NG FO, 4N ,.\". "+ JcpEd - Divirion rtf ' l&elublir ot Oe Drili{diles of Brtanoas r.lH:: ::::i:ti &EqHrvlsf) @elurtment of REGION IV-A CALABARZON SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BATANGAS Oclobet 4,2021 DIVISION MEMORANDUM r,ro. 41D ,s,2oz1 DIVISION SEARCH FOR THE 2021 BRIGADA ESKWELA BEST IMPLEMENTING SCHOOLS TO: Assistant Schools Division Superintendents Chief- Curriculum lmplementation Division (ClD) Chief- School Governance and Operations Division (SGOD) Public Schools District Supervisors Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads Partnership Focal Person/ Adopt-A-School Coordinators All Others Concerned 1. Pursuant 2. The Social Mobilization and Networking Section of SGOD in communication to the regional and national offices contextualized the selection criteria based on the 2021 Brigada Eskwela Best lmplementing Schools Award Guidelines. (See enclosure No. 'l, 2021 BE Evaluation Tool). 3. The following special awards shall also be given from among the Best Brigada to DepEd Memorandum No. 48. s. 2021, this division will conduct the 2021 Division Search for Brigada Eskwela Best lmplementing Schools on October 25 -28,2021 at Bauan Technical School, Bauan West District. Eskwela lmplementing Schools. i. ii. iii. iv. v. Best School- Community and Home Partnership Best Home Learning Spaces Best Partnership Engagement Activity Best Brigada Eskwela Collaboration at the School District Most Prepared School on committees, schedule, venue and evaluators with their term of references are in the Enclosure No. 2. 4. Details 5. The district entry documents shall only cover the period from August 3 to September 30,2021 and shall be submltted on or before October 22, 2021 on assigned venue (See Enclosure No. 2). School heads or Brigada Eskwela Coordinators should be present during the evaluation. D EP EDBATS-ODS-F-009/R0103-02-2020 Address: Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, 4200 Batangas City E(043)722-L840 I 722-t796 / 722-!437 1722-267s / 722-L662 CRN 44 1OO 1A 93 OOzl5 ots! ry' - c ro, ".t r.""F" tcpr[tir ot tbe Sbiligims @esurtment of @lumtion REGION IV-A CALABARZON SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BATANGAS 6. The SDO virtual awarding will be conducted on December 7,2021 via Streamyard live streaming through DepEd Tayo Batangas Province social media page. 7. Certificate of Recognition and cash reward will be awarded to the winners. Best Brigada Eskwela lmplementing Schools Places 1"' Place 2" Place 3'" Place Small Schools Medium Schools Large Schools Mega Schools (ES and Sec. (ES and Sec. (ES and Sec. (ES and Sec. School) Php 5,000.00 Php 4.000.00 Pho 3.000.00 School) Php 6,000.00 Php 4.000.00 Php 3.000.00 School) Php 7,000.00 Pho 4.000.00 Php 3,000.00 School) Php 8.000.00 PhD 4,000.00 Php 3,000.00 Special Awards ... L Best School- Community and Home Partnership... Php. 3,000.00 2. Best Home Learning Spaces... .. . . -. Php. 3,000.00 3. Best Partnership Engagement Activity.. . ... ... Php 3,000.00 4. Best Brigada Eskwela Collaboration at the School District............ Php. 3,000.00 5. Most Prepared ..... Php.3,000.00 ... . . Schoo|.......... 8. Expenses relative to the conduct of this activity will be charged against Division MOOE and downloaded Program Support Fund subject to the existing accounting and auditing rules and regulations. 9. For queries, kindly contact Ramil G. Ginete, Senior Education Program Specialist at email or cell phone number 09989416251 . 10. lmmediate dissemination and compliance to this Memorandum is highly expected. ARDOME, CESO V Schools Division Superintendent "/ L- DEP EDBATS-O DS-F-009/R0/03-02-2020 Address: Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, 4200 Batangas City E(s431722-L840 / 722-L796 / 722-1437 1722-267s / 722-L662 cRN 44 100 1a 93 0045 3olg[tir of tte pbilfuptned Departnsm of Glutatior REGION IV.A CALABARZON SCHOOLS DTVISION OF BATANGAS Enclosure No. 1 Brigada Eskwela Criteria and Categories (2021 BE Evaluation Tool ) BRIGADA ESKWELA MONITORING AND EVALUATION TOOL s.Y.2020-2021 Division: Name of School: School Address: School lD: (Please check appropriate box) Level: Elementary High Schoot Tvoe of Schc rol / Category School Head Contact Number: Brigada Eskwela Coordinator: Contact Number: Total Number of Students: Total Amount of Resources Generated: .tr E tf I srunll trI urouvt trI LARGE trI MEGA Php. Total Number