FUEL REQUIREMENTS General: The operator shall ensure that the pre-flight calculation of usable fuel required for a flightincludes: (1) taxi fuel; (2) trip fuel; (3) reserve fuel consisting of: (i) contingency fuel; (ii) alternate fuel, if a destination alternate aerodrome is required; (iii) final reserve fuel; and (iv) additional fuel, if required by the type of operation; and (4) extra fuel if required by the commander. Ramp Fuel = TAXI FUEL + T/O FUEL Trip fuel, which should include: (i) fuel for take-off and climb from aerodrome elevation to initial cruising level/altitude,taking into account the expected departure routing; (ii) fuel from top of climb to top of descent, including any step climb/descent; (iii) fuel from top of descent to the point where the approach is initiated, taking intoaccount the expected arrival procedure; and (iv) fuel for approach and landing at the destination aerodrome. Contingency fuel (i) Either: (A) 5 % of the planned trip fuel or, in the event of in-flight replanning, 5 % of thetrip fuel for the remainder of the flight; (B) not less than 3 % of the planned trip fuel or, in the event of in-flightreplanning, 3 % of the trip fuel for the remainder of the flight, provided that anen-route alternate (ERA) aerodrome is available; (ii) or an amount to fly for 5 minutes at holding speed at 1 500 ft (450 m), above thedestination aerodrome in standard conditions. Alternate fuel, which should: (i) include: (A) fuel for a missed approach from the applicable DA/H or MDA/H at thedestination aerodrome to missed approach altitude, taking into account thecomplete missed approach procedure; (B) fuel for climb from missed approach altitude to cruising level/altitude, taking into account the expected departure routing; (C) fuel for cruise from top of climb to top of descent, taking into account the expected routing; (D) fuel for descent from top of descent to the point where the approach isinitiated, taking into account the expected arrival procedure; and (E) fuel for executing an approach and landing at the destination alternateaerodrome; Final reserve fuel, which should be: (i) for aeroplanes with reciprocating engines, fuel to fly for 45 minutes; or (ii) for aeroplanes with turbine engines, fuel to fly for 30 minutes at holding speed at 1 500 ft (450 m) above aerodrome elevation in standard conditions, calculated with the estimated mass on arrival at the destination alternate aerodrome or the destination aerodrome, when no destination alternate aerodrome is required. MINIMA MINIMA DO STARTU BEZ LVTO! MINIMA DO STARTU Z LVTO! MINIMA DO STARTU Z LVTO – OBNIŻONE! ALTERNATES TAKE-OFF ALTERNATE (a) Where it is not possible to use the departure aerodrome as a take-off alternate aerodrome due to meteorological or performance reasons (, the operator shall select another adequate take-off alternate aerodromethat is no further from the departure aerodrome than: (1) for two-engined aeroplanes: (i) one hour flying time at an OEI cruising speed according to the AFM in still air standard conditions based on the actual take-off mass; or (2) for three and four-engined aeroplanes, two hours flying time at the OEI cruising speed according to the AFM in still air standard conditions based on the actual take-off mass. Planning minima: During a period commencing one hour before and ending one hour after the estimated time of arrival at the aerodrome, the weather conditions will be at or above the applicable landing minima. DESTINATION ALTERNATE The operator shall select at least one destination alternate aerodrome for each instrument flight rules (IFR) flight unless: the destination aerodrome is an isolated aerodrome; the duration of the planned flight from take-off to landing or, in the event of in-flight replanning in accordance with CAT.OP.MPA.150(d), the remaining flying time to destinationdoes not exceed six hour ands; two separate runways are available and usable at the destination aerodrome and the appropriate weather reports and/or forecasts for the destination aerodrome indicate that, for the period from one hour before until one hour after the expected time of arrival at the destination aerodrome, the ceiling will be at least 2 000 ft or circling height + 500 ft, whichever is greater, and the ground visibility will