Uploaded by Cheryl Coleman

Spaghetti Muscle Lab

MATERIALS: spaghetti, tape, markers, construction paper
1. Count out 5 thin (ACTIN) and 5 thick (MYOSIN) spaghetti noodles. Cut or break them to a length of
16 – cm. Group these together and have a partner draw lines around the bundle of spaghetti.
These lines should be equal distance from each other (about 1.5 inches). These represent the ZLINES. You have just made one MYOFIBRIL.
2. Secure the myofibril with clear tape.
3. Make 3 more myofibrils of the same length. Group them together. This grouping makes a
MUSCLE FIBER. Wrap your muscle fiber in yellow paper and tape closed. This represents the
4. Make 3 more muscle fibers with a length of 9 cm. Group all four muscle fibers together and
wrap them with a sheet of green paper and tape closed. This grouping represents the MUSCLE
FASCICLE. The green paper represents the PERIMYSIUM.
5. Make two more muscle fascicles with a length of only 7 cm this time.
6. Cut three thin strips of blue paper and three thin strips of red paper, with a length of 7 cm. Fold
the strips into long tubes, about the size of the muscle fibers. These strips represent the VEINS
7. Group the three fascicles, veins, and arteries together. Wrap them together with pink paper
and tape the paper closed. This grouping represents the MUSCLE. The pink paper represents the
MATERIALS: thin spaghetti, thick spaghetti, plastic wrap, markers, construction paper
1. Count out 5 thin (ACTIN) and 5 thick (MYOSIN) spaghetti noodles. Cut or break them to a length of
16 – cm. Group these together and have a partner draw lines around the bundle of spaghetti.
These lines should be equal distance from each other (about 1.5 inches). These represent the ZLINES. You have just made one MYOFIBRIL.
2. Secure the myofibril with clear tape.
3. Make 3 more myofibrils of the same length. Group them together. This grouping makes a
MUSCLE FIBER. Wrap your muscle fiber in yellow paper and tape closed. This represents the
4. Make 3 more muscle fibers with a length of 9 cm. Group all four muscle fibers together and
wrap them with a sheet of green paper and tape closed. This grouping represents the MUSCLE
FASCICLE. The green paper represents the PERIMYSIUM.
5. Make two more muscle fascicles with a length of only 7 cm this time.
6. Cut three thin strips of blue paper and three thin strips of red paper, with a length of 7 cm. Fold
the strips into long tubes, about the size of the muscle fibers. These strips represent the VEINS
7. Group the three fascicles, veins, and arteries together. Wrap them together with pink paper
and tape the paper closed. This grouping represents the MUSCLE. The pink paper represents the