of Teachers: : Major Brigada Pagbasa Project: Total Number of Non-Teaching Personnel: Total number of Beneliciaries: - A. Community Home Partnerships Evident 5Yo 1. Moderately Evident 2 1 Parents and community are involved the reading program. (Literacy and Numeracy) other members school in Highly Evident 3 r With plan and timeline o With Tutorial o With file Hub r With invitation letters with stakeholders . With reading materials in tulorial hub narrative report and analysis on the project. o With attendance . log book With copy of school/district memo or any legal bases on reading program With output from the program o With previous legal bases re: Homeroom PTA and its Federation r Compliance to municipal federation of PTA set of officers and board members. and existing collaboration projects of PT.A rWith list of and Federation of Parents and Pts. Met 90 r With plan of ways forward o With school and Municipal Tolal of 2. Collaboration of rWith copy/file of school Total Pts. 6 DEPEDBATS-ODS-F-009/R0/03-02-2020 Address: Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok,4200 datangas City lR(043)722-1840 / 722-1796 1722-7437 /722-2675 / 722-7662 cRN 44 100 18 93 0M5 nc *r$ io,, rY -.:r;, n- iSJ nauUtr C tUc FUflfutitte, Detrurtmem of @turltton REGION IV.A CALABARZON SCHOOLS DWISION OF BATANGAS timeline on conducting election Teachers Association. Brigada Eskwela planning and im plementation.(L SB, SEF) 4.Capability building (Webinar/training) of parents and other stakeholders in the community rPlan is included in the BE-LCP rWith .With 3 or more participation in Brigada Eskwela rAttendance logbook Certificates ,etc. school/district memorandum or as facilitators of advisory on the home based activity teaching and leaminq. 5r Collaboration to r With plan and timeline develop interventions to o With invitation improve teaching letters with processes, draw stakeholders greater support r With attendance from parents, LGU log book, community certificates ,etc. organizations. and 6. Conduct of PTA Forum and Assembly rCoordination with LGU's (province, city/municipal or barangay) re: allocation of implementation of LSB or SEF r With previous and existing projects and activities assisted or sponsored by LGU r With work program 3.LGU's (province, oCollaboration on cityimunicipal or preparation for the opening of classes barangay) collaboration on and Brigada preparation for the Eskwela planning opening of classes rLGU's and r Learning at o Coordination of Families parents and help children do teachers on homework helping pupils in are doing their involved in other homework (Module delivery and cuniculum-related and retrieval) decision. Home- their and they activities kinds of stakeholders participated in the activity. r With copy of school/district memo or any legal bases on teaching improvement process rWith previous and existing interventions r With records or MOV's of parents and other members of the families assisting their children beneficiaries of PTA projects on previous and cunent year. o With records file and report on collaboration with LGU'S rWith plan on trail ahead o With output of the activities oWith evaluation and result of the activity rWith plan of ways forward o With file of nanative report and analysis on the project. o With plan of ways forward rWith output from the program r Means of evaluation of students homework .With output on all homework done rWith leaming space at home DEPED BATS-ODS-F-009/R0/03-02-2020 Address: Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok,4200 Batangas City 10431122-1840 / 722-17s6 | 722-L437 / 722-2675 / 722-1662 ? cRN 44 100 18 93 0045 Delgrtmofi of @lucutior REGION ry.A CALABARZON SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BATANGAS . Family members of .With plan and a. Family resource 7 . With prepared activity designs and monitoring tool for the activities r With documentation /records of activities r With plan ahead rWith plan and timeline from schools of family activities r lnvitation letter, attendance logbook, certificates etc. r With prepared program and activities for schools and family o With output and list of beneficiaries. r With documentation analysis/records of activities. . With plan ahead r With plan of action, timetable and logbook .With request to LGU, NGAfor oWith Gulayan sa Tahanan, activities supervised by parents and teachers. r With documentations