Australian Government Civil Aviation Safety Authority RPL, PPL & CPL (Aeroplane) Workbook Version 3.0a - 02 December 2021 1. CC BY- Attribution © Civil Aviation Safety Authority Unless noted otherwise, copyright in this work is owned by CASA. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution—4.0 International Licence, with the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms; CASA’s logo; any third party material; any material protected by a trademark, and any images and/or photographs. Enquiries about this licence and any use of this work can be sent to Corporate Communications at Use of any part of this work must include the following attribution: ‘Source: Civil Aviation Safety Authority’. CASA’s logo incorporates the Commonwealth Coat of Arms. Terms of use for the Coat of Arms are available from the It’s an Honour website. Before using any third party material in this work, you must contact the owning party directly to seek permission to use it. The workbook is only for use in training for the associated CASA RPL, PPL and CPL examinations, and is not to be used for any other purpose. After use in a CASA examination, the workbook must not be removed from the examination room, but must be left with the PEXO examination Invigilator for destruction. Failure to comply with these instructions may give CASA grounds for taking action against the candidate under CAR 298A, which action could lead to the outcome indicated in CAR 298A (5). FOR EXAMS FROM 2 DECEMBER 2021 ONWARDS CONTENTS – 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS Significant changes Figs 1/2 – Aerodrome Markers/Markings Fig 3 – Take-off Weight Chart Fig 4 – Landing Distance Chart Fig 5 – Take-off Weight Chart Fig 6 – Landing Chart ALPHA Loading System Alpha: Instructions Fig 7 – Loading System Alpha BRAVO Loading System Bravo: Instructions Fig 8 – Loading System Bravo CHARLIE Loading System Charlie: Instructions Loading System Charlie: Index Units Fig 9 – Loading System Charlie ECHO Loading System Echo: Instructions Loading System Echo: Instructions (continued) Fig 10 – Loading System Echo: Index Units Fig 11 – Loading System Echo: Centre of Gravity Envelope Fig 12 – Take-off Weight Chart: Aircraft Echo Fig 13 – Landing Weight Chart: Aircraft Echo Scribble page FOR EXAMS FROM 2 DECEMBER 2021 ONWARDS PAGE 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES – 3 Changes from version 2 introduced with this version include: 1. The introduction of cross-wind limits for take-off and landing charts. 2. A change of fuel policy to reflect CASR Part 91 or CASR Part 135 requirements. 3. The specific gravity for AVGAS of 0.72 kg/litre is used for all loading systems. Fuel policy information The fuel policy for RPLA and PPLA exams will be in accordance with CASR Part 91 MOS, Chapter 19, Table 19.02 for Aeroplane with MTOW < 5 700 kg (piston engine or turboprop) under VFR by day. For CPL-A exams, CFPA in particular, the fuel requirements will be carried in accordance with either: • CASR Part 91 MOS, Chapter 19, table 19.02 for Aeroplane with MTOW < 5 700 kg (piston engine or turboprop) under VFR by day; or • CASR Part 135 MOS, Chapter 7. Each question involving fuel policy decisions