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English Medical Record Writing Guide

English medical records writing
A COMPLETE History & Physical
Date and Time of history:
Identifying Data:
Source of history, source of referral:
Chief complaints:
 quote the patient’s complaints, like “My stomach hurts and I feel awful”; or report their goals, like “I
have come for my regular check-up”;[BATES’]
 patient’s age, a brief but relevant past medical history, a few words about what problem brings the
patient to the hospital(preferable quote the patient), and duration[Writing a history & physical]
e.g. 34-year-old male with advanced AIDS complains of a” bad cough” and fevers over the last 8days.
56-year-old male with a history of ulcerative colitis complains of 3 months of worsening back
stiffness, 2 weeks of “a sore on my leg”, and 3days of fevers and bloody, painless diarrhea.
History of Present illness:
 full sentences in chronological manner
 be descriptive not analytic
 including the setting, onset of the problem, the manifestation and the treatment.
 Seven Attributes of A Symptom: location, quality, quantity or severity, timing(onset, duration,
frequency), the setting in which they occur, factors that have aggravated or relieved the symptom,
associated manifestations.
 Pertinent positives & pertinent negatives
Past Medical History
 Childhood illnesses, such as measles, rubella, mumps, whooping cough, chickenpox, rheumatic fever,
scarlet fever(猩红热), polio etc.
 Adult disease, in four categories:
 Medical, such as: diabetes, hypertension, hepatitis, asthma, and HIV etc.
 Surgical, such as: trauma, operation(date, type);
 Ob/ Gyn:
 Menstruation history(age at menarche, last menstruation period/ age at menopause,
menstrual cycle, menstrual period)
 Obstetric history(G_P_, pregnancy、delivery and complications, )
 Sexual function;
 Method of birth control, such as oral contraceptives, condoms, intrauterine ring;
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 Psychiatric;
 Health maintenance
 Immunization(history and recent immunization);
 Screening test, such as tuberculin test, Pap smear, mammogram, stool test for occult blood,
cholesterol test etc.
Medication: name, dose, route of administration, interval. Note for recent cessation or change;
Allergy: List the substance and the reaction. Allergy vs intolerance;
NOTE: 药物过敏史与烟酒违禁药物使用 分开。关于药物史和过敏史的位置,一共可以出现在两个地方:现
Family History
 List or diagram each immediate relative (age, health, major illness or cause of death).
Similar condition among family members;
Presence or not: Infectious disease, such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, STD; Complex disease with a
hereditary trend, such as HTN, DM, CAD, elevated cholesterol level, stroke, cancer(specify type),
arthritis, asthma, headache, seizure, mental illness, allergies etc.
Personal and Social History:[written in fragments]
 Important life experiences in chronological manner: Birth, growth and development, education
level(military experience), job history(with or without radiation or toxin contatct), retirement;
 sexual and Marital history;
 Source of stress, religious affiliation and spiritual beliefs;
 Tobacco(pack per year)/alcohol/drug(illicit) abuse:
 Lifestyle habits:
 Exercise and diet-- Food intolerance
 Safety measures such as use of seat belts, bicycle helmets, sunblock etc.
 Activities of daily living(ADLs), especially important in elderly patients.
Review of Systems(ROS)
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NOTE:系统回顾中描述的是近期出现或尚处于活动期的疾病或症状,而非很久以前发生的。 它的目的是尽
在 ROS 中明确的问题,与现病相关的应放在现病史,既往重大健康事件应放在既往史。
General: Usual weight, recent weight change. Weakness, fatigue, or fever.
