Uploaded by Jenny Murnane-Rainey

Leadership Lessons from Global Pandemic

Leadership Lessons Learned During a
Global Pandemic
Dr. Jennifer Murnane-Rainey
September 18, 2021
What We Did As Leaders
How did those feelings change how we led our
teams and how we interacted with our
colleagues and others?
How Do We View Our Global Leadership
Practice as a Result of the Pandemic?
International Labour Union, 2021
Breakout Time
What is one thing you can take away from your experiences with the
pandemic to inform your future leadership practices?
How Do we View Our Global Leadership
Scholarship as a Result of the Pandemic?
Strengthen link of global
leadership domain
Expand view on
necessary global
Move beyond individual
global leadership toward
collective & collaborative
Enhance growing field of
responsible global
Examine various
competing tensions
global leaders need to
Engage in greater
reflexivity among global
leadership scholars
Reiche et al., 2020
Breakout Time
What is one thing you can do as a global leadership researcher
using your experiences from the pandemic?
Adapting to the New Paradigm
What kind of new models can we create for
leading and researching in this new global
leadership environment?
International Labour Organization (2021). Global call to action for a humancentred recovery from the COVID-19 crisis that is inclusive, sustainable and
resilient. https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_norm/--relconf/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_806092.pdf
Reiche, B. S., Mendenhall, M. E., Szkudlarek, B., & Osland, J. S. (2020). At the
heart and beyond: What can global leadership researchers learn from
perspectives on the COVID-19 pandemic? In J. S. Osland, B. Szkudlarek,
M. E. Mendenhall, & B. S. Reiche (Eds.) Advances in global leadership
volume 13 (pp. 261-282). Emerald Publishing Limited.