will clearly state whether the flight is conducted as a CASR Part 91 or Part 135 operation. FOR EXAMS FROM 2 DECEMBER 2021 ONWARDS AERODROME MARKINGS – 4 AERODROME MARKERS AERODROME MARKINGS Figure 1 Figure 2 (i) (i) (ii) (ii) (iii) (iii) (iv) (iv) FOR EXAMS FROM 2 DECEMBER 2021 ONWARDS TAKE-OFF WEIGHT CHART – 5 TAKE-OFF WEIGHT CHART Figure 3 LEVEL 2 2 UP 4 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 DOWN 900 800 700 600 500 400 8000 6000 START HERE 4000 2000 SL 40 30 20 10 0 -10 SHADE TEMP C LONG WET GRASS SURFACE LONG DRY OR SHORT WET GRASS SURFACE REFERENCE LINE SHORT DRY GRASS SURFACE 1090 KG 1100 (B) HEAD TAKE-OFF WEIGHT - KG AIRFIELD PRESSURE HEIGHT - FT TAKE-OFF DISTANCE AVAILABLE - METRES SLOPE PERCENT 1050 (A) 1000 5 0 10 20 950 900 TAIL 850 AMBIENT WIND COMPONENT - KNOTS NOTES: (1) THE GROSS WEIGHT AT TAKE-OFF SHALL NOT EXCEED THE LESSOR OF (A) AND (B). (2) THE MAXIMUM TAKE-OFF WEIGHT = 1090 KG POWER TO BE USED FULL THROTTLE FLAP SETTING 10 DEGREES TAKE-OFF SAFETY SPEED 60 KIAS TAKE-OFF DISTANCE FACTOR 1.15 MAX PERMITTED CROSS WIND 15 KTS FOR EXAMS FROM 2 DECEMBER 2021 ONWARDS CLIMB LIMIT WEIGHT - KG FOR EXAMS FROM 2 DECEMBER 2021 ONWARDS 20 30 SHADE TEMPERATURE C 10 S.L. 40 2000 4000 6000 50 2 2 4 SLOPE PERCENT 0 REFERENCE LINE 0 4000 AIRFIELD PRESSURE HEIGHT - FEET 5000 6 0 10 20 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 FLAP SETTING 40 DEGREES APPROACH SPEED 65 KT IAS LANDING DISTANCE FACTOR 1.15 MAX PERMITTED CROSS WIND 15 KTS AMBIENT WIND COMPONENT - KT 5 REFERENCE LINE -10 1050 1055 MAX 1000 NOTE: LANDING WEIGHT MUST 6000 NOT EXCEED CLIMB WEIGHT LIMIT BELOW LANDING DISTANCE CHART – 6 LANDING DISTANCE CHART Figure 4 NOTE: LANDING DISTANCE REQUIRED IS INDEPENDENT OF LANDING WEIGHT. LANDING DISTANCE REQUIRED - METRES CLIMB LIMIT WEIGHT - KG FOR EXAMS FROM 2 DECEMBER 2021 ONWARDS 20 30 0 40 SHADE TEMPERATURE C 10 0 2 2 4 SLOPE PERCENT 0 REFERENCE LINE 0 20 0 00 40 00 10 20 AMBIENT WIND COMPONENT - KT 6 5 0 REFERENCE LINE -10 60 LONG WET GRASS SURFACE SHORT WET OR LONG DRY GRASS SHORT DRY GRASS REFERENCE LINE HARD SEALED SURFACE AIRFIELD PRESSURE HEIGHT - FEET 1055 1000 950 900 850 50 00 40 00 TAKE-OFF WEIGHT - KG TAKE-OFF WEIGHT CHART Figure 5 1050 1000 1000 950 950 900 900 850 850 800 800 750 750 TAKE-OFF WEIGHT - KG 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 1055 1050 60 00 NOTE: TAKEOFF WEIGHT MUST NOT EXCEED CLIMB WEIGHT LIMIT BELOW FLAP SETTING ZERO TAKEOFF SAFETY SPEED 64 KT IAS POWER SETTING FULL THROTTLE RPM NOT LESS THAN 2350 CHART DISTANCE FACTOR 1.15 MAX PERMITTED CROSS WIND 15 KTS TAKE-OFF WEIGHT CHART – 7 TAKE-OFF DISTANCE REQUIRED - METRES 1055 LANDING CHART – 8 LANDING DISTANCE REQUIRED - METRES LANDING CHART Figure 6 SLOPE PERCENT 2 LEVEL 2 DOWN 4 650 600 550 500 UP 450 400 5 0 10 20 TAIL HEAD AMBIENT WIND COMPONENT - KNOTS 8000 6000 4000 40 2000 SL SHADE TEMP C 30 20 10 0 -10 AIRFIELD PRESSURE HEIGHT - FT AIRFIELD PRESSURE HEIGHT - FT CLIMB WEIGHT LIMIT 8000 1080 KG 6000 4000 2000 800 (A) 900 1000 1100 LANDING WEIGHT - KG NOTES: (1) THE GROSS WEIGHT AT LANDING SHALL NOT EXCEED (A). (2) LANDING DISTANCE REQUIRED DOES NOT VARY SIGNIFICANTLY WITH WEIGHT FLAP SETTING 30 DEGREES APPROACH SPEED 58 KIAS LANDING DISTANCE FACTOR 1.15 MAX PERMITTED CROSS WIND 15 KTS FOR EXAMS FROM 2 DECEMBER 2021 ONWARDS LOADING SYSTEM ALPHA – 9 LOADING SYSTEM ALPHA CONFIGURATION: 6/7 SEATS INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF LOADING SYSTEM 1 Obtain Basic Empty Weight and Index Units from current Section of 6.2 of Flight Manual. 