Sistema OPTIMA XR200/220amx Manual de Pre – Instalación Manual de Instalación Optima XR200amx Manual del Operador (Ingles) Optima XR220amx Manual del Operador (Ingles) Manual de Esquemáticos Optima XR200amx Actualización Digital OM (Ingles) Optima XR200amx Conformidad DICOM Manual con partes ilustradas Optima XR220amx Conformidad DICOM EMC Estatuto de Conformidad Estatuto IHE Especificaciones del Tubo de Rayos X Check List PM (EN) Check List PM (ES-LA) Check List PM (PT-BR) CAPITULO 1 – Introducción Sección 1 – Visión en Conjunto Esta declaración de integración de IHE describe la conformidad prevista de este producto de GE con el IHE Marco técnico. El Marco Técnico de IHE define un subconjunto de funcional componentes de la empresa de salud, llamados IHE Actors, y especifica sus interacciones en términos de un conjunto de transacciones coordinadas basadas en estándares. Estas transacciones están organizadas en unidades funcionales llamadas perfiles de integración que destacan su capacidad para abordar necesariamente. Los usuarios familiarizados con estos conceptos pueden usar Declaraciones de integración como una ayuda para determinar qué nivel de integración que este producto admite con otros sistemas y qué beneficios clínicos y operativos tal integración podría proporcionar. Otras declaraciones de integración de GE, así como más información sobre IHE se pueden encontrar en Internet en: Sección 2 – Observaciones Importantes El uso de estas Declaraciones de integración IHE, por sí solo, no es suficiente para garantizar que la interoperación sea exitosa. El usuario debe proceder con precaución y asegurarse de que la integración de un sistema calificado (como la proporcionada por los Servicios profesionales de TI de GE) aborde al menos cuatro problemas: - Integración: la integración de cualquier sistema en un departamento o empresa integrada requiere un análisis de los requisitos de las aplicaciones. El diseño de una solución que integra Los sistemas GE con sistemas no GE son responsabilidad del usuario y no deben ser subestimado Se debe tener especial cuidado al definir el flujo de trabajo esperado, el condiciones especiales, y la práctica clínica a ser apoyada para asegurar un seguro y efectivo operación. - Validación: prueba del rango completo de posibles interacciones entre cualquier sistema de GE y el sistema no GE, antes de que la integración se declare operativa, no debe pasarse por alto. Por lo tanto, el usuario debe asegurarse de que cualquier proveedor que no sea GE acepte la plena responsabilidad de todos validación requerida para su conexión con los sistemas de GE. Esto incluye la precisión del datos una vez que ha cruzado la interfaz y la estabilidad de los datos para las aplicaciones previstas. Tal validación es necesaria antes de realizar cualquier uso clínico (diagnóstico y / o tratamiento). - Evolución futura: GE entiende que el Marco Técnico de IHE y el los estándares de comunicación evolucionarán para cumplir con los crecientes requisitos del usuario. GE está activamente involucrado en el desarrollo del Marco Técnico de IHE y los estándares subyacentes. Tales evoluciones pueden requerir cambios en los sistemas ya instalados. Además, GE se reserva el derecho de descontinuar o hacer cambios a las características del producto, incluidas las reflejadas por esta Declaración de integración de IHE. El usuario debe asegurarse de que cualquier sistema no GE que se conecta con los sistemas de GE también planifica la evolución futura de IHE. No hacerlo es probable como resultado la pérdida de función y / o conectividad a medida que evolucionan los perfiles de IHE Integration y GE Los productos se han mejorado para admitir estos cambios. Optima XR200amx / XR220amx Manual de Pre-Instalación Warning GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL ATTENTION LES APPAREILS A RAYONS X SONT DANGEREUX A LA FOIS POUR LE PATIENT ET POUR LE MANIPULATEUR SI LES MESURES DE PROTECTION NE SONT PAS STRICTEMENT APPLIQUEES Bien que cet appareil soit construit selon les normes de sécurité les plus severes, la source de rayonnement X représente un danger lorsque le manipulateur est non qualifié ou non averti. Une exposition excessive au rayonnement X entraîne des dommages a l’organisme. Par conséquent, toutes les précautions doivent être prises pour éviter que les personnes non autorisées ou non qualifées utilisent cet appareil créant ainsi un danger pour les autres et pour ellesmêmes. Avant chaque manipulation, les personnes qualifiées et autorisées à se servir de cet appareil doivent se renseigner sur les mesures de protection etablies par la Commission Internationale sur la Protection Radiologique, Annales 26: Recommandations de la Commission Internationale sure la Protection Radiologique et les normes nationales en vigueur. WARNING X-RAY EQUIPMENT IS DANGEROUS TO BOTH PATIENT AND OPERATOR UNLESS MEASURES OF PROTECTION ARE STRICTLY OBSERVED. Though this equipment is built to the highest standards of electrical and mechanical safety, the useful x-ray beam becomes a source of danger in the hands of the unauthorized or unqualified operator. Excessive exposure to x-radiation causes damage to human tissue. Therefore, adequate precautions must be taken to prevent unauthorized or unqualified persons from operating this equipment or exposing themselves or others to its radiation. Before operation, persons qualified and authorized to operate this equipment should be familiar with the Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), contained in Annals Number 26 of the ICRP, and with applicable national standards. ATENCION LOS APARATOS DE RAYOS X SON PELIGROSOS PARA EL PACIENTE Y EL MANIPULADOR CUANDO LAS NORMAS DE PROTECCION NO ESTAN OBSERVADAS Aunque este aparato está construido según las normas de seguridad más estrictas, la radiacion X constituye un peligro al ser manipulado por personas no autorizadas o incompetentes. Una explosicion excesiva a la radiación X puede causar daños al organismo. Por consiguiente, se deberán tomar todas las precauciones necesarias para evitar que las personas incompetentes o no autorizadas utilicen este aparato, lo que seria un peligro para los demás y para si mismas. Antes de efectuar las manipulaciones, las personas habilitadas y competentes en el uso de este aparato, deberán informarse sobre las normas de protección fijadas por la Comisión Internacional de la Protección Radiológica, Anales No 26: Recomendaciones de la Comisión Internacional sobre la Protección Radiológica y normas nacionales. ACHTUNG RÖNTGENAPPARATE SIND EINE GEFAHR FUR PATIENTEN SOWIE BEDIENUNGSPERSONAL, WENN DIE GELTENDEN SICHERHEITSVORKEHRUNGEN NICHT GENAU BEACHTET WERDEN Dieser Apparat entspricht in seiner Bauweise strengsten elektrischen und mechanischen Sichereitsnormen, doch in den Händen unbefugter oder unqualifizierter Personen wird er zu einer Gefahrenquelle. Übermäßige Röntgenbestrahlung ist für den menschlichen Organismus schädlish. Deswegen sind hinreichende Vorsichtsmaßnahmen erforderlich, um zu verhindern, daßunbefugte oder unqualifizierte Personen solche Geräte bedienen oder sich selbst und andere Personen deren Bestrahlung aussetzen können. Vor Inbetriebnahme dieses Apparats solite sich das qualifizierte und befugte Bedienungspersonal mit den geltenden Kriterien für den gefahrlosen Strahleneinsatz durch sorgfältiges Studium des Hefts Nr. 26 der Internationalen Kommission für Strahlenschutz (ICRP) vertraut machen: Empfehlungen der Internationalen Kommission für Strahlenschutz und anderer nationaler Normenbehörden. Page 2 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Important information WARNING (EN) ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ (BG) 警告 (ZH-CN) 警告 (ZH-HK) 警告 (ZH-TW) This service manual is available in English only. • If a customer's service provider requires a language other than English, it is the customer's responsibility to provide translation services. • Do not attempt to service the equipment unless this service manual has been consulted and is understood. • Failure to heed this warning may result in injury to the service provider, operator or patient from electric shock, mechanical or other hazards. Tова упътване за работа е налично само на английски език. • Ако доставчикът на услугата на клиента изиска друг език, задължение на клиента е да осигури превод. • Не използвайте оборудването, преди да сте се консултирали и разбрали упътването за работа. • неспазването на това предупреждение може да доведе до нараняване на доставчика на услугата, оператора или пациентa в резултат на токов удар, механична или друга опасност. 本维修手册仅提供英文版本。 • • • 如果客户的维修服务人员需要非英文版本,则客户需自行提供翻译服务。 未详细阅读和完全理解本维修手册之前,不得进行维修。 忽略本警告可能对维修服务人员、操作人员或患者造成电击、机械伤害或其他形式的伤 害。 本服務手冊僅提供英文版本。 • 倘若客戶的服務供應商需要英文以外之服務手冊,客戶有責任提供翻譯服務。 • 除非已參閱本服務手冊及明白其內容,否則切勿嘗試維修設備。 • 不遵從本警告或會令服務供應商、網絡供應商或病人受到觸電、機械性或其他的危險。 本維修手冊僅有英文版。 • 若客戶的維修廠商需要英文版以外的語言,應由客戶自行提供翻譯服務。 • 請勿試圖維修本設備,除非 您已查閱並瞭解本維修手冊。 • 若未留意本警告,可能導致維修廠商、操作員或病患因觸電、機械或其他危險而受傷。 UPOZORENJE (HR) Ovaj servisni priručnik dostupan je na engleskom jeziku. • Ako davatelj usluge klijenta treba neki drugi jezik, klijent je dužan osigurati prijevod. • Ne pokušavajte servisirati opremu ako niste u potpunosti pročitali i razumjeli ovaj servisni priručnik. • zanemarite li ovo upozorenje, može doći do ozljede davatelja usluge, operatera ili pacijenta uslijed strujnog udara, mehaničkih ili drugih rizika. VÝSTRAHA (CS) Tento provozní návod existuje pouze v anglickém jazyce. • V případě, že externí služba zákazníkům potřebuje návod v jiném jazyce, je zajištění překladu do odpovídajícího jazyka úkolem zákazníka. • Nesnažte se o údržbu tohoto zařízení, aniž byste si přečetli tento provozní návod a pochopili jeho obsah. • V případě nedodržování této výstrahy může dojít k poranění pracovníka prodejního servisu, obslužného personálu nebo pacientů vlivem elektrického proudu, respektive vlivem mechanických či jiných rizik. Denne servicemanual findes kun på engelsk. • Hvis en kundes tekniker har brug for et andet sprog end engelsk, er det kundens ansvar at sørge for oversættelse. • Forsøg ikke at servicere udstyret uden at læse og forstå denne servicemanual. • Manglende overholdelse af denne advarsel kan medføre skade på grund af elektrisk stød, mekanisk eller anden fare for teknikeren, operatøren eller patienten. ADVARSEL (DA) Important Information Page 3 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 WAARSCHUWING (NL) HOIATUS (ET) VAROITUS (FI) ATTENTION (FR) WARNUNG (DE) ΠΡΟΕΙ∆ΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ (EL) FIGYELMEZTETÉS (HU) AÐVÖRUN (IS) Page 4 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Deze onderhoudshandleiding is enkel in het Engels verkrijgbaar. • Als het onderhoudspersoneel een andere taal vereist, dan is de klant verantwoordelijk voor de vertaling ervan. • Probeer de apparatuur niet te onderhouden alvorens deze onderhoudshandleiding werd geraadpleegd en begrepen is. • Indien deze waarschuwing niet wordt opgevolgd, zou het onderhoudspersoneel, de operator of een patiënt gewond kunnen raken als gevolg van een elektrische schok, mechanische of andere gevaren. See teenindusjuhend on saadaval ainult inglise keeles • Kui klienditeeninduse osutaja nõuab juhendit inglise keelest erinevas keeles, vastutab klient tõlketeenuse osutamise eest. • Ärge üritage seadmeid teenindada enne eelnevalt käesoleva teenindusjuhendiga tutvumist ja sellest aru saamist. • Käesoleva hoiatuse eiramine võib põhjustada teenuseosutaja, operaatori või patsiendi vigastamist elektrilöögi, mehaanilise või muu ohu tagajärjel. Tämä huolto-ohje on saatavilla vain englanniksi. • Jos asiakkaan huoltohenkilöstö vaatii muuta kuin englanninkielistä materiaalia, tarvittavan käännöksen hankkiminen on asiakkaan vastuulla. • Älä yritä korjata laitteistoa ennen kuin olet varmasti lukenut ja ymmärtänyt tämän huolto-ohjeen. • Mikäli tätä varoitusta ei noudateta, seurauksena voi olla huoltohenkilöstön, laitteiston käyttäjän tai potilaan vahingoittuminen sähköiskun, mekaanisen vian tai muun vaaratilanteen vuoksi. Ce manuel d’installation et de maintenance est disponible uniquement en anglais. • Si le technicien d'un client a besoin de ce manuel dans une langue autre que l'anglais, il incombe au client de le faire traduire. • Ne pas tenter d'intervenir sur les équipements tant que ce manuel d’installation et de maintenance n'a pas été consulté et compris. • Le non-respect de cet avertissement peut entraîner chez le technicien, l'opérateur ou le patient des blessures dues à des dangers électriques, mécaniques ou autres. Diese Serviceanleitung existiert nur in englischer Sprache. • Falls ein fremder Kundendienst eine andere Sprache benötigt, ist es Aufgabe des Kunden für eine entsprechende Übersetzung zu sorgen. • Versuchen Sie nicht diese Anlage zu warten, ohne diese Serviceanleitung gelesen und verstanden zu haben. • Wird diese Warnung nicht beachtet, so kann es zu Verletzungen des Kundendiensttechnikers, des Bedieners oder des Patienten durch Stromschläge, mechanische oder sonstige Gefahren kommen. Το παρόν εγχειρίδιο σέρβις διατίθεται μόνο στα αγγλικά. • Εάν ο τεχνικός σέρβις ενός πελάτη απαιτεί το παρόν εγχειρίδιο σε γλώσσα εκτός των αγγλικών, αποτελεί ευθύνη του πελάτη να παρέχει τις υπηρεσίες μετάφρασης. • Μην επιχειρήσετε την εκτέλεση εργασιών σέρβις στον εξοπλισμό αν δεν έχετε συμβουλευτεί και κατανοήσει το παρόν εγχειρίδιο σέρβις. • Αν δεν προσέξετε την προειδοποίηση αυτή, ενδέχεται να προκληθεί τραυματισμός στον τεχνικό σέρβις, στο χειριστή ή στον ασθενή από ηλεκτροπληξία, μηχανικούς ή άλλους κινδύνους. Ezen karbantartási kézikönyv kizárólag angol nyelven érhető el. • Ha a vevő szolgáltatója angoltól eltérő nyelvre tart igényt, akkor a vevő felelőssége a fordítás elkészíttetése. • Ne próbálja elkezdeni használni a berendezést, amíg a karbantartási kézikönyvben leírtakat nem értelmezték. • Ezen figyelmeztetés figyelmen kívül hagyása a szolgáltató, működtető vagy a beteg áramütés, mechanikai vagy egyéb veszélyhelyzet miatti sérülését eredményezheti. Þessi þjónustuhandbók er aðeins fáanleg á ensku. • Ef að þjónustuveitandi viðskiptamanns þarfnast annas tungumáls en ensku, er það skylda viðskiptamanns að skaffa tungumálaþjónustu. • Reynið ekki að afgreiða tækið nema að þessi þjónustuhandbók hefur verið skoðuð og skilin. • Brot á sinna þessari aðvörun getur leitt til meiðsla á þjónustuveitanda, stjórnanda eða sjúklings frá raflosti, vélrænu eða öðrum áhættum. Important Information GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 AVVERTENZA (IT) (JA) 경고 (KO) BRÎDINÂJUMS (LV) ĮSPĖJIMAS (LT) ADVARSEL (NO) OSTRZEŻENIE (PL) AVISO (PT-BR) ATENÇÃO (PT-PT) OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Il presente manuale di manutenzione è disponibile soltanto in lingua inglese. • Se un addetto alla manutenzione richiede il manuale in una lingua diversa, il cliente è tenuto a provvedere direttamente alla traduzione. • Procedere alla manutenzione dell'apparecchiatura solo dopo aver consultato il presente manuale ed averne compreso il contenuto. • Il mancato rispetto della presente avvertenza potrebbe causare lesioni all'addetto alla manutenzione, all'operatore o ai pazienti provocate da scosse elettriche, urti meccanici o altri rischi. このサービスマニュアルには英語版しかありません。 サービスを担当される業者が英語以外の言語を要求される場合、翻訳作業はその業者の責任で行 うものとさせていただきます。 このサービスマニュアルを熟読し理解せずに、装置のサービスを行わないでください。 この警告に従わない場合、サービスを担当される方、操作員あるいは患者さんが、感電や機械 的又はその他の危険により負傷する可能性があります。 본 서비스 매뉴얼은 영어로만 이용하실 수 있습니다 . • 고객의 서비스 제공자가 영어 이외의 언어를 요구할 경우 , 번역 서비스를 제공하는 것은 고객의 책임입니다 . • 본 서비스 매뉴얼을 참조하여 숙지하지 않은 이상 해당 장비를 수리하려고 시도하지 마십시오 . • 본 경고 사항에 유의하지 않으면 전기 쇼크 , 기계적 위험 , 또는 기타 위험으로 인해 서비스 제공자 , 사용자 또는 환자에게 부상을 입힐 수 있습니다 . Šī apkopes rokasgrāmata ir pieejama tikai angļu valodā. • Ja klienta apkopes sniedzējam nepieciešama informācija citā valodā, klienta pienākums ir nodrošināt tulkojumu. • Neveiciet aprīkojuma apkopi bez apkopes rokasgrāmatas izlasīšanas un saprašanas. • Šī brīdinājuma neievērošanas rezultātā var rasties elektriskās strāvas trieciena, mehānisku vai citu faktoru izraisītu traumu risks apkopes sniedzējam, operatoram vai pacientam. Šis eksploatavimo vadovas yra tik anglų kalba. • Jei kliento paslaugų tiekėjas reikalauja vadovo kita kalba – ne anglų, suteikti vertimo paslaugas privalo klientas. • Nemėginkite atlikti įrangos techninės priežiūros, jei neperskaitėte ar nesupratote šio eksploatavimo vadovo. • Jei nepaisysite šio įspėjimo, galimi paslaugų tiekėjo, operatoriaus ar paciento sužalojimai dėl elektros šoko, mechaninių ar kitų pavojų. Denne servicehåndboken finnes bare på engelsk. • Hvis kundens serviceleverandør har bruk for et annet språk, er det kundens ansvar å sørge for oversettelse. • Ikke forsøk å reparere utstyret uten at denne servicehåndboken er lest og forstått. • Manglende hensyn til denne advarselen kan føre til at serviceleverandøren, operatøren eller pasienten skades på grunn av elektrisk støt, mekaniske eller andre farer. Niniejszy podręcznik serwisowy dostępny jest jedynie w języku angielskim. • Jeśli serwisant klienta wymaga języka innego niż angielski, zapewnienie usługi tłumaczenia jest obowiązkiem klienta. • Nie próbować serwisować urządzenia bez zapoznania się z niniejszym podręcznikiem serwisowym i zrozumienia go. • Niezastosowanie się do tego ostrzeżenia może doprowadzić do obrażeń serwisanta, operatora lub pacjenta w wyniku porażenia prądem elektrycznym, zagrożenia mechanicznego bądź innego. Este manual de assistência técnica encontra-se disponível unicamente em inglês. • Se outro serviço de assistência técnica solicitar a tradução deste manual, caberá ao cliente fornecer os serviços de tradução. • Não tente reparar o equipamento sem ter consultado e compreendido este manual de assistência técnica. • A não observância deste aviso pode ocasionar ferimentos no técnico, operador ou paciente decorrentes de choques elétricos, mecânicos ou outros. Este manual de assistência técnica só se encontra disponível em inglês. • Se qualquer outro serviço de assistência técnica solicitar este manual noutro idioma, é da responsabilidade do cliente fornecer os serviços de tradução. • Não tente reparar o equipamento sem ter consultado e compreendido este manual de assistência técnica. • O não cumprimento deste aviso pode colocar em perigo a segurança do técnico, do operador ou do paciente devido a choques eléctricos, mecânicos ou outros. Important Information Page 5 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 ATENŢIE (RO) ОСТОРОЖНО! (RU) UPOZORENJE (SR) UPOZORNENIE (SK) ATENCION (ES) VARNING (SV) OPOZORILO (SL) DİKKAT (TR) Page 6 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Acest manual de service este disponibil doar în limba engleză. • Dacă un furnizor de servicii pentru clienţi necesită o altă limbă decât cea engleză, este de datoria clientului să furnizeze o traducere. • Nu încercaţi să reparaţi echipamentul decât ulterior consultării şi înţelegerii acestui manual de service. • Ignorarea acestui avertisment ar putea duce la rănirea depanatorului, operatorului sau pacientului în urma pericolelor de electrocutare, mecanice sau de altă natură. Данное руководство по техническому обслуживанию представлено только на английском языке. • Если сервисному персоналу клиента необходимо руководство не на английском, а на каком-то другом языке, клиенту следует самостоятельно обеспечить перевод. • Перед техническим обслуживанием оборудования обязательно обратитесь к данному руководству и поймите изложенные в нем сведения. • Несоблюдение требований данного предупреждения может привести к тому, что специалист по техобслуживанию, оператор или пациент получит удар электрическим током, механическую травму или другое повреждение Ovo servisno uputstvo je dostupno samo na engleskom jeziku. • Ako klijentov serviser zahteva neki drugi jezik, klijent je dužan da obezbedi prevodilačke usluge. • Ne pokušavajte da opravite uređaj ako niste pročitali i razumeli ovo servisno uputstvo. • Zanemarivanje ovog upozorenja može dovesti do povređivanja servisera, rukovaoca ili pacijenta usled strujnog udara ili mehaničkih i drugih opasnosti. Tento návod na obsluhu je k dispozícii len v angličtine. • Ak zákazníkov poskytovateľ služieb vyžaduje iný jazyk ako angličtinu, poskytnutie prekladateľských služieb je zodpovednosťou zákazníka. • Nepokúšajte sa o obsluhu zariadenia, kým si neprečítate návod na obluhu a neporozumiete mu. • Zanedbanie tohto upozornenia môže spôsobiť zranenie poskytovateľa služieb, obsluhujúcej osoby alebo pacienta elektrickým prúdom, mechanické alebo iné ohrozenie. Este manual de servicio sólo existe en inglés. • Si el encargado de mantenimiento de un cliente necesita un idioma que no sea el inglés, el cliente deberá encargarse de la traducción del manual. • No se deberá dar servicio técnico al equipo, sin haber consultado y comprendido este manual de servicio. • La no observancia del presente aviso puede dar lugar a que el proveedor de servicios, el operador o el paciente sufran lesiones provocadas por causas eléctricas, mecánicas o de otra naturaleza. Den här servicehandboken finns bara tillgänglig på engelska. . • Om en kunds servicetekniker har behov av ett annat språk än engelska, ansvarar kunden för att tillhandahålla översättningstjänster. • Försök inte utföra service på utrustningen om du inte har läst och förstår den här servicehandboken. • Om du inte tar hänsyn till den här varningen kan det resultera i skador på serviceteknikern, operatören eller patienten till följd av elektriska stötar, mekaniska faror eller andra faror. Ta servisni priročnik je na voljo samo v angleškem jeziku. • Če ponudnik storitve stranke potrebuje priročnik v drugem jeziku, mora stranka zagotoviti prevod. • Ne poskušajte servisirati opreme, če tega priročnika niste v celoti prebrali in razumeli. • Če tega opozorila ne upoštevate, se lahko zaradi električnega udara, mehanskih ali drugih nevarnosti poškoduje ponudnik storitev, operater ali bolnik. Bu servis kılavuzunun sadece ingilizcesi mevcuttur. • Eğer müşteri teknisyeni bu kılavuzu ingilizce dışında bir başka lisandan talep ederse, bunu tercüme ettirmek müşteriye düşer. • Servis kılavuzunu okuyup anlamadan ekipmanlara müdahale etmeyiniz. • Bu uyarıya uyulmaması, elektrik, mekanik veya diğer tehlikelerden dolayı teknisyen, operatör veya hastanın yaralanmasına yol açabilir. Important Information GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Legal notes TRADEMARKS Optima XR200amxTM and Optima XR220amxTM are trademarks of GE Healthcare. WPA and WPA2 are trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance. All other products and their name brands are trademarks of their respective holders. COPYRIGHTS All material copyright © 2011 by General Electric Company, Inc. All rights reserved. The material presented and contained herein may not be reproduced in any form or manner, without the written permission of General Electric Company, Inc. Important Information Page 7 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Important precautions DAMAGE IN TRANSPORTATION All packages should be closely examined at time of delivery. If damage is apparent, have notation “damage in shipment” written on all copies of the freight or express bill before delivery is accepted or “signed for” by a General Electric representative or a hospital receiving agent. Whether noted or concealed, damage MUST be reported to the carrier immediately upon discovery, or in any event, within 14 days after receipt, and the contents and containers held for inspection by the carrier. A transportation company will not pay a claim for damage if an inspection is not requested within this 14 day period. To file a report, call 1-800-548-3366. Select the option for “Install Support Services for FOA and MIS.” Contact your local service coordinator for more information on this process. CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR STATEMENT All electrical installations that are preliminary to positioning of the equipment at the site prepared for the equipment shall be performed by licensed electrical contractors. In addition, electrical feeds into the Power Distribution Unit shall be performed by licensed electrical contractors. Other connections between pieces of electrical equipment, calibrations and testing shall be performed by qualified GE Healthcare personnel. The products involved (and the accompanying electrical installations) are highly sophisticated, and special engineering competence is required. In performing all electrical work on these products, GE will use its own specially trained field engineers. All of GE’s electrical work on these products will comply with the requirements of the applicable electrical codes. The purchaser of GE equipment shall only utilize qualified personnel (i.e., GE’s field engineers, personnel of third-party service companies with equivalent training, or licensed electricians) to perform electrical servicing on the equipment. IMPORTANT...X-RAY PROTECTION X-ray equipment if not properly used may cause injury. Accordingly, the instructions herein contained should be thoroughly read and understood by everyone who will use the equipment before you attempt to place this equipment in operation. GE Healthcare will be glad to assist and cooperate in placing this equipment in use. Although this apparatus incorporates a high degree of protection against x-radiation other than the useful beam, no practical design of equipment can provide complete protection. Nor can any practical design compel the operator to take adequate precautions to prevent the possibility of any persons carelessly exposing themselves or others to radiation. It is important that anyone having anything to do with x-radiation be properly trained and fully acquainted with the recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) as published in NCRP Reports available from NCRP Publications, 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Room 1016, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, and of the International Commission on Radiation Protection, and take adequate steps to protect against injury. The equipment is sold with the understanding that GE Healthcare, its agents, and representatives have no responsibility for injury or damage which may result from improper use of the equipment. Various protective materials and devices are available. It is urged that such materials or devices be used. Page 8 Important Information GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL LITHIUM BATTERY CAUTIONARY STATEMENT DANGER - Risk of Explosion Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Discard used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions. ATTENTION - Danger d’Explosion Il y a danger d’explosion s’il y a replacement incorrect de la batterie. Remplacer uniquement avec une batterie du même type ou d’un type recommandé par le constructeur. Mettre au rébut les batteries usagées conformément aux instructions du fabricant. TECHNICAL MANUAL UPDATES When operating or servicing GE Healthcare products, please contact your GE representative for the latest revision of product documentation. Product documentation may also be available on-line at the GE Healthcare support documentation library. OMISSIONS AND ERRORS Customers, please contact your GE Healthcare sales or service representatives. GE personnel, please use the GE Healthcare complaint handling process to report all omissions, errors, and defects in this publication. Important Information Page 9 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Revision history Revision Date Reason for change 1 03AUG2011 Initial release of document 2 13SEP2012 Added text to front material on how to obtain most recent revisions of technical manuals. Satisfies FDA recommendation. 3 03DEC2014 Chapter 1, Section 1.4.1, added additional height in the table of 178.8 cm (70.4 in) for short column 220/200 systems. Updated Fig 1-2 with additional height. Refer to ECO 2158872. Chapter 1, Section 1.2, added Wireless Hand Switch (optional, Optima XR220amx and Optima XR200amx) under "Shipped Separately". Refer to ECO 2162103. Chapter 1, Section 1.3.2, added customer’s responsibility for tablet holder option. Chapter 1, Section 1.6, added a item of tablet holder in the check off list. Chapter 5, Section 5.2, added one column “FIPS ON Specification” in the table 5-1: Access point and network specifications. Chapter 5, Section 5.2, in the table 5-1: Access point and network specifications, removed the specification of “FIPS 140-2, AES-256” in the item of “Security protocol (Compliant with 802.11)”. Chapter 6, Section 6.1.2, added “If FIPS is enabled” item in the list of “Network infrastructure”. Removed “FIPS 140-2, AES-256” in the checklist of “Wireless security”, Added “What is CA certificate?”/ “What is Client certificate?”/“What is Private key file?”/ “What is Private key password?” in the checklist of “Wireless security”. Page 10 Important Information Preface - PubliGE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Preface Publication Conventions Standardized conventions for representing information is a uniform way of communicating information to a reader in a consistent manner. Conventions are used so that the reader can easily recognize the actions or decisions that must be made. There are a number of character and paragraph styles used in this publication to accomplish this task. Please become familiar with them before proceeding forward. It is important that you read and understand hazard statements, and not just ignore them. Safety & Hazard Information Proper product safety labeling allows a person to safely use or service a product. The format and style for safety communications reflected in this publication represents the harmonization of IEC/ ISO 3864 and ANSI Z535 standards. Within this publication, different paragraph and character styles are used to indicated potential hazards. Paragraph prefixes, such as hazard, caution, danger and warning, are used to identify important safety information. Text (Hazard) styles are applied to the paragraph contents that are applicable to each specific safety statement. Hazard Messages Any action that will, could or potentially cause personal injury will be preceded by the safety alert symbol and an appropriate signal word. The safety alert symbol is the triangle with an exclamation mark within it. It Is always used next to the signal word to indicate the severity of the hazard. Together, they are used to indicate a hazard exists. Signal words describe the severity of possible human injures that may be encountered. The alert symbol and signal word are placed immediately before any paragraph they affect. Safety information includes: 1.) Signal Word - The seriousness level of the hazard. 2.) Symbol or Pictorial - The consequence of interaction with the hazard. 3.) Word Message: a.) The nature of the hazard (i.e. the type of hazard) b.) How to avoid the hazard. The safety alert symbol is not used when an action can only cause equipment damage. Text Format of Signal Words DANGER - INDICATES AN IMMINENTLY HAZARDOUS SITUATION WHICH, IF NOT AVOIDED, WILL RESULT IN DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY. THIS SIGNAL WORD IS LIMITED TO THE MOST EXTREME SITUATIONS. WARNING - INDICATES A POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS SITUATION WHICH, IF NOT AVOIDED, COULD RESULT IN DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY. Caution - Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices. NOTICE - Indicates information or a company policy that relates directly or indirectly to the safety of personnel or protection of property. This signal word is associated directly with a hazard or hazardous situation and is used in place of 'DANGER,' 'WARNING,' or 'CAUTION.' It can include: • Destruction of a disk drive • Potential for internal mechanical damage, such as to a X-ray tube Publication Conventions Page 11 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Symbols and Pictorials Used The following Symbols and Pictorials are be used in this publication. These graphical icons (symbols) may be used to make you aware of specific types of hazards that could possibly cause harm. Page 12 keep_up magnetic biohazard compressgas ppe-hearing fragile impact corrosive heavyobject ppe-2people static_elec heat general laser ppe-respitory keep_dry pinch radiation poisongas ppe-loto general explosive electrical flammable ppe-eye torque crush/mechanical tipping Read Manual ppe-gloves ce instuction poisonmatl entanglement instuction Publication Conventions GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Publication Conventions General Paragraph and Character Styles Prefixes are used to highlight important non-safety related information. Paragraph prefixes (such as Purpose, Example, Comment or Note) are used to identify important but non-safety related information. Text styles are also applied to text within each paragraph modified by the specific prefix. EXAMPLES OF PREFIXES USED FOR GENERAL INFORMATION: Purpose: Introduces and provides meaning as to the information contained within the chapter, section or subsection (such as used at the beginning this chapter, for example). Note: Example: Comment: Conveys information that should be considered important to the reader. Used to make the reader aware that the paragraph(s) that follow are examples of information possibly stated previously. Represents “additional” information that may or may not be relevant to your situation. Page Layout Publication Part Number & Revision Number The current section and its title are always shown in the footer of the left (even) page. An exclamation point in a triangle is used to indicate important information to the user. Paragraphs preceeded by Alphanumeric characters (e.g. numbers) contain information that must be followed in a specific order. Publication Title The current chapter and its title are always shown in the footer of the right (odd) page. Paragraphs preceeded by a symbol (e.g. bullets) contain information that has no specific order. Headers and footers in this publication are designed to allow you to quickly identify your location. The document part number and revision number appears in every header on every page. Odd numbered page footers indicate the current chapter, its title and current page number. Even page footers show the current section and its title, as well as the current page number. Publication Conventions Page 13 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Computer Screen Output/Input Text Character Styles Within this publication, mono-spaced character styles (fonts) are used to indicate computer text that’s either screen input and output. Mono-spaced fonts, such courier, are used to indicated text direction. When you type at your keyboard, you are generating computer input. Occasionally you will see the math operator “greater-than” and “less-than” symbols used to indicate the start and finish of variable output. When reading text generated by the computer, you are reading it as computer generated output. In addition to direction, characters are italicized (e.g. italics) to indicate information specific to your system or site. Example: Fixed Output This paragraph’s font represents computer generated screen “fixed” output. Its output is fixed from the sense that it does not vary from application to application. It is the most commonly used style used to indicate filenames, paths and text that do not change from system to system. The character style used is a fixed width such as courier. Example: Variable Output This paragraph’s font represents computer screen output that is “variable”. It is used to represent output that varies from application to application or system to system. Variable output is sometimes found placed between greater-than and less-than operators for clarification. For example: <variable_ouput> or <>. In both cases, the < and > operators are not part of the actual input. Example: Fixed Input This paragraph’s font represents fixed input. It is computer input that is typed-in via the keyboard. Typed input that does not vary from application to application or system to system. Fixed text the user is required to supply as input. For example: cd /usr/3p Example: Variable Input This paragraph’s font represents computer input that can vary from application to application or system to system. With variable text, the user is required to supply system dependent input or information. Variable input sometimes is placed between greater-than and less-than operators. For example: <variable_input>. In these cases, the (<>) operators would be dropped prior to input. For example: ypcat hosts | grep <> would be typed into the computer as: ypcat hosts | grep without the greater-than and less-than operators. Buttons, Switches and Keyboard Inputs (Hard & Soft Keys) Different character styles are used to indicate actions requiring the reader to press either a hard or soft button, switch or key. Physical hardware, such as buttons and switches, are called hard keys because they are hard wired or mechanical in nature. A keyboard or on/off switch would be a hard key. Software or computer generated buttons are called soft keys because they are software generated. Software driven menu buttons are an example of such keys. Soft and hard keys are represented differently in this publication. Example: Hard Keys A power switch ON/OFF or a keyboard key like ENTER is indicated by applying a character style that uses both over and under-lined bold text that is bold. This is a hard key. Example: Soft Keys Whereas the computer MENU button that you would click with your mouse or touch with your hand uses over and under-lined regular text. This is a soft key. Page 14 Publication Conventions GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Table of contents Chapter 1 General requirements .................................................................... 17 Section 1.1 Objectives and overview............................................................ 17 1.1.1 Pre-installation tasks ................................................................................................. 17 Section 1.2 System components and options ............................................. 18 Section 1.3 Customer responsibilities.......................................................... 19 1.3.1 1.3.2 Contract changes ...................................................................................................... 19 Responsibilities of the customer................................................................................ 19 Section 1.4 Delivery requirements ................................................................ 20 1.4.1 Product dimensions and weights............................................................................... 1.4.2 Shipping dimensions and weights ............................................................................. United States shipments .................................................................................. International shipments .................................................................................... 1.4.3 Door size requirements ............................................................................................. System in crate ................................................................................................ System in normal use (not in crate) ................................................................. 1.4.4 Minimum elevator depth requirements ...................................................................... 20 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 Section 1.5 Product storage and handling requirements ........................... 24 Section 1.6 Pre-installation results ............................................................... 24 Chapter 2 Special construction requirements .............................................. 25 Section 2.1 Radiation protection................................................................... 25 Chapter 3 Environmental (HVAC) requirements .......................................... 27 Section 3.1 Relative humidity and temperature........................................... 27 Section 3.2 Altitude ........................................................................................ 27 3.2.1 Atmospheric pressure ............................................................................................... 28 Section 3.3 Heat output.................................................................................. 28 Section 3.4 Audible noise .............................................................................. 28 Chapter 4 Electrical requirements.................................................................. 29 Section 4.1 Power requirements ................................................................... 29 4.1.1 4.1.2 Chapter 5 Electrical requirements.............................................................................................. 29 Power consumption................................................................................................... 30 Communication requirements....................................................... 31 Section 5.1 Wired networks ........................................................................... 31 5.1.1 Network requirements ............................................................................................... 31 Table of Contents Page 15 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Section 5.2 Wireless networks....................................................................... 31 5.2.1 Chapter 6 Access points and network capabilities .................................................................... 31 Network / workflow information.................................................... 33 Section 6.1 Network/workflow information................................................... 33 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 Page 16 Facility information.................................................................................................... Physical network....................................................................................................... Workflow analysis ..................................................................................................... Remote host data ..................................................................................................... Table of Contents 33 33 36 37 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Chapter 1 General requirements Section 1.1 Objectives and overview This document is intended as a guide and informational resource for planning and properly preparing a location for the installation of the Optima XR200amx/XR220amx system. To avoid unnecessary expenses and delays, be sure to review all the information in this manual to determine whether the site is ready for the installation to begin. This is an important process that helps verify site readiness. 1.1.1 Pre-installation tasks Pre-installation is a cooperative effort between the customer/purchaser and GE Healthcare. The diagram below shows the pre-installation process. Chapter 2 Special construction requirements Site data collected from field Radiation consultant Chapter 3 Environmental (HVAC) requirements Site planning Chapter 4 Electrical requirements Chapter 5 Communication requirements Chapter 6 Network / workflow information Pre-installation site work Planning and site work complete? No Yes Delivery and installation Chapter 1 General requirements Page 17 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Section 1.2 System components and options Available components of the Optima XR200amx/Optima XR220amx system are listed below. Shipped with the Optima XR200amx/Optima XR220amx system: • Optima XR200amx/Optima XR220amx • Backup tether for digital detector (Optima XR220amx only) • Service keyboard • Software CD • External CD/DVD-ROM drive • Operating System firmware USB drive • Tablet holder assembly (optional, Optima XR220amx and Optima XR200amx) Shipped separately: • DAP meter (standard with Optima XR220amx, optional for Optima XR200amx) • Digital detector (Optima XR220amx only) • Detector batteries (Optima XR220amx only) • Detector battery charger (Optima XR220amx only) • 6:1 grid (Optima XR220amx only) • Barcode reader (optional, Optima XR220amx only) • Wireless Hand Switch (optional, Optima XR220amx and Optima XR200amx) Optima XR200amx Figure 1-1 Optima systems Page 18 Section 1.2 System components and options Optima XR220amx GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Section 1.3 Customer responsibilities 1.3.1 Contract changes The cost of any alterations or modifications not specified in the sales contract are the responsibility of the customer. 1.3.2 Responsibilities of the customer The customer is responsible for completing pre-installation activities. This includes procuring and installing all required materials and services to prepare the site for installation. This responsibility includes providing: 1. A clean and safe work environment for installation of the product (finished floor, ceiling, walls, and proper lighting). 2. A secure location for storing loose items such as the service keyboard. 3. A location suitable for charging the system and downloading images (Optima XR220amx only). See Chapter 3 Environmental (HVAC) requirements. 4. Electrical power of the required voltage. See Chapter 4 Electrical requirements. 5. An Ethernet jack as described in Chapter 5 Communication requirements. 6. If the Wireless Option is purchased, the wireless access point and wireless network requirements described in Chapter 5 Communication requirements. 7. If the tablet holder option is purchased, please check with customers the tablet is ready to install. Chapter 1 General requirements Page 19 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Section 1.4 Delivery requirements 1.4.1 Product dimensions and weights Components not listed are of negligible size and weight. Product or component Optima XR200amx / Optima XR220amx Length Width Height Weight Ref. 404 kg (891 lb) Figure 1-2 194.0 cm (76.4 in) standard column 119.3 cm (47 in) 55.2 cm (21.7 in) or 178.8 cm (70.4 in) short column FlashPadTM detector (Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade) 58 cm (22.8 in) 45.2 cm (17.8 in) 2.7 cm (1.1 in) 4.5 kg (10 lb) Figure 1-3 DAP (Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade) 146 mm (5.75 in) 198 mm (7.8 in) 45 mm (1.8 in) 0.5 kg (1.1 lb) Figure 1-4 Barcode Reader (option, for Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade) 42 mm (1.66 in) 19 mm (0.75 in) 125 mm (4.9 in) 85 g (3 oz) Figure 1-5 Page 20 Section 1.4 Delivery requirements OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL 552 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 Figure 1-2 System dimensions Figure 1-3 FlashPadTM detector Chapter 1 General requirements Page 21 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Figure 1-4 DAP Meter Figure 1-5 Barcode Reader 1.4.2 Shipping dimensions and weights Prepare a clear path from the loading dock to the installation location. Consider the shipping dimensions when reviewing door size, hallway width, corner angles, and elevator size. Components not listed are of negligible size and weight. United States shipments Component Length Width Height Weight 119.4 cm (47 in) 63.5 cm (25 in) 198.2 cm (78 in) 404 kg (891 lb) FlashPadTM detector 119.4 cm (47 in) 78.8 cm (31 in) 91.5 cm (36 in) 22.7 kg (50 lb) DAP 250 mm (9.8 in) 450 mm (17.7 in) 120 mm (4.7 in) <3 kg (<6.6 lbs) Barcode Reader 250 mm (9.8 in) 450 mm (17.7 in) 120 mm (4.7 in) <3 kg (<6.6 lbs Optima XR200amx / Optima XR220amx Page 22 Section 1.4 Delivery requirements GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL International shipments Component Length Width Height Weight 124.5 cm (49 in) 76.2 cm (30 in) 210.9 cm (83 in) 492 kg (1084 lb) FlashPadTM detector 119.4 cm (47 in) 78.8 cm (31 in) 91.5 cm (36 in) 22.7 kg (50 lb) DAP 250 mm (9.8 in) 450 mm (17.7 in) 120 mm (4.7 in) <3 kg (<6.6 lbs) Barcode Reader 250 mm (9.8 in) 450 mm (17.7 in) 120 mm (4.7 in) <3 kg (<6.6 lbs) Optima XR200amx / Optima XR220amx 1.4.3 Door size requirements Minimum door sizes also apply to hallways and elevators. System in crate To accommodate the system in a shipping crate, the minimum door width is 76 cm (30 in), and the minimum door height is 211 cm (83 in). System in normal use (not in crate) To accommodate the system during normal use, the minimum door width is 61 cm (24 in), and the minimum door height is 193 cm (76 in). See the room diagram in Figure 1-6. 1 114.8 cm (45.2 in) 105 cm (42 in) 2 55.9 cm (22 in) 91.5 cm (36 in) ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 Power cord, maximum extended length is 2.75 m (9 ft) 2 Ethernet cable Figure 1-6 System room diagram Chapter 1 General requirements Page 23 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL 1.4.4 Minimum elevator depth requirements See 1.4.1 Product dimensions and weights and 1.4.2 Shipping dimensions and weights. Section 1.5 Product storage and handling requirements Refer to Chapter 3 Environmental (HVAC) requirements for temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure requirements. The maximum incline that the system can navigate is 7 degrees, and the maximum threshold height over which the system can drive is 2.5 cm (1 in). The system is not designed to travel over rough or bumpy ground. Take care when moving the system to avoid sharp bumps, or steps larger than the 2.5 cm (1 in) threshold limit. Section 1.6 Pre-installation results After the pre-installation work is completed, you should be able to check off each of these items: 1. Radiation physicist consulted about radiation protection 2. Electrical service in place at the ratings specified 3. Charging/downloading area size adequate for equipment 4. Secure location to store loose items identified 5. Network requirements met or exceeded 6. If wireless option is purchased, wireless network capabilities met 7. Network/workflow information collected 8. IP addresses for DICOM and broadband identified 9. Broadband access provided for InSite ExC connection 10. If tablet holder option is purchased, the tablet is ready to install. Page 24 Section 1.5 Product storage and handling requirements GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Chapter 2 Special construction requirements Section 2.1 Radiation protection Because X-ray equipment produces radiation, special precautions may need to be taken or special site modifications may be required. GE Healthcare does not make recommendations regarding radiation protection. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Chapter 2 Special construction requirements Page 25 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 Page 26 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Section 2.1 Radiation protection GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Chapter 3 Environmental (HVAC) requirements Section 3.1 Relative humidity and temperature Storage values refer only to equipment that is still in shipping containers. If the equipment is partially or completely installed, refer to in-use values. Ensure that the in-use and storage locations meet the temperature and humidity minimums and maximums listed in Table 3-1. Table 3-1 Environmental requirements - relative humidity and temperature Relative humidity (non-condensing) In-use Temperature Storage In-use Storage Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 30% 75% 25% 85% 10° C (50° F) 35° C (95° F) -10° C (14° F) 45° C (113° F) Ensure that the in-use and storage location conditions do not fluctuate more than the maximum rates of change given in Table 3-2. Table 3-2 Maximum rates of change for relative humidity and temperature In-use Storage Temperature change < 10° C (50° F)/hour < 20° C (68° F)/hour Humidity change < 30%/hour < 30%/hour Section 3.2 Altitude Storage values refer only to equipment that is still in shipping containers. If the equipment is partially or completely installed, refer to in-use values. Ensure that the in-use and storage locations meet the altitude minimums and maximums listed in Table 3-3. Table 3-3 Altitude requirements, relative to sea level In-use Storage Min. Max. Min. Max. -30 m 3,000 m -30 m 3,000 m (-98.4 ft) (9843 ft) (-98.4 ft) (9843 ft) Chapter 3 Environmental (HVAC) requirements Page 27 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL 3.2.1 Atmospheric pressure Ensure that the in-use and storage locations meet the atmospheric pressure minimums and maximums listed in Table 3-4. Table 3-4 Atmospheric pressure requirements In-use Storage Min. Max. Min. Max. 70.1 kPa 106 kPa 70.1 kPa 106 kPa Ensure that the in-use and storage location conditions do not fluctuate more than the maximum rates of change given in Table 3-5. Table 3-5 Atmospheric pressure change rate limits In-use Storage < 1.8 kPa/hour < 76 kPa/hour Section 3.3 Heat output Below are the maximum power and thermal values in summary form: Table 3-6 Optima XR200amx/XR220amx heat output State Watts BTU/hour Idle 143 488 Drive 275 938 Charge 261 890 Expose 474 1616 Charge + Expose 611 2084 For reference, a tightly closed room of 3 m x 3 m (10 ft x 10 ft) with a 2.4 m (8 ft) ceiling would require 2100 BTU/hour to raise the temperature by 12.2°C (10°F). Section 3.4 Audible noise Noise limits assume that all system covers are installed, and assume background noise of 40 dBA. Measurements are taken 1 m (3.3 ft) from the equipment. The in-use measurement is taken when the unit is being driven. Tube rotor and exposure tone noise are not included in these measurements. Maximum operating noise generated by the equipment is listed in Table 3-7. Table 3-7 Audible noise produced by the system Page 28 In-use Idle Upper limit: 55 dBA Upper limit: 50 dBA Section 3.3 Heat output GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Chapter 4 Electrical requirements The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that the product is properly powered and grounded, thus ensuring the proper operation of the product installed. The information in this chapter should be adhered to, unless there are written deviations approved by GE Healthcare. This chapter gives the requirements for powering and grounding the system. If these power and grounding instructions are not adhered to, proper operation cannot be guaranteed. Any cost associated and found to be a result of non-conformity may be the responsibility of the institution and/or their contractor. Section 4.1 Power requirements 4.1.1 Electrical requirements • Customer-supplied electrical outlet (United States style; see Figure 4-1) In regions that use an electrical plug other than the style used in the United States, the installation process includes removing the electrical plug and replacing it with the appropriate hospital-grade plug as dictated by local regulations. Detailed instructions are included in the Optima XR200amx/Optima XR220amx Installation Manual. • System input voltage: 100 VAC or 120 VAC or 220/240 VAC • System input current (maximum input current during charging): - 12 A at 110 V - 7 A at 220 V • System input frequency: 50/60 Hz • Maximum 1 cycle in-rush current: 75 A peak • The system requires an AC outlet with a ground terminal. Figure 4-1 Electrical outlet Chapter 4 Electrical requirements Page 29 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL 4.1.2 Power consumption Continuous and peak power consumption during use are not applicable for this system, because power for use is drawn from the batteries (even if the system is connected to wall power). Power consumption during battery charging (assuming the system is not being used during charging) is as follows: • Draw is less than 1200 W from 100 VAC (50/60 Hz) power outlet. • Draw is less than 1300 W from 120 or 220/240 VAC (50/60 Hz) power outlet. Typical charge time from empty to full is four hours. Charge time varies with the age of the batteries, and whether the system is in use during charging. Page 30 Section 4.1 Power requirements GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Chapter 5 Communication requirements Section 5.1 Wired networks Verify that the site’s network meets the specifications listed below, and gather the additional information requested in 6.1.4 Remote host data on page 37. Be sure to have this information on hand at installation. 