of implemented activities of volunteerism r With more than timeline from pupils/students schools of family and other activities residents actively . With attendance participate in log book/certifictes designing, supporting and monitoring activities of the school and community. centers, early childhood developments programs, and coordinated health and social services build on individual and enhance family life. (Ex lnviting parents strengths to conferences, assemblies not only on problem solving but a lso in webinars, Holdrng Schoo, Open House Day where parents are exposed to school life through displays students ol outplrt, Assigning parents as judges in school contest, lncluding parents school in planninq, Monitorihg and Evaluation Team, lnvolving parents feeding Drooram. Etc. in school 9. Sustainability of food supplies security for students and families. l0.Providing volunteerism rWith plan and target of volunteers opportunities for for school both school and rWith records community or log book of volunteers materials like seeds, plants and trees or tools . With advocacy campaign materials on the spirit of volunteerism r With designed activities of DEPED BATS-ODS-F-009/R0/03-02-2020 Address: Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok,4200 Batangas City 8(043)722-1840 / 722-!796 / 722-1437 / 122-2675 / 722-!662 cRN !4 'lOO 1a 93 0(}45 -L{.NG s- ::*.. €^. -a+- t.."F""j ile{otttu ot Be Drysrtuer }Uiliprfrce of Gluutfon REGION tV.A CALABARZON SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BATANGAS 50 volunteers for volunteers 11 . Communication media f or information disseminalion to strengthen schoolcommunity partnership. 12. With virtual students assemblies and safe communication. 'l3.With Functional School Governing Council 14. Records on Testimonies on School- Community Partnerships. r With plan of action and time table for information dissemination r Variety of communication media for information dissemination. r With advocacy campaign materials to strengthen r . With plan of action and time table for student s org. and assemblies r With set of students officers organizational chart of the council rWith conference '/meetings aftendance/log book oWith prolect of encouraging community to write testimonies .Other activities log 15.Wth collaboration on evaluation to formulate improvement plans and determine resources needed to improve teaching-learning processes. book oWith conference '/ meetings attendance/log book on evaluation and formulation of improvement plan to improve teaching learning process. small school and another 50 in every succeeding school sizes. r With documentations of implemented activities eWith communication media dissemination except from social media. r With filed report/output on previous activity of students assemblies and other activities o Wilh analysis of the council action/decision and achievements rWith plan of trail ahead school-community partnership. o With output from the activity With attendance or record of attendees from virtual students organizalion activities. o With filed reporVoutpuU documents on previous activity of school governing council. r With file of stakeholders /partners testimonies on school-community partnership oWith improvement plans to determine resources needed and improve teaching learning process. r With appreciation to partners school community partnerships. r With analysis of the projects and activities as well as plan of trail ahead. Grand Total Computation shall be based on the acquired points over 90 targeted points multiplied by 5 % then product multiplied by 100. D Score EPED BATS-ODS-F-009/R0/03-02-2020 Address: Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok,4200 Eatangas City *(o431722-I84O 1722-7796 / 722-L437 / 722-2675 / 722-1662 cRN 44 100 18 93 0M5 or! '!G to-l^='li "r- $' '"'"F; A,wqlttr of t e D[ilaplatter DryErtmef of GDucatfor REGION IV.A CALABARZON SCHOOLS DTVISION OF BATAT{GAS 1 . Report on student's dedicated and comfortable space for leaming at home. 2. Home leaming space is visual and with well-lit area. 3.With variety of reading materials and attainable to leamers 4.With plan and predictable leaminq 5. Home leaming space is with visual displays of independent works or plav. Grand Total Computation shall be based on the acquired points divided by the targeted 30 points multiplied by 5 % then product multiplied by 100 D