Skin: dryness or sweating; changes in color; (regional)Rashes, lumps(肿块), sores, itching; changes in size
or color of moles(痣); changes in hair or nails;
Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat (HEENT):
Head: Headache, dizziness, lightheadedness, head injury
Eyes: Visual acuity(视力, glasses or contact lenses, last examination) , visual fields[spots(点), specks(斑)],
double or blurred vision, flashing lights, pain, redness, excessive tearing; history of glaucoma, cataracts;
Ears: hearing(excellent or impaired, hearing aids ?), tinnitus(耳鸣), vertigo(眩晕), earaches(耳痛), infection,
Nose and sinuses:; nasal stuffiness(不通气), discharge, or itching, nosebleeds; Frequent colds, hay fever; sinus
Throat (or mouth and pharynx): gums( bleeding gums); teeth[dentures(牙托), if any, and how they fit], last
dental examination; sore tongue; dry mouth; frequent sore throats; hoarseness(声嘶);
Neck: lumps; pain, or stiffness in the neck; goiter;
Breasts: Lumps, pain, or discomfort; nipple discharge; self-examination practices;
Respiratory: Cough, sputum (color, quantity), hemoptysis, dyspnea, wheezing. Last chest x-ray. History of
asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia, and tuberculosis, pleurisy.
Cardiovascular: palpitations, chest pain or discomfort, dyspnea, cyanosis, orthopnea(端坐呼吸),
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea(夜间阵发性呼吸困难),lower extremities edema, syncope. Positive results of
past electrocardiograms or other cardiovascular tests. History of high blood pressure, rheumatic fever, heart
Gastrointestinal: anorexia (loss of appetite), trouble swallowing, heartburn, excessive belching(嗳气),
nausea, vomiting, hematemesis, Abdominal pain/distension, bloating(胀气), diarrhea, constipation, change
of bowel movements, stool color[ black or tarry stools(柏油样便)] and size, change in bowel habits, pain
with defecation, rectal bleeding , hemorrhoids. Jaundice, itching.
Urinary: Frequency and urgency of urination, odynuria, incontinence or dysuria(排尿困难)[ in males,
reduced caliber or force of the urinary stream, hesitancy, dribbling(细流)], kidney or flank pain, hematuria,
pyuria(脓尿), chyluria(乳糜尿), polyuria or oliguria, anuria, nocturia(夜尿增多). History of kidney stones,
urinary infections, ureteral colic(输尿管绞痛), suprapubic pain.
 Male:
 Hernias. Discharge from or sores on the penis; testicular pain or masses; scrotal pain or swelling.
 Sexual preference, interest, function, satisfaction, birth control methods(condom use), and
 History of sexually transmitted diseases, exposure to HIV infection and their treatments.
 Female:
 Vaginal discharge, itching, sores, lumps.
 Age at menarche; regularity, frequency, and duration of periods; amount of bleeding; bleeding
between periods or after intercourse; last menstrual period; dysmenorrhea(痛经); premenstrual
tension. Age at menopause, menopausal symptoms, postmenopausal bleeding. [If the patient was
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born before 1971, exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES)(己烯雌酚) from maternal use during
pregnancy (linked to cervical carcinoma)].
 Sexual preference, interest, function, satisfaction, birth control methods, any problems, including
 Number of pregnancies, number and type of deliveries, number of abortions (spontaneous and
induced), complications of pregnancy.
 History of sexually transmitted diseases, exposure to HIV infection and their treatments.
Peripheral vascular: Intermittent claudication, leg cramps; varicose veins, past clots in the veins; swelling
in calves(腓肠), legs, or feet; regional swelling with redness or tenderness; color change in fingertips or toes
during cold weather.
Musculoskeletal: Muscle or joint redness, swelling, pain, stiffness, weakness, or limitation of motion or
activity. If present, describe location of affected joints or muscles, timing of symptoms (e.g. morning or
evening), duration. History of trauma, arthritis, gout. Presence of muscle atrophy, joint/vertebral deformity.
Psychiatric: mood disorder(depression, anxiety, nervousness, tension, elation); disorientation, delirium,
hallucination; history of psychiatric disorder, suicide attempts, if relevant.
Neurologic: Changes in mood, speech; changes in orientation, attention, memory, insight, or judgment;
headache, dizziness(头晕), fainting(晕厥), vertigo(眩晕), blackouts(一过性黑矇), weakness; seizures;
paralysis and muscular atrophy; numbness or loss of sensation, tingling(麻刺感) or “pins and
needles”[hyperesthesia(过敏), dysesthesia(倒错), hyperpathia(过度), paresthesia(异常)]; tremors or other
involuntary movements.