be at least 5 km. The operator shall select two destination alternate aerodromes when: (1) the appropriate weather reports and/or forecasts for the destination aerodrome indicate that during a period commencing one hour before and ending one hour after the estimated time of arrival, the weather conditions will be below the applicable planning minima; or (2) no meteorological information is available. Planning minima (wykluczając lotniska izolowane): the appropriate weather reports and/or forecasts indicate that, during a period commencing one hour before and ending one hour after the estimated time of arrival at the aerodrome, the weather conditions will be at or above the applicable planning minima RVSM ( Reduced Vertical Separation Minima) Aircraft shall only be operated in designated airspace where a reduced vertical separation minimum of 300 m (1000 ft) applies between flight level (FL) 290 and FL 410, inclusive, if the operator has been granted an approval by the competent authority to conduct such operations. Aircraft used for operations in RVSM airspace shall be equipped with: (a) two independent altitude measurement systems; (b) an altitude alerting system; (c) an automatic altitude control system; (d) a secondary surveillance radar (SSR) transponder with altitude reporting system TEMPERATURE MODELING Temperature decreases with altitude at a constant rate of: -6.5°C/1000m -1.98°C/1000ft up to the tropopause (36 089ft) From the tropopause upward, the temperature remains at a constant value of -56.5°C. For a quick determination of the standard temperature at a given altitude, the following approximate formula can be used: Conclusion: If the temperature is higher, you fly higher. If the temperature is lower, you fly lower SPEEDS - GENERAL CAS - The Calibrated Air Speed (CAS) is obtained from the difference between the total pressure (Pt) and the static pressure (Ps). This difference is called dynamic pressure (q). As the dynamic pressure cannot be measured directly, it is obtained thanks to two probes The True Air Speed (TAS) represents the aircraft speed in a moving reference system linked to this air mass, or simply the aircraft speed in the airflow. It can be obtained from the CAS, using the air density (ρ) and a compressibility correction (K). Ground speed = TAS + Wind Component Drift Angle - difference between TAS and GS (track). LICZBA MACHA LSS - Local Speed of Sound MACH = LSS = LSS =39 x √ (273,5 + temp C) FLIGHT LIMITATIONS Flight Load Factor nz = - przeciążenie Maximum Speeds VMO/MMO (Maximum operating limit speed) - VMO or MMO are the speeds that may not be deliberately exceeded in any regime of flight (climb, cruise, or descent). VFE (Flap extended speeds) - VFE must be established so that it does not exceed the design flap speed. VLO (Landing Gear Operating Speed) - VLO may not exceed the speed at which it is safe both to extend and to retract the landing gear. VLE (Landing Gear Extended Speed) - VLE may not exceed the speed at which it is safe to fly with the landing gear secured in the fully extended position. Minimum Speeds VMCG (Minimum Control Speed on the Ground)- its path from the point at which the critical engine is made inoperative to the point at which recovery to a direction parallel to the centreline is completed, may not deviate more than 30 ft laterally from the centreline at any point. VMCA (Minimum Control Speed in the Airborne): VMC[A] is the calibrated airspeed, at which, when the critical engine is suddenly made inoperative, it is possible to maintain control of the aeroplane with that engine still inoperative, and maintain straight flight with an angle of bank of not more than 5 degrees. VMC[A] may not exceed 1.2 VS During recovery, the aeroplane may not assume any dangerous attitude or require exceptional piloting skill, alertness, or strength to prevent a heading change of more than 20 degrees. VMCL (Minimum Control Speed during Approach and Landing) VMCL, the minimum control speed during approach and landing with all engines operating, is the calibrated airspeed at which, when the critical engine is suddenly made inoperative, it is possible to maintain control of the aeroplane with that engine still inoperative, and maintain straight flight with an angle of bank of not more than 