2 Mark Basic Empty Weight Index Units on top scale. Enter Basic Empty Weight at top of righthand column. 3 Enter weights of load items required for flight in appropriate squares of right-hand column. Maximum weights for load items are indicated on Index Unit scales. 4 Total weights in right-hand column to obtain Zero Fuel Weight and Take-Off Weight. ** 5 Draw horizontal lines on CG Envelope graph corresponding to Zero Fuel Weight and Take-Off Weight. 6 Draw a line vertically down from point marked on Basic Empty Weight Index Units scale to first load item scale. * Move to the left or right on this load item index scale as per arrow directions, and mark point as appropriate to the load indicated in the right-hand column. (e.g. 154 KG load @ 77 KG/div. = 2 div.). 7 Draw a line vertically down from the point marked on the first load item index scale to the second load item index scale and continue as per * above. Continue down the scales to “Rear Baggage”. Draw a line vertically from the “Rear Baggage” point down to intersect the Zero Fuel Weight line and Take-Off Weight line previously marked on the CG envelope graph. 8 The two intersection points as per 7, above must not exceed the boundaries of the CG envelope graph. If they do, re-organise the load in the aircraft and start again with steps 3 to 7. ** DO NOT EXCEED MAXIMUM TAKE-OFF WEIGHT AS SHOWN ON CG ENVELOPE DIAGRAM OF THIS LOADING SYSTEM. _____________________________________________________ EXAMPLE: Basic Empty Weight Empty Index units Row 1 Row 2 (forward facing) Row 3 Nose baggage Rear baggage Fuel Note: 1050 KG -260 150 KG (2 persons) 160 KG (2 persons) 120 KG (2 persons) 40 KG ----------------- Zero Fuel Wt = 1520 KG Nil 113 KG ---------------- Take-Off Wt = 1633 KG Basic Empty Weight includes unusable fuel and full oil. FOR EXAMS FROM 2 DECEMBER 2021 ONWARDS LOADING SYSTEM ALPHA – 10 LOADING SYSTEM ALPHA Figure 7 EXAMPLE -400 -300 AIRCRAFT BASIC INDEX UNITS -200 -100 0 +100 +200 WEIGHT (KG) 50 KG/DIV ROW 1 OCCS 77 KG/DIV 50 KG/DIV (FORWARD FACING) ROW 2 OCCS 77 KG/DIV ROW 2 OCCS 50 KG/DIV (AFT FACING) 77 KG/DIV 50 KG/DIV ROW 3 OCCS 77 KG/DIV 10 KG/DIV (45 KG MAXIMUM) NOSE BAGGAGE 10 KG/DIV (45 KG MAXIMUM) REAR BAGGAGE ZERO FUEL WEIGHT FUEL (MAXIMUM 356 LITRES 256 KG) 1633 KG MAXIMUM TAKE-OFF WEIGHT NIL SCALE TAKEOFF WEIGHT 1633 KG 1600 KG 1500 KG 1400 KG 1300 KG GROSS WEIGHT (KG) 1200 KG 1100 KG 1000 KG FOR EXAMS FROM 2 DECEMBER 2021 ONWARDS LOADING SYSTEM BRAVO – 11 LOADING SYSTEM BRAVO CONFIGURATION: 4 SEATS INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF LOADING SYSTEM To check the loading of the aircraft before take-off, calculate the total weight and total moments as shown in the example below. Plot the total weight and moment on the “Centre of Gravity Envelope” chart, and if the intersection point is within the envelope, the loading is acceptable. AIRCRAFT