Hematologic: Anemia(pallor, dizziness, fatigue), easy bruising or bleeding, past transfusions and
transfusion reactions.
Endocrine: developmental malformations, build(obese, or thin), stature(tall or short); excessive thirst or
hunger, heat or cold intolerance, excessive sweating, tremor, polydipsia(多饮), polyphagia(多食), polyuria;
(hyper-hypo) pigmentation, abnormal hair distribution.
General survey:
 the patient’s general state of health(cachectic, good), any sign of distress(cardiac/pulmonary, pain,
anxiety or depression), height, weight, build, and sexual development;
 the patient’s facial expressions and manner, and reactions to persons and things in the environment; the
patient’s manner of speaking and note the state of awareness or level of consciousness;
 Note posture(orthopnea), motor activity, and gait;
 dress, grooming(修饰), and personal hygiene; any odors of the body or breath(alcohol or fruity odor).
Vital Signs: BP(standing or supine, left or right arm), HR and Rhythm(regular or arrhythmic), RR,
Temperature(oral or axilla). Ht(Height), Wt(weight), calculated BMI.
Skin: color(normal, increased or loss of pigmentation, pallor, redness, cyanosis, yellowing);
moisture(dryness, sweating, oiliness); temperature(generalized & regional-red areas), texture(roughness
and smoothness), flexibility, lesions[macule( 斑), papule(丘疹), vesicle(水泡), nevus(mole痣), 7 attributes],
pressure sores, crepitus(捻发音); change in hair(quantity, distribution and texture) or nails(color, shape,
HEENT(Head, eye, ear, nose, throat):
 Head: hair(quantity, distribution, texture, pattern of loss, if any); scalp[scaliness(多鳞屑), lumps, nevus
etc.]; skull(size, contour, deformity, depression, lumps, tenderness); face( skin, facial expression,
asymmetry, involuntary movements, edema and masses);
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Eye: visual acuity[myopia(近视), presbyopia(远视)]; visual fields(hemianopsia, blind spot); position and
alignment of the eyes[exophthalmos, enophthalmos( 眼 球 下 陷 )], eyebrow(quantity, distribution),
eyelids[width of palpebral fissure(睑裂宽度), edema, color, lesion, condition and direction of the
eyelashes, adequacy with which the eyelids close esp prominent eyes, facial paralysis, unconsciousness];
lacrimal apparatus and nasolacrimal duct(swelling, excessive tearing or dryness); conjunctiva(bulbar,
palpebral) and sclera(color, vasculature, nodules, swelling); cornea and lens[cornea reflection,
opacity( 混 浊 )];Iris(crescent shadow—open or close-angle glaucoma); pupils[size(large>5mm,
smaller<3mm), shape, symmetry (anisocoria 瞳孔不均), pupillary reaction to light(the direct reaction,
the consensual reaction, near reaction-convergence & accommodation)]; extraocular muscle[conjugate
movement in 6 directions, convergence, nystagmus(眼震), lid lag-hyperthyroidism];
Ear: auditory acuity; air and bone conduction(sensorineural & conductive hearing loss); auricle(外耳
廓)(size, symmetry, location, deformity, pain, gout); external auditory canal(yellowish, pus, blood or CSF
discharge; for patient with tinnitus, check the presence of cerumen or foreign body occlusion,
constriction); eardrum(perforation); mastoid(tenderness);
Conductive hearing loss
Sensorineural hearing loss