5º. VMCL2- to samo co VMCL, z tym że dotyczy samolotów z 3 silnikami lub więcej i z ważniejszych czynników to umiejętnośd utrzymania 3 stopniowej ścieżki. In demonstrations of VMCL and VMCL-2, … lateral control must be sufficient to roll the aeroplane from an initial condition of steady straight flight, through an angle of 20 degrees in the direction necessary to initiate a turn away from the inoperative engine(s) in not more than 5 seconds. VMU is the calibrated airspeed at and above which the aeroplane can safely lift off the ground, and continue the take-off. Two minimum unstick speeds must be determined and validated by flight tests: - with all engines operatives : VMU (N) - with one engine inoperative : VMU (N-1) - VS1g, which corresponds to the maximum lift coefficient (i.e. just before the lift starts decreasing). At that moment, the load factor is still equal to one (JAR 25 reference stall speed). - VS, which corresponds to the conventional stall (i.e. when the lift suddenly collapses). At that moment, the load factor is always less than one (FAR 25 reference stall speed). MAXIMUM STRUCTURAL WEIGHTS Maximum Ramp Weight. The maximum weight at which an aircraft may commence taxiing and its equal to the maximum take-off weight plus taxi fuel and run-up fuel. It must not exceed the surface load bearing strength. The Maximum Taxi Weight (MTW) is limited by the stresses on shock absorbers and potential bending of landing gear during turns on the ground. Nevertheless, the MTW is generally not a limiting factor and it is defined from the MTOW, so that: MTW – Taxi Fuel > MTOW ENGINE LIMITATIONS - The TakeOff (TOGA) thrust represents the maximum thrust available for takeoff. It is certified for a maximum time of 10 minutes, in case of engine failure at takeoff, or 5 minutes with all engines operative. - The Go Around (TOGA) thrust is the maximum thrust available for goaround. The time limits are the same as for takeoff. - The Maximum Continuous Thrust (MCT) is the maximum thrust that can be used unlimitedly in flight. It must be selected in case of engine failure, when TOGA thrust is no longer allowed due to time limitation. - The Climb (CL) thrust represents the maximum thrust available during the climb phase to the cruise flight level. Note that the maximum climb thrust is greater than the maximum cruise thrust available during the cruise phase. TAKEOFF SPEEDS VEF - Engine Failure Speed VEF is the calibrated airspeed at which the critical engine is assumed to fail. VEF must be selected by the applicant, but may not be less than VMCG. V1 - Decision Speed V1 is the maximum speed at which the crew can decide to reject the takeoff, and is ensured to stop the aircraft within the limits of the runway. VR - Rotation Speed VR is the speed at which the pilot initiates the rotation, at the appropriate rate of about 3° per second. VR, in terms of calibrated air speed, *…+ may not be less than: • V1, • 105% of VMCA • The speed that allows reaching V2 before reaching a height of 35 ft above the take-off surface, or • A speed that, if the aeroplane is rotated at its maximum practicable rate, will result in a [satisfactory] VLOF VLOF - Lift Off Speed VLOF is the calibrated airspeed at which the aeroplane first becomes airborne. Therefore, it is the speed at which the lift overcomes the weight. VLOF ≥ 110% VMU ALL ENGINE OPERATIVE VLOF ≥ 105% VMU CRITICAL ENGINE INOPERATIVE V2 - Take Off Climb Speed (Safety TO Speed) V2 is the minimum climb speed that must be reached at a height of 35 feet above the runway surface, in case of an engine failure. V2 mat not less than: SPEED SUMMARY RUNWAY LIMITATIONS TOD - Take Off Distance TOD is the distance from brake release to achieve 35ft above runway (achieved V2 speed). Jeśli pas jest mokry to do 15ft (z jednym uszkodzonym silnikiem). TOR - TakeOff Run TOR is the distance measured from brake realase to equal distance between VLOF and 35ft above dry runway. For wet runway is the from brake realase to 15ft above runway. Z SILNIKIEM KRYTYCZNYM TOR can be equal to TOD. TOR BEZ SILNIKA KRYTYCZNEGO TO ODLEGŁOŚD OD ODPUSZCZENIA HAMULCÓW DO UZYSKANIA POŁOWICZNEJ ODLEGŁOSCI MIĘDZY POŁOWĄ ODLEGŁOŚCI VLOF-35fFT ASD - Accelarate Stop Distance ASD is a distance between breake realase to stop aircraft on runway