5.1.1 Network requirements Note: For hardwire network connections DHCP and Static IP address assignment is supported. The system is equipped with Ethernet hardware for facilities connectivity of HIS/RIS, service diagnostics, and (for Optima XR220amx only) to transfer digital images. It is the customer’s responsibility to provide the Ethernet connection in a location convenient for image transfer (Optima XR220amx only) and remote InSite connectivity. A minimum data rate of 54Mb/s is required to prevent delays when transferring images. A data rate of 100Mb/sec provides optimal performance. The network connection must be 802.3-compliant 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet, and there must be at least one RJ45 jack dedicated (for Static IP) to connect the new equipment on the LAN. Section 5.2 Wireless networks If the wireless option is purchased, verify that the site’s wireless network meets the specifications listed below. In a wireless network environment that has multiple types of wireless devices, it is highly recommended that the site design the network to minimize disruption to Optima XR200amx/Optima XR220amx systems. Consult with a professional wireless network company to ensure that these requirements are met. 5.2.1 Access points and network capabilities The wireless network and the access points communicating with the Optima XR200amx/Optima XR220amx must comply with the Optima XR200amx/Optima XR220amx capabilities outlined in Table 5-1. Table 5-1 Access point and network specifications Item Certification NO FIPS Specification Wireless fidelity (Wi-fi) FIPS ON Specification Wireless fidelity (Wi-fi) Wireless network standard • IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n • IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n Data rates • 802.11b: 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps • 802.11b: 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps • 802.11a/g: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps • 802.11a/g: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps • 802.11n • 802.11n Chapter 5 Communication requirements Page 31 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Table 5-1 Access point and network specifications Item Uplink Wireless standards NO FIPS Specification Auto-sensing 802.3 10/100/1000 base-T Ethernet FIPS ON Specification Auto-sensing 802.3 10/100/1000 base-T Ethernet • 802.11a/b/g/n • 802.11a/b/g/n • 802.11d (world-mode) • 802.11d (world-mode) Signal and noise Minimum of -80 dBm signal in an environment with -95 dBm noise Minimum of -80 dBm signal in an environment with -95 dBm noise Security protocol Encryption: Encryption: (Compliant with 802.11) • WEP 64 bit or 128 bit • WPATM-PSK (TKIP) • WPA2 -PSK (AES) • Management Frame Protection (MFP) TM • WPA2TM-PSK (AES) Authentication: • EAP-TLS Authentication: Frequency band and operating channels (If the installation country is not listed, check with the local regulatory agency.) • LEAP • LEAP + WEP • LEAP + WPATM • EAP-PEAP/MSCHAPv2 • EAP-TLS • EAP-TTLS/MSCHAPv2 • EAP-FAST • EAP-SIM • PEAP-GTC Americas (FCC): Americas (FCC): • 2.412 to 2.462 GHz; 11 channels • 2.412 to 2.462 GHz; 11 channels • 5.15 to 5.35, 5.725 to 5.825 GHz; 12 channels • 5.15 to 5.35, 5.725 to 5.825 GHz; 12 channels Europe (ETSI): • 2.412 to 2.472 GHz; 13 channels • 5.15 to 5.725 GHz; 19 channels Japan (TELEC): Compliance Page 32 • 2.412 to 2.472 GHz; 13 channels Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) • 2.412 to 2.484 GHz; 14 channels Complementary Code Keying (CCK) • 5.15 to 5.25 GHz; 4 channels Safety: Safety: • UL 60950-1 • UL 60950-1 • CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1 • CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1 • IEC 60950-1 • IEC 60950-1 • EN 60950-1 • EN 60950-1 Section 5.2 Wireless networks GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Chapter 6 Network / workflow information Section 6.1 Network/workflow information This section contains questions designed to elicit necessary information about DICOM equipment, workflow, and dataflow. The information collected here is required for GE Healthcare employees to install the equipment and to connect it to the site's wired and wireless networks. 6.1.1 Facility information Name of facility: _______________________________________________________________ Workflow contact: ____________________________________ Phone: __________________ Wired network contact:________________________________ Phone: __________________ Wireless network contact:______________________________ Phone: __________________ DICOM device contact: ________________________________ Phone: __________________ Other contact: _______________________________________ Phone: __________________ 6.1.2 Physical network Network infrastructure What wired networks and/or wireless uplinks does this facility use? Has 100/1000 Base-T installed Will have 100/1000 Base-T installed by this date:___________ Has 10 Base-T installed Will have 10 Base-T installed by this date: ___________ Has a different network installed: _____________________ If FIPS is enabled: _____________________ Does not have a network installed Wireless network standards What wireless network standard is the site using? IEEE 802.11a IEEE 802.11b/g IEEE 802.11n Chapter 6 Network / workflow information Page 33 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL What is the SSID for the wireless network?_____________________ Is the SSID broadcast? Yes No Wireless security What security protocol does the wireless network use? WEP 64 bit or 128 bit WPATM-PSK (TKIP) Management Frame Protection (MFP) LEAP LEAP + WEP EAP-PEAP/MSCHAPv2) EAP-TLS EAP-FAST EAP-SIM Other: _____________________ WPA2TM-PSK (AES) LEAP + WPATM EAP-TTLS/MSCHAPv2 PEAP-GTC What is the wireless network key type? Hexadecimal ASCII N/A For WEP security wireless networks, what is the key or key number? _____________________ For PSK security wireless networks, what is the pass phrase? _____________________ For EAP/PEAP security wireless networks: What is the domain/user name? _____________________ What is the password? _____________________ What is CA certificate? (if required) _____________________ What is Client certificate? (if required) _____________________ What is Private key file? (if required) _____________________ What is Private key password? (if required) _____________________ IMPORTANT: If keys/passwords are not provided here, the holder of those keys/passwords must be available at installation to provide the information. What type of access control (filtering) does the facility use? _____________________________ Are there any additional requirements (MAC or IP filtering)? _____________________________ Does the facility use an authentication/RADIUS server? Yes No If yes, provide the manufacturer and model: __________________________________________ Subnets Is the network segmented using subnets? Yes No If the facility will place the Optima XR200amx/Optima XR220amx system on a subnet, list the subnet mask and router IP: Subnet mask: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ Router IP: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ Page 34 Section 6.1 Network/workflow information GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL If the Optima XR220amx system will be on a subnet, is the wireless network routed to a different network for image viewing? Yes No IP addresses/names At the facility, equipment IP addresses are: Static Acquired via DHCP Combination of both methods Indicate the IP address that will be assigned to the Optima XR200amx/XR220amx system, if static addresses are used at the site. (Some DICOM-compliant devices require a fixed IP for authentication. If dynamic addresses are assigned, authentication may not be possible.) Optima XR200amx/XR220amx IP address: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ The Optima XR200amx/XR220amx system uses the following IP addresses internally: • • • If the facility network uses 192.168.x.x, there will be a conflict. If this conflict occurs, contact a GE Healthcare Service Representative to change the internal IP addresses used by the system. The host name is the network's name for the Optima XR200amx/XR220amx system. Optima XR200amx/XR220amx host name: _________________________ The Scheduled Station AE Title (Application Entity Title) is the name the HIS/RIS will use to send worklist information to the Optima XR200amx/XR220amx system. Scheduled Station AE Title: _________________________ Bandwidth/capacity On average, images from the Optima XR220amx require 8.5 Mb per image. Be sure the network bandwidth is sufficient. Number of Optima XR220amx units in the facility: _____________________ Wireless network capacity Number of access points in the area where Optima XR200amx/XR220amx will be used: _____________ On average, access point utilization should not exceed 50% of its full capacity to support all wireless devices. Is there sufficient RF coverage in all of the areas where Optima XR200amx/XR220amx will be used? Yes No Does the network comply with QoS (Quality of Service) 802.1q? Yes No Chapter 6 Network / workflow information Page 35 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL 6.1.3 Workflow analysis Patient data When the patient arrives in the system room for the exam, how is the patient data entered into the system? Manually typed Entered via barcode reader Barcode format:______________ Downloaded from HIS/RIS How is the query structured? Check all that apply: By date By modality By patient information Other method - Please explain: Patient schedule In retrieving patient schedule information, how often is the query sent?: Once at the start of a shift Several times during a shift Before each patient Image handling (Optima XR220amx only) What percent of images acquired are reviewed via soft copy? ______% What percent of images acquired are printed? ______% After the diagnostic images are acquired, what is the facility’s default workflow? Pick one: Manually send Automatically push Send/push to (pick all that apply): Review station(s) Archive system(s) Printer(s) When images are configured for automatic push, what images should be sent to PACS/archive/ review stations? Raw Processed Raw and Processed When images are printed, on what device is the print command originated? Pick all that apply: The system A review workstation A PACS system How soon after the images are acquired is the first image quality check done? Page 36 Section 6.1 Network/workflow information GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Before next image is shot Before patient leaves After patient leaves When it comes to image quality, would the site prefer to: Consider all images good unless marked bad Consider all images bad unless marked good 6.1.4 Remote host data The Optima XR200amx/XR220amx system allows configuration of one HIS/RIS server, one MPPS server (Optima XR220amx only), multiple PACS/archive/review workstations (Optima XR220amx only), and multiple printers (Optima XR220amx only). The host name of all the nodes configured on the system should be unique within the system. Complete a Remote Host section below and include a DICOM Compliance Statement for each device. Remote host #___ Remote hosts are DICOM devices to which theOptima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system can push an image. Remote hosts can be review workstations, archival devices, or PACS. This remote host is a: Review workstation Archival device PACS MPPS server Manufacturer/model: _________________________ Software/firmware version: _________________________ Network (IP) address: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ The host name is the name that appears on the screen, that users will use to identify this device. Host name: _________________________ Indicate the highest level of DICOM conformance for this device. If the device does have some level of DICOM conformance, return a copy of the DICOM Conformance Statement with this completed form. DICOM compliance level: 1.0 2.0 3.0 Not DICOM compliant DICOM supports a number of image types. Indicate if this device supports the DX and/or the CR image types. Image types supported: Supports multi-framing: DX Yes CR No The next four sections address the four services that remote host devices may offer. Each of the services will have its own AE (application entity) title and port number. The AE title is the name given to a service or application provided by a DICOM device. The port number is a logical designation within the device. These pieces of information are available in the device's DICOM Conformance Statement. Being a remote host server allows the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system to push images to other devices. Does the site plan to use this device as a remote host server? Yes No If yes, provide: AE title: __________________________ Port number: ___________ Chapter 6 Network / workflow information Page 37 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Being a query/retrieve service class provider allows the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system to query this device and retrieve images stored there. Yes Query/retrieve? No If yes, provide: Query/retrieve AE title:________________________ Port number:__________ The query/retrieve by study or patient controls how much the user is able to retrieve at one time. For study, the user may retrieve studies, series, images. For patient, the user may retrieve all of the study attributes plus a patient's entire image collection. Query/retrieve by: Study Patient A storage commitment provider confirms that images sent by the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system to an archival system were received and stored. This option is available only when the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system is sending DX type images. Storage commitment? Yes No If yes, provide: Storage commitment AE title: ______________________ Port number:________ Network (IP) address: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ The MPPS server receives the messages sent by the Optima XR200amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system. These messages consist of information such as when the exam started and closed, how many images were acquired, dose information, etc. This information is then updated on the facility’s scheduling system. Yes MPPS server No If yes, provide: AE title: _________________________ Port number:___________ Network (IP) address: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ Remote host #___ Remote hosts are DICOM devices to which theOptima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system can push an image. Remote hosts can be review workstations, archival devices, or PACS. This remote host is a: Review workstation Archival device PACS MPPS server Manufacturer/model: _________________________ Software/firmware version: _________________________ Network (IP) address: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ The host name is the name that appears on the screen, that users will use to identify this device. Host name: _________________________ Indicate the highest level of DICOM conformance for this device. If the device does have some level of DICOM conformance, return a copy of the DICOM Conformance Statement with this completed form. DICOM compliance level: 1.0 2.0 3.0 Not DICOM compliant DICOM supports a number of image types. Indicate if this device supports the DX and/or the CR image types. Image types supported: Page 38 DX CR Section 6.1 Network/workflow information GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Yes Supports multi-framing: No The next four sections address the four services that remote host devices may offer. Each of the services will have its own AE (application entity) title and port number. The AE title is the name given to a service or application provided by a DICOM device. The port number is a logical designation within the device. These pieces of information are available in the device's DICOM Conformance Statement. Being a remote host server allows the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system to push images to other devices. Does the site plan to use this device as a remote host server? Yes No If yes, provide: AE title: __________________________ Port number: ___________ Being a query/retrieve service class provider allows the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system to query this device and retrieve images stored there. Yes Query/retrieve? No If yes, provide: Query/retrieve AE title:________________________ Port number:__________ The query/retrieve by study or patient controls how much the user is able to retrieve at one time. For study, the user may retrieve studies, series, images. For patient, the user may retrieve all of the study attributes plus a patient's entire image collection. Query/retrieve by: Study Patient A storage commitment provider confirms that images sent by the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system to an archival system were received and stored. This option is available only when the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system is sending DX type images. Storage commitment? Yes No If yes, provide: Storage commitment AE title: ______________________ Port number:________ Network (IP) address: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ The MPPS server receives the messages sent by the Optima XR200amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system. These messages consist of information such as when the exam started and closed, how many images were acquired, dose information, etc. This information is then updated on the facility’s scheduling system. Yes MPPS server No If yes, provide: AE title: _________________________ Port number:___________ Network (IP) address: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ Remote host #___ Remote hosts are DICOM devices to which theOptima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system can push an image. Remote hosts can be review workstations, archival devices, or PACS. This remote host is a: Review workstation Archival device PACS MPPS server Manufacturer/model: _________________________ Software/firmware version: _________________________ Chapter 6 Network / workflow information Page 39 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Network (IP) address: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ The host name is the name that appears on the screen, that users will use to identify this device. Host name: _________________________ Indicate the highest level of DICOM conformance for this device. If the device does have some level of DICOM conformance, return a copy of the DICOM Conformance Statement with this completed form. DICOM compliance level: 1.0 2.0 3.0 Not DICOM compliant DICOM supports a number of image types. Indicate if this device supports the DX and/or the CR image types. DX Yes Image types supported: Supports multi-framing: CR No The next four sections address the four services that remote host devices may offer. Each of the services will have its own AE (application entity) title and port number. The AE title is the name given to a service or application provided by a DICOM device. The port number is a logical designation within the device. These pieces of information are available in the device's DICOM Conformance Statement. Being a remote host server allows the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system to push images to other devices. Does the site plan to use this device as a remote host server? Yes No If yes, provide: AE title: __________________________ Port number: ___________ Being a query/retrieve service class provider allows the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system to query this device and retrieve images stored there. Yes Query/retrieve? No If yes, provide: Query/retrieve AE title:________________________ Port number:__________ The query/retrieve by study or patient controls how much the user is able to retrieve at one time. For study, the user may retrieve studies, series, images. For patient, the user may retrieve all of the study attributes plus a patient's entire image collection. Query/retrieve by: Study Patient A storage commitment provider confirms that images sent by the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system to an archival system were received and stored. This option is available only when the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system is sending DX type images. Storage commitment? Yes No If yes, provide: Storage commitment AE title: ______________________ Port number:________ Network (IP) address: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ The MPPS server receives the messages sent by the Optima XR200amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system. These messages consist of information such as when the exam started and closed, how many images were acquired, dose information, etc. This information is then updated on the facility’s scheduling system. MPPS server Yes No If yes, provide: AE title: _________________________ Port number:___________ Page 40 Section 6.1 Network/workflow information GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Network (IP) address: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ Remote host #___ Remote hosts are DICOM devices to which theOptima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system can push an image. Remote hosts can be review workstations, archival devices, or PACS. This remote host is a: Review workstation Archival device PACS MPPS server Manufacturer/model: _________________________ Software/firmware version: _________________________ Network (IP) address: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ The host name is the name that appears on the screen, that users will use to identify this device. Host name: _________________________ Indicate the highest level of DICOM conformance for this device. If the device does have some level of DICOM conformance, return a copy of the DICOM Conformance Statement with this completed form. DICOM compliance level: 1.0 2.0 3.0 Not DICOM compliant DICOM supports a number of image types. Indicate if this device supports the DX and/or the CR image types. DX Yes Image types supported: Supports multi-framing: CR No The next four sections address the four services that remote host devices may offer. Each of the services will have its own AE (application entity) title and port number. The AE title is the name given to a service or application provided by a DICOM device. The port number is a logical designation within the device. These pieces of information are available in the device's DICOM Conformance Statement. Being a remote host server allows the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system to push images to other devices. Does the site plan to use this device as a remote host server? Yes No If yes, provide: AE title: __________________________ Port number: ___________ Being a query/retrieve service class provider allows the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system to query this device and retrieve images stored there. Yes Query/retrieve? No If yes, provide: Query/retrieve AE title:________________________ Port number:__________ The query/retrieve by study or patient controls how much the user is able to retrieve at one time. For study, the user may retrieve studies, series, images. For patient, the user may retrieve all of the study attributes plus a patient's entire image collection. Query/retrieve by: Study Patient A storage commitment provider confirms that images sent by the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system to an archival system were received and stored. This option Chapter 6 Network / workflow information Page 41 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL is available only when the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system is sending DX type images. Storage commitment? Yes No If yes, provide: Storage commitment AE title: ______________________ Port number:________ Network (IP) address: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ The MPPS server receives the messages sent by the Optima XR200amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system. These messages consist of information such as when the exam started and closed, how many images were acquired, dose information, etc. This information is then updated on the facility’s scheduling system. Yes MPPS server No If yes, provide: AE title: _________________________ Port number:___________ Network (IP) address: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ Printer data Printer #___ Manufacturer/model: _________________________ Software/firmware version: _________________________ Network (IP) address: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ Prints via spooler: Yes No Indicate the highest level of DICOM conformance for this device. If the device does have some level of DICOM conformance, return a copy of the DICOM Conformance Statement with this completed form. DICOM compatibility does not guarantee that all functions will work properly. DICOM compliance level: 1.0 2.0 3.0 Not DICOM compliant Network (IP) address: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ Look in the DICOM compliance statement for the printer's AE title and port number. Printer AE title:_________________________ Port number:_________________________ Printer #___ Manufacturer/model: _________________________ Software/firmware version: _________________________ Network (IP) address: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ Prints via spooler: Yes No Indicate the highest level of DICOM conformance for this device. If the device does have some level of DICOM conformance, return a copy of the DICOM Conformance Statement with this completed form. DICOM compatibility does not guarantee that all functions will work properly. DICOM compliance level: 1.0 2.0 3.0 Not DICOM compliant Network (IP) address: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ Look in the DICOM compliance statement for the printer's AE title and port number. Printer AE title:_________________________ Port number:_________________________ Page 42 Section 6.1 Network/workflow information GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL Printer #___ Manufacturer/model: _________________________ Software/firmware version: _________________________ Network (IP) address: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ Prints via spooler: Yes No Indicate the highest level of DICOM conformance for this device. If the device does have some level of DICOM conformance, return a copy of the DICOM Conformance Statement with this completed form. DICOM compatibility does not guarantee that all functions will work properly. DICOM compliance level: 1.0 2.0 3.0 Not DICOM compliant Network (IP) address: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ Look in the DICOM compliance statement for the printer's AE title and port number. Printer AE title:_________________________ Port number:_________________________ Printer #___ Manufacturer/model: _________________________ Software/firmware version: _________________________ Network (IP) address: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ Prints via spooler: Yes No Indicate the highest level of DICOM conformance for this device. If the device does have some level of DICOM conformance, return a copy of the DICOM Conformance Statement with this completed form. DICOM compatibility does not guarantee that all functions will work properly. DICOM compliance level: 1.0 2.0 3.0 Not DICOM compliant Network (IP) address: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ Look in the DICOM compliance statement for the printer's AE title and port number. Printer AE title:_________________________ Port number:_________________________ HIS/RIS data Manufacturer/model: _______________________ Software/firmware version: ______________ Network (IP) address: _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ Indicate the highest level of DICOM conformance for this device. If the device does have some level of DICOM conformance, return a copy of the DICOM Conformance Statement with this completed form. DICOM compatibility does not guarantee that all functions will work properly. DICOM compliance level: 1.0 2.0 3.0 Not DICOM compliant Look in the DICOM Compliance Statement for the AE title and port number. HIS/RIS AE title: _________________________ Port number: __________________ DX and/or CR image type support should also be in the device's DICOM Conformance Statement. Image types supported: DX CR Modality used for scheduling: ________________________ Chapter 6 Network / workflow information Page 43 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336112-1EN, REVISION 3 Page 44 Section 6.1 Network/workflow information OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX PRE-INSTALLATION MANUAL © 2011, General Electric Company. GE Medical Systems, a General Electric Company, going to market as GE Healthcare. 3000 N. Grandview Boulevard Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188 USA 46 Front cover GE Healthcare Optima XR200amx/XR220amx Installation Manual Direction 5336113-1EN Revision 10 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN REVISION 10 Warning OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL ATTENTION LES APPAREILS A RAYONS X SONT DANGEREUX A LA FOIS POUR LE PATIENT ET POUR LE MANIPULATEUR SI LES MESURES DE PROTECTION NE SONT PAS STRICTEMENT APPLIQUEES Bien que cet appareil soit construit selon les normes de sécurité les plus severes, la source de rayonnement X représente un danger lorsque le manipulateur est non qualifié ou non averti. Une exposition excessive au rayonnement X entraîne des dommages a l’organisme. Par conséquent, toutes les précautions doivent être prises pour éviter que les personnes non autorisées ou non qualifées utilisent cet appareil créant ainsi un danger pour les autres et pour ellesmêmes. Avant chaque manipulation, les personnes qualifiées et autorisées à se servir de cet appareil doivent se renseigner sur les mesures de protection etablies par la Commission Internationale sur la Protection Radiologique, Annales 26: Recommandations de la Commission Internationale sure la Protection Radiologique et les normes nationales en vigueur. WARNING X-RAY EQUIPMENT IS DANGEROUS TO BOTH PATIENT AND OPERATOR UNLESS MEASURES OF PROTECTION ARE STRICTLY OBSERVED. Though this equipment is built to the highest standards of electrical and mechanical safety, the useful x-ray beam becomes a source of danger in the hands of the unauthorized or unqualified operator. Excessive exposure to x-radiation causes damage to human tissue. Therefore, adequate precautions must be taken to prevent unauthorized or unqualified persons from operating this equipment or exposing themselves or others to its radiation. Before operation, persons qualified and authorized to operate this equipment should be familiar with the Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), contained in Annals Number 26 of the ICRP, and with applicable national standards. ATENCION LOS APARATOS DE RAYOS X SON PELIGROSOS PARA EL PACIENTE Y EL MANIPULADOR CUANDO LAS NORMAS DE PROTECCION NO ESTAN OBSERVADAS Aunque este aparato está construido según las normas de seguridad más estrictas, la radiacion X constituye un peligro al ser manipulado por personas no autorizadas o incompetentes. Una explosicion excesiva a la radiación X puede causar daños al organismo. Por consiguiente, se deberán tomar todas las precauciones necesarias para evitar que las personas incompetentes o no autorizadas utilicen este aparato, lo que seria un peligro para los demás y para si mismas. Antes de efectuar las manipulaciones, las personas habilitadas y competentes en el uso de este aparato, deberán informarse sobre las normas de protección fijadas por la Comisión Internacional de la Protección Radiológica, Anales No 26: Recomendaciones de la Comisión Internacional sobre la Protección Radiológica y normas nacionales. ACHTUNG RÖNTGENAPPARATE SIND EINE GEFAHR FUR PATIENTEN SOWIE BEDIENUNGSPERSONAL, WENN DIE GELTENDEN SICHERHEITSVORKEHRUNGEN NICHT GENAU BEACHTET WERDEN Dieser Apparat entspricht in seiner Bauweise strengsten elektrischen und mechanischen Sichereitsnormen, doch in den Händen unbefugter oder unqualifizierter Personen wird er zu einer Gefahrenquelle. Übermäßige Röntgenbestrahlung ist für den menschlichen Organismus schädlish. Deswegen sind hinreichende Vorsichtsmaßnahmen erforderlich, um zu verhindern, daßunbefugte oder unqualifizierte Personen solche Geräte bedienen oder sich selbst und andere Personen deren Bestrahlung aussetzen können. Vor Inbetriebnahme dieses Apparats solite sich das qualifizierte und befugte Bedienungspersonal mit den geltenden Kriterien für den gefahrlosen Strahleneinsatz durch sorgfältiges Studium des Hefts Nr. 26 der Internationalen Kommission für Strahlenschutz (ICRP) vertraut machen: Empfehlungen der Internationalen Kommission für Strahlenschutz und anderer nationaler Normenbehörden. Page 2 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Important information WARNING (EN) ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ (BG) 警告 (ZH-CN) 警告 (ZH-HK) 警告 (ZH-TW) This service manual is available in English only. • If a customer's service provider requires a language other than English, it is the customer's responsibility to provide translation services. • Do not attempt to service the equipment unless this service manual has been consulted and is understood. • Failure to heed this warning may result in injury to the service provider, operator or patient from electric shock, mechanical or other hazards. Tова упътване за работа е налично само на английски език. • Ако доставчикът на услугата на клиента изиска друг език, задължение на клиента е да осигури превод. • Не използвайте оборудването, преди да сте се консултирали и разбрали упътването за работа. • неспазването на това предупреждение може да доведе до нараняване на доставчика на услугата, оператора или пациентa в резултат на токов удар, механична или друга опасност. 本维修手册仅提供英文版本。 • • • 如果客户的维修服务人员需要非英文版本,则客户需自行提供翻译服务。 未详细阅读和完全理解本维修手册之前,不得进行维修。 忽略本警告可能对维修服务人员、操作人员或患者造成电击、机械伤害或其他形式的伤 害。 本服務手冊僅提供英文版本。 • 倘若客戶的服務供應商需要英文以外之服務手冊,客戶有責任提供翻譯服務。 • 除非已參閱本服務手冊及明白其內容,否則切勿嘗試維修設備。 • 不遵從本警告或會令服務供應商、網絡供應商或病人受到觸電、機械性或其他的危險。 本維修手冊僅有英文版。 • 若客戶的維修廠商需要英文版以外的語言,應由客戶自行提供翻譯服務。 • 請勿試圖維修本設備,除非 您已查閱並瞭解本維修手冊。 • 若未留意本警告,可能導致維修廠商、操作員或病患因觸電、機械或其他危險而受傷。 UPOZORENJE (HR) Ovaj servisni priručnik dostupan je na engleskom jeziku. • Ako davatelj usluge klijenta treba neki drugi jezik, klijent je dužan osigurati prijevod. • Ne pokušavajte servisirati opremu ako niste u potpunosti pročitali i razumjeli ovaj servisni priručnik. • zanemarite li ovo upozorenje, može doći do ozljede davatelja usluge, operatera ili pacijenta uslijed strujnog udara, mehaničkih ili drugih rizika. VÝSTRAHA (CS) Tento provozní návod existuje pouze v anglickém jazyce. • V případě, že externí služba zákazníkům potřebuje návod v jiném jazyce, je zajištění překladu do odpovídajícího jazyka úkolem zákazníka. • Nesnažte se o údržbu tohoto zařízení, aniž byste si přečetli tento provozní návod a pochopili jeho obsah. • V případě nedodržování této výstrahy může dojít k poranění pracovníka prodejního servisu, obslužného personálu nebo pacientů vlivem elektrického proudu, respektive vlivem mechanických či jiných rizik. Denne servicemanual findes kun på engelsk. • Hvis en kundes tekniker har brug for et andet sprog end engelsk, er det kundens ansvar at sørge for oversættelse. • Forsøg ikke at servicere udstyret uden at læse og forstå denne servicemanual. • Manglende overholdelse af denne advarsel kan medføre skade på grund af elektrisk stød, mekanisk eller anden fare for teknikeren, operatøren eller patienten. ADVARSEL (DA) Preface Page 3 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 WAARSCHUWING (NL) HOIATUS (ET) VAROITUS (FI) ATTENTION (FR) WARNUNG (DE) ΠΡΟΕΙ∆ΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ (EL) FIGYELMEZTETÉS (HU) AÐVÖRUN (IS) Page 4 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Deze onderhoudshandleiding is enkel in het Engels verkrijgbaar. • Als het onderhoudspersoneel een andere taal vereist, dan is de klant verantwoordelijk voor de vertaling ervan. • Probeer de apparatuur niet te onderhouden alvorens deze onderhoudshandleiding werd geraadpleegd en begrepen is. • Indien deze waarschuwing niet wordt opgevolgd, zou het onderhoudspersoneel, de operator of een patiënt gewond kunnen raken als gevolg van een elektrische schok, mechanische of andere gevaren. See teenindusjuhend on saadaval ainult inglise keeles • Kui klienditeeninduse osutaja nõuab juhendit inglise keelest erinevas keeles, vastutab klient tõlketeenuse osutamise eest. • Ärge üritage seadmeid teenindada enne eelnevalt käesoleva teenindusjuhendiga tutvumist ja sellest aru saamist. • Käesoleva hoiatuse eiramine võib põhjustada teenuseosutaja, operaatori või patsiendi vigastamist elektrilöögi, mehaanilise või muu ohu tagajärjel. Tämä huolto-ohje on saatavilla vain englanniksi. • Jos asiakkaan huoltohenkilöstö vaatii muuta kuin englanninkielistä materiaalia, tarvittavan käännöksen hankkiminen on asiakkaan vastuulla. • Älä yritä korjata laitteistoa ennen kuin olet varmasti lukenut ja ymmärtänyt tämän huolto-ohjeen. • Mikäli tätä varoitusta ei noudateta, seurauksena voi olla huoltohenkilöstön, laitteiston käyttäjän tai potilaan vahingoittuminen sähköiskun, mekaanisen vian tai muun vaaratilanteen vuoksi. Ce manuel d’installation et de maintenance est disponible uniquement en anglais. • Si le technicien d'un client a besoin de ce manuel dans une langue autre que l'anglais, il incombe au client de le faire traduire. • Ne pas tenter d'intervenir sur les équipements tant que ce manuel d’installation et de maintenance n'a pas été consulté et compris. • Le non-respect de cet avertissement peut entraîner chez le technicien, l'opérateur ou le patient des blessures dues à des dangers électriques, mécaniques ou autres. Diese Serviceanleitung existiert nur in englischer Sprache. • Falls ein fremder Kundendienst eine andere Sprache benötigt, ist es Aufgabe des Kunden für eine entsprechende Übersetzung zu sorgen. • Versuchen Sie nicht diese Anlage zu warten, ohne diese Serviceanleitung gelesen und verstanden zu haben. • Wird diese Warnung nicht beachtet, so kann es zu Verletzungen des Kundendiensttechnikers, des Bedieners oder des Patienten durch Stromschläge, mechanische oder sonstige Gefahren kommen. Το παρόν εγχειρίδιο σέρβις διατίθεται μόνο στα αγγλικά. • Εάν ο τεχνικός σέρβις ενός πελάτη απαιτεί το παρόν εγχειρίδιο σε γλώσσα εκτός των αγγλικών, αποτελεί ευθύνη του πελάτη να παρέχει τις υπηρεσίες μετάφρασης. • Μην επιχειρήσετε την εκτέλεση εργασιών σέρβις στον εξοπλισμό αν δεν έχετε συμβουλευτεί και κατανοήσει το παρόν εγχειρίδιο σέρβις. • Αν δεν προσέξετε την προειδοποίηση αυτή, ενδέχεται να προκληθεί τραυματισμός στον τεχνικό σέρβις, στο χειριστή ή στον ασθενή από ηλεκτροπληξία, μηχανικούς ή άλλους κινδύνους. Ezen karbantartási kézikönyv kizárólag angol nyelven érhető el. • Ha a vevő szolgáltatója angoltól eltérő nyelvre tart igényt, akkor a vevő felelőssége a fordítás elkészíttetése. • Ne próbálja elkezdeni használni a berendezést, amíg a karbantartási kézikönyvben leírtakat nem értelmezték. • Ezen figyelmeztetés figyelmen kívül hagyása a szolgáltató, működtető vagy a beteg áramütés, mechanikai vagy egyéb veszélyhelyzet miatti sérülését eredményezheti. Þessi þjónustuhandbók er aðeins fáanleg á ensku. • Ef að þjónustuveitandi viðskiptamanns þarfnast annas tungumáls en ensku, er það skylda viðskiptamanns að skaffa tungumálaþjónustu. • Reynið ekki að afgreiða tækið nema að þessi þjónustuhandbók hefur verið skoðuð og skilin. • Brot á sinna þessari aðvörun getur leitt til meiðsla á þjónustuveitanda, stjórnanda eða sjúklings frá raflosti, vélrænu eða öðrum áhættum. Preface GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 AVVERTENZA (IT) (JA) 경고 (KO) BRÎDINÂJUMS (LV) ĮSPĖJIMAS (LT) ADVARSEL (NO) OSTRZEŻENIE (PL) AVISO (PT-BR) ATENÇÃO (PT-PT) OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Il presente manuale di manutenzione è disponibile soltanto in lingua inglese. • Se un addetto alla manutenzione richiede il manuale in una lingua diversa, il cliente è tenuto a provvedere direttamente alla traduzione. • Procedere alla manutenzione dell'apparecchiatura solo dopo aver consultato il presente manuale ed averne compreso il contenuto. • Il mancato rispetto della presente avvertenza potrebbe causare lesioni all'addetto alla manutenzione, all'operatore o ai pazienti provocate da scosse elettriche, urti meccanici o altri rischi. このサービスマニュアルには英語版しかありません。 サービスを担当される業者が英語以外の言語を要求される場合、翻訳作業はその業者の責任で行 うものとさせていただきます。 このサービスマニュアルを熟読し理解せずに、装置のサービスを行わないでください。 この警告に従わない場合、サービスを担当される方、操作員あるいは患者さんが、感電や機械 的又はその他の危険により負傷する可能性があります。 본 서비스 매뉴얼은 영어로만 이용하실 수 있습니다 . • 고객의 서비스 제공자가 영어 이외의 언어를 요구할 경우 , 번역 서비스를 제공하는 것은 고객의 책임입니다 . • 본 서비스 매뉴얼을 참조하여 숙지하지 않은 이상 해당 장비를 수리하려고 시도하지 마십시오 . • 본 경고 사항에 유의하지 않으면 전기 쇼크 , 기계적 위험 , 또는 기타 위험으로 인해 서비스 제공자 , 사용자 또는 환자에게 부상을 입힐 수 있습니다 . Šī apkopes rokasgrāmata ir pieejama tikai angļu valodā. • Ja klienta apkopes sniedzējam nepieciešama informācija citā valodā, klienta pienākums ir nodrošināt tulkojumu. • Neveiciet aprīkojuma apkopi bez apkopes rokasgrāmatas izlasīšanas un saprašanas. • Šī brīdinājuma neievērošanas rezultātā var rasties elektriskās strāvas trieciena, mehānisku vai citu faktoru izraisītu traumu risks apkopes sniedzējam, operatoram vai pacientam. Šis eksploatavimo vadovas yra tik anglų kalba. • Jei kliento paslaugų tiekėjas reikalauja vadovo kita kalba – ne anglų, suteikti vertimo paslaugas privalo klientas. • Nemėginkite atlikti įrangos techninės priežiūros, jei neperskaitėte ar nesupratote šio eksploatavimo vadovo. • Jei nepaisysite šio įspėjimo, galimi paslaugų tiekėjo, operatoriaus ar paciento sužalojimai dėl elektros šoko, mechaninių ar kitų pavojų. Denne servicehåndboken finnes bare på engelsk. • Hvis kundens serviceleverandør har bruk for et annet språk, er det kundens ansvar å sørge for oversettelse. • Ikke forsøk å reparere utstyret uten at denne servicehåndboken er lest og forstått. • Manglende hensyn til denne advarselen kan føre til at serviceleverandøren, operatøren eller pasienten skades på grunn av elektrisk støt, mekaniske eller andre farer. Niniejszy podręcznik serwisowy dostępny jest jedynie w języku angielskim. • Jeśli serwisant klienta wymaga języka innego niż angielski, zapewnienie usługi tłumaczenia jest obowiązkiem klienta. • Nie próbować serwisować urządzenia bez zapoznania się z niniejszym podręcznikiem serwisowym i zrozumienia go. • Niezastosowanie się do tego ostrzeżenia może doprowadzić do obrażeń serwisanta, operatora lub pacjenta w wyniku porażenia prądem elektrycznym, zagrożenia mechanicznego bądź innego. Este manual de assistência técnica encontra-se disponível unicamente em inglês. • Se outro serviço de assistência técnica solicitar a tradução deste manual, caberá ao cliente fornecer os serviços de tradução. • Não tente reparar o equipamento sem ter consultado e compreendido este manual de assistência técnica. • A não observância deste aviso pode ocasionar ferimentos no técnico, operador ou paciente decorrentes de choques elétricos, mecânicos ou outros. Este manual de assistência técnica só se encontra disponível em inglês. • Se qualquer outro serviço de assistência técnica solicitar este manual noutro idioma, é da responsabilidade do cliente fornecer os serviços de tradução. • Não tente reparar o equipamento sem ter consultado e compreendido este manual de assistência técnica. • O não cumprimento deste aviso pode colocar em perigo a segurança do técnico, do operador ou do paciente devido a choques eléctricos, mecânicos ou outros. Preface Page 5 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 ATENŢIE (RO) ОСТОРОЖНО! (RU) UPOZORENJE (SR) UPOZORNENIE (SK) ATENCION (ES) VARNING (SV) OPOZORILO (SL) DİKKAT (TR) Page 6 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Acest manual de service este disponibil doar în limba engleză. • Dacă un furnizor de servicii pentru clienţi necesită o altă limbă decât cea engleză, este de datoria clientului să furnizeze o traducere. • Nu încercaţi să reparaţi echipamentul decât ulterior consultării şi înţelegerii acestui manual de service. • Ignorarea acestui avertisment ar putea duce la rănirea depanatorului, operatorului sau pacientului în urma pericolelor de electrocutare, mecanice sau de altă natură. Данное руководство по техническому обслуживанию представлено только на английском языке. • Если сервисному персоналу клиента необходимо руководство не на английском, а на каком-то другом языке, клиенту следует самостоятельно обеспечить перевод. • Перед техническим обслуживанием оборудования обязательно обратитесь к данному руководству и поймите изложенные в нем сведения. • Несоблюдение требований данного предупреждения может привести к тому, что специалист по техобслуживанию, оператор или пациент получит удар электрическим током, механическую травму или другое повреждение Ovo servisno uputstvo je dostupno samo na engleskom jeziku. • Ako klijentov serviser zahteva neki drugi jezik, klijent je dužan da obezbedi prevodilačke usluge. • Ne pokušavajte da opravite uređaj ako niste pročitali i razumeli ovo servisno uputstvo. • Zanemarivanje ovog upozorenja može dovesti do povređivanja servisera, rukovaoca ili pacijenta usled strujnog udara ili mehaničkih i drugih opasnosti. Tento návod na obsluhu je k dispozícii len v angličtine. • Ak zákazníkov poskytovateľ služieb vyžaduje iný jazyk ako angličtinu, poskytnutie prekladateľských služieb je zodpovednosťou zákazníka. • Nepokúšajte sa o obsluhu zariadenia, kým si neprečítate návod na obluhu a neporozumiete mu. • Zanedbanie tohto upozornenia môže spôsobiť zranenie poskytovateľa služieb, obsluhujúcej osoby alebo pacienta elektrickým prúdom, mechanické alebo iné ohrozenie. Este manual de servicio sólo existe en inglés. • Si el encargado de mantenimiento de un cliente necesita un idioma que no sea el inglés, el cliente deberá encargarse de la traducción del manual. • No se deberá dar servicio técnico al equipo, sin haber consultado y comprendido este manual de servicio. • La no observancia del presente aviso puede dar lugar a que el proveedor de servicios, el operador o el paciente sufran lesiones provocadas por causas eléctricas, mecánicas o de otra naturaleza. Den här servicehandboken finns bara tillgänglig på engelska. . • Om en kunds servicetekniker har behov av ett annat språk än engelska, ansvarar kunden för att tillhandahålla översättningstjänster. • Försök inte utföra service på utrustningen om du inte har läst och förstår den här servicehandboken. • Om du inte tar hänsyn till den här varningen kan det resultera i skador på serviceteknikern, operatören eller patienten till följd av elektriska stötar, mekaniska faror eller andra faror. Ta servisni priročnik je na voljo samo v angleškem jeziku. • Če ponudnik storitve stranke potrebuje priročnik v drugem jeziku, mora stranka zagotoviti prevod. • Ne poskušajte servisirati opreme, če tega priročnika niste v celoti prebrali in razumeli. • Če tega opozorila ne upoštevate, se lahko zaradi električnega udara, mehanskih ali drugih nevarnosti poškoduje ponudnik storitev, operater ali bolnik. Bu servis kılavuzunun sadece ingilizcesi mevcuttur. • Eğer müşteri teknisyeni bu kılavuzu ingilizce dışında bir başka lisandan talep ederse, bunu tercüme ettirmek müşteriye düşer. • Servis kılavuzunu okuyup anlamadan ekipmanlara müdahale etmeyiniz. • Bu uyarıya uyulmaması, elektrik, mekanik veya diğer tehlikelerden dolayı teknisyen, operatör veya hastanın yaralanmasına yol açabilir. Preface GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Legal notes TRADEMARKS Optima XR200amxTM and Optima XR220amxTM are trademarks of GE Healthcare. WPA and WPA2 are trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance. All other products and their name brands are trademarks of their respective holders. COPYRIGHTS All material copyright © 2011 by General Electric Company, Inc. All rights reserved. The material presented and contained herein may not be reproduced in any form or manner, without the written permission of General Electric Company, Inc. Preface Page 7 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Important precautions DAMAGE IN TRANSPORTATION All packages should be closely examined at time of delivery. If damage is apparent, have notation “damage in shipment” written on all copies of the freight or express bill before delivery is accepted or “signed for” by a General Electric representative or a hospital receiving agent. Whether noted or concealed, damage MUST be reported to the carrier immediately upon discovery, or in any event, within 14 days after receipt, and the contents and containers held for inspection by the carrier. A transportation company will not pay a claim for damage if an inspection is not requested within this 14 day period. To file a report, call 1-800-548-3366. Select the option for “Install Support Services for FOA and MIS.” Contact your local service coordinator for more information on this process. CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR STATEMENT All electrical installations that are preliminary to positioning of the equipment at the site prepared for the equipment shall be performed by licensed electrical contractors. In addition, electrical feeds into the Power Distribution Unit shall be performed by licensed electrical contractors. Other connections between pieces of electrical equipment, calibrations and testing shall be performed by qualified GE Healthcare personnel. The products involved (and the accompanying electrical installations) are highly sophisticated, and special engineering competence is required. In performing all electrical work on these products, GE will use its own specially trained field engineers. All of GE’s electrical work on these products will comply with the requirements of the applicable electrical codes. The purchaser of GE equipment shall only utilize qualified personnel (i.e., GE’s field engineers, personnel of third-party service companies with equivalent training, or licensed electricians) to perform electrical servicing on the equipment. IMPORTANT...X-RAY PROTECTION X-ray equipment if not properly used may cause injury. Accordingly, the instructions herein contained should be thoroughly read and understood by everyone who will use the equipment before you attempt to place this equipment in operation. GE Healthcare will be glad to assist and cooperate in placing this equipment in use. Although this apparatus incorporates a high degree of protection against x-radiation other than the useful beam, no practical design of equipment can provide complete protection. Nor can any practical design compel the operator to take adequate precautions to prevent the possibility of any persons carelessly exposing themselves or others to radiation. It is important that anyone having anything to do with x-radiation be properly trained and fully acquainted with the recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) as published in NCRP Reports available from NCRP Publications, 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Room 1016, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, and of the International Commission on Radiation Protection, and take adequate steps to protect against injury. The equipment is sold with the understanding that GE Healthcare, its agents, and representatives have no responsibility for injury or damage which may result from improper use of the equipment. Various protective materials and devices are available. It is urged that such materials or devices be used. Page 8 Preface GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL LITHIUM BATTERY CAUTIONARY STATEMENT DANGER - Risk of Explosion Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Discard used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions. ATTENTION - Danger d’Explosion Il y a danger d’explosion s’il y a replacement incorrect de la batterie. Remplacer uniquement avec une batterie du même type ou d’un type recommandé par le constructeur. Mettre au rébut les batteries usagées conformément aux instructions du fabricant. TECHNICAL MANUAL UPDATES When operating or servicing GE Healthcare products, please contact your GE representative for the latest revision of product documentation. Product documentation may also be available on-line at the GE Healthcare support documentation library. OMISSIONS AND ERRORS Customers, please contact your GE Healthcare sales or service representatives. GE personnel, please use the GE Healthcare complaint handling process to report all omissions, errors, and defects in this publication. Preface Page 9 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Revision history Revision Date Reason for change 1 26SEP2011 Initial release of document. 