Weber test(test for lateralization)
Sound heard in impaired
ear(relative increase in bone
Sound heard in good ear
Rinne test(compare air and bone
conduction, normally AC>BC)
Nose: contour(deformity, asymmetry, saddle nose); ala nasi[nasal ale flap(鼻翼煽动)]; septum(deviation,
inflammation, perforation, epistaxis 鼻 衄 );turbinate[ 鼻 甲 ]; nasal cavity (obstruction, ulcers and
polyps)and mucosa(color, swelling, bleeding, clear or purulent discharge); nasal sinus(frontal sinus,
maxillary sinus, ethmoidal sinus-tenderness);
 Throat (or mouth and pharynx):lips[color, moisture, lesions(lumps, ulcers, cracking, scaliness)]; oral
mucosa[color, ulcers(aphthous ulcer 鹅口疮), white patches, nodules]; gums[color and ulceration] and
teeth; the roof of the mouth(color and architecture of the hard palate); the tongue[color; texture(质地)smooth tongue, beefy tongue, strawberry tongue, fissured tongue, geographic tongue;
movement-asymmetrical protrusion; ulceration; nodules] and floor of mouth; the pharynx[soft palate,
anterior and posterior pillar, uvula, tonsils—color, symmetry, swelling, exudate, ulceration, tonsillar
enlargement]; larynx(hoarseness, mute); odor(alcohol, fruity, garlic)
 Parotid gland: enlargement, tenderness, redness;
Neck: carotid artery(prominent pulsation, murmur) and jugular vein(distension); trachea[midline
position/deviation]; thyroid gland[size -goiter, shape, nodule, consistency; arterial thrill, murmur]; limitation
of motion, rigidity & stiffness; lumps, tenderness;
Lymphy nodes: preauricular, posterior auricular, occipital, tonsillar, submandibular, submental, superficial
cervical(posterior cervical, deep cervical chain), supraclavicular, axilla, epitrochlear, inguinal lymph
nodes(number, size, shape, delimitation 界定-discrete or matted together, mobility, consistency 硬度,
tenderness );
Thorax & lungs
 Thorax : respiratory movement[manner, rate, rhythm, depth, effort of breathing-respiratory
difficulty(cyanosis; wheezing, stridor; three concave sign)]; chest wall(symmetry, lesion, crepitus,
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 Inspection: abnormal retraction of lower interspaces during inspiration, local lag or impairment in
respiratory movement;
 Palpation: chest expansion(symmetry), tactile fremitus(absent or decreased), pleural friction
 Percussion: resonance, hyperresonance & dullness;
 Auscultation:
★ breath sound(vesicular, bronchovesicular, bronchial)-pitch, intensity, duration of expiratory
and inspiratory sounds.
★ Adventitious sound—crakles(爆裂音)(rales 湿罗音), rhonchi(干罗音), wheezes(喘鸣);
★ Transmitted voice sound
★ Pleural friction rub
 Jugular venous pressure(JVP-centimeters above sternal angle) and pulsation(amplitude and timing);
 Carotid pulse: amplitude[small, thready 丝, weak; bounding; pulsus alternans, bigeminal pulse(二连脉),
paradoxical pulse(奇脉)], contour(speed of upstroke, duration of summit, speed of downstroke) and
presence or absence of bruits or thrills;
 Heart:
 Inspection(tangential 切线视诊): point of apical impulse(point of maximal impulse-PMI)
 Palpation: thrills, pericardial friction, PMI(location, diameter, amplitude, duration)
NOTES: palpation has replaced percussion in the estimation of cardiac size in most cases, except when apical
pulse is not felt.
