DON MARIANO MARCOS MEMORIAL STATE UNIVERSITY MID-LA UNION CAMPUS City of San Fernando, La Union COLLEGE OF EDUCATION BACHELOR OF TECHNICAL VOCATIONAL TEACHER EDUCATION A Detailed Lesson Plan in Precautionary and Sanitary Practices in Handling Food and Beverage I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: a) Identify the kitchen standard of personal hygiene and proper food handling practices; b) Appreciate and value the importance of correct handwashing techniques c) Demonstrate hygienic behavior in a food preparation area. d) Explain and practice proper food handling and sanitation. II. SUBJECT MATTER A. TOPIC and SUB-TOPIC Precautionary and Sanitary Practices in Handling Food and Beverage Employee Sanitary Practices, Food Safety, Hygiene and Preparation B. MATERIALS Laptop Power Point Presentation C. REFERENCE/S: Learning Module for Food and Beverage Services (TVL HE4) Module I: 5 Precautionary and Sanitary Practices in Handling Food and beverages Food and Beverage service manual. Books atbp. Publishing Corp pp.73-76 III. PROCEDURE TEACHER’S ACTIVITY STUDENT’S ACTIVITY A. PRELIMINARY ACTIVITIES All rise! • Prayer Leo will you lead the prayer. • Let us bow our head and feel the presence of the Lord! (Leo will lead the prayer) Greetings Good Morning class! Good Morning Ma’am! Before we start, kindly pick up some unnecessary things under your chairs. Yes Ma’am! • Checking of attendance Jenifer who is absent today? None Ma’am! Very Good class! • Review What have you learned last meeting? Yes, Rhona! Very Good! Thank you Rhona B. MOTIVATION Before we start our new lesson for today class we will be having an activity first. So, the name of this activity class is what we called Jumble Words. What you are going to do class is to arrange the Jumble words into its correct order. Don't worry class it's It’s all about “Cleaning and Clearing the Food Service Areas” Ma’am. easy for you to arrange the words because you will be guided by those pictures beside the Jumble words class. Class this is individual activity okay? Do you understand class? Okay you may now proceed class. Jumbled Words 1. NPROA 2. IARHTNE Yes, Ma’am! Yes, Ma’am! 3. ADNH WSAHNIG 4. LERSONAP YGINEHE 3. ADNH WSAHNI 5. ASNITIONAT 3. ADNH WSAHNI Okay times up class! I hope your finish with your activity. So class let's now check your answers. Answers: 1. APRON 2. HAIRNET 3. HAND WASHING 4. PERSONAL HYGIENE 5. SANITATION Class did your answers are correct? Who got correct answers? Yes, Ma’am Okay very good class because you got correct answers. C. DISCUSSION Class what do you think the connection of this activity to our topic for today? What will be our topic for today? Any idea? Yes, student A? Okay very good student A, you had the idea. So, our topic for today is about Precautionary and Sanitary Practices in Handling Food and Beverage. Ma’am, it’s all about sanitation and personal hygiene Class, I will be showing to you the PowerPoint presentations that can help us to understand better our lesson. Who can read slide number 1? Yes, student B? Student B will read the slide number 1 Every food service operator bears the responsibility of protecting the health of patrons and employees against infections and diseases caused by lack of adequate sanitation in the food service. Thank your student B. So, every employee must be responsible enough to protect the health of their patrons and including the food that they handle to avoid contamination from infectious diseases. So what are the things that employee must do class? any idea? Yes, student C? They must practice good sanitary practices Ma’am. Okay Very good student C! Class, here are some sanitary practices that every employee must do. Kindly Read Student E, (Student E will read.) Employee Health and Personal Hygiene Attire • Health examination Employees involve in food handling should undergo health examination before being hired and at routine intervals such as every year or every six months thereafter. Thank you student E. So, according to what student E reads, it says here that every food handler must undergo health examination to examine if they have health problems to avoid food contaminations. So as a food Handler class they need to do? Okay who can read the next slide? Yes, student D! (Student D will read.) Employee Health and Personal Hygiene Attire • Proper attire Proper attire includes wearing clean, washable clothing. Clean aprons are essential and hair restraints like hairnet, bonnets, or caps. This prevent hair from falling into the food and to discourage food handlers from touching their hair. Thank you student D. So, it says here class that food handler must wear proper attire before going to their work or before handling food to avoid food contamination, so they must wear clean apron, hairnets, head bands, bonnet or caps. Class on the next slide it contains a video clip so let’s watch it! (students will watch the video clip) Okay so what’s the lesson that we can get from the video? Class yes student F? We must wear proper attire Ma’am. Okay very good student F. As a food handler we must wear proper working attire avoid wearing jewelries like rings, watches, etc. and use gloves class. Another practices that we must consider class is to wash our hands. So who can read the next slide? Yes, student G? (student G will read) Hand Washing Habits The hand is the most significant agent that causes the spread of foodborne microorganisms. Because of this, employees involve in the production of food in the kitchen and the service of food in the dining area should strictly observe proper hand washing whenever and wherever needed. Okay thank you student G. So our hand is the most used part of the body when we handle foods we always used them, so as a food