2 26OCT2011 SPR HCSDM00103773 - Table 3-3 and Table 3-5 removing drive handle SPR HCSDM00103774 - DAP installation SPR HCSDM00103780 - Xray tube rating plate in wrong position 3 14NOV2011 Validation updates. Refer to SPRs: HCSDM00108057, HCSDM00108062, HCSDM00108063, HCSDM00108064 4 17OCT2011 Validation updates. Refer to SPRs: HCSDM00109082 - Importing IP looks procedural issue 5 28SEP2012 Updated Chapter 4, Section - Adding certificates and Section - Configuring broadcast SSID networks per FMI 10861A (see PR#7646877). In Chapter 3, Section, step 1, changed text from "External" to "Enclosure Leakage". Changed text instances from "probe" to "clamp" in Chapter 3, Sections (step 5), (step 3), (step 3), (step 3) and (step 3). Added text to front material on how to obtain most recent revisions of technical manuals. Satisfies FDA recommendation. Added ’Detector firmware download’ procedure to Chapter 3, Section 3.6.4. Refer to SPR HCSDM00157822. 6 02AUG2013 Chapter 3, Section 3.5.2, added Notice about potential test equipment damage. Refer to HCSDM00188252. Chapter 4, Sections and, added Notice regarding reset of system after DAP is reconnected. Refer to HCSDM00188256. Chapter 3, Section 3.6.3, added Caution message regarding wall plug. Refer to TrackWise 10831134. 7 12NOV2013 Chapter 4, Sections and, added new steps 6 and 14 (respectively) regarding DAP calibration reference to the System Manual. Refer to HCSDM00159583. 8 29APR2014 Chapter 2, Section 2.1, added Wireless Hand Switch (optional, Optima XR220amx and Optima XR200amx) under "shipped separately". Refer to ECO 2162103. Chapter 3, Section, changed bin measurement point in Table 3-3 to "Screw used for mounting strain relief of wired handswitch cable". Changed picture for Fig 3-15 to show new measurement point. Refer to ECO 2148874. Chapter 4, Section 4.10.3, changed Figures 4-9 and 4-10 to show DAP meter in lower set of collimator rails. Refer to HCSDM00264083. Chapter 4, Section, added steps to remove cable cover and then put back on at end of procedure. Refer to ECO 2160317. Chapter 4, Section 4.10.4, added wireless exposure switch installation procedure. Refer to ECO 2162103. Page 10 Preface GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 Revision Date 9 03DEC2014 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Reason for change Chapter 2, Section 2.1, added Tablet holder assembly (optional, Optima XR220amx and Optima XR200amx) under “shipped with the Optima XR200amx/Optima XR220amx system”. Chapter 4, Section 4.2.6, added “FIPS ON” column in table 4-7 and table 4-8 for wireless Authentication requirement. Chapter 4, Section 4.8, Section 4.9, Section 4.13, added notes regarding consulting your administrator for Account and Password information. Chapter 4, Section 4.10.4, added tablet holder assembly installation procedure. Chapter 8, added task regarding special login and user management account and password creation to system administrator, added task regarding providing account and password information to system administrator. 10 06FEB2015 Chapter 4, Section 10.4, revised Tablet holder installation procedure by following ECR/O 2186522 Preface Page 11 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 Page 12 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Preface GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 Preface - Publica- OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Preface Publication Conventions Standardized conventions for representing information is a uniform way of communicating information to a reader in a consistent manner. Conventions are used so that the reader can easily recognize the actions or decisions that must be made. There are a number of character and paragraph styles used in this publication to accomplish this task. Please become familiar with them before proceeding forward. It is important that you read and understand hazard statements, and not just ignore them. Safety & Hazard Information Proper product safety labeling allows a person to safely use or service a product. The format and style for safety communications reflected in this publication represents the harmonization of IEC/ ISO 3864 and ANSI Z535 standards. Within this publication, different paragraph and character styles are used to indicated potential hazards. Paragraph prefixes, such as hazard, caution, danger and warning, are used to identify important safety information. Text (Hazard) styles are applied to the paragraph contents that are applicable to each specific safety statement. Hazard Messages Any action that will, could or potentially cause personal injury will be preceded by the safety alert symbol and an appropriate signal word. The safety alert symbol is the triangle with an exclamation mark within it. It Is always used next to the signal word to indicate the severity of the hazard. Together, they are used to indicate a hazard exists. Signal words describe the severity of possible human injures that may be encountered. The alert symbol and signal word are placed immediately before any paragraph they affect. Safety information includes: 1.) Signal Word - The seriousness level of the hazard. 2.) Symbol or Pictorial - The consequence of interaction with the hazard. 3.) Word Message: a.) The nature of the hazard (i.e. the type of hazard) b.) How to avoid the hazard. The safety alert symbol is not used when an action can only cause equipment damage. Text Format of Signal Words DANGER - INDICATES AN IMMINENTLY HAZARDOUS SITUATION WHICH, IF NOT AVOIDED, WILL RESULT IN DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY. THIS SIGNAL WORD IS LIMITED TO THE MOST EXTREME SITUATIONS. WARNING - INDICATES A POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS SITUATION WHICH, IF NOT AVOIDED, COULD RESULT IN DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY. Caution - Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices. NOTICE - Indicates information or a company policy that relates directly or indirectly to the safety of personnel or protection of property. This signal word is associated directly with a hazard or hazardous situation and is used in place of 'DANGER,' 'WARNING,' or 'CAUTION.' It can include: Preface Page 13 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL • Destruction of a disk drive • Potential for internal mechanical damage, such as to a X-ray tube Symbols and Pictorials Used The following Symbols and Pictorials are be used in this publication. These graphical icons (symbols) may be used to make you aware of specific types of hazards that could possibly cause harm. Page 14 keep_up magnetic biohazard compressgas ppe-hearing fragile impact corrosive heavyobject ppe-2people static_elec heat general laser ppe-respitory keep_dry pinch radiation poisongas ppe-loto general explosive electrical flammable ppe-eye torque crush/mechanical tipping Read Manual ppe-gloves ce instuction poisonmatl entanglement instuction Preface GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Publication Conventions General Paragraph and Character Styles Prefixes are used to highlight important non-safety related information. Paragraph prefixes (such as Purpose, Example, Comment or Note) are used to identify important but non-safety related information. Text styles are also applied to text within each paragraph modified by the specific prefix. EXAMPLES OF PREFIXES USED FOR GENERAL INFORMATION: Purpose: Introduces and provides meaning as to the information contained within the chapter, section or subsection (such as used at the beginning this chapter, for example). Note: Example: Comment: Conveys information that should be considered important to the reader. Used to make the reader aware that the paragraph(s) that follow are examples of information possibly stated previously. Represents “additional” information that may or may not be relevant to your situation. Page Layout Publication Part Number & Revision Number The current section and its title are always shown in the footer of the left (even) page. An exclamation point in a triangle is used to indicate important information to the user. Paragraphs preceeded by Alphanumeric characters (e.g. numbers) contain information that must be followed in a specific order. Publication Title The current chapter and its title are always shown in the footer of the right (odd) page. Paragraphs preceeded by a symbol (e.g. bullets) contain information that has no specific order. Headers and footers in this publication are designed to allow you to quickly identify your location. The document part number and revision number appears in every header on every page. Odd numbered page footers indicate the current chapter, its title and current page number. Even page footers show the current section and its title, as well as the current page number. Preface Page 15 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Computer Screen Output/Input Text Character Styles Within this publication, mono-spaced character styles (fonts) are used to indicate computer text that’s either screen input and output. Mono-spaced fonts, such courier, are used to indicated text direction. When you type at your keyboard, you are generating computer input. Occasionally you will see the math operator “greater-than” and “less-than” symbols used to indicate the start and finish of variable output. When reading text generated by the computer, you are reading it as computer generated output. In addition to direction, characters are italicized (e.g. italics) to indicate information specific to your system or site. Example: Fixed Output This paragraph’s font represents computer generated screen “fixed” output. Its output is fixed from the sense that it does not vary from application to application. It is the most commonly used style used to indicate filenames, paths and text that do not change from system to system. The character style used is a fixed width such as courier. Example: Variable Output This paragraph’s font represents computer screen output that is “variable”. It is used to represent output that varies from application to application or system to system. Variable output is sometimes found placed between greater-than and less-than operators for clarification. For example: <variable_ouput> or <>. In both cases, the < and > operators are not part of the actual input. Example: Fixed Input This paragraph’s font represents fixed input. It is computer input that is typed-in via the keyboard. Typed input that does not vary from application to application or system to system. Fixed text the user is required to supply as input. For example: cd /usr/3p Example: Variable Input This paragraph’s font represents computer input that can vary from application to application or system to system. With variable text, the user is required to supply system dependent input or information. Variable input sometimes is placed between greater-than and less-than operators. For example: <variable_input>. In these cases, the (<>) operators would be dropped prior to input. For example: ypcat hosts | grep <> would be typed into the computer as: ypcat hosts | grep without the greater-than and less-than operators. Buttons, Switches and Keyboard Inputs (Hard & Soft Keys) Different character styles are used to indicate actions requiring the reader to press either a hard or soft button, switch or key. Physical hardware, such as buttons and switches, are called hard keys because they are hard wired or mechanical in nature. A keyboard or on/off switch would be a hard key. Software or computer generated buttons are called soft keys because they are software generated. Software driven menu buttons are an example of such keys. Soft and hard keys are represented differently in this publication. Example: Hard Keys A power switch ON/OFF or a keyboard key like ENTER is indicated by applying a character style that uses both over and under-lined bold text that is bold. This is a hard key. Example: Soft Keys Whereas the computer MENU button that you would click with your mouse or touch with your hand uses over and under-lined regular text. This is a soft key. Page 16 Preface GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Table of contents Chapter 1 Safety............................................................................................... 21 Section 1.1 Energy sources........................................................................... 21 Section 1.2 Lock Out/Tag Out (LOTO) procedure for electrical power ..... 22 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 Preparing for LOTO................................................................................................... 22 Performing LOTO ...................................................................................................... 24 Returning system to service ...................................................................................... 27 Section 1.3 Electrostatic discharge (ESD) ................................................... 28 1.3.1 Important ESD considerations when working on a mobile system............................ 1.3.2 Generating static ....................................................................................................... 1.3.3 Personal grounding methods and equipment ........................................................... Static shielding protection levels ...................................................................... 1.3.4 Grounding the work area........................................................................................... 1.3.5 Recommended materials and equipment ................................................................. Chapter 2 28 28 29 29 29 30 System overview ............................................................................ 31 Section 2.1 System components .................................................................. 31 Chapter 3 Installation....................................................................................... 33 Section 3.1 Installation process.................................................................... 33 Section 3.2 Unpacking the system ............................................................... 34 Section 3.3 Replacing the electrical plug..................................................... 35 Section 3.4 Turning on the system ............................................................... 35 Section 3.5 Ground and leakage testing ...................................................... 37 3.5.1 Performing ground resistance testing ....................................................................... Gathering test equipment................................................................................. Attaching test cables ........................................................................................ Setting test parameters .................................................................................... Performing zero adjustment ............................................................................. Taking ground measurements ......................................................................... 3.5.2 Performing leakage current testing ........................................................................... Condition 1: Power off, normal outlet, X-ray off ............................................... Condition 2: Power off, reversed outlet, X-ray off ............................................ Condition 3: Power on, normal outlet, X-ray off ............................................... Condition 4: Power on, reversed outlet, X-ray off ............................................ Condition 5: Power on, normal outlet, X-ray on ............................................... 37 37 38 40 41 43 47 48 49 50 50 50 Section 3.6 Installing the digital detector..................................................... 50 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4 3.6.5 Unpacking the detector ............................................................................................. Inspecting the detector .............................................................................................. Charging the detector battery.................................................................................... Connecting the backup tether ................................................................................... Download detector firmware ..................................................................................... Table of Contents 51 52 52 53 54 Page 17 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL 3.6.6 Detector registration ................................................................................................. 3.6.7 Applying detector identification shapes .................................................................... 3.6.8 Installing the detector grid......................................................................................... Unpacking and inspecting the grid .................................................................. Grid handling ................................................................................................... Installing the grid ............................................................................................. 54 54 55 55 55 56 Section 3.7 Applying local language labels.................................................. 56 Chapter 4 Configuration.................................................................................. 57 Section 4.1 When should I configure the system? ...................................... 57 Section 4.2 Using the System Configuration Tool (SUIF) ........................... 57 4.2.1 Site configuration ...................................................................................................... 4.2.2 Networking configuration .......................................................................................... 4.2.3 General configuration ............................................................................................... 4.2.4 Hardware configuration............................................................................................. 4.2.5 Generator configuration ............................................................................................ 4.2.6 Wireless configuration .............................................................................................. Adding certificates ........................................................................................... Configuring broadcast SSID networks............................................................. Configuring non-broadcast SSID networks ..................................................... Troubleshooting connections........................................................................... 4.2.7 Options configuration................................................................................................ 4.2.8 InSite configuration ................................................................................................... 4.2.9 PNF configuration ..................................................................................................... PNF GUI Control area ..................................................................................... PNF tabs and parameters ............................................................................... 4.2.10 Time Server configuration......................................................................................... 4.2.11 Secure Login configuration ....................................................................................... 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 61 62 63 64 64 64 64 65 66 66 Section 4.3 Changing Auto Protocol Assist settings .................................. 67 Section 4.4 DICOM connectivity configuration ............................................ 67 4.4.1 Network host configuration ....................................................................................... Adding network hosts ...................................................................................... Performing a C-Echo test ................................................................................ Removing network hosts ................................................................................. 4.4.2 Printer configuration.................................................................................................. Adding printers ................................................................................................ Removing printers ........................................................................................... 67 67 69 70 70 70 72 Section 4.5 Image management..................................................................... 72 Section 4.6 Image processing........................................................................ 72 4.6.1 Enabling EMI reduction............................................................................................. 72 Section 4.7 Loading demo images ................................................................ 73 4.7.1 Loading images from CD .......................................................................................... 73 Section 4.8 Installing the Operator Manual .................................................. 73 Section 4.9 Login and user management ..................................................... 74 Page 18 Table of Contents GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Section 4.10 Installing hardware options ....................................................... 74 4.10.1 Installing the barcode reader .................................................................................... Installing the barcode reader receiver ............................................................. Connecting the barcode reader ....................................................................... Barcode reader LED indicators ....................................................................... Charging the barcode reader........................................................................... 4.10.2 Configuring the barcode reader ................................................................................ Setting to default configuration ........................................................................ Verifying the default configuration ................................................................... Optional configuration 1................................................................................... Verifying optional configuration 1 .................................................................... Optional configuration 2................................................................................... Verifying optional configuration 2 .................................................................... 4.10.3 Installing the Dose Area Product (DAP) meter ......................................................... DAP installation for Optima XR220amx system .............................................. DAP installation for Optima XR200amx system .............................................. 4.10.4 Installing the tablet holder assembly......................................................................... 4.10.5 Installing the wireless exposure handswitch............................................................. 74 74 77 77 77 78 78 79 79 79 80 80 80 80 81 85 89 Section 4.11 Importing custom IP looks from Definium AMX 700................ 99 Section 4.12 Enabling Advanced Service mode .......................................... 100 Section 4.13 IP Address Change Procedure ................................................ 100 4.13.1 Snapshot Tool Configuration .................................................................................. 101 Chapter 5 Calibration .................................................................................... 111 Section 5.1 Saving changes......................................................................... 111 Section 5.2 Detector calibration .................................................................. 111 Section 5.3 Image quality calibration .......................................................... 111 5.3.1 Calibrating the printer ............................................................................................. 111 Section 5.4 PACS image tests ..................................................................... 112 5.4.1 Comparing PACS test images ................................................................................ 5.4.2 Determining PACS burn/no-burn configuration ...................................................... Verifying PACS monitor calibration ............................................................... Loading test images ...................................................................................... Sending no-burn images to the PACS........................................................... Sending burn-on-send images to the PACS.................................................. Reviewing images on PACS.......................................................................... 5.4.3 Optional PACS tests ............................................................................................... Sending all PACS test images....................................................................... Verifying DICOM header tags........................................................................ Verifying WC and WW values ....................................................................... > No-Burn Mode (PACS Test Image #1) ....................................................... > Burn-on-Send Mode (PACS Test Image #6) .............................................. Checking for image saturation ....................................................................... Testing reduced dynamic range with Burn-on-Send ..................................... 5.4.4 PACS image comparison results ............................................................................ Table of Contents 112 112 112 113 113 114 114 116 116 116 117 117 117 117 117 118 Page 19 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 Chapter 6 Detector checks and QAP ........................................................... 119 6.0.1 6.0.2 Chapter 7 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Detector check........................................................................................................ 119 QAP checkout......................................................................................................... 119 Certified components .................................................................. 121 Section 7.1 Component rating plates.......................................................... 121 Chapter 8 Final tasks..................................................................................... 127 Section 8.1 Final tasks.................................................................................. 127 Page 20 Table of Contents GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Chapter 1 Safety Section 1.1 Energy sources Table 1-1 Energy source Yes/No Location of energy isolating means Magnitude of energy Electrical Yes AC power plug 120 VAC/60Hz 220 VAC/50Hz Electrical Yes Circuit breaker 156VDC Electrical (batteries) Yes Battery board connector J1 156VDC Pneumatic No n/a n/a Hydraulic No n/a n/a Gas/water/steam No n/a n/a Chemical No n/a n/a Mechanical motion No n/a n/a Gravity No n/a n/a Rear suspension spring No n/a n/a Column spring Yes Scroll lock at 610 N-m (5400 in-lbs) top of column Thermal No n/a n/a Stored energy (generator capacitors) Yes Time discharge and DVM verification 15kW generator: 2200J Air under pressure No n/a n/a Oil under pressure No n/a n/a Water under pressure No n/a n/a Gas under pressure No n/a n/a Steam No n/a n/a Other No n/a n/a 30kW generator: 8800J Type of equipment and/or method selected to dissipate or isolate stored energy: - Allow three minutes for stored energy to dissipate. Stored energy is indicated by safety lamps on the generator Aux boxes. - After waiting period, verify dissipation with volt meter. Type of equipment and/or method used to ensure disconnections: - One lock and tag for each electrical power source - Multiple locking device Chapter 1 Safety Page 21 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Section 1.2 Lock Out/Tag Out (LOTO) procedure for electrical power Name of equipment: Optima XR200amx/Optima XR220amx Number of locks: 3 Title of employees authorized to perform LOTO: Those trained in LOTO Title of affected employees and how to notify: Hospital personnel, notified by verbal communication 1.2.1 Preparing for LOTO 1. Have this equipment on hand: - Safety glasses - Voltage meter - LOTO kit 5421892, contains (see Figure 1-1): * 3 brass padlocks and identification labels * 3 LOTO tag packages (25 tags per package) * 1 electrical plug lockout device 110V - for AC power plug * 2 electrical plug lockout devices 160VDC - for battery connectors * 1 nylon carry bag Figure 1-1 LOTO kit contents Page 22 Section 1.2 Lock Out/Tag Out (LOTO) procedure for electrical power GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 2. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Locate the AC power plug (E1), system circuit breaker (E2), and battery connectors (E3). See Figure 1-2. E2 E1 E3 Figure 1-2 Electrical energy lockout locations Chapter 1 Safety Page 23 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL 1.2.2 Performing LOTO 1. Notify all affected personnel working in the area that LOTO is being performed. 2. Exit all system software. 3. Turn off the Optima XR200amx/Optima XR220amx system by pressing the power button and holding it for several seconds until the power button light ring turns blue, indicating that the system is shutting down. 4. When the power light ring begins to blink blue, indicating that the system is in standby, switch the circuit breaker (E2) to the OFF position. See Figure 1-3. Figure 1-3 Circuit breaker (E2) in OFF position 5. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet. 6. Apply an approved AC power plug locking device to the AC power plug (E1), then apply your personal red lock and tag. See Figure 1-4. Figure 1-4 AC power plug with locking device applied 7. Page 24 Wait three minutes for discharge of stored energy. Section 1.2 Lock Out/Tag Out (LOTO) procedure for electrical power GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 8. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Disconnect the two green battery power connectors J3 and J4 and the two sense connectors J13 and J14 from the Cricket board. Apply a locking device, then apply your personal red lock and tag. See Figure 1-5. 1 2 Item Description 1 Battery power connectors (J3, J4) 2 Battery sense connectors (J13, J14) Figure 1-5 Battery connectors J3/J4/J13/J14 and locking device Chapter 1 Safety Page 25 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 9. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Disconnect the two green battery power connectors J1 and J2 and the two sense connectors J11 and J12 from the Cricket board. Apply a locking device, then apply your personal red lock and tag. See Figure 1-6. 1 2 Item Description 1 Battery power connectors (J1, J2) 2 Battery sense connectors (J11, J12) Figure 1-6 Battery connectors J1/J2/J11/J12 and locking device 10. Press the power button and verify that the system does not turn on. 11. Verify that the voltage meter is working properly by testing it on a known live voltage source (such as a wall outlet). Page 26 Section 1.2 Lock Out/Tag Out (LOTO) procedure for electrical power GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 12. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL See Figure 1-7. Verify that electrical power has been removed from the system by applying the DC voltmeter (+) lead to connector J5 pin 1 (Item 1, left-side screw terminal) on the Cricket board and the meter (-) lead to chassis ground (Item 2). 1 2 Item Description 1 Connect DC voltmeter (+) to J5 pin 1 (left-side screw terminal) 2 Connect DC voltmeter (-) to chassis ground Figure 1-7 Cricket board test points ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD IF THE SYSTEM CANNOT BE LOCKED OUT, OR IF THE SYSTEM FAILS VERIFICATION, CONTACT YOUR SUPERVISOR. 13. Perform the necessary service or repair. 1.2.3 Returning system to service 1. Notify affected personnel that LOTO devices are being removed and equipment is being reenergized. 2. Verify that the area is safe to re-energize the equipment. 3. Verify that any safety guards or devices have been reinstalled, and replace all guards and covers as necessary. 4. Remove tools and all non-essential equipment. 5. Verify that all personnel are clear and in a safe position. 6. Verify that all controls and switches are in the off or neutral position. 7. Remove locks and tags as appropriate. Chapter 1 Safety Page 27 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL 8. Re-energize equipment and follow safe startup procedures. 9. Notify affected persons that energy has been restored. Section 1.3 Electrostatic discharge (ESD) A sudden discharge of static electricity from your finger or other conductor can destroy static sensitive devices or microcircuitry. Often the spark is neither felt nor heard, but damage occurs. An electronic device exposed to electrostatic discharge (ESD) might not appear to be affected at all and can work perfectly throughout a normal cycle. The device can function normally for a while, but it has been degraded in the internal layers, reducing its life expectancy. Networks built into many integrated circuits provide some protection, but in many cases, the discharge contains enough power to alter device parameters or melt silicon junctions. 1.3.1 Important ESD considerations when working on a mobile system Static Discharge Risk to Components If you are using a static mat or wrist strap, be sure to connect the mat and strap to machine ground, not earth ground. This is necessary to isolate yourself from earth ground and equalize your potential with the machine. ESD damage prevention includes these steps: 1. Perform LOTO. 2. Verify that the AC plug is not connected to an energy source/outlet. 3. Connect ground mat and wrist strap assembly to frame connection point of the mobile unit. 1.3.2 Generating static The following table shows that different activities generate different amounts of static electricity, and that static electricity increases as humidity decreases. Table 1-2 Event Relative humidity 55% 40% 10% Walking across carpet 7,500 V 15,000 V 35,000 V Walking across vinyl floor 3,000 V 5,000 V 12,000 V Motions of bench worker 400 V 800 V 6,000 V Removing bubble pack from PCB 7,000 V 20,000 V 26,500 V Packing PCBs in foam-lined box 5,000 V 11,000 V 21,000 V Many electronic components are sensitive to ESD. Circuitry design and structure determine the degree of sensitivity. The following packaging and grounding precautions are necessary to prevent damage to electric components and accessories. • Page 28 Transport products in static-safe containers to avoid hand contact. Section 1.3 Electrostatic discharge (ESD) GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL • Protect all electrostatic parts and assemblies with conductive or approved containers or packaging. • Keep electrostatic sensitive parts in their containers until they arrive at static-free stations. • Place items on a grounded surface before removing them from their container. • When handling or touching a sensitive component or assembly, ground yourself by touching the chassis. • Avoid contact with pins, leads, or circuitry. • Place reusable electrostatic-sensitive parts from assemblies in protective packaging or conductive foam. 1.3.3 Personal grounding methods and equipment ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD This section defines a workzone that is not connected to the system under service. The mobile system is a battery powered unit that can deliver lethal current. Ensure you are not providing an earth ground path when practicing ESD procedures. Use the following equipment to prevent static electricity damage to equipment: • Wrist straps are flexible straps with a maximum of one-megohm +/- 10% resistance in the ground cords. To provide a proper ground, wear the strap against bare skin. The ground cord must connect snugly into the banana plug connector on the grounding mat or workstation. • Heel, toe, and boot straps can be used at standing workstations and are compatible with most types of shoes or boots. On conductive floors or dissipative floor mats, use them on both feet with a maximum of one-megohm +/- 10% resistance between the operator and ground. Static shielding protection levels Table 1-3 Method Voltage Antistatic plastic 1,500 Carbon-loaded plastic 7,500 Metalized laminate 15,000 1.3.4 Grounding the work area ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD This section defines a workzone that is not connected to the system under service. The mobile system is a battery powered unit that can deliver lethal current. Ensure you are not providing an earth ground path when practicing ESD procedures. To prevent static damage of components and parts in the work area: Chapter 1 Safety Page 29 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL • Cover the work surface with approved static-dissipative material. Provide a wrist strap connected to the work surface and properly grounded tools and equipment. • Use static-dissipative mats, foot straps, or air ionizers to give added protection. • Handle electrostatic sensitive components, parts, and assemblies by case or PCB laminate. • Handle components only at static-free work areas. • Turn off power and input signals before inserting and removing connectors or test equipment. • Use static-safe fixtures when fixtures must directly contact dissipative surfaces. • Keep work area free of non-conductive materials, like plastic assembly aids and Styrofoam. 1.3.5 Recommended materials and equipment ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD This section defines a workzone that is not connected to the system under service. The mobile system is a battery powered unit that can deliver lethal current. Ensure you are not providing an earth ground path when practicing ESD procedures. Materials and equipment that are recommended for use in preventing static electricity include: • Anti-static tape, smocks, aprons, or sleeve protectors • Conductive bins, foam, tabletop workstations with ground cord of one-megohm +/-10% resistance, and other assembly or soldering aids • Static-dissipative table or floor mats with hard tie to ground • ESD field service kits • Static awareness labels • Wrist straps and footwear straps providing one-megohm +/-10% resistance • Material handling packages: - Conductive plastic bags, plastic tubes and tote boxes - Opaque shielding bags - Transparent metalized shielding bags and shielding tubes Chapter 1 Safety Page 30 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Chapter 2 System overview Section 2.1 System components Available components of the Optima XR200amx/Optima XR220amx system are listed below. Shipped with the Optima XR200amx/Optima XR220amx system: • Optima XR200amx/Optima XR220amx • Backup tether for digital detector (Optima XR220amx only) • Service keyboard • Software CD • External CD/DVD-ROM drive • Operating System firmware USB drive • Tablet holder assembly (optional, Optima XR220amx and Optima XR200amx) Shipped separately: • DAP meter (standard with Optima XR220amx, optional for Optima XR200amx) • Digital detector (Optima XR220amx only) • Detector batteries (Optima XR220amx only) • Detector battery charger (Optima XR220amx only) • 6:1 grid (Optima XR220amx only) • Barcode reader (optional, Optima XR220amx only) • Wireless Hand Switch (optional, Optima XR220amx and Optima XR200amx) Chapter 2 System overview Page 31 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Optima XR200amx Figure 2-1 Optima systems Page 32 Section 2.1 System components Optima XR220amx GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Chapter 3 Installation Section 3.1 Installation process 1. Unpack the system (Section 3.2 Unpacking the system on page 34). 2. Replace the electrical plug, if necessary (Section 3.3 Replacing the electrical plug on page 35). 3. Perform leakage and ground testing as required (Section 3.5 Ground and leakage testing on page 37). 4. Power on and plug in the system (Section 3.4 Turning on the system on page 35). 5. Install the digital detector (Section 3.6 Installing the digital detector on page 50) (Optima XR220amx only). 6. Install hardware options, such as the DAP meter or barcode reader (Section 4.10 Installing hardware options on page 74). 7. Apply local language labels (Section 3.7 Applying local language labels on page 56). See Figure 3-1 for the installation workflow. After installation, configure the system according to the site’s requirements, as described in Chapter 4 Configuration. Perform necessary calibration, as described in Chapter 5 Calibration. Chapter 3 Installation Page 33 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL SYSTEM INSTALLATION WORKFLOW Upack the system Does the power plug meet requirements? No Replace the power plug Yes Perform ground and leakage testing Is the system an Optima XR220amx? Plug in and turn on system power Yes Install the detector No Install optional hardware Ready for configuration and calibration Figure 3-1 Optima XR200amx/Optima XR220amx installation workflow Section 3.2 Unpacking the system Within the United States, the Optima XR200amx/Optima XR220amx is shipped on its own wheels, with minimal packaging. External to the United States, the Optima XR200amx/Optima XR220amx is shipped in a packing crate. To prepare the unit for installation, follow these steps: Page 34 Section 3.2 Unpacking the system GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL 1. Unpack the unit and remove all packaging materials. 2. Remove and unpack any components shipped in the system package, such as the service keyboard and external CD/DVD drive. 3. Visually inspect the system and components for any damage that might have occurred during shipping. - If no damage is observed, continue with the installation. - If damage is found, contact GE Service or the installation specialist. Section 3.3 Replacing the electrical plug In regions that use an electrical plug other than the style used in the United States, remove the electrical plug and replace it with the appropriate hospital-grade plug as dictated by local regulations. The replacement electrical plug must meet the following electrical specifications: - Hospital-grade plug - 100-240 VAC - 1440 VA - 50/60 Hz To replace the plug: 1. Remove the three cross-recessed screws that hold the plug together. 2. Remove the plug. 3. Remove the cross-recessed screw holding the wires to the plug. 4. Attach the wires to the new plug as required: - Pin 1, 120/220VAC, hot wire, brown - Pin 2, 120 neutral (220 hot) wire, blue - Pin 3, earth ground wire, green/yellow 5. Assemble the new plug. 6. Test the plug operation. Section 3.4 Turning on the system The lighted ring around the power button on the console indicates the system’s power state: • Green means the system is on. • Solid blue means the system is in a power transition state. • Blinking blue means the system is in standby. • No light means the system is off. Chapter 3 Installation Page 35 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 1. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL If the circuit breaker is OFF, flip it to the ON position. Item Description 1 ON position 2 OFF position 3 Trip lever Figure 3-2 Circuit breaker in ON position 2. Press and release the power button to turn on the Optima XR200amx/XR220amx system. 3. Check the battery level, indicated by the battery symbol on the interface. In the figure below, the battery shows 25% capacity and discharging status. Figure 3-3 Battery icon - discharging 4. If battery charging is needed, plug the system in to an electrical outlet. 5. The icon changes to indicate that the battery is charging. In the figure below, the battery shows 40% capacity and charging status. Figure 3-4 Battery icon - charging Page 36 Section 3.4 Turning on the system GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Section 3.5 Ground and leakage testing Perform ground resistance testing & leakage testing only in the cases outlined in Table 3-1. Site location Perform ground testing? Perform leakage testing? Within the United States Yes, if you replace a damaged plug or power cord or incoming AC circuitry. Yes Outside of the United States Yes, if you replace the standard U.S. style plug with a regionally compliant plug, or if you replace a damaged plug or power cord or incoming AC circuitry. Yes Table 3-1 Test requirements 3.5.1 Performing ground resistance testing Ground resistance testing must be performed if the AC power plug has been replaced or disturbed. RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK Voltage present! Disconnect the AC charging plug from any wall outlet power source. Gathering test equipment Obtain a Hioki 3157 grounding tester or equivalent. For sites in Europe, use the cables that are provided with the Hioki tester. For sites outside of Europe, obtain the following: • Two green/yellow ground stranded wire cables: - Cable A = 2.5 mm² (12 AWG), 3 m (9.8 ft) - Cable B = 2.5 mm² (12 AWG), 5 m (16.4 ft) • Two lugs to fit 0.64 cm (0.25 in) terminals to the meter end of each cable (Figure 3-5). • Two clamps to fit onto the other end of the cables (Figure 3-5). Chapter 3 Installation Page 37 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Figure 3-5 Lug and clamp on ground wire Attaching test cables 1. On the tester, loosen both the current output (Source) terminal knob (top right) and the voltage measurement (Sense) terminal knob (bottom right) by turning them counterclockwise. 2. Connect Cable B to the current output knob. 3. Connect the short bar between the current output and voltage measurement knobs as shown in Figure 3-6. Figure 3-6 Test Cable B and short bar installation 4. Turn the two knobs clockwise to tighten. 5. Loosen the other current output (Source) terminal (top left), attach Cable A, and retighten the knob. The resulting connections should look as shown in Figure 3-7. Page 38 Section 3.5 Ground and leakage testing GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Figure 3-7 Cable A, Cable B, and short bar connections Chapter 3 Installation Page 39 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Setting test parameters 1. Turn on the tester by pressing the POWER button. The tester enters the ready state five seconds after startup (the model name and version display during startup). 2. Verify that the tester displays the test parameters specified in Table 3-2. Test parameters Values Canada: 30.0 A Current All other countries: 25.0 A Test value 0.100 Ohms Timer 5.0 sec Table 3-2 Ground resistance test parameters If it does not, perform the following steps to change the parameters as needed (the system will save the settings even after system power is turned off). See Figure 3-8. A. While in the ready state, press the begins flashing. B. Press the or or button until the output current display button to change the output current. The value changes in 0.1-A increments. To change the value by 1.0-A increments, press + or button. C. Press the button again to move to each of the other settings (Maximum Test Value, Timer, and Frequency). D. Use the E. Press or + buttons as needed to adjust the values. . Figure 3-8 Test parameter value settings 3. While in the ready state, press the setting screen. + buttons to display the Optional function The Output Current Frequency is the first digit displayed, where the value is 0 for 50 Hz or 1 for 60 Hz. The Pass/Fail hold function is represented by the second digit. Page 40 4. Press the or button until the second digit begins flashing. 5. Press the button to change the value to 1 (Figure 3-9). 6. Press the + buttons to save this setting and return to the ready state. The unit will display and hold the measured resistance value after the test. Section 3.5 Ground and leakage testing GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Figure 3-9 Current setting on the tester Performing zero adjustment Ground measurements may be affected by a voltage drop in the A and B cables. To account for the voltage drop, perform the zero adjustment procedure before taking ground measurements. 1. Confirm that the unit is in the ready state. 2. Short circuit cable A with cable B. Figure 3-10 Cable A and cable B short-circuited 3. Press the button. The orange test indicator is displayed, the 0ADJ indicator begins flashing below the resistance value, and the zero adjustment begins. During the zero adjustment, a preset current is output through the shorted leads. When zero adjustment is complete (about three seconds), the unit enters the ready state, and the 0ADJ lamp lights. If the test cables are too resistive, the offset cannot be set. Use less-resistive cables and try to set the offset again. The zero adjustment function is automatically disabled if the output current value is changed or if data settings are changed. Zero adjustment is possible within a range equivalent to a resistance between 0.000 Ohms and 0.100 Ohms on the resistor indicator. If the measured value falls outside this range, the resistance value flashes, and the unit enters the ready state. Chapter 3 Installation Page 41 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 Figure 3-11 Tester during and after zero adjustment Page 42 Section 3.5 Ground and leakage testing OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Taking ground measurements 1. Turn off system power and main circuit breaker. 2. Connect cable A to the grounding pin on the electrical plug. 3. Connect cable B to the first measurement point listed in Table 3-3. 4. On the tester, press the green START button. The orange indicator is displayed, the Test Current display value quickly increases from 0.0 to the preset output current (25.0 A or 30.0 A), and the timer value decreases from 5.0 seconds to 0.0 seconds. If the test passes, the green Pass indicator is displayed. Record the displayed resistance value in Table 3-3. 5. Press Stop. 6. Move cable B to the next measurement (Table 3-3), then repeat steps 4 and 5. The voltage must not exceed 2.5 V (0.1 ohms). Component Tube Collimator Column Bin Tube latch Measurement point Measured resistance Tube endcap screws or HV cable nuts See Figure 3-12 Skin guards See Figure 3-13 Scroll support rivets See Figure 3-14 Screw used for mounting strain relief of wired handswitch cable See Figure 3-15 Tube latch on top cover See Figure 3-16 Table 3-3 Ground measurement test points Chapter 3 Installation Page 43 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 Figure 3-12 Tube test points Figure 3-13 Collimator test points Page 44 Section 3.5 Ground and leakage testing OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Figure 3-14 Column test point Figure 3-15 Rear bin accessory access cover test point Chapter 3 Installation Page 45 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 Figure 3-16 Tube latch test point Page 46 Section 3.5 Ground and leakage testing OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL 3.5.2 Performing leakage current testing If ground testing is required for this system, verify that the ground testing results (see Table 3-3) are < 0.1 Ohms before conducting leakage testing. Leakage testing must be performed if the AC power plug has been replaced or disturbed. The leakage current must not exceed 300 uA. Before you begin, verify these steps: 1. Complete ground testing, if required (see 3.5.1 Performing ground resistance testing on page 37). 2. Ensure that all system covers are installed. 3. Obtain a Dale 601/601E test meter or equivalent. Perform leakage testing under the five specific conditions outlined in Table 3-4: Condition Power Test meter outlet X-ray on Section reference 1 Off Normal No Condition 1: Power off, normal outlet, X-ray off 2 Off Reversed No Condition 2: Power off, reversed outlet, X-ray off 3 On Normal No Condition 3: Power on, normal outlet, X-ray off 4 On Reversed No Condition 4: Power on, reversed outlet, X-ray off 5 On Normal Yes Condition 5: Power on, normal outlet, X-ray on Table 3-4 Leakage current test conditions Chapter 3 Installation Page 47 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Potential test equipment damage. Always pause in the OFF position when moving the OUTLET switch from NORMAL to REVERSED or REVERSED to NORMAL. Failure to do so can result in the internal test meter failure and tripping of facilities circuit breakers. Condition 1: Power off, normal outlet, X-ray off 1. Turn off the system power, main circuit breaker ON. On the test meter, set the Function switch to ENCLOSURE LEAKAGE, the L2 switch to CLOSED, the Outlet switch to Normal and the M.A.P/Lift Gnd to OFF (Figure 3-17). Figure 3-17 Dale 601 meter Page 48 Section 3.5 Ground and leakage testing GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 2. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Insert the black coil cord with clamp into the CHASSIS connection located on the top of the test meter (Figure 3-18). Figure 3-18 Dale 601 meter, top view 3. Connect the Dale 601 test meter to a wall outlet. 4. Important! Connect the System AC power cord to the receptacle on the test meter. 5. Using the clamp, connect to all conductive surfaces listed in Table 3-5. Record the readings. Readings should be close to 0.0. Address high readings by checking for damaged ground wire or internal system wiring that could be causing current to flow to the tested component or chassis. Conductive surface Condition 1: Condition 2: Condition 3: Condition 4: Condition 5: Power off, Power off, Power on, Power on, Power on, normal outlet, reversed outlet, normal outlet, reversed outlet, normal outlet, X-ray off X-ray off X-ray off X-ray off X-ray on Leakage current Tube Collimator Column Bin Tube latch Table 3-5 Leakage current test results Condition 2: Power off, reversed outlet, X-ray off 1. On the test meter, set the Outlet switch to Reversed. 2. Verify the system power is OFF, main circuit breaker ON. 3. Using the clamp, connect to all conductive surfaces. 4. Record the readings in Table 3-5. Chapter 3 Installation Page 49 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Condition 3: Power on, normal outlet, X-ray off 1. Turn on the system power. 