 Percussion: span of heart dullness
Intercostal space
Distance from Midclavicular line to midsternal line is
Auscultation: heart sound, heart murmur[timing–midsystolic, pansystolic, late systolic murmur;
shape-crescendo, decrescendo, crescendo-decrescendo, plateau; location; radiation or transmission;
quality(blowing, harsh 粗糙, rumbling 隆隆样, musical);intensity; pitch(high, medium, low)];
pericardial friction rub;
Very faint, heard only after listener has “tuned in”; may not be heard in all
Quiet, but heard immediately after placing the stethoscope on the chest
Moderately loud
Loud, with palpable thrill
Very loud, with thrill. May be heard when the stethoscope is partly off the chest
Very loud, with thrill. May be heard with stethoscope entirely off the chest
E.g. medium-pitched, grade 2/6, blowing decrescendo murmur, heard best in the 4th left interspace, with
radiation to the apex [aortic regurgitation]
Breasts: size, symmetry, contour[pendulous( 下垂); lesions; masses(location, size, shape, consistency,
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delimitation, tenderness, mobility)], consistency, pain/tenderness, nipple [size, shape, direction in which
they point, lesion(rash or ulceration), discharge];
 Inspection:
 skin[scar, striae(old silver or pink-purple striae), dilated veins, rashes and lesions]
 the umbilicus(contour-hernia, location)
 the contour of abdomen[flat, rounded, protuberant(膨隆), scaphoid(舟状), markedly concave, flank
bulge or local bulge(全腹或局部膨出), peristalsis(蠕动), pulsation(aortic)];
 Auscultation:
 Bowel sounds: character[normal components-clicks & gurgles; Borborygmus( 腹 鸣 )] and
frequency(4-5 per minute);
 Bruits(杂音) over aorta, renal arteries, iliac arteries, femoral arteries;
 Friction rubs over spleen or liver;
 Succusion splash(振水音)
 Percussion:
 Distribution of tympany or dullness
 Vertical span of liver Dullness in the right midclavicular(6-12cm), midsternal(4-8cm) line; spleen,
tympany over gastric air bubble (traube semilunar space)
 shifting dullness
 liver, kidney tenderness
 Palpation:
 Light palpation, Deep palpation for pain, mass(size, shape, location, consistency, tenderness,
pulsation, mobility with respiration, or with examining hand); peritoneal irritation sign(tenderness,
rebound tenderness, muscle spasm);
 Liver palpation: lower margin(soft, sharp, regular; bluntness, rounding); texture(tender; firmness,
hardness); contour(smooth; irregular); gallbladder(size, shape, tenderness, consistency, Murphy’s
 spleen palpation: size, margin, consistency, contour, tenderness;
 kidney palpation: size, consistency, contour, tenderness. Bladder;
 fluid wave(液波震颤)
Male: penis[skin, prepuce(smegma 包皮垢), glans(lesions-scars, ulcers, nodules, sign of inflammation),
urethral meatus(opening position, discharge), tenderness]; scrotum(skin, contour, swelling-translumination,
lumps, veins) and its contents(size, shape- nodule, consistency, tenderness); hernia(type);
Female: (lithotomy position, with vaginal speculum of proper size, water soluable lubricant etc.)
 Assess the sexual maturity of an adolescent patient;
 Hernia
 External examination: mons pubis(阴阜), labia majora, perineum, labia minora, clitoris, urethral meatus,
vaginal introitus(阴道开口)[lesions-inflammation sign, ulceration, swelling(check Bartholin’s gland),
nodules; discharge];
 Internal examination: vaginal mucosa(color, lesion-bulges, ulcer, discharge), cervix(color; position;
lesion-ulcerations, nodules, masses, bleeding, discharge; mobility, consistency, tenderness),
uterus(bimanual-position, size, shape, consistency, mobility, tenderness, masses), ovaries(size, shape,
consistency, mobility, tenderness, masses), pelvic muscles(strength), rectovaginal wall;
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Rectal: sacrococcygeal and perianal areas(lesion-lumps, ulcers, sign of inflammation, rashes, excoriation 表