Score EPED BATS-ODS-F-009/R0/03-02-2020 Address: Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbol! 4200 Batangas city r{@31722-L84O I 722-1796 / 722-t437 1722-267s / 722-t662 It XN cRN 44 100 1a 93 0045 3ewffirof tDe?ritipntu t Depurmeu of GDxrstiotr REGION IV.A CALABARZON SCHOOLS DTVISION OF BATANGAS l.Development plans and work programs relevant to new nonnal 2.Virtual Brigada Eskwela Forum 3.Online orientation lcapacily building on Adopt-A-School and partnership building strategies in relation to lhe Learning Continuity Plan 4.lnformation campaign to flexible learning option 5.Engagement of partners to support new learning management system 6.Virtual Partnership Appreciation Program 7. Discuss the new direction of basic education. (Different Challenges, BELCP and partnership on its implementation) 8.PTA Forum and Gen. Assembly D EPED BATS-ODS-F-009/R0/03-02-2020 Address: Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok,4200 Batangas City 7|w31722-784O / 722-11e6 I 722-1437 /722-2675 / 722-1662 cRN 44 100 18 93 0{X5 lBe$Ittic ot tbs ftilfpiltre, Dewmnem of Gtuution REGION IV.A CALABARZON SCHOOLS DN'ISION OF BATANGAS 9.Sharing of partnership best practices l0.Partnership for printed materials and supplies for remote learning for the learners, teachers and parents (bond paper, worksheets, notebooks,, pad paper, pen ,crayon, pencil etc. Grand Total Computation shall be based on the acquired points divided by the targeted 60 points multiplied by 5 % then product muhiplied by 100. Score 1, Coordinate with School District Offices and convene local school board to identify possible suDDort to school. 2. Participation in districts activities like webinars, training, workshoDs .etc. DEPEDBATS-ODS-F-009/R0i03-02-2020 Address: Provancial sports Complex, Bolbok,4200 Batangas City 7 l@31722-7840 / 722-L796 I 722-1437 I 722-2675 / 722-7662 cRN 44 100 1a 93 0045 set::% imEemtlic ot Oe fbilimfip,r Depetmefi of Gluution REGION IV.A CALABARZON SCHOOI.S DTVISION OF BATANGAS 3. Participate in district preparatory meeting for Briqada Eskwela 4. Programs, Projects and activities coordinated to school district 5. Recognition, Awards given by the school district 6. Coordination with school district on disaster risk reduction and resiliencV 7. Coordination with school district on sustainable food supply at home. 8. Coordination with school district with WinS Drooram 9. Coordination with school district on Reading program literacy and numeracv l0.Collaboration with school district with feeding Eroqram Computation shall be based on the acquired points divided by the targeted 60 points multiplied by 5 % then product multiplied by 100 Hard copy of plan with predictable activities from 08/03 t0 09/30 1 .Action Plan and Work Program D Score Plan is efficiently followed supported by documents and Plan is reflected to SIP/AIP and outDUt. imolemented with 10O Yo EPED BATS-ODS-F-009/R0/03-02-2020 Address: Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok,4200 Batangas city {M31722-184o / 722-1796 I 722-t437 I 722-267s I 722-L662 r cRN {4 10018 93 0M5 Oe{oltir ot t e FlilfuIatted Depnrtmeif of Glutation RIGION TV.A CALABARZON SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BATANGAS positive output 2.Compliance to timetable lmplemented almost on time Efficiently implemented right on time 3.Availability of BE Documents and its report to Division/District Office Documents submitted almost on time Documents Efiiciently submitted right on time Efficiently advanced 100% implementation on time Documents Efficiently submitted in advance and 1000/" implemented 4.Accuracy of BE report to DPDS, lnventory Slip and Acknowledgement Receipt S.Liquidation of all Expenses on time Tallied in DPDS Expenses liquidated almost on time Tallied in DPDS with acknowledgement receipt Tallied in DPDS Expenses efiiciently liquidated right on time Expenses efficiently liquidated in advanced , acknowledgement receipt and inventory slip Grand Total Computation shall be based on the acquired points divided by the targeted 30 points muttiplied by 5 % then product multiplied bv 100. NGA's and other govemment LGU'S organization and public corporations Barangay/ City/Provincial/ SK Communfi lnvolvement Score including NGO's and Private Sector lnvolvement including Pupil/Student Organization (SSG/SPG) Professional Associations Corporate Foundations and Private Schools Alumni