2. On the test meter, set the Outlet switch to Normal. 3. Using the clamp, connect to all conductive surfaces. 4. Record the readings in Table 3-5. Condition 4: Power on, reversed outlet, X-ray off 1. On the test meter, set the Outlet switch to Reversed. 2. Verify that system power is on. 3. Using the clamp, connect to all conductive surfaces. 4. Record the readings in Table 3-5. Condition 5: Power on, normal outlet, X-ray on EXPOSURE TO RADIATION Wear a lead vest to protect yourself from radiation. 1. On the test meter, set the Outlet switch to Normal. 2. Verify that system power is on. 3. Make an exposure (see Table 3-6) while using the clamp to connect to all conductive surfaces. Generator power kVp mAs 15 kW 125 100 30 kW 125 100 Table 3-6 Exposure technique 4. Record the readings in Table 3-5. Section 3.6 Installing the digital detector The digital detector is for use only with the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade. The digital detector uses a wireless signal to communicate with the system. The detector contains a docking mechanism that provides charging power when the detector is in the digital bin. Because the detector does not have to be physically connected to the system to function, the system needs a method of identifying which of the wireless detectors in the area to communicate with. The detector that is actively communicating with the system is called the active detector, and is the one that will generate digital images when the system performs an exposure. This detector is registered with the system and it is defined as the main detector at that time. Multiple detectors can be registered with the system, but only one can be the active detector at a given time. Page 50 Section 3.6 Installing the digital detector GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL The detector also has a backup tether that can be attached, if needed, to provide input power and wired communication. The backup tether must be attached to the detector to register the detector with the system, and can then be removed and stored. 3.6.1 Unpacking the detector The detector packing is designed to protect the detector during shipping and handling. There are three boxes inside each other to give maximum detector protection. 1. Locate the detector shipping box. See Figure 3-19. Figure 3-19 Detector shipping box 2. Inspect the box for physical or water damage. If present, document the damage. 3. Remove all four clips and lift top of outer box from bottom. Instructions are printed on the outside of the box. 4. Lift the plastic bag and inner box out of the outer box. See Figure 3-20. More instructions are printed on the outside of the inner box. Figure 3-20 Inner box 5. Unfasten the bag straps and box straps. 6. Remove the box end and pull out the black inner box. See Figure 3-21. Figure 3-21 Detector box 7. Using the box flaps, open the box. Chapter 3 Installation Page 51 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL 3.6.2 Inspecting the detector Visually inspect the detector for any signs of physical damage that might have occurred during shipping. Check the corners for any signs of sharp edges or damage. Check all surfaces for any signs of scratches or abrasions. • If no damage is observed, proceed to the next step. • If damage is found, contact GE Service. 3.6.3 Charging the detector battery For all customers that do not support the USA style wall plugs, locally obtain and install a computer style power cord with a CE approved, IEC 60320-1 C13 style connector on one end and the locally appropriate wall plug connector on the other. The cord must meet or exceed the following electrical specification, AC 120-240V 50/60 Hz 130VA - 168VA 1.4 Amps. Do not modify the shipped US style cord as this can present a shock hazard to the user. The detector is delivered with two batteries and a desktop charger, which can be used to charge the batteries when disconnected from the detector. The battery can also be charged by inserting it into the detector, then docking the detector in the bin. It can take up to eight hours to charge the detector battery, depending on remaining charge. The battery LEDs (labeled with 1 in Figure 3-22) on the detector indicate remaining power. Page 52 Section 3.6 Installing the digital detector GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Battery LED status Meaning Green, green Battery more than 75% remaining Off, green Battery remaining between 25% and 75% Off, yellow Battery remaining between 10% and 25% Off, red Battery less than 10% remaining Off, off Detector in sleep mode Figure 3-22 Detector LEDs 3.6.4 Connecting the backup tether 1. Unpack and inspect the tether. Verify that there is no damage. 2. Remove the battery, if present. 3. Connect the backup tether to the detector. Figure 3-23. Figure 3-23 Connecting the tether to the detector Chapter 3 Installation Page 53 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL The tether connector will only fit one way, as shown. 3.6.5 Download detector firmware This section applies to Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade and Optima XR220amx systems only. Note: The first time a new detector is used with an Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system, detector firmware must downloaded because the existing firmware present on the detector may not be compatible with the system. If you attempt to use a detector that does not have the correct firmware, an error message will be displayed stating The detector is not compatible with this system. or Digital cassette firmware is incorrect. 1. Ensure the system has booted to applications without error. 2. Connect the detector to the system using the tether and ensure the detector is on, Detector Status Led illuminated. 3. Power on the detector. 4. On the Applications desktop, press the UTILITIES button. 5. On the Utilities desktop, press LAUNCH. 6. On the Service Home tab, press the UTILITIES tab button. 7. In the left navigation frame, expand the SUBSYSTEM SOFTWARE folder. 8. Select DET DATA DOWNLOAD folder. 9. Select DET DATA DOWNLOAD link. 10. Select the appropriate detector. 11. Follow the on-screen instructions. 3.6.6 Detector registration The first time a detector is used with an Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade, it must be registered with that system. During registration, the detector must be connected to the system using the backup tether (3.6.4 Connecting the backup tether on page 53). The system automatically retrieves the detector’s calibration information, and checks whether there has been a drop or impact. For instructions on registering a detector, see the Optima XR220amx Operator Manual, Chapter 14 Set Preferences (Detector Registration). Note these guidelines: • There can be only one active detector at a time on each system. • There can be a maximum of 10 detectors registered on a system. • A detector can be registered on a maximum of 20 systems. 3.6.7 Applying detector identification shapes Instead of affixing a label with alphanumeric characters, the site may choose to identify the detector with plastic tags. These circular plastic tags are designed to snap into a matching recess in the detector handle. A set of tags are delivered with the detector. Each one has a different color and/or shape, which match the selections available in the detector registration Add/Edit Detector lists. • Page 54 To insert, rotate the plastic tag until the notch in the tag aligns with the tab in the recess. Press until it snaps into place. Section 3.6 Installing the digital detector GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 • OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL To remove, use a small flat-blade screwdriver. Insert the screwdriver tip under the slot in the side of the tag, and pry until the tag pops out. For more information about detector identification shapes,see the Optima XR220amx Operator Manual, Chapter 14 Set Preferences (Detector Registration). 3.6.8 Installing the detector grid The digital detector grid is integrated with a holder that fits the detector exactly. The grid fits over the detector handle and has raised edges to fit around the detector. See Figure 3-24. Item Description 1 Grid (6:1 grid is a standard component, 8:1 grid is a purchasable option) 2 Detector Figure 3-24 Detector grid Unpacking and inspecting the grid Inspect the surface of the grid (inside surface of the grid holder) for any signs of damage incurred during shipment. Look for signs of scuffing, abrasions, or dents. The patient contact side of the grid holder is covered with a padded overlay. Inspect it for any signs of scrapes or tears. Check the perimeter of the grid holder for signs of sharp edges or damage/fraying to the carbon fiber structure. Grid handling Sensitive Device The grid is manufactured with a delicate mechanical structure of thin lead strips, inter-spaced with strips of aluminum. Do not subject it to drops, impacts or crushing conditions. Chapter 3 Installation Page 55 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Installing the grid Pinch Hazard Attach the grid holder according to Figure 3-24, being careful not to pinch fingers or clothing. 1. The grid clips onto the detector. Make sure you attach it to the imaging side of the detector. 2. With the system switched ON, verify that the grid detection operates correctly. Each time the grid is attached, removed, or attached improperly the system alerts the user with a double beep and displays a message on the status bar. Section 3.7 Applying local language labels Each Optima XR200amx/XR220amx system must be labeled with the appropriate X-ray warning label in the local language. The system is delivered with an English label applied. Figure 3-25 English X-ray warning label If the system is located at a site where the primary language is not English, follow these steps. Page 56 1. In the installation kit, locate the X-ray warning label for the local language. 2. Clean the surface of the English label with alcohol. 3. Allow at least two minutes for the area to dry. 4. Apply the local language label on top of the English label. Section 3.7 Applying local language labels GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Chapter 4 Configuration Potential for Data Loss • Always create an up-to-date backup of system data after changing the configuration. • For configuration changes to take effect, restart the system after exiting the Service User Interface (SUIF). You must restart the system before using it for patient acquisitions. Section 4.1 When should I configure the system? • During system installation. The system is delivered with pre-configured information from the manufacturing process. However, many parameters are specific to the customer and location. These parameters need to be configured. Other parameters should be confirmed and/or modified per the customers preference. Table 4-1 Configuration Comments SUIF (Site parameters, Generator See Section 4.2 Using the System Configuration Tool (SUIF) parameters, etc.) on page 57 DICOM See Section 4.4 DICOM connectivity configuration on page 67 Demo images See Section 4.7 Loading demo images on page 73 Operator manual See Section 4.8 Installing the Operator Manual on page 73 Hardware options such as the barcode reader See Section 4.10 Installing hardware options on page 74 System login See Section 4.9 Login and user management on page 74 • If system backups are lost or missing. If the software is re-installed but system configuration files are not restored, configure the system again. GE service may need to be contacted to enable purchased options. A software install resets all configuration data. If the system configuration files are restored, you do not need to re-configure the system. • After adding purchased options. Installation of purchased options can only be performed by an authorized GE Healthcare service representative. If you add purchased options to the system, update the system configuration files immediately and create and save a new backup. Purchased option configurations are described in 4.2.7 Options configuration on page 64. Section 4.2 Using the System Configuration Tool (SUIF) 1. Turn on the system. 2. Log on to the system with administrator privileges. 3. On the Applications desktop, press the UTILITIES button. Chapter 4 Configuration Page 57 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 4. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL On the Utilities desktop, next to Service, press LAUNCH. The Service Home tab is displayed. The Home tab contains summary information including site identification, connectivity parameters, and enabled options. 5. Press the CONFIGURATION tab button. 6. On the Configuration page, in the left folder tree, select the parameter group to change. 7. Configure the system according to site preferences. An overview of the configurable system attributes is given in the tables below. Contact a GE service representative for items marked “Editable by GE Healthcare personnel only.” 8. On each page, after making changes, press COMMIT to put the changes into effect. 4.2.1 Site configuration The following information can be viewed regardless of service mode. However, some fields are editable only by sites with Advanced Service mode enabled (Section 4.12 Enabling Advanced Service mode on page 100), and some are editable only by GE Healthcare personnel. Table 4-2 Site tab parameters Parameter Definition Site Name Name of specific site where system is installed. Street Address 1 Street address of site where system is installed. Street Address 2 Street address, continued, of site where system is installed. City City where system is installed. State/Province State or province where system is installed. Postal Code Postal or ZIP code where system is installed. Department Name Department name (for example, Radiology) responsible for system maintenance. Telephone Phone number of department responsible for system. Fax Fax number of department responsible for system. Contact Person Name Person responsible for system maintenance. Contact Person Phone Phone number of person responsible for system maintenance. Editable by GE Healthcare personnel only. System identifier assigned by GE Healthcare following system installation and prior to customer turnover. System ID Installation Date Service Contract Number This field is a GE proprietary field and cannot be used for any purpose other than the System ID. Violation of this mandate will result in Insite and/or other features not working. Customer IT personnel need to use other means for DICOM filtering on their DICOM machines. Editable by GE Healthcare personnel only. Date system installation is completed, created by GE Healthcare. Editable by GE Healthcare personnel only. Customer’s Service Contract number, created by GE Healthcare. Editable by GE Healthcare personnel only. Contract Expiration Page 58 Customer’s Service Contract expiration date, created by GE Healthcare. Section 4.2 Using the System Configuration Tool (SUIF) GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL 4.2.2 Networking configuration The following information can be viewed regardless of service mode. Table 4-3 Networking tab parameters Parameter Definition Options: DHCP or Static. Determines whether the IP address is assigned, or acquired dynamically. If Static is selected, enter associated information in IP Address, Subnet Mask, and DNS fields. DHCP Configuration System IP address. IP Address Fixed Only Enabled only if Wired IP Settings is set to Static. System subnet mask. Subnet Mask Fixed Only Enabled only if Wired IP Settings is set to Static. Default Gateway Fixed Only Default gateway. Enabled only if Wired IP Settings is set to Static. Site domain name server. Static DNS Server 1 Enabled only if Wired IP Settings is set to Static. Site domain name server. Static DNS Server 2 Enabled only if Wired IP Settings is set to Static. AE Title Fixed Only Application Entity Title for DICOM. Fixed value. Port Number Fixed Only Software port used for network communications. Fixed value. 4.2.3 General configuration If the site is using a master time server (see 4.2.10 Time Server configuration on page 66), some settings in this section are superceded by the master clock server data. Table 4-4 General tab parameters Parameter Definition Timezone Time zone of site where system is installed. System Clock System time in YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS format. Date Display Format MM-DD-YYYY or DD-MM-YYYY. Time Display Format Military (24-hour) or AM/PM (12-hour). Country Code Country where system is installed. A list of selectable countries. The system auto configures to the correct regulatory approved formats and frequencies for all wireless Wireless Regulatory Code communications. If a country does not allow a specific wireless communication technology then the feature is disabled, Flashpad wireless for example. Measurement System English or Metric. Chapter 4 Configuration Page 59 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Table 4-4 General tab parameters Parameter Definition Application Language Language used for application screens. QAP Timeout (Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade) Interval between QAP tests, in days. When time-out is reached, system users see a warning flag indicating that a QAP test should be performed. Editable by GE Healthcare personnel only. Applies to USA Veterans Affairs facilities. VA Site Yes or No. Screen Blank Timeout Period of inactivity (no user input or processing activity) after which the screen will go blank, in minutes. Image Mask Adjustment (Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade) Adjust the mask that is applied to the acquired image from the detector. Options: 3mm, 2mm, 1mm, 0, -1mm, -2mm, -3mm. 4.2.4 Hardware configuration Table 4-5 Hardware tab parameters Parameter Definition Collimator Light Maximum Time, in seconds, that the collimator light will remain on. On Time Collimator Lamp Install Date Date the collimator lamp was installed. YYYY-MM-DD format. 4.2.5 Generator configuration Table 4-6 Generator tab parameters Parameter Page 60 Definition Tube HUR Alarm Percentage of the tube thermal capacity limit, from 0 to 100. When this limit is reached, X-ray exposure is inhibited and an alarm sounds. Tube ID Tube ID. Not editable. Tube Serial Serial number of the tube. Confirm the serial number matches that of the attached tube. Tube Install Date and Time Date and time the tube was installed. YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS format. Section 4.2 Using the System Configuration Tool (SUIF) GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL 4.2.6 Wireless configuration Before configuring the wireless settings, verify that the Wireless Hospital Network option is enabled on the Options screen (see 4.2.7 Options configuration on page 64). If the site doesn’t require for authentication certificates and keys, go directly to Configuring broadcast SSID networks or Configuring non-broadcast SSID networks to configure the wireless network. Adding certificates If your customer uses site-specific network security certificates, contact the IT administrator to obtain a copy of the certficate(s) on a USB flashdrive. 1. Ensure that the restoration of all configuration parameters has been completed and the system has been reset. 2. Launch the SUIF and navigate to CONFIGURATION > WIRELESS. 3. Launch the wireless configuration utility as instructed on the screen. 4. Connect the USB flashdrive containing the site-specific certificates to a left-side USB port. 5. Click on the Certificates tab. a. Observe the USB flashdrive-resident certificates in the pull-down list next to the ADD button. b. If there is more than one certificate, you will need to select each certificate individually. c. Click ADD to install the displayed certificate from the drop-down list. 6. Continue with the site-specific configurations as defined by the IT administrator. 7. Exit the Configuration utility. 8. Remove the USB flashdrive. 9. Reset the system. Configuring broadcast SSID networks 1. On the Wireless configuration screen, confirm that the "adapter" is ON or ENABLED. 2. Select the Current Status tab. 3. Click SCAN to find the network. Note: Some customers may have their network access in a non-broadcast mode. This may result in strange naming conventions for the scan results. Confirm with your IT contact. 4. In the Scan Results window, double-click the network to which you want to connect. 5. In the Network Config window, some fields are auto-populated. Depending on the type of authentication used by the network, complete the other required information, as described in the table below: Table 4-7 Authentication type Static WEP (Shared Key authentication) WPATM-Personal (PSK) Required fields • WEP keys • Encryption (if different than TKIP) • PSK Chapter 4 Configuration No FIPS FIPS ON Y N Y N Page 61 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Table 4-7 Authentication type WPATM-Enterprise (EAP) WPA2TM-Personal (PSK) WPA2TM-Enterprise (EAP) WPA2TM-Enterprise (EAP) Required fields • Encryption (if different than TKIP) • Identity • Password • Client certificate • Inner Auth • Private key file • Private key password • PEAP version (only if EAP method is set to PEAP) • Encryption (if different than TKIP) • PSK • Encryption (if different than CCMP) • Identity • Password • Client certificate • Inner Auth • Private key file • Private key password • PEAP version (only if EAP method is set to PEAP) • EAP-TLS No FIPS FIPS ON Y N Y Y Y N N Y 6. Click ADD. 7. Select the Current Status tab, and click CONNECT. Verify successful connection message. 8. To verify connectivity: a. Select FILE menu > TOOLS. b. Enter the IP of the machine you want to ping. c. Press START PING and check for messages verifying connectivity. d. Press STOP PING. Configuring non-broadcast SSID networks 1. 2. Page 62 On the Wireless configuration screen, select NETWORK menu > ADD. Select IP settings: - If the system will be identified on the network by a static IP address, select STATIC IP, and enter the IP address, netmask, and gateway. If no gateway is used, you must enter - If the system will be identified on the network using DHCP, select DHCP. 3. Enter the network SSID. 4. Choose the authentication type. Section 4.2 Using the System Configuration Tool (SUIF) GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Some fields are auto-populated. Depending on the type of authentication, complete the other required information, as described in the table below: Table 4-8 Authentication type Required fields No FIPS FIPS ON Static WEP (Shared Key authentication) • WEP keys Y N WPATM-Personal (PSK) • Encryption (if different than TKIP) Y N • PSK • Encryption (if different than TKIP) Y N • Identity • Password • Client certificate • Inner Auth • Private key file • Private key password • PEAP version (only if EAP method is set to PEAP) • Encryption (if different than TKIP) Y Y • PSK • Encryption (if different than CCMP) Y N • Identity • Password • Client certificate • Inner Auth N Y WPATM-Enterprise (EAP) WPA2TM-Personal (PSK) WPA2TM-Enterprise (EAP) WPA2TM-Enterprise (EAP) • Private key file • Private key password • PEAP version (only if EAP method is set to PEAP) • EAP-TLS 5. Click ADD. 6. Select the Networks tab, and verify that the network is listed. 7. Select the Current Status tab, and click CONNECT. Verify successful connection message. 8. To verify connectivity: a. Select FILE > TOOLS. b. Enter the IP of the machine you want to ping. c. Press START PING and check for messages verifying connectivity. d. Press STOP PING. Troubleshooting connections If you try to connect in an enterprise situation, it will continue to try to connect until you tell it to stop by selecting DISCONNECT. Chapter 4 Configuration Page 63 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL 4.2.7 Options configuration The Optima XR200amx/XR220amx systems are delivered with a base set of operating software that is configured for immediate operation. Optional software and hardware purchased by the site must be enabled by GE Healthcare service personnel, such as: • Wireless network connectivity • DAP (Dose Area Product) meter (standard with Optima XR220amx, optional for Optima XR200amx) • Repeat Reject Analysis (RRA) (Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade only) • Auto Protocol Assist (APA) (Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade only) • Generator Power - 30kW 4.2.8 InSite configuration Contact a GE service representative to configure InSite ExC settings. 4.2.9 PNF configuration The Firewall option at the top of the PNF area must be set to On. If it is set to Off, select TURN FIREWALL ON. • When the firewall is off, all network traffic in both directions is allowed. This setting is used primarily for troubleshooting. • When the firewall is on, it allows only the network communications that are specified by its configuration and rejects all the rest. After modifying any PNF options, select RESTART FIREWALL to apply the changes. PNF GUI Control area The PNF GUI Control area, near the top of the screen, contains these options: Table 4-9 PNF GUI Control options Option Filter Settings Action Configure filter settings that allow access through the firewall by adding allowed services and IP addresses, and removing filters. Options: BACKUP CURRENT FILTERS: Create a backup of the current filters. Backup/Restore RESTORE FROM BACKUP FILTERS: Restore the filters to a previously backed up set. RESTORE TO FACTORY DEFAULTS: Reset all filter settings to those originally installed. REMOVE BACKUP FILTERS: Page 64 Network Tools Show the firewall rules that are currently in effect on this system. Select REFRESH to refresh the list of rules. Configure PNF Select which red interfaces the filter settings should be applied to. Select UPDATE RED INTERFACES to apply the changes. Section 4.2 Using the System Configuration Tool (SUIF) GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL PNF tabs and parameters Table 4-10 PNF parameters Option Description Named Services tab Used to set up filters to allow traffic to common network services (such as telnet or ftp) by name, without needing to know the port and protocol. Services/Allowed IPs Lists current filters by name and IP. Remove Existing Filters Select the Delete box checkbox next to the filter to delete, then select DELETE EXISTING FILTERS. From the Service Name drop-down list, select the service to be allowed (such as telnet, ssh, ftp). Add New Filter In the Allowed IPs field, specify a particular IP address, a range of IP addresses, or a masked subnet. Select ADD FILTER to apply your changes. Allowed Nodes tab Used to set up filters to allow all traffic from specified nodes. You can specify a particular IP address, a range of IP addresses, or a masked subnet. Allowed IPs Lists current filters by IP. Remove Existing Filters Select the Delete box checkbox next to the filter to delete, then select DELETE EXISTING FILTERS. Add New Filter In the Allowed IPs field, specify a particular IP address, a range of IP addresses, or a masked subnet. Select ADD FILTER to apply your changes. DICOM tab Used to add DICOM port numbers (all IP addresses are allowed DICOM access; the DICOM application may limit access by IP). You can add multiple DICOM ports. Allowed DICOM Ports Lists current DICOM ports by number. Remove Existing Filters Select the Delete box checkbox next to the port to delete, then select DELETE EXISTING FILTERS. Add New Filter In the Allowed Port field, specify a particular DICOM port. Select ADD FILTER to apply your changes. Expert tab Used to set up detailed filters by port, protocol, and node-lock (source). Used only by advanced IT users. Name/Port/Protocol Lists current filters by name, port number, protocol, and IP. Remove Existing Filters Select the Delete box checkbox next to the filter to delete, then select DELETE EXISTING FILTERS. Chapter 4 Configuration Page 65 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Table 4-10 PNF parameters Option Description In the Name field, specify the filter name. In the Allowed IPs field, specify a particular IP address, a range of IP addresses, or a masked subnet. Add New Filter In the Allowed Port field, specify a particular port. From the Protocol drop-down list, select the protocol to be allowed (TCP, UDP, Any). Select ADD FILTER to apply your changes. NAT tab Used to define NAT (Network Address Translation) rules. Name/Source IP/Dest. IP Lists current filters by name, source IP, destination IP, destination port, and protocol. Remove Existing Filters Select the Delete box checkbox next to the filter to delete, then select DELETE EXISTING FILTERS. In the Name field, specify the filter name. In the Source IP field, specify the source IP. In the Destination IP field, specify the destination IP. Add New Filter In the Destination Port field, specify the destination port. From the Protocol drop-down list, select the protocol to be allowed (TCP, UDP, Any). Select ADD FILTER to apply your changes. GE Service tab Used to set IIP node-lock IP address and DICOM port. This page is limited to GE service personnel. 4.2.10 Time Server configuration Contact a GE service representative to configure Time Server settings. 4.2.11 Secure Login configuration Select SAVE to apply your changes, or CANCEL to cancel them. Use the arrow buttons to move through the pages. Table 4-11 Secure Login options Option Description Audit Message Settings tab Audit Source ID IP address of audit message source. Patient Name Anonymized On or Off. Enterprise Repository tab Page 66 Enterprise Repository 1 On or Off. Host Name/IP Primary audit server name or IP. Section 4.2 Using the System Configuration Tool (SUIF) GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Table 4-11 Secure Login options Option Description Port Number Port number used to communicate with primary audit server. Protocol Protocol used to communicate with primary audit server (TCP, UDP). Send Test Message Test connection with primary audit server. Enterprise Repository 2 On or Off. Host Name/IP Secondary audit server name or IP. Port Number Port number used to communicate with secondary audit server. Protocol Protocol used to communicate with secondary audit server. Send Test Message Test connection with secondary audit server. Local Repository tab On/Off Radio buttons. Refresh Button to refresh the list. Event ID / Time / Event Outcome Headers for list of messages. Display Raw XML Display the raw data file to the user. Section 4.3 Changing Auto Protocol Assist settings Contact a GE service representative to change Auto Protocol Assist settings. Section 4.4 DICOM connectivity configuration Follow the procedures in this section to configure DICOM connectivity to network hosts and printers. After successful configuration, use the tables below to capture the system’s DICOM connectivity configuration for future reference. Store the worksheets in a secure location at the site. 4.4.1 Network host configuration Adding network hosts This section provides instructions for setting the system preferences for network host connections. 1. Turn on the system. 2. On the Applications desktop, press the UTILITIES button. 3. On the Utilities desktop, next to Network Connections, press EDIT. 4. On the Network Connections window, in the Network Hosts section, press ADD. The Add Network Host screen appears. Chapter 4 Configuration Page 67 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 5. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL On the Add Network Host window, on the Host tab, enter the appropriate values in the fields listed below. Some fields are available only on the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system. Table 4-12 Add Network Host – Hosts tab description Function Description Host Label Name of the host that appears in the Network Hosts lists and on the Image Management screen. Host labels cannot contain spaces; use underscores ( _ ) to separate words. Application Entry Title DICOM application title. IP/Network Address IP address of the network host. Port Number Port number for the network host. Query Retrieve Storage Commitment Available only on the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system. Type of information the host will provide upon query from another host. Options are No provider, Study, and Patient. Available only on the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system. Designates whether the host will store image data. Storage Commitment Application Entry Title (if Storage Commitment is Yes) Available only on the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system. DICOM application title. Available only on the Optima XR220amx or Optima Storage Commitment Network Address (if Storage XR200amx with digital upgrade system. Commitment is Yes) IP address of the storage database. Storage Commitment - Port Available only on the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system. Number (if Storage Commitment is Yes) Port number for the storage database. Comments Area for notes about the network host or configuration. 6. Press SAVE. 7. Select the PREFERENCES tab. 8. On the Add Network Host window, on the Preferences tab, select the appropriate options as described below. All options except "Make this network host the HIS/RIS source" are available only on the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system. Table 4-13 Add Network Host – Preferences tab description Function Allow this network host to query the (system name) Description Available only on the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system. Allows this host to search and filter the system. Available only on the Optima XR220amx or Optima Allow this network host to retrieve from XR200amx with digital upgrade system. the (system name) Allows this host to open and display exams from the system. Page 68 Section 4.4 DICOM connectivity configuration GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Table 4-13 Add Network Host – Preferences tab description Function Description Available only on the Optima XR220amx or Optima Allow this network host to send images XR200amx with digital upgrade system. to the (system name) Allows the host to send images to the system. This network host accepts multiple frame image. Perform de-identification (anonymous patient images) when sending to this network host. Available only on the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system. Allows multiple frame images to be sent to this network host. Available only on the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system. Automatically de-identifies (anonymizes) any images that the system sends to this host. Available only on the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system. Burns the VOI LUT (Look-Up Tables) into the Apply “Burn-On-Send” to images when DICOM header to be displayed by PACS. Leaving this option unselected sends all available VOI LUTs sending to this network host. to the DICOM header for PACS to query and apply. Note: PACS should be configured to read the first VOI LUT for proper display of images on the Acquisition workstation. Available only on the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system. Send MPPS N-Create and N-Set notification to this network host. Make this network host the HIS/RIS source. (Only one host can be designated as the HIS/RIS source.) DR Images sent as CR Modality This node acts as the Destination for receiving the MPPS NCreate & N-Set Notification. When configured for MPPS, the System sends information like which exam is in progress, when a Study is completed, how many images were acquired, and what was the radiation dose to which the patient was exposed during that session, etc. Designates the host as the DICOM Worklist provider. Defining the Radiology Information System (RIS) and Hospital Information System (HIS) host allows patient worklists to be downloaded from those networks to the system. Note: Only one HIS/RIS source may be designated on the system. Selecting this option will de-select any other hosts as the HIS/RIS source. Available only on the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system. Options are Yes or No. 9. Press SAVE. 10. Repeat this process for each network host device the site wants to add. Performing a C-Echo test Use this function to determine if the system is communicating with a particular network host. Chapter 4 Configuration Page 69 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 1. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL On the Applications desktop, press the UTILITIES button. 2. On the Utilities desktop, next to Network Connections, press EDIT. 3. On the Network Connections window, in the Network Hosts section, select the network host connection to test, and press C-ECHO TEST. A message appears saying whether the test passed or failed. - A “passed” message means that the network host is working and that exams can be retrieved from or transferred to it. - A “failed” message means that the system could not contact the network host. Perform the following tasks to resolve the problem: * Re-try the test at a later time. The host may be temporarily unavailable. * Confirm the host configuration on the Edit screen. (On the Network Connections window, in the Network Hosts section, select the network host connection to verify, and press EDIT. If the problem persists, contact the technical support group or system administrator. Removing network hosts Follow these instructions to remove a network host. 1. On the Applications desktop, press the UTILITIES button. 2. On the Utilities desktop, next to Network Connections, press EDIT. 3. On the Network Connections window, in the Network Hosts section, select the network host connection to delete, and press REMOVE. A message appears saying “Are you sure you want to remove (host name)?” 4. Press YES to remove the network host connection. 4.4.2 Printer configuration Printer connections are available only on the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade system. Adding printers This section provides instructions for setting the system preferences for printer connections. 1. Turn on the system. 2. On the Applications desktop, press the UTILITIES button. 3. On the Utilities desktop, next to Network Connections, press EDIT. 4. On the Network Connections window, in the DICOM Printers section, press ADD. The Add Printer screen appears. 5. Page 70 On the Add Printer window, on the Printer tab, enter the appropriate values in the fields listed below. Section 4.4 DICOM connectivity configuration GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL For suggested parameter values for specific printer brands and models, refer to the System Manual, Appendix A Printer configuration. Table 4-14 Add Printer screen parameter descriptions Attribute Value Printer tab DICOM Printer Label Name of the printer that appears in the DICOM Printers list and on the print setup screens. DICOM printer labels cannot contain spaces in the name. Use underscores ( _ ) to separate words. Application Entry Title DICOM application title, provided by the site’s network administrator. Network Address IP address of the printer, provided by the site’s network administrator. Port Number Port number of the printer. May be site-specific; check with site. Pixel Depth Resolution of the printer. Options are 10 or 12. Printer Pixel Size (micron) Designates the pixel size the printer uses. This is specified by the printer manufacturer. Configuration Information Area for notes about the printer or configuration. Density Min Minimum density range. Density Max Maximum density range. Magnification Type Options are Replicate, Bilinear, Cubic, None. Smooth Factor Image smoothing factor. Trim Designates whether there is to be trim. Yes or No. Polarity Options are Normal, Reverse. Border Density Color of the image border. Options are Black, White. Empty Image Density Color of areas that have no image printed. Options are Black, White. Printer Memory Size Designates the memory size of the printer, in Mbytes. This is specified by the printer manufacturer. Layouts tab Select the desired layouts allowed for this printer Slide formats Number and layout of images that may be printed on a single sheet of film or paper. Some selections control the orientation of the images on the page. For example, two images per page may be side by side, or one above the other. Slide formats available for the printer, if any. Options are 35 or 40 mm. Film Sizes tab Select the sizes of film available for this printer, and enter the pixel width (W) and pixel height (H). Pixel width and height values are provided by the printer manufacturer based on what the printer supports. Printer Settings tab Chapter 4 Configuration Page 71 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Table 4-14 Add Printer screen parameter descriptions Attribute Value # Of Copies Print Mode Magnification Format Orientation Media Type Destination Media Size 6. Press SAVE. 7. Repeat this process for each printer the site wants to add. Removing printers Follow these instructions to remove a printer. 1. On the Applications desktop, press the UTILITIES button. 2. On the Utilities desktop, next to Network Connections, press EDIT. 3. On the Network Connections window, in the DICOM Printers section, select the printer connection to delete, and press REMOVE. A message appears: “Are you sure you want to remove (printer name)?” 4. Press YES to remove the printer connection. Section 4.5 Image management Image management parameters let the site control how images will be handled after acquisition, including printing, archiving, and deleting. For more information about image management parameters, including Auto Print, Auto Send (sometimes called Auto Push), and Auto Delete, refer to the Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade Operator Manual. Section 4.6 Image processing 4.6.1 Enabling EMI reduction The EMI Reduction algorithm is designed to reduce artifacts resulting from electromagnetic interference from other equipment in the area during image acquisition. Administrative users can enable or disable EMI reduction using the UTILITIES > PREFERENCES > IMAGE PROCESSING screen. Contact a GE service representative to configure EMI reduction factors. Page 72 Section 4.5 Image management GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Section 4.7 Loading demo images Load demo images from the CD-ROM provided with the system into the image database. This is applicable only to Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade systems. Refer to the Optima XR220amx Operator Manual’s chapter on Image Management for more details. 4.7.1 Loading images from CD Follow this process to access images stored on a CD. 1. Attach the external CD/DVD drive, and insert the disk with images into the CD/DVD drive. 2. On the Image Management screen, press Source CD1. 3. Select the exams to copy. 4. Copy the exams to the Local database. 5. Press the LOCAL Destination button. The exam list is updated to show the images stored on the CD. A message appears: “Selected images will be copied to (destination name). Select OK to confirm.“ 6. Press OK. 7. Open the exams from the Local database. If the exams are being viewed on a computer that has the DICOM viewer installed, images may be viewed directly from the disk. Section 4.8 Installing the Operator Manual Optima XR220amx and Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade systems only. Note: To install the Operator Manual (OM), you need the Account and Password information. Please consult your administrator for them. To install the Operator Manual (OM), follow these steps: 1. Attach the external CD/DVD drive. 2. Exit all service applications, and close the SUIF. 3. Connect the service keyboard to a USB port. 4. Press these keys simultaneously: CTRL+ALT+F2 5. At the login prompt, type the Account: xruser. Note: Please consult your administrator for the Account. Press ENTER. 6. Enter the password: 4$xray Note: Please consult your administrator for the Password. Press ENTER. 7. Insert the Operator Manual CD into the external CD/DVD drive. 8. To run the interactive script, at the prompt, type: ./ Press ENTER. Chapter 4 Configuration Page 73 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 9. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL At the prompt, type Y. 10. Type the number of the language to install, then press ENTER. 11. When the installation is complete, at the prompt, type: exit Press ENTER. 12. To return to the applications screen, at the login prompt, press these keys simultaneously: CTRL+ALT+F7 Section 4.9 Login and user management GE service engineers must create a specified Account and Password for system administrator. System administrators can perform a number of tasks that affect what users can do or will see. The administrative options are described in the Optima XR200amx or Optima XR220amx Operator Manual, Appendix A Login Administration. Note: If you meet any question about the Account and Password information, please consult your administrator. Note: Except the login and user management account and password created specially to the system administrator, GE field engineers also need to provide the related account and password information to system administrator for the below configuration: • Installing the Operator Manual.(Account:xruser/Password:4$xray) • IP Address Change Procedure.(Account:su/Password:#superxr) Section 4.10 Installing hardware options 4.10.1 Installing the barcode reader Applies to Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200 with digital upgrade systems only Unpack the OPI-4002 barcode reader and associated components. Note: The USB cable is packaged and shipped in a separate box than the barcode reader assembly. Installing the barcode reader receiver 1. Plug the USB cable into the barcode reader receiver. See Figure 4-1. Note: If the position of the label makes the barcode unreadable, move the label so the barcode can be read. A sample label similar to the one on the USB receiver is shown in Figure 4-1 below. Page 74 Section 4.9 Login and user management GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Figure 4-1 Sample barcode label 2. Remove the system side covers and the top cover. See the System manual, Replacement Procedures, Top cover removal. 3. Remove the two screws from the inside of the left drive handle support, then remove the cover. See Figure 4-2. Figure 4-2 Left drive handle screws and cover 4. Route the USB cable through the opening in the bottom of the left drive handle support. See Figure 4-3. Note: You may need to loosen the detector bin mounting screws to provide clearance for routing the cable. Chapter 4 Configuration Page 75 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Cable access hole Figure 4-3 Cable access hole and receiver placement on system Page 76 5. Attach the USB receiver to the plastic clip with the barcode facing out as shown in Figure 4-3. 6. Plug the USB cable into a USB port on the PC. See Figure 4-4. Section 4.10 Installing hardware options GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 Item OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Description 1 Host PC 2 Detector power supply (Optima XR220amx and Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade only) Figure 4-4 Connect USB cable to PC The Windows standard device driver will be installed automatically when you connect the barcode reader receiver to the USB port and the system is powered up. During initialization, the LED is orange. When the receiver LED turns green, the initialization is complete and a connection has been made. Connecting the barcode reader 1. Turn on system power. 2. Verify that the USB receiver is connected and that the green LED is blinking. 3. On the barcode reader, press the trigger key to start scanning. 4. Scan the barcode label on the USB receiver (Figure 4-1) to register the barcode reader. The connection is complete and the barcode reader is ready for use. Do not replace the covers at this point. You will need to scan the barcode receiver label during configuration. 5. Each time the system is rebooted, a message saying, “Do you want to connect to a bluetooth SPP?" appears. The user needs to select YES or the barcode reader functionality will not be enabled. Barcode reader LED indicators By default, the OPI-4002 scanner is in power saving mode. To turn it on, press the trigger key for a few seconds. If the scanner is not in use for a while, it will go into sleep mode and the trigger key must be pressed for a few seconds to reactivate the unit before scanning. The table below lists the state of the scanner based on the scanner LEDs. Table 4-15 LED indicator state Color Description Green Barcode was successfully read. Red Blinking Data transmission error. The battery may need to be charged. Red Solid Charging on the cradle. The LED changes from red to green when the battery is fully charged. Charging the barcode reader The barcode reader will not start up if the battery is empty. Use the charging cradle to charge the battery. It takes about three hours to fully charge a battery. Adapters are provided to connect the AC/DC converter to various power outlet configurations. Chapter 4 Configuration Page 77 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Figure 4-5 OPI-4002 barcode reader charging cradle and power adapters 4.10.2 Configuring the barcode reader Applies to Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200 with digital upgrade systems only The following section provides instructions for the default configuration and two optional settings. Have a printed copy of these pages on hand so you can scan the necessary barcodes. Refer to the OPI-4002 User’s Guide for additional configuration options. Setting to default configuration 1. Turn on the system. Wait until the green LED on the barcode reader receiver starts flashing. 2. Press the barcode reader trigger to start the scan. 3. Scan the Reset To Default barcode. Figure 4-6 Reset to Default barcode You will hear three quick sets of high-low-high beeps. Whenever you scan the Reset To Default barcode, rescan the barcode label (on the barcode reader receiver) and re-program any optional configuration. 4. Scan the barcode label (Figure 4-1) on the barcode reader receiver to register the barcode reader. You will hear one set of high-low beeps, a short pause, and then one long high beep. The connection is complete and the barcode reader is ready for verification. Page 78 Section 4.10 Installing hardware options GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Verifying the default configuration 1. Turn on the system. Wait until the login screen appears. 2. Verify that a green LED is blinking on the barcode reader receiver. 3. Scan any barcode. You will hear one set of high-low beeps. The scanned barcode characters appear in the Login ID field on the login screen, and the cursor remains at the end of the scanned barcode. The configuration is successful and the barcode reader is ready for use. 4. Replace the system covers. Optional configuration 1 Optional configuration 1 is to add a Tab at the end instead of Return. This configuration sets the barcode reader to add a Tab at the end of the scan instead of a Return. Have a printed copy of these pages on hand so you can scan the necessary barcodes. If you make a mistake during this configuration, start over at step 1. 1. Power up the system. Wait until the green LED on the receiver starts flashing. 2. Perform Setting to default configuration on page 78. 3. Scan the barcodes shown in Figure 4-7, top to bottom. After scanning each barcode you will hear one set of high-low-high beeps. The scanner will beep at a one-second interval, and the LED will alternate green and red. After scanning the last barcode, the scanner beam will turn off. SET RZ TAB END Figure 4-7 Set Tab at the end instead of Return Verifying optional configuration 1 1. Turn on the system. Wait until the login screen appears. 2. Verify that a green LED is blinking on the barcode reader receiver. 3. Scan any barcode. You will hear one set of high-low beeps. The scanned barcode characters appear in the Login ID field on the login screen, and the cursor moves to the Password field. The configuration is successful and the barcode reader is ready for use. 4. Replace the system covers. Chapter 4 Configuration Page 79 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Optional configuration 2 Optional configuration 2 is to strip first two and last four characters, and add a Tab suffix. This configuration sets the barcode reader to strip the first two and last four characters, and add a Tab at the end of the scan. Have a printed copy of these pages on hand so you can scan the necessary barcodes. If you make a mistake during this configuration, start over at step 1. 1. Power up the system. Wait until the green LED on the receiver starts flashing. 2. Perform Verifying the default configuration on page 79. 3. Scan the barcode shown in Figure 4-8. After scanning the barcode you will hear three sets of high-low-high beeps. Figure 4-8 Strip first two and last four characters, and add a Tab suffix Verifying optional configuration 2 1. Turn on the system. Wait until the login screen appears. 2. Verify that a green LED is blinking on the barcode reader receiver. 3. Scan any barcode. You will hear one set of high-low beeps. The scanned barcode characters appear in the Login ID field on the login screen, with the first two and last four characters stripped. The cursor moves to the Password field. The configuration is successful and the barcode reader is ready for use. 4. Replace the system covers. 4.10.3 Installing the Dose Area Product (DAP) meter DAP installation for Optima XR220amx system Page 80 1. Shut down the system and turn off the main circuit breaker. 2. Unpack the DAP meter. 3. Slide the meter into the lower set of collimator rails (the set further from the collimator). The meter must be installed with the cable exiting toward the rear. 4. Connect the DAP cable to the existing connector in the cable drape. See Figure 4-9. Section 4.10 Installing hardware options GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Figure 4-9 DAP meter cable attached 5. For Optima XR220amx systems, the DAP meter option is a standard option and has already been enabled. It can be turned on/off at the Applications level. a. On the Applications desktop, click the UTILITIES button. b. On the Utilities desktop, select PREFERENCES > OPTIONS. c. Turn the DAP function ON. d. Refer to the system Operator Manual for instructions on DAP usage. Notice: The system must be reset using the power button each time the DAP meter is disconnected and then reconnected with system power on. The DAP meter does not support "Hot Swapping". Failure to reset the system in this occurrence can result in an inaccurate dose value reported by the DAP meter. 