Images have a more direct connection to feelings and unconscious ideas. Used to evoke deep feelings, to shock and to elicit compassion Words vs Images Convey the information in the limitation (time, concentration,ability to listen), explain plans logically and present business cacses in the presentations Use emotional power of words to create a mental image in mind = powerful as a picture on screen Presentation Purpose Audience may not have the same knowledge so you might be able to cover some basic details in low level and then launch into a more complex dicussion. Background Knowledge Practise reding out presentation in front of an audience and ask for feedback to improve Prepare for key script and slides TRỊNH THỤY ÁI TRÂM_K204041282 Practise You may give a presentation on an unannounced subjects -use logical argument, connecting wiht people's emotions and reminding them that you speak as one of them (or one who can relate to them) Link to their interests Audience Interest Ask them a question Practise and make sure that people can hear you Write their answers on a flip chart/whiteboard Speak slightly with natural speed to emphasize ideas or just time for words to sink in fully Voice Tips Ask people what they want to get from your presentation Presentation Delivery Purpose Try to vary tone and get advice from a friend Knowledge Get them involved Establish Eye contact with enough focusing Try to make audience feel confortable by smiling Ask people to introduce themselves Body language Techniques /methods Interests Ask for show of hands Walk amongst your audience Presentation style & ability Ask for a volunteer to try an activity Tell them they will be asked to write a yellow Post-it with comments/ what they have learnt/ questions on the presentation Give a route map along the lines PRESENTATION SKILLS Anxiety -unhelpful behaviour It's a good idea to introduce yourself naturally & welcome your audience to your talk Beginnings Give a controversial statement then disprove in it on the rest of your talk Some appoaches Briefly tell what is the presentation;s topic Presentation Design Show an emotional image Give a thought-provoking quotation If using the route-map approach, summarize the key points. You may wish to add conclusions. Perhaps you will pose further questions for future investigation. Presenting Beginnings & Endings Reading the news is a skilled activity Use a 'book-end' approach. For instance, if you started with an image, end with an image, if your first words were those of a quotation, return to it or use a suitable one in reply. Endings Memorize your last few sentences so that you are word perfect (have a flash card as a backup reminder). Remember to thank your audience for listening. Then ask if there are any questions. Building Confidence Write no more on a slide than you would on a postcard (Not write to many words) Tips for slide appearance Use readable font size Print separate Word hand-outs with references and give out at the end of presetation Slide Impact (Using Powerpoint) References in presentations Anxiety -helpful behaviour Use an addendum slide after 'ending' slide Print all slides of powerpoint Reinforcing your slides with what you say Going beyond the basics Dress Be aware of your dress message Props Using other devices or props - physical things like see or feel or natural sounds Give detialed hand-out at the end of the presentation Dress, Props, Hand-outs & Humour Hand-outs Distribute the han-outs as the framework at the beginning hand-outs not required if it's not a instructional presentation Humor Own Interpretation If not confident, do not attempt to tell jokes, try to welcome it if it occur naturally Record presentation to compare progress for personal develpment Feedback From your audience Equipment & Room Distribute feedback sheet to audience Check out all equipment and room layout before presentation. and always have back-up materials in case of failure