnesses. This unit is about celis, the tiny units that make up human tissu s a11d organs. You will use a microscope to observe the basic structures of plant and animal cells. You will find out hO\'\1 cells function and interact and learn about processes W inside cells. You will also assess the impact of technologies that change cellular structures and processes. Mysterious Deaths In 1999, there were reports in the northeastern United States of unusually high numbers of dead birds. Similar reports were released in southern Ontario in 200l. Microbiologists, who study cells, examined the bird carcasses to find out what was happening. They studied blood and tissue samples under their microscopes, and they were able to see a virus in the birds' blood cells. They compared the virus they saw to other known viruses in North America and around the world. Modern technologies such as advanced microscopes, technologies for viewing cells, and electronic communication helped them identify the West Nile virus. By 2002, people were diagnosed with the virus, and scientists were working to find out how they had become infected. While birds carried the virus, they were unlikely to pass it to humans unless people handled an infected bird carcass. Mosquitoes, which dine on both birds and humans and transfer saliva in the process, were identified as the organisms that transmitted the virus. Before the development of the microscope and the study of cells, this i11ness would have been a mystery. People could avoid the carcasses of birds to protect themselves, but it would have taken much longer to realize that mosquitoes were th e link. Twenty percent of people infected with the virus will have a mild fever, a rash, and a headache. Two percent will have much more severe symptoms and, on rare occasions, they will die. The rest of those infected will experience no symptoms at all. Canadian communities now protect themselves by monitoring mosquito populations, thanks to the knowledge gained from studies of cells under a microscope. West Nile viru s has killed crows, bl ue jays, chickad ees, and robins. By 20 07, over 150 bird species were identified as carriers of the virus. Poo ls of standing water are idea l places for mosquitoes to lay their eggs. ,. Explori ng 5 One Big Cell Not al l cells are microscopic. You have probably seen this cell in your kitchen at home. It is too big to view with a microscope. To examine a basIc structure of a cell. membrane that also has tiny holes. The shell and the membranes allow air into th e egg. 2. Answer the questions as a class. 1. 00 you think the co ntents of the egg cou ld survive without the protective coating? Procedure 2. Most cells are tiny. 00 you think they have a 1. Read the following description of an egg. protective coating7 Explain your reasoning. The photograph here shows the con tents of a single cell. It is a specia lized cell for the reproduction of a chicken. The yellow pa rt, called the yolk, is a food source for the developing ch icken. Th e clear, milky part, called albumin, IS mostly protein. These structures were in a protective covering made up of a hard, outer she ll filled with tiny holes and two layers of thin, flexible A2 Th is chicken egg is a single cell. Thinking about Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment m ~ E~ Using an Insecticide One of the ways to contro l the spread of the Consider This West Nile viru s is to use in secticides to kill the As a class, answer the following questions. mosquitoes. This can be done In a variety of ways. Spraying from the air will kill mature adults, or chem icals can be used earlier In the season to kill the eggs and larvae before they mature. 1. What would be the impa ct on society if in secticides eliminated We st Nil e virus 7 2. What would happen In th e environment if mosquitoes were eliminated through th e use of In secticides 7 6 UNIT A Cells ontents Cells are the basic units of all living things. 2.0 3.0 1. 1 Living Things and Cell Theory 1.2 Comparing Plant and Animal Cells 1.3 The Flow of Materia ls into and out of Cells 1m Cellular processes sustain living things. 2. 1 Unicellular Organisms 2.2 Multicellular Organisms and Cell Specialization I 2.3 Plant and Animal Cel lular Processes Healthy organisms depend on the interaction of healthy cells, tissues, and organs. 3.1 From Cells to Tissues to Organs 3.2 Interdependent Organ Systems 3.3 The Impact of Research in Cell Biology Anticipation Guide The health of any organism - including you The statements in an anticipation guide can - depends on healthy cells. You are going help you make sense of information by to learn about cells, including their structure activating your prior knowledge. Before and how they function. Cells are the basic unit of life that few people understand. Your task wi ll be to find an entertaining way to tell people about ce lls and their importance. s IQ I n What should people know about their cells? reading this unit, read each statement in the anticipation guide provided. Circle "Agree" or "Disagree" to indicate your position on each statement. You will revisit the statements in this anticipation guide when you have finished reading the unit to see whether your opinion has changed based on what you have learned. In this chapter, you will: • explain why cells are considered to be the basic units of life • identify key organelles in plant and animal cells and explain their fu nctions • distingui sh between the processes of diffusion and osmosis Skills You Will Use In this ch apter, you will: • demonstrate th e proper care and use of a microscope Organisms are composed of cell s. Healthy organisms have hea lthy cells. In order to ensure good health, it IS essenti al to know more about cells, wh at they are made of, and how they fun ction . ~!rA-CNI Skimming and Scanning Text Features Different readin g tasks require different reading styles. "S kimming," or quickly looking across each lin e of text, gives an idea of the subject matter and if it will be useful. Skim the headings in cha pter 1. Will it help you prepare mi croscope sl.ides7 To find a specific word or piece of information, "scanning" by looking down or diagonally across th e page will be more useful. Scan chapter 1 for new vocabulary word s. Key Terms • cell theory • diffusion • eyepiece • membran e • organelle • osmosIs • selective perm eability· stage Figure 1.1 This painting, which shows an early anatomy lesson, was painted in 1632. In the Netherlands, in those days, one dissection each year was a public one, and spectators could pay a fee to watch the proceed ings. iving things need a suitable habitat that supplies their basic needs for oxygen, food, and water. They convert energy vvith these resources and cany out a variety of activities. Early doctors and scientists could only guess at how living things carried out these activities. Tbey studied whole plants and animals, including huma ns, in an effort to find out. They were very curious about how living things worked. They also needed to know how organisms like the human body worked in order to treat diseases and injuries (Figure 1.2.). As early scientists continu ed their inquiries, they began to cut dead organisms into smaller parts in an effort to see what was inside. They looked at organ systems and individual organs such as hearts and lungs. They looked at muscles and brain tissue (Figure 1.1) . Scientists began to develop new ideas about how living things worked, but unti1 the first microscopes wer built, they had no way of seeing the smallest unit of living L Figure 1.2 Smallpox was once a deadly disease that killed millions of people. After the microscope was developed, doctors were able to find out what was causing the disease and find a way to control it. 10 UNIT A Cell s things: the cell. The cell is the basic structural unit of an organism and the building block of life. Microscopes gave scientists their first glimpses of cens. As microscopes improved, scientists saw that cells are made up of tiny structures. They novv know tha t these structures cannot work independently. Cell structures must work as part of the cell unit to carry out activities. Th chicken egg cell you examined in Activity A 1 was big, and ostrich eggs are even bigger but most cens are incredibly small. Most are much smaller than O.S mm, which is about the size of the period at the end of this sentence. This is why microscope technology is essential for the study of cells. Figure 1.3 There are a number of living and non-living things in this scene. Defining Living Things In grade 7 you learned that biotic elements - living things - need oxygen, food, water, energy, and a suitable habitat. You can expand thiS explanation by listing common charaderistics of all forms of life. To develop definitions of living an d non-living things 5. Each partner wi ll form a group with two other classmates who have the same half of the chart. 6. As a group, write a definition of a liVing or non-l iVing thing. 7. As a class, combine group definitions of liVing and non-living things, and create a genera lly accepted definition of ea ch. 1. With a partner, create a T-chart with the headings ''Livlng" and "Non-living:' 2. Together, think about things that are living, and list the ch araderisti cs or features that these things have. For example, you might say that living things grow 3. Li st characteristics or features of non-living things on th e other Side of your T-chart. 4. With scissors, cut your chart in half. One partner will take the living list, and the other wi ll take the non-living list. 8. The method used by you and your classmates to define a liVing thing is similar to the method used by scientists. They also created and collected ideas, and then discussed and edited them until they had an acceptable definition. Despite this, a simple definition of life does not exist in the scientific community. Not every scientist is happy with the accepted definition. Is there a portion of your class definition that you think could be explained better7 How? 9. What do you think a scientist would need to do If he or sh e disagreed With a generally accepted definitIOn 7 Cell s are the basic units of al l living t hings. 11 Here is a summary of what you will learn in this section: • Living things are made of cells. • Scientists knew very little about cells before the Illicroscope was developed. • Cell theory is a way to describe the nature of cells. Figure 1.4 You can make a simple magnifier with a wa ter-filled bottle. Living things are all shapes and sizes. They can be plants or animals. They can live in a variety of habitats - fro m the tops of mountains to deep in the ocean. They have common basic needs, and they are all made up of cells. In order to study th ese living things, scienti ~; ts needed to be able to see them more clearly. There are written references to the use of some type of magnifier almost 2000 years ago. However, technologica l advances in both glass making and the grinding of lenses were required before magnification could be improved. Len es for eyeglasses became available around the end of the 13th century. Lens makers became more skilled at grinding lenses as the demand for eyeglasses increased. T he earliest microscope was a tube with a single lens at one end and a plate for the object at the other. T he magnification was 10 times the actual size of the object. Make Your Own Magnifier When light passes through a curved surface, it bends slightly. As a result, the image we see of the object beyond the curved surface seems larger than the actual object. This knowledge enabled people to magnify small objects. You can experiment to make your own magnifier. 1. Place a large drop of water on a microscope slide. Move the slide carefully to view the writing on a piece of newspaper. 