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NR 226 Exam Blueprint: Older Adults, Loss & Grief

Exam 2
NR 226 Concept Blueprint Week 3
Chapter 14: Older Adults
Identify common myths and stereotypes about older adults. Write statements such as “old
people are always…..” or “all old people look…..” then write FALSE out to side
How would it make you feel if someone made that same stereotype about you?
What is ageism?
Write down your own attitude towards older people and why you think that way? What personal
experiences have you had regarding older adults?
What developmental tasks make older adults a unique population to care for?
If you were retiring from your job of 40 years today, how do you think you would feel leaving
behind your co-workers? Your experience with your skills?
Have you ever moved to a new place and didn’t know anyone? If so, how did that make you
Think about if you had to move into a nursing home or care facility. What would you want that
facility to look like? Now compare the list you wrote to what makes a quality nursing home.
If someone close to you has died, what changes did you and your family have to make?
What is gerontological nursing?
Why would you want to do a thorough baseline nursing assessment on an older adult?
How does your physical assessment relate to psychosocial issues that a person may have?
Describe common physiological changes of aging.
Integumentary system?
Head and neck?
Thorax and lungs?
Heart and vascular system?
Gastrointestinal system and abdomen?
Reproductive system?
Urinary system?
Musculoskeletal system?
Neurological system?
What functional ADL changes will you see in an older adult? What ADLs do patients most
report they have trouble doing?
What psychological changes might you see?
What cognitive changes are possible?
How will aging affect a person’s social systems?
Define the following conditions:
OnsetSymptomExampleDescribe the multifaceted aspects of elder mistreatment
What is your duty to act if you suspect elder abuse? In what order would you complete a chain of
How will you find out what individualized care a patient requires?
How will you assist patients to complete their ADLs?
What immunizations do older adults need and how often?
What other health promotion and maintenance do elder adults need?
Describe selected health concerns of older adults.
Heart disease
Chronic lung disease
Alcohol abuse
How can you help education your patient on health promotion or maintenance related to these
Identify nursing interventions related to:
Physiological changes of aging—
Cognitive changes of aging—
Psychosocial changes of aging—
Chapter 36: Loss & Grief
Identify a nurse’s role when caring for patients who are experiencing loss, grief, or death.
What is a maturational loss?
List examples of maturational losses across the lifespan:
Young adult
Middle adult
Older adult
What is a perceived loss? Give examples.
Define grief:
Define mourning:
Define bereavement:
What is “normal” grief? What would that look like?
What is anticipatory grief? Give several examples?
What is disenfranchised (ambiguous) grief?
What is complicated grief? How long does it last?
Name the Stages of Dying (grieving) by Kubler-Ross and applying it to a lot of examples!
How does the Attachment theory compare to Kubler-Ross’s stages of dying?
Reflect on a loss that you have experienced.
What emotions did you feel?
What coping strategies did you utilize?
Think back through and apply your reflection to the stages of dying/grief of KublerRoss?
Describe characteristics of a person experiencing grief.
Discuss variables that influence a person’s response to grief. How would you assess these
variables? What questions would you ask?
What feelings can a person experience when going through grief?
What physical symptoms/sensations might people have when grieving?
What behaviors would you recognize that can potentially be related to grief?
Care Plan: Look up Hopelessness in your Nursing Diagnosis Handbook. Write a care plan
based on Hopelessness.
What does your assessment data look like?
How would you write your nursing diagnosis statement?
What goals/objectives do you make for this patient? SMART
What interventions do you want to do?
How will you evaluate that the person has met the above goals/objectives?
Care Plan: Look up Powerlessness in your Nursing Diagnosis Handbook. Write a care plan
based on Hopelessness.
What does your assessment data look like?
How would you write your nursing diagnosis statement?
What goals/objectives do you make for this patient?SMART
What interventions do you want to do?
How will you evaluate that the person has met the above goals/objectives?
What is Palliative care? What is the focus of palliative care?
How does the World Health Organization summarize palliative care philosophy?
What is Hospice care? What is the criteria to be eligible for hospice care?
Identify ways to collaborate with family members and the interprofessional team to provide
palliative care.
Describe interventions for symptom management in patients at the end of life. What would the
nurse do for dying patients for:
Skin discomfort?
Corneal irritation?
Urinary incontinence?
Altered nutrition?
Ineffective breathing patterns?
Noisy breathing “death rattle”?
Describe care of the body after death. See Box 36.11 Procedural Guidelines: Care of the Body
After Death