皮脱落; tenderness); anus and rectum(sphincter tone-laxity; tenderness; irregularities-induration 硬结);
posterior surface of prostate(size, shape, consistency, lesion-nodule, tenderness);
Peripheral vascular system(Arms & Legs): pulse(amplitude & symmetry)(brachial, radial, femoral,
popliteal, dorsalis pedis, posterior tibial), venous pattern(enlargement or varicosity)
Pulse scaling sys:
Brisk, expected
Diminished, weaker than expected
Absent, unable to palpate
Special techniques: the allen test; the competency of venous valves;
Extremities & Musculoskeletal
Extremities: The temporomandibular joint(TMJ), shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand, hip, knee and lower leg,
the ankle and foot;
Spine: scoliosis(侧凸), kyphosis(后凸); the Wright-Schober test(ankylosis);
 Inspection & Palpation[joint deformity or malalignment(排列错乱), sign of inflammation(swelling,
warmth, tenderness, redness); surrounding tissue(skin & muscle -atrophy); audible or palpable
crunching during movement of tendons or ligaments]
 Range of motion and maneuver—extension/flexion, adduction/abduction, internal /external rotation
(pronation/supination)[limitation in range of motion, increase mobility, ligamentous laxity(韧带松弛)]
 mental status:
 appearance [level of consciousness(alert, awake)] and behavior, mood[euphoria(精神愉悦)-elated;,
apathy(情感淡漠)-remote, indifferent; intense, depressed, anxious, angry, suspicious, evasive]
 speech and language[quantity-talkative or silent, rate-fast or slow, loudness-loud or soft,
articulation of words-clear or obscure, fluency]
testing for aphasia, dysphasia
word comprehension, reading comprehension, repetition, writing, naming;
 thoughts and perception
★ thought process[circumstantiality(), derailment(), flight of ideas( 思 维 奔 逸 ), neologisms,
incoherence(不连贯), blocking(思维中断), confabulation(虚构), perseveration(机械重复),
echolalia(模仿言语), clanging(声音代词语) ]
★ thought content[compulsions(强迫重复), obsessions, phobias, anxieties, feelings of unreality,
feelings of depersonalization(人格解体), delusion(妄想-delusion of persecution 被害妄想)]
★ perception(感知觉)-illusion(错觉), hallucination(幻觉)
★ insight(洞察自知力) and judgment
 cognitive function
★ orientation(time, place & person)
★ attention(digit span-normally 5 forward, 4 backward; serial 7s(normally within 1.5min with
fewer than 4 errors); spelling backward)
★ memory(remote, recent memory);
★ new learning ability(give contents, check 3-5min later)
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higher cognitive function
information and vocabulary(casual talk)
calculating ability
abstract thinking[proverb(格言), similarity]
constructional ability(copy figure of increasing complexity, such as triangle, clock face—rating
poor, fair, good, excellent)
cranial nerves
 I-Olfactory: sense of smell(loss of smell)
 II-Optic: visual acuity, visual field[confrontation 对诊法-homonymous hemianopsia(同侧偏盲)],
optic fundi(optic atrophy, papilledema) by ophthalmoscope;
 III, IV, VI-oculomotor, trochlear, abducens: pupil(size, shape, symmetry, pupillary reaction to light,
near reaction), extraocular movement[loss of conjugate movement in 6 direction, convergence,
nystagmus(plane -vertical, horizontal, rotary or mixed; direction of quick or slow movement; noting
the direction of gaze in which it appears), ptosis, width of palpebral fissure;
 V-trigeminal: motor(temporal & masseter muscle-strength & contraction), sensory(pain sensation,
temperature sensation, light touch), corneal reflex(use of contact lens ),
 VII-facial: general(asymmetry, tics, other abnormal movement), note weakness or asymmetry in
facial movements[raise both eyebrows, frown, close both eyes forcefully, show both upper and
lower teeth, smile, puff out both cheeks(鼓腮)];