12 UNIT A Cells 2. Place a large drop of water on a clear overhead sheet Move the sheet carefully over a piece of newspaper to view the writing on It. 3. Fill a test tube with water, and fit a stopper in it. Turn it Sideways, and read through the test tube. 4. Fill a clear plastic bottle with water, and secure the cap. Turn it sideways, and read through the water-filled bottle (Figure 1.4). Microscopes and Cell Theory Since most ce11s are too small to see with the unaided eye, the existence and structure of cell remained unknown until the late 1600s. It was An tony van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) who built what is thought to be the first successful light microscope (Figure 1.5). Van Leeuwenhoek had taught himself how to grind and polish lenses in order to make his own magnifiers. Eventually, he made tiny lenses that could magnify an object up to 2 70 times. With this tool and a lot of curiosity, he uncovered the mysteries of the microscopic world. H e was the first person to see bacteria cells, yeast cells, and blood cells. H e also observed the variety of life in a drop of pond water. T si Id a of or T he scien tists who came after van Leeuwenhoek used increasingly effective microscopes. Over time, their discoveries led to the following key ideas of the cell theory. 1. The cell is the basic unit of life. In other words, the ce11 is the smallest living organism that shows the characteristics of living thinos. 2. An organism can be as simple as one cell (unicellular), like a paramecium, or it can be made up of trillions of cells (multicellular), like an elephant. Figure 1.5 Antony van Leeuwenhoek built one of the first successful light microscopes. WORDS MATTER The prefix" micro-" comes from the ancient Greek word mikros, which means" small." The Greek word skopos means "watcher. " The prefix "tele-" comes from the ancient Greek word for "far. " 3. All cells are created from existing cells through a process called cell division by which a cell divides into two new cells. ~ ------------------------------------------------------------~ L.&.~v~ Reading like a Writer Textbook writers include a variety of text features to help the reader navigate the text more easily. chosen different ways to highlight these specialized words 7 How does the "Words Matter-" As you read pages 13 and 14, record any feature help you with the scientific vocabulary scientific vocabulary you encounter. Compare the presented on these pages? What other text different ways scientific vocabulary is presented on these pages. Why might the writer have features do textbooks contain that help readers make sense of specialized vocabulary? Ce ll s are the basic units of all living things. 13 The Com oun Before they developed cell theory, scienti sts believed in spontaneous generation. Find out more about this theory, and report back to your classmates. Begin your resea rch at ScienceSource . o o o o o o o o o e L· h Micro 0 A compound light microscope uses li6h t focussed through several different lenses to form a magnifi ed image of a specimen. A modern compound microscope, like the one shown in Figure 1.6 below, is a delicate an d expensive insh'ument and n eeds to be handled with care. Eyepiece or ocular lens This is the lens that magnifies the specimen, usually by 10 times (lOx) . This is the lens you look into. Coarse adjustment knob Thi s knob moves the stage up or down to focus on the specimen . This is the first knob you use to focus on a specimen. e _ Tube The tube separates the ocular lens from the objective lenses at a distance calculated for proper mag nification. Condense r lens This lens is under the stage . It helps focus light onto the specimen on top of the stage. Fine adjustment knob Use this lens to sharpen an image under low and medium power. It is the only adjustment knob needed with the high-power lens. Revolving nosepiece This is where the objective lenses are mounted. Rotate the lens to select low-, medium-, or high-power lenses. Objective lenses There are three lenses that magnify the specimen: low-power (4x), mediumpower (lOx) and high-power (40 x). Keep the lenses free of dirt and fingerprints. Stage This is where you place a sl ide for observation. Always keep the stage dry. Stage clips These are used to hold a slide in position on the stage. Diaphragm This has different-sized holes that let different amounts of light pass through the specimen on the stage. Lamp The lamp supplies the light that passes through the specimen on the stage. Microscopes that do not have a lamp may have a mirror to collect and direct light. Arm The arm holds the tube in place and is used to carry the microscope . . , Base This provides a stable platform for the microscope. Always set it on a flat, dry, uncluttered surface. Figure 1.6 This com pound light microscope is typical of the on es found in many science classrooms. 14 UNIT A Cel ls Care and Use of a Microscope When used correctly, microscopes are powerful scientific tools. They are also expensive and delicate. Refer to Toolkit 9 before you follow the steps below to use them safely and effectively. lens is about 1 cm from the stage. It will stop at the correct position. Do not force it. 6. look through the ocular lens. Adjust th e diaphragm until it is as bright as possible. 7. Place a prepared slide on the stage, and To use a microscope correctly and follow safe laboratory procedures secure it With the stage clips. Check to make sure the object 011 the slide is centred ovel' the hole in the stage. 8. Look through the ocular lens. compound light microscope len s paper prepared microscope slides 9. Slowly turn the coarse adjustment knob to bring the object into focus. The image should be very clear. If it is not, lise the fine adjustment knob to make the image sharper. 10. Without adjusting the focus, rotate the 1. Make sure you have a clear, clean, dry, flat work surface for the microscope. If the microscope has a plug, position the microscope so that it is close to the outlet. 2. Use two hands to carry the instrument - one hand on the base and the other on the arm. l. Use lens paper to clean the lenses. Never touch the lenses with your fingers. 4. Rotate the revolving nosepiece until the lowpower lens clicks into place. 5. View the microscope from the side. Turn the coarse adjustment knob until the low-power Figure 1.7 The coarse adjustment knob moves the stage up or down. revolving nosepiece until the medium-power lens clicks into place. 11. Use the fine adjustment knob to sharpen the Image. 12. View an object and at the same time move the slide left, then right, then up, and then down. Describe what happens to the image. 1l. Refer to Drawing Hints in Toolkit 9 to help you draw and label the Images YOLi see under the microscope. Draw sketches of two of the specimens you viewed. How are they the same 7 How are they different? Figure 1.8 The fine adjustment knob brings the object into sharper focus. Cel ls are the basic un its of al l l iving things. 15 I r cp Practise Your Skills 1. In your own words, restate th three key ideas about ce ll theory. 2. Create a chart listing the names of the parts of a ill1cfoscope on the left-hand side and the functions of each part on the right-hand side. Your chart should have 13 rows. 5. Write up the procedure for bringing a microscope from fhe storage area to your work space and setting it up. 6. The student in the photo below is using a microscope safely. Name three things she is doing correctly. 3 . In )70Ur own words, define a compound light microscope. r ,. Y Ir In pr n 4. Your classmate is viewing a sample using high p wer and is about to refocus using the coarse adjustment knob. What would you recommend your classmate do and why? For more questions, go to ScienceSource. A7 Thinking about Science, Technology, and Society ~ The Importance of Technology in Science Most technologies are developed to answer a Consider This specific need, but they often lead to more With a classmate or as a whole class, discuss questions, more studies, and whole new areas these questions. of knowledge. This is the case with the use of 2. Do you think it would have been possible lenses to create microscopes. to know that living thin gs are made of cells if microscopes had not been developed? What to Do 1. Compare the difference 16 In the detail you Explain your thinking. observed while viewing the microscope 3. Do you think that scientific discoveries slide with your unaided eye and Viewing always require the invention of new the slide under the microscope. technologies 7 Explain your reasoning. UNIT A Cells Here is a summary of w hat you will learn in this section: • • Plant and animal ce ll structures are called organelles. Plant and animal cell s perform some similar function s, such as converting energy and getting rid of wastes. • Plant cells perform a unique function, which is using energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide and water into food. When you first learned to classify living things, the easiest ones to classify were likely the members of the plant kingdom and the members of the animal kingdom. Think of the main differences between plants and animals that you observed and that h lped you decide wh ich category the organism belonged t . Scientists decide which is which by dividing organisms into those that can make their own food (plants) (Fi 6 ure 1.9) and those that must consume other living things in order to get the nutrients they need (animals). This difference between pla nts and animals is reflected in the structure of their cells. Plant and animal cells have some similar specialized parts that do the same job. Plant cells also have some unique parts that allow them to transform the Sun's energy into food in the form of sugars . Figure 1.9 Pla nts have cel ls with special parts that enable them to use energy from the Sun to produce food. What is the magnification? The size of a red blood cell is about 0.007 mm. A liver cel l is about 0.02 mm. The point of a ballpoint pen is about 0.2 mm. The head of a pin is about 1 mm. Consider This 3. When you are looking at a magnified image, is it important to know the magnification? Exp lain you r answer. What to Do 1. List which of the above items you cou ld see with your unaided eyes. 2 . Compare the actual size of a red blood cel l with the image shown in Figure 1.10. Estimate how many times it has been magnified. Figure 1.10 Red blood cells Cell s are t he basic units of all living things. 17 Parts of Plant and Animal Cells Figure 1.11 Photograph of a plant cell taken through a microscope. It shows chloropl sts (green), cytopla m, vacuo les (large yellow areas), and the cell wa ll, among other structures. All plant and animal cells contain a jelly-like material called cytoplasm in which the parts of a cell float. To keep the cytoplasm together, cells possess a thin covering caU d a cell membrane. The cell membrane acts like a security guard, allowing only certain materials in or out. Floating in the cytoplasm are structures (parts) called organelles. Organelles are tiny parts within the cell that have special functions that help the cell survive, grow, and reproduce. Most organelles are contained inside a membrane of their own. Organelle membranes keep different parts of the cell separate from one another. P t igures 1.11 and l.12 show various organelles an d structures typical of plant cells. nucleus A large organelle t hat is easy to see under magnificat ion . It controls th e activities of t he cell , such as growth. endoplasmic reticulum A folded organelle t hat makes proteins . Goigi apparatus A f olded organelle cell w all Fou nd in plant cells but not in animal cells The rigi d struct ure th at surroun ds t he cell membrane It provides the cell with strength and support. Material s pass in or out of th e cell through pores in the cell wall. tha t com bines prote in s made by th e endoplasm ic ret icu lu m and delivers them to the rest of the cell and ou tsi de th e cell . ~ mitochondria The powerhouses of the cell . These orga nell es break down fo od particles and release t heir stored energy. The ce ll uses this energy to f uel all of Its activities. M it ochondri are surrounded by a membran e. vacuole A large, sac- li ke organelle t ha t stores excess food, w aste, and other substances . Each v cu ole is surrounded by a membrane . cytoplasm Jelly-like material th at fills the ce ll and surrounds the organelles. Food and oxygen move thro ugh the cytoplasm t o the organelles. Figure 1.12 This is 18 UNIT A a representation Cells cell membrane The t hin covering t hat holds the cytopl asm and the organelles inside th e cell and controls the passage of material s in or out of th e cell. chloroplasts M em brane -bound orga nelles that cont ai n a green subst ance (p igment) called chlorophyll. In a process called photosynthesis, chlorophyll uses the Sun's energy t o co ver ca rbon diox ide an d w ater int o sug ar (food) and oxygen. Chloroplasts are found in pl ant cells b ut no t in animal cells. of the key parts of a plant cell rib osomes Tin y organelles that help make proteins . There are many of these organelles in the cytoplasm . It does not rep res ent all plant cells. nim I Cell Figure 1.13 Photograph of an animal cell taken through a microscope The nucleus (pink) takes up most of th e cell. Outside the nucleus is the cell cytoplasm (gre en) The brown bodies at the top of the cell are m itochondria. Th e cell is surrounded by a cell membrane. Figures 1. 