6. Perform DAP calibration. See the System Manual, Calibration Chapter, Hardware Calibration/ DAP Calibration section, for calibration procedure. DAP installation for Optima XR200amx system 1. Shut down the system and turn off the main circuit breaker. 2. Remove the side covers, top cover and front bin. See the System manual, Replacement Procedures chapter, Front Bin Removal section. 3. Remove the cable cover from the vertical column cable bundle: a. Cut the cable ties at the ends of the cable cover. b. Unzip and remove the cable cover. 4. Unpack the DAP meter and cable. 5. Slide the meter into the lower set of collimator rails (the set further from the collimator).The meter must be installed with the cable exiting toward the rear. 6. Install the DAP cable: Chapter 4 Configuration Page 81 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 a. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Connect the round cable connector to the DAP meter. See Figure 4-10. Figure 4-10 DAP meter cable attached b. Route the long DAP cable through the cable drape along the horizontal arm and vertical column. Loosely attach cable ties to hold the cable in position, but do not tighten them until range of motion is confirmed. Leave enough extra cable length at the DAP meter so that the tube/collimator assembly can be moved through the normal range of motion without unplugging the cable. c. Route the DAP cable through the cable access opening in the right-front cover. See Figure 4-11. d. Remove the HV cable clamp mounting screws. See Figure 4-11. 1 Item 1 Description HV cable clamp mounting screws (2) Figure 4-11 HV cable clamp mounting screws e. Page 82 Remove the clamp from the HV cable bundle. See Figure 4-12. Section 4.10 Installing hardware options GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Figure 4-12 HV cable clamp f. Plug the other end of the DAP cable into the J6 bulkhead connector. See Figure 4-13. Install cable ties as necessary to secure cable within the bulkhead area. J6 Figure 4-13 DAP meter cable attached to J6 on bulkhead 7. Confirm that there is sufficient slack in the DAP cable at the tube/collimator assembly: a. Move the tube/collimator assembly through the full range of motion and verify that the DAP cable remains connected to the DAP meter. b. Once sufficient cable slack is confirmed, tighten down the cable ties to secure the DAP cable to the existing cable drape. 8. Arrange the cable bundle as shown in Figure 4-14, use a cable tie to maintain cable positions. 9. Install the clamp onto the cable bundle. DO NOT TIGHTEN THE CLAMP YET. Chapter 4 Configuration Page 83 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL 10. Mount the clamp to the Thorax chassis. Slide the clamp to the rear of the mounting screw slots. 11. Tighten the clamp around the cable bundle, ensuring that the cables are not pinched by the clamp. C Item 1 2 4 3 Description 1 DAP cable (optional for Brivo XR285amxOptima XR200amx systems) 2 Wireless cable (only valid for Optima XR220amx systems) 3 Vertical brake cable 4 Horizontal arm lock cable Figure 4-14 Correct cable bundle arrangement 12. Install the front bin, top cover and side covers. 13. Re-install the cable cover on the vertical column cable bundle. See the System manual, Replacement Procedures chapter, Cable Cover Installation section. 14. Configure the system to enable the DAP meter option. See 4.2.7 Options configuration on page 64. 15. Once the DAP meter option has been enabled, it must be ’switched on’ at the Applications level: Page 84 a. On the Applications desktop, click the UTILITIES button. b. On the Utilities desktop, select PREFERENCES > OPTIONS. c. Turn the DAP function ON. d. Refer to the system Operator Manual for instructions on DAP usage. Section 4.10 Installing hardware options GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL The system must be reset using the power button each time the DAP meter is disconnected and then reconnected with system power on. The DAP meter does not support "Hot Swapping". Failure to reset the system in this occurrence can result in an inaccurate dose value reported by the DAP meter. 16. Perform DAP calibration. See the System Manual, Calibration Chapter, Hardware Calibration/ DAP Calibration section, for calibration procedure. 4.10.4 Installing the tablet holder assembly When the tablet holder is on hand, contact a GE service representative to install the tablet holder assembly. 1. Shut down the system and turn off the main circuit breaker. 2. Unpack the tablet holder assembly. 3. Remove the 4 screws on the lead apron hanger, and then remove the lead apron hanger from the column. 4. Hang on the whole tablet holder assembly (item 2) on the column. Put the lead apron hanger (item 3) on the tablet holder assembly in order to install the lead apron hanger and the tablet Chapter 4 Configuration Page 85 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL holder assembly on the column.Apply thread locker (i.e. Loctite 243 ) to the 4 tablet holder assembly mounting screws (new item 1), and tighten the screws. Torque to 3.2 N-m (2.36 lbft). 3 1 2 Item Description 1 Tablet holder assembly mounting screws (4) 2 Tablet holder assembly 3 Lead apron hanger Figure 4-15 Installing the tablet holder assembly 5. Unlock the tablet clamp assembly with the key. lock 6. Page 86 Lift up the top cover of the tablet holder clamp. Section 4.10 Installing hardware options GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 7. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Put the tablet on the tablet holder and make sure the tablet is clamped well. After you turn the key to lock the clamp, please check the back of the tablet clamp assembly to make sure the tablet is well fixed by the clamp without any possibility to fall down from the holder. (See below figures) Front Back Not Clamped 8. Well Clamped Lock the tablet clamp assembly with the key and remove the key. Chapter 4 Configuration Page 87 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Lock Tablet 9. Page 88 Tablet holder assembly functional check. a. Tilt the tablet holder from 10° to -10°. b. Rotate the tablet holder from 0° to 90° c. Pull the handle on the tablet holder assembly to relax it from the column. Section 4.10 Installing hardware options GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 d. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Rotate the tablet holder arm around the column from 0° to 180°. 10. Hand over the keys to site administrator. 4.10.5 Installing the wireless exposure handswitch Contact a GE service representative to install the wireless handswitch. Leave the wired handswitch on the system as a backup. 1. Remove both side covers and the top cover. See System manual 5336122-1EN, Chapter 8, Section 8.1.2 - Top cover removal. 2. Identify the components of the kit shown below (Table 4-16, Figure 4-16, Figure 4-17): Table 4-16 Wireless handswitch kit 5503600 Part Number 5503600: 5503601 Description Wireless Handswitch kit, contains the following items: Wireless Handswitch Collector (see Figure 4-16): PCB Module (with cable) Spare transmitter Remote Finder/Transmitter Cradle Receiver (with cable) 5486733 Receiver Mount (see Figure 4-17) Chapter 4 Configuration Page 89 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Table 4-16 Wireless handswitch kit 5503600 Part Number Description 5497064 Self-tapping Screw, KA35 X 10mm, Phillips Pan Head (not shown) 5497362 Drill Bit, 0.5 inch with 0.375 inch shank (not shown) 5497364 Drill Bit, #22 (not shown) 5498227-1EN Wireless Handswitch Installation Manual (this document) 46-302200P7 Rating Plate (not shown) PCB Module Spare Transmitter Cradle Remote Finder/Transmitter Receiver Figure 4-16 Wireless Handswitch Collector - 5503601 Page 90 Section 4.10 Installing hardware options GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Figure 4-17 Receiver mount 3. Remove the existing nut and washer located behind where the PCB Module is to be placed, then attach the ground wire from the PCB Module to the system chassis stud and re-install the washer and nut. See Figure 4-18. Figure 4-18 Attach ground wire Chapter 4 Configuration Page 91 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 4. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Mount the PCB Module in the bottom of the Thorax as shown below (Figure 4-19) by removing the adhesive liner and applying pressure to activate the adhesive. Figure 4-19 Mount PCB module in bottom of Thorax 5. Route the cable attached to the PCB Module up along the main cable bundle between the Spyder and Locust boards. See Figure 4-20. Figure 4-20 Route cable Page 92 Section 4.10 Installing hardware options GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 6. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Disconnect the J5 plug from the Spyder board and plug into End C of the main cable from the PCB Module. Plug End B of the main cable into Spyder J5. See Figure 4-21 to see how connections appear after re-wiring is complete. End B J5 Connector J5 Plug End C Spyder Board Figure 4-21 Cable connection to Spyder board 7. Remove the top-left mounting fastener on the Spyder board and mount the ground terminal, End D, of the main cable underneath the head of the fastener. See Figure 4-22. End D Ground Fastener Figure 4-22 Ground connection Chapter 4 Configuration Page 93 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 8. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Continue routing the main cable (twisted black and red wires) up through the Thorax (Figure 423) to the LVLE2 and plug End A of the main cable into J6 on the LVLE2 (Figure 4-24). Route red/black wires up through opening in top of Thorax Figure 4-23 Route red/black wires Connect to J6 Figure 4-24 Connect cable to LVLE2 J6 Page 94 Section 4.10 Installing hardware options GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 9. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Position the Receiver Mount on the top cover. The mount is curved and will fit the contour of the top cover when it is located in the proper position. See Figure 4-25 for approximate location. Figure 4-25 Receiver mount location 10. While holding the Receiver Mount securely in position, mark the locations for the 3 mounting holes and the cable access hole. See Figure 4-26. Figure 4-26 Mark holes 11. Drill the holes in the top cover using the drill bits provided in the kit. See Figure 4-27. Chapter 4 Configuration Page 95 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Figure 4-27 Drill holes 12. Temporarily remove the two nylon nuts from the standoffs on the Receiver. Run the cable of the Receiver through the ½" diameter hole in the Receiver Mount, then place the Receiver onto the Receiver Mount and reinstall the nylon nuts to secure it to the mount. Do not over-tighten the plastic nuts. See Figure 4-28. Figure 4-28 Assemble receiver and receiver mount 13. Use a pair of cutters to remove the excessive length of the standoffs so that they are flush with the surface of the Receiver Mount. See Figure 4-29. Figure 4-29 Trim standoffs 14. Run the cable of the Receiver through the ½" diameter hole in the top cover. Page 96 Section 4.10 Installing hardware options GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL 15. Attach the Receiver/Mount assembly to the top cover using the 3 self-tapping screws provided in the kit. See Figure 4-30. Do not over-tighten the screws. Figure 4-30 Attach Receiver/Mount assembly to top cover 16. Route the cable along the power switch cable of the top cover. See Figure 4-31. Zip tie the cables as necessary. Figure 4-31 Route the cable Chapter 4 Configuration Page 97 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL 17. Continue routing the cable along the side of the PC and down through the hole in the sheet metal of the Thorax and between the Locust and Spyder boards. Plug the cable into the connector on the PCB Module. See Figure 4-32. Zip tie the cables as necessary. Figure 4-32 Route cable to PCB Module 18. Re-install the top cover and the side covers. 19. Mount the cradle (in the customer’s desired location) by removing the adhesive liner and applying pressure to activate the adhesive. 20. Power up the system. 21. Press the collimator light button on the wireless handswitch. If the collimator light on the system goes on, the wireless handswitch is ready for use. 22. Confirm that the system will take exposures using the wireless handswitch. 23. Apply the rating plate: Page 98 Section 4.10 Installing hardware options GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 a. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Apply the rating plate label to front cover, next to the power cord area. See Figure 4-33. Figure 4-33 Apply rating plate b. Fill out and submit the product locator card(s). Section 4.11 Importing custom IP looks from Definium AMX 700 Use the following procedure to back up customized image processing (IP) looks from an Definium AMX 700 system, and restore them on an Optima XR220amx system or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade. 1. Make a system backup on the Definium AMX 700 system. 2. On the Optima system, exit the SUIF if it is open. 3. Insert the Definium AMX 700 system backup CD into the external CD/DVD drive of the system. Chapter 4 Configuration Page 99 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL 4. Press CTRL + SHIFT + F5 to open the Engineering User Interface. 5. On the Engineering User Interface, press the TERMINAL icon. 6. At the command prompt, type: mount /media/cdrecorder Press ENTER. cd /magichome/xruser/config/restore/ Press ENTER. 7. At the prompt, type: chmod 777 Press ENTER. 8. At the prompt, type: ./ Press ENTER. The script takes approximately 20 minutes to run. When completed, the system returns to the prompt. 9. At the prompt, type: umount /media/cdrecorder Press ENTER. 10. Remove the Definium AMX 700 backup media from the CD/DVD drive and disconnect the drive from the system. 11. Type exit to close the terminal window. 12. Exit the Engineering User Interface. 13. Reset the system. Section 4.12 Enabling Advanced Service mode Advanced Service (sometimes called “in-house service” or “extended service”) is available to customers that have purchased an Advanced Service package license from GE Healthcare. Contact a GE service representative to enable Advanced Service. Advanced Service provides the following functionality: • SUIF in Advanced Service mode • Detailed error descriptions in the Service Error Log Viewer • Advanced diagnostics • Extended error log with filtering The following functionality is never included in an Advanced Service license: • InSite ExC configuration • Advanced service configuration or entitlement • Purchased options configuration Section 4.13 IP Address Change Procedure The system uses IP Addresses 192.168.x.x for communication between the PC and the detectors. If the hospital network to the PC is also 192.168.x.x, issues will occur. Perform the following Page 100 Section 4.12 Enabling Advanced Service mode GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 Note: OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL instructions to change the default internal IP Address if an IP Address conflict occurs with the hospital network. To change IP address or configure the snapshot tool, you need the Account and Password information. Please consult your administrator for them. 1. Plug in the Service Keyboard. 2. Open a terminal window using CTRL+SHIFT+F5 and click on the terminal window icon. 3. Change users by entering the account and password at the prompt: Note: Please consult your administrator for the Account and Password information. su #superxr 4. Run the Change IP script by entering the following text at the prompt: /magichome/xruser/engg/ 5. Select 1 of the 5 options of subnet IP addresses. Write down the IP Address you select, you will need this in a later step. 1. 172.16.x.x 2. 172.17.x.x 3. 172.18.x.x 4. 192.168.x.x (SW LFC default) 5. 192.169.x.x 6. The PC will reboot automatically, select SHUTDOWN when the system presents the Degraded mode screen. 7. Login to system. 8. Open a terminal window and become root. Note: Please consult your administrator for the Account and Password information. xruser@magic: su Password: #superxr At prompt, type: ifconfig | more Confirm the br0 IP Address is XXX.XXX.3.1 (where XXX.XXX equals the address range selected above). 9. To test network connectivity, perform a C-Echo test to one or more of the Network Hosts. 10. This step applies to Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with Digital Upgrade only. Verify that all connected detectors boot successfully. Verify that you can take an exposure on all available receptors. 11. This step applies to Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with Digital Upgrade only. Verify the Detector Wireless connection is active by acquiring an image. 12. Perform the Snapshot Tool Configuration. 4.13.1 Snapshot Tool Configuration To ensure that the Auto-Snapshot Tool works after changing the IP Address. 1. Open a terminal window using CTRL+SHIFT+F5 and click on the terminal window icon. 2. Switch to root by entering the following text at the prompt: Note: Please consult your administrator for the Account and Password information. su Chapter 4 Configuration Page 101 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL #superxr 3. Open Firefox Browser by typing the following command : firefox http://localhost/snapshot/Manual_Snapshot.html 4. Click on SNAPSHOT PREFERENCES. See Figure 4-34. Figure 4-34 Snapshot Preferences 5. Page 102 Repeat Steps 6 through 17 (below) for the following four Configurations (available under the drop-down menu): * Asnapshot_Lightning * ASnapshot_BKP * Snapshot_ResetTimeOut * QuickSnapshot Section 4.13 IP Address Change Procedure GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 6. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL In the Configuration drop-down menu, select ASNAPSHOT_LIGHTNING. See Figure 4-35. Figure 4-35 Select Configuration Chapter 4 Configuration Page 103 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 6. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL In Server Names section, click on EDIT. See Figure 4-36. Figure 4-36 Edit Server Name - Magic 7. In the IP Address data entry text box, change to “” (where is the same IP Address range used in Section 4.13 IP Address Change Procedure and 3.1 is the specific address assignment for the host pc port). See Figure 437. Figure 4-37 Change IP Address Page 104 Section 4.13 IP Address Change Procedure GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 8. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Click on SUBMIT. See Figure 4-38. Figure 4-38 Submit New IP Address 9. Under Target Names - Magic, click EDIT. See Figure 4-39. Figure 4-39 Edit Magic Target Name Chapter 4 Configuration Page 105 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL 10. In the IP Address data entry text box, change to “” (where is the same IP Address range used in Section 4.13 IP Address Change Procedure and 3.1 is the specific address assignment for the host pc port). See Figure 440. Figure 4-40 Edit Magic IP Address 11. Click on SUBMIT. See Figure 4-41. Figure 4-41 Submit New Magic IP Address Page 106 Section 4.13 IP Address Change Procedure GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL 12. Back on Snapshot Preferences main screen, click on Target Names – Table_IDC – DELETE. See Figure 4-42. Figure 4-42 Delete Target Name “Table_IDC” 13. You will get a popup like below, select OK. See Figure 4-43. Figure 4-43 Table_IDC Popup Message Chapter 4 Configuration Page 107 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL 14. Under Target Names – WallStand_IDC click on DELETE. See Figure 4-44. Figure 4-44 Delete Target Name “WallStand_IDC” 15. You will get a popup like below, select OK. See Figure 4-45. Figure 4-45 WallStand_IDC Popup Message Page 108 Section 4.13 IP Address Change Procedure GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL 16. Under Manage Preferences section, click on SAVE AS.... See Figure 4-46. Figure 4-46 Save Changes 17. Go to Step 5 until all four configurations are completed. 18. Press CTRL+F4 at the same time to close the html interface. 19. Success Check Steps: If everything is fine you should be able to see Auto Snapshots getting generated after reset: a. Perform a system reset. b. After system is booted up, login and wait for 5 minutes. (Snapshot is being created in a temp location) c. While you are waiting, open a terminal window using CTRL+SHIFT+F5 and click on the terminal window icon. d. Run following command: ls –ltr /enggdata/Snapshots/*3400017*.zip e. Note the date/time stamp of the most recently created file. f. After 5 minutes reset and reboot the system, login. (Snapshot from temp location is written to Snapshots directory and a new snapshot is being created in a temp location) g. Open a terminal window using CTRL+SHIFT+F5 and click on the terminal window icon. h. Run following command: ls –ltr /enggdata/Snapshots/*3400017*.zip i. The output of (c) above should show a snapshot file, having the string 3400017 embedded in the snapshot filename, created after the most recent system boot (in Step b above). j. Type date to see the current system time. The latest snapshot file should have been created a few minutes before the date command output. k. Verify the file size is greater than 400,000: -rw–rw-r- - 1 xruser xruser file size date time /path/filename 20. Close all windows. 21. Complete all system configurations and customer settings. 22. Create a new System Backup on DVD media. Note: Do not use backup media from any other system. The result will be that half of the system is configured for 172.x.x.x and other half is configured for 192.x.x.x The system will then boot into Degraded Mode only. Also, when performing a Software Load, you must perform this procedure first before doing a System Restore. Chapter 4 Configuration Page 109 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 Page 110 Section 4.13 IP Address Change Procedure OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Chapter 5 Calibration This chapter explains how to calibrate the printer and configure PACS features. No other calibrations are required during system installation. The unit has been fully calibrated and tested during the manufacturing process. If desired, please reference the System manual for instructions of the various calibration processes. Section 5.1 Saving changes After changing, creating, or restoring calibration files, be sure to reboot the system so that the application software can detect the file changes. After completing the steps in this chapter, save the changes by performing a system backup. See Chapter 3 System data and software in the Optima XR200amx/XR220amx System Manual for the backup procedure. Section 5.2 Detector calibration The detector contains a complete set of calibration files. These files are uploaded to the system upon first tether connection. There is no need to perform any detector calibrations unless QAP fails or the system reports incompatible detector firmware. See the System Service manual for details related to detector calibrations. Section 5.3 Image quality calibration Image quality calibrations apply only to Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade systems. 5.3.1 Calibrating the printer Follow this procedure to send grayscale output to the printer and to calculate compensation LUT (look up table) for compatibility. 1. On the Applications desktop, press the UTILITIES button. 2. On the Utilities desktop, press LAUNCH. 3. On the SUIF home page, press the CALIBRATION tab button. 4. On the Calibration page, in the left folder tree, select IMAGE QUALITY > PRINTER. 5. Press the CALIBRATION icon. 6. In the left frame, select IMAGE QUALITY > PRINTER. 7. Select the correct printer from the Printer Label drop-down list. 8. Press START and follow the on-screen instructions. Chapter 5 Calibration Page 111 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Section 5.4 PACS image tests PACS image tests apply only to Optima XR220amx or Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade systems. Follow these procedures to test image display characteristics and determine the burn configuration for PACS images for each destination host. 5.4.1 Comparing PACS test images In the following tests, use the nine PACS test images to test image display characteristics and determine image display configuration. Each PACS test image consists of two aspects: • On the right, a clinical chest image with image number and GE logo watermark (Figure 5-1). • On the left, a series of 12 vertical bands. The top six bands are dark and the bottom six are bright. Inside each band are five small squares with different intensities (like the 5%/95% squares in a SMPTE pattern). The squares provide a quantitative way to compare two images. The pixel data in every test image is identical. Only the DICOM headers, annotations, and window center (WC) and window width (WW) values are slightly different for each pattern. Figure 5-1 PACS/image display test image 5.4.2 Determining PACS burn/no-burn configuration Verifying PACS monitor calibration 1. Page 112 Verify that the PACS monitor is calibrated according to DICOM Standard Part 14. Each site is Section 5.4 PACS image tests GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL responsible for providing evidence of PACS monitor calibration. 2. At the application desktop, press IMAGE TOOLS. 3. Click SMPTE to load the SMPTE pattern into the Patient List. 4. Send the SMPTE pattern to the PACS review workstation 5. Verify that 5% and 95% squares are equally visible on PACS (Figure 5-2). Figure 5-2 SMPTE pattern Loading test images 1. 2. Load the PACS test images onto the acquisition workstation. Use either: - A DICOM-formatted CD-ROM with images. - Images that are stored on the system in Image Tools. Verify that the patient name is GE_DX_Image_Display_Test, GEHC and the patient ID is 2000002. Sending no-burn images to the PACS 1. In the SUIF, press the UTILITIES tab button. 2. Next to Network Connections, press EDIT. 3. Select the appropriate network host and press EDIT. 4. On the Preferences tab, verify that the following parameter is NOT checked: Apply Burn-on-Send to images when sending to this network host. 5. In the Images list, highlight PACS Test Image #1. Chapter 5 Calibration Page 113 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 6. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL In the Destination icon list, press the appropriate PACS network host. Sending burn-on-send images to the PACS 1. In the SUIF, press the UTILITIES tab button. 2. Next to Network Connections, press EDIT. 3. Select the appropriate network host and press EDIT. 4. On the Preferences tab, check Apply Burn-on-Send to images when sending to this network host. 5. In the Images list, highlight PACS Test Image #6. 6. In the Destination icon list, press the appropriate PACS network host. Reviewing images on PACS 1. On the PACS review workstation, display PACS test images #1 and #6. To identify an image, look in the chest image region for the watermark image number next to the GE logo. 2. Verify that image #1 is displayed with a Value-of-Interest Look-Up Table (VOI-LUT). 3. Verify that image #6 is displayed with a Linear Look-Up Table (Linear LUT). 4. Compare PACS Test Images #1 and #6 and note the following items: a. The number of distinct bright and dark bands (based on the band intensity) b. The number of squares visible in each band Count bands that have distinct gray levels, not simply the number of bands with visible squares. For example, in Figure 5-3, there are two squares in band #4, three squares in band #5, and three squares in band #11. There are three distinct dark bands and six distinct bright bands. This is because the top three dark bands are indistinguishable. Figure 5-3 Example showing distinct bands and visible squares 5. Page 114 - If PACS test images #1 and #6 appear visually identical (with an equal number of bright and dark bands), the PACS supports VOI-LUT. Configure the PACS as No-Burn for this host. - If PACS Test Images #1 and #6 appear visually different (with a different number of bright and dark bands), or if you can see saturation in the lung or abdomen of the chest region (saturation appears as a completely flat dark or white area), the PACS does not support VOI-LUT or applies it incorrectly. Configure the PACS as Burn-on-Send for this host. Repeat sections Sending no-burn images to the PACS and Sending burn-onsend images to the PACS for each PACS destination host. Section 5.4 PACS image tests GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 6. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Record the results in the table below. Example Distinct dark bands 3 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 2 5 3 6 4 7 5 8 4 9 4 10 3 11 3 12 0 Distinct bright bands 6 Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Table 5-1 PACS image test results In addition to the test results above, use Table 5-2 as a guideline to determine if a PACS should be configured as Burn-on-Send. This table considers only whether a PACS supports VOI-LUT No-Burn Burn-on-Send GE Centricity RA1000 v1.0, v2.0, v2.1 GE Pathspeed v7.12, 8.0 GE Centricity RA600 v6.1, 7.0 GE AW v3.1, 4.0 GE Radworks v5.1 Kodak DirectView v4.3 GE Pathspeed v8.1 or later Kodak DirectView v5.1, 5.2 McKesson HRS v3.3, 3.3.2 Kodak Directview(CEMAX ICON), v4.3 Fuji Synapse v3.0, 3.1 Merge eFilm, v2.0 Agfa IMPAX v4.5, 5.2 Stentor iSite v3.0, v3.3.1 Philips Siemens Magic View 300 RealTime iPACS Viewer v5.0 VA Vista - Picker - Neusoft v3.0 - Thinking Systems Table 5-2 PACS support of VOI-LUT Chapter 5 Calibration Page 115 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL 5.4.3 Optional PACS tests Perform the following tests to obtain further information for troubleshooting. Sending all PACS test images 1. 2. Send all nine images to PACS and follow the test instructions in Table 5-3: - Send images #1-5 as No-Burn - Send images #6-8 as Burn-on-Send If the site is interested in exploring CR-Fallback as an option, configure the PACS for CRfallback with help from the local IT team. Then send image #9 as No-Burn. Image # Platform Send Annotation notes 1 All No-Burn None Test No-Burn mode 2 All No-Burn None Identical to #1 3 All No-Burn None Identical to #1 4 All No-Burn Text Test annotations 5 All No-Burn L Test annotations 6 All Burn-on-Send None Test Burn-on-Send mode 7 All Burn-on-Send Text Test annotations 8 All Burn-on-Send L Test annotations 9 All No-Burn None Test TEXT? CR-Fallback Table 5-3 Test instructions for all PACS images Verifying DICOM header tags 1. On the PACS review workstation, open PACS test image #1 (Patient ID 2000002). 2. Access the DICOM header information through a drop-down list, a button, or by right-clicking the image and then selecting an option such as “information,” “i,” or “header.” For help, contact local IT support. 3. Verify Burn-on-Send mode by verifying that: 4. a. The WC tag is 0028x1050 and the WW tag is 0028x1051 b. The values are WC=5226\5226\5226 and WW=2654\1990\3981 Verify VOI-LUT tags as follows: a. Search the DICOM header for tag 0028x3010VOILUTSequence. b. Below that tag, verify that there are three additional tags: c. Page 116 * 0028x3002LUTDescriptor * 0028x3003LUTExplanation * 0028x3006LUTData Verify that each VOILUTSequence has a LUTExplanation set to either Normal, Harder, or Softer. 5. Record the results in Table 5-4. 6. Open PACS test image #6 and view the DICOM header. 7. Verify No-Burn mode by ensuring that: Section 5.4 PACS image tests GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 8. 9. OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL a. The WC tag is 0028x1050 and the WW tag is 0028x1051 b. The values are WC=8192\8192\8192 and WW=16383\12288\24575 Verify VOI-LUT tags as follows: a. Search the DICOM header for tag 0028x3010VOILUTSequence. b. No VOILUTSequence tag should be present. If a VOILUTSequence is present, the image was not sent correctly. Resend the image as Burn-on-Send. Record the results in Table 5-4. Verifying WC and WW values No-Burn Mode (PACS Test Image #1) The DICOM header of each PACS Test Image is always sent with WC/WW=5226/2654. The values displayed on the PACS may appear differently. This is acceptable according to DICOM standards. The values can show up as 8192/16384, 5226/2654, or something else. The most common and preferred implementation is to show values of 8192/16384 on the PACS. 1. Open PACS test image #1. 2. Verify that the WC/WW values are 8192/16384. If the values do not appear as 8192/16384, check that the VOI-LUT is enabled on the PACS. The VOI-LUT often can be enabled with a drop-down list on the image or through hanging protocols. Note: This does not indicate that the PACS does not support VOI-LUTs. Support for VOI-LUTs is strictly determined by the visual appearance of PACS test images #1 and #6. 3. Record the results in Table 5-4 (see 5.4.4 PACS image comparison results on page 118). Burn-on-Send Mode (PACS Test Image #6) 1. Open PACS test image #6. 2. Verify that the WC/WW values are 8192/16384. If the values do not appear as 8192/16384, check that the VOI-LUT is enabled on the PACS. The VOI-LUT often can be enabled with a drop-down list on the image or through hanging protocols. 3. Record the results in Table 5-4 (see 5.4.4 PACS image comparison results on page 118). Checking for image saturation 1. Open PACS test image #1. 2. Check that the clinical chest area appears with no saturation in the lung or abdomen region. 3. Record the results in Table 5-4. Testing reduced dynamic range with Burn-on-Send The Burn-on-Send configuration causes a reduced dynamic range in the image if you change the window level of the image on the PACS. 1. Open PACS test image #6. 2. Change the window level on the PACS to attempt to see the five squares in all twelve bands. Start by changing the WC value to 0 and the WW value to 500 (the appropriate values may vary among different PACS workstations). Chapter 5 Calibration Page 117 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL The loss of dynamic range is most common in the top dark band. If reduced dynamic range occurs, the five squares will not be visible in the top dark band (band #1). 3. Record the results in Table 5-4. 5.4.4 PACS image comparison results Use the values in Table 5-4 to quantitatively compare images. For example, to determine if a PACS supports GE VOI-LUTs, compare PACS test images #1 and #6. If the number of distinct bands and visible squares are equal, then the PACS correctly supports VOI-LUTs. Tests Results WC = __________ DICOM header on PACS (image #1 No-Burn) WW = __________ VOI-LUT (Yes/No) WC = __________ DICOM header on PACS (image #6 Burn-on-Send) WW = __________ VOI-LUT (Yes/No) Values displayed on PACS viewer (image #1) Values displayed on PACS viewer (image #6) WC = __________ WW = __________ WC = __________ WW = __________ Saturation visible in lung or abdomen region Able to see all five squares in top band of image #6 Able to see all five squares in top band of image #1 Images #1, 4, 5 appear visually identical Images #6, 7, 8 appear visually identical PACS able to select Normal/Harder/Softer DICOM header on PACS (image #9 CR-Fallback). Table 5-4 PACS image comparison results Page 118 Section 5.4 PACS image tests VOI-LUT not present; correct WW/WC GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Chapter 6 Detector checks and QAP Perform QAP every time you calibrate the detector, and as the final step in calibrations during installation. For more information about performing QAP and viewing QAP results, see the Optima XR200amx or Optima XR220amx Operator Manual, Quality Assurance and Maintenance. 6.0.1 Detector check This procedure applies only to the Optima XR220amx and Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade systems. 1. On the Application screen, press the WORKLIST icon. 2. On the Worklist screen, at the bottom, press the QAP button. 3. On the Image Quality screen, in the left folder tree, select Quality Control Tools > Acquisition. 4. On the Quality Assurance Program screen, press DETECTOR CHECK, and then press START. The test takes about one minute. While the test is running, the status bar at the bottom of the screen says “Performing Dark Image Tests.” When the test is complete, the results screen is displayed. 5. Scroll to the right side of the screen to see the pass/fail results. All tests should pass. If there are any failures, contact GE Service. 6. To quit the QAP session and return to Applications, press EXIT. Or, to return to the previous QAP screen, press BACKUP. 6.0.2 QAP checkout This procedure applies only to the Optima XR220amx and Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade systems. 1. On the Application screen, press the WORKLIST icon. 2. On the Worklist screen, at the bottom, press the QAP button. 3. On the Image Quality screen, in the left folder tree, select Quality Control Tools > Acquisition. 4. On the Quality Assurance Program screen, press QAP, and then press START. The test takes about ten minutes, and is made up of three parts. After completing each part, the program automatically advances to the next part, but you must press START to initiate the testing for each part. 1. Detector Check. 2. Detector QC Checks: > User ID is required to take an exposure. > Flat field phantom must inserted in collimator rails. > QC Check must pass to proceed to Flat Field Tests. 3. Flat Field Tests: > Follow the instructions on the screen. > Remove the DAP meter, if present. Chapter 6 Detector checks and QAP Page 119 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL > Insert the flat field phantom in the collimator rails. > Set SID to the on-screen instructions. > Make an X-ray exposure. > When image appears, touch anywhere on the image to return to the previous screen. > Make another X-ray exposure. > When image appears, touch anywhere on the image to return to the previous screen. > Remove the flat field phantom, and replace the DAP meter if applicable. While the test is running, the status bar at the bottom of the screen will display status messages. When the tests are complete, the results screen will be displayed. 5. Scroll to the right side of the screen to see the pass/fail results. All tests should pass. If there are any failures, contact GE Service. 6. Page 120 To quit the QAP session and return to Applications, press EXIT. Or, to return to the previous QAP screen, press BACKUP. GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Chapter 7 Certified components Section 7.1 Component rating plates The following components will be certified (FDA 21CFR) and will have rating plates: Table 7-1 Item System component Model number Location 1 X-ray control 5555000-x On the outside of the system, above the main breaker switch 2 Generator 5140761-2 On the outside of the system above the main breaker switch and on the generator itself 3 X-ray tube housing (casing) 5508800 On the outside of the system above the main breaker switch and on rear of X-ray tube 4 Beam limiting device (collimator) 5129498 Side of collimator Rating plates are provided with certified system components. Also, when an option is purchased, rating plates are supplied with the option. Rating plates for these options must be placed on the Optima XR200amx/XR220amx system. Be sure to properly attach rating plates so they can be checked for accuracy and compliance. Rating plates for certified components need to be visible on the system. For the generator, a copy of the rating plate will be placed on the outside of the system in addition to the rating plate on the generator itself. Chapter 7 Certified components Page 121 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Rating plate locations are shown in Figure 7-1. 4 1 2 3 Table 7-1 Item Description 1 Primary rating plate location, located on cover above main circuit breaker. Consists of: • System rating plate • Generator rating plate • X-ray tube rating plates See Figure 7-2 on page 123, Figure 7-3 on page 123. 2 Generator rating plate, also located inside unit on generator module. See Figure 7-4 on page 124. 3 X-ray tube/casing rating plates, also located on bottom of X-ray tube casing. See Figure 7-5 on page 124. 4 Collimator rating plate, located on side of collimator. See Figure 7-6 on page 125. Figure 7-1 Rating plate locations Page 122 Section 7.1 Component rating plates GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Figure 7-2 Primary rating plate location 5555000-x 123456789 January 201x Optima XR220amx Figure 7-3 Optima system rating plate Chapter 7 Certified components Page 123 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Figure 7-4 X-ray generator rating plate Figure 7-5 X-ray tube/casing rating plates Page 124 Section 7.1 Component rating plates GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Figure 7-6 Collimator rating plate Chapter 7 Certified components Page 125 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 Page 126 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Section 7.1 Component rating plates GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Chapter 8 Final tasks Section 8.1 Final tasks • Ready the system for normal customer operation. • It is recommended to plug in the system and allow it to reach full charge. • Remove trash, remove installation equipment and tools, clean up the installation area, and store the service manuals. • Complete product locator cards and return them. • Record the installation time in the Service database. • Create specified login and user management account and password information to system administrator. The account must be satisfied with all of the three roles: Administrator/Standard User/Limited User. • Provide the below account and password information to system administrator. - Login and user management (Specially created account and password for system administrator) - Installing the operator manual - IP change procedure Chapter 8 Final tasks Page 127 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336113-1EN, REVISION 10 Page 128 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX INSTALLATION MANUAL Section 8.1 Final tasks © 2011 General Electric Company. GE Medical Systems, a General Electric Company, going to market as GE Healthcare. 3000 N. Grandview Boulevard Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188 USA 130 Front cover GE Healthcare Optima XR200amx/XR220amx System Parts List Direction 5336115-1EN Revision 6 GE HEALTHCARE Warning OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST ATTENTION LES APPAREILS A RAYONS X SONT DANGEREUX A LA FOIS POUR LE PATIENT ET POUR LE MANIPULATEUR SI LES MESURES DE PROTECTION NE SONT PAS STRICTEMENT APPLIQUEES Bien que cet appareil soit construit selon les normes de sécurité les plus severes, la source de rayonnement X représente un danger lorsque le manipulateur est non qualifié ou non averti. Une exposition excessive au rayonnement X entraîne des dommages a l’organisme. Par conséquent, toutes les précautions doivent être prises pour éviter que les personnes non autorisées ou non qualifées utilisent cet appareil créant ainsi un danger pour les autres et pour elles-mêmes. Avant chaque manipulation, les personnes qualifiées et autorisées à se servir de cet appareil doivent se renseigner sur les mesures de protection etablies par la Commission Internationale sur la Protection Radiologique, Annales 26: Recommandations de la Commission Internationale sure la Protection Radiologique et les normes nationales en vigueur. WARNING X-RAY EQUIPMENT IS DANGEROUS TO BOTH PATIENT AND OPERATOR UNLESS MEASURES OF PROTECTION ARE STRICTLY OBSERVED. Though this equipment is built to the highest standards of electrical and mechanical safety, the useful x-ray beam becomes a source of danger in the hands of the unauthorized or unqualified operator. Excessive exposure to x-radiation causes damage to human tissue. Therefore, adequate precautions must be taken to prevent unauthorized or unqualified persons from operating this equipment or exposing themselves or others to its radiation. Before operation, persons qualified and authorized to operate this equipment should be familiar with the Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), contained in Annals Number 26 of the ICRP, and with applicable national standards. ATENCION LOS APARATOS DE RAYOS X SON PELIGROSOS PARA EL PACIENTE Y EL MANIPULADOR CUANDO LAS NORMAS DE PROTECCION NO ESTAN OBSERVADAS Aunque este aparato está construido según las normas de seguridad más estrictas, la radiacion X constituye un peligro al ser manipulado por personas no autorizadas o incompetentes. Una explosicion excesiva a la radiación X puede causar daños al organismo. Por consiguiente, se deberán tomar todas las precauciones necesarias para evitar que las personas incompetentes o no autorizadas utilicen este aparato, lo que seria un peligro para los demás y para si mismas. Antes de efectuar las manipulaciones, las personas habilitadas y competentes en el uso de este aparato, deberán informarse sobre las normas de protección fijadas por la Comisión Internacional de la Protección Radiológica, Anales No 26: Recomendaciones de la Comisión Internacional sobre la Protección Radiológica y normas nacionales. ACHTUNG RÖNTGENAPPARATE SIND EINE GEFAHR FUR PATIENTEN SOWIE BEDIENUNGSPERSONAL, WENN DIE GELTENDEN SICHERHEITSVORKEHRUNGEN NICHT GENAU BEACHTET WERDEN Dieser Apparat entspricht in seiner Bauweise strengsten elektrischen und mechanischen Sichereitsnormen, doch in den Händen unbefugter oder unqualifizierter Personen wird er zu einer Gefahrenquelle. Übermäßige Röntgenbestrahlung ist für den menschlichen Organismus schädlish. Deswegen sind hinreichende Vorsichtsmaßnahmen erforderlich, um zu verhindern, daßunbefugte oder unqualifizierte Personen solche Geräte bedienen oder sich selbst und andere Personen deren Bestrahlung aussetzen können. Vor Inbetriebnahme dieses Apparats solite sich das qualifizierte und befugte Bedienungspersonal mit den geltenden Kriterien für den gefahrlosen Strahleneinsatz durch sorgfältiges Studium des Hefts Nr. 26 der Internationalen Kommission für Strahlenschutz (ICRP) vertraut machen: Empfehlungen der Internationalen Kommission für Strahlenschutz und anderer nationaler Normenbehörden. Page 2 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Important information WARNING (EN) ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ (BG) 警告 (ZH-CN) 警告 (ZH-HK) 警告 (ZH-TW) This service manual is available in English only. • If a customer's service provider requires a language other than English, it is the customer's responsibility to provide translation services. • Do not attempt to service the equipment unless this service manual has been consulted and is understood. • Failure to heed this warning may result in injury to the service provider, operator or patient from electric shock, mechanical or other hazards. Tова упътване за работа е налично само на английски език. • Ако доставчикът на услугата на клиента изиска друг език, задължение на клиента е да осигури превод. • Не използвайте оборудването, преди да сте се консултирали и разбрали упътването за работа. • неспазването на това предупреждение може да доведе до нараняване на доставчика на услугата, оператора или пациентa в резултат на токов удар, механична или друга опасност. 本维修手册仅提供英文版本。 • • • 如果客户的维修服务人员需要非英文版本,则客户需自行提供翻译服务。 未详细阅读和完全理解本维修手册之前,不得进行维修。 忽略本警告可能对维修服务人员、操作人员或患者造成电击、机械伤害或其他形式的伤 害。 本服務手冊僅提供英文版本。 • 倘若客戶的服務供應商需要英文以外之服務手冊,客戶有責任提供翻譯服務。 • 除非已參閱本服務手冊及明白其內容,否則切勿嘗試維修設備。 • 不遵從本警告或會令服務供應商、網絡供應商或病人受到觸電、機械性或其他的危險。 本維修手冊僅有英文版。 • 若客戶的維修廠商需要英文版以外的語言,應由客戶自行提供翻譯服務。 • 請勿試圖維修本設備,除非 您已查閱並瞭解本維修手冊。 • 若未留意本警告,可能導致維修廠商、操作員或病患因觸電、機械或其他危險而受傷。 UPOZORENJE (HR) Ovaj servisni priručnik dostupan je na engleskom jeziku. • Ako davatelj usluge klijenta treba neki drugi jezik, klijent je dužan osigurati prijevod. • Ne pokušavajte servisirati opremu ako niste u potpunosti pročitali i razumjeli ovaj servisni priručnik. • zanemarite li ovo upozorenje, može doći do ozljede davatelja usluge, operatera ili pacijenta uslijed strujnog udara, mehaničkih ili drugih rizika. VÝSTRAHA (CS) Tento provozní návod existuje pouze v anglickém jazyce. • V případě, že externí služba zákazníkům potřebuje návod v jiném jazyce, je zajištění překladu do odpovídajícího jazyka úkolem zákazníka. • Nesnažte se o údržbu tohoto zařízení, aniž byste si přečetli tento provozní návod a pochopili jeho obsah. • V případě nedodržování této výstrahy může dojít k poranění pracovníka prodejního servisu, obslužného personálu nebo pacientů vlivem elektrického proudu, respektive vlivem mechanických či jiných rizik. Denne servicemanual findes kun på engelsk. • Hvis en kundes tekniker har brug for et andet sprog end engelsk, er det kundens ansvar at sørge for oversættelse. • Forsøg ikke at servicere udstyret uden at læse og forstå denne servicemanual. • Manglende overholdelse af denne advarsel kan medføre skade på grund af elektrisk stød, mekanisk eller anden fare for teknikeren, operatøren eller patienten. ADVARSEL (DA) Preface Page 3 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 WAARSCHUWING (NL) HOIATUS (ET) VAROITUS (FI) ATTENTION (FR) WARNUNG (DE) ΠΡΟΕΙ∆ΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ (EL) FIGYELMEZTETÉS (HU) AÐVÖRUN (IS) Page 4 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Deze onderhoudshandleiding is enkel in het Engels verkrijgbaar. • Als het onderhoudspersoneel een andere taal vereist, dan is de klant verantwoordelijk voor de vertaling ervan. • Probeer de apparatuur niet te onderhouden alvorens deze onderhoudshandleiding werd geraadpleegd en begrepen is. • Indien deze waarschuwing niet wordt opgevolgd, zou het onderhoudspersoneel, de operator of een patiënt gewond kunnen raken als gevolg van een elektrische schok, mechanische of andere gevaren. See teenindusjuhend on saadaval ainult inglise keeles • Kui klienditeeninduse osutaja nõuab juhendit inglise keelest erinevas keeles, vastutab klient tõlketeenuse osutamise eest. • Ärge üritage seadmeid teenindada enne eelnevalt käesoleva teenindusjuhendiga tutvumist ja sellest aru saamist. • Käesoleva hoiatuse eiramine võib põhjustada teenuseosutaja, operaatori või patsiendi vigastamist elektrilöögi, mehaanilise või muu ohu tagajärjel. Tämä huolto-ohje on saatavilla vain englanniksi. • Jos asiakkaan huoltohenkilöstö vaatii muuta kuin englanninkielistä materiaalia, tarvittavan käännöksen hankkiminen on asiakkaan vastuulla. • Älä yritä korjata laitteistoa ennen kuin olet varmasti lukenut ja ymmärtänyt tämän huolto-ohjeen. • Mikäli tätä varoitusta ei noudateta, seurauksena voi olla huoltohenkilöstön, laitteiston käyttäjän tai potilaan vahingoittuminen sähköiskun, mekaanisen vian tai muun vaaratilanteen vuoksi. Ce manuel d’installation et de maintenance est disponible uniquement en anglais. • Si le technicien d'un client a besoin de ce manuel dans une langue autre que l'anglais, il incombe au client de le faire traduire. • Ne pas tenter d'intervenir sur les équipements tant que ce manuel d’installation et de maintenance n'a pas été consulté et compris. • Le non-respect de cet avertissement peut entraîner chez le technicien, l'opérateur ou le patient des blessures dues à des dangers électriques, mécaniques ou autres. Diese Serviceanleitung existiert nur in englischer Sprache. • Falls ein fremder Kundendienst eine andere Sprache benötigt, ist es Aufgabe des Kunden für eine entsprechende Übersetzung zu sorgen. • Versuchen Sie nicht diese Anlage zu warten, ohne diese Serviceanleitung gelesen und verstanden zu haben. • Wird diese Warnung nicht beachtet, so kann es zu Verletzungen des Kundendiensttechnikers, des Bedieners oder des Patienten durch Stromschläge, mechanische oder sonstige Gefahren kommen. Το παρόν εγχειρίδιο σέρβις διατίθεται μόνο στα αγγλικά. • Εάν ο τεχνικός σέρβις ενός πελάτη απαιτεί το παρόν εγχειρίδιο σε γλώσσα εκτός των αγγλικών, αποτελεί ευθύνη του πελάτη να παρέχει τις υπηρεσίες μετάφρασης. • Μην επιχειρήσετε την εκτέλεση εργασιών σέρβις στον εξοπλισμό αν δεν έχετε συμβουλευτεί και κατανοήσει το παρόν εγχειρίδιο σέρβις. • Αν δεν προσέξετε την προειδοποίηση αυτή, ενδέχεται να προκληθεί τραυματισμός στον τεχνικό σέρβις, στο χειριστή ή στον ασθενή από ηλεκτροπληξία, μηχανικούς ή άλλους κινδύνους. Ezen karbantartási kézikönyv kizárólag angol nyelven érhető el. • Ha a vevő szolgáltatója angoltól eltérő nyelvre tart igényt, akkor a vevő felelőssége a fordítás elkészíttetése. • Ne próbálja elkezdeni használni a berendezést, amíg a karbantartási kézikönyvben leírtakat nem értelmezték. • Ezen figyelmeztetés figyelmen kívül hagyása a szolgáltató, működtető vagy a beteg áramütés, mechanikai vagy egyéb veszélyhelyzet miatti sérülését eredményezheti. Þessi þjónustuhandbók er aðeins fáanleg á ensku. • Ef að þjónustuveitandi viðskiptamanns þarfnast annas tungumáls en ensku, er það skylda viðskiptamanns að skaffa tungumálaþjónustu. • Reynið ekki að afgreiða tækið nema að þessi þjónustuhandbók hefur verið skoðuð og skilin. • Brot á sinna þessari aðvörun getur leitt til meiðsla á þjónustuveitanda, stjórnanda eða sjúklings frá raflosti, vélrænu eða öðrum áhættum. Preface GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 AVVERTENZA (IT) (JA) 경고 (KO) BRÎDINÂJUMS (LV) ĮSPĖJIMAS (LT) ADVARSEL (NO) OSTRZEŻENIE (PL) AVISO (PT-BR) ATENÇÃO (PT-PT) SYSTEM PARTS LIST Il presente manuale di manutenzione è disponibile soltanto in lingua inglese. • Se un addetto alla manutenzione richiede il manuale in una lingua diversa, il cliente è tenuto a provvedere direttamente alla traduzione. • Procedere alla manutenzione dell'apparecchiatura solo dopo aver consultato il presente manuale ed averne compreso il contenuto. • Il mancato rispetto della presente avvertenza potrebbe causare lesioni all'addetto alla manutenzione, all'operatore o ai pazienti provocate da scosse elettriche, urti meccanici o altri rischi. このサービスマニュアルには英語版しかありません。 サービスを担当される業者が英語以外の言語を要求される場合、翻訳作業はその業者の責任で行 うものとさせていただきます。 このサービスマニュアルを熟読し理解せずに、装置のサービスを行わないでください。 この警告に従わない場合、サービスを担当される方、操作員あるいは患者さんが、感電や機械 的又はその他の危険により負傷する可能性があります。 