 VIII-acoustic: hearing acuity, air & bone conduction, vestibular function(generally not tested);
 IX, X-Glossopharyngeal & Vagus: voice[hoarse, with a nasal quality(带鼻音)]; bulbar(difficulty
swallowing, articulation-dysphonia); movement of soft palate, anterior and posterior pillar, uvula;
gag reflex[ (咽反射)-unilateral absence or symmetrically diminished/absent]
 XI-spinal accessory: trapezius, sternocleidomastoid muscle [strength, contraction, atrophy,
 XII-hypoglossal: articulation(V,VII, X, XII), tongue(atrophy, fasciculation, asymmetry)
motor system
 body position [body position-active(自主), passive, compulsive( forced supine, compulsion prone,
compulsion lateral, orthopnea, compulsive squatting(强迫蹲),forced standing, alternative(辗转体
位), opisthotonos(角弓反张)]
 involuntary movement[tremor(resting tremor, postural, intention tremor), oral-facial dyskinesia(运
动障碍), tics, chorea, athetosis(手足徐动症), dystonia(张力障碍)-spasmodic torticollis(痉挛性斜
 characteristic of muscle
★ bulk-size & contour
★ tone: increased or decreased resistance, marked floppiness, flaccid, lead-pipe rigidity,
★ strength(0-5 scale)
Details(experienced clinician make further distinction by minus- or plus+)
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No muscular contraction detected
A barely detectable flicker or trace of contraction
Active movement of the body part with gravity eliminated
Active movement against gravity
Active movement against gravity and some resistance
English medical records writing
Active movement against full resistance without evident fatigue, this is normal muscle
Test Flexion(C5/6-biceps) and extension(C6/7/8-triceps) at the elbow; test extension at the
wrist(C6/7/8-radial); test grip(C7/8,T1); test finger abduction(C8,T1-ulnar); test opposition of the
Test flexion (L2/3/4-iliopsoas), extension(S1-gluteus maximus), adduction (L2/3/4-addcutors),
abduction(L4/5, S1-gluteus medius and minimus) at the hips; test extension(L2/3/4-quadriceps),
flexion(L4/5, S1/2-hamstrings) at the knee; test dorsiflexion(L4/5) and plantar flexion(S1) at the
Flexion, extension, lateral bending of the spine, and thoracic expansion and diaphragmatic
excursion(横隔移动) during respiration;
coordination(共济运动):[four essential elements: sensory sys-position sense; cerebellar-rhythmic
movement and steady posture; vestibular sys-balance and coordinating eye, head and body
movements; motor sys-muscle strength]
★ rapid alternating movements(RAM)( 轮 替 实 验 )(speed-slow, rhythm-irregular,
smoothness-clumsy, awkward)
★ point-to-point movements (finger to nose—指鼻实验; heel to shin—跟膝胫试验 )( speed,
force, direction, accuracy, smoothness-clumsy, unsteady, inappropriately varying in speed,
force, direction)—dysmetria(辩距不良), intention tremor
★ gait and other related movements[spastic hemiparesis( 痉 挛 性 偏 瘫 ), scissors( 剪 刀 ),
steppage( 跨 阈 步 态 ), ataxic gait(cerebellar, sensory, vestibular), parkinsonian-festinating
gait(慌张), gait of old age, myopathic gait, intermittent claudication]
★ the Romberg test(for position sense)
★ test for pronator drift(for muscular strength, coordination, position sense)(轻瘫实验)
sensory system
 superficial sensation: pain(pinprick) & temperature[spinothalamic tracts], light touch[both]
 deep sensation[posterior columns]: movement, vibration, position;
 complex sensation[discriminative sensation( 辨 别 性 感 觉 )]: stereognosis( 实 体 觉 ), number
identification, two-point discrimination(两点辨别觉), point localization(定位觉), extinction;
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Very brisk, hyperactive, with clonus(阵挛)(rhythmic oscillation between
flexion and extension)
Brisker than average; possibly but not necessarily indicative of disease
Average; normal
Somewhat diminished; low normal
No response
superficial reflex: the abdominal reflex(above-T8/9/10, below-T10/11/12), the plantar
response(L5, S1), the anal reflex.