13 and 1.14 show that animal cells have many of the same organell that pla nt cells have. Compare the two diagrams and note any similarities or differences. cell membrane The thin cove ring that su rrou nds t he organelles inside the cell and controls th e passage of mat erials III or out of th e cell . The cell membrane is t he oute r boundary of an an imal cell . Iysosomes Th ese organelles break down food and digest w astes . cytoplasm Jelly· llke matecial that fills th e ce ll and surro unds the organelles Food and oxyg en move th ro ugh the cytop lasm to th e organelles. nucleus A large organel le th at is easy to see under magnification. It controls the activities of t he ce ll, such as growth mitochondria The powerhouses of the cell. These organelles break down food pa rticles and release their stored energy. The cell uses t his energy to fuel all of its act iviti es. The num ber of mito ch ondria varies accordin g t o the function of th e ce ll . ribosomes Tin organelles th at help make protein s There are many of t hese orga nell s in t he cytop lasm. Goigi apparatus A f olded orga nelle that combines protein s made by th e endopl smic reticulum and delivers them to t he rest of th e cell and ou tside the cell . Figure 1.14 This is a representati on of th re present all animal cells. vacuoles Sac-l ike organelles that store excess food, waste, and other substances. Anima l cel ls have several small vacuoles. endoplasmic reticulum A folded organelle t hat makes proteins . key pa rts of an animal cell. It does not Using Headings Textbook headings are specifically organized to headings as well as the different ways they are guide a reader's understanding of th e presented. Think about colour, type size, and information and indicate which topics are other conventions used to highlight these connected or related. As you read to th e end of headings. How does the visual presentation of section 1.2, pay special attention to the the head ings help you as a reader? Use the headings and subheadings presented on these headings on th ese pages to explain the pages. In your notes, make a list of th ese connections among these topics. Cells are the bas ic units of all living things. 19 Special Technologies for Studying Plant and Animal Cells Biologists are not th e only scienti sts who use microscopes. Earth scientists such as geologists also use them. Fi nd out what a geologist uses a microscope for. Begin your research at ScienceSou rce. When you first looked at cells under a microscope, you were likely looking at prepared slides, and the cells had been stained with a dye such as iodin e. The cells and their organelles do not have much colOluing, so light passes through them. Without colour or contrast, the organelles are difficult to see. Stains make some organelles visible ( 'igures l.15 and l.16). All of the ce11s shown in photographs in this text are micrographs of stained cells. Micrographs are photographs taken with a microscope. T he preparation of a specimen (sample) for viewing under the microscope involves a variety of steps that depend on the type of specimen. Typically, a very thin slice of the specimen is obtained without damaging the cells. Next, the specimen must be mounted on a slIde. Finally, the cells are stained. Researchers usually choose the type of stain best suited to the cell they are examining. For example, some stains are best for observing blood or bone marrow. Others are for distinguishing cells from surrounding tissues or to make carbohydrates visible. Stains must be handl ed with car e because some are toxic 8.nd others can damage the eyes . T he most common stains for student purposes are: • food colouri ng , which is non-toxic • iodine, which is used to detect the presence of starch • methylene blue, wh ich is used on animal cells to make the nucleus visible • • • .. • • • •• • • • • Figure 1.15 These liver cells were stained in order to revea l Figure 1.16 A stain was used in this sa mple to revea l the the organelles. presence of cancer cells. 20 UNI T A Cells Building a Cell 3. Consider options for material s that will best To design and construct a model of a plant or animal cell represent the organelle. 4. Select the best building materials and construct your model. building materials such as recycled objects OR food items such as pasta or breakfast cereal that resemble the organelles they are representing. 5. Add the material you used to represent each organelle to the chart you created in step 2. 6. Justify your choice of materials. 7. What part of your model best represents an organelle? Explain your reasoning. 1. Choose the type of cell you will construct. 2. List the organelles to be represented and the 8. If you had more tim e or different materials, what would you change in your model? How? function of each one in a chart. Preparing Dry Mount Slides 3. Hold a cover slip very carefully by its edges, To learn how to correctly prepare dry mount slides of a variety of non-living things and gently place it over the threads. 4. View the threads under the microscope using the medium-power lens. compound light microscope microscope slides and cover slips tweezers threads from different fabrics other samples (e.g, hair, salt) 5. With your teacher's permission, make dry mount slides of other samples, such as hair or salt. 6. Draw and label a sketch of the threads you saw 1. Choose a few strands of thread from the fabric sa mples provided. 7. Cha llenge your lab partn er to figure out what fabriC sample the thread on your dry mount came from. 2. Place the thread s at the centre of a clean, dry slide 8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for the other specimens. Cells are t he basic units of ar l li ving t hings. 21 Preparing Wet Mount Slides > ::\. .... < .... Prepared microscope slides are conveni ent to use, ~ but in order to view your ch oice of specimens, you need to prepare your own slid es. In order to vi ew living or moving objects, you must prepare a wet mount. 4. Use tweezers to place the "e" right side up on the drop of water. 5. Hold the cover slip very carefully by its edges, at an angle of about 45° to the surface of the slide. Gently lower the cover slip over the sam ple. If any air bubbles get trapped, carefully move the cover slip with your filnger To learn how to correctly prepare wet mount slides to free them .. of a variety of objects 6. View th e sample under the microscope. Start with low power and then move to medium power. co mpound light microscope microscope slides cover slips tweezers 7. Make a wet mount of homogenized milk, and view it under medium power. 8. Get permission from your teacher to make medicine dropper wet and dry mount slides of other samples, water su ch as pond water. a newspaper homogenized m ilk skim milk (optional) other samples (e.g., pond water) 9. Draw a sketch of the specimens you viewed. Give your sketch a name and a date. 10. Challenge your lab partner to figul'e out what your sketch represents. 1. Obtain a clean, dry microscope slide and cover slip. Place the slide In front of you. 2. Carefully cut a lowercase "e" from the newspaper. 3. Use the medicine dropper to place 1 or 2 drops of water in the middle of the microscope slide. Figure 1.17 22 UNIT A Cells 11 . There are many white blobs visible on the wet m ount of homogen ized milk. What might these be! Test your theory by making a wet mount slide of skim milk. Draw alld label a sketch comparing both milk samples. 12. Why do you think it was important to get rid of any air bubbles! r C"p ct Y tP 1. Prepare a chart listing the organeUes of a 3 . When would you use a dry mount to view a specimen under a microscope? When would yo u use a we t mount? 4. What is a micrograph? I 5. Plant and animal cells have some of the same types of organelles. List these organelles, and explain why you think this is the case. plant cell and their functions. Label the columns in your chart and give your chart a name. 2. Prepare a chart listing the organelles of an animal cell and their fun ctions. Label the col umns in your chart and give your chart a name. r 6. Plant cells have some organelles that are different from those found in animal ce11s. List these organelles, and explain why you think these organelles are needed. ill 7. have obtained specimens of a piece of meteorite and water from the pond it landed in. Describe the procedure for preparing to view each of them under a microscope that has been set up. YOLl _~ For more questions, go to ScienceSource. A13 Thinking about Science, Technology, and Society ~ uPerfecting" Plants Farmers have saved seeds for crops almost farmers will always buy seeds from the since the beginning of agriculture. They have company that paid for the research. also experimented with breeding plants in the hope of developing better ones. SCientists began to assist farmers, and in Canada, research studies led to the development of wheat that could grow In our Consider This With a classmate or as a whole cla ss, discuss these questions. 1. Companies are usually allowed to own the climate. This success enabl ed Canadian farmers to become major produ cers of wh eat, an technology they invent. Should companies be able to own technologies that relate to important part of Canada's economy. living things 7 Explain your reasoning. SCientists are now able to breed plants that resist insects or can grow better in more challenging conditions. Som etimes the seeds of those plants are engineered so that they cannot develop Into new plants. This ensures that 2. If scientists can change plant cells to improve the world's supply of food, should they be allowed to do so? Who should decide 7 Ce ll s are the bas ic un its of all l ivi ng things. 23 Here is a summary of what you will learn in this section: • The cell membran e can control the substances that move into or out of a cell because the membrane is se le ctively perm eable. • Diffusion is a process wh ere substances in areas of high concentration move to area s of low concentration. • Osmosis is a special type of diffusion involving water and a selectively permeable membrane. Figure 1.18 On a windy, rainy day only th e right type of Jacket will keep the wearer warm and dry. ';\,Then it is wet and windy outside, you need to wear a jacket that keeps the rain and cold air away from your body. A clothing designer must choose from the few fabrics that have the right properties for a wet-weather jacket. If the jacket is made of cotton, you will be wet and cold. Cotton is permeable, which means water and air can pass through it easily. If the jacket is made of a plastic material, you may still be wet and perhaps cold. Plastic is impermeable. Although rain cannot pass through it, you will get hot and sweaty because the air heated by your body cannot escape through the plastic. Then the moisture in the heated air will condense on the inside of the jacket and conduct heat away from your body. T he best jacket material keeps the rain out but lets some water vapour pass through. Such material is selectively permeable (Figure 1.18). Selective permeability refers to the property of a barrier that allows only certain substances to pass through it. Finding Buried Treasure A sieve is an example of a selectively permeable Consider This membrane. It allows some items to pass through it while other items cannot. If you lost your ring in a pail of sand, you could use a soil sieve or a kitchen sieve to UNIT A sand to find your ring, what is the most important quality of the selectively permeable membrane you are using7 retrieve it. 24 1. If you were using a sieve to sift through Cells Cells and Permeability The cell walls and membranes you see in Figures 1. 