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Flying Car Design Homework: Specs, Tech, SWOT

I want to design and build a flying car to alleviate urban traffic congestion.
1. Characteristics
the ability of vertical take-off and landing.
Number of seats: 4
Power: Hybrid propulsion system with a turbocharged internal combustion
Power : 224 kW (300 bhp)
Driving Range: ~520 km
Driving :Top speed 160 km/h
Cruise speed: 260km/h
Fuel-saving cruise speed: 220 km/h
Rate of climb: 6 m/s
Take-off / landing distance: 400m / 300m
Full transformation between drive and flight modes in less than 3 minutes
Adaptive flight control surfaces and vehicle suspension for optimal take-off
and landing
Advanced controls and avionics in both fly and drive mode
2. Technologies
The following technologies will be used in this flying car:
A high specific thrust ducted fan.
Flight noise control.
Distributed propulsion system.
Automatic pilot assistance function.
Intelligent decision making system.
A large route planning and decision-making system.
3. Price and customers
Fig1 Research and development budget
The total research and development budget is $762.5 million. Development costs
will be spread evenly across each flying car as production increases. Ten cars will be
produced in the first batch. One car costs about $39,750,000 to make. After flatting R
& D expenses and calculating profit margin(10%), the selling price is $47,375,000.
Due to the high R&D and manufacturing costs of this product, it is mainly aimed at
the rich and airlines to provide convenient, fast, safe and comfortable transportation
for private individuals.
4. SWOT analysis
First Mover Advantage
Intellectual Property Rights
Strong relationship with existing suppliers
Managing Regulations and Business Environment
Lack of Work force diversity
Organization Culture
Track record on environment consideration is not very encouraging
Growing Market Size and Evolving Preferences of Consumers
Increasing Standardization
E-Commerce and Social Media Oriented Business Models
Government Regulations and Bureaucracy
Squeezing Middle Class in Developed and Developing World
Growing Protectionism
5. flying taxi lifecycle
Research and Development(3 years):
The market research
Product research and development
Product testing
Introduction(Offer)(3 months):
Invite customers to test drive
Growth(3 years):
Expanding production
Collecting consumer usage information
Maturity(5 years):
Integrate company advantages to reduce production costs
Investigate market competition
Decline(2 years):
Conduct a new round of market research
Good after-sales