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methods sciences background

Methods of Foreign Language Teaching
1. Methods of foreign language teaching is understood as a body of scientifically tested theory
concerning the teaching in schools and in the educational institutions. It covers three main
1) aims of teaching a foreign language;
(2) content of teaching, i.e. what to teach to attain the aims;
(3) methods and techniques of teaching, i.e. how to teach a foreign language to attain the aims
in the most effective way
We distinguish general and special Methods. In the Methods course we deal mostly with
general Methods because you are trained as teachers of two foreign languages, and we
interpret, within Methods of teaching English
The most famous methods which have influenced the contemporary methods of foreign
language teaching. They are:
1) the grammar-translation method, the oldest method of teaching foreign languages which had
its origin in Latin schools;
2) the direct method which began to be widely used in schools in the 1870's;
3) contemporary methods
The grammar-translation method was used in teaching classes, Latin. In teaching a FL by
means of this method attention was paid to the assimilation of grammar rules of FL. Translation
was utilized as a means of explanation of new words, grammar forms, and structures. All
exercises for assimilating the language consist of the translation from the mother tongue into
the foreign language and vice versa.
The distinguishing features:
(1) insistence on grammatical analyses.
(2) the assumption(предположение) that grammatical categories can be defined in general
According to the grammar-translation method the best way to say a sentence in a foreign
language is to start with a sentence in the mother tongue, analyze it grammatically, subject,
predicate, object. Then the student should find the same forms in the FL (sounds, syntax, etc.)
The principal characteristics of the Grammar-Translation Method:
1) The goal of FL is to learn a language in order to read its literature or to benefit from the
mental discipline and intellectual development. Studying a language first through analysis of its
grammar rules, translation sentences and texts into and out of the target language. It views
language learning as consisting of memorizing rules and facts in order to understand and
manipulate the morphology and syntax of FL.
2) Reading and writing are the major focus;
3) Vocabulary is based on the reading texts, and words are taught through bilingual word lists,
dictionary study, and memorization.
4) The sentence is the basic unit. Much of the lesson is devoted(посвящена) to translating
sentences into and out of the target language, and this focus on the sentence is a special
feature of the method.
5) Accuracy(точность) is emphasized.
6) Grammar is taught deductively – that is, by presentation and study grammar rules,
which are then practiced through translation exercises.
7) The student's native language is the medium(средство) of instruction. It is used to
explain exercises and to compare the FL and the student's native language.
The direct method appeared as a reaction against the grammar-translation method.
The premises (предпосылка) of method are The rapid development of industry that
needed officials who had a mastery of the language. The supporters of the direct
method were F. Gouin, M. Berlitz, M. Walter, B. Eggert
This method is called so because in teaching FL is made an attempt to create a direct
connection between a foreign word and the thing it means without use the native
The characteristic features:
1) the practical direction in the teaching, means teaching language skills and speaking,
so spoken language becomes the basis of teaching;
2) the ignoring of the existence of the mother tongue
3) absence of translation as a means of teaching a language. Are recommended visual
aids and oral, written exercises;
4) the inductive approach to teaching grammar, i.e., the pupil may discover for himself
after many examples
5)correct pronunciation must be constantly practiced because understanding and
speaking is possible if the learner has good pronunciation;
6) subjects of the texts, especially a topical arrangement of the material with the
purpose of speech development.
Principles of teaching direct method:
1. Lessons was teaching only in the target language.
2. Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught.
3. Oral communication skills
4. Grammar was taught inductively.
5. New teaching points were introduced orally.
6. Concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstration, objects, and pictures;
abstract vocabulary was taught by association of ideas.
7. Correct pronunciation and grammar were emphasized.
Contemporary methods (audio-lingual method).
Variety of methods: Origin(1) traditional methods( grammar-translation); (2) audiolingual methods (direct method)
The traditional approach to FL teaching is characterized by
(1) the use of the native language for explanation and checking;
(2) the deductive explanation of grammar
(3) the development of all the language skills, i.e., hearing, speaking, reading and
The main features of the contemporary methods are:
1. The development of audio-lingual skill, i.e., listening comprehension (на слух) and
speaking, that is why the methods are called audio-lingual.
2. Great care in teaching speaking so that the learner could use the spoken forms as
accurately as possible, that is, with native-like sentence patterns and pronunciation.
3. The absence of translation as the main tool of instruction. All the exercises should
usually be by the target language. The use of the student's native language is
. 4. Teaching grammar through pattern( шаблон)practice. The grammatical exercises
usually take the form of drills in which the student is asked to substitute words for other
words, or to make changes in sentences, e.g., from singular to plural, from past to
present, from active to passive, following the model.
5. Use of "real-life" communication situations for stimulating the student's language
activity. This is done to involve the student in the act of communication in the target
language, and in this way to raise his interest, motivation in language learning.
6. The development of reading and writing first using the linguistic material the student
has learned orally, and then the material characteristic of written language with the aim
of getting information and sending information.
Historical Background of Methods of Foreign
All the methods existed in the history of teaching languages are grouped into four classes.
sometimes its name denoted logical categories, for example: the synthetic method (synthesis),
the deductive method (deduction),
sometimes the method was named after the aspect of the language upon which was focused
on. Ex: the grammar method, the phonetic method.
Sometimes received from the skill which was the main object of teaching. Ex: the translation
method (translation), the intuitive method, the direct m.
sometimes named after its inventor. Thus we find: the Amos Comenius method, the Palmer
(West, Fries) method.
Relation to Other Sciences
Methods of foreign language teaching is closely related to other sciences such as pedagogics,
psychology, physiology, linguistics, and some others. Pedagogics is the science
concerned(занимается) with the teaching and education. Methods also deals with the
education, so it closely related to pedagogics. Didactics is the branch of Pedagogics and
studies general ways of teaching in schools. Methods studies the specific ways of teaching a
definite subject, Thus, it may be considered special didactics. For example, the so-called
"principle of visualization"- one of the fundamental principles. Programmed instruction was first
applied to teaching mathematics. Now through didactics it is used in teaching many subjects,
including foreign languages.
Methods is closely connected with psychology. Psychology also helps Methods in selecting
techniques for teaching and learning, i.e. is how to teach in a most effective way, for example,
under what conditions pupils can learn words, phrases, sentence- the most effective way, what
to teach, what habits and skills should be developed in pupils, or how to make students
memorizing new words in easier way. Teacher should know of what way knowledge may be
imparted(передав) in teaching and what psychological factors should be taken in consideration
in transmission inf.
Methods closely related to linguistics, linguistics deals with the problems which are
importance to Methods( language, thinking,grammar and vocabulary,pronunciation). Methods
uses, the results of linguistic investigation in the selection and arrangement of language
material for teaching. It is known that structural(mental) linguistics has had a great impact on
language teaching.
Discourse competence(listening, speaking, reading, writing)
Relation to physiology of the higher nervous system. Pavlov's theories of "conditioned
reflexes", of the "second signaling system" and of "dynamic stereotype" are the examples .
According to Pavlov habits are conditioned reflexes. The theory of conditioned reflexes explains
and confirms the necessity for permanent repetitions and revision of material pupils study as
one of the means of creating habits.
Therefore in teaching a FL we must know that students should learn the language they study
as a behavior, as something that helps people to communicate
Involuntary is a cues encountered evoke memories of the past without conscious effort.
Includes memories of everyday mental functioning. (informal education)
Involuntary memory is memorizing information without any effort.
Voluntary memory is characterized by a deliberate effort to recall the past.(main information)
V memory is memorizing information through effort.