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Brain functions

Refers to the belief that specific areas of the brain are
associated with specific cognitive processes.
E.g. Motor cortex is in the frontal lobe and controls
voluntary motor movements.
Brain Localisation
of Function
Today we are going to:
- Investigate the functions of specific
locations in the brain.
- Annotate in depth a diagram of the brain in
relation to its function
- Evaluate the research supporting brain
localisation of function.
So what is localisation of function?
Specific functions (physical and
Psychological) of the brain have
specific locations in the brain
Before 19th Century when Broca’s and
Wernicke’s areas were discovered
Psychologists widely adopted a
holistic theory of the brain – all parts
of the brain were thought to be
involved in processing of thought and
It is now widely assumed that if brain
damage occurs to a specific area of the
brain, the associated function would
also be damaged.
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mD34o
-sW22A – using TMS to locate function
Franz Gall’s theory of
phrenology (looking at
the structure of the skull
to determine a persons
character) was influential
but quickly discredited
Hemispheres and the cerebral
Brain is divided into two
symmetrical halves called left and
right hemispheres
Some functions are dominated by
one hemisphere (lateralisation)
Activity on left side of body is
controlled by right hemisphere and
vice versa.
The outer layer of both
hemispheres is called the cerebral
cortex, a 3mm layer covering the
inner parts of the brain.
This separates us from other
animals as the cortex is developed.
It appears grey – grey matter.
Your Task Today
Motor Cortex
• Responsible for generation of voluntary motor
• Located in frontal lobe along the bumpy region (!) the
precentral gyrus
• On both hemispheres – motor cortex on right
hemisphere controlling muscles on left side of body and
vice versa
• Different parts of the motor cortex control different
parts of the body
• These are arranged logically – the region that controls
the foot is next to the region that controls the leg
Somatosensory Cortex
• Detects sensory events from different regions of the
• In parietal lobe along a region called the postcentral
• Dedicated to the processing of sensory info related to
• Uses sensory info from skin to produce sensations such
as touch pressure, pain, temperature which it then
localises to specific body regions
• Both hemispheres have a somatosensory cortex
• The cortex on one side of the brain receives sensory info
from the opposite side of the body
Visual Centres
• Located in the visual cortex in the occipital lobe
• Visual processing begins in retina (light enters and
strikes the photoreceptors (rods and cones))
• Nerve impulses from the retina travel to areas of the
brain via the optic nerve
• Most terminate in the thalamus, this acts as a relay
station passing info to visual cortex
• Visual cortex spans both hemispheres
• The right hemisphere receiving its input from the
left-hand side of the visual field and vice versa
• Visual cortex contains different areas that process
different types of visual info such as colour, shape
and movement
Auditory Centres
• Concerned with hearing
• In temporal lobes on both sides of brain where the
auditory cortex is
• Begins in cochlea in inner ear, sound waves are
converted to nerve impulses
• These travel via the auditory nerve to the auditory
• Pit stop at the brain stem where basic decoding
happens e.g. the duration and intensity of sound
• Then on to thalamus which acts as a relay station and
carries out further processing of auditory stimulus
• Last stop is at the auditory cortex
• Sound has already been largely decoded by this point,
in the auditory cortex it is recognised and may result in
an appropriate response
Broca’s Area
Named after Paul Broca, French neurosurgeon
Treated a patient called ‘Tan’ – unable to speak other than this one
word (but did understand language)
Studied 8 other patients who similar language deficits, along with
lesions in their left frontal hemisphere
Patients with damage to their right frontal hemisphere did not have
the same problems
This lead him to identify the existence of a language centre in the
back portion of the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere (Broca 1865)
Believed to be critical for speech production
HOWEVER neuroscientist have found that when people perform
cognitive tasks (nothing to do with language) their Broca area is
Fedorenko (2012) discovered 2 regions of Broca’s area – one
selectively involved in language, the other involved in responding to
many demanding cognitive tasks (such as performing maths
Wernike’s Area
German neurologist called Carl Wernicke
Discovered another area of the brain that was involved in understanding
Back portion of left temporal lobe
Patients with lesions on their Wernicke’s area could speak but were unable
to understand language
Proposed that language involved separate motor and sensory regions
located in different cortical regions
The motor region, located in Broca’s area, is close to the area that controls
the mouth, tongue and vocal cords.
The sensory region, located in Wernicke's area, is close to the regions of the
brain responsible for auditory and visual input
Input from these regions transferred to Wernicke’s area when recognised as
language and associated meaning
There is a neural loop (arcuate fasciculus) running between Broca’s area and
Wernicke’s area
At one end lies Broca’s area – responsible for the production of language
At the other lies Wernicke’ area – responsible for the processing of spoken
Which part does which?
Walking to the bus
Listening to your
favourite song.
Understanding the
meaning of Harry
Speaking to your
Granny on the
Judging whether
you need to wear a
coat or not.
Apply it! The case of Phineas Gage
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flRamGB
• Does the case of Gage support the localisation of function theory or
holistic theory?
• Why is it difficult to draw general conclusions from this case?
Weakness: Equipotentiality
• Lashley (1930)
• Not all researchers agree that cognitive functions are
localised in the brain. Equipotentiality theory explains
that whilst basic motor and sensory functions are
localised, higher mental functions were not.
• Lashley claimed that intact areas of the cortex could take
over responsibility for specific cognitive functions,
following injury to the area normally responsible for that
• Therefore the effects of brain damage would be
determined by the extent rather than the location of
Weakness: Communication
• Communication between different parts of the brain may be
more important than the specific regions which control a
particular cognitive process in the brain.
• Wernicke claimed that the regions of the brain are
interdependent – they have to work together.
• Dejerine (1892) – described a case in which the loss of an
ability read resulted from the damage of the connection
between the visual cortex and Wernike’s area.
• This suggests that for complex behaviours such as language,
the response is produced through movement through
different structures in the brain, showing the importance of
the connection between two points.
• It is the damage to the connection between two points which
has the impact on the function of the brain.
Strength: Language Centres
• Aphasia – an inability or impaired ability to understand
or produce speech as a result of brain damage.
• It has been found that Expressive aphasia (Broca’s
Aphasia) is an impaired ability to produce language –
caused by damage to the Broca’s area. This
demonstrates the role played by this brain region in the
production of language.
• It has been found that Receptive aphasia (Wernicke’s
Aphasia) is an impaired ability to understand language –
caused by damage to the Wernicke’s area. This
demonstrates the role played by this brain region in the
understanding/comprehension of language.
Weakness: Individual Differences
• There are individual differences in brain
• Bavelier et al found a large variability in
individual patters of activation across different
individuals. They observed differences in activity
across the right temporal love, left frontal,
temporal and occipital lobes.
• Harasty et al found that women have
proportionally larger Broca’s and Wernicke’s area
than men, the result of women’s greater use of
Weakness: Language Production
• Dronkers et al
• MRI scans have revealed that other areas
besides Broca’s area could also have contributed
to the patients’ reduced speech abilities.
• This suggests that lesions to Broca’s aea alone
can use temporary speech disruption, they do
not usually result in severe disruption of spoken
language, suggesting that language and
cognition are far more complicated than once
thought and involve networks of brain regions,
not just localisation to specific areas.