19a and 1.19b below are sel ctively permeable. Each structure functions as a barrier that separates the inside of a cell from the outside environment and keeps the cell intact. In addition, these selectively permeab1e cell structures allow certain substances, such as water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbohydrates, and waste created within the cell, to pass through it. Large molecules that may harm the cell are blocked by the membrane or cell wall. Withou t selective permeability, the celI would be sealed. It would be unable to access the supply of materials the organelles need to carry out cell activities, and the cell would be unable to get rid of the wastes generated by its activities. Instead, every cell in your body (and in every other organism) is bringing water, food, and gases in and removing wastes at every moment of the day. This movement of substances into and out of a cell is called cellular transport. Cellular transport involves several differen t processes. Diffusion and osmosis are two types of cellular tran sport processes. (b) (a) Figure 1.1 9 Both plant (a) and an imal (b) cells have selectively permea ble mem branes and wa lls (in the case of pla nt cells). Substances such as air and water move into the celi s and waste moves out of the cell s. ClieCKpdifit' ,;;u;r='=-~ ~ ,. _- ~': J ~~_ j ',,' -tl - •• 1 1-. Build a Mind Map A mind map is an excellent tool to help you Begin by wr,iting "cellular transport" in the remember what you are reading. In the centre of a piece of paper. Then build your information that follows, you will be Introduced understanding about the key ideas of diffusion to two different forms of cellular transport - and osmosis. Note definitions, functions, and diffusion and osmosis. Create a mini-mind map examples of the two forms of transport as you to help you summarize their roles in ensuring read through the rest of this section, the survival of a cell. Ce lls are t he bas ic uni ts of ali living tlli ngs. 25 i fusio Figure 1.20 The smok from this fire moves thro gh the air by diffus ion, dispersing its particles evenly throughout the air. • solute pa rticles • water particles Diffusion is the movement of particles fro m an area where there are many of them (a higher concentratio n) to an adjoining area where there are few of them (a low r concentration) (Figure 1.20). Diffusion continues until bo th areas have the same number (concentration) of particles (Figure 1. 21) . Diffusion happens all around you. Diffusion occurs \\ hen you place a tea b ag into boiling water to make tea. Diffus ion is at work when you can smell the aroma of pizza coming from the kitchen. Everything you can smell is because of diffusion. Diffusion causes the fragrance of cologne or perfume to spread through a room. A classroom is usually not a good place to wear these products because of the effectiven ess of diffusion in such a small pace, and because some people are very sensitive to fragrances. For a cell, diffusion is how resources such as oxygen are transported (moved) into it through its selectively permeable membrane. When the concentration of oxygen is lower inside a cell than it is outside the cen oxygen diffuses into the ce1l, where it is used by the mitochondria. As the oxygen is used to produce energy, more will diffu 'e into the cell to keep the concen tration almost the same inside and ou tside the cell. solid barrier ..·.......... . . .. . ... ... ·.:........ .:........-.... -·....... : ........ ..: .. .......: start ~ Figure 1 .21 The proc ss of diffusion 26 UNIT A Cells solute particles diffusing water particles diffu sing finish . mos. Osmosis is a special kind of se lectively permeable membrane diffusion that involves only the w ater particles movement of water through a solute particles selectively permeable membrane (Figure 1.22). T he concentration of water inside a cell must stay fairly constant, and therefore water diffuses into and out of cells continuously. Osmosis (this movement of Figure 1.22 During osmosis, water moves fro m an area of higher concentration of water in to and out of cells) is water to an area of lower concentration of water through a se t ctivel y permeable vital to the cens' surviva1. memb rane. In the diagram. th e water particles move fro m left to right The process of osmosis also depends on the difference in the concentration of particles. In the case of cells, if the concentration of water particles inside the cell is higher than it is outside the cell, water will move out of the cen by osmosis. If the concentration of water particles outside the cell is higher, Bottled water is not pure water. It the water particles will move into the cell. has dissolved substances in it Find If you let the soil around the plant dry out, the plant would out more about th ese substa nces begin to droop as the concentration of water particles inside and how th ey may help your cells to function pro perly. Report back to the cell dropped. With no water in the soil, there is no water to your cl ass. Begin your research at move into the cells. If you examined the cells in the stem, they Sci ence Source. would look shru nken. T he cell walls wo uld not be rigid, giving the plant a \vilted appearance. Th is process is easies t to detect in plants (Figure 1.23). If you were to look at one of the cells in the stem of a firm plan t under the microscope, you would see that it has a very ful1 shape. The cell has so mu ch water in it that if the thick cell wall were removed, the cell would Figure 1.23 Osmosis is involved in giving plants the rigidity they need to reach up for burst. sunlight. Compare the drawing of a cell in a wilted plant (left) to the one in th e healthy ~. plant Cel ls are the b aS IC units of al l l iving things 27 Evaluallng procedures • DraWing conclusions Diffusion Detective During diffusion, molecules move random ly as J. Carefu lly hold the food colounng container they shift from a high co ncentration to a low 5 mm above the surface of th e water In the conce ntration . This activity w ill allow you to first container, and gently add 3 to 5 drops to obse rve diffusion . the surface of the water. 4. Use the medicine dropper to carefully add 3 to 5 drops of vegetable oil to the surface of Do all liquids diffuse in the sam e ay? the wa ter in th e second container. 5. Carefully lower the tea bag into the third conta in er. 3 clea n 400-m L beakers or clear glass con tainers water electric kettle food colounng vegetabl e oil tea bag 6. Do not bum p or move th e containers or agitate, swirl, or stir the liquid inside the m. 7. Observe what happens over a 5-min period. 8. Draw and label a series of diagrams that reco rds what happened In each container. medicine dropper 9. Compare your observations with those of a cla ssma te. In one sentence, describe the pattern of movement you observed for each of the substances added to the water. 10. Did you observe any differences in the way the substan ces moved in the water? Suggest an explanation 11. Do you think the activity was a fair test to co mpare the diffusion of different substances? Explain why or why not. Figure 1.24 Get as close to the surface as possible (within 5 mm) before adding the substance to the water. 1. Add approxim ately 300 mL of water to two of the containers 2. Add approximl'tely 300 m L of boiling water to the third container. Be ca reful with the hot water. It can sca ld yO l . 28 UNIT A Ce l ls 12. If n cessary, suggest how the activity could be cha nged to make it a fair test. 13. What factors, if any, do you thin k might affect diffusi on? Predicting Observing and Recording Food for Thought 4. Create a chart to record your observations. In How will plain water and a sa ltwater solution affect your chart, record the shape of each food plant cells 7 item, what it fe els like, and what it looks like. Add 1 carrot, 1 celery stick, and 1 raisin to each of your bea kers. two 400-mL beakers 5. Cover each beaker with a piece of pla stic food water wrap. Predict what will happen to each food 2 pieces of each food carrot, celery stalk, item in each beaker. Create a chart to record raisin your prediction s. spoon salt plastic food w rap 6. Let the beakers sit for a day or less. 7. Record your observations In your chart. nalyzin nd Inter retin 8. How did the plain water and the saltwater 1. Fi ll each beaker w ith 300 mL of water. solution affect th e food items7 2 . Label one beaker A and the other beaker B. 3. Add salt to beaker B and stir. Continue to add sa lt until no more w ill dissolve (a small pile 9. Compare yo ur predictions to your resu lts. Discuss any differences. will remain on the bottom no matter how much you sti r) . 10. Use words and pi ctures to show how osmosis occurred in this activity. 11. Should you store plant-based foods in plain water or a sa ltwater solution 7 Explain yo ur reasoning. Figure 1.25 Cells are th e basic un its of all living things. 29 p 'I 1. Define the term "permeable" in your mvn words. 2. Use the term "concentration ' in a sentence about liquids that conveys its mean ing. 3. List three examples of a selectively permeable material or item. Explain where it is found or used and vvhy a selectively permeable material is needed. 4 . If ou wrap fresh celery in foil, it will stay cnmchy when you store it in the refrigerator. Explain why you think this happens. Practise Your Skills 5. You need to put a new roof on your hOllse. Describe how you would test possible materials for permeability. What would be the criteria for Sllccess? For more questions, go to ScienceSource. A18 Thinking about Science, Technology, and Society ~ The Artificial Kidney Your kidneys help filter waste materials out of Consider This your blood. If they become da maged, you may need to have your blood filtered artifiCia lly. This With a cla ssmate or as a whole class, discuss process is called dialysis. Dialysis works by using the principles of diffusion and osmosIs. Tubing hooks the patient up to a machine, known as a dialyzer, and blood is pumped from one of the patient's arteries into the dialyzer (Figure 1.26). This blood is rich in waste materials. The compa rtment in the dialyzer is divided by a selectively permeable membran e. A special dialysis fluid, called dia lysate, flows through the dialyzer on the other side of the membrane. This system can filter the waste materials from the patient's blood. The clean blood IS returned to the body by being pumped into a vei n. Figure 1.26 Pa ients with damaged kidneys need regular dialysis treatment 30 UN IT A Ce lls the following questions. 1. A dialysis treatment can take from three to five hours and must be done three or four times a week. Every year, another 2000 Ontarians require dialysis. Should those who can afford it be asked to contribute to the cost! Explain your reasoning. 2. A kidney tran splant is an alternative to dialysis. Should people be encouraged to donate their organs for transplant! Explain your reasoning. Solving the Mystery of s Figure 1.28 A skin cell seen under a compound light microscope Figure 1.29 Skin cells seen under a scanning electron microscope organelles such as th e nucleus or mitochondria (Figure 1.28). Nor could they see tiny viruses. In order to see that level of detail, scientists needed microscopes that could magnify objects by 10 OOOx or more. An electron microscope uses a focussed beam of electrons Instead of light to create an image of a specimen. Magnetic lenses help contain and focus the beam. The interactions of the electrons and the specimen are transformed Into an Image (Figure 1.29). Since the mid- 1960s, when sca nning electron microscopes became more widely available, there have been a number of breakthroughs in the study of viruses. In addition to solVing the Figure 1.27 Transmission electron microscope mystery of how West Nile virus IS transmitted, researchers have studied everything from the Viruses are extremely tiny agents that cause common cold to the outbreak of SARS (severe infection. They are smaller than bactena, and acute respirato ry syndrome) . they are unable to grow or reproduce on their own Instead, they must Invade a living cell. They use the resources of the cell to develop and multiply. Researchers did not see viruses until after the Q estion 1. A compound light microscope costs hundreds of dollars, depending on the model. An electron microscope can cost electron microscope was developed In the late hundreds of thousands of dollars, 1930s (Figure 1.27). Compound light dependmg on the technology supplied With microscopes are limited to magnifications of it. Should governments provide funds for 500x or 1000x. Th iS level of magnification did researchers to acquire specialized electron not allow researchers to see the details inSide microscopes I Explain your reasoning. Ce ll s are the bas ic un its of all living thi ngs . 