본 서비스 매뉴얼은 영어로만 이용하실 수 있습니다 . • 고객의 서비스 제공자가 영어 이외의 언어를 요구할 경우 , 번역 서비스를 제공하는 것은 고객의 책임입니다 . • 본 서비스 매뉴얼을 참조하여 숙지하지 않은 이상 해당 장비를 수리하려고 시도하지 마십시오 . • 본 경고 사항에 유의하지 않으면 전기 쇼크 , 기계적 위험 , 또는 기타 위험으로 인해 서비스 제공자 , 사용자 또는 환자에게 부상을 입힐 수 있습니다 . Šī apkopes rokasgrāmata ir pieejama tikai angļu valodā. • Ja klienta apkopes sniedzējam nepieciešama informācija citā valodā, klienta pienākums ir nodrošināt tulkojumu. • Neveiciet aprīkojuma apkopi bez apkopes rokasgrāmatas izlasīšanas un saprašanas. • Šī brīdinājuma neievērošanas rezultātā var rasties elektriskās strāvas trieciena, mehānisku vai citu faktoru izraisītu traumu risks apkopes sniedzējam, operatoram vai pacientam. Šis eksploatavimo vadovas yra tik anglų kalba. • Jei kliento paslaugų tiekėjas reikalauja vadovo kita kalba – ne anglų, suteikti vertimo paslaugas privalo klientas. • Nemėginkite atlikti įrangos techninės priežiūros, jei neperskaitėte ar nesupratote šio eksploatavimo vadovo. • Jei nepaisysite šio įspėjimo, galimi paslaugų tiekėjo, operatoriaus ar paciento sužalojimai dėl elektros šoko, mechaninių ar kitų pavojų. Denne servicehåndboken finnes bare på engelsk. • Hvis kundens serviceleverandør har bruk for et annet språk, er det kundens ansvar å sørge for oversettelse. • Ikke forsøk å reparere utstyret uten at denne servicehåndboken er lest og forstått. • Manglende hensyn til denne advarselen kan føre til at serviceleverandøren, operatøren eller pasienten skades på grunn av elektrisk støt, mekaniske eller andre farer. Niniejszy podręcznik serwisowy dostępny jest jedynie w języku angielskim. • Jeśli serwisant klienta wymaga języka innego niż angielski, zapewnienie usługi tłumaczenia jest obowiązkiem klienta. • Nie próbować serwisować urządzenia bez zapoznania się z niniejszym podręcznikiem serwisowym i zrozumienia go. • Niezastosowanie się do tego ostrzeżenia może doprowadzić do obrażeń serwisanta, operatora lub pacjenta w wyniku porażenia prądem elektrycznym, zagrożenia mechanicznego bądź innego. Este manual de assistência técnica encontra-se disponível unicamente em inglês. • Se outro serviço de assistência técnica solicitar a tradução deste manual, caberá ao cliente fornecer os serviços de tradução. • Não tente reparar o equipamento sem ter consultado e compreendido este manual de assistência técnica. • A não observância deste aviso pode ocasionar ferimentos no técnico, operador ou paciente decorrentes de choques elétricos, mecânicos ou outros. Este manual de assistência técnica só se encontra disponível em inglês. • Se qualquer outro serviço de assistência técnica solicitar este manual noutro idioma, é da responsabilidade do cliente fornecer os serviços de tradução. • Não tente reparar o equipamento sem ter consultado e compreendido este manual de assistência técnica. • O não cumprimento deste aviso pode colocar em perigo a segurança do técnico, do operador ou do paciente devido a choques eléctricos, mecânicos ou outros. Preface Page 5 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 ATENŢIE (RO) ОСТОРОЖНО! (RU) UPOZORENJE (SR) UPOZORNENIE (SK) ATENCION (ES) VARNING (SV) OPOZORILO (SL) DİKKAT (TR) Page 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Acest manual de service este disponibil doar în limba engleză. • Dacă un furnizor de servicii pentru clienţi necesită o altă limbă decât cea engleză, este de datoria clientului să furnizeze o traducere. • Nu încercaţi să reparaţi echipamentul decât ulterior consultării şi înţelegerii acestui manual de service. • Ignorarea acestui avertisment ar putea duce la rănirea depanatorului, operatorului sau pacientului în urma pericolelor de electrocutare, mecanice sau de altă natură. Данное руководство по техническому обслуживанию представлено только на английском языке. • Если сервисному персоналу клиента необходимо руководство не на английском, а на каком-то другом языке, клиенту следует самостоятельно обеспечить перевод. • Перед техническим обслуживанием оборудования обязательно обратитесь к данному руководству и поймите изложенные в нем сведения. • Несоблюдение требований данного предупреждения может привести к тому, что специалист по техобслуживанию, оператор или пациент получит удар электрическим током, механическую травму или другое повреждение Ovo servisno uputstvo je dostupno samo na engleskom jeziku. • Ako klijentov serviser zahteva neki drugi jezik, klijent je dužan da obezbedi prevodilačke usluge. • Ne pokušavajte da opravite uređaj ako niste pročitali i razumeli ovo servisno uputstvo. • Zanemarivanje ovog upozorenja može dovesti do povređivanja servisera, rukovaoca ili pacijenta usled strujnog udara ili mehaničkih i drugih opasnosti. Tento návod na obsluhu je k dispozícii len v angličtine. • Ak zákazníkov poskytovateľ služieb vyžaduje iný jazyk ako angličtinu, poskytnutie prekladateľských služieb je zodpovednosťou zákazníka. • Nepokúšajte sa o obsluhu zariadenia, kým si neprečítate návod na obluhu a neporozumiete mu. • Zanedbanie tohto upozornenia môže spôsobiť zranenie poskytovateľa služieb, obsluhujúcej osoby alebo pacienta elektrickým prúdom, mechanické alebo iné ohrozenie. Este manual de servicio sólo existe en inglés. • Si el encargado de mantenimiento de un cliente necesita un idioma que no sea el inglés, el cliente deberá encargarse de la traducción del manual. • No se deberá dar servicio técnico al equipo, sin haber consultado y comprendido este manual de servicio. • La no observancia del presente aviso puede dar lugar a que el proveedor de servicios, el operador o el paciente sufran lesiones provocadas por causas eléctricas, mecánicas o de otra naturaleza. Den här servicehandboken finns bara tillgänglig på engelska. . • Om en kunds servicetekniker har behov av ett annat språk än engelska, ansvarar kunden för att tillhandahålla översättningstjänster. • Försök inte utföra service på utrustningen om du inte har läst och förstår den här servicehandboken. • Om du inte tar hänsyn till den här varningen kan det resultera i skador på serviceteknikern, operatören eller patienten till följd av elektriska stötar, mekaniska faror eller andra faror. Ta servisni priročnik je na voljo samo v angleškem jeziku. • Če ponudnik storitve stranke potrebuje priročnik v drugem jeziku, mora stranka zagotoviti prevod. • Ne poskušajte servisirati opreme, če tega priročnika niste v celoti prebrali in razumeli. • Če tega opozorila ne upoštevate, se lahko zaradi električnega udara, mehanskih ali drugih nevarnosti poškoduje ponudnik storitev, operater ali bolnik. Bu servis kılavuzunun sadece ingilizcesi mevcuttur. • Eğer müşteri teknisyeni bu kılavuzu ingilizce dışında bir başka lisandan talep ederse, bunu tercüme ettirmek müşteriye düşer. • Servis kılavuzunu okuyup anlamadan ekipmanlara müdahale etmeyiniz. • Bu uyarıya uyulmaması, elektrik, mekanik veya diğer tehlikelerden dolayı teknisyen, operatör veya hastanın yaralanmasına yol açabilir. Preface GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Legal notes TRADEMARKS Optima XR200amxTM and Optima XR220amxTM are trademarks of GE Healthcare. WPA and WPA2 are trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance. All other products and their name brands are trademarks of their respective holders. COPYRIGHTS All material copyright © 2011 by General Electric Company, Inc. All rights reserved. The material presented and contained herein may not be reproduced in any form or manner, without the written permission of General Electric Company, Inc. Preface Page 7 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Important precautions DAMAGE IN TRANSPORTATION All packages should be closely examined at time of delivery. If damage is apparent, have notation “damage in shipment” written on all copies of the freight or express bill before delivery is accepted or “signed for” by a General Electric representative or a hospital receiving agent. Whether noted or concealed, damage MUST be reported to the carrier immediately upon discovery, or in any event, within 14 days after receipt, and the contents and containers held for inspection by the carrier. A transportation company will not pay a claim for damage if an inspection is not requested within this 14 day period. To file a report, call 1-800-548-3366. Select the option for “Install Support Services for FOA and MIS.” Contact your local service coordinator for more information on this process. CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR STATEMENT All electrical installations that are preliminary to positioning of the equipment at the site prepared for the equipment shall be performed by licensed electrical contractors. In addition, electrical feeds into the Power Distribution Unit shall be performed by licensed electrical contractors. Other connections between pieces of electrical equipment, calibrations and testing shall be performed by qualified GE Healthcare personnel. The products involved (and the accompanying electrical installations) are highly sophisticated, and special engineering competence is required. In performing all electrical work on these products, GE will use its own specially trained field engineers. All of GE’s electrical work on these products will comply with the requirements of the applicable electrical codes. The purchaser of GE equipment shall only utilize qualified personnel (i.e., GE’s field engineers, personnel of third-party service companies with equivalent training, or licensed electricians) to perform electrical servicing on the equipment. IMPORTANT...X-RAY PROTECTION X-ray equipment if not properly used may cause injury. Accordingly, the instructions herein contained should be thoroughly read and understood by everyone who will use the equipment before you attempt to place this equipment in operation. GE Healthcare will be glad to assist and cooperate in placing this equipment in use. Although this apparatus incorporates a high degree of protection against x-radiation other than the useful beam, no practical design of equipment can provide complete protection. Nor can any practical design compel the operator to take adequate precautions to prevent the possibility of any persons carelessly exposing themselves or others to radiation. It is important that anyone having anything to do with x-radiation be properly trained and fully acquainted with the recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) as published in NCRP Reports available from NCRP Publications, 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Room 1016, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, and of the International Commission on Radiation Protection, and take adequate steps to protect against injury. The equipment is sold with the understanding that GE Healthcare, its agents, and representatives have no responsibility for injury or damage which may result from improper use of the equipment. Various protective materials and devices are available. It is urged that such materials or devices be used. LITHIUM BATTERY CAUTIONARY STATEMENT DANGER - Risk of Explosion Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Discard used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions. ATTENTION - Danger d’Explosion Il y a danger d’explosion s’il y a replacement incorrect de la batterie. Remplacer uniquement avec une batterie du même type ou d’un type recommandé par le constructeur. Mettre au rébut les batteries usagées conformément aux instructions du fabricant. TECHNICAL MANUAL UPDATES When operating or servicing GE Healthcare products, please contact your GE representative for the latest revision of product documentation. Product documentation may also be available on-line at the GE Healthcare support documentation library. OMISSIONS AND ERRORS Customers, please contact your GE Healthcare sales or service representatives. GE personnel, please use the GE Healthcare complaint handling process to report all omissions, errors, and defects in this publication. Page 8 Preface GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Revision history Revision Date Reason for change 1 15NOV2011 Initial release of document 2 09FEB2012 Refer to SPR HCSDM00120703: Removed part 5451000 - SuperBee Firmware Collector. Changed digital bin part number from 5555004-2 to 5555004-3, updated ADW drawing and BOM. Added “Chapter 4 - FlashPad detector and related components”. Added detector part numbers 5399000-3, -4, -5 and -6 to Chapter 4. Added UWB dongle part numbers 5390144, -2 and -3. Added part numbers 5436002 (FlashPad docking interface board) and 5394471 (FlashPad battery charger). Updated firmware part number from 5451000-2 to 5451000-3. Updated software part number from 5409779 to 5409779-3. 3 28SEP2012 DAP cable FRU changed from 5557046 to 5557046-2 in Table 5-8. See ECO 2131197. New Cathode Side Tube Mount: Changed old part 5507701 to FRU = No in Table 5-16 and added new part 5450136 and new Section 5.2.1. See ECO 2122380. New Anode Side Tube Mount: Changed from old part 5507702 to FRU = No in Table 5-16 and added new part 5450136-2 and new Section 5.2.1. See ECO 2122380. Added text to front material on how to obtain most recent revisions of technical manuals. Satisfies FDA recommendation. Updated Locust part number to 5350006-2 per FMI 10867 (see PR# 7792277). Replaced Top Cover part number (including drawings & BOMs) with 5555005-8 in Table 1-1, Figures 2-5 through 2-9, Table 2-1, Figures 3-52 through 3-56 and Table 3-9 per FMI 10869 (see PR# 8915068). Changed Hornet UIF board part number from 5350004 to 5350004-2 as a result of FMI 10869 (see PR# 8915068). Updated Firmware part number with 5451000-6 per FMI 10867 (see PR# 7792277). Changed SW Collector part numbers from 5409778 (XR200) and 5409779-3 (XR220) to 5409778-4 (XR200) and 5409779-6 (XR220) per FMI 10865 (see PR#7886856 & PR#8630581). Added FlashPad Detector Battery part number 5382000 to Chapter 4, Table 4-17. Preface Page 9 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Revision Date 4 17SEP2013 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Reason for change Chapter 2, Section 2.3, removed handswitch drawings and BOM. Refer to ECR 2145562. Table 5-1, changed Mark 1 to 5509900-3. Refer to ECO 2145141. Chapter 5, Section 5.1, changed 5509900 to 5509900-3. Refer to ECO 2145141. Figure 5-2, replaced with correct 5509900ADW Rev 9 drawing. Refer to ECO 2136310. Figure 5-8, updated 5370111ADW to Rev 4. Refer to ECO 2137062. Figure 5-15, updated 5392386ADW to Rev 3. Refer to ECO 2137636. Table 1-1, updated Mark 1 to 5555001-2. Refer to ECO 2143108. Chapter 5, Section 5.1, changed all 5555001 to 5555001-2. Refer to ECO 2143108. Table 5-1, updated entire BOM. Refer to ECO 2143108. Chapter 5, Section 5.1, changed all 5509900 to 5509900-3. Refer to ECO 2145141. Table 5-2, updated entire BOM. Refer to ECO 2145141. Chapter 5, Section 5.1.2, changed all 5507000 to 5507000-3 and updated Figure 5-10 drawing. Refer to ECO 2145141. Table 5-8, updated entire BOM. Refer to ECO 2145141. Chapter 5, Section 5.1.2, changed all 5350000 to 5350000-2 and updated Figure 5-14 drawing to Rev 6. Refer to ECO 2145141. Table 5-9, updated 5350000 to 5350000-2. Refer to ECO 2145141. Table 5-8, updated Mark 149 to 5557049-2. Refer to ECO 2144452. Table 5-13, updated entire BOM. Refer to ECO 2144957. Figure 5-18, updated with 5504000ADW Rev 12. Refer to ECO 2144957. Table 1-1, Mark 91 changed to 5421994-2, Mark 75 changed to 5407019-5 and 5407019-4. Refer to ECO 2134034. Table 1-1, added Mark 202 part 5449450. Refer to ECO 2145626. Table 1-1, Mark 47 changed to 5409779-9, refer to ECO 2151611. Mark 200 changed to 5451000-12, refer to ECO 2146540. Figure 3-77, updated 5555004-3 drawing to Rev 4. Refer to ECO 2148874. Table 3-14, replaced 5555004-3 BOM. Refer to ECO 2148874. Table 5-3, Mark 3 changed to FRU Yes, Mark 7 changed to 5449164, changed Mark 7 to 5449164 and FRU Yes. Refer to ECO 2147940. Table 1-1, added 5479307 and added note to Mark 97 description. Refer to ECO 2147940. Table 1-1, changed Mark 97 to 5503017-2. Refer to ECR 2149565. Table 1-1, changed Mark 47 to 5409778-6. Refer to ECR 2150530. Table 5-4, changed Mark 16, 5413926 to FRU Yes. Refer to ECR 2147940. 5 27FEB2014 Chapter 5, Section 5.1, Table 5-2, added new column assembly part number 5505000-2 (short column). Refer to ECO 2158872. Chapter 5, Section 5.1.2, Table 5-8, changed LVLE2 part number from 5192958 to 5192958-2. Refer to ECO 2155385. Chapter 5, Section 5.6, Table 5-26, added Wireless Hand Switch kit part number 5503600. Refer to ECO 2162103. Chapter 1, updated top level drawing 5555000ADW to Rev 14 (affects Figures 1-1 through 1-6). Added cable cover part number 5453234 as Mark 205 in Table 1-1. Refer to ECO 2160317. 6 15JAN2015 Chapter 1, add 5409779-11 in table 1-4. Chapter 1, add 5451000-15 in table 1-4. Chapter 5, add 5570321 in table 5-26. Page 10 Preface GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Preface - Publication conventions OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM PARTS LIST Preface Publication Conventions Standardized conventions for representing information is a uniform way of communicating information to a reader in a consistent manner. Conventions are used so that the reader can easily recognize the actions or decisions that must be made. There are a number of character and paragraph styles used in this publication to accomplish this task. Please become familiar with them before proceeding forward. It is important that you read and understand hazard statements, and not just ignore them. Safety & Hazard Information Proper product safety labeling allows a person to safely use or service a product. The format and style for safety communications reflected in this publication represents the harmonization of IEC/ISO 3864 and ANSI Z535 standards. Within this publication, different paragraph and character styles are used to indicated potential hazards. Paragraph prefixes, such as hazard, caution, danger and warning, are used to identify important safety information. Text (Hazard) styles are applied to the paragraph contents that are applicable to each specific safety statement. Hazard Messages Any action that will, could or potentially cause personal injury will be preceded by the safety alert symbol and an appropriate signal word. The safety alert symbol is the triangle with an exclamation mark within it. It Is always used next to the signal word to indicate the severity of the hazard. Together, they are used to indicate a hazard exists. Signal words describe the severity of possible human injures that may be encountered. The alert symbol and signal word are placed immediately before any paragraph they affect. Safety information includes: 1.) Signal Word - The seriousness level of the hazard. 2.) Symbol or Pictorial - The consequence of interaction with the hazard. 3.) Word Message: a.) The nature of the hazard (i.e. the type of hazard) b.) How to avoid the hazard. The safety alert symbol is not used when an action can only cause equipment damage. Text Format of Signal Words DANGER - INDICATES AN IMMINENTLY HAZARDOUS SITUATION WHICH, IF NOT AVOIDED, WILL RESULT IN DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY. THIS SIGNAL WORD IS LIMITED TO THE MOST EXTREME SITUATIONS. WARNING - INDICATES A POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS SITUATION WHICH, IF NOT AVOIDED, COULD RESULT IN DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY. Caution - Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices. NOTICE - Indicates information or a company policy that relates directly or indirectly to the safety of personnel or protection of property. This signal word is associated directly with a hazard or hazardous situation and is used in place of 'DANGER,' 'WARNING,' or 'CAUTION.' It can include: • Destruction of a disk drive • Potential for internal mechanical damage, such as to a X-ray tube Preface Page 11 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Symbols and Pictorials Used The following Symbols and Pictorials are be used in this publication. These graphical icons (symbols) may be used to make you aware of specific types of hazards that could possibly cause harm. keep_up magnetic biohazard compressgas ppe-hearing fragile impact corrosive heavyobject ppe-2people static_elec heat general laser ppe-respitory keep_dry pinch radiation poisongas ppe-loto general explosive electrical flammable ppe-eye torque crush/mechanical tipping Read Manual ppe-gloves ce instuction poisonmatl entanglement instuction Page 12 Preface GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Publication Conventions General Paragraph and Character Styles Prefixes are used to highlight important non-safety related information. Paragraph prefixes (such as Purpose, Example, Comment or Note) are used to identify important but non-safety related information. Text styles are also applied to text within each paragraph modified by the specific prefix. EXAMPLES OF PREFIXES USED FOR GENERAL INFORMATION: Purpose: Introduces and provides meaning as to the information contained within the chapter, section or subsection (such as used at the beginning this chapter, for example). Note: Conveys information that should be considered important to the reader. Example: Used to make the reader aware that the paragraph(s) that follow are examples of information possibly stated previously. Comment: Represents “additional” information that may or may not be relevant to your situation. Page Layout Publication Part Number & Revision Number The current section and its title are always shown in the footer of the left (even) page. An exclamation point in a triangle is used to indicate important information to the user. Paragraphs preceeded by Alphanumeric characters (e.g. numbers) contain information that must be followed in a specific order. Publication Title The current chapter and its title are always shown in the footer of the right (odd) page. Paragraphs preceeded by a symbol (e.g. bullets) contain information that has no specific order. Headers and footers in this publication are designed to allow you to quickly identify your location. The document part number and revision number appears in every header on every page. Odd numbered page footers indicate the current chapter, its title and current page number. Even page footers show the current section and its title, as well as the current page number. Preface Page 13 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Computer Screen Output/Input Text Character Styles Within this publication, mono-spaced character styles (fonts) are used to indicate computer text that’s either screen input and output. Mono-spaced fonts, such courier, are used to indicated text direction. When you type at your keyboard, you are generating computer input. Occasionally you will see the math operator “greater-than” and “less-than” symbols used to indicate the start and finish of variable output. When reading text generated by the computer, you are reading it as computer generated output. In addition to direction, characters are italicized (e.g. italics) to indicate information specific to your system or site. Example: Fixed Output This paragraph’s font represents computer generated screen “fixed” output. Its output is fixed from the sense that it does not vary from application to application. It is the most commonly used style used to indicate filenames, paths and text that do not change from system to system. The character style used is a fixed width such as courier. Example: Variable Output This paragraph’s font represents computer screen output that is “variable”. It is used to represent output that varies from application to application or system to system. Variable output is sometimes found placed between greater-than and less-than operators for clarification. For example: <variable_ouput> or <>. In both cases, the < and > operators are not part of the actual input. Example: Fixed Input This paragraph’s font represents fixed input. It is computer input that is typed-in via the keyboard. Typed input that does not vary from application to application or system to system. Fixed text the user is required to supply as input. For example: cd /usr/3p Example: Variable Input This paragraph’s font represents computer input that can vary from application to application or system to system. With variable text, the user is required to supply system dependent input or information. Variable input sometimes is placed between greater-than and less-than operators. For example: <variable_input>. In these cases, the (<>) operators would be dropped prior to input. For example: ypcat hosts | grep <> would be typed into the computer as: ypcat hosts | grep without the greater-than and less-than operators. Buttons, Switches and Keyboard Inputs (Hard & Soft Keys) Different character styles are used to indicate actions requiring the reader to press either a hard or soft button, switch or key. Physical hardware, such as buttons and switches, are called hard keys because they are hard wired or mechanical in nature. A keyboard or on/off switch would be a hard key. Software or computer generated buttons are called soft keys because they are software generated. Software driven menu buttons are an example of such keys. Soft and hard keys are represented differently in this publication. Example: Hard Keys A power switch ON/OFF or a keyboard key like ENTER is indicated by applying a character style that uses both over and under-lined bold text that is bold. This is a hard key. Example: Soft Keys Whereas the computer MENU button that you would click with your mouse or touch with your hand uses over and under-lined regular text. This is a soft key. Page 14 Preface GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table of contents Chapter 1 Optima Top Level Assembly....................................................................... 19 Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings ...................................................................... 31 Section 2.1 Base .............................................................................................................................. 31 2.1.1 Breaker tray - 5555008 ..................................................................................................................... 31 2.1.2 USB Bulkhead, Analog - 5399422-2 ................................................................................................ 32 2.1.3 Cord Reel Plug, US - 5409524 ......................................................................................................... 33 2.1.4 Wipes Hold Down Support - 5555015 ............................................................................................. 34 Section 2.2 Covers .......................................................................................................................... 35 2.2.1 Top Cover HLA, Optima, United States - 5555005-8 ..................................................................... 35 Top Cover - 5368309................................................................................................................................ Power Switch Assembly - 5391117 ........................................................................................................ Overlay Board Assembly - 5391109 ....................................................................................................... Hornet Display Module Board PWA - 5350004-2................................................................................... Drive Login Active Board Collector - 5394459 ...................................................................................... Drive Login Active Board PWA - 5378850 ....................................................................................... Display and Inverter Collector - 5394460............................................................................................... 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 2.2.2 Hold Down Strap - 5406840 ............................................................................................................. 50 2.2.3 Right Side Cover - 5555002 ............................................................................................................. 51 2.2.4 Left Side Cover - 5555003................................................................................................................ 52 2.2.5 Front Cover Right - 5555006 ........................................................................................................... 53 2.2.6 Front Cover Left - 5555007 .............................................................................................................. 55 2.2.7 Top External Cabling Exit Cover - 5555017 ................................................................................... 57 2.2.8 Bottom External Cabling Exit Cover - 5555018 ............................................................................. 58 2.2.9 Column Skirt Front - 5555022 ......................................................................................................... 59 2.2.10 Column Skirt Rear - 5555023......................................................................................................... 60 2.2.11 Kick Plate - 5555016....................................................................................................................... 61 2.2.12 Access Cover, Docking Connector - 5393547 ............................................................................. 62 Section 2.3 Tube .............................................................................................................................. 63 2.3.1 Tube cover assembly - 5505500 ..................................................................................................... 63 Section 2.4 Bin................................................................................................................................. 64 2.4.1 Analog Bin Assembly - 5555004-1.................................................................................................. 64 2.4.2 Front Bin - 5555011 .......................................................................................................................... 65 Table of Contents Page 15 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST 2.4.3 Front Bin Window - 5555012 ........................................................................................................... 67 2.4.4 Front Bin Hold Down Right - 5555013 ............................................................................................ 68 2.4.5 Front Bin Hold Down Left - 5555014............................................................................................... 69 2.4.6 Wipes Hold Down Support - 5555015 ............................................................................................. 70 2.4.7 Front Bin Filler Blank - 5406506...................................................................................................... 71 2.4.8 Back-up Tether Filler Blank - 5406507 ........................................................................................... 72 2.4.9 Storage Bin Assembly - 5399160.................................................................................................... 73 Door Assy, Storage Compartment - 5402020........................................................................................ 75 2.4.10 Rear bin mounting bracket Analog - 5406430 ............................................................................. 76 2.4.11 Access Cover, Docking Connector - 5393547 ............................................................................. 77 Section 2.5 PC.................................................................................................................................. 78 2.5.1 Whip antenna for 802.11abgn wireless/SMA coaxial connector with swivel mount - 5367724 78 2.5.2 Reverse Polarity SMA coaxial RF cable - 5367723........................................................................ 79 Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings ...................................................................... 81 Section 3.1 Base .............................................................................................................................. 81 3.1.1 Breaker tray - 5555008 ..................................................................................................................... 81 3.1.2 USB Bulkhead - 5399422 ................................................................................................................. 83 3.1.3 Cord Reel Plug, US - 5409524 ......................................................................................................... 84 3.1.4 Wipes Hold Down Support - 5555015 ............................................................................................. 85 Section 3.2 Covers .......................................................................................................................... 86 3.2.1 Top Cover HLA, Optima, United States - 5555005-8 ..................................................................... 86 Top Cover - 5368309................................................................................................................................ Power Switch Assembly - 5391117 ........................................................................................................ Overlay Board Assembly - 5391109 ....................................................................................................... Hornet Display Module Board PWA - 5350004-2................................................................................... Drive Login Active Board Collector - 5394459 ...................................................................................... Display and Inverter Collector - 5394460............................................................................................... 93 94 95 96 97 99 3.2.2 Hold Down Strap - 5406840 ........................................................................................................... 100 3.2.3 Right Side Cover - 5555002 ........................................................................................................... 101 3.2.4 Left Side Cover - 5555003.............................................................................................................. 102 3.2.5 Front Cover Right - 5555006 ......................................................................................................... 103 3.2.6 Front Cover Left - 5555007 ............................................................................................................ 105 3.2.7 Top External Cabling Exit Cover - 5555017 ................................................................................. 107 3.2.8 Bottom External Cabling Exit Cover - 5555018 ........................................................................... 108 3.2.9 Column Skirt Front - 5555022 ....................................................................................................... 109 Page 16 Table of Contents GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST 3.2.10 Column Skirt Rear - 5555023....................................................................................................... 110 3.2.11 Kick Plate - 5555016..................................................................................................................... 111 3.2.12 Access Cover, Docking Connector - 5393547 ........................................................................... 112 Section 3.3 Tube ............................................................................................................................ 113 3.3.1 Tube cover assembly - 5505500 ................................................................................................... 113 Section 3.4 Bin............................................................................................................................... 114 3.4.1 Digital Bin Assembly - 5555004-3 ................................................................................................. 114 3.4.2 Front Bin - 5555011 ........................................................................................................................ 116 3.4.3 Front Bin Window - 5555012 ......................................................................................................... 118 3.4.4 Front Bin Hold Down Right - 5555013 .......................................................................................... 119 3.4.5 Front Bin Hold Down Left - 5555014............................................................................................. 120 3.4.6 Front Bin Filler Blank - 5406506.................................................................................................... 121 3.4.7 Back-up Tether Filler Blank - 5406507 ......................................................................................... 122 3.4.8 Storage Bin Assembly - 5399160.................................................................................................. 123 Door Assy, Storage Compartment - 5402020...................................................................................... 125 3.4.9 Access Cover, Docking Connector - 5393547 ............................................................................. 126 Section 3.5 PC................................................................................................................................ 127 3.5.1 Whip antenna/SMA coaxial connector ......................................................................................... 127 3.5.2 Reverse Polarity SMA coaxial RF cable - 5367723...................................................................... 128 Chapter 4 FlashPad detector and related components ........................................... 129 Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 .................................................... 133 Section 5.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 ....................... 135 5.1.1 Base - 5508000 ............................................................................................................................... 140 Drive assembly - 5370437 ..................................................................................................................... Column support assembly - 5368482 .................................................................................................. Bumper - 5370111 .................................................................................................................................. Cricket Battery Board - 5350008 .......................................................................................................... 143 145 148 150 5.1.2 Thorax HLA - 5507000-3 ............................................................................................................... 151 Firefly Charger Board - 5350000-2 ....................................................................................................... Tube park latch - 5392386 ..................................................................................................................... Locust Drive Board - 5350006-2 ........................................................................................................... Fuse holder assembly, thorax Superbee - 5394888 ........................................................................... 158 159 161 162 5.1.3 Drive Handle HLA - 5504000.......................................................................................................... 163 5.1.4 Horizontal Arm Assembly - 5506700 ............................................................................................ 168 5.1.5 DJINN 15R DC 2P - 5341550 .......................................................................................................... 171 Table of Contents Page 17 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Section 5.2 Tube and Tube Mount - 5507700 .............................................................................. 175 5.2.1 Anode/Cathode Side Tube Mount Identification and FRUs........................................................ 176 Section 5.3 SuperBee Manual Collimator - 5129498 .................................................................. 177 5.3.1 RoHS-SuperBee Collimator - 5396306 ......................................................................................... 179 Collimator knob set - 5397014 .............................................................................................................. 185 RoHS-Mechanical Interface - 5396643 ................................................................................................. 186 Section 5.4 HV Cable Collector - 5503011 ................................................................................... 192 Section 5.5 Hardware Kit for SuperBee - 5399683...................................................................... 192 Section 5.6 Other ........................................................................................................................... 193 Page 18 Table of Contents GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Chapter 1 Optima Top Level Assembly Figure 1-1 5555000ADW_s1_r14 Chapter 1 Optima Top Level Assembly Page 19 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Figure 1-2 5555000ADW_s2_r2 Page 20 Chapter 1 Optima Top Level Assembly GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Figure 1-3 5555000ADW_s3_r4 Chapter 1 Optima Top Level Assembly Page 21 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Figure 1-4 5555000ADW_s4_r4 Page 22 Chapter 1 Optima Top Level Assembly GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Figure 1-5 5555000ADW_s5_r8 Chapter 1 Optima Top Level Assembly Page 23 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Figure 1-6 5555000ADW_s6_r10 Page 24 Chapter 1 Optima Top Level Assembly GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 1-1 Optima XR200amx/XR220amx, US and International, 15kW (5555000-3, -5) & 30kW (5555000-4, -6) Mark No. Part No. FRU Description 1 5555001-2 No Common SuperBee VHLA Sys Comm 2 5555005-8 Yes Top Cover HLA - Optima (see 3.2.1 Top Cover HLA, Optima, United States - 5555005-8 on page 86) 3 5503015 No Upper External Cable Clamp 4 5503015-2 No Lower External Cable Clamp 5 5503500 Yes SUPERBEE WIRED HANDSWITCH 6 2188371-2 Yes Handswitch Cable - N9 Color 7 1000-M4C010-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X10mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 8 2000-M4-02 Yes Flat Washer, ISO7089, M4, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 9 1000-M4C020-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X20mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 10 3002-M4C-04 No Hexagon Prevailing Torque Nut, ISO7040, M4-0.7, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 11 5555008 Yes Breaker Tray (see 3.1.1 Breaker tray - 5555008 on page 81) 12 5555002 Yes Right Side Cover (see 3.2.3 Right Side Cover - 5555002 on page 101) 13 5555003 Yes Left Side Cover (see 3.2.4 Left Side Cover - 5555003 on page 102) 14 5555006 Yes Front Cover Right (see 3.2.5 Front Cover Right - 5555006 on page 103) 15 5555007 Yes Front Cover Left (see 3.2.6 Front Cover Left - 5555007 on page 105) 16 5555011 Yes Front Bin (see 3.4.2 Front Bin - 5555011 on page 116) 17 5555012 Yes Front Bin Window (see 3.4.3 Front Bin Window - 5555012 on page 118) 18 5555013 Yes Front bin hold down Right (see 3.4.4 Front Bin Hold Down Right - 5555013 on page 119) 19 5555014 Yes Front Bin Hold Down Left (see 3.4.5 Front Bin Hold Down Left - 5555014 on page 120) 20 5555015 Yes Wipes Hold Down Support (see 3.1.4 Wipes Hold Down Support - 5555015 on page 85) 21 5555017 Yes Top External Cabling Exit Cover (see 3.2.7 Top External Cabling Exit Cover - 5555017 on page 107) 22 5555018 Yes Bottom External Cabling Exit Cover (see 3.2.8 Bottom External Cabling Exit Cover - 5555018 on page 108) 23 5555022 Yes Column Skirt Front (see 3.2.9 Column Skirt Front - 5555022 on page 109) 24 5555023 Yes Column Skirt Rear (see 3.2.10 Column Skirt Rear - 5555023 on page 110) 26 5406506 Yes Front bin filler blank (see 3.4.6 Front Bin Filler Blank - 5406506 on page 121) 27 5406507 Yes Back-up tether filler blank - Optima XR200amx only (see 3.4.7 Back-up Tether Filler Blank - 5406507 on page 122) 28 5505500 Yes Tube Cover Assembly (see 3.3.1 Tube cover assembly - 5505500 on page 113) 29 5555004-1 5555004-3 Yes Yes Analog Bin Assembly - Optima XR200amx only (see 2.4.1 Analog Bin Assembly - 5555004-1 on page 64) Digital Bin Assembly - Optima XR220amx only (see 3.4.1 Digital Bin Assembly - 5555004-3 on page 114) 30 5331287 Yes PC - Single Board Computer for X-Ray Mobile with six USB ports, two 1000Mbps Ethernet ports, LVDS display output, 802.11n miniPCI card 31 5426915 Yes Ethernet Jack 34 5390144-3 Yes Wireless USB Host Radio Board - Optima XR220amx only 35 5419392 Yes Detector Power Supply Assembly - Optima XR220amx only 36 3002-M2P5C-04 No Hexagon Prevailing Torque Nut, ISO7040, M2.5-0.45, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener - Optima XR220amx only 37 5389155 Yes FlashPad Tether with Plug Asm, 4m - Optima XR220amx only 38 5136461 Yes USB External DVD, CD- RW device See Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 on page 133 Chapter 1 Optima Top Level Assembly Page 25 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 1-1 Optima XR200amx/XR220amx, US and International, 15kW (5555000-3, -5) & 30kW (5555000-4, -6) Mark No. Part No. FRU 40 5486036-5 No Clamp - cable, 9.5 dia, P type, steel with zinc finish, RoHS compliant 41 5503013 Yes Cable Clamp 42 1000-M5C020-07 Yes Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M5-0.8, X20mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 43 1000-M5C025-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M5-0.8, X25mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 44 5367724 Yes Whip antenna for hospital wireless 802.11 (see 3.5.1 Whip antenna/SMA coaxial connector on page 127) 45 5367723 Yes Reverse Polarity SMA coaxial RF cable (see 3.5.2 Reverse Polarity SMA coaxial RF cable - 5367723 on page 128) 46 5409599 Yes USB Keyboard 47 5409778-6 5409779-9 Yes Yes SW Collector for the Optima XR200amx, the Digital Ready configuration available through the SuperBee Program - Optima XR200amx only SW Collector for the Optima XR220amx, the Digital configuration available through the SuperBee Program - Optima XR220amx only 50 5399422 No USB Bulkhead (see 3.1.2 USB Bulkhead - 5399422 on page 83) 51 5406430 Yes Rear bin mounting bracket Analog - Optima XR200amx only 52 5555016 Yes Kick Plate (see 3.2.11 Kick Plate - 5555016 on page 111) 53 5406840 Yes Hold Down Strap (see 3.2.2 Hold Down Strap - 5406840 on page 100) 54 5406217 No kickplate bracket 55 5412632 No HV Cable Ferrite 56 5429442 No M5x20 socket head cap screw, low head 57 5411614 No ANTENNA BOARD BRACKET - Optima XR220amx only 58 5395666 No UWB bd spacer - Optima XR220amx only 60 1008-M4P8C016-29 1008-M4P8C019-29 No No Hexagon Head Tapping Screw, ISO 1479, ST 4,8 X 19mm Long, Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener - Optima XR200amx only Hexagon Head Tapping Screw, ISO 1479, ST 4,8 X 16mm Long, Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener - Optima XR220amx only 61 1000-M6C012-04 Yes Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M6-1, X12mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 62 3000-M6C-04 No Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M6-1.0, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 63 2000-M6-03 No Flat Washer, ISO7089, M6, Steel 200HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener (30kW systems only) 64 2203-M6-07 No Curved Lock Washer, DIN 128A, M6, Spring Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener (30kW systems only) 65 1000-M4C008-04 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X8mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 66 2000-M4-02 Yes Flat Washer, ISO7089, M4, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 67 5375925 Yes FRU AUX MODULE 30kW (30kW systems only) 68 5150675 Yes Flat Field Phantom - Optima XR220amx only 69 1008-M4P8C013-29 No Hexagon Head Tapping Screw, ISO 1479, ST 4,8 X 13mm Long, Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener - Optima XR220amx only 70 46-279773P1 Yes IEC ON SYMBOL 71 46-279772P1 Yes IEC OFF SYMBOL 72 46-302200P9 No BLANK RATING PLATE FOR SERIAL NO ETC 73 5409936 No Tip Warning Label 74 5410372 No Voltage Warning Label 75 5407019-5 5407019-4 No No Optima XR200amx System Label Optima XR220amx System Label 76 5407387 No washer, tether button - Optima XR200amx only 78 5419764 No Flange socket button head screw - M5 X 12 long Page 26 Description Chapter 1 Optima Top Level Assembly GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 1-1 Optima XR200amx/XR220amx, US and International, 15kW (5555000-3, -5) & 30kW (5555000-4, -6) Mark No. Part No. FRU Description 79 46-252635P7 Yes .25 NOM., PLAIN WASHER 80 5421364 No Ferrite 46 ROUND CABLE CORE ASSEMBLY - Optima XR220amx only 81 5486035-8 Yes Cushioned cable clamp, 15.9mm diameter, RoHS Compliant 90 5503002 Yes Aux Box to Rotor Jumper Cable 91 5421994-2 No UWB System Label - Optima XR220amx only 92 5503005 Yes Col Bulkhead to DAP Cable Assembly - Optima XR220amx only 93 5423408 No Security Torx M4x10 Buttonhead Fastener 94 5406517 No front cover thimble 95 5423674 No M6x10 Lo-head SHCS A2 SS 96 5503011 No HV Cable Collector (see Section 5.4 HV Cable Collector - 5503011 on page 192) 97 5503017-2 No External cabling tie wrap (see FRU part number = 5479307 Qty 100) 98 5414029 Yes gimp seal - left hand 99 5414030 Yes gimp seal - right hand 100 46-220312P1 Yes LOCTITE SUPERBONDER 416, 1 OZ (28.4G) BOTTLE, 12 MONTH SHELF LIFE FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT FROM THE MANUFACTURER. (REV, TK, 1/92). 101 5557001 Yes Cable Assy- Spyder to Hornet 111 5557011 Yes Cable Assy - LVLE2 to DPM-PC 112 5557012 Yes Cable Assy- Spyder to PC 141 5557041 Yes Cable Assy - DPM to PC-Backup Tether - Optima XR220amx only 150 5557050 Yes Cable Assy - Spyder to PC USB 151 5557051 Yes Cable Assy - PC to Ethernet Bulkhead 152 5557052 Yes Cable Assy - PC to USB Bulkhead 154 5557054 Yes Cable Assy - PC to UWB Antenna - Optima XR220amx only 155 5557055 Yes Cable Assy- Caterpillar to Detector Park Switch - Optima XR220amx only 165 5557065 Yes Ground cable Top Cover to Chassis 166 5557066 Yes Cable Asm - Detector Power Supply to Detector charge - Optima XR220amx only 172 5557072 Yes Cable Asm - DPS to 5557066 - Optima XR220amx only 200 5451000-12 Yes Firmware USB Dongle for OptimaXR220amx and OptimaXR200amx 201 5434448 Yes Label- Optima Spyder Board 202 5449450 No eIFU Label 203 5410372-2 Yes Voltage Warning Label - French 204 5492661 No Optima XR200amx LATAM Label 205 5453234 Yes Superbee Cable Cover with Zippers None 5393547 Yes ACCESS COVER, DOCKING CONNECTOR None 5399683 Yes HARDWARE KIT FOR SUPERBEE None 5409524 Yes Cord Reel Plug US (see 3.1.3 Cord Reel Plug, US - 5409524 on page 84) None 5409712 Yes Fuse - Filter Kit None 5557058 Yes Cable Assy- Spyder Dose Reporting to USB Bulkhead See Table 1-2 5399683, HARDWARE KIT FOR SUPERBEE on page 28 for kit contents See Table 1-3 5409712, Fuse - Filter Kit on page 29 for kit contents Chapter 1 Optima Top Level Assembly Page 27 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 1-1 Optima XR200amx/XR220amx, US and International, 15kW (5555000-3, -5) & 30kW (5555000-4, -6) Mark No. Part No. FRU Description None 5150092 Yes USB wireless bar code reader - Optima XR220amx and Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade only None 5443804 Yes USB cable for bar code reader - Optima XR220amx and Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade only None 5479307 Yes Collector of cable ties (Qty. 100) Table 1-2 5399683, HARDWARE KIT FOR SUPERBEE Part No. Qty Description 1000-M4C008-04 24 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X8mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 1000-M4C030-07 2 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X30mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 1000-M4C035-07 4 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X35mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide RoHS Fastener 1000-M4C010-07 34 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X10mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 1000-M5C016-07 16 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M5-0.8, X16mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 1000-M6C016-07 16 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M6-1, X16mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 1000-M6C020-04 6 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M6-1, X20mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 1004-M6C020-31 3 Hexagon Socket C-Sunk Head Screw, M6-1, X20mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener 1040-M10C025-27 1 Hexagon Set Screw with Cup Point, M10-1.5, X25mm Long, Grade 45H Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 1000-M12C025-07 1 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M12-1.75, X25mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 2000-M4-02 2 Flat Washer, ISO7089, M4, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 2000-M5-02 2 Flat Washer, ISO7089, M5, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 2000-M6-02 6 Flat Washer, ISO7089, M6, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 2203-M4-07 5 Curved Lock Washer, DIN 128A, M4, Spring Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 2203-M6-07 2 Curved Lock Washer, DIN 128A, M6, Spring Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 2106-M5-14 8 Spring Lock Washer with Flat Ends JIS B1251, M5, Spring Stainless Steel, Rohs Fastener 3000-M10C-04 10 Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M10-1.5, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 3000-M4C-04 13 Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M4-0.7, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 3000-M5C-04 4 Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M5-0.5, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 3000-M6C-04 6 Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M6-1.0, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 5370272 6 hex standoff, m-f, 20 mm long, m4 5384944 2 M2.5 X 0.45 X 4mm flat socket, 18-8 stainless, McMaster-Carr 92125A082 2108663-4 1 CLAMP,CLOSED/CABL D9.5X9.5 METAL M4 2193201 1 SCREW DIN7991 M4X8/6 A4-70 1007-M3C016-31 4 Phillips Pan Head Screw, ISO 7045, M3-0.5, X16mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener 1003-M3C008-31 4 Hexagon Socket Button Head Screw, M3-0.5, X8mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener 1003-M3C006-31 4 Hexagon Socket Button Head Screw, M3-0.5, X6mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener 1000-M5C020-07 2 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M5-0.8, X20mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 1000-M5C025-07 2 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M5-0.8, X25mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 1003-M4C006-31 4 Hexagon Socket Button Head Screw, M4-0.7, X6mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener Page 28 Chapter 1 Optima Top Level Assembly GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 1-2 5399683, HARDWARE KIT FOR SUPERBEE Part No. Qty Description 5423408 4 Security Torx M4x10 Buttonhead Fastener 5423674 2 M6x10 Lo-head SHCS A2 SS 5419764 10 Flange socket button head screw - M5 X 12 long 1004-M6C016-22 3 Hexagon Socket C-Sunk Head Screw, M6-1, X16mm Long, Grade10.