handler we must observe proper handwashing. So the next slide shows a message that our hands is the most significant agent that causes the spread of foodborne microorganisms. Class lets watch another video presentation. (students will watch the video) Okay, class what’s the video all about? Yes, student H? Ma’am, it’s all about the proper hand washing technique. Okay very good student H. The video is all about the procedures in proper hand washing. So, to stop germs we must wash our hands properly. Did you understand class the procedures in the video? Yes, Ma’am. Okay very good Class, the next slide is all about the occasions where proper hand washing is a must. Kindly read student I? (student I will read) Here are the occasions where proper hand washing is a must. • When starting to work in the kitchen and dining area • When returning to work after a break • When handling raw food materials • When treating a cut or wound • When coughing, sneezing, or smoking • When handling waste both human and material • When using tools, utensils, and equipment Thank you student I. Before we do those activities it is a must to wash our hands properly. Next is who can read the slide? Yes, student J. (student J will read) Other personal hygiene habits Trim and clean fingernails regularly. Use a hair restrain (cap, hairnet, or headband) when working to prevent strands of hair and dandruff from falling. Wear disposable gloves when handling cooked food. Also, refrain from smoking when working. Smoke only on designated areas. To control the spread of bacteria and other harmful microorganisms carried by individuals, do not allow unauthorized person inside the food production area. Thank you student J. Class lets watch another video presentation. (students will watch the video) According to what you have read and watch what are the things that we must consider? Ma’am Trim finger nails Use hairnet Wear gloves Don’t smoke Don’t allow unauthorized person inside the food production area. Very Good, class! What do you think class if a food handler gets sick would they still allowed to work? Okay very good idea class. So let’s read the next slide They are not allowed to work Ma’am. (the class will read the slide) Cuts, abrasions, and employee illness Cover with waterproof bandage all cuts and abrasions. Workers with colds or sore throat should be temporarily prohibited from working as food handlers. Those suffering with communicable diseases should rest and come back when completely cured. Thank you class for reading. It says here class that if a food handler has wound they can still work but they must? They must cover the wounds with water proof bandage Ma’am. Very good that’s correct class. So if a worker gets sick they must have their rest and leave to avoid contamination. Okay last but not the least class this are the dos and don’ts on personal hygiene. FOOD SAFETY PERSONAL HYGIENE SHOULD • HAIRS SHOULD BE PROPERLY TUCKED INSIDE THE CAP • NO EARRINGS OR NECKLACE/CHAIN • NO OUTER POCKETS • WEAR NEAT AND CLEAN CLOTHES • NO WRIST WATCH/RINGS • COVER ALL WOUNDS • NAILS SHOULD BE SHORT AND CLEAN • TORN CLOTHES SHOULD BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED • WEAR CLOGS AND SAFETY SHOES SHOULDN’T HAIRS COMING OUTSIDE THE CAP EARRINGS OR NECKLACE/CHAIN OUTER POCKETS AND CONTENTS DIRTY CLOTHES WRIST WATCH/RINGS OPEN AND BLEEDING WOUNDS LONG PAINTED NAILSTORN CLOTHES BARE FOOT/SLIPPERS D. GENERALIZATION Once again class what are the things that we must consider as a food handler? We must; Wash our hands properly Wear clean attire in the workplace Avoid wearing jewelries Practice proper sanitation Cover our wounds with waterproof bandage Get rest if you’re sick to avoid food contamination Consider proper hygiene Well said class very good. E. APPLICATION As an application of our lesson for today class. I will let you watch the video again about the proper hand washing then you are going to write the procedures of it from the start until the last procedure. Remember class that it has 11 procedures. I will give 5 mins for this activity class. Did you understand class? Yes , Ma’am! Okay, class I will play the video for you. (teacher will play the video presentation) IV. EVALUATION I: True or False Direction: Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is False. T 1. Personal hygiene is important to prevent food poisoning. T 2. When handling food, wash your hands thoroughly and often. F 3. If you are sick, your allowed to handle food but with complete PPE. T 4. Food handlers should be properly trained in safe food handling. F 5. Keep fingernails long so they are easy to clean, and don’t wear nail polish because it can chip into the food. F 6. If you have wounds your still allowed to handle foods but you need permission. T 7. Avoid wearing jewelry, or only wear plain-banded rings and sleeper earrings T 8. Never smoke, chew gum, spit, change a baby’s nappy or eat in a food handling or food storage area. T 9. Good personal hygiene can prevent food poisoning. F 10. Food handlers may contaminate food, so employers and employees must be careful to ensure that illness is passed on by those working in the industry. V. ASSIGNMENT Read and understand our next lesson Module I: Lesson 6 Major Points in Sanitation of the Kitchen and Other Service Area, and define the following. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Workplace Sanitation Safety Kitchen Food References: Learning Module for Food and Beverage Services (TVL HE4) Module I: : Lesson 6 Major Points in Sanitation of the Kitchen and Other Service Area, Food and Beverage service manual. Books atbp. Publishing Corp pp.76-79 Prepared by: Ria May B. Apiado Student Teacher (BTVTE 4-A) Checked by: Evangelina Gapuz Cooperating Teacher