31 1 . \\l here is the diaphragm located on a microscope? Explain vvhat it is used for. 2. (a) Identify the type of cell in the diagram shown here, and nam e all numbered Virts. Reflect and Evaluate Brain research indicates that the brain is a pattern seeker. As we read increasingly more complex text, the brain tries to draw on what it already 9 (b) Describe the function of the part numbered 1, 3, 5, and 6. 8 4 3. Compare and contrast the processes of osmosis and diffusion. Give an example of each. knows about how the text works in order to understand new information. With a partner, develop a chart to list the text features related to scientific vocabulary that you have encountered in chapter 1. What is the purpose of each of these text features? How does each feature help you as a reader? What other text features did you encounter in chapter 17 Include them in your chart. 32 UNIT A 4. Your teach er has given yo u a sample of soil to examine. Would yo u use a dry mount or a wet mount to examine it? E plain your reasoning. 5. If you were looking at a cell specimen through a microscope, how could you tell that the cells belonged to 1:1 plant? 6. Use the term "selectively permeable" in a sentence that demonstrates its mea ning. rt Your Under In 7. What would happen if cell membranes suddenly became permeable instea d of selectively permeable? Could cells remain alive? Explain your thinking. ACHIEVEMENT CHART CATEGO RIES Knowledge and underslanding Thinking and investigation Communication App lication 8. What would be the impact on the environment if an artificial virns that attacked and destroyed chloroplasts in plant cells was accidently released by a research company? 9 . When you put the grocer ies away, you forgot to put the celery in the refrigerator. When you found it on the counter, it was soft and Limp. I. .low could osmosis help the celery? Explain what you would do and why it would work. Cells are the basic unit of life, and it is im portant to understa nd w hat th ey look li ke and how they function. Make a list of the key features of plant and ani mal cells and describe their fu nction. o 10. Describe the steps involved in preparing a wet mount of a specImen . 11. You have mounted your specimen on the stage of the microscope. Describe the process of focussing the lens on the specnnen. 12. Describe the steps involved in making a drawing of what you se under a microscope. 13. List three safety steps you mnst follow when carrying a mIcroscope. A19 Thinking about Science, Technology, and Society ~ Reverse Osmosis During osmosis, water moves across a holes of the selectively permeable membrane. selectively permeable membrane from an area They move to the high water concentration side, of high water concentration to an area of low and the salt is left behind. water concentration. In other words, pure (100 percent) water will move across a Consider This selectively permeable membrane to water that With a classmate or as a whole class, discuss has dissolved substances in it like salt. these questions. During reverse osmosis, water particles are forced to move in the opposite direction - from 1. How could this technology be used by shipwreck victims on an island in the ocean? a low concentration to a high one. High pressure is applied to the low water 2. If viruses are smaller than salt molecules, is concentration (usually saltwater) side, and the this filtering method 100 percent safe 7 water particles there are forced through the tiny Explain your reasoning. Cells are the basi c units of all l iving th ings. 33 In this chapter, you wi ll : • examine unicellular and multicellular organisms • explain cell specialization • describe plant and anima l cell processes In this chapter, you will • demonstrate the proper use of a microscope • observe and draw orga nisms observed under a microscope Living things include unicellular and multicellular organisms. Understanding cellular processes helps us to understand how every organism on Earth - fro m an amoeba to us to a blue wha le meets its basic needs Reading and Interpreting Graphical Text Writers use graphical text forms such as pictures, diagrams, and charts to communicate information in a concise and visual way. Complex ideas and concepts can sometimes be com municated more easily in a picture or diagram. These visual elements provide important clues to the main ideas and concepts in the written text. Take a "picture walk" through chapter 2. Use what you see to write a prediction about th e main idea of this chapter. Consider how most of these pictures are simi lar to each other but different from pictures you saw in chapter 1. Key Terms • unicellular • multicellular • specialized cells • cell division Figure 2.1 Blue whales sustain themselves by eating huge quantities of zooplankton. he blue \' rhal is the largest type of animal on Earth (Figure 2.1). It can gww to be about 25 m long. An adult often weighs more than 150 tonnes. The whale feeds on zooplankton, vvhich is one of the smal1est animals on Earth. The blue whale and zooplankton are just two of the estimated 1.75 million different kinds of living things found on Earth. All living things, vvhether they are plants, animals, fungi, protists, or type of bacteria, are made of cell . It is the activities of cells that allow each living thing to meet its basic needs. The obvious structures of the living things you see around you - jaws, teeth, eyes, limbs, and wings or fins; leaves, stems, or roots - may appear to be the means of meeting basic needs . In fact, these structures are working together to supply the organism's cells with the water, oxygen, and nutrients that the cells need to carry out their activities. The visible structures of organisms may look very different. TIley make it possible for the organism to get what it needs to live from its environment. They also ensure that the necessities of life are processed to get to the cells. The real work of survival happens within the cells. T 36 UNIT A Cell s The co-ordinated activity involved in getting the oxygen, water, and nutrients to the cells happens without any awareness on the part of the organism. This is true when these activities take place in your own body. While you may taste the food you eat, or notice that the water you drink is hot or cold, yo u rarely breathe consciously. Once the oxygen, water, and food are inside your body, the various parts of your body take care of the processing. You are unlikely to notice any of this activity unless something goes wrong. Yet withou t it, you would not be able to survive. Meeting Basic Needs for Survival Living things must perform certain functions in order to stay alive. These functions may include 4. Compa re your chart with one prepared by a classmate. moving, responding to stimu li, gathering food, taking in oxygen, and building a home. 5. Did your cla ssmate list functions that you did not! Wh ich ones 7 To decide what structure each organism uses to 6. Which functions did most people name 7 perform the activities that keep it alive 7. Did each organism shown have a structure for each of the functions you Iisted 7 pen and paper p 1. Prepare a chart with five columns. 2. Down the left-hand column, list the functions that living organisms perform in order to Figure 2.2 Microorgan ism Figure 2.3 Plant Figure 2.4 Mammal Figu re 2.5 Fish survive. Name the organisms shown on the right in the headings for the rema ining columns. (Note: A microorganism is an organism that can only be seen with a microscope.) 3. Fill in your chart to indicate which structure you think each organism uses to perform each function . (Some functions may not be applicable.) Cel lu lar processes sustain living th ings. 37 Here is a summary of what you will learn in this section: • Unicel lular organisms are essential for the continuance of life on Earth. • Unicellular and multicellular organisms carry out many of th e same activities to meet their basic needs. • Unicellular organisms are varied in structu res and adaptation s. Figure 2.6 Phytoplankton are unicellula r organisms that supply most of Earth's oxygen. Unicellular organisms are living things made of a single cell. They arc usually smaller than a speck of du st, and they live everyvvhcre that can susta in life: in water, in soil, and in or on multicellubr organisms . T here are millions of species. Scientists believe these organisms could have been on Eari h for as long as :3 (; billion year . While som unicellular organisms , such as some forms of bacteria, are harmful, many more are essential for life on Earth to continue. Phytoplankton are unicellular organisms that live in the oceans (Figure 2.6). T hey contain chlorophyll to convert the Sun's energy into food . Phytoplankton provide most of the oxygen in Earth's atmosphere and are the founda tion of the ocean food chain. Unicellular decomposers, such as bacteria, are another group of single-celled organisms that are essential for life on Earth. Th ey complet the cycling of matter by converting nitrogen in soil into a form of n itrogen that can u pport plan t life and the terrestrial food chains. What is going on in the composter? Have you ever looked inside a com poster after C 'd r hi the decomposers have been at work for a With a cla ssmate or as a whole class, discuss while? What did it look like in there, and how did it smell? Did you turn away in disgust7 Or the following questions. were YOLi fascinated7 2. List the basic needs of decomposers. Are these needs the same or different from What to Do 1. List the conditions decomposers need to do their work. 38 UNIT A Cells the basic needs of other living things7 3. What should be done with the contents of a com poster? Explain your reasoning. A Single Cell Is a Living Thing Most unicellular organisms, such as the diatom, paramecium (pI. para mecia) and the amoeba, are microscopic, although some can be seen with the unaided eye. Diatoms (Figure 2.7) live inside glass-like shells, which they make themselves. Like plants, diatoms make their food through photosynthesis. It is often assumed that unicellular organisms are simple because of their simple structure. And yet, they perform the same basic activities that complex plant and animal organisms perform . They move, eat, respond to stimuli, reproduce, and expel waste that results fro m cellular activity. D a . n ms Dve Unicellul ar organisms move in a variety of ways. Paramecia have cilia, which are tiny hairs that act like oars and propel the organism along (Figure 2.8). E. coli bacteria move by rotating or lashing a flagellum that looks a bit like a tail (Figure 2.9). These organisms "swim" along. An amoeba moves by changing shape and forcing its cytoplasm into extensions called pseudopods. Figure 2.8 Para mecia are un icellular organisms that use cilia to propel themselves. Figure 2.7 Diatoms are unicellular organisms. They live in lakes, oceans, and moist soil and are an important part of the food chain . WORDS MATTER Pseudopod comes fro m two Greek words. Pseudes means "false " and pous means "faa!." So pseudopod means" false faa!." Figure 2.9 E coli are unicellular organisms that move by lashing a flagellum. Visualizing with Combination Notes Taking notes while reading is a good way to top two-thirds of the page, record key check understanding and clarify thinking. The information as you read ''The Amoeba" Use the "combination notes" strategy allows you to right side to visually display your understanding record information in a variety of ways, including in pictures, diagrams, or a web. Use the bottom visually. Draw a line