Name:_____________________ Chapter 7: Sacraments of Initiation Complete the following table: Sacrament Baptism Matter Form Minister Effects Confirmation Eucharist The following sentences describe some aspect of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. Indicate the sacrament describe by each sentence. (Sentences 1-9). 1. _____________________ This is the very first sacrament a person receives. 2.______________________ In this sacrament, we become Spirit-filled soldiers of Christ. 3. _____________________ This sacrament is food for the soul, without which it would die of spiritual starvation. 4. _____________________ Through the water and words of this sacrament, we become brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ. 5. _____________________ This sacrament is the gateway to all other sacraments. 6. _____________________ This sacraments is unique in that it is Jesus truly present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. 7. _____________________ This sacrament brings with it a special responsibility to witness to Jesus and the Gospel, and to defend our faith. 8. ____________________ This sacrament does not put an indelible mark on your soul. 9. ____________________ When we receive this sacrament we are said to become more adult or more mature.