and ASD include VEF, V1, Thrust Reduction. With critical engine include: VEF+1sek +V1+2sek+Thrust Reduction Without critial engine include: V1+2sek+Thrust Reduction AVAIABLE TAKEOFF LENGHTS TORA - Take Off Run Avaiable TORA is a length accatable by authority which allow to take off. TORA is a length from the runway entry point to end of runway. TOR ≤ TORA TORA WIĘKSZE OD TOR TODA - Take Off Distance Avaiable TODA is a length between entry point on the runway to end of the clearway.TODA is summary of TORA + CLEARWAY. TOD ≤ TODA Clearway should have the following characterstics: - 500ft width; - max 1/2 TORA legth; - no obstacles; - 1,25% up slope. ASDA - Accalarate Stop Distance ASDA is a summary of: TORA + STOPWAY ASD ≤ ASDA Stopway is declared available by the appropriate Authority and is capable of bearing the mass of the aeroplane under the prevailing operating conditions. LDA - Landing Distance Avaiable LDA is a distance predicted to landing, can be equal to TORA. This distance is without STOPWAY. Approach surface without obstacle: Approach surface with obstacle: Kiedy jest jakaś przeszkoda na podejściu to LDA spełnia założenia: - 2% upslope od najwyższej przeszkody, - 60m przesunięty próg pasa. ALL LENGTHS: OXYGEN PRESSURISED AEROPLANES NON PRESSURISED AEROPLANES CLIMB AND OBSTACLE LIMITATIONS TAKE-OFF PATH Take-off flight path begins 35 ft above the takeoff surface at the end of the takeoff distance. The takeoff path extends from a standing start to a point at which the aeroplane is at a height: • Of 1500 ft above the takeoff surface, or • At which the transition from the takeoff to the en-route configuration1 is completed and the final takeoff speed2 is reached, whichever point is higher GROSS AND NET TAKE-OFF FLIGHT PATH Gross Flight Path is the general takeoff flight path, from 35ft of end of TODA to 1500ft. Z silnikiem krytycznym. Net Flight Path is the reduced path for take off to minimum, from gross flight path we have to remove gradient penalty. Net Flight Path ensure that we have minimum 35ft height above obstacles. • 0.8% for two-engine aeroplanes • 1.0% for four-engine aeroplanes GO AROUND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS APPROACH CLIMB GRADIENT The “approach climb” wording comes from the fact that go-around performance is based on approach configuration, rather than landing configuration. For one eingine inoperative. LANDING CLIMB GRADIENT The “Landing climb” wording comes from the fact that go-around performance is based on landing configuration. The minimum gradient to be demonstrated is 3.2% for all aircraft types. MISSED APPROACH OGÓLNIE ZAKŁADA 2,5% GRADIENTU! VREF VREF - Reference Landing Speed. In case of failure in flight, emergency or abnormal configuration, performance computations are based on a reference configuration and on a reference speed. VREF means the steady landing approach speed at the 50 feet point for a defined landing configuration. VREF = 1.3 VS lub VREF = 1.23 VS1G MINIMUM FLIGHT ALTITUDES MOCA - KSS FORMULA MORA - JEPPSEN FORMULA ROUTE MORA (na trasie) GRID MORA (siatka) MEA - ATLAS FORMULA RUNWAY CONDITIONS Dry runway-jest tosucha droga startowa bez żadnych zanieczyszczeo. Damp runway- jest to wilgotna droga startowa, pas jest wilgotny, ale nie na tyle aby się błyszczał. Wet runway-jest tomokry pas startowy pokryty wodą lub czymś równoważnym. Głębokośd wody jest mniejsza lub równa 3mm. Innymi słowy jest to pas pokryty wodą do 3mm, który jest błyszczący, ale nie wywoła zjawiska hydroplaningu. Contaminated runway - jest to zjawisko, gdzie pas startowy w 25% jest zanieczyszczony (rozpatrywany dla obszaru długości i szerokości pasa). W zanieczyszczenia wlicza się: Standing water (więcej niż 3mm) Slush Wet snow Dry snow Compacted snow Ice OUTSIDE ELEMENTS - FOR TAKE OFF WIND The MTOW calculated prior to takeoff, must be determined considering 50% of the actual headwind component, or 150% of the actual tailwind component. PRESSURE and TEMPERATURE FLEXIBLE AND DERATED TAKEOFF These takeoff operations generally fall into two categories: Those using the reduced thrust concept, known as flexible takeoffs in the Airbus world, and those using a specific derated thrust level named derated takeoffs. FLEXIBLE TAKEOFF it is possible to determine the temperature at which