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 5406517 2 front cover thimble 5486036-5 1 Clamp - cable, 9.5 dia, P type, steel with zinc finish, 5427920 1 Torx Bit 1004-M8C016-22 1 M8 x 16 Flat head 1008-M4P8C013-29 2 Hexagon Head Tapping Screw, ISO 1479, ST 4,8 X 13mm Long, Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 5429442 8 M5x20 socket head cap screw, low head 46-252635P7 8 .25 NOM., PLAIN WASHER 1008-M4P8C016-29 10 Hexagon Head Tapping Screw, ISO 1479, ST 4,8 X 16mm Long, Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener Table 1-3 5409712, Fuse - Filter Kit Part No. Qty Description 5351707 1 Single Phase AC Line EMI Filter 5392168 2 3AG fuse holder, 250V rated, 20A rated, 2000V dielectric strength min, UL94V0 rated 5392167 4 Ceramic Fuse, 250VAC, 15A, Fast Action, 6.3mm x 32mm 5341181 2 PROTECTION FUSE, 3A, TIME DELAY, 300VDC, 600VAC, CARTRIDGE 5306477 4 PROTECTION FUSE, 8A, TIME DELAY, 300VDC, 600VAC, CARTRIDGE 5306477-3 3 PROTECTION FUSE, 15A, TIME DELAY, 300VDC, 600VAC, CARTRIDGE 5184715-3 2 FUSE, TIME DELAY, 5X20MM, 3.15A IEC, 250V, 1.5KA INTERRUPT, CERAMIC, UL REC Table 1-4 Software Collector and Firmware dongle for Optima XR220amx for VA Part No. FRU Description 5409779-11 Yes Software Collector for Optima XR220amx for VA 5451000-15 Yes Firmware USB Dongle for Optima XR220amx and XR200amx Chapter 1 Optima Top Level Assembly Page 29 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Page 30 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Chapter 1 Optima Top Level Assembly GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Section 2.1 Base State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.1.1 Breaker tray - 5555008 Approved Document - 5555008DDW_r8.pdf Page 2 of 3 Figure 2-1 Breaker tray - 5555008 Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 31 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.1.2 USB Bulkhead, Analog - 5399422-2 Approved Document - 5399422DDW_r3.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 2-2 USB Bulkhead, Analog - 5399422-2 Page 32 Section 2.1 Base GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST 2.1.3 Cord Reel Plug, US - 5409524 Figure 2-3 Cord Reel Plug, US - 5409524 Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 33 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.1.4 Wipes Hold Down Support - 5555015 Figure 2-4 Wipes Hold Down Support - 5555015 Page 34 Section 2.1 Base GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Section 2.2 Covers 2.2.1 Top Cover HLA, Optima, United States - 5555005-8 Figure 2-5 Top Cover HLA, Optima, United States - 5555005-8ADW_r2_s1 Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 35 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Figure 2-6 Top Cover HLA, Optima, United States - 5555005-8ADW_r2_s2 Page 36 Section 2.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Figure 2-7 Top Cover HLA, Optima, United States - 5555005-8ADW_r2_s3 Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 37 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Figure 2-8 Top Cover HLA, Optima, United States - 5555005-8ADW_r2_s4 Page 38 Section 2.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Figure 2-9 Top Cover HLA, Optima, United States - 5555005-8ADW_r2_s5 Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 39 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Table 2-1 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Top Cover HLA, Optima, United States - 5555005-8 Mark No. Part No. FRU? Description 1 1000-M4C010-31 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X10mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener 2 1000-M3C006-31 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M3-0.5, X6mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener 3 5404040 No Display Inverter 4 5412745 No Sheet metal display bracket left 5 5412744 No Sheet Metal Display Bracket Right 6 5411274 No Bar Graph Seal 7 5412785 No Drive login sheet metal bracket 8 5412786 No Drive login electrode retainer 9 5412787 No Window glass adhesive film 10 5412746 No Sheet metal bracket pcb 12 5368309 Yes Top Cover (see Top Cover - 5368309 on page 42) 13 5391117 Yes Power Switch Assembly (see Power Switch Assembly - 5391117 on page 43) 14 5391109 Yes Overlay Board Assembly 15 5404038 No TFT Color LCD Module 38cm 15.0 type XGA LVDS Interface 1port 16 5390076 No Overlay Touchscreen Assembly - Optima - United States 17 2000-M4-16 No External Toothed Lock Washer, DIN 6797A, M4, A2 Stainless Steel, RoHS Fastener 18 2204-M3-16 No External Toothed Lock Washer, DIN 6797A, M3, A2 Stainless Steel, RoHS Fastener 19 5412754 No Screw CBLX M3x6 20 2000-M3-10 No Flat Washer, ISO7089, M3, Stainless Steel 140HV, RoHS Fastener 21 5350004-2 Yes Hornet Display Module Board -2 variation 22 5378852 No Drive Login Electrode Board PWA 23 5390080 No Drive Login Lightpipe Assembly - Glass Windows 24 5378850 Yes Drive Login Active Board PWA (see Drive Login Active Board PWA - 5378850 on page 47) 25 5412994 No Adhesive Electrode Board + 2 Liner 26 5557018 Yes Cable Assy - Hornet to Display 28 5557028 Yes Cable Assy - Hornet to Inverter 29 5557029 Yes Cable Assy - Hornet to Overlay Board 30 5557034 Yes Cable Assy - Drive Login to Overlay Board 31 5413000 No CABLE GROUND 32 5416426 No Hornet EMC Sheet Metal Enclosure 33 3003-M4C-04 Yes Hexagon Nut with Lock Washer, M4-0.7, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 34 5417868 No Cable clamp 35 5417873 No Flat cable clamp 36 5417896 No flat tie holder 37 1000-M4C012-04 Yes Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X12mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener. Page 40 Section 2.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Table 2-1 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Top Cover HLA, Optima, United States - 5555005-8 Mark No. Part No. FRU? Description 38 46-220312P1 Yes LOCTITE SUPERBONDER 416, 1 OZ (28.4G) BOTTLE 39 5420683 No Ferrite 40 5421209 No Ferrite 60 5423145 No gasket 5394460 Yes Display and Inverter Collector (see Display and Inverter Collector - 5394460 on page 48) 5394459 Yes Drive Login Active Board Collector (see Drive Login Active Board Collector - 5394459 on page 46) Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 41 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Top Cover - 5368309 Approved Document - 5368309DDW_r6.pdf Page 4 of 4 Figure 2-10 Top Cover - 5368309 Page 42 Section 2.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: COMPLETE - Production parts may not be defined by this document; it is an uneditable finished draft. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Power Switch Assembly - 5391117 Figure 2-11 Power Switch Assembly - 5391117 Table 2-2 Power Switch Assembly - 5391117 Mark No. Part No. FRU? Description 1 5391118 No Power Switch Diffuser 2 5391119 No Power Switch Pushbutton Cover 3 5391120 No Power Switch Locknut 4 5404004 No Power Switch 5 5557044 Yes Cable Assy - Power Switch Pigtail Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 43 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Overlay Board Assembly - 5391109 5391109 THIS DRAWING WAS MADE BY DELTATECH CONTROLS FOR GE HEALTHCARE. Approved Document - 5391109ADW_r2.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 2-12 Overlay Board Assembly - 5391109 Page 44 Section 2.2 Covers Overlay Board Assembly 02 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Hornet Display Module Board PWA - 5350004-2 Figure 2-13 Hornet Display Module Board PWA - 5350004ADW Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 45 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Drive Login Active Board Collector - 5394459 Table 2-3 Drive Login Active Board Collector - 5394459 Mark No. Part No. FRU Description 1 5378850 No Drive Login Active Board PWA, see Drive Login Active Board PWA - 5378850 on page 47 2 5557034 Yes Cable Assy - Drive Login to Overlay Board 3 5412785 No Drive login sheet metal bracket 4 1000-M3C006-31 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M3-0.5, X6mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener 5 2000-M3-10 No Flat Washer, ISO7089, M3, Stainless Steel 140HV, RoHS Fastener Page 46 Section 2.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Drive Login Active Board PWA - 5378850 Figure 2-14 Drive Login Active Board PWA - 5378850 (1/2) Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 47 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Figure 2-15 Drive Login Active Board PWA - 5378850 (2/2) Display and Inverter Collector - 5394460 Table 2-4 Display and Inverter Collector - 5394460 Mark No. Part No. FRU Description 1 5404038 No TFT Color LCD Module 38cm 15.0 type XGA LVDS Interface 1port 2 5404040 No Display Inverter 3 5412745 No Sheet metal display bracket left 4 5412744 No Sheet Metal Display Bracket Right Page 48 Section 2.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Table 2-4 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Display and Inverter Collector - 5394460 Mark No. Part No. FRU Description 5 1000-M3C006-04 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M3-0.5, X6mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 6 2000-M3-02 No Flat Washer, ISO7089, M3, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 49 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.2.2 Hold Down Strap - 5406840 Approved Document - 5406840DDW_r4.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 2-16 Hold Down Strap - 5406840 Page 50 Section 2.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.2.3 Right Side Cover - 5555002 Approved Document - 5555002ADW_r9.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 2-17 Right Side Cover - 5555002 Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 51 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.2.4 Left Side Cover - 5555003 [ Approved Document - 5555003ADW_r9.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 2-18 Left Side Cover - 5555003 Page 52 Section 2.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.2.5 Front Cover Right - 5555006 Approved Document - 5555006DDW_r10.pdf Page 2 of 3 Figure 2-19 Front Cover Right - 5555006 (1/2) Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 53 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Approved Document - 5555006DDW_r10.pdf Page 3 of 3 Figure 2-20 Front Cover Right - 5555006 (2/2) Page 54 Section 2.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.2.6 Front Cover Left - 5555007 Approved Document - 5555007DDW_r12.pdf Page 2 of 3 Figure 2-21 Front Cover Left - 5555007 (1/2) Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 55 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Approved Document - 5555007DDW_r12.pdf Page 3 of 3 Figure 2-22 Front Cover Left - 5555007 (2/2) Page 56 Section 2.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.2.7 Top External Cabling Exit Cover - 5555017 Approved Document - 5555017DDW_r4.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 2-23 Top External Cabling Exit Cover - 5555017 Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 57 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.2.8 Bottom External Cabling Exit Cover - 5555018 Approved Document 5555018DDW r3 pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 2-24 Bottom External Cabling Exit Cover - 5555018 Page 58 Section 2.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.2.9 Column Skirt Front - 5555022 Approved Document - 5555022DDW_r6.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 2-25 Column Skirt Front - 5555022 (1/2) Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 59 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.2.10 Column Skirt Rear - 5555023 Approved Document - 5555023DDW_r5.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 2-26 Column Skirt Rear - 5555023 Page 60 Section 2.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.2.11 Kick Plate - 5555016 Approved Document - 5555016DDW_r5.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 2-27 Kick Plate - 5555016 Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 61 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.2.12 Access Cover, Docking Connector - 5393547 Approved Document - 5393547DDW_r6.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 2-28 Access Cover, Docking Connector - 5393547 Page 62 Section 2.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Section 2.3 Tube State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.3.1 Tube cover assembly - 5505500 Approved Document - 5505500ADW_r1.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 2-29 Tube cover assembly - 5505500 Table 2-5 Tube cover assembly - 5505500 Mark No. Part No. FRU? Description 3 5507721 No Angle Indicator Assembly 9 1008-M4P8C016-29 No Hexagon Head Tapping Screw, ISO 1479, ST 4,8 X 16mm Long, Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 10 1000-M4C010-07 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X10mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener No Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 63 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Section 2.4 Bin 2.4.1 Analog Bin Assembly - 5555004-1 Figure 2-30 Analog Bin Assembly - 5555004-1 Table 2-6 Analog Bin Assembly - 5555004-1 Mark No. Part No. FRU? Description 1 5394404 No Analog Bin Weldment 2 5396888 No Analog Bin Cover 3 5398416 No Analog Bin Cushion 4 5398418 No Analog Bin Mat 5 1004-M4C008-22 No Hexagon Socket C-Sunk Head Screw, M4-0.7, X8mm Long, Grade10.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 6 1000-M4C020-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X20mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 7 46-270240P1 Yes AMX 4 - Spacer Plastic 8 5399160 No Storage Bin Assembly (see 2.4.9 Storage Bin Assembly - 5399160 on page 73) 9 2000-M4-02 No Flat Washer, ISO7089, M4, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 10 3000-M4C-04 No Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M4-0.7, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener Page 64 Section 2.4 Bin GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.4.2 Front Bin - 5555011 Approved Document - 5555011DDW_r8.pdf Page 2 of 3 Figure 2-31 Front Bin - 5555011 (1/2) Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 65 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Approved Document - 5555011DDW_r8.pdf Page 3 of 3 Figure 2-32 Front Bin - 5555011 (2/2) Page 66 Section 2.4 Bin GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.4.3 Front Bin Window - 5555012 Approved Document - 5555012DDW_r7.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 2-33 Front Bin Window - 5555012 Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 67 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.4.4 Front Bin Hold Down Right - 5555013 Approved Document - 5555013DDW_r5.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 2-34 Front Bin Hold Down Right - 5555013 Page 68 Section 2.4 Bin GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.4.5 Front Bin Hold Down Left - 5555014 Approved Document - 5555014DDW_r5.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 2-35 Front Bin Hold Down Left - 5555014 Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 69 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.4.6 Wipes Hold Down Support - 5555015 Approved Document - 5555015DDW_r10.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 2-36 Wipes Hold Down Support - 5555015 Page 70 Section 2.4 Bin GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.4.7 Front Bin Filler Blank - 5406506 Approved Document - 5406506DDW_r6.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 2-37 Front Bin Filler Blank - 5406506 Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 71 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.4.8 Back-up Tether Filler Blank - 5406507 Approved Document - 5406507DDW_r6.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 2-38 Back-up Tether Filler Blank - 5406507 Page 72 Section 2.4 Bin GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST 2.4.9 Storage Bin Assembly - 5399160 Figure 2-39 Storage Bin Assembly - 5399160 Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 73 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Table 2-7 Mark No. Page 74 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Storage Bin Assembly - 5399160 Part No. FRU? Description 5399180 No Storage Bin 5402020 Yes Door Assy, Storage Compartment (see Door Assy, Storage Compartment - 5402020 on page 75) 5402021 Yes Storage Compartment Latch 5402022 Yes Storage Compartment Hinge 1000-M5C012-04 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M5-0.8, X12mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 3000-M4C-04 No Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M4-0.7, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 3000-M5C-04 No Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M5-0.5, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 46-170686P1 Yes Loctite 242, 0.5CC tube 12 month shelf life from date of shipment from manufacturer Section 2.4 Bin GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Door Assy, Storage Compartment - 5402020 Approved Document - 5402020ADW_r3.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 2-40 Door Assy, Storage Compartment - 5402020 Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 75 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: COMPLETE - Production parts may not be defined by this document; it is an uneditable finished draft. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.4.10 Rear bin mounting bracket Analog - 5406430 Figure 2-41 Rear bin mounting bracket, Analog - 5406430 Page 76 Section 2.4 Bin GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.4.11 Access Cover, Docking Connector - 5393547 Approved Document - 5393547DDW_r6.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 2-42 Access Cover, Docking Connector - 5393547 Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 77 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Section 2.5 PC 2.5.1 Whip antenna for 802.11abgn wireless/SMA coaxial connector with swivel mount - 5367724 Figure 2-43 Whip antenna for 802.11abgn wireless/SMA coaxial connector with swivel mount - 5367724 Page 78 Section 2.5 PC GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 2.5.2 Reverse Polarity SMA coaxial RF cable - 5367723 Approved Document - 5367723DDW_r1.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 2-44 Reverse Polarity SMA coaxial RF cable - 5367723 Chapter 2 Optima XR200amx Drawings Page 79 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Page 80 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Section 2.5 PC GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Section 3.1 Base State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3.1.1 Breaker tray - 5555008 Approved Document - 5555008DDW_r8.pdf Page 2 of 3 Figure 3-1 Breaker tray - 5555008 (1/2) Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 81 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Approved Document - 5555008DDW_r8.pdf Page 3 of 3 Figure 3-2 Breaker tray - 5555008 (2/2) Page 82 Section 3.1 Base GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3.1.2 USB Bulkhead - 5399422 Approved Document - 5399422DDW_r3.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 3-3 USB Bulkhead - 5399422 Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 83 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST 3.1.3 Cord Reel Plug, US - 5409524 Figure 3-4 Cord Reel Plug, US - 5409524 Page 84 Section 3.1 Base GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3.1.4 Wipes Hold Down Support - 5555015 Figure 3-5 Wipes Hold Down Support - 5555015 Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 85 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Section 3.2 Covers 3.2.1 Top Cover HLA, Optima, United States - 5555005-8 Figure 3-6 Top Cover HLA, Optima, United States - 5555005-8_r1_s1 Page 86 Section 3.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Figure 3-7 Top Cover HLA, Optima, United States - 5555005-8_r1_s2 Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 87 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Figure 3-8 Top Cover HLA, Optima, United States - 5555005-8_r1_s3 Page 88 Section 3.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Figure 3-9 Top Cover HLA, Optima, United States - 5555005-8_r1_s4 Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 89 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Figure 3-10 Top Cover HLA, Optima, United States - 5555005-8_r1_s5 Page 90 Section 3.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Table 3-1 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Top Cover HLA, Optima, United States - 5555005-8 Mark No. Part No. FRU? Description 1 1000-M4C010-31 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X10mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener 2 1000-M3C006-31 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M3-0.5, X6mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener 3 5404040 No Display Inverter 4 5412745 No Sheet metal display bracket left 5 5412744 No Sheet Metal Display Bracket Right 6 5411274 No Bar Graph Seal 7 5412785 No Drive login sheet metal bracket 8 5412786 No Drive login electrode retainer 9 5412787 No Window glass adhesive film 10 5412746 No Sheet metal bracket pcb 12 5368309 Yes Top Cover (see Top Cover - 5368309 on page 93) 13 5391117 Yes Power Switch Assembly (see Power Switch Assembly - 5391117 on page 94) 14 5391109 Yes Overlay Board Assembly 15 5404038 No TFT Color LCD Module 38cm 15.0 type XGA LVDS Interface 1port 16 5390076 No Overlay Touchscreen Assembly - Optima - United States 17 2204-M4-16 No External Toothed Lock Washer, DIN 6797A, M4, A2 Stainless Steel, RoHS Fastener 18 2204-M3-16 No External Toothed Lock Washer, DIN 6797A, M3, A2 Stainless Steel, RoHS Fastener 19 5412754 No Screw CBLX M3x6 20 2000-M3-10 No Flat Washer, ISO7089, M3, Stainless Steel 140HV, RoHS Fastener 21 5350004-2 Yes Hornet Display Module Board -2 variation (see Hornet Display Module Board PWA - 5350004-2 on page 96) 22 5378852 No Drive Login Electrode Board PWA 23 5390080 No Drive Login Lightpipe Assembly - Glass Windows 24 5378850 No Drive Login Active Board PWA (see Drive Login Active Board Collector - 5394459 on page 97) 25 5412994 No Adhesive Electrode Board + 2 Liner 27 5557018 Yes Cable Assy - Hornet to Display 28 5557028 Yes Cable Assy - Hornet to Inverter 29 5557029 Yes Cable Assy - Hornet to Overlay Board 30 5557034 Yes Cable Assy - Drive Login to Overlay Board 31 5413000 No Cable Ground 32 5416426 No Hornet EMC Sheet Metal Enclosure 33 3003-M4C-04 Yes Hexagon Nut with Lock Washer, M4-0.7, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 34 5417868 No Cable clamp 35 5417873 No Flat cable clamp 36 5417896 No Flat tie holder 37 1000-M4C012-04 Yes Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X12mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 91 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Table 3-1 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Top Cover HLA, Optima, United States - 5555005-8 Mark No. Part No. FRU? Description 38 46-220312P1 Yes "LOCTITE SUPERBONDER 416, 1 OZ (28.4G) BOTTLE 12 MONTH SHELF LIFE FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT FROM THE MANUFACTURER. (REV, TK, 1/92)." 39 5420683 No Ferrite 40 5421209 No Ferrite 60 5423145 No gasket - 5394459 Yes Drive Login Active Board Collector (see Drive Login Active Board Collector - 5394459 on page 97) - 5394460 Yes Display and Inverter Collector (see Display and Inverter Collector - 5394460 on page 99) Page 92 Section 3.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Top Cover - 5368309 Approved Document - 5368309DDW_r6.pdf Page 4 of 4 Figure 3-11 Top Cover - 5368309 Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 93 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: COMPLETE - Production parts may not be defined by this document; it is an uneditable finished draft. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Power Switch Assembly - 5391117 Figure 3-12 Power Switch Assembly - 5391117 Table 3-2 Power Switch Assembly - 5391117 Mark No. Part No. FRU? Description 1 5391118 No Power Switch Diffuser 2 5391119 No Power Switch Pushbutton Cover 3 5391120 No Power Switch Locknut 4 5404004 No Power Switch 5 5557044 Yes Cable Assy - Power Switch Pigtail Page 94 Section 3.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Overlay Board Assembly - 5391109 5391109 THIS DRAWING WAS MADE BY DELTATECH CONTROLS FOR GE HEALTHCARE. 02 Overlay Board Assembly Approved Document - 5391109ADW_r2.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 3-13 Overlay Board Assembly - 5391109 Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 95 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Hornet Display Module Board PWA - 5350004-2 o Figure 3-14 Hornet Display Module Board PWA - 5350004-2 Page 96 Section 3.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Drive Login Active Board Collector - 5394459 Table 3-3 Drive Login Active Board Collector - 5394459 Mark No. Part No. FRU Description 1 5378850 No Drive Login Active Board PWA, see Drive Login Active Board Collector - 5394459 on page 97 2 5557034 Yes Cable Assy - Drive Login to Overlay Board 3 5412785 No Drive login sheet metal bracket 4 1000-M3C006-31 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M3-0.5, X6mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener 5 2000-M3-10 No Flat Washer, ISO7089, M3, Stainless Steel 140HV, RoHS Fastener Figure 3-15 Drive Login Active Board PWA - 5378850 (1/2) Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 97 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Figure 3-16 Drive Login Active Board PWA - 5378850 (2/2) Page 98 Section 3.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Display and Inverter Collector - 5394460 Table 3-4 Display and Inverter Collector - 5394460 Mark No. Part No. FRU Description 1 5404038 No TFT Color LCD Module 38cm 15.0 type XGA LVDS Interface 1port 2 5404040 No Display Inverter 3 5412745 No Sheet metal display bracket left 4 5412744 No Sheet Metal Display Bracket Right 5 1000-M3C006-04 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M3-0.5, X6mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 6 2000-M3-02 No Flat Washer, ISO7089, M3, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 99 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3.2.2 Hold Down Strap - 5406840 Approved Document - 5406840DDW_r4.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 3-17 Hold Down Strap - 5406840 Page 100 Section 3.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3.2.3 Right Side Cover - 5555002 Approved Document - 5555002ADW_r9.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 3-18 Right Side Cover - 5555002 Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 101 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3.2.4 Left Side Cover - 5555003 Approved Document - 5555003ADW_r9.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 3-19 Left Side Cover - 5555003 Page 102 Section 3.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3.2.5 Front Cover Right - 5555006 Figure 3-20 Front Cover Right - 5555006 (1/2) Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 103 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Approved Document - 5555006DDW_r10.pdf Page 3 of 3 Figure 3-21 Front Cover Right - 5555006 (2/2) Page 104 Section 3.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3.2.6 Front Cover Left - 5555007 Figure 3-22 Front Cover Left - 5555007 (1/2) Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 105 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Approved Document - 5555007DDW_r12.pdf Page 3 of 3 Figure 3-23 Front Cover Left - 5555007 (2/2) Page 106 Section 3.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3.2.7 Top External Cabling Exit Cover - 5555017 Approved Document - 5555017DDW_r4.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 3-24 Top External Cabling Exit Cover - 5555017 Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 107 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3.2.8 Bottom External Cabling Exit Cover - 5555018 Figure 3-25 Bottom External Cabling Exit Cover - 5555018 Page 108 Section 3.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3.2.9 Column Skirt Front - 5555022 Approved Document - 5555022DDW_r6.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 3-26 Column Skirt Front - 5555022 Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 109 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3.2.10 Column Skirt Rear - 5555023 Figure 3-27 Column Skirt Rear - 5555023 Page 110 Section 3.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3.2.11 Kick Plate - 5555016 Approved Document - 5555016DDW_r5.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 3-28 Kick Plate - 5555016 Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 111 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3.2.12 Access Cover, Docking Connector - 5393547 Figure 3-29 Access Cover, Docking Connector - 5393547 Page 112 Section 3.2 Covers GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Section 3.3 Tube State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3.3.1 Tube cover assembly - 5505500 Approved Document - 5505500ADW_r1.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 3-30 Tube cover assembly - 5505500 Table 3-5 Tube cover assembly - 5505500 Mark No. Part No. FRU? Description 3 5507721 No Angle Indicator Assembly 9 1008-M4P8C016-29 No Hexagon Head Tapping Screw, ISO 1479, ST 4,8 X 16mm Long, Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 10 1000-M4C010-07 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X10mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener No Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 113 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Section 3.4 Bin 3.4.1 Digital Bin Assembly - 5555004-3 For Optima XR220amx and Optima XR200amx with digital upgrade systems only. Figure 3-31 Digital Bin Assembly - 5555004-3 Page 114 Section 3.4 Bin GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Table 3-6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Digital Bin Assembly - 5555004-3 Mark No. Part No. FRU? Description 1 5393540 No Digital Bin Weldment 2 5393543-2 No Injection Molded Bin Lower Rail 3 5393542-3 No Injection Molded Bin Side Rails 4 5454666 Yes Charging Connector Assembly 5 5557056 Yes Cable Assy- Detector Park Switch to Bulkhead 6 5397273 Yes Detector Bin Park Switch 7 5443673 No Divider Plate 8 5393545 No COVER, DIGITAL BIN 9 5393547 Yes ACCESS COVER, DOCKING CONNECTOR 10 5396367 Yes Shock Absorber 11 5398416-2 No Digital Bin Cushion 12 5398418-2 No Digital Bin Mat 13 1004-M4C008-22 No Hexagon Socket C-Sunk Head Screw, M4-0.7, X8mm Long, Grade10.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 15 5398402 No Rubber Bumper 16 1004-M4C020-22 No Hexagon Socket C-Sunk Head Screw, M4-0.7, X20mm Long, Grade10.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 17 3000-M4C-04 Yes Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M4-0.7, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 18 5399160 No STORAGE BIN ASSEMBLY 19 2000-M4-02 Yes Flat Washer, ISO7089, M4, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 24 5460146 No M14 THIN FINE THREAD NUT - 22MM ACROSS FLATS - 1.5 MM PITCH 25 5462412 No 4 MM PLAS-TITE SCREW 8 MM LONG BINDING HEAD PHILLIPS TYPE WN1412PT10 SAME AS BN13577 EXACT PART Article No. 2000474 26 5449321 No 4 MM PLAS-TITE SCREW 8 MM LONG FLAT HEAD PHILLIPS TYPE WN1413PT10 SAME AS BN13576 EXACT PART Article No. 2001365 Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 115 State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Page 116 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM PARTS LIST 3.4.2 Front Bin - 5555011 Figure 3-32 Front Bin - 5555011 (1/2) Section 3.4 Bin GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Approved Document - 5555011DDW_r8.pdf Page 3 of 3 Figure 3-33 Front Bin - 5555011 (2/2) Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 117 State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Page 118 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM PARTS LIST 3.4.3 Front Bin Window - 5555012 Figure 3-34 Front Bin Window - 5555012 Section 3.4 Bin GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3.4.4 Front Bin Hold Down Right - 5555013 Figure 3-35 Front Bin Hold Down Right - 5555013 Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 119 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3.4.5 Front Bin Hold Down Left - 5555014 Figure 3-36 Front Bin Hold Down Left - 5555014 Page 120 Section 3.4 Bin GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3.4.6 Front Bin Filler Blank - 5406506 Figure 3-37 Front Bin Filler Blank - 5406506 Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 121 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3.4.7 Back-up Tether Filler Blank - 5406507 Approved Document - 5406507DDW_r6.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 3-38 Back-up Tether Filler Blank - 5406507 Page 122 Section 3.4 Bin GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST 3.4.8 Storage Bin Assembly - 5399160 Figure 3-39 Storage Bin Assembly - 5399160 Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 123 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Table 3-7 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Storage Bin Assembly - 5399160 Mark No. Part No. FRU? Description 1 5399180 No Storage Bin 2 5402020 Yes Door Assy, Storage Compartment (see Door Assy, Storage Compartment - 5402020 on page 125) 3 5402021 Yes Storage Compartment Latch 4 5402022 Yes Storage Compartment Hinge 5 1000-M5C012-04 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M5-0.8, X12mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 6 3000-M4C-04 Yes Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M4-0.7, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 7 3000-M5C-04 No Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M5-0.5, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 8 46-170686P1 Yes Loctite 242, 0.5CC tube 12 month shelf life from date of shipment from manufacturer Page 124 Section 3.4 Bin GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Door Assy, Storage Compartment - 5402020 Figure 3-40 Door Assy, Storage Compartment - 5402020 Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 125 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3.4.9 Access Cover, Docking Connector - 5393547 Figure 3-41 Access Cover, Docking Connector - 5393547 Page 126 Section 3.4 Bin GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Section 3.5 PC 3.5.1 Whip antenna/SMA coaxial connector Figure 3-42 Whip antenna for 802.11abgn wireless/SMA coaxial connector with swivel mount - 5367724 Chapter 3 Optima XR220amx Drawings Page 127 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3.5.2 Reverse Polarity SMA coaxial RF cable - 5367723 Approved Document - 5367723DDW_r1.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 3-43 Reverse Polarity SMA coaxial RF cable - 5367723 Page 128 Section 3.5 PC GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Chapter 4 FlashPad detector and related components Table 4-1 FlashPad detector and related components Part No. FRU Description 5399000-3 Yes FlashPad detector - New (Rev 1 US, Canada, EU) See Figure 4-88. 5399000-4 Yes FlashPad detector - service (Rev 1 US, Canada, EU) See Figure 4-88. 5339900-5 Yes FlashPad detector - new (Rev 2 US, Canada, EU, Japan, Australia) See Figure 4-88. 5339900-6 Yes Flashpad detector - service (Rev 2 US, Canada, EU, Japan, Australia) See Figure 4-88. 5363606 Yes FlashPad Grid Holder Asm, 6:1 Ratio See Figure 4-89. 5436002 Yes FlashPad Docking Interface bd. See Figure 4-90. 5394471 Yes FlashPad Battery Charger See Figure 4-91. 5390144 Yes UWB Dongle (US Only) See Figure 4-92. 5390144-2 Yes UWB Dongle (US, Canada, EU) See Figure 4-92. 5390144-3 Yes UWB Dongle (US, Canada, EU, Japan, Australia) See Figure 4-92. 5389155 Yes FlashPad Tether with Plug Asm, 4m - Optima XR220amx only 5382000 Yes FlashPad Battery with cap Figure 4-1 FlashPad detector, 5399000-3, -4, -5, -6 Chapter 4 FlashPad detector and related components Page 129 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Figure 4-2 FlashPad Grid Holder Asm, 6:1 Ratio, 5363606 Figure 4-3 FlashPad docking interface board, 5436002 Page 130 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM PARTS LIST GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Figure 4-4 FlashPad Battery Charger, 5394471 Figure 4-5 UWB Dongle, 5390144, -2, -3 Chapter 4 FlashPad detector and related components Page 131 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Page 132 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM PARTS LIST GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Figure 5-1 5555001ADW_r5_s1 Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 133 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-1 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Mark No. Part No. FRU 1 5509900-3 No Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 on page 135 2 5507700 No Tube and Tube Mount 4 5129498 Yes Superbee manual Collimator 5 1004-M6C016-22 No Hexagon Socket C-Sunk Head Screw, M6-1, X16mm Long, Grade10.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 6 5503012 No Cable Mount Bracket at Tube Head 7 1004-M3C008-22 No Hexagon Socket C-Sunk Head Screw, M3-0.5, X8mm Long, Grade10.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 8 1004-M8C016-22 No Hexagon Socket C-Sunk Head Screw, M8-1.25, X16mm Long, Grade 10.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 9 5505065 No Carriage Cover Plate 10 5505044 No Column Top Cover 11 1003-M4C008-22 Yes Hexagon Socket Button Head Screw, M4-0.7, X8mm Long, Grade10.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 12 2000-M4-02 Yes Flat Washer, ISO7089, M4, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 13 5505116 No Safety Spring Spacer 14 1000-M4C016-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X16mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 16 5410374 No Column Pawl Warning Label 18 46-170684P1 Yes "LOCTITE 271, 0.5CC VIAL 12 MONTH SHELF LIFE FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT FROM THE MANUFACTURER" 19 5341550 No DJINN 15R DC 2P 20 1000-M6C012-04 Yes Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M6-1, X12mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 21 2000-M6-03 Yes Flat Washer, ISO7089, M6, Steel 200HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 22 2203-M6-07 Yes Curved Lock Washer, DIN 128A, M6, Spring Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 23 5394300 No Note: Page 134 Description See Section 5.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, See Section 5.2 Tube and Tube Mount - 5507700 on page 175 See Section 5.3 SuperBee Manual Collimator - 5129498 on page 177 Nylon Cable Tie, 140mm Long, 3.70mm Wide, RoHS Compliant GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Section 5.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 Figure 5-2 5509900ADW_s1_r9 Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 135 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Figure 5-3 5509900ADW_s2_r8 Page 136 Section 5.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Figure 5-4 5509900ADW_s3_r8 Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 137 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-2 2.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 Mark No. Part No. FRU 1 5508000 No Base 2 5507000-3 No Thorax HLA 3 5504000 Yes Drive Handle HLA 4 5505000 or 5505000-2 Yes Standard Column Assembly or Short Column Assembly 5 5506700 Yes Horizontal Arm Assembly 6 2000-M6-03 Yes Flat Washer, ISO7089, M6, Steel 200HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 7 5366186 No front clamp plate 8 1000-M6C016-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M6-1, X16mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 9 1000-M12C025-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M12-1.75, X25mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 10 5505083 No Arm Carriage Joint 11 1000-M6C020-04 Yes Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M6-1, X20mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 12 3000-M6C-04 No Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M6-1.0, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 14 5394300 No Nylon Cable Tie, 140mm Long, 3.70mm Wide, RoHS Compliant 15 5402092 No left side barrier 16 5402094 No right side barrier 17 1000-M4C010-04 Yes Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X10mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 18 2203-M4-07 Yes Curved Lock Washer, DIN 128A, M4, Spring Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 19 2203-M6-07 Yes Curved Lock Washer, DIN 128A, M6, Spring Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 35 5486072 No Label - IEC Protective Earth ground, 19,05mm square, RoHS compliant, Dayton 36 5407230 No rubber grommet 37 5413302 No BULKHEAD FERRITE SUPPORT 38 5415344 No wheel weight 103 5557003 Yes Cable Assy- Spyder to Djinn 110 5557010 Yes Cable Assy- LVLE2 to Djinn 113 5557013 Yes Cable Assy- Locust to Caterpillar 114 5557014 Yes Cable Assy- Locust to Caterpillar 116 5557016 Yes Cable Assy- Locust to Cricket 121 5557021 Yes Cable Assy- Cricket to Firefly 122 5557022 Yes Cable Assy- Cricket to Djinn 126 5557026 Yes Cable Assy- Caterpillar to Bumper 127 5557027 Yes Cable Assy- Caterpillar to Rot Brake 130 5557030 Yes Cable Assy- Firefly to Cricket Page 138 Description See 5.1.1 Base - 5508000 on page 140 See 5.1.2 Thorax HLA - 5507000-3 on page 151 See 5.1.3 Drive Handle HLA - 5504000 on page 163 See 5.1.4 Horizontal Arm Assembly - 5506700 on page 168 Section 5.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-2 2.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 Mark No. Part No. FRU Description 161 5557061 No Ground Cable Caterpillar to Base 242 46-170686P1 Yes LOCTITE 242, 0.5CC TUBE 12 MONTH SHELF LIFE FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT FROM THE MANUFACTURER 271 46-170684P1 Yes LOCTITE 271, 0.5CC VIAL 12 MONTH SHELF LIFE FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT FROM THE MANUFACTURER Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 139 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST 5.1.1 Base - 5508000 Figure 5-5 5508000ADW_r5 Page 140 Section 5.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-3 2.1 Base - 5508000 Mark No. Part No. FRU Description 2 5370437 No Drive assembly 3 5368482 Yes column support assembly 4 5368545 Yes Battery Pack Assembly 5 5370111 Yes bumper 6 5344583 No Base weldment 7 5449164 Yes battery compartment cover 8 5392487 Yes caster 9 5350010 Yes Caterpillar Base Board 10 5341866 No Column mount trap spacer 11 5350008 Yes Cricket Battery Board 12 5370271 Yes fuse shield 13 5343843 No Spring Rod Pivot 14 5370186 No EXTENSION SPRING, .5 INCH OD, 2.5 INCH FREE LENGTH, 0.075 INCH WIRE DIAMETER 16 5346286 No isolation mount backup washer 17 5367885 No Caterpillar support 18 5370272 No hex standoff, m-f, 20 mm long, m4 19 1006-M12C050-04 No Hexagon Head Screw, ISO 4017, M12-1.75, X50mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 20 3000-M12C-04 No Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M12-1.75, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 21 3000-M10C-04 No Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M10-1.5, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 22 1040-M10C025-27 No Hexagon Set Screw with Cup Point, M10-1.5, X25mm Long, Grade 45H Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 23 3000-M4C-04 Yes Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M4-0.7, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 24 1000-M4C010-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X10mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 25 1000-M4C030-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X30mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 26 1000-M6C010-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M6-1, X10mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 27 1000-M8C020-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M8-1.25, X20mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 28 3000-M16C-04 No Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M16-2.0, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 29 46-170260P2 Yes LUBRICATING GREASE USED ON BEARINGS. LITHIUM BASED MINERAL OIL GREASE. BEIGE COLOR, 1 LB. CAN. EXTREME PRESSURE AND WATERPROOF FEATURES. 30 46-170686P3 Yes LOCTITE 242, 50CC 12 MONTH SHELF LIFE FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT FROM THE MANUFACTURER. 31 5401728 No cricket insulating shield 33 5394277 No lower front cover 34 5394278 No front bumper slot closure 35 3000-M6C-04 No Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M6-1.0, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener See Drive assembly - 5370437 on page 143 See Column support assembly - 5368482 on page 145 See Bumper - 5370111 on page 148 See Cricket Battery Board - 5350008 on page 150 Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 141 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-3 2.1 Base - 5508000 Mark No. Part No. FRU 36 5410206 No motor shield 37 2000-M6-03 Yes Flat Washer, ISO7089, M6, Steel 200HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 38 1000-M4C016-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X16mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener Page 142 Description Section 5.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Drive assembly - 5370437 Figure 5-6 5370437ADW_r4 Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 143 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-4 2.1 Drive assembly - 5370437 Mark No. Part No. FRU 2 5370432 Yes motor reducer assembly 3 5343348 Yes drive wheel 5 5342648 No drive support machining 6 5351887 Yes motor brake, 30 in-lb 7 1000-M4C010-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X10mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 8 1000-M5C016-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M5-0.8, X16mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 10 5344390 No center bonded isolation mount 11 5344349 No spring, 5.5 free length 2.95 solid 343 lb per inch. Lee Spring LHL 2000AB 07 12 5399178 No M20 FLANGE NUT, Zinc Plated, With Nylon Insert 13 5343844 No Rubber Washer 14 5343842 No Suspension Upper Link 16 5413926 Yes GROUND STRAP 17 E61-HC-30 No HEXAGON MACHINE SCREW NUT, ASME B18.6.3, 1_4th - 20, STAINLESS STEEL 18-8, RoHS FASTENER 19 46-170686P3 Yes LOCTITE 242, 50CC 12 MONTH SHELF LIFE FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT FROM THE MANUFACTURER. 20 5389103 No Guide bushing 21 46-170260P1 Yes LUBRICATING GREASE USED ON BEARINGS.LITHIUM BASED MINERAL OIL GREASE. BEIGE COLOR, 6 LB. CAN. EXTREME PRESSURE AND WATERPROOF FEATURES. (DWG REV 4/92, JFK - OK). Page 144 Description Section 5.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Column support assembly - 5368482 Figure 5-7 5368482ADW_r5 Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 145 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-5 2.1 Column support assembly - 5368482 Mark No. Part No. FRU 2 5414808 No idler sprocket 3 5413866 No BEARING SUPPORT STUD 4 5413867 No STEPPED SPACER 5 5125180 No snap ring, TRU-ARC N5000-86 6 5413925 No BEARING - 6900ZZ 7 5341976 No Cam follower, .75 inch OD, .25 inch ID, .5625 overall length. with seals 8 5341978 No detent roller shaft 9 4000-M8L020-02 No Parallel Pin, ISO 8734, 8mm Diameter X 20mm Long, Steel, RoHS Fastener 10 5370673 No roller chain number 25, 94 total links including one master link 11 5341871 No column brake shaft 12 5341981 No column rotation lock drive sprocket 13 5341950 No column inner sleeve 15 5341875 No column rotation sprocket #25 72 teeth 16 5340762 No COLUMN SUPPORT MACHINED CASTING 18 5413919 No ball bearing - 6203ZZ 19 5346815 No double row angular contact bearing, 72 od 35 id 27 wide 20 5341869 No eccentric stud 21 5346816 No deep groove ball bearing, ISO number 6009, 75 OD, 45 ID, 16 wide 22 3000-M10C-04 No Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M10-1.5, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 23 3000-M12C-04 No Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M12-1.75, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 24 3000-M4C-04 Yes Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M4-0.7, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 25 1000-M4C012-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X12mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 26 1000-M4C035-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X35mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide RoHS Fastener 27 1000-M4C008-07 Yes Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X8mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 28 1000-M6C016-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M6-1, X16mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 29 3000-M8C-04 No Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M8-1.25, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 30 1000-M8C035-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M8-1.25, X35mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 31 2000-M8-02 No Flat Washer, ISO7089, M8, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 32 1000-M8C020-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M8-1.25, X20mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 33 5340767 No ROTATION STOP UPPER 34 5340770 No ROTATION STOP LOWER 35 5340769 No ROTATION STOP MIDDLE 36 5340774 No ROTATION STOP SPACER Page 146 Description Section 5.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-5 2.1 Column support assembly - 5368482 Mark No. Part No. FRU Description 37 5336828 Yes spring applied brake - 90 inch pound 38 2000-M6-03 Yes Flat Washer, ISO7089, M6, Steel 200HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 39 5370186 No EXTENSION SPRING, .5 INCH OD, 2.5 INCH FREE LENGTH, 0.075 INCH WIRE DIAMETER 40 5343839 No tensioner block 41 5370173 No detent lever upper, offset 42 5370172 No lower detent lever, offset 43 46-170684P3 Yes LOCTITE 271, 50ML BOTTLE. 12 MONTH SHELF LIFE FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT FROM THE MANUFACTURER. REV, TK, Jan 92 Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 147 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Bumper - 5370111 Figure 5-8 5370111ADW_r4 Page 148 Section 5.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-6 2.1 Bumper - 5370111 Mark No. Part No. FRU Description 2 5352060 No Bumper Pivot 4 5357139 No left pivoting base 5 5357256 No left switch arm 6 3000-M6C-04 No Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M6-1.0, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 8 5352908 No right pivot base 9 5357579 No right switch arm 10 5413864 No SPRING 11 5392470 Yes Switch, SPDT, 0,1A, gold contacts Micro Switch part V7-1S10D8 12 46-170684P3 Yes LOCTITE 271, 50ML BOTTLE. 12 MONTH SHELF LIFE FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT FROM THE MANUFACTURER. REV, TK, Jan 92 13 1000-M3C008-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M3-0.5, X8mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 14 2001-M3-02 No Large Flat Washer, ISO7093, M3, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 15 5392096 No Left Pivot Bracket 16 5392095 No Right Pivot Bracket 17 5392204 Yes bumper 18 3000-M3C-04 No Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M3-0.5, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 19 2000-M10-02 No Flat Washer, ISO7089, M10, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 20 1008-M4P8C022-29 No Hexagon Head Tapping Screw, ISO 1479, ST 4,8 X 22mm Long, Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 149 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Cricket Battery Board - 5350008 Figure 5-9 5350008ADW_r3 Table 5-7 2.1 Cricket Battery Board - 5350008 Mark No. Part No. FRU - 5350008 Yes Cricket battery board - 5306477-3 Yes PROTECTION FUSE, 15A, TIME DELAY, 300VDC, 600VAC, CARTRIDGE Page 150 Description Also see Table 1-3 5409712, Fuse - Filter Kit on page 29 for kit contents Section 5.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST 5.1.2 Thorax HLA - 5507000-3 Figure 5-10 5507000-2ADW_s1_r3 Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 151 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Figure 5-11 5507000-2ADW_s2_r2 Page 152 Section 5.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Figure 5-12 5507000-2ADW_s3_r2 Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 153 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Figure 5-13 5507000-2ADW_s4_r2 Page 154 Section 5.