LIMITATIONS Maximum take-off weight Normal category: Utility category: 1000 KG / 2200 lbs 841 KG / 1850 lbs Maximum cargo compartment: Maximum baggage compartment: 154 KG / 339 lbs 54 KG / 120 lbs Notes: 1 2 3 The aircraft is fitted with standard tanks (37 US Gallons at 6 lbs / gallon) Empty weight includes unusable fuel and undrainable oil Obtain Moment / 1000 inch pounds from the loading graph _____________________________________________________ EXAMPLE: Empty weight Oil Pilot & Co-Pilot Cargo compartment Rear seat passengers Baggage Zero Fuel Weight Fuel (140 litres) Take-Off Weight WEIGHT (LBS) 1260 15 320 80 250 25 1950 221 2171 ARM (IN) 80 32 91 115 126 151 91 MOMENT/1000 IN LB 100.80 .48 29.12 9.20 31.50 3.78 174.88 20.11 194.99 Check CG is within the envelope at both ZFW and Take-off weight FOR EXAMS FROM 2 DECEMBER 2021 ONWARDS LOADING SYSTEM BRAVO – 12 LOADING SYSTEM BRAVO Figure 8 Add weight of items to be carried to aeroplane licensed empty weight. Add moment/1000 of items to be carried to total aeroplane moment/1000. Use Centre of Gravity Envelope to determine acceptibility. LOAD - WEIGHT IN POUNDS 500 LOADING GRAPH PILOT AND COPILOT 400 CARGO STD FUEL (37 gal. useable - 6 lbs/gal.) OPT FUEL (51 gal. useable - 6 lbs/gal.) 300 REAR SEAT PASSENGERS 200 100 BAGGAGE 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 200 210 MOMENT/1000 INCH POUNDS LOADING GRAPH 2200 CENTRE OF GRAVITY ENVELOPE CA TE GO RY NO RM A L 2000 1900 CA TE G OR Y 1800 1700 UT IL IT Y LOADED AIRCRAFT WEIGHT IN POUNDS 2100 1600 1500 1400 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 MOMENT/1000 INCH POUNDS CENTRE OF GRAVITY ENVELOPE FOR EXAMS FROM 2 DECEMBER 2021 ONWARDS 50 55 LOADING SYSTEM CHARLIE – 13 LOADING SYSTEM CHARLIE CONFIGURATION: 4 SEATS INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF LOADING SYSTEM To check the loading of the aircraft before take-off, carry out a summation of weight and index units as shown in the example below. Check the centre of gravity of the aircraft at Zero Fuel Weight and TakeOff Weight by use of the formula: CG (mm aft of datum) = Index unit x 100 Weight The CG must be within the envelope given at all times. AIRCRAFT LIMITATIONS Maximum take-off weight Normal category: Utility category: Maximum baggage compartment baggage: 1115 KG 925 KG 122 KG Notes: 1 2 3 Aircraft empty weight includes unusable fuel and undrainable oil All arms are in mm aft of datum 1 index unit = 100 KG mm _____________________________________________________ EXAMPLE: Aircraft empty weight Full oil 1 pilot + 1 passenger Row 1 2 passengers Row 2 Baggage Zero Fuel Weight Fuel 140 litres Take-off Weight CG check KG 687 7 140 160 20 1014 100.8 1114.8 IU 19,522 86.1 3,850 5,760 842 30,060.1 2,973.6 33,033.7 1. At Zero Fuel Weight = (30,060.1 x 100) / 1014 = 2964.51 mm OK 2. At Take-Off Weight = (33,033.7 x 100) / 1114.8 = 2963.20 mm OK FOR EXAMS FROM 2 DECEMBER 2021 ONWARDS LOADING SYSTEM CHARLIE – 14 LOADING SYSTEM CHARLIE INDEX UNITS Fuel @ 0.72 Litres KG 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 216 ARM: 2950 Index Units BAGGAGE KG ARM: 4210 Index Units 424.80 849.60 1,274.40 1,699.20 2,124.00 2,548.80 2,973.60 3,398.40 3,823.20 