deep tendon reflex(proprioceptive): the biceps reflex(C5/6), the triceps reflex(C6/7), the supinator
or brachioradialis reflex(C5/6), the knee(patellar) reflex(L2/3/4), the ankle(archilles) reflex(S1),
if reflexes are hyperactive, test for ankle clonus;
English medical records writing
pathological reflex: Hoffman sign, Rossolimo sign, palmomental reflex. Babinski sign and its
equivalent (Oppenheim sign, Gordon, Schaefer, Chaddock, Pussep, Gonda)
meningeal signs:
 neck mobility: pain and resistence
 Brudzinski’s sign: neck flexionhips, knees flexion
 Kernig’s sign:
 Lasquet’s sign
Autonomic nerve function: Skin scratch test
Principle: Basic labs first: unusual tests follow; basic radiographic studies; electrocardiogram;
Electrolyte panel, chem-7, complete blood count(CBC), liver function test(LFTs), coagulation studies;
Urine test[urinalysis(UA)];
Chest X-ray(CXR)
Principle: Analytic, differential diagnosis presenting personal clinical thinking in full sentences;
[REF 1]E.g. So in summary, the patient is a 46-year-old male with a long history of difficult-to-control Crohn’s
disease who presents with complaints of 3 days of fever, abdominal bloating and pain, and frequent bloody
stools after tapering(逐渐减少) down his mesalamine(5-氨基水杨酸) dose. His exam revealed a mild fever,
mild-moderate dehydration[orthostatic hypotension, dry mouth, flat jugular veins, contraction alkalosis(脱
水性碱中毒), and prerenal azotemia], moderate right-sided abdominal tenderness with voluntary guarding,
and occult blood-positive stools. His labs show an elevated white blood cell count and mild anemia. Notably,
this presentation is similar to his prior Crohn’s flare, and it seems most likely that this is a recurrence due to
recent tapering of his maintenance medicine.
Other possibilities include: infectious diarrhea(the patient’s recent vacation in Mexico puts him at risk for
agents like E.coli and Salmonella), appendicitis(with a trio of fever, elevated white blood count, and right
lower quadrant pain), and incarcerated(箝闭) inguinal hernia(? Small sliding hernia noted on exam-easily
Less likely concerns would be: nephrolithiasis(the pain was not colicky and the UA shows no blood, but
Crohn’s patients are at increased risk for oxalate(草酸) stones due to augmented GI uptake of oxalate form
abnormal calcium absorption), pancreatitis(the patient denies significant ethanol consumption, and
gallstone-related disease is unlikely as he is status post cholecystectomy, also, blood in stool generally is not
seen with pancreatitis), and herpes zoster(带状疱疹)( it is possible to have zoster without rash, but the
distribution of the pain is not strictly dermatomal)
PLAN (prescription and patient instruction)
Principle: enumerate your thoughts; keep it short and to the point; some topics not addressed in assessment
section require a brief statement of the problem.
3 format:[fragments will do]
 A specific Problem List[most common]
 An organ system list done in a set order[address every organ system, best suited for complex patient]
 And organ system list ordered by relative importance
[REF 1]E.g. problem list format:
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Diffuse abdominal pain
Obtain CT abdomen looking for abscess or perforation. Stool for wbc(if +, will culture), and Ova(虫卵) &
Will discuss with GI, restarting patient’s prednisone.
Begin IV fluids with potassium supplement at 250 ml/hr
Consider oral metronidazole
Ask surgery to evaluate patient if there is any deterioration
Control pain with low doses of morphine
Normocytic anemia
Likely due to anemia of chronic disease
At risk for Fe, folate, B12 deficiency from Crohn’s
Will check Fe studies, folate, B12, and blood smear
No need for transfusion now
Monitor Hb/Hct with rehydration-may fall
Azotemia, likely prerenal
Heroin use
At risk for progressing to IV heroin use
Possible candidate for Hep B vaccination, check Hep B panel
Will discuss with patient this high-risk behavior
Social work consult to address drug use
That’s all for writing a history and physical.
See below “writing a daily progress note”
Daily Progress Note
Date and time;
Events: a brief summary of any key events occurred since last progress note (e.g. chest pain episodes,
hemodynamic instability)
 Subjective: similar to HPI, patient’s current complaints(old-change & new)+ pertinent positives and
 Objective:
 current medications
 physical examination: appearance; vital sign(BP, HR, RR, T, O2 saturation, daily weight, intake and
output); focus examination;
 laboratories and data: write in all labs and data which you have results and make note of pending
labs. Radiological or pathological reports, note preliminary or final(初步或最终报告).
 Assessment & Plan:
 Begin with a brief statement about the patient and its current considerations.
 problem list or organ system approach(commonly for ICU patients)
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English medical records writing
1. Jeffrey L. Greenwald M.D. <Writing a history&physical> 2006. Elsevier publishing group.
2. <Bates’ guide to physical examination and history taking>
3. 丁香园网站资料;
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