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Teaching Strategies & Methods: Student Activity

Name: Amabelle A. Linugao
Course/Section: BMSEE-AG-II
Activity 1:
State in your own words your understanding of the guiding principles in the
selection and use of teaching strategies.
Teaching strategies are one the
method that the teacher uses to deliver
course material in ways that keep
different skill sets. It is important for the
teacher to select a strategy that would
help the learners to exhibit their capabilities in the learning process. The selection of
teaching strategies should always reflect on the questions like “what will motivate
the students to learn”, “what the student need to learn”, and “what are the things
that would connect the students to learn better”. For me these are the questions
that the teacher must also consider in selecting teaching strategies to have an
effective learning process throughout the school year. If the teacher can provide an
assessment that would highly motivate, connect and consider the interest of the
students then the learning process will be much better and effective that give an
assessment that would only show the cognitive domain.
Activity 2: Discuss
1. How do you decide on which method to use? Why is it important to choose the best
method in teaching the content?
In deciding what method needed, as a
teacher, I should analyze and plan well, what
is the “best method” to use. I should consider
the prior and previous knowledge of my
students, the interest and what teaching style
should I use in order for the learners to easily
grasp the topic or the lesson that I am discussing. Choosing the best method in teaching
the content is essential for the teacher and also for the students. If the teacher chose
the best method, he/she can easily deliver the lesson with confidence that his/her
students understood the lesson that has been presented to them.
2. What practice(s) should we avoid to make teaching-learning more meaningful?
To make teaching-learning more meaningful, as
a teacher we should avoid the practice such as
superiority mindset, out planned lesson and teaching
style approach to the students. I have asked my sisters,
on what are the “practices” that have observed
towards their teacher. There are three practice that
they have observed, first, is that most of their teacher
shows a practice of “superior mindset”, for instance, the
teacher does not consider that there are some slow
mathematical problems, there are teacher who disregard instead of explaining it to the
class. Second, one of the guiding principle in formulating lesson objective is “Begin with
the end in mind”, but some of the teacher nowadays cannot properly deliver the lesson
objectives to the class. Sometimes they go out of the coverage or range of the
supposed topic that is why some of the students are having a hard time in learning the
lessons given by their teacher. Lastly, there are teacher that are not approachable
enough for the students to be open in expressing their self. As a teacher we should
provide a conducive classroom climate so that the teaching-learning will be effective.
Teaching is not just a profession but also a calling for some people. Some who
hold the big role in nurturing and developing the youth for the future of our economy is
important. That is why as a teacher we should be careful in doing things that would
affect our student.
When do you consider yourself “actually teaching” the days’ lesson?
The teacher holds an important in the lives of his/her student.
In a very young age, learners used to mimic their idol, it may be an
artist or their teacher. That is why it takes a courage and love in
teaching to be a teacher. When do I consider myself “actually
teaching the day’s lesson? I guess it is when my students will not just
learn but also have fun about science or maybe in mathematics. It
is when I can properly execute my lesson plan. Teaching does not
only revolve in teaching new stuffs but also making my students be curious enough to
learn new things on their own. As a future science/mathematics teacher, inquiry
learning is important in my field, where the curiosity will drive the students to be
intrinsically motivate in learning and acquiring new ideas on their own.