Things to remember: You cannot use possessive nouns such as we, us, our. Instead use “the proponents, the business, the firm and the the name of the business being proposed after it was discussed under Identity. Avoid a 1-sentence paragraph The weekly paper (draft) will be submitted on a short bond paper, font is Times New Roman and the size is based on prescribed by the RC, single spaced with a margin of .25 (whatever is the least allowed by your printer) on all sides Do not use “Tarpaulin” use poster/banner Margin for the defense : top & left = 1.7 inches bottom and right = 1.2 inches Spacing for the defense = double Figure Title – bottom / centered Table # Table Title - top / left blocked Questionnaire should be submitted by Wednesday DATE DUE : _____________________ PROJECT BACKGROUND (font = 14, upper case, centered) Tell a story about how the business concept came about. 1. Skills of the proponents 2. Observation 3. Available location Rationale why you decided to pursue the concept Sharing of responsibility in writing the paper PROJECT DESCRIPTION (font = 14, upper case, centered) Nature (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, bold) The industry segment that the business will belong Establishment size – justify Driver of market – innovation, cultural change, regulation How the customers will use & buy the product or service Identity (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, bold) Intro before showing the logo (figure) Rationale for choosing/using the logo Presentation of the business name What product will the business be specializing at Correlation between the logo, the name & the product Mission (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, bold) It should be able to answer who you are, how are you going to deliver your product and why are you doing the business Brief explanation of the mission statement Objectives (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, bold) Each objective should satisfy the SMART criteria These objectives will also be presented under PROMOTIONS FORM OF MANAGEMENT (font = 14, upper case, centered) In the appendix, attach a sample of article of incorporation contract As proponents, discuss the accountability of each proponent when the business is already in operation. As concept developer, cite at least 2 possible investors and discuss how you will tap them. Project ideal time for presentation DATE DUE : _____________________ TARGET MARKET (font = 14, upper case, centered) Identify the market segment you would like to cater to Where will the target market will be coming from = institution; residential Discuss the characteristics of the segment and relate it to the product that you will be offering Market Survey (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, bold) Statement why research was conducted Information Direct form the Market Research tool that was used If through survey, minimum of 50 respondents How were the respondents chosen The date the research was conducted Findings presentation (through graph & narrative explanation) Market Information based from Competitor Observation Establishment observed – reason for choosing Date when the study was conducted and for how long What was the observation Summary Match the proposed product offering with what the respondents are looking for Reinforce by relating with the current scenario using the competitor observation DATE DUE : _____________________ COMPANY PHILOSOPHY (font = 14, upper case, centered) Introduction of what company philosophy and its importance in the operation of the business being proposed Vision (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, bold) Ideal state that proponents aspire for the business in 5 years Brief explanation of the vision statement DATE DUE : _____________________ MARKETING MIX (font = 14, upper case, centered) Place (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, bold) Give at least 3 location ideal for the business being proposed. Then state the chosen location citing the reasons for the selection Insert viscinity map (use a sketch or google map) o Discuss its proximity/accessibility to target market o If needed provide a table for sales generation Insert location map o Discuss the advantage of the specific location - visibility Discuss completion in the area o Make a table of competitors but attach it in your appendix Name product Cost Operation time o Using the table, analyze your competitors. Determine which are your product form, product or generic competitor and explain why you said so. Among the competitors given, select 2 what you will be considering as your direct competitor. Explain why o State you business’ Core Competency and Competitive edge over the 2 chosen competitors and explain why you think you can capture their market. If raw material for the business being proposed is crucial for its daily operation, provide a table of suppliers and reasons for the choice Product (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, bold) What is the position of your product List down products & services and describe them Provide a sample menu list of brochure for the product Service process flow o Explain why you need to have a service flow o Provide service flow with SOP For business to business concept, provide channel of distribution flow If there is a current gap in the market, discuss how this gap will be filled in by the market using the business’ Competitive Edge. DATE DUE : _____________________ Price (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, bold) Provide product costing Discuss pricing strategy o Provide table of competitor pricing Promotion (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, bold) State the objective, state the strategy to achieve the objective and one by one discuss the marketing activities needed to accomplish marketing strategy Provide sample image of marketing activity if applicable Create a marketing Plan budget (see guide) DATE DUE : _____________________ PRODUCTION OPERATION REQUIREMENTS (font = 14, upper case, centered) Explain how production is important in the business operation Product / Process Flow (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, bold) Explain the need for product flow Present process flow o Include the SOP o Include time per step o Include people who will perform the step Discuss ideal inventory level, production schedule, ideal replenishment of stocks of schedule of purchasing In the appendix, provide a list of all needed materials needed for the initial operation. This will be the basis for your initial inventory. Production Capacity (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, bold) Provide introduction Using the process flow stated above, establish production capacity per day, per month and per year (for manufacturing) For Operation capacity use space allocation, operating hours, equipment operation and manpower capacity. Establish per day, per week , per month and per year maximum capacity DATE DUE : _____________________ Facilities Design & Layout (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, bold) Present auto cad/ sketch presentation of the perspective (internal & external) Floor layout should be scaled Narrative description per image Table of construction or renovation cost Technical Requirements (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, bold) State the reason for the need to acquire items under this item Equipment & Machineries, Furniture & Fixtures, Tools & Utensils (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, Italic) Group the items need to be purchased based on category Should be presented in table form Separate table per category With expected life Discuss major items that need to be purchased Utilities Expense Projection (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, Italic) Discuss utilities needed to run the business Present a table for installation charges, requirements, processing Present a projection of monthly, then yearly utilities expense Location (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, Italic) Discuss the size of the establishment. Who is the current owner If the lot is to be bought, how much is the selling price. When will the area be available For rental o What are the requirements to use the space (beyond rent) o How much is the deposit, advance if any o How long is the contract agreement o How much is the rental per month Operational Supplies & Other Expenses (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, bold) Discuss the need to have these supplies for daily operation Tabular cost presentation of yearly office supplies Tabular cost presentation of yearly maintenance supplies Transportation expense if applicable Maintenance for building, utilities & machineries LPG (if needed) Overall Technical Costing (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, bold) Summary of all assets of the establishment DATE DUE : _____________________ MANPOWER MODEL (font = 14, upper case, centered) Organizational Structure (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, bold) Illustration of table of organization Manpower Requirements (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, bold) Job Description & Specification (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, italic) Manpower Shifting Schedule (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, italic) Gantt Chart illustration of Daily and Weekly work schedule (for a 7-day a week operation) Discussion of the Gantt chart Training Scheme (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, bold) Discuss the training that will be given to the employee How will the training be conducted Projected time for the training Training budget before the operation and yearly budget Company Policies (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, bold) See the guide Compensation (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, italic) Tabular presentation of salary schedule Benefits (font=12, standard letter case, left blocked, italic) Narrative discussion of employee benefits See guide