two-thirds of the way down one-third of the page to record summaries of the middle of your page. On the left side of the main concepts. Cellular pro cesses sustain li vi ng t hi ngs. 39 he Amoeba Figure 2.10 Coloured scanning micrograph of Amoeba proteus, one of the largest species o f am oebas Diatoms, paramecia, and bacteria are examples of unicellular organisms. Choose two types of unicellular organisms, and find out how they obtain and digest their food. Prepare a chart comparing the two processes. Begin your research at ScienceSource. D o not mistake the microscopic amoeba for a mere blob. It is a fascinating organism. Amoebas thrive in water-based environments and are found in both fresh and salt water. They can also live in wet, decaying vegetation on the forest floor, in wet soil, or in other living organisms (including humans). There are many, many species of amoebas (Figure 2.10). Most are harmless to humans, but some cause disease. Amoebas have many of the characteristics typical of animal cells. The body is surrounded by a selectively permeable cell membrane. Commonly visible organelles include one or more nuclei (depending on the species), cytoplasm, food vacuoles, and a special vacuole that pumps water out of the cell to prevent it from bursting. Water enters the amoeba by osmosis. Oxygen diffuses into the organism, and carbon dioxide waste diffuses out of the organism. Amoebas can be carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores. Despite their usual microscopic size, amoebas are predators they prey upon organisms such as algae and bacteria. The amoeba's hunting skills are based on its ability to change shape, a result of having a very soft cell membrane and cytoplasm. (T he word "amoeba" comes from the Greek word for change.) The organism changes shape as it moves and captures prey (Figure 2.11). As the amoeba completes the capture of its prey, the food it has engulfed becomes a vacuole. Chemicals called enzymes digest the food, the nutrients are absorbed by the organism, and the vacuole disappears. Waste products are eliminated through the cell membrane. Figure 2.11 Wh en food is detected nearby, an amoeba exten ds pseudopods to capture it These images show an amoeba (a) surrounding and th en (b) engulfing its prey. 40 UNIT A Cells ObservIng Cornrnunlca tlng Observing Unicellular Organisms NOTE: If the organisms In yo ur sample are moving too quickly for you to observe them, What cell structures can be seen under a compound light microscope7 use the medicine dropper to add a tiny amount (less than a drop) of methyl cellulose. This will thicken the water. Do not touch the Ipment sample or the methyl cellulose during this microscope procedure microscope slides cover slips 6. If yo u are not successful in locating amoebas, medicine dropper parameCia, or diatoms, use the prepared pond water sample (supplied by your slides to view these microorganisms. teacher) 7. Prepare a draWing of one of the organisms small jar yo u observe. Indica te the shape, relative size, methyl cellu lose (optional) colour, and any cell structu res that you can prepared slides of amoebas (optional) see. Label your drawing. I\lote the magnification you are uSing. CAUTION: Handle microorganisms with care. Wear safety gloves. wash your hands thoroughly aher the activity. and dispose of the specimens as instructed by your teacher. 8. If you are observing pond water, describe how your organism moves. 9. If yo u used the methyl cellulose, what Impact did it have on the specimens in you r sample7 1. Turn to Toolkit 9 to review how to set up and use a microscope. 2. Prepare a wet mount sl ide of the pond water. 10. You have made drawings of your observations. Do you think words would be a better way to communicate your observatlons7 Explain your 3. Set your slide up on the microscope stage, and use the low-power objective lens to reasoning. observe your sam ple. 4. View the slide systematically for evidence of unicellular organisms. 5. Switch to the med ium-power lens. Concentrate on what you are observing, and keep your F 11. What cell structures did yo u see7 12. Did all of the organisms you saw move in the same way7 Describe any differences. sample In focu s. Try the high-power lens. Figure 2.12 Iways wear safety gloves when working with microorganisms. Cellular processes sustain living things, 41 K rljY"] 1. Explain why something with only one cen can be considered to be an organism . 2 . Name three unicellular organism '. 5. Describe things that would happen in an ecosystem if there were no unicellular organi 111 . 1:',,\'0 3. Name three ways in vvhich unicellular organisms can move. Describe one of them. 6. Describe three things you should do when handling microorganisms. 4. Where did the amoeba's name come from? Explain why it was given that name. 7. Explain how you would prepare a drop of v\ a ter containing an amoeba for viewing under a microscope. For more questions, go to ScienceSource. A24 Thinking about Science, Technology, and Society ft Cooking and Freezing Unicellular organisms such as bacteria th nve In Consider This warm temperatures and moist onditions. These With a classmate or as a whole class, discuss conditions are ideal for composting; however, they must be avoided when preserving, storing, the following. or preparing food. Past and present technologies for the preservation and storage of food focus on creating conditions that are cold and/or dry. Cooking raises the Internal temperature of foods high enough to kill microorganisms What to Do 3. Explain how each of the preserving techniques ensures that the food will not contain harmful microorganisms. 4. How do the guidelines for handling food help to ensure that food is free of microorganisms that could contaminate it7 5. What do you think would happen if we did not have these guidelines 7 1. Research one of the following technologies to find out how It preserves food. (a) air drying of foods such as fish (b) canning of foods such as vegetables (c) freezing of foods such as meat 2. Review Health Canada's guideli nes for the safe handling of food. 42 UNIT A Ce lls Figure 2.13 Dryi ng racks are a traditional way of preserving fish. Here is a summary of what you will learn in this section: • Diffusion and osmosis limit the size of cells. • Multicellular orga nisms use specialized cells to ca rry out activities to meet basic needs. • Specialized cells in multicellular organisms interact with and depend on other sp cialized ce lls You have seen how an amoeba captures a meal. T hink of how the frog in Figure 2.14 does it. Unicellular organisms rely on one cell to perform all the functions that meet their basic ne ds. Multicellular organisms rely on a variety of types of cells to perform cellular fun ctions. These types of cells are called specialized cells. T hey perform specific functions, such as digestion or movement. They must interact with other types of cells in the organ ism in order to carry out their tasks successfully. Specialized cells in various parts of the frog - including eyes, muscles, and tongue - must work in perfect coordination in order to capture an insect for dinner. The average frog performs this task many times each day. Once the frog catches the insect, the cells in the frog's digestive system take over, extracting the nu trients and expelling cell ular vvastes. Figure 2.14 The specia lized cells ill a frog v\lark together to help the organism catch a meal Specialized Structures to Do Specialized Jobs Takin g in air in order to get oxygen is a function th at all terrestrial animals must perform. Look at Figures 2 .1 5- 2. 17 to see if the structures they use are very similar or very different. Figure 2. 16 Consider This Figure 2.15 1. What key tasks related to getting oxygen into an organism are accom pli sh ed by the noses yo u see? 2. Do you think the structures you see are the same or different? Explain your reason ing. Figure 2.17 Cellular processes sustain liVing things. 43 More Cells for Bigger Organisms Figure 2.18 Acetobu/ono IS one of the world's largest un icellular orga nisms Figure 2.19 Multicell ular organisms have a va riety of specialized cells. T h ere are a few unicellular organisms that are so big you can see them with your unaided eye. One of the members of the algae family, Acewbularia, can grow to be 5 to 7 cm in diameter (Figure 2.18). Some amoebas may reach 1 cm, but unicellular organisms are usually microorganisms. U oicell ular organisms are usually micro-sized because cellular activities are performed most efficiently at that size. The limitation is related to the processes of diffusion and osmosis. The processes that deliver gases and water to cells and remove vvastes are effective across very short distances. For example, an oxygen particle can diffuse over a distance of 0.01 mm in a fraction of a second. To diffuse over a distance of 1 mm would take 100 times as long. This large increusc in distance is because in a bigger cell, even though the surface area of the selectively permeable cell membrane would increase as the cell's size increased, the cell's volume would increase even more. You can imagine the same principle on a bigger scale if you picture the difference between a golf ball and a beach ball. The distance to the middle of the golf ball is many times shorter th an the distance to the middle of the beach ball. For a cell to be bigger in the same proportion, gases and water would have to travel much farther to reach all of the organelles in the cytoplasm . If a unicellular organism were many times bigger than 1 mm, diffusion and osmosis could take several minu tes instead of fractions of a second. This increase in volume as a cell grows is why the organelles in a huge cell would have trouble accessing the resources they need. Larger living thin gs tend to be made up of more than one cell. In an organism made up of dozens, thousands, or even millions or trillions of cells, diffusion and osmosis can still happen in fracti n s of a second. The trillions of tiny cells that make up your body are very efficient units when it comes to getting resources to the organelles. In a community, some people grow foo d; others deliver it. Some people protect the community from danger, and others help to clean up. One person is not skilled enough to do all of the 44 UNIT A Cells different jobs expertly. Nor could one person meet all of the demands of a community. The same is true for multicellular organisms. One type of cell cannot do all of the different jobs in a complex organism. In the same way that a community needs specialists, multicellu1ar organisms are made up of specialized cells rather than cells that are exactly the same. While the specialized cells have the same kinds of organelles as other plant or animal cel1s, the organelles may be better adapted to performing the cell's tasks. Specialized Animal Cells The number of types of cells in a multicellu1ar organism depends on the complexity of the organism. The hydra is a simple m ulticellular organism (Figure 2.20). It has "skin" cells on the outside an d digestive cells on the inside. The skin cells protect the insides from the outside environment and act as "gatekeepers" to control the substances that can get into and out of the organism in the same way that the cell membrane protects a cell. A complex organism such as a human has hundreds of different types of cells. We have types of cells that function as protection and gatekeepers (Figure 2.21, skin cells), and cells responsible for digestion. We have cel1s that make up bones and cel1s that specialize in converting lots of energy (muscle cells) (Figures 2.22 and 2.23). Humans also have cells that are primarily for transmitting electrical impulses (nerve and brain cells) (Figures 2.24 and 2.25)' Eyes have special cells that detect light. Blood cells transport oxygen and cany away wastes of cellu1ar processes. Storage cells keep unused energy on hand in the form of fat, to be released and burned when the need arises (Figure 2.26). Figure 2.21 Human skins cells make up the largest organ in th e human body. Figure 2.22 Huma n bone cells make up th e stru dure that supports the body Figure 2.20 The hydra is a simple multicellular organi sm. Hydras are best viewed under a microscope. Figure 2.23 Human muscle cel ls have more mitochondria than other cells, so they can transform more energy. Cel lu lar processes susta in li ving things. 