the needed thrust would be the maximum takeoff thrust for this temperature. This temperature is called “flexible temperature (TFlex)” or “assumed temperature”. Flexible można używad na mokrym pasie, ale nie wolno na zanieczyszczonym! DERATED TAKEOFF Jest to start z niepełną mocą startową. Działa to na podstawie obliczonych performensów. For a derated takeoff, the limitations, procedures and performance data must be included in the Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM). Wybiera się jaki mod derate sie chce, może to byd 4%, 8%, 12%, 16%, 20% and 24%. DISPATCH REQUIREMENTS CONTAMINATED RUNWAY For JAR operators, if the surface is contaminated, the required landing distance must be at least the greater of the required landing distance on a wet runway and 115% of the landing distance determined in accordance with approved contaminated landing distance data. LANDING DISTANCE REQUIRED x 115% Minimum Fuel at Destination Airport With a Destination Alternate Airport If the expected remaining fuel on arrival at the destination airportis less than the alternate fuel plus the final reserve, the Captain must consider the prevailing traffic and operational conditions at the destination airport, along the diversion route to the destination alternate airport, when deciding whether to go on to the destination, or to divert. Without a Destination Alternate Airport ILS Minimums 8168 DEPARTURE There are two basic types of SID: straight departures and turning departures. STRAIGHT DEPARTURES: A straight departure is one in which the initial departure track is within 15° of the alignment of the runway centre line. TURNING DEPARTURES: 2.3.1 When a departure route requires a turn of more than 15°, it is called a turning departure. APPROACH SEGMENTY: An instrument approach procedure may have five separate segments. They are the arrival, initial, intermediate, final and missed approach segments. TYPY APP: There are two types of approach: straight-in and circling. Straight-in approach Wherever possible, a straight-in approach will be specified which is aligned with the runway centre line. In the case of non-precision approaches, a straight-in approach is considered acceptable if the angle between the final approach track and the runway centre line is 30° or less. KATEGORIE STATKÓW POWIETRZNYCH 1.3.3 The criterion taken into consideration for the classification of aeroplanes by categories is the indicated airspeed at threshold (Vat), which is equal to the stall speed Vso multiplied by 1.3, or stall speed Vs1g multiplied by 1.23 in the landing configuration at the maximum certificated landing mass. If both Vso and Vs1g are available, the higher resulting Vat shall be applied. Descent gradient Minimum/optimum gradient for categoryA, B with FAF: 3 stopnie - 5,2% Where steeper descent gradient is necassery: Maximum gradient for categoryA, B: 3,7 stopnia - 6,5% Maximum gradient for categoryC, D, E: 3,5 stopnia - 6,1% Continous Descent (CDFA) jest rozpatrywane do 50ft nad pasem. ARRIVAL SEGMENT INITIAL APPROACH SEGMENT The initial approach segment begins at the initial approach fix (IAF) and ends at the intermediate fix (IF). Normally track guidance is provided along the initial approach segment to the IF, with a maximum angle of interception of: a) 90° for a precision approach; and b) 120° for a non-precision approach. 3.2.1 Where no suitable IAF or IF is available to construct the instrument procedure in the form shown in Figure I-4-1-1, a reversal procedure, racetrack or holding pattern is required. The reversal procedure may be in the form of a procedure or base turn.Entry is restricted to a specific direction or sector. In these cases, a specific pattern — normally a base turn or procedure turn — is prescribed.To są po prostu wszystkie proceduralne i base turn. Racetrack procedure: 3.3 FLIGHT PROCEDURES FOR RACETRACK AND REVERSAL PROCEDURES 3.3.3 Bank angle Procedures are based on average achieved bank angle of 25°, or the bank angle giving a rate of turn of 3°/second, whichever is less. Descent shall not be started until the aircraft is established on the inbound track. An aircraft is considered established when it is: a) within half full scale deflection for the ILS and VOR; or b) within ±5° of the required bearing for the NDB. A shuttle is descent or climb conducted in a holding pattern. 