Associations Target stakeholder per group is 2 partnerships to get 2 points, below 2 partnerships shall be given 1 point. Points met divided by targeted partnerships (10)then multiplied by 5% and product multiplied by 100. Smre "l.Collaboration with partners to secure the list of struggling leamers and non-readers per grade level DEPED BATS-ODS-F-009/R0/03-02-2020 Address: Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok,4200 B'atangas City 1043\722-t84O / 722-1796 / 722-t437 I 722-2675 I 722-1662 cRN zl4 1oo 1a ss oMs 3eloutr d tue Flilappirei Depsrtmeif of Glncttion REGION tV.A CALABARZON SCHOOLS DNNSION OF BATANGAS 2.Coordinate/collaborate with LGU in mapping the location of struggling learners per grade level 3. Collaborate with LGU'S on mapping community volunteers (Student Teachers, PTA Officers, Church Partners Etc.) to be equipped on teaching, reading and handling remediation classes. for Brigada Pagbasa 4. Train volunteers (PTA Officials, on methods and techniques to teach beginning reading and use the Reading Remediation Toolkit 5. Plan with teachers and community educators on the implementation of the Brigada Pagbasa Reading intervention. 6. Partnership on pre and post Core Reading Skills Assessments using Functional Literacy Assessment Tool( FLAT) to identified children by trained parents, caregivers, community educators and Child Leaderc/ Facilitators. 7. Mobilized trained Brigada Pagbasa facilitators to develop conte*ualized reading materials and books for reading sessions with children. 8. Review of contelrtualized reading materials and books for reading sessions with children. 9. Mobilized and suppo( trained Brigada Pagbasa Facilitators to implement reading and literacy building interventions to children's tutorials (Readinq, Enqlish, Science and Math) 10. Brigada Pagbasa Roll Out, 2 to 3 Hours Reading Remediation Session(Story Telling, Teaching Beginning Reading, Drills) . Conduct feed backing and reflection activities with teachers and community dducators to identii/ gaps and lessons leamt in the project roll out. 11 12. Partnership on School Development of Program Tutorials 13. Partnership on Establishment of Reading Help Desk or Tutorial Hubs 14. Specify other initiated school literacy and numeracy activities and interventions. 15. Alignment of Brigada Pagbasa to BE-LCP Computation shall be based on the acquired pts divided by 15 points multiplied by 5% then multiplied by 100. product Score Number Student Beneliciaries Number of Teacher Beneficiaries Number of Non-Teaching Total Number of Beneiciaries Personnel Benefi ciaries DEPED BATS-ODS-F-009/R0/03-02-2020 Address: Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok,4200 gatangas City ? lw3l722-184, / 722-L796 / 722-7437 I 722-2675 | 722-7662 ,-\ ,WN; CRN /t4 lOO 1a 93 OO45 .r* €o,_ ffi ^c -Y--+ lBeputtir ot tbe fuilipptuei Delsrtrl0r of Gtucctior RIGION IV-A CALABARZON SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BATANGAS Computalion shall be based on the total number of beneficiaries overlargeted number of beneliciaries multiplied by 5% and product multiplied by 100.The targeted number of beneficiaries is computed based on the lotal number of students, teachers and non-teaching personnel. Process shall be supported by documents through signature of beneflciaries. Score Elementary Level Secondary Level Category Number of Teachers (National) Resource Category Number of Teachers (National) Resource Generated Smail School 9 and below 90,000 and above Small School 9 and below 100,000 and above Medium School 10-29 200,000 and above Medium School 10-25 300,000 and above Large School 30-50 300,000 and above Large School 26-100 500,000 and above l/eqa School 51 and above 500,000 and above Meqa School 101 and above 1,000,000 and above Generaled No. of Inventory Custodian Slip Amount with correspondinq amount. No. of Property Acknowledgment Amount Receipt with corresponding amount. Computation shall be based on the following; Target met and tallied Target not met and tallied Target met but not tallied Target not met and not tallied 30Yo 20Yo 10Yo 5o/" Score Note: This pertains to generated resources to supporl the BE-LCP implementation and health and safety protocols. The amount generated resources shall include all donations-in-kind and equivalent amount of items based on the prevailing market value and of reflect to the equivalent of the volunteer man