45 Figure 2.24 Hum an nerve ce lls transmit Figure 2.25 Human brain cel ls receive e lectrical imp ulses alo ng pathwa s to the and transmit electrica l Impulses brain . Figure 2.26 Human fat cell s store ene rgy in he form of fat, whi ch ca n be accessed and burned when resources f or fue l are low A26 Learning Checkpoint Explaining the Size 1. III your own words, explain why diffusion and osmosis limit the size of cells. 2. In your own words, explain why multicellular organisms have specialized cells. Plants and animals have celis with the special job of defending the organism against invaders. In humans, these cells work in the immune system. Four of these types ot cells are cal led killer T celi s, helper T cells, memory T cel ls, and antibodies. Find out what Job two of these types of cells do and how they do it. Report back to the class Begin your research at ScienceSource. Specialized Plant Cells Multicellular plants also have specialized cells. Some transform the Sun's energy into sugars. These ce1ls are found primarily in the leaves (Figure 2.27). The job of cells in the stem is primarily to transport food and water to the rest of the plant, store some food, and support the plant (Figure 2.28). The cells in the roots store food, absorb water from the soil, and transport \vater and nu t rients to the stem (Figure 2.29). Figure 2.27 These leaf cells contain Figure 2.28 Th e ce lls in a plant stem chlo ro plasts, hich convert the Sun's energy into food. transport water and materials throughout Figure 2.29 The cells in a plant root absorb water and nutrients fro m the soil and th e plant. transport these resources to the stem. 46 UNIT A Cells Observing Communicating ~ Observing Multicellular Organisms n .... ....< <"+ NOTE: If the organisms in you r sample are moving too quickly for you to observe them, use the medicine dropper to add a tiny amount (less than a drop) of methyl cellulose. This wi ll thicken the wa ter. Do not touch th e sampl e or the methyl cellulose dUring this procedure. <"+ '< What mu lticell ular organisms can be seen under a compound light microscope7 .ipment microscope microscope slides cover slips mediCine dropper pon d water sample (supp lied by your teacher) small jar methyl cellulose (optional) prepared slides of hydras (optional) CAUTION: Handle microorganisms with care. Wear safety gloves, wash your hands thoroughly after the activity, and dispose of the specimens as instructed by your teacher. 6. If you are not successful in locating a hydra, use the prepared slides to view these microorganisms 7. Prepare a drawing of the multicellular organisms you observe. Indicate the shape, relative size, colour, and any cell structures that you observe. Label your drawing. Note the magnification you are using. 8. If you are observing pond water, describe how the organisms move. 9 . How many different organisms did you see in your sample 7 1. Turn to Tool kit 9 to review how to set up and use a microscope. 2. Prepare a wet mount slide of the pond water. 3. Set your slide up on th e microscope stage, and use the low-power objective lens to observe your sample. 4. View the slide systematically for evidence of mu lticell ular organisms. 10. Describe the steps you must follow to observe a pond water sa mple with a compound light microscope F 11. Were the organisms you observed plants or animals 7 Justify yo ur rea soning. 5. Switch to the medium-power lens. Concentrate on wh at you are observing, and keep your sample in focu s. Try th e high-power lens. Figure 2.30 Pond water can supply a number of multicellular organisms Cellular processes sustain li ving things . 47 SKILLS YOU WILL USE Deslgmng an experimental procedure • Designing a fair lest Cells and Solutions 10. Share and compare your deSign and results How will the cells in an onion membrane respond with your classmates. How were they simllar7 to pure water, salt water, and vinegar? How were they different7 e ign and Conduct Y ur 1. Make a hypothesis. Refer to Toolkit 2 for help with this procedure. 2. DeCide what materials and equipment you will need to test your hypothesis. For example (a) List the lab equipment yo u wil l require to make your observations. (b) List the materia ls such as samples or solutions you wi ll require. 3. Plan the steps in your procedure. Include any safety precautions. Figure 2.31 Peel off a single layer of an onion membrane. 4. Write up your procedure. Include steps to ensure that It wil l be a fair test of yo ur hypothesis. Explain how yo u wi ll document yo ur results. 5. Ask a classmate to read the procedure and ask about any steps that are not clear. Show your revised procedure to your teacher. 6. Carry out your investigation . Refer to Toolkit 9 to review how to set up and use a microscope Refer to "Preparing an On ion 1. Select a clean glass slide and cover slip. 2. Carefully remove a piece of thin, semitransparent membrane from between two inner layers of the onion. 3. Pick up the m embrane With the Membrane" in the next column for tips on tweezers. Take the microscrope slide, handling your sample. an d hold it at a 45° angl e Carefu lly 7. Compare your results with your hypotheSIS. Did your results support your hypothesis 7 If not, what possible reasons might there be 7 8 . Was your investigation a fair test7 Justify your drape the membrane onto the middle of the slide. AVOid trapping air bubbles between the membrane and the slide. 4. After you have applied the solution, pick up the cover slip and slowly lower it answer. over the membrane specimen. Avoid 9. Was you r procedure comp lete 7 How wou ld yo u change it if yo u were gomg to do the investigation again7 48 UNIT A Cells trapping air bubbles between the cover slip and the specimen. 'iP f\/ 1. Name five different types of cells that can be found in the human body. 2 . Name three different types of plant cells, and describe their key functions. 3 . Explain why a tiny cell is a more efficient basic unit of life than a large ce11. C 'lP(" VOL 4. What are the advantages of having specialized cells? Are there any disadvantages? Explain your answer. p 5. Describe the steps to be followed to make a drawing of organisms observed under a microscope. For more questions, go to ScienceSoufce. A29 Thinking about Science, Technology, and Society _~ ~ Water for Cells Two-thirds of the average human body is water. Consider This Close to 70 percent of that water is inside the With a classmate or as a whole class, discuss body's cells, 20 percent is in the space th e following questions. surrounding the cells, and the rema inder is in the bloodstream. The water moves into and out of cells as necessary through osmosis. When your body is properly hydrated, it has enough water to maintain cellular activities. When the body does not have enough water, it is dehydrated. Making sure that your body has enough water is one way to keep your body cells healthy What to Do consume daily. Ca lculate the average. 5. Compi le a list of the first three ingredients in fluids commonly consumed to find out what is being consumed along with water. 6. Suggest ways in which people are most likely to become dehydrated and what steps can be taken to avoid dehydration. 7. Some people think that bottled water is 1. Ca lculate the amount of fluids that you consume 4. Compa re th e amount of fluids you each In one day. bad for the environment. They are concerned about the waste of water in unfinished bottles and the plastic bottles 2. List the fluids you consume regularly. Check the ingredient lists of your favourite that end up in landfil l sites. Suggest ways to meet the body's water needs without commercial drinks, and compile a list of creating enVIronmental problems. the first three ingredients. 3. Research the most common effects of dehydration Start your research at ScienceSource. Cellular processes sustain living things. 49 Here is a summary of w hat you will learn in this section: • Cellu lar processes are conti nuous. • The conversion and tra nsport of energy are key cellular processes. • Cells are repl aced through the process of cell division. Figure 2.32 When yeast interacts with sliga r, it prod uces carbon dioxide as a waste product Whether you are awake or asleep, sitting watching a show or playin cf soccer, your cells are busy places. Just like a busy factory, materials are arriving i.n your cells, being used in production, and the waste and final products are being transported out. The materials entering a cell through diffusion and osmosis and other transport mechanisms are raw materials to be used by the various organelles . Those organelles are breaking materials dO'wl1 to convert energy, transporting energy, building proteins, and sending chemical messages. Cells also expel waste products. While a tiny cell regularly emits a tiny amount of wa te, an organism with a trillion cells finds itself with a lot of waste in its system. Yeast in Action Yeast is a unicellular fungus used in the preparation of baked goods. Its dr'ied form is mixed with warm water and sugar and added to What to Do 1. Inflate a balloon several times to stretch it out. Set it aside. flour to make Irght-textured breads and cakes. How does this work? Yeast cells consume sugar and use the starches in flour to make more sugar. They generate carbon dioxide as a waste product during the process (Figure 2.32). The gas is trapped in the dough, creating smal l bubbles. The carbon dioxide is eliminated during baking} and the final product is filled with small pockets of air. You can test for yeast in action. 2. Pour 250 ml of warm water into a SOO-ml recyclable water bottle. Add one package of baker's yeast and about 30 ml of granulated sugar. Swirl the mixture. 3. Stretch the balloon over' the mouth of the bottle. U 4 . What change drd you see in the balloon? What is causing this change? 50 UNIT A Cells IM~L:==~~~===:~ ________________________________ ~ ~ L~~~ Visualizing the Cell as a Factory or a City Visualizing as you read helps you use experiences, could be represented by a part in a factory or a senses, and prior knowledge to better understand city. Draw your cell as a factory or city. Use a what you are reading. As you read pages 51 and legend to ident'ify organelles and their visual 52, note the different organelles and their counterparts, and explain the workings of your specialized jobs in cells. cell factory or cell City to a partner. What other metaphors could you create for a cell7 Using the metaphor "the cell is a factory" or "the cell is a city," visualize how each part of a cell Transforming Energy All c Hular activities such as growth, repair, and reproduction need energy. Mitochondria provide energy for the cell by transforming oxygen and sugar (food) into carbon dioxide and water. T his process is called cellular respiration, which occurs in both plant and animal cells. In plan t cens, chloroplasts produce the sugar needed by the mitochondria in a process called photosynthesis. In photosynthesi s, the chlorophyll in chloroplasts captures the Sun's energy so the chloroplast can convert carbon dioxide and water into sugar and oxygen. In this way, energy is transformed fro m sun ligh t into sugar in plants (photosynthesis) and then sugar is con sumed to release useable energy in both plant and animal cel1s (cellular respiration). Figure 2.33 This pa ramecium has ingested (eaten) two sma ller organisms, called euglena. The green uglena are visible inside the para mecium near the bottom of the micrograph Thro ugh the process of digestion, the paramecium extracts suga rs produced in the chloropla sts of the euglena and provides th em to its own mitochondria for energy production. Processing and Transporting Materials What happens when water, gases, and nutrients enter cells through the cell membrane? Ma terials move through the cytoplasm to the various organelles. T he endoplasmic reticulu m makes proteins from raw materials that come in to the cell and passes them to th e Golgi apparatus. T he Golgi apparatus processes protein molecules and secretes them outside the cell to be used elsewhere in the organism. Lysosomes break down food and digest wastes. All of this cellula.:: activi ty is controlled by the nucleus. Cellul ar proce sses sustain li Vi ng things. 