4,248.00 4,587.84 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 122 421 842 1,263 1,684 2,105 2,526 2,947 3,368 3,789 4,210 4,631 5,136 14.40 28.80 43.20 57.00 72.00 86.40 100.80 115.20 129.60 144.00 155.52 OCCUPANTS KG ROW 1 ROW 2 ARM: 2750 ARM: 3600 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 1,100 1,237 1,375 1,512 1,650 1,786 1,925 2,062 2,200 2,338 2,475 1,440 1,620 1,800 1,980 2,160 2,340 2,520 2,700 2,880 3,060 3,240 OIL ARM: 1230 US Quarts LITRES KG INDEX UNITS 6 7 8 5.7 6.6 7.6 5.0 6.0 7.0 62 74 86 FOR EXAMS FROM 2 DECEMBER 2021 ONWARDS LOADING SYSTEM CHARLIE – 15 . LOADING SYSTEM CHARLIE Figure 9 1200 1150 MAX AUW 1115 KG 1100 1050 950 AFT LIMIT 2896 mm 900 850 UTILITY CATEGORY 800 FWD LIMIT KILOGRAMS AFT LIMIT 3004 mm NORMAL CATEGORY 1000 750 700 2680 2720 2760 2800 2840 2880 2920 2960 3000 CENTRE OF GRAVITY POSITION (mm AFT OF DATUM) ALLOWABLE CENTRE OF GRAVITY ENVELOPE CONVERSION FACTORS 1 inch = 25.4 mm 1 foot = 0.305 metre 1 lb = 0.454 KG 1 Imp gal = 1.201 US gal = 4.546 litres AVGAS Specific Gravity = 0.72 Kg/Litre FOR EXAMS FROM 2 DECEMBER 2021 ONWARDS LOADING SYSTEM ECHO – 16 LOADING SYSTEM ECHO CONFIGURATION: 6 SEATS INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF LOADING SYSTEM 1 Moment Index chart (Figure 10, page 18) may be used to determine the balance of the aeroplane. Locate the weight (in KG) of a particular load item on the vertical scale and move horizontally to the line representing the location of that item. From that point drop vertically to read off the Moment Index for that item. 2 Obtain the aeroplane basic empty weight and index units from the examination question. Add up the required total weight (Gross Weight) of the aeroplane and the corresponding Total Moment Index. 3 Refer to the Centre of Gravity chart (Figure 11, page 19). Locate the Gross Weight of the loaded aeroplane (in KG) on the vertical scale and move horizontally to meet the vertical line representing the Total Moment Index of the loaded aeroplane. If the point of intersection, which represents the Centre of Gravity, falls in the shaded area, the aeroplane is correctly loaded. Note: The Centre of Gravity must lie in the shaded area at ALL stages of flight. Weight Limitations: Balance Data: Maximum Take-off Weight Maximum Landing Weight Maximum Zero Fuel Weight 2950 KG 2725 KG 2630 KG The Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) data is as follows: Length of chord 1900 mm Location of leading edge 2190 mm aft of datum Centre of Gravity range is a follows: 2400 mm to 2680 mm at 2360 KG or less 2560 mm to 2680 mm at 2950 KG Linear variation between the points given Loading Data: Location Maximum Permissible Load Seating: Row 1 (Seats 1 & 2) Pilot + 1 Passenger Row 2 (Seats 3 & 4) 2 Passengers Row 3 (Seats 5 & 6) 2 Passengers Cargo & Baggage Compartments (Compts): Forward Compt 55 KG Left wing Compt 55 KG Right wing Compt 55 KG Rear Compt 155 KG Floor loading intensity (All Compts) 450 KG/m2 Fuel: Left main tank 50 gal Right main tank 50 gal Left auxiliary tank 40 gal Right auxiliary tank 40 gal Load Arm (mm Aft of Datum) FOR EXAMS FROM 2 DECEMBER 2021 ONWARDS 2290 3300 4300 500 3550 3550 5000 1780 1780 2800 2800 LOADING