hour services. All donated items classified as property, Plant and Equipment are properly recorded in the book of accounts as stipulated in DepEd Order No. 82, s. 2011 titled "Guidelines on the Proper Recording of all Donated Properties.' lt shall also include all resources accepted after the steenng and working committees were formed and commence to execute.their functions. All amounts of generated resources shall be tallied in DPDS, lnventory Slip and Acknowledgement receipt. DEPED BATS-ODS-F-009/R0/03-02-2020 Address: Provincial Spons Complex, Bolbok,4200 Batangas City r l043)722-t841 / 722-L796 / 722-1417 / 722-2675 1722-1662 cRN 44 100 18 93 0M5 ""*:-::"% iFJ Eelul{ir ot tUc Slitipptuei Dryettmeifi of @Uuntion RIGION IV-A CALABARZON SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BATANGAS 1. Engage partners in the provision, delivery, retrieval in or the assessment l\rlodular Learning System and other materials supplementary for leaming. activity (work sheets, sheets Etc. 2. Engage partners in the promotion and provision of distance multiple leaming delivery modalities such as locbl radio/TV stations and other available media as initiative to deliver the cuniculum. 3. Engage parents in the promotion of new school system and their new role to increase involvement in their learning of the children. 4.Partnership in psychological first aid or other interventions and debriefinq S.School -Family Partnership on Gulayan sa Tahanan / Paaralan. 6. to clean disinfect school Coordination and buildinqs. classrooms and DEPED BATS-ODS-F-009/R0/03-02-2020 Address: Provincial sports Complex, Bolbok,4200 Batangas City 71043)722-L84O / 722-L796 /722-1437 / 722-2675 1722-7662 cRN 14 100 '18 93 0M5 t e Plilappirci Deparmef of Glmation Srsottir ot REGION ry-A CALABARZON SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BATANGAS other school facilities 7. ldentify resources and partnerships necessary for High Tech, Low Tech or No Tech aide for leaminq 8. Partnership on teachers and community educators on the implementation of the Pagbasa Brigada Reading intervention 9. Availability of printing information materials on COVID-19 and handwashing Proper hyqiene. 1 0.Availability of printing materials and provision of supplies for distance leaming(bond papers, worksheets, noteooks, pad papers, ball pens, pencil 11. Availability of hand sanitizing materials, such as rubbing alcohol, antibacterial or germicidal soaD 12. Availability of medical devices and equipment (infrared and digital thermometer,, pulse oximeter, thermos scanner,) 13. Washable lacemask, surgical face mask, face shield and surqical qloves. 14. Cleaning tools, materials or disinfectants that may be used to disinfect the learning areas, such as spray tank, disinfectant spray or disinfecting bleach, footbath I 5. Multivitamins capsules, tablets, or svruos for DEPEDBATS-ODS-F-009/R0/03-02-2020 Address: Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok,4200 Batangas City 81o431722-t841 1722-1796 / 722-L437 / 722-2675 /722-1662 Edeped. cRN 44 100 18 93 0M5 st"::i% im* Se+ottit ot t[e SUiti$pfite, Departmcrt of Gluotion REGION IV.A CALABARZON SCHOOLS DTVISION OF BATANGAS DepEd personnel and leamers. Others pls. specif,T: Grand Total Note: Computation shall be based on the acquhed points divided by the targeted points ( 90pts,) then multiplied by 20% and product multiplied by 100 Points Met 90 x 0,20 = Product x 100 Space for computation: Smre 1. Facilitate the assessment of school building structure and electrical wiring and make necessary repairs and/or upgrades to prevent unnecessary incidents. 2. Repair mino classroom damages such as broken windows, doors, blackboard, roofs and other fumiture, etc 3, lnstall apprcpriate and available fire suppression, including fire extinguishers, water source and relevant indiqenous materials. Ensure that conidors and pathways are unobstructed and that all sharp, protruding objects which ' 4. may cause harm to leamers are removed. 5. Clean and clear drainage to prevent clogging. Cover drainage canals and provide necessary warninqs 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 1 1. Cordon off and post safety signage for on-going construction, unfinished, damaged and condemned buildings. Secure cabinets and drawerc and ensure that heaw obiects are below head level. Post safety measures to be observed in laboratories, and workshops, and other facilities requiring the same. Prepare an evacuation/exit plan and post directional siqnage on every floor of the buildinq. ldentifo evacuation areas and classrooms that may be used as temporary shelters during disasters and emergencies. Prune trees to avoid entanglement from electrical wirings and avbid potential harm to life and property. 