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Life, Choice, and Resilience: A Filipino Essay

As time passes by. Every tic-tac of the clock. Every movement we intend to act. Every
people the passes through us. With so many circumstances we face everyday did you ask
yourself “What is LIFE?”. Aside from the fact that life is what we see and how we manipulate
it, do you ever think what is the real meaning of life?
They say life is the belief of ours that we exist, but it’s just an illusion. Some might
think that life is full of happiness, but it’s just an emotion. Others may think that life is the
freedom of suffering, but again it’s just physical. Regardless what others think or what I think,
life is a matter of choice. A choice that neither an illusion, emotion nor physical because choice
covers them all. Choice that we can always manipulate, a choice that no one could ever dictate
which path or what goal we want to achieve. As I grew up, I constantly realizing the meaning
of life. Until now, living in that belief made me become the best version of myself.
Choosing is hard but if you come terms with your mind and heart you’ll be at your
desired destination. Life is indeed hard and playful, challenging you with so many obstacles
and with those obstacles you have to choose who, when, what, where, how and why. As we
choose in life, we are growing and we might choose wrong decision but those are lessons that
we can improve so that mistakes wouldn’t be repeat as history repeats itself.
Above all, life is a matter of choice where we are the kings and queens who can only
control and rule our lives whether in good or bad decisions. We should not forget that all
choices is in our hand and it will depend the outcome of what we choose on how we manipulate
those choices we’ve chosen.
Our country is prone to any disaster or calamities because we are located to the Pacific Ring
of Fire surrounding us with many active volcanoes and by looking geographically Philippines is
located near the equator of the earth.
As we face many disasters yearly, we Filipinos are indeed resilient in handling and facing
these destructive, disastrous, and devastating effect of nature. Ompong, the strongest typhoon since
typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) brought a huge catastrophe to mankind. Flash floods, storm surges, and
landslides are all possible. Over 270,000 people were displaced by Typhoon Haiyan in Regions I, II,
and III, as well as the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) and the National Capital Region.
I always remember those days and personally experience how harmful and destructive it was.
Back in September 2018 when Ompong strikes the Philippines, that was the time when I had a patient
which is my mother, she’s lying in the bed all day long because she’s sick and yet she needs assistant
every time she needs to go to the bathroom and all. It’s hard to live at that time there’s no electric
current, wind is striking the windows so hard and the rain won’t stop. My father and my brother are at
the outside taking care of everything there as I am giving my mom a company.
Listening to news updates in the radio with how many infrastructures and lives was claimed
by the typhoon makes me realize that me having at the inside of our house without anything serious
happen or harm any of us is more than a gift but listening to the aches of Filipinos on the radio breaks
my heart, how their hard work became into ash. Nevertheless, Filipinos are known to be resilient and
could easily recover from the stain of the past which make a history to them and give them
realizations and change.
Apart from being resilient Filipinos are also religious one. Faith makes us stronger to
overcome any battles or obstacles. As Dalai Lama said “If we lose our hope, that’s our real disaster”.
Whatever the circumstances are, we should not lose our faith and hope to God that we can overcome
what things may pass by to us because this are lessons that wake us up to become a good citizen and
son to Him.