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Grief Counseling Study Guide: Final Exam Prep

Psychology of Grief and Counseling Skills
Final Study guide
The final covers information from the entire term, but does stress more of the information from the
second half of the term (after the midterm exam)
--please note that the “best” way to study for this final exam is through the power point slides included
in each week’s folder (all of the info on the exam can be found in these slides)
Don’t forget to review your glossary!!
Major areas to review:
-examples of complicated grief reactions
-types of suicides
-reasons for suicide
-suicide terms/info from slides
-children and grief (a child’s understanding of death, what not to say to children about death, the
mature understanding of death)—be sure to review slides
-family roles/family structure (closed vs open)—be sure to review slides
-relationship factors and grief (what types of relationships have difficulty with mourning)
-definitions of grief, mourning, bereavement
-Worden’s four tasks
-stress/burnout and how to cope with such
-grief reactions to abortions/abortion counseling
-adjustment after death of a spouse in elderly people