12. Post a directory of emergency contact numbers of relevant govemment agencies and officers various high trafiic areas ofthe in schgol. 13. Establish and maintain early warning mechanisms in the school. 14. Equip school with {irst aid kits, flashlights, megaphones, and other supplies necessary in cases of emergency. 15. Ensure that these items are hiqhly accessible and can be easilv located. DEPED BATS-ODS-F-009/R0103-02-2020 Address: Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok,4200 Batangas City 64s1722-184o / 722-17s6 I 722-L4s7 I 722-267s / 722-1662 r cRN 44 1001a 93 0()45 Dryartmeu of Guuutior REGION IV-A C{,ABARZON DryISION OF BATANGAS SCHOOLS 16. ldentify alternative sources and/or maintain supply of drinking water within the school. 17. Ensure that learners, teachers, and personnel have identification cards with relevant information. 18. Create database of leamers with the contact details of their immediate family members/relatives/quardians. 19. Secure and safely store vitalschool records. 20. Coordinate with barangay officials on pedestrian safety of learners. 2'1. Document accidents experienced by leamers and personnel within the school to improve prevention and mitiqation measures. 22. ldentifo a storage area for safekeeping of vital schools records, le*books, teaching manuals, computers, and other school equipment. The evaluation shall be based on the Schools Safe$, Preparedness and Resiliency Guide 22 points Gomputed as ooints met x 0.05 X100 22 Score Acquired point multiplied by 100 % Conformed: SdloolHead Signature over Printed Name l\ronitored/Evaluated by: Signature over Printed Name Signature over Pdnled Name Signafure over Pdnted Name Signature over Printed Name Signature over Printed Name Signature over Pdnted Name G RAiIIL G. ETE DMsion Bdgada Eskwela Coordinalor DAVID iT. NUAY SGOD Chief i'lARlO B. irAMlrOT CID Chiel IIERTHEL . EVARDOME.CESO V Sdlooh Divjsion Superintendent DEPED BATS-ODS-F-009/R0/03-02-2020 r.] twx,, Address: Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok,4200 Batangas City 7(BEJ722-784O 1722-1796 | 722-7437 | 722-2675 / 722-7662 cRN /4 100 1A 93 0045 Desurtment of @lucutfon REGION TV.A CALABARZON SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BATAI{GAS Enclosure No. 2 Committees, schedule, venue and evaluators with their term of references Awards School Categories Evaluators (ES and Sec., Venues Dates Small to Meqa Schools) Brigada Eskwela Best lmplementing School with special awards October 2021 Chairperson: Mario B- Maramot PhD. 25-28, Bauan Technical School - Bauan West District Co-Chairperson: Jimmy J. Morillo Members: Erickson T. Gutierrez Ma. Letecia Jose C. Basilan PhD, Rosalinda A. Mendoza Elizabeth R. Tolentino Rolando S. Casanova Loreta V. llao Terms of Reference Division Brigada Eskwela Focal Person Reminds all concerned that all documents/folders to be evaluated are ready and complete before the given date of evaluation. Requests the school head for the safe keeping of the documents before, during and after the search. Requests the school head to assign personnel for photo and narrative documentation during the whole duration of the search Division Level Search Chairpersons Ensures the availability of criteria, rubrics and evaluation sheets in coordination to the Social Mobilization and Networking Unit. Leads the group/mmmittee in the assessment of the nominee's documents. D EPEDBATS-ODS-F-009/R0/03-02-2020 Address: Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbolt 4200 Batangas City 8 l@3\722-1840 / 722-1796 | 722-r$7 | 722-267s I 722-!562 cRN 44 100 18 93 0045 Dqurtment of @lucutior REGION IV.A CAI-ABARZON SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BATANGAS Submits the duly signed committee's evaluation resuhs to the Social Mobilization and Networking Unit. Participates Members in the evaluation of the nominees' documents DEPE D BATS-ODS-F-009/R0/03-02-2020 Address: Provincial Sports Comple& Bolbok, 4200 Batangas City 8(@3)722-1840 /722-1796 / 722-L437 /722-267s / 722-1662 cRN 44 100 18 93 0M5