SYSTEM ECHO – 17 LOADING SYSTEM ECHO (continued) Note: All passenger seats weigh 5 KG each and may be removed to permit the carriage of additional cargo or baggage in the cabin. The maximum permissible load in the area otherwise occupied by a passenger seat is 82 KG. If a passenger seat is removed, adjust the empty weight and empty moment. EXAMPLE: Aeroplane Basic Empty Weight Row 1 (2 passengers) Row 2 (2 passengers) Row 3 (2 passengers) Rear compartment Zero Fuel Weight Fuel in Main tanks Take-off Weight Fuel Burn-off Landing Weight WEIGHT (KG) 1970 150 140 130 100 2490 200 2690 80 2610 MOMENT INDEX (Refer to Figure 10) 478.0 34.0 46.3 56.0 50.0 664.3 35.5 699.8 14.3 685.5 Refer to the Centre of Gravity Chart (Figure 11, page 19) to assess whether the horizontal line from the “Gross Weight” in question intersects the vertical line from its corresponding Total Moment Index in the shaded area. FOR EXAMS FROM 2 DECEMBER 2021 ONWARDS LOAD - KG FOR EXAMS FROM 2 DECEMBER 2021 ONWARDS 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 FWD COMP 10 20 30 40 50 PS OM C NG WI ROW 1 (SEATS 1 AND 2) MOMENT INDEX MAINS FUEL 60 70 REAR COMP ROW 3 (SEATS 5 AND 6) ROW 2 (SEATS 3 AND 4) AUX FUEL 80 LOADING SYSTEM ECHO – 18 LOADING SYSTEM ECHO Figure 10 GROSS WEIGHT - KG FOR EXAMS FROM 2 DECEMBER 2021 ONWARDS 2000 450 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 500 550 TOTAL MOMENT INDEX 600 650 CENTRE OF GRAVITY ENVELOPE 700 750 1 INDEX UNIT = 10,000 KG mm LOADING SYSTEM ECHO – 19 LOADING SYSTEM ECHO Figure 11 TAKE-OFF WEIGHT CHART – 20 ZERO DEGREES FLAP SETTING SEE SCALE TAKE-OFF SAFETY SPEED 1.22 DISTANCE FACTOR 3200 RPM RPM POWER TO BE USED 37.4 IN Hg MAN PRESS 20 KTS MAX PERMITTED CROSS WIND TAKE-OFF WEIGHT CHART AIRCRAFT - ECHO Figure 12 AMBIENT WIND COMPONENT - KNOTS 0 10 20 DOWN 5 2950 2900 2800 2700 2600 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 2 3 4 5 6 TAKE-OFF DISTANCE AVAILABLE - METRES AIRFIELD PRESSURE HEIGHT - FEET FOR EXAMS FROM 2 DECEMBER 2021 ONWARDS SL 2000 4000 START HERE 6000 8000 600 700 900 800 1000 1100 1200 1400 1300 500 40 30 20 400 10 0 -10 SHADE TEMP C LONG WET GRASS SHORT WET OR LONG DRY GRASS REFERENCE LINE - SHORT DRY GRASS 10000 1 LEVEL 1 2 TAKE-OFF WEIGHT - KG SURFACE SLOPE PERCENT TAIL UP 98 96 94 92 HEAD 90 88 86 84 82 80 5 0 10 20 TAKE-OFF SAFETY SPEED KNOTS - IAS LANDING WEIGHT CHART – 21 LANDING WEIGHT CHART AIRCRAFT - ECHO Figure 13 FLAP SETTING 45 DEGREES APPROACH SPEED SEE SCALE DISTANCE FACTOR 1.26 MAX PERMITTED CROSS WIND 20 KTS AMBIENT WIND COMPONENT - KNOTS TAIL 5 HEAD 10 20 UP 1 2 3 4 5 6 2950 2900 2800 2700 2600 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 5 0 2 SLOPE PERCENT AIRFIELD PRESSURE HEIGHT FEET FOR EXAMS FROM 2 DECEMBER 2021 ONWARDS 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 START HERE LANDING DISTANCE AVAILABLE METRES 700 900 800 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 40 30 600 20 10 0 -10 500 SHADE TEMP C LANDING WEIGHT - KG 10000 LEVEL 1 SLOPE PERCENT DOWN 0 10 20 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 APPROACH SPEED KNOTS - IAS SCRIBBLE PAGE – 22 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ FOR EXAMS FROM 2 DECEMBER 2021 ONWARDS