3.3.9 Dead reckoning (DR) segment INTERMEDIATE APPROACH SEGMENT Where a final approach fix (FAF) is available, the intermediate approach segment begins when the aircraft is on the inbound trackof the procedure turn, base turn or final inbound leg of the racetrack procedure. It ends at the FAF or final approach point (FAP), as applicable. This is the segment during which the aircraft speed and configuration should be adjusted to prepare the aircraft for final approach. During the intermediate approach, the obstacle clearance requirement reduces from 300 m (984 ft) to 150 m (492 ft) in the primary area,reducing laterally to zero at the outer edge of the secondary area. FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT The final approach segment begins at the final approach point (FAP). 5.1.2 Types of final approach The criteria for final approach vary according to the type. These types are: a) Non-precision approach (NPA) with final approach fix (FAF); b) NPA without FAF; c) Approach with vertical guidance (APV); and d) Precision approach (PA). The optimum distance for locating the FAF relative to the threshold is 9.3 km (5.0 NM). The maximum length should not normally be greater than 19 km (10 NM). Optimum gradient: 5,2% - 3 stopnie/sek 5.5 DETERMINATION OF DECISION ALTITUDE (DA) OR DECISION HEIGHT (DH) The calculated OCA/H is the height of the highest approach obstacle or equivalent missed approach obstacle, plus an aircraft category related allowance. Non-standard procedures are those involving glide paths greater than 3.5° or any angle when the nominal rate of descent exceeds 5 m/sec (1 000 ft/min). MISSED APPROACH !!! Gradient 2,5% !!! Missed approach posiada 3 fazy: - initial phase (nie wolno robid zakrętów, od MAPt do SOC) - intermediate phase (wolno robid poprawki kursu; od SOC do 50m przewyższenia nad przeszkodą) - final phase (wolno robid zakręty, od 50m do rozpoczęcia nowej procedury) Only one missed approach procedure is published for each approach procedure. VISUAL MANOEUVRING (CIRCLING) AREA 7.1.1 Visual manoeuvring (circling) is the term used to describe the phase of flight after an instrument approach has been completed. 7.2.2 After initial visual contact, the basic assumption is that the runway environment should be kept in sight while at minimum descent altitude/height (MDA/H) for circling. Missed approach procedure for circling. The visual manoeuvring area for a circling approach is determined by drawing arcs centred on each runway threshold and joining those arcs with tangent lines. When the OCA/H is established, an MDA/H is also specified to allow for operational considerations. Descent below MDA/H should not be made until: a) visual reference has been established and can be maintained; b) the pilot has the landing threshold in sight; and c) the required obstacle clearance can be maintained and the aircraft is in a position to carry out a landing. EN-ROUTE CRITERIA The obstacle clearance area is divided into a central primary area and two lateral secondary areas. The width of the primary area corresponds to 95 per cent probability of containment (2 SD). The total width of the area corresponds to 99.7 per cent probability of containment (3 SD). 1.4.1 The MOC value to be applied in the primary area for the en-route phase of an IFR flight is 300 m (1 000 ft). In mountainous areas, this shall be increased depending on: HOLDING CRITERIA 1.3.2 Bank angle/rate of turn All turns are to be made at a bank angle of 25° or at a rate of 3° per second, whichever requires the lesser bank. Entry to holding Recognizing a zone of flexibility of 5° on either side of the sector boundaries. The still air time for flying the outbound entry heading should not exceed: a) one minute if at or below 4 250 m (14 000 ft); or b) one and one-half minutes if above 4 250 m (14 000 ft). NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.1.3 Noise abatement should not be the determining factor in runway nomination under the following circumstances: a) if the runway surface conditions are adversely affected (e.g. by snow, slush, ice or water, mud, rubber, oil or other substances); b) for landing in conditions when the ceiling is lower than 150 m (500 ft) above aerodrome