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M.Sc Electronic Media
Department of Media Sciences
College of Engineering
Anna University, Guindy
Today’s reality talk shows are rewriting our cultural scripts, altering our
perceptions, our social relationships, and our relationships to the natural world. TV
talk shows offer us a world of blurred boundaries. Nowadays Talk shows are an
important part of Tamil Television Channels. This research aims at analyzing and
studying the impact of Tamil Reality talk shows on the society.Tamil Television
talk shows such as “Neeya Naana”(Telecasted in Vijay TV) and “Kaarasaram”
(Telecasted in Podhigai TV) are taken as examples. The two methodologies used
in this study are Content Analysis and Survey. Content Analysis, a qualitative
analysis method which focuses on unveiling the minute details involved in
structuring and the making of the reality talk shows. On the other hand Survey, a
quantitative analysis method which focuses on studying the impact of the reality
talk shows on the general public. The study shows that people are able to
remember the topics that art discussed in the reality talk show. The research also
proves that reality talk shows have reached the audience in such a way that they
are able to relate themselves to the topic discussed in the show. It is also proved
that the reality talk show has gained a huge importance in the making of the
1. Introduction
The idea of television existed long before the actual invention of television.
Several inventors were working on the creation of a technology which could
transmit sound as well as visuals.
Reality TV is typically defined as, non-fictional programming in which portrayal
is presumed to present current, historical events or circumstances.
A Reality talk show is a television program where or group of people discuss
various topics put forth by a talk show host. Sometimes, talk shows feature a panel
of guests, usually consisting of a group of people who are learned or who have
great experience in relation to whatever issue is being discussed on the show for
that episode.
2. Literature Review
2.1 Politeness Theory
Politeness is an important criterion when it comes to talking in the reality talk
shows. From the point of view of politeness theory, negative politeness strategies
function to maintain harmonious atmosphere.
“In maintaining the relationship in the interaction, everybody cannot express their
own self representations due to it can offend the others face which can create
conflicts and even verbal fights “says (Yenny Wulan and Puji Rahayu, 2001).
Verbal fights are a part of Reality Talk shows.
2.2Audience Participation and Authenticity
As the TV talk shows have gained popularity among the public there comes a need
to understand its role in the society. Audience Participation plays an important role
in the talk shows. They typically represent the society (i.e.) the home audience.
“Conversational roles of audience show that 70% of the audience members play an
active role, whereas 30% of audience member play a passive role in the talk
show.” - (Sonia M. Livingstone and Peter Kenneth Lunt, 1994).
“The difference between the earlier recorded talk shows and the talk shows of
today is one of the speeds, totality and the impact created among the viewers.
Modern participants are aware of the intersection of their small circle talk with the
larger cultural one and with the major network television shows, they are aware
that millions are listening to the same conversation”, says (Bernard Timberg, Bob
3. Methodology and Data Collection
The method adopted for this study of Reality talk shows and its influence on
people is survey and content analysis. The researcher has analyzed the influence
and the effect of reality talk shows among the audiences with special reference to
Neeya Naana and Kaarasaaram a reality talk show in Vijay and Podhigai
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3.1 Content Analysis
The content analysis results show that there are no ads for Karasaaram when
compared to Neeya Naana. This is because of the popularity of the show Neeya
Naana hosted by Mr. Gopinath who plays an active role to make everyone interact
and keep the show harmonious he does that. The participation of the host plays a
vital role in the talk shows. He does proper research on the topics he chooses and
also provides with appropriate statistics. Topics are being chosen on focusing
more on the students.
Eg: Today’s youth (students) role in choosing their career and their parents
influence on their kids and issues related to that.
Such issues would draw the attention of Youth as well as parents which in turn
would make them understand their faults which would bring in a slow change in
the society.
Youth or the Young adults are supposed to be the most important part of the
society. Topics chosen are mostly focusing on the students as they are the future of
a country. Even the Reality Television is dominated by the youth. The gender
related topics are most welcome amongst viewers, many topics revolve the gender.
Eg: Modern girls Verses Village boys. Why do today’s boys prefer to marry
village girls? There were conflict and issues related to that. The host kindles
arguments among them to get a clear idea of what’s in the mind of each of the
Boyss and Girls who represent the society. The guest who arrived Dr. Shalini said
how backward are guys trying to dominate the girls and the girls are still not any
modern they just appear modern yet are conservative enough and in a transition
state hence not fully said to possess a modern thought.
There were topics related to teachers and students.
