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Egyptian Revolution of 1919: Causes and Aftermath

Name: Nada Elsayed
ID: 20190179
Western Civilization
The Egyptian Revolution The Revolution of 1919
I will talk about the 1919 revolution, which is an Egyptian revolution. The revolution took place
on 9 March 1919 The war was between the British Empire, led by Reginald Wingate, and Egypt,
led by Saad Zaghloul. Before this revolution, the economic conditions were very bad. Foreign
intervention increased during this period and increased its influence. The social situation was
very stable during this period.
One of the first reasons that led to the revolution was foreign interference in the affairs of the
state, which angered the people, as well as the abolition of the constitution and the declaration of
British protection and agricultural to serve them.
Saad Zaghloul met with members of the Legislative Assembly to form a delegation to travel to
Paris to appeal the independence of Egypt. Indeed, Saad Zaghloul and Ali Sharawy and Abdel
Aziz Fahmy went to meet Sir Reginald Wingate on Wednesday 13 November 1918. At the
same time, agencies were being collected from Egyptians to appoint a party The delegation to
defend the Egyptian cause, and the revolution began on Sunday 9 March 1919 but Abdel Aziz
Fahmy told them that this increased the problem even more, and then Sultan Fouad issued a call
to stop the demonstrations because they were playing with fire and making the problem bigger.
Saad Zaghloul was arrested, and the resistance of the Egyptians to the occupation increased
more, and this made the occupation resort to communicating with the Egyptians, but the
Egyptians did not respond. Saad Zaghloul was released and the revolution ended with the
independence of Egypt, but with Britain retaining some things such as defending foreign
interests and ruling Sudan and Minorities, and King Fouad assumed the rule, and he or the ruler
of Egypt after its independence, and among the changes that took place, was the establishment of
a constitution and the establishment of a legislative body.
From my point of view, this second stage ended in failure because the Egyptians discovered after
that, the constitution and the elections are just a lie like the lie of independence, and Britain
succeeded in devising a plan to convince the Egyptians, but it was just a trick for the Egyptians.