elevation, or for takeoff and landing when the horizontal visibility is less than 1.9 km (1 NM); c) when the crosswind component, including gusts, exceeds 28 km/h (15 kt); d) when the tailwind component, including gusts, exceeds 9 km/h (5 kt); and e) when wind shear has been reported or forecast or when adverse weather conditions, e.g. thunderstorms, are expected to affect the approach or departure. The aeroplane shall not be required to be in any configuration other than the final landing configuration at any point after passing the outer marker or 5 NM from the threshold of the runway of intended landing, whichever is less. The first procedure (NADP 1) is intended to provide noise reduction for noise-sensitive areas in close proximity to the departure end of the runway. The second procedure (NADP 2) provides noise reduction to areas more distant from the runway end. BASIC ALTIMETER SETTING REQUIREMENTS Flight level zero shall be located at the atmospheric pressure level of 1 013.2 hPa. Consecutive flight levels shall be separated by a pressure interval corresponding to at least 500 ft (152.4 m) in the standard atmosphere. The height above the aerodrome of the transition altitude shall be as low as possible but normally not less than 900 m (3 000 ft). Tolerance of altimeter A serviceable altimeter indicates the elevation of the point selected, plus the height of the altimeter above this point, within a tolerance of: a) ±20 m or 60 ft for altimeters with a test range of 0 to 9 000 m (0 to 30 000 ft); and b) ±25 m or 80 ft for altimeters with a test range of 0 to 15 000 m (0 to 50 000 ft). The calculated minimum safe altitudes/heights must be adjusted when the ambient temperature on the surface is much lower than that predicted by the standard atmosphere. In such conditions, an approximate correction is 4 per cent height increase for every 10°C below standard temperature as measured at the altimeter setting source. This is safe for all altimeter setting source altitudes for temperatures above –15°C. Przykład: Lecimy na FL100. OAT jest -15, czyli temperatura jest 10 stopni poniżej ISA. Poprawka to 4% z wysokości na jakiej lecimy. 4% * 10000 = 400ft. 400ft dodajemy do naszej wysokości: 10400ft TCAS c) TAs generally occur from 20 to 48 seconds prior to CPA. When ACAS is operated in TA-only mode, RAs will be inhibited; d) RAs occur from 15 to 35 seconds before the projected CPA; and Po rozpoczęciu manweru: TCAS RA Po konflikcie mówimy: CLEAR OF CONFLICT Jak nie możemy wrócid: UNABLE, TCAS RA ICAO 3 ANNEX METEO VOLCANIC ASH, TROPICAL CYCLONE issue updated advisory information to the meteorological watch offices, area control centers, flight information centers and VAACs referred to in c. as necessary, but at least six hours until such time as the volcanic ash ‘cloud’ is no longer identifiable from satellite data, no further reports of volcanic ash are received from the area, and no further eruptions of the volcano are reported. 3.5.2 Volcanic ash advisory centers shall maintain a 24-hour watch. Kiedy podajemy RVR w metrach? The runway visual range, assessed in accordance with and, shall be reported in meters throughout periods when either the visibility or the runway visual range is less than 1500m. METAR This is a actual observation on the aerodrome, issued every 1 hour or half hour. 4.7.3 Local routine and special reports and METAR and SPECI from automatic observing systems shall be identified with the word "AUTO". TAF 6.2.2 An aerodrome forecast shall be issued at a specified time not earlier than 1 hour prior to the beginning of its validity period and consist of a concise statement of the expected meteorological conditions at an aerodrome for a specified period. 6.2.6 Recommendation – The period of validity of routine TAF should be not less than 6 hours nor more than 30 hours; this period of validity should be determined by regional air navigation agreement. Routine TAF valid for less than 12 hours should be issued every 3 hours and those valid for 12 to 30 hours should be issued every 6 hours. TREND 6.3.2 Landing forecasts shall be prepared in the form of a trend forecast. 