Eg: Teachers Verses students. Issues like partiality, our education system, internal
marks and so on were discussed in the show.
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Other issues that were discussed were
1. Are today’s teachers updated in their knowledge and do today’s youth
develop a habit of reading books.
2. Had internet reduced the percentage of reading books (reading habit). The
increase in usage of Internet and the traditional, ancient techniques of
medicine, cooking going extinct.
3. Girls Verses Guys – how do they expect their life partner to be?
4. Young Moms Verses Daughters- How proud are the daughters to see their
mom young or how jealous are they to see them young. The most Beautiful
mom was chosen and awarded with exciting prizes in the show
5. Brothers / Sisters – How friendly and helpful are they with each other and
how they fight with each other and parents are partial when dealing with
them and issues related to that.
Both the shows have almost similar percent in choosing the topics. One thing that
kaarasaram has is that they first present some video clips about the issue which the
Neeya Naana doesn’t has. Even in survey researcher has found out that many of
the audiences are interested if Neeya naana included video clips in their show.
What is the reason behind it- because many of the audiences and participants are
not aware about what they are seeing and what they are going to talk about by
showing the video clip it actually helps the viewers and participants to make aware
about what the exact issue is? “Neeya Naana” concentrates on its content, Set
Decorations and even promotional factors when compared to “Kaarasaaram”
Timings also play an important role. Neeya naana is not telecasting on prime time
slot. Since this is one of the top rated reality shows it can be showed during prime
time slot, whereas Kaarasaaram has a standard time slots from 9.05 to 10 pm but
still it hasn’t gained the popularity of audiences. Another positive factor in Neeya
Naana is that they conduct several on spot events which are related to the topic.
Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2035443
3.2 Survey
Based on the survey results, the researcher found that 78% of the people have
chosen Neeya Naana as their most viewed Reality Talk show. There is no such a
big lag in the gender as almost everybody has been exposed to television now-adays. The respondents of the questionnaire were chosen from Chennai,
Coimbatore, Trichy, Thanjavur and Madurai.The Television is viewed by
maximum of 37% of people only for 2 to 4hrs. Vijay TV is viewed by 55% of
people compared to Podhigai it is high. Gopinath has gained popularity of a but
30% by hosting Neeya Naana talk show. Talk shows has attracted maximum of
43% audiences among all the reality shows. Reality talk shows are not just viewed
for entertainment but also for gaining information. 78% of the people have
chosen” Neeya Naana” as their most viewed Reality Talk show when compared to
“Kaarasaaram”. Topics play the main role for watching the Reality Talk shows.
The topics chosen are mostly based on today’s Youth which shows that Youth are
the country’s future and impact on youth. If a reality television is said to have an
impact on the society, it is the youth who would face the impact first. The
response rate to the impacts created by the Reality Television is comparatively
higher than any part of the society.
The popularity of the Neeya Naana has gained through the Word of Mouth which
is an effective medium for getting the popularity which indicates that people do
discuss about the shows more frequently- A clear indication of influencing the
society. 58% of people believe that Reality talk shows are partially truthful which
shows that people do believe that the content in the show is edited for audience
entertainment. So it clearly shows that people are aware that the Reality talk shows
are semi scripted. 68% of people are able to relate themselves to the topic easily.
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Relating themselves to the topics may lead to a slow behavior change in the
society which shows Neeya Naana do help people mould themselves and do help
them in real life decision-making. This may be the reason why people tend to be
attracted by the reality talk shows. Majority of people are able to remember and
relate themselves to the topic. It clearly shows that Reality talk show has some
effect and impact on the viewers.
4. Conclusion
Talk shows have amalgamated into the lives of the people and on one hand it is
viewed as a platform for representing the society, and on the other it is viewed as
the medium to understand oneself better. These shows should be encouraged as
they possess influential factors to bring in a change in the society. The reality talk
shows are proven to be the most efficient way of discussing things that are
controversial in the society. It has provided a platform for the people to discuss,
share their opinion and views of an issue. The research shows that people are
able to remember the topics that are discussed and it is also proved that
reality talk shows has reached the audience in such a way that they are able
to relate themselves to the topic discussed in the show. It is also proved that
the reality talk show has gained a huge importance in the making of the
5. References
1. Abt, Vicky. “How TV Talkshows Deconstruct Society”. 1996.
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5. Gamson, J. ‘Taking the Talk Show Challenge: Television, 1999.
Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2035443
6. Habermas, J. Between Facts and Norms. Cambridge: Polity Press.1996.
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Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2035443