51 Reproducing Using your muscles fre quently all d with increased Intensity wi ll illCrease the nu mber of mitochondria in you r m uscl e cell s. Fin d ou t more about how using your m uscles will increa se your abi lity to tra nsform energy. Begi n yo ur resea rch at ScienceSou rce. Cells have a lifespan - amoebas live for approximately two days. Human brain cells live between 30 and 50 years. Human red blood cells live for 120 days. Skin cells live for 20 days. What does this mean? In the case of your skin, it means that your skin cells are replaced approximately every 20 days. In fact, in the average human body, with its several hundred trillion cells, approximately three billion cells die every day. Cells die because they have been damaged, because they have not received enough water or food, or because they have reached the end of their lifespan. Given these losses, you might expect that multicellular organisms are constantly shrin king. T his does not happen, however, because before the cells die, they create a replacement for themselves through cell division. During cell division, cells split in half to form tVilO smaller cells. The nucleus splits into two first. The rest of the cell then divides . Cell division is easiest to see in a unicellular organism. Figure 2.34, below, shows the process. First, the cell's nucleus splits in two. Then the membrane begins to pinch near the middle to divide the cytoplasm, including its organelles , and ensure that each new cell has a nu cleus. The two new cells are identical. The same process occurs in the cells of your body. Figure 2.34 First, the nucleus divides into two. Th en the cell mem brane pinch es to divide th e cytoplasm Two new, identical cells result from ce ll division. 52 UNI T A Cells In the case of a plant cell, instead of pinching in half after the nucleus divides, a new cell plate develops across the cell to create a neyv cell wall between the two nuclei (Figure 2.35). Figure 2.35 Plant cells divide by developing a new cell wall. Modelling Diffusion 3. Submerge the bag with the cornstarch solution To model the diffUSion of molecules through a in th e iodine water bath . Keep the twist tie selectively perm eable membran e above the level of the liquid. Leave the bag in the bath for approximately 10 min. 4. Remove the bag from the iodine bath, taking 600-mL beaker 2S0-mL beaker water cornstarch measuring spoons non-resea lable plastic sandwich bag care not to drip the Iodine solution onto clothes or other surfaces. 5. Observe the cornstarch solution in the bag. 6. Follow your teacher's Instructions in cleaning up everything you used. twist tie iodine 7. What colour was the cornstarch solution at the beginning of the activity7 What colour was the CAUTION: Iodine wil l stain skin and clothing . cornstarch solution at the end of the activity7 8. What colour was the iodine bath at the 1. Put approximately 200 mL of water in the large beaker. Add about 10 drops of iodine, and set the beake r aside. Note the colour of the solution. 2. Put approximately 100 mL of water in the smaller beaker. Measure 2 tablespoons of cornstarch into the water and mix It thoroughly. Pour the solution Into the bag. Seal it with a beginning of the activity? What colour was the Iodine bath after the bag with the cornstarch sol:ution was submel·ged in it 7 9. Did the cornstarch diffuse out of the bag into the iodine solution? How do you know 7 10. Did the iodine diffuse through the bag into the cornstarch soluti on 7 How do you kllow 7 11. Explain your results. twist ti e. Note the colour of the solution. Cellular processes sustai n living things . 53 1. arne three cellular processes. 2 . What time of the day or night is best for cellular activities? 3 . Describe the process of cell division in your own word '. 4 . Name three reason s why cells die. c v r ndin 5. Explain how cell division is linked to cell theory. 6. This is a picture of a plant celi. Describe \vhat is happening in this picture. p 7. Explai n how building a model can help you understand scientific processes. For more questions, go to Science Source. A33 Thinking about Science, Technology, and Society ~ Helping Cells, Harming Cells Hea lthy human ce lls divide to produce new What to Do cells on a regular basis. When cancer develops, Go to ScienceSource to research the topics in cells are dividing uncontrol la bly, and the body is steps 1 and 2. harmed. Some cancers are hard to detect and result in premature death. Finding technology to stop the cancer process is a goa l of cancer research. Current treatment IS based on two key therapies : chemotherapy and 1. Fi nd out how the two therapies wo rk, and write an explanation of each in terms of what you know about cells. 2. Fi nd out and describe the effect of each of radiation therapy (Figure 2.37). Both therapies the two therapies on cancer cells and on are expensive. hea lthy ce lls. Consider This With a classmate or as a w hole class, discuss the follOWing points. 3. Use what you know about ce lls and cel lular processes to explain how cancer patients can recover from these therapies. 4. As the number of cases of cancer increases, 54 Figure 2.37 Radiation therapy can harm both how can society make sure that all patients cancer cells and healthy cells. can get the treatment they need 7 UN IT A Cells _~ ~_~cience ~DJachnoJogY-!-L"L...L.-~~....IL......IL-~~___ icrobiologists at Work Cree s in Mic ob" 01 The study of microbiology has expanded steadi ly since the 1930s and has become increasingly specialized. There are now a variety of careers in a variety of fields. • Bacteriologists study bacteria . · Environmental microbiologists study Figu re 2.36 Microbiologists study cells and c lIula r microorganisms in the environment. processes, as well as other microorganisms. • Food microbiologists study microorganisms Many early researchers studying "things too small to be seen with the unaided eye" were inspired by a desire to understand what caused disease. The earliest suggestion that microorganisms were a factor was pub lished in that spoil food and cause illness. • Industrial microbiologists study microorganisms in order to make useful prod ucts (biotechnology). 1835 after a study of fungi affecting silkworms. The theory that germs were responsible for · Medical microbiologists are doctors many illnesses was being discussed by 1847. • Microbial epidemiologists study the role Louis Pasteur published the theory in 1857. As the germ theory gained acceptance, the medical profession began to change their practices to Include more attention to clean liness and steri lization. Many more of their studying diseases caused by microbes. of microorganisms in illnesses and health. • Mycologists study fungi. • Protozoologists study protists. • Virologists study viruses. patients survived as a result Th Ie of I pro d echnology German electrica l engineer Ernst Ruska constructed the first electron microscope in 1931. Since Ruska's innovation, microscopes and techniques for studying cells have become more advanced . At the same time, the discoveries by microbiologists have become increasingly influential in the way diseases are diagnosed and treated . Q estions 1. Research a career in microbiology. Start your reseach at ScienceSource. 2. Prepare a report that Includes the following information: (a) the education required (b) a place of work (c) a description of possible main duties (d) a recent important discovery in the field Cellu lar processes sustain living things. 55 , ,r ~ '------------- , · +U~ Reflect and Evaluate The study of science is often a study of similarities and differences or comparisons and contrasts. A study of 1 . Define the term' ce ll specialization" in your own words. 2. How do diffusion and osmosis belp amoebas survive? 3. Hm· do diffusion and osmosis limit the size of a cell? 4. Explain \-vhy visible structures , such as fins, beaks, and tail s, look so differ nt on different organisms. 5. Unicellular organisms move in many djfferent ways. Use \'lords and pictures to explain how each of the following organisms moves: ecosystems, for example, is about biotic and abiotic factors. A study of fluids can be about fast or slow, thick or (a) para mecium thin . This study of cells is (b) E. coli bacteria about same or different, (c) amoeba unicellular or multicellular, plants or animals. r Research tells us that our brains work in the same way. They store information based on similarities and retrieve information based on differences. With a partner summarize what you have learned from this chapter in the form of a 5-4-3-2- 1 organizer. List: • 5 new learnings • 4 similarities and differences between plant and an imal! cells • 3 key differences between unicellul ar and multicellular orga nisms • 2 ways visualization helps you as a reader • 1 question you still have 56 UNIT A 6. Phytopla nkton are unicellular organisms th at live in the ocean. How is their existence important to yo ur survival? 7. A unicellular organ ism is a living thing that meets all of its basic needs \'lith just one cell. A multicellular organism can require up to several trillion cells to do the same thing. Which one do yo u consider to be more advanced? Explain your reasol11ng. 8. Y u need to collect a live sa mple of an amoeba for study in class. Where would b e th best natural enviro nment to collect this sa mple'? Why? p Skills 9. What is the correct proced ure for handling a sample of pond water? 10. Some algae reproduce every 24 hours if conditions are ideal. If it takes 15 days for the algae to h alf-fill a pond, how long wil1 it take to fill the whole pond? What assump tion did you make in order for th is to happen? How likely is this to occur? Explain yo ur reason ing. ACHIEVE MENT CHART CATE GO RIES Knowledge and understanding Thinking and investigation Communication App lication 11. You are examining a sample of pond water, and you notice organisms passing through your field of view. You are out of methyl cel1u10se, so your teacher suggests making a new wet mount and adding a few threads of cotton from a cotton ball to the slide before adding the cover slip . What effect will this have? 12 . Sean and Krista were working on the Modelling Diffusion activity (A32) in class. They observed no change in the cornstarch solution. Suggest and explain two possible reasons why this might have happened . Review the list of key features and functions that you made at the end of Chapter 1. Use the list to make notes on the cellular processes you learned about in this chapter. Remember to include diffusion and osmosis. A34 Thinking about Science, Technology, and Society ~ Protecting Cells in the Environment Synthetic chemicals are chemicals that are produced in a laboratory. SynthetiC chemicals are used for cleaning, preserving, and decorating as well as for fuel ling our machines. Think of the bleaches, soaps of all kinds, hair gels, make-up, polishes, perfumes, varnishes, paints, gasoline, and oil yo u use or come into contact with during your regular activities. SynthetiC medicines help treat illnesses. All of these synthetic matel'ials are helpful to society. Many of the chemicals that make up these materials have entered the soil and water systems and are now found in the cells of plants and animals. Some synthetic chemicals are suspected of disrupting cell processes in one of two ways either by causi ng uncontrollable cell reproduction (cancer) or by interfering with the reproductive processes of organisms and causing sterility or physical deformities What to Do 1. Create a two-column chart. In the first column, list the synthetic chemicals and medicines you have used or have been in contact with in the pa st week. 2. In the second colum n, note how the materials are disposed of. For example, are they thrown In the garbage or put into the water system 7 Consider This With a classmate or as a whole class, discuss these questions. 3. Do yo u think new chemicals should be made available for use before their effects on cells are known 7 Explain your reasonillg. 4. Many people think that the disposal of chemicals should be regulated carefully. Suggest ways in which this could be done. Cellular processes sustain living things. 57