6.3.3 A trend forecast shall consist of a concise statement of expected significant changes in the meteorological conditions at that aerodrome to be appended to a local routine or local special report, or a METAR or SPECI. The period of validity of a trend forecast shall be 2 hours from the time of the report which forms part of the landing forecast. AIRMET - AREA FORECASTS FOR LOW-LEVEL FLIGHTS The area forecasts shall be issued to cover the layer between ground and flight level 100 (or up to flight level 150 in mountainous areas, or higher, where necessary) and shall contain information on en-route weather phenomena hazardous to low-level flights, in support of the issuance of AIRMET information, and additional information required by low-level flights. Po prostu zagrażające zjawiska na niskich wysokościach, tj, do FL 100 lub FL 150 w górach, powinien zawierad wszystkie niebezpieczne zjawiska. 6.5.3 Area forecasts for low-level flights prepared in support of the issuance of AIRMET information shall be issued every 6 hours for a validity of 6 hours and transmitted to meteorological watch offices and/or aerodrome meteorological offices concerned not later than one hour prior to the beginning of their validity period Ważna na 4 godziny. 7.2.3 The period of validity of an AIRMET message shall be not more than 4 hours. SIGMET To samo co AIRMET tylko powyżej FL 100 (lub FL150). 7.1.2 SIGMET information shall be cancelled when the phenomena are no longer occurring or are no longer expected to occur in the area. 7.1.3 The period of validity of a SIGMET message shall be not more than 4 hours. In the special case of SIGMET messages for volcanic ash cloud and tropical cyclones, the period of validity shall be extended up to 6 hours. 7.1.6 SIGMET messages shall be issued not more than 4 hours before the commencement of the period of validity. In the special case of SIGMET messages for volcanic ash cloud and tropical cyclones, these messages shall be issued as soon as practicable but not more than 12 hours before the commencement of the period of validity. SIGMET messages for volcanic ash and tropical cyclones shall be updated at least every 6 hours. Okres ważności informacji nie przekreacza 4 godzin, może zostad wydłużony do 6 godzin. Raporty powinny byd wydawane na 4 godziny przed rozpoczęciem okresu ważności. W szczególnych przypadkach może to byd 12 godzin (cyklon tropikalny, pył wulkaniczny), aktualizowane co najmniej co 6 godzin. WIND SHEAR - USKOK WIATRU 7.4.3 At aerodromes where wind shear is detected by automated, ground-based, wind shear remotesensing or detection equipment, wind shear alerts generated by these systems shall be issued. Wind shear alerts shall give concise, up-to-date information related to the observed existence of wind shear involving a headwind/tailwind change of 7.5m/s (15kt) or more which could adversely affect aircraft on the final approach path or initial take-off path and aircraft on the runway during the landing roll or take-off run. ODWZOROWANIA MAPY - Mercator - walcowe - cylindrical - Lambert - stożkowe - cone - Stereographic - azymutalne - azimuth - dobre dla biegunów - trzy PORYW WIATRU - GUSTS UP The wind speed data for the most recent 10 minutes shall be examined to evaluate the occurrence of gusts. Gusts are indicated by rapid fluctuations in wind speed with a variation of 10 knots or more between peaks and lulls. The speed of a gust shall be the maximum instantaneous wind speed. TROPICAL CYCLONE Tropical cyclone (to be included if the 10-minute mean surface wind speed at the aerodrome is expected to be 17m/s (34kt) or more); AMD I COR AMD - istotna poprawka warunków meteorologicznych, poprawka ostatniej prognozy, np. siła wiatru COR - poprawka edytorska, np. jakaś literka SKRÓTY - NSW - używamy, gdy jest przewidywany koniec zjawisk (Takich jak deszcz, mżawka itd...), w TREND. - VV -Vertical Visibility - podaje się, kiedy niebo będzie całe pokryte, ale nie da się przewidzied jakie to chmury - NSC - No Significant Clouds - podaje się, gdy nie można zastosowad skrótu CAVOK - SYMBOLS FOR SIGNIFICANT WEATHER FRONTS AND CONVERGENCE ZONES AND OTHER SYMBOLS USED SIGNIFICANT PRESENT, FORECAST AND RECENT WEATHER WIATR ZMIENNY - VARIABLE WIND Trzy pierwsze cyfry oznaczają średni kierunek wiatru, jeśli nie można go określid to zastępuje się je literami VRB, siła wiatru nie może przekraczad 3KT. VRB można stosowad powyżej 3KT, gdy występują burze TS.