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-8 Thorax HLA - 5507000-3 Mark No. Part No. FRU Description 1 5350000-2 Yes Firefly Charger Board 2 5392386 Yes tube park latch 3 5350006-2 Yes Locust Board with Drive Improvement 4 5350002-3 Yes Spyder System Controller with Sys Comm FW Brivo 5 5311985 Yes Mantis AC-DC Converter 6 5192958-2 Yes LVLE2 Power Supply 7 5395516 No Insulating Film, Thorax-Firefly 8 5351707 Yes Single Phase AC Line EMI Filter 9 5395518 No Insulating Film Thorax-CLS None 5444444 Yes Superbee cord reel without Plug 11 5444444-2 Yes Cord reel with plug 12 5394888 No fuse holder assembly, thorax Superbee 13 5447564 No Thorax Weldment with Nyloc PEMS 14 1000-M4C008-04 Yes Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X8mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 15 3000-M5C-04 No Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M5-0.5, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 16 2106-M5-14 No Spring Lock Washer with Flat Ends JIS B1251, M5, Spring Stainless Steel, Rohs Fastener 17 3000-M6C-04 No Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M6-1.0, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 18 2203-M6-07 Yes Curved Lock Washer, DIN 128A, M6, Spring Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 19 2000-M6-02 No Flat Washer, ISO7089, M6, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 21 2000-M4-02 Yes Flat Washer, ISO7089, M4, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 23 3000-M4C-04 Yes Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M4-0.7, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 24 2000-M5-02 No Flat Washer, ISO7089, M5, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 26 1000-M6C020-04 Yes Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M6-1, X20mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 27 5350038 Yes Board Data Module 28 5450200 Yes Collimator Lamp Supply 29 5395517 No Insulating Film, Thorax-Locust 31 5394640 No Thorax Bulkhead for Column Cables 33 5396295 No Speaker Bracket 34 1000-M3C008-04 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M3-0.5, X8mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 36 5394300 No Nylon Cable Tie, 140mm Long, 3.70mm Wide, RoHS Compliant 37 46-220178P10 Yes GROMMET, 12.75~ LONG GROMMET STRIP, OFF WHITE, FOR 0.090~ THICK APPLICATIONS 38 5503599 No RJ11 BRACKET 40 5399514 Yes L-COM RJ11 RECEPTACLE See Firefly Charger Board - 5350000-2 on page 158 See Tube park latch - 5392386 on page 159 See Locust Drive Board - 5350006-2 on page 161 Also see Table 1-3 5409712, Fuse - Filter Kit on page 29 See Fuse holder assembly, thorax Superbee - 5394888 on page 162 Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 155 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-8 Thorax HLA - 5507000-3 Mark No. Part No. FRU 41 3002-M4C-04 No Hexagon Prevailing Torque Nut, ISO7040, M4-0.7, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 42 1000-M3C010-04 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, ISO 4762, M3-0.5, X10mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 43 2000-M3-03 Yes WASHER PLAIN - LARGE 3.2 MM 7 MM , HV200, Steel, Zinc plate RoHS Washer 44 2203-M3-07 Yes Curved Lock Washer, DIN 128A, M3, Spring Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 45 5406825 No Insulating Film - Spyder 46 2203-M4-07 Yes Curved Lock Washer, DIN 128A, M4, Spring Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 47 5406823 No Fuse Holder Insulating Film 48 5486072 No Label - IEC Protective Earth ground, 19,05mm square, RoHS compliant, Dayton 49 1008-M4P8C016-29 No Hexagon Head Tapping Screw, ISO 1479, ST 4,8 X 16mm Long, Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 53 3000-M3C-04 No Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M3-0.5, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 54 5418302 No HEX STANDOFF MALE FEMALE M4 X 60MM 55 5417354 No emc shield, firefly superbee 102 5557002 Yes Cable Assy- Spyder to Locust 104 5557004 Yes Cable Assy- Spyder to LVLE2 105 5557005 Yes Cable Assy- Spyder to Firefly 106 5557006 Yes Cable Assy - Spyder to Wired Handswitch 107 5557007 Yes Cable Assy- LVLE2 to Firefly 108 5557008 Yes Cable Assy- Locust to LVLE2 109 5557009 Yes Cable Assy- LVLE2 to Firefly 119 5557019 Yes Cable Assy- Mantis to Firefly 120 5557020 Yes Cable Assy- Mantis to Firefly 123 5557023 Yes Cable Assy- Cricket to Breaker 124 5557024 No Cable Assy- Firefly to AC Present Lamp 125 5557025 Yes Cable Assy- Locust to Park Latch 135 5557035 Yes Cable Assy - Firefly to Power Switch 136 5557036 Yes Cable Assy - Firefly to CLS J1 137 5557037 Yes Cable Assy - Mantis to Filter 138 5557038 Yes Cable Assy - Fuse to Filter 140 5557040 Yes Cable Assy- Firefly to CLS 143 5557043 Yes Cable Assy - Locust to Thorax Column Bulkhead 145 5557045 Yes Cable Assy - Spyder to Speaker 146 5557046-2 Yes Cable Assy - Sypder to Thorax Column Bulkhead - DAP 147 5557047 Yes Cable Assy - CLS to Thorax Column Bulkhead - Collimator 149 5557049-2 Yes Shielded BDM to Spyder Cable Assembly Page 156 Description Section 5.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-8 Thorax HLA - 5507000-3 Mark No. Part No. FRU Description 158 5557058 Yes Cable Assy- Spyder Dose Reporting to USB Bulkhead 159 5557059 No Cable Assy - Firefly to AC Present Lamp terminals None 5557062 Yes Collector for AC-present Cables Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 157 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Firefly Charger Board - 5350000-2 Figure 5-14 5350000ADW_r6 Table 5-9 Firefly Charger Board - 5350000-2 Mark No. Part No. FRU - 5350000-2 Yes Firefly charger board - 5306477-3 Yes PROTECTION FUSE, 15A, TIME DELAY, 300VDC, 600VAC, CARTRIDGEr Page 158 Description Also see Table 1-3 5409712, Fuse - Filter Kit on page 29 Section 5.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Tube park latch - 5392386 Figure 5-15 5392386ADW_r3 Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 159 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST . Table 5-10 Tube park latch - 5392386 Mark No. Part No. FRU 1 5390750 Yes SOLENOID 2 5380946 No latch base machining 3 5380949 No latch pawl machining 4 5380947 No switch actuator 5 5392470 Yes Switch, SPDT, 0,1A, gold contacts Micro Switch part V7-1S10D8 6 5392389 No latch release spring 7 5392388 No latch park switch spring 8 5392391 No round bumper 9 5392390 No rectangular bumper 10 46-220312P1 Yes LOCTITE SUPERBONDER 416, 1 OZ (28.4G) BOTTLE 12 MONTH SHELF LIFE FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT FROM THE MANUFACTURER. (REV, TK, 1/92). 11 1003-M3C006-22 No Hexagon Socket Button Head Screw, M3-0.5, X6mm Long, Grade10.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 12 46-170684P3 Yes LOCTITE 271, 50ML BOTTLE. 12 MONTH SHELF LIFE FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT FROM THE MANUFACTURER. REV, TK, Jan 92 13 5392392 No roll pin 14 1000-M3C016-02 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M3-0.5, X16mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Black Oxide RoHS Fastener Page 160 Description Section 5.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Locust Drive Board - 5350006-2 Figure 5-16 5350006ADW_r7 Table 5-11 Locust Drive Board - 5350006-2 Mark No. Part No. FRU Description - 5350006-2 Yes Locust drive board with Drive Improvement - 5306477 Yes PROTECTION FUSE, 8A, TIME DELAY, 300VDC, 600VAC, CARTRIDGE. Also see Table 1-3 5409712, Fuse - Filter Kit on page 29 for kit contents Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 161 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Fuse holder assembly, thorax Superbee - 5394888 Figure 5-17 5394888ADW_r4 Table 5-12 Fuse holder assembly, thorax Superbee - 5394888 Mark No. Part No. FRU 1 5394887 No thorax fuse box, superbee 2 5392168 Yes 3AG fuse holder, 250V rated, 20A rated, 2000V dielectric strength min, UL94V0 rated 3 5392167 Yes Ceramic Fuse, 250VAC, 15A, Fast Action, 6.3mm x 32mm Page 162 Description Also see Table 1-3 5409712, Fuse - Filter Kit on page 29 for kit contents Also see Table 1-3 5409712, Fuse - Filter Kit on page 29 for kit contents Section 5.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST 5.1.3 Drive Handle HLA - 5504000 %3 %!#( $2)6% (!.$,% !33%-",9 4/ "% 4%34%$ !.$ 0!33%$ !##/2$).' 4/ '% 30%#)&)#!4)/. 434 4(% -!.5&!#452%2 3(!,, 02/6)$% !. ).$)6)$5!, -!2+).' /& #/-0,)!.#% 0%2 $/#5-%.4 '30 7)4( %6%29 5.)4 3()00%$ 4/ '%(# 34!4).' 4(% 5.)4 (!3 35##%33&5,,9 0!33%$ 4%34).' )& ,!"%,%$ 0,!#% ). 3!-% !002/8)-!4% ,/#!4)/. !3 0!24 ,!"%, 4()3 $2!7).' 7!3 #2%!4%$ "9 $%,4!4%#( #/.42/,3 &/2 '% (%!,4(#!2% !$7 Figure 5-18 5504000ADW_s1_r12 Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 163 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST 4()3 $2!7).' 7!3 #2%!4%$ "9 $%,4!4%#( #/.42/,3 &/2 '% (%!,4(#!2% !$7 Figure 5-19 5504000ADW_s2_r12 Page 164 Section 5.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST 4()3 $2!7).' 7!3 #2%!4%$ "9 $%,4!4%#( #/.42/,3 &/2 '% (%!,4(#!2% !$7 Figure 5-20 5504000ADW_s3_r12 Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 165 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-13 Drive Handle HLA - 5504000 Mark No. Part No. FRU 1 5418209 No Epoxy 2 5418084 No Grease 3 5426344 No ura-bond 24n adhesive 4 5452873 No Delta PT Thread Forming Torx Flat-head Fastener - K30-10-WN1423 5 1000-M3C008-02 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M3-0.5, X8mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Black Oxide RoHS Fastener 6 2000-M5-02 No Flat Washer, ISO7089, M5, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 7 3002-M5C-31 No Hexagon Prevailing Torque Nut, ISO7040, M5-0.8, A2-70, Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener 8 1000-M5C012-02 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M5-0.8, X12mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Black Oxide RoHS Fastener 9 1000-M5C016-02 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M5-0.8, X16mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Black Oxide RoHS Fastener 10 1000-M5C025-02 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M5-0.8, X25mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Black Oxide RoHS Fastener 11 1000-M2P5C006-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M2.5-0.45, X6mm Long, Grade 12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 12 1000-M4C010-02 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X10mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Black Oxide RoHS Fastener 13 2001-M3-02 No Large Flat Washer, ISO7093, M3, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 14 2204-M3-16 No External Toothed Lock Washer, DIN 6797A, M3, A2 Stainless Steel, RoHS Fastener 15 1000-M2P5C008-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M2.5-0.45, X8mm Long, Grade 12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 16 5476247 No Self-tapping Fastener K50 x 25mm, PT 18 4000-M3L016-02 No Parallel Pin, ISO 8734, 3mm Diameter X 16mm Long, Steel, RoHS Fastener 19 5400380 No Magnet 20 5423145 No gasket 21 5392202 No Magnet Support Bracket - Right 22 5392203 No Magnet Support Bracket - Left 23 5392197 No Handle Boot_Bellow 24 5410465 No Spring Blade Support Right 25 5410468 No Spring Blade Support Left 26 5399713 No Steel Plate - in handle bar for cable 27 5392198 No Hinge Support Bracket - Right 28 5392199 No Hinge Support Bracket - Left 29 5395451 No Engage Bar Compression Spring 30 5392190 Yes Wired Handswitch Holder 31 5410463 No Handle Bar Ring Bellow 32 5391519 No Outer Cover Assembly - Right 33 5391517 No Inner Cover Assembly - Right 34 5391520 No Outer Cover Assembly - Left 35 5391518 No Inner Cover Assembly - Left 36 5416161 No Overmoulded bar assembly Page 166 Description Section 5.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-13 Drive Handle HLA - 5504000 Mark No. Part No. FRU Description 37 5391521-2 No Rear Tray without Inserts 38 5392193 No Spring Steel Clamp Plate 39 5392192 No Spring Steel 40 5400717 No SINGLE POLE, 6 AMP, MOMENTARY PUSHBUTTON SWITCH, MOMENTARY ON PUSHBUTTON WITH 0.250 TAB TERMINATION 41 5416167 No Engage Bar EQ Assembly 42 5457739 No Tie Holder Richco FTH-5-01 43 5461547 No Ty-wrap Panduit part number PLT.7M-M 44 5418083 No Housing connector 2 pts 45 5418081 No Housing connector 3 pts 46 5451899 No Drive handle harness 47 5557015 Yes Cable Assy - Locust to Drive Handle 48 5557039 Yes Cable Assy - Locust to Hard Brake Release 49 5416172 No PCB Switch 50 5395457 No Drive Handle Board - Left PWA 51 5395455 No Drive Handle Board - Right PWA Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 167 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 5.1.4 Horizontal Arm Assembly - 5506700 Approved Document - 5506700ADW_r5.pdf Page 2 of 3 Figure 5-21 5506700ADW Page 168 Section 5.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-14 Horizontal Arm Assembly - 5506700 Mark No. Part No. FRU Description 1 5506670 No OUTER TUBE ASSEMBLY MACHINING 2 5506602 No Center Extrusion Assembly 3 5506628 No Inner Arm Section 4 5506604 No Pulley Mtg Bar 6 5506606 No Rear Stop Block 7 5506607 No #25 Roller Chain - 53 Links 8 5506609 No 20mm Linear Bearing 9 5506617 No Bar Cable Support 10 5506672 No Cable Block Mount to Inner Section 11 5506619 No Horizontal Arm Aircraft Cable 12 5506632 No Horizontal Arm Brake 13 5506633 No Cable Connector Bracket 16 5506654 No Sprocket Bearing 17 5506655 No Pulley Bearing 18 5506656 No Set Screw 19 5506645 No Cable Anchor 20 5506646 No Chain Shaft 21 5506647 No Pulley Shaft 22 5506648 No Pulley 23 5506649 No 16 Tooth Sprocket 24 5506662 Yes Brake Cable Assembly with Track 25 5506651 Yes Park Latch Pin Assembly 26 5506657 No Arm Stop Bumper 27 5506658 No Pulley Spacer 28 5506661 No Park Latch Bracket 29 5505091-2 No Heyco Bushing part number 1140 30 5506671 No Arm Park Latch Spacer 34 1000-M5C012-04 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M5-0.8, X12mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 35 2000-M5-02 No Flat Washer, ISO7089, M5, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 36 1000-M4C006-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X6mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide RoHS Fastener 37 1000-M4C010-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X10mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 38 1000-M4C012-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X12mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 40 1000-M6C035-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M6-1, X35mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide RoHS Fastener Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 169 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-14 Horizontal Arm Assembly - 5506700 Mark No. Part No. FRU 42 1004-M4C008-22 No Hexagon Socket C-Sunk Head Screw, M4-0.7, X8mm Long, Grade10.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 43 1004-M4C012-22 No Hexagon Socket C-Sunk Head Screw, M4-0.7, X12mm Long, Grade10.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 44 1004-M5C012-22 No Hexagon Socket C-Sunk Head Screw, M5-0.8, X12mm Long, Grade10.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 45 1004-M6C012-22 No Hexagon Socket C-Sunk Head Screw, M6-1, X12mm Long, Grade10.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 46 2000-M4-02 Yes Flat Washer, ISO7089, M4, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 47 2000-M6-02 No Flat Washer, ISO7089, M6, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 49 2204-M4-06 No External Toothed Lock Washer, DIN 6797A, M4, Spring Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 50 3003-M4C-04 No Hexagon Nut with Lock Washer, M4-0.7, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 51 5506673 No M6 x 5 Set Screw Cup Point 52 1004-M8C016-22 No Hexagon Socket C-Sunk Head Screw, M8-1.25, X16mm Long, Grade 10.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 54 46-170684P1 Yes LOCTITE 271, 0.5CC VIAL 12 MONTH SHELF LIFE FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT FROM THE MANUFACTURER 55 46-220312P1 Yes LOCTITE SUPERBONDER 416, 1 OZ (28.4G) BOTTLE 12 MONTH SHELF LIFE FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT FROM THE MANUFACTURER. (REV, TK, 1/92). Page 170 Description Section 5.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 5.1.5 DJINN 15R DC 2P - 5341550 Approved Document - 5341550ADW_r5.pdf Page 2 of 4 Figure 5-22 5341550ADW_s1_r5 Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 171 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Approved Document - 5341550ADW_r5.pdf Page 3 of 4 Figure 5-23 5341550ADW_s2_r5 Page 172 Section 5.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Approved Document - 5341550ADW_r5.pdf Page 4 of 4 Figure 5-24 5341550ADW_s3_r5 Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 173 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-15 DJINN 15R DC 2P - 5341550 Mark No. Part No. FRU 5397083 No BEETLE DJINN Set of cables 5399675 No Packing Box for 15kW Configuration with Brackets 1 5140761-2 No Djinn Bipolar HVTank 2 5341549 No BEETLE DJINN POWER MODULE 3 5338768 No BEETLE DJINN AUX MAIN BOX None 5375925 Yes FRU AUX MODULE 30kW (30kW systems only) 4 5389106 No Bracket, HV Tank And Power Mod 5 5389026 No Bracket- Main Aux Box 8 5342196 No Beetle Djinn generator 15kw labeling 11 2193201-50 No SCREW DIN7991 M4X8by6 A4-70 12 46-170686P3 Yes LOCTITE 242, 50CC 12 MONTH SHELF LIFE FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT FROM THE MANUFACTURER. 17 5264409 No Grounding label 18 5454841 No Djinn Beetle SW Package D429B 19 46-303268P1 Yes PRODUCT LOCATOR CARD FORM FOR RATING PLATES, PRINTED BY DUPLITECH None 5341553 Yes FRU BEETLE DJINN Set of cables None 5351748 Yes FRU Djinn Bipolar HV Tank None 5375923 Yes FRU Power Module None 5375924 Yes FRU Aux module 15kW Page 174 Description See 5341553 (FRU BEETLE DJINN Set of cables) in this table See 5351748 (FRU Djinn Bipolar HV Tank) in this table See 5375923 (FRU Power Module) in this table See 5375924 (FRU Aux module 15kW) in this table Section 5.1 Base, Column, Arm, Drive Handle, Thorax Assembly - 5509900-3 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Section 5.2 Tube and Tube Mount - 5507700 Approved Document - 5507700ADW_r3.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 5-25 5507700ADW_r3 Table 5-16 Tube and Tube Mount - 5507700 Mark No. Part No. FRU Description 1 5507701 No Cathode Side Tube Mount with Detent. See 5.2.1 Anode/Cathode Side Tube Mount Identification and FRUs for FRU information. 2 5507702 No Anode Side Tube Mount with Friction. See 5.2.1 Anode/Cathode Side Tube Mount Identification and FRUs for FRU information. 3 5507703 Yes Tube Yoke Assembly 4 5508800-2 Yes X-Ray Tube 8 1000-M6C020-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M6-1, X20mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 9 1000-M5C010-04 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M5-0.8, X10mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 10 2000-M5-02 No Flat Washer, ISO7089, M5, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 11 46-170684P1 Yes LOCTITE 271, 0.5CC VIAL 12 MONTH SHELF LIFE FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT FROM THE MANUFACTURER 12 5503001 Yes Aux Box to Rotor Cable Assembly 13 2000-M6-03 Yes Flat Washer, ISO7089, M6, Steel 200HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 14 46-170686P1 Yes "LOCTITE 242, 0.5CC TUBE 12 MONTH SHELF LIFE FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT FROM THE MANUFACTURER." Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 175 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST 5.2.1 Anode/Cathode Side Tube Mount Identification and FRUs A newer version of this part has been introduced. It is not backward-compatible with the original version. If replacing the original version, you must replace BOTH sides with the newer version. The newer version is physically longer. Mixing old and new versions results in tube attachment mis-alignment. The newer version part requires longer bolts at the tube yoke. These bolts will come with the replacement FRU. See Figure 5-26 for identification of mounts and Table 5-17 for FRU part numbers. 1 Item 1 Description A thickness notch in this location identifies a newer version tube mount Figure 5-26 Tube mount identification Table 5-17 Anode/Cathode Side Tube Mount Page 176 Mark No. Part No. FRU Description - 5450136 Yes Newer version Cathode Side Tube Mount with Detent (includes longer bolts) - replaces 5507701 - 5450136-2 Yes Newer version Anode Side Tube Mount with Friction (includes longer bolts) - replaces 5507702 Section 5.2 Tube and Tube Mount - 5507700 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Section 5.3 SuperBee Manual Collimator - 5129498 Figure 5-27 5129498ADW_r3 Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 177 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-18 SuperBee Manual Collimator - 5129498 Mark No. Part No. FRU - 5129498 Yes SuperBee Manual Collimator 1 5396306 No RoHS-SuperBee Collimator See 5.3.1 RoHS-SuperBee Collimator - 5396306 on page 179 2 5396307 No RoHS-ETL Label 3 5396614 No RoHS-Rating plate 4 46-303268P1 Yes PRODUCT LOCATOR CARD FORM FOR RATING PLATES, PRINTED BY DUPLITECH 5 5129246 No Grease Page 178 Description Section 5.3 SuperBee Manual Collimator - 5129498 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST 5.3.1 RoHS-SuperBee Collimator - 5396306 Figure 5-28 5396306ADW_r7_s1 Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 179 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Figure 5-29 5396306ADW_r7_s2 Page 180 Section 5.3 SuperBee Manual Collimator - 5129498 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-19 RoHS-SuperBee Collimator - 5396306 Mark No. Part No. FRU Description 1 5396640 No RoHS-Accessory Rail-2 2 5396588 No RoHS-Holding Plate 3 5396589 No RoHS-Cross Mark Plate 4 5396639 No RoHS-Accessory Rail-1 5 5396638 Yes Plate Spring 6 5396587 No RoHS-Handle 7 1003-M3C008-31 No Hexagon Socket Button Head Screw, M3-0.5, X8mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener 8 2204-M3-06 No External Toothed Lock Washer, DIN 6797A, M3, Spring Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 9 5396485 No RoHS-Bearing DR-30 10 5396486 No RoHS-Bearing DR-22 11 3000-M5C-04 No Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M5-0.8, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 12 5412675 No Dust proof washer 13 C2006-M6-02 No Flat Washer, 6X12-1, Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 14 5398367 No RoHS-Waved washer WW-6 15 2002-M8-02 No Flat Washer, Small OD Series, ISO7092, M8, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 16 5396630 No RoHS-Knob Support 17 5396599 No RoHS-Screw Shaft 18 5396424 No RoHS-Bushing 19 5396624 No RoHS-Knob washer See Collimator knob set - 5397014 on page 185 20 1040-M4C004-27 No Hexagon Set Screw with Cup Point, M4-0.7, X4mm Long, Grade 45H Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 21 5396617 No RoHS-Knob See Collimator knob set - 5397014 on page 185 22 5396643 No RoHS-Mechanical Interface See RoHS-Mechanical Interface - 5396643 on page 186 23 5396616 No RoHS-Blade Stopper 24 5396451 No RoHS-Frame 2 25 C2000-M3-80 No Flat Washer, ISO7089, Steel 140HV,Black Oxide RoHS Fastener 26 C2106-M3-80 No Spring Lock Washer, M3, Black Oxide, Rohs Fastener 27 C1007-M3C006-80 No Pan Head Screw,GB-T818, M3X6, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 28 1010-M3C006-31 No Phillips Flat Head Screw, ISO 7046, M3-0.5, X6mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener 29 5396612 No RoHS-Angle Plate 1 30 5396591 No RoHS-Angle plate 3 31 5396602 No RoHS-Shielding Plate Support 32 5396593 No RoHS-Knob Shaft 33 5396629 No RoHS-Driving Wheel D Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 181 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-19 RoHS-SuperBee Collimator - 5396306 Mark No. Part No. FRU 34 5396632 No RoHS-Connection Plate L 35 5396594 No RoHS-Stop Plate 36 5396414 No RoHS-Button Cable 37 5396442 No RoHS-Driving Wheel-A Riveting 38 5396423 No RoHS-Front Panel 39 5396452 No RoHS-Front Cover 40 1010-M4C016-14 No Phillips Flat Head Screw, ISO 7046, M4-0.7, X16mm Long, Grade 4.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 41 1010-M4C012-14 No Phillips Flat Head Screw, ISO 7046, M4-0.7, X12mm Long, Grade 4.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 42 1010-M4C010-14 No Phillips Flat Head Screw, ISO 7046, M4-0.7, X10mm Long, Grade 4.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 43 5396487 No RoHS-Back Cover 44 5396583 No RoHS-Angle Plate 45 5396592 No RoHS-Frame 1 46 5396585 No RoHS-Lead Cone 47 5396595 No RoHS-Base Plate 48 5396374 No RoHS-Tape Cover 49 5397015 Yes SID tape assembly 50 5396450 No RoHS-U-Shape Cover 51 1010-M3C012-14 No Phillips Flat Head Screw, ISO 7046, M3-0.5, X12mm Long, Grade 4.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 52 2000-M4-02 Yes Flat Washer, ISO7089, M4, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 53 2002-M3-02 No Flat Washer, Small OD Series, ISO7092, M3, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 54 2106-M3-14 No Spring Lock Washer with Flat Ends JIS B1251, M3, Spring Stainless Steel, Rohs Fastener 55 3000-M3C-04 No Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M3-0.5, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 56 C2204-M4-80 No Tootthed lock washer GB-T862.2 4, Black Oxide, RoHS fastener 57 C2106-M4-02 No Spring Lock Washer, M4, Zinc plated, Rohs Fastener 58 C1007-M3C008-80 No Pan head screw, M3x8, Black Oxide RoHS fastener 59 5396615 No RoHS-Mask Support 60 C1007-M3C025-80 No Pan head screw, M3x25, black oxide RoHS fastener 61 1000-M5C012-07 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M5-0.8, X12mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 62 1007-M2P5C006-14 No Phillips Pan Head Screw, ISO 7045, M2.5-0.45, X6mm Long, Grade 4.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 63 2106-M2P5-14 No Spring Lock Washer with Flat Ends JIS B1251, M2.5, Spring Stainless Steel, Rohs Fastener 64 2002-M2P5-02 No Flat Washer, Small OD Series, ISO7092, M2.5, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 65 5396484 No RoHS-Lamp Holder 905-1.0 66 5396421 Yes Osram Lamp 64642 150W 24V 67 5396604 No RoHS-Mirror Shaft Page 182 Description Section 5.3 SuperBee Manual Collimator - 5129498 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-19 RoHS-SuperBee Collimator - 5396306 Mark No. Part No. FRU Description 68 5396571 No RoHS-Mirror Shaft Support 69 5396603 No RoHS-Mirror 70 5396586 No RoHS-Filter 71 5396596 No RoHS-Blade Covering 72 5396434 No RoHS-Adjustable Lamp Support 73 5396634 No RoHS-Switch Adapter 74 1007-M4C008-14 No Phillips Pan Head Screw, ISO 7045, M4-0.7, X8mm Long, Grade 4.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 75 5396309 No RoHS-Wire Clip 76 5396415 No RoHS-Lock Switch Cable 77 5396590 No RoHS-Angle Plate 4 78 5396613 No RoHS-system Cable 79 5396308 No RoHS-Movable Bushing 80 5396623 No RoHS-Bushing 81 3001-M6C-27 No Hexagon Thin Nut, ISO4035, M6-1.0, Grade 04 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 82 5396600 No RoHS-Shielding Plate 1 83 5396619 No RoHS-Lower Layer Blade 84 5396631 No RoHS-Connection Plate S 85 5396373 No RoHS-0316 KSS Cable Tie RCV-100 86 5396445 No RoHS-Driving Wheel-C Riveting 87 5396375 No RoHS-Cable Holder UC-1.5 88 5412663 No L shield assembly 89 5396425 No RoHS-Blade Support Riveting 90 5396622 No RoHS-Shaft 91 5412673 No Shield plate assembly 92 5396628 No RoHS-Lead Plate 93 C2106-M6-02 No Spring Lock Washer, M6, Zinc plated, Rohs Fastener 94 C2001-M4-80 No Flat washer, M4, Black Oxide, Rosh Fastener 95 C2001-M3-80 No Flat washer M3,Black Oxide 96 5396449 No RoHS-Quicklock washer SE-6 97 C1010-M3C004-14 No Phillips countersunk flat head screw GB-T819.1 M3x4. Zinc plated RoHS fastener 98 5396417 No RoHS-Right Handle Plate 99 5396381 No RoHS-Handle Adapter 100 5396418 No RoHS-Spring Plate 101 5396420 No RoHS-Spacer Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 183 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-19 RoHS-SuperBee Collimator - 5396306 Mark No. Part No. FRU 102 5396625 No RoHS-Bearing Shaft 103 5396618 No RoHS-Stop Angle Plate 104 5396431 No RoHS-Lamp Support Riveting 105 5396621 No RoHS-Adjust Screw 106 5396597 No RoHS-Lamp Mask 107 5396480 No RoHS-Steel Wire subassembly L 108 5396428 No RoHS-Blade Base Riveting 109 5396633 No RoHS-Driving Wheel B 110 5396435 No RoHS-Crank Wheel Riveting B 111 5396416 No RoHS-Left Handle Plate 112 C1010-M3C020-80 No Cross slot flat head machine Screw GB-T819.1 M3x20, Black Oxide, RoHS fastener 113 5396637 No RoHS-Rail End Cover 114 1107-M4C005-14 Yes Cross Recessed Pan Head Screw, M4-0.7 X 5mm Long, Grade 4.8 Steel, Zinc plate RoHS Fastener 115 1003-M3C006-31 No Hexagon Socket Button Head Screw, M3-0.5, X6mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener 116 5396479 No RoHS-Angle Plate 2 117 5396627 No RoHS-Blade Support 3 118 5396620 No RoHS-Upper Layer Blade 119 5396605 No RoHS-Blade Support 2 120 5396439 No RoHS-Crank Wheel Riveting A 121 5396453 No RoHS-Steel Wire subassembly S 122 5396489 No RoHS-Driving Shaft 123 1003-M4C006-31 No Hexagon Socket Button Head Screw, M4-0.7, X6mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener 124 5396488 No RoHS-Blade Bushing 125 3000-M4C-04 Yes Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M4-0.7, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 126 1003-M3C010-22 No Hexagon Socket Button Head Screw, M3-0.5, X10mm Long, Grade10.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 127 5395832 No Super Bee Collimator Switch label 128 5397999 No HLA label 129 5396376 No RoHS-Indicator Plate Kit See Collimator knob set - 5397014 on page 185 Page 184 Description Section 5.3 SuperBee Manual Collimator - 5129498 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Collimator knob set - 5397014 Table 5-20 Collimator knob set - 5397014 Mark No. Part No. FRU Description - 5397014 Yes Collimator knob set 1 5396617 No RoHS-Knob 2 5396376 No RoHS-Indicator Plate Kit 3 5396624 No RoHS-Knob Washer 4 1040-M4C004-27 No Hexagon Set Screw with Cup Point, M4-0.7, X4mm Long, Grade 45H Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 185 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST RoHS-Mechanical Interface - 5396643 Figure 5-30 5396643ADW_r1 Page 186 Section 5.3 SuperBee Manual Collimator - 5129498 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-21 RoHS-Mechanical Interface - 5396643 Mark No. Part No. FRU Description 1 5396642 No RoHS-Interface ring 2 1010-M4C010-31 No Phillips Flat Head Screw, ISO 7046, M4-0.7, X10mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener 3 5396644 No RoHS-Suspending lock set See RoHS-Suspending lock set - 5396644 on page 188 4 5396654 No RoHS-Rotation lock set See RoHS-Rotation lock set - 5396654 on page 190 5 1007-M3C016-31 No Phillips Pan Head Screw, ISO 7045, M3-0.5, X16mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 187 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST RoHS-Suspending lock set - 5396644 Figure 5-31 5396644ADW_r1 Page 188 Section 5.3 SuperBee Manual Collimator - 5129498 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-22 RoHS-Suspending lock set - 5396644 Mark No. Part No. FRU Description 1 5396645 No RoHS-Finger end 2 5396646 No RoHS-Suspending Finger 3 5396647 No RoHS-Push pin 4 5396648 No RoHS-Push pin block 5 5396649 No RoHS-Cover 6 5396650 No RoHS-block plate1 7 5396651 Yes Block plate2 8 5396652 No RoHS-Push pin spring 9 5396653 No RoHS-Finger spring 10 C1003-M3C004-31 No Hexagon Socket Button Head Screw, M3-0.5, X4mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener 11 1003-M3C006-31 No Hexagon Socket Button Head Screw, M3-0.5, X6mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 189 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST RoHS-Rotation lock set - 5396654 Figure 5-32 5396654ADW_r1 Page 190 Section 5.3 SuperBee Manual Collimator - 5129498 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-23 RoHS-Rotation lock set - 5396654 Mark No. Part No. FRU Description 1 5396655 Yes Rotation lock Finger 2 5396656 No RoHS-Rotation lock block 3 5396657 No RoHS-Rotation lock shaft 4 5396658 No RoHS-Rotation lock base1 5 5396659 No RoHS-Rotation lock base2 6 5396660 No RoHS-Rotation lock handle 7 5396661 No RoHS-Cover plate 8 5396662 No RoHS-Rotation lock spring 9 1000-M3C020-04 No Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M3-0.5, X20mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 11 1040-M3C006-27 No Hexagon Set Screw with Cup Point, M3-0.5, X6mm Long, Grade 45H Steel, Black Oxide RoHS Fastener Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 191 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Section 5.4 HV Cable Collector - 5503011 Table 5-24 HV Cable Collector - 5503011 Mark No. Part No. FRU Description 1 5503010 Yes HV Cable - Cathode 2 5503010-2 Yes HV Cable - Anode Section 5.5 Hardware Kit for SuperBee - 5399683 Table 5-25 Hardware Kit for SuperBee - 5399683 Mark No. Part No. Qty. Description 1 1000-M4C008-04 24 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, ISO 4762, M4-0.7, X8mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 3 1000-M4C030-07 2 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X30mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 4 1000-M4C035-07 4 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X35mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide RoHS Fastener 5 1000-M4C010-07 34 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M4-0.7, X10mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 6 1000-M5C016-07 16 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M5-0.8, X16mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 8 1000-M6C016-07 16 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M6-1, X16mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 9 1000-M6C020-04 6 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M6-1, X20mm Long, Grade 8.8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 11 1004-M6C020-31 3 Hexagon Socket C-Sunk Head Screw, M6-1, X20mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener 12 1040-M10C025-27 1 Hexagon Set Screw with Cup Point, M10-1.5, X25mm Long, Grade 45H Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 13 1000-M12C025-07 1 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M12-1.75, X25mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 21 2000-M4-02 2 Flat Washer, ISO7089, M4, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 22 2000-M5-02 2 Flat Washer, ISO7089, M5, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 23 2000-M6-02 6 Flat Washer, ISO7089, M6, Steel 140HV, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 24 2203-M4-07 5 Curved Lock Washer, DIN 128A, M4, Spring Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 25 2203-M6-07 2 Curved Lock Washer, DIN 128A, M6, Spring Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 26 2106-M5-14 8 Spring Lock Washer with Flat Ends JIS B1251, M5, Spring Stainless Steel, Rohs Fastener 32 3000-M10C-04 10 Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M10-1.5, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 33 3000-M4C-04 13 Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M4-0.7, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 34 3000-M5C-04 4 Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M5-0.8, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 35 3000-M6C-04 6 Hexagon Nut, ISO4032, M6-1.0, Grade 8 Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 41 5370272 6 hex standoff, m-f, 20 mm long, m4 42 5384944 2 M2.5 X 0.45 X 4mm flat socket, 18-8 stainless, McMaster-Carr 92125A082 43 2108663-4 1 CLAMP,CLOSED/CABL D9.5X9.5 METAL M4 44 2193201 1 SCREW DIN7991 M4X8/6 A4-70 45 1007-M3C016-31 4 Phillips Pan Head Screw, ISO 7045, M3-0.5, X16mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener Page 192 Section 5.4 HV Cable Collector - 5503011 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Table 5-25 Hardware Kit for SuperBee - 5399683 Mark No. Part No. Qty. Description 46 1003-M3C008-31 4 Hexagon Socket Button Head Screw, M3-0.5, X8mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener 47 1003-M3C006-31 4 Hexagon Socket Button Head Screw, M3-0.5, X6mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener 48 1000-M5C020-07 2 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M5-0.8, X20mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 49 1000-M5C025-07 2 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw, M5-0.8, X25mm Long, Grade12.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 50 1003-M4C006-31 4 Hexagon Socket Button Head Screw, M4-0.7, X6mm Long, A2-70 Stainless Steel, Passivate, RoHS Fastener 51 5423408 4 Security Torx M4x10 Buttonhead Fastener 52 5423674 2 M6x10 Lo-head SHCS A2 SS 53 5419764 10 Flange socket button head screw - M5 X 12 long 55 1004-M6C016-22 3 Hexagon Socket C-Sunk Head Screw, M6-1, X16mm Long, Grade10.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 57 5406517 2 front cover thimble 58 5486036-5 1 "Clamp - cable, 9.5 dia, P type, steel with zinc finish, RoHS compliant" 59 5427920 1 Security Torx Bit, T-15 60 1004-M8C016-22 1 Hexagon Socket C-Sunk Head Screw, M8-1.25, X16mm Long, Grade 10.9 Steel, Black Oxide, RoHS Fastener 61 1008-M4P8C013-29 2 Hexagon Head Tapping Screw, ISO 1479, ST 4,8 X 13mm Long, Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener 62 5429442 8 M5x20 socket head cap screw, low head 63 46-252635P7 8 .25 NOM., PLAIN WASHER 64 1008-M4P8C016-29 10 Hexagon Head Tapping Screw, ISO 1479, ST 4,8 X 16mm Long, Steel, Zinc Plated, RoHS Fastener Section 5.6 Other Table 5-26 Other Mark No. Part No. FRU Description None 5423551 Yes Blank USB memory stick with Label None 5400481 Yes Dose Area Product (DAP) option None 5503005 Yes Col Bulkhead to DAP Cable Assembly None 5421892 Yes LockOut TagOut (LOTO) kit collector: • 46-194427P320 Qty = 3 PADLOCK,BRASS WITH BRASS SHACKLE MASTER LOCK #4B • 46-194427P322 Qty = 3 LOCKOUT TAG,BLACK &amp; WHITE ON RED. PKG OF 25 • 2393068 Qty = 3 DANGER LOTO DO NOT REMOVE (for the LOTO locks) • 5421889 Qty = 1 Nylon Lockout Cinch Bag • 5421891 Qty = 3 Electrical Plug Lockout 220-550 volt None 5503600 Yes Wireless Hand Switch kit None 5570321 Yes Tablet Holder Chapter 5 Common SuperBee VHLA - 5555001-2 Page 193 GE HEALTHCARE OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336115-1EN, REVISION 6 Page 194 SYSTEM PARTS LIST Section 5.6 Other © 2011 General Electric Company. GE Medical Systems, a General Electric Company, going to market as GE Healthcare. 3000 N. Grandview Boulevard Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188 USA 196 Front cover GE HEALTHCARE Technical Publication Direction 5336116-1EN Revision 3 GE Healthcare Optima XR200amx/XR220amx System Schematics and Drawings Copyright 2011 by General Electric Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Warning OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX DIRECTION 5336116-1EN ATTENTION LES APPAREILS A RAYONS X SONT DANGEREUX A LA FOIS POUR LE PATIENT ET POUR LE MANIPULATEUR SI LES MESURES DE PROTECTION NE SONT PAS STRICTEMENT APPLIQUEES Bien que cet appareil soit construit selon les normes de sécurité les plus severes, la source de rayonnement X représente un danger lorsque le manipulateur est non qualifié ou non averti. Une exposition excessive au rayonnement X entraîne des dommages a l’organisme. Par conséquent, toutes les précautions doivent être prises pour éviter que les personnes non autorisées ou non qualifées utilisent cet appareil créant ainsi un danger pour les autres et pour elles-mêmes. Avant chaque manipulation, les personnes qualifiées et autorisées à se servir de cet appareil doivent se renseigner sur les mesures de protection etablies par la Commission Internationale sur la Protection Radiologique, Annales 26: Recommandations de la Commission Internationale sure la Protection Radiologique et les normes nationales en vigueur. WARNING X-RAY EQUIPMENT IS DANGEROUS TO BOTH PATIENT AND OPERATOR UNLESS MEASURES OF PROTECTION ARE STRICTLY OBSERVED. Though this equipment is built to the highest standards of electrical and mechanical safety, the useful x-ray beam becomes a source of danger in the hands of the unauthorized or unqualified operator. Excessive exposure to x-radiation causes damage to human tissue. Therefore, adequate precautions must be taken to prevent unauthorized or unqualified persons from operating this equipment or exposing themselves or others to its radiation. Before operation, persons qualified and authorized to operate this equipment should be familiar with the Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), contained in Annals Number 26 of the ICRP, and with applicable national standards. ATENCION LOS APARATOS DE RAYOS X SON PELIGROSOS PARA EL PACIENTE Y EL MANIPULADOR CUANDO LAS NORMAS DE PROTECCION NO ESTAN OBSERVADAS Aunque este aparato está construido según las normas de seguridad más estrictas, la radiacion X constituye un peligro al ser manipulado por personas no autorizadas o incompetentes. Una explosicion excesiva a la radiación X puede causar daños al organismo. Por consiguiente, se deberán tomar todas las precauciones necesarias para evitar que las personas incompetentes o no autorizadas utilicen este aparato, lo que seria un peligro para los demás y para si mismas. Antes de efectuar las manipulaciones, las personas habilitadas y competentes en el uso de este aparato, deberán informarse sobre las normas de protección fijadas por la Comisión Internacional de la Protección Radiológica, Anales No 26: Recomendaciones de la Comisión Internacional sobre la Protección Radiológica y normas nacionales. ACHTUNG RÖNTGENAPPARATE SIND EINE GEFAHR FUR PATIENTEN SOWIE BEDIENUNGSPERSONAL, WENN DIE GELTENDEN SICHERHEITSVORKEHRUNGEN NICHT GENAU BEACHTET WERDEN Dieser Apparat entspricht in seiner Bauweise strengsten elektrischen und mechanischen Sichereitsnormen, doch in den Händen unbefugter oder unqualifizierter Personen wird er zu einer Gefahrenquelle. Übermäßige Röntgenbestrahlung ist für den menschlichen Organismus schädlish. Deswegen sind hinreichende Vorsichtsmaßnahmen erforderlich, um zu verhindern, daßunbefugte oder unqualifizierte Personen solche Geräte bedienen oder sich selbst und andere Personen deren Bestrahlung aussetzen können. Vor Inbetriebnahme dieses Apparats solite sich das qualifizierte und befugte Bedienungspersonal mit den geltenden Kriterien für den gefahrlosen Strahleneinsatz durch sorgfältiges Studium des Hefts Nr. 26 der Internationalen Kommission für Strahlenschutz (ICRP) vertraut machen: Empfehlungen der Internationalen Kommission für Strahlenschutz und anderer nationaler Normenbehörden. Page 2 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Important information WARNING (EN) ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ (BG) 警告 (ZH-CN) 警告 (ZH-HK) 警告 (ZH-TW) This service manual is available in English only. • If a customer's service provider requires a language other than English, it is the customer's responsibility to provide translation services. • Do not attempt to service the equipment unless this service manual has been consulted and is understood. • Failure to heed this warning may result in injury to the service provider, operator or patient from electric shock, mechanical or other hazards. Tова упътване за работа е налично само на английски език. • Ако доставчикът на услугата на клиента изиска друг език, задължение на клиента е да осигури превод. • Не използвайте оборудването, преди да сте се консултирали и разбрали упътването за работа. • неспазването на това предупреждение може да доведе до нараняване на доставчика на услугата, оператора или пациентa в резултат на токов удар, механична или друга опасност. 本维修手册仅提供英文版本。 • • • 如果客户的维修服务人员需要非英文版本,则客户需自行提供翻译服务。 未详细阅读和完全理解本维修手册之前,不得进行维修。 忽略本警告可能对维修服务人员、操作人员或患者造成电击、机械伤害或其他形式的伤 害。 本服務手冊僅提供英文版本。 • 倘若客戶的服務供應商需要英文以外之服務手冊,客戶有責任提供翻譯服務。 • 除非已參閱本服務手冊及明白其內容,否則切勿嘗試維修設備。 • 不遵從本警告或會令服務供應商、網絡供應商或病人受到觸電、機械性或其他的危險。 本維修手冊僅有英文版。 • 若客戶的維修廠商需要英文版以外的語言,應由客戶自行提供翻譯服務。 • 請勿試圖維修本設備,除非 您已查閱並瞭解本維修手冊。 • 若未留意本警告,可能導致維修廠商、操作員或病患因觸電、機械或其他危險而受傷。 UPOZORENJE (HR) Ovaj servisni priručnik dostupan je na engleskom jeziku. • Ako davatelj usluge klijenta treba neki drugi jezik, klijent je dužan osigurati prijevod. • Ne pokušavajte servisirati opremu ako niste u potpunosti pročitali i razumjeli ovaj servisni priručnik. • zanemarite li ovo upozorenje, može doći do ozljede davatelja usluge, operatera ili pacijenta uslijed strujnog udara, mehaničkih ili drugih rizika. VÝSTRAHA (CS) Tento provozní návod existuje pouze v anglickém jazyce. • V případě, že externí služba zákazníkům potřebuje návod v jiném jazyce, je zajištění překladu do odpovídajícího jazyka úkolem zákazníka. • Nesnažte se o údržbu tohoto zařízení, aniž byste si přečetli tento provozní návod a pochopili jeho obsah. • V případě nedodržování této výstrahy může dojít k poranění pracovníka prodejního servisu, obslužného personálu nebo pacientů vlivem elektrického proudu, respektive vlivem mechanických či jiných rizik. Denne servicemanual findes kun på engelsk. • Hvis en kundes tekniker har brug for et andet sprog end engelsk, er det kundens ansvar at sørge for oversættelse. • Forsøg ikke at servicere udstyret uden at læse og forstå denne servicemanual. • Manglende overholdelse af denne advarsel kan medføre skade på grund af elektrisk stød, mekanisk eller anden fare for teknikeren, operatøren eller patienten. ADVARSEL (DA) Preface Page 3 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 WAARSCHUWING (NL) HOIATUS (ET) VAROITUS (FI) ATTENTION (FR) WARNUNG (DE) ΠΡΟΕΙ∆ΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ (EL) FIGYELMEZTETÉS (HU) AÐVÖRUN (IS) Page 4 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Deze onderhoudshandleiding is enkel in het Engels verkrijgbaar. • Als het onderhoudspersoneel een andere taal vereist, dan is de klant verantwoordelijk voor de vertaling ervan. • Probeer de apparatuur niet te onderhouden alvorens deze onderhoudshandleiding werd geraadpleegd en begrepen is. • Indien deze waarschuwing niet wordt opgevolgd, zou het onderhoudspersoneel, de operator of een patiënt gewond kunnen raken als gevolg van een elektrische schok, mechanische of andere gevaren. See teenindusjuhend on saadaval ainult inglise keeles • Kui klienditeeninduse osutaja nõuab juhendit inglise keelest erinevas keeles, vastutab klient tõlketeenuse osutamise eest. • Ärge üritage seadmeid teenindada enne eelnevalt käesoleva teenindusjuhendiga tutvumist ja sellest aru saamist. • Käesoleva hoiatuse eiramine võib põhjustada teenuseosutaja, operaatori või patsiendi vigastamist elektrilöögi, mehaanilise või muu ohu tagajärjel. Tämä huolto-ohje on saatavilla vain englanniksi. • Jos asiakkaan huoltohenkilöstö vaatii muuta kuin englanninkielistä materiaalia, tarvittavan käännöksen hankkiminen on asiakkaan vastuulla. • Älä yritä korjata laitteistoa ennen kuin olet varmasti lukenut ja ymmärtänyt tämän huolto-ohjeen. • Mikäli tätä varoitusta ei noudateta, seurauksena voi olla huoltohenkilöstön, laitteiston käyttäjän tai potilaan vahingoittuminen sähköiskun, mekaanisen vian tai muun vaaratilanteen vuoksi. Ce manuel d’installation et de maintenance est disponible uniquement en anglais. • Si le technicien d'un client a besoin de ce manuel dans une langue autre que l'anglais, il incombe au client de le faire traduire. • Ne pas tenter d'intervenir sur les équipements tant que ce manuel d’installation et de maintenance n'a pas été consulté et compris. • Le non-respect de cet avertissement peut entraîner chez le technicien, l'opérateur ou le patient des blessures dues à des dangers électriques, mécaniques ou autres. Diese Serviceanleitung existiert nur in englischer Sprache. • Falls ein fremder Kundendienst eine andere Sprache benötigt, ist es Aufgabe des Kunden für eine entsprechende Übersetzung zu sorgen. • Versuchen Sie nicht diese Anlage zu warten, ohne diese Serviceanleitung gelesen und verstanden zu haben. • Wird diese Warnung nicht beachtet, so kann es zu Verletzungen des Kundendiensttechnikers, des Bedieners oder des Patienten durch Stromschläge, mechanische oder sonstige Gefahren kommen. Το παρόν εγχειρίδιο σέρβις διατίθεται μόνο στα αγγλικά. • Εάν ο τεχνικός σέρβις ενός πελάτη απαιτεί το παρόν εγχειρίδιο σε γλώσσα εκτός των αγγλικών, αποτελεί ευθύνη του πελάτη να παρέχει τις υπηρεσίες μετάφρασης. • Μην επιχειρήσετε την εκτέλεση εργασιών σέρβις στον εξοπλισμό αν δεν έχετε συμβουλευτεί και κατανοήσει το παρόν εγχειρίδιο σέρβις. • Αν δεν προσέξετε την προειδοποίηση αυτή, ενδέχεται να προκληθεί τραυματισμός στον τεχνικό σέρβις, στο χειριστή ή στον ασθενή από ηλεκτροπληξία, μηχανικούς ή άλλους κινδύνους. Ezen karbantartási kézikönyv kizárólag angol nyelven érhető el. • Ha a vevő szolgáltatója angoltól eltérő nyelvre tart igényt, akkor a vevő felelőssége a fordítás elkészíttetése. • Ne próbálja elkezdeni használni a berendezést, amíg a karbantartási kézikönyvben leírtakat nem értelmezték. • Ezen figyelmeztetés figyelmen kívül hagyása a szolgáltató, működtető vagy a beteg áramütés, mechanikai vagy egyéb veszélyhelyzet miatti sérülését eredményezheti. Þessi þjónustuhandbók er aðeins fáanleg á ensku. • Ef að þjónustuveitandi viðskiptamanns þarfnast annas tungumáls en ensku, er það skylda viðskiptamanns að skaffa tungumálaþjónustu. • Reynið ekki að afgreiða tækið nema að þessi þjónustuhandbók hefur verið skoðuð og skilin. • Brot á sinna þessari aðvörun getur leitt til meiðsla á þjónustuveitanda, stjórnanda eða sjúklings frá raflosti, vélrænu eða öðrum áhættum. Preface GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 AVVERTENZA (IT) (JA) 경고 (KO) BRÎDINÂJUMS (LV) ĮSPĖJIMAS (LT) ADVARSEL (NO) OSTRZEŻENIE (PL) AVISO (PT-BR) ATENÇÃO (PT-PT) OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Il presente manuale di manutenzione è disponibile soltanto in lingua inglese. • Se un addetto alla manutenzione richiede il manuale in una lingua diversa, il cliente è tenuto a provvedere direttamente alla traduzione. • Procedere alla manutenzione dell'apparecchiatura solo dopo aver consultato il presente manuale ed averne compreso il contenuto. • Il mancato rispetto della presente avvertenza potrebbe causare lesioni all'addetto alla manutenzione, all'operatore o ai pazienti provocate da scosse elettriche, urti meccanici o altri rischi. このサービスマニュアルには英語版しかありません。 サービスを担当される業者が英語以外の言語を要求される場合、翻訳作業はその業者の責任で行 うものとさせていただきます。 このサービスマニュアルを熟読し理解せずに、装置のサービスを行わないでください。 この警告に従わない場合、サービスを担当される方、操作員あるいは患者さんが、感電や機械 的又はその他の危険により負傷する可能性があります。 본 서비스 매뉴얼은 영어로만 이용하실 수 있습니다 . • 고객의 서비스 제공자가 영어 이외의 언어를 요구할 경우 , 번역 서비스를 제공하는 것은 고객의 책임입니다 . • 본 서비스 매뉴얼을 참조하여 숙지하지 않은 이상 해당 장비를 수리하려고 시도하지 마십시오 . • 본 경고 사항에 유의하지 않으면 전기 쇼크 , 기계적 위험 , 또는 기타 위험으로 인해 서비스 제공자 , 사용자 또는 환자에게 부상을 입힐 수 있습니다 . Šī apkopes rokasgrāmata ir pieejama tikai angļu valodā. • Ja klienta apkopes sniedzējam nepieciešama informācija citā valodā, klienta pienākums ir nodrošināt tulkojumu. • Neveiciet aprīkojuma apkopi bez apkopes rokasgrāmatas izlasīšanas un saprašanas. • Šī brīdinājuma neievērošanas rezultātā var rasties elektriskās strāvas trieciena, mehānisku vai citu faktoru izraisītu traumu risks apkopes sniedzējam, operatoram vai pacientam. Šis eksploatavimo vadovas yra tik anglų kalba. • Jei kliento paslaugų tiekėjas reikalauja vadovo kita kalba – ne anglų, suteikti vertimo paslaugas privalo klientas. • Nemėginkite atlikti įrangos techninės priežiūros, jei neperskaitėte ar nesupratote šio eksploatavimo vadovo. • Jei nepaisysite šio įspėjimo, galimi paslaugų tiekėjo, operatoriaus ar paciento sužalojimai dėl elektros šoko, mechaninių ar kitų pavojų. Denne servicehåndboken finnes bare på engelsk. • Hvis kundens serviceleverandør har bruk for et annet språk, er det kundens ansvar å sørge for oversettelse. • Ikke forsøk å reparere utstyret uten at denne servicehåndboken er lest og forstått. • Manglende hensyn til denne advarselen kan føre til at serviceleverandøren, operatøren eller pasienten skades på grunn av elektrisk støt, mekaniske eller andre farer. Niniejszy podręcznik serwisowy dostępny jest jedynie w języku angielskim. • Jeśli serwisant klienta wymaga języka innego niż angielski, zapewnienie usługi tłumaczenia jest obowiązkiem klienta. • Nie próbować serwisować urządzenia bez zapoznania się z niniejszym podręcznikiem serwisowym i zrozumienia go. • Niezastosowanie się do tego ostrzeżenia może doprowadzić do obrażeń serwisanta, operatora lub pacjenta w wyniku porażenia prądem elektrycznym, zagrożenia mechanicznego bądź innego. Este manual de assistência técnica encontra-se disponível unicamente em inglês. • Se outro serviço de assistência técnica solicitar a tradução deste manual, caberá ao cliente fornecer os serviços de tradução. • Não tente reparar o equipamento sem ter consultado e compreendido este manual de assistência técnica. • A não observância deste aviso pode ocasionar ferimentos no técnico, operador ou paciente decorrentes de choques elétricos, mecânicos ou outros. Este manual de assistência técnica só se encontra disponível em inglês. • Se qualquer outro serviço de assistência técnica solicitar este manual noutro idioma, é da responsabilidade do cliente fornecer os serviços de tradução. • Não tente reparar o equipamento sem ter consultado e compreendido este manual de assistência técnica. • O não cumprimento deste aviso pode colocar em perigo a segurança do técnico, do operador ou do paciente devido a choques eléctricos, mecânicos ou outros. Preface Page 5 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 ATENŢIE (RO) ОСТОРОЖНО! (RU) UPOZORENJE (SR) UPOZORNENIE (SK) ATENCION (ES) VARNING (SV) OPOZORILO (SL) DİKKAT (TR) Page 6 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Acest manual de service este disponibil doar în limba engleză. • Dacă un furnizor de servicii pentru clienţi necesită o altă limbă decât cea engleză, este de datoria clientului să furnizeze o traducere. • Nu încercaţi să reparaţi echipamentul decât ulterior consultării şi înţelegerii acestui manual de service. • Ignorarea acestui avertisment ar putea duce la rănirea depanatorului, operatorului sau pacientului în urma pericolelor de electrocutare, mecanice sau de altă natură. Данное руководство по техническому обслуживанию представлено только на английском языке. • Если сервисному персоналу клиента необходимо руководство не на английском, а на каком-то другом языке, клиенту следует самостоятельно обеспечить перевод. • Перед техническим обслуживанием оборудования обязательно обратитесь к данному руководству и поймите изложенные в нем сведения. • Несоблюдение требований данного предупреждения может привести к тому, что специалист по техобслуживанию, оператор или пациент получит удар электрическим током, механическую травму или другое повреждение Ovo servisno uputstvo je dostupno samo na engleskom jeziku. • Ako klijentov serviser zahteva neki drugi jezik, klijent je dužan da obezbedi prevodilačke usluge. • Ne pokušavajte da opravite uređaj ako niste pročitali i razumeli ovo servisno uputstvo. • Zanemarivanje ovog upozorenja može dovesti do povređivanja servisera, rukovaoca ili pacijenta usled strujnog udara ili mehaničkih i drugih opasnosti. Tento návod na obsluhu je k dispozícii len v angličtine. • Ak zákazníkov poskytovateľ služieb vyžaduje iný jazyk ako angličtinu, poskytnutie prekladateľských služieb je zodpovednosťou zákazníka. • Nepokúšajte sa o obsluhu zariadenia, kým si neprečítate návod na obluhu a neporozumiete mu. • Zanedbanie tohto upozornenia môže spôsobiť zranenie poskytovateľa služieb, obsluhujúcej osoby alebo pacienta elektrickým prúdom, mechanické alebo iné ohrozenie. Este manual de servicio sólo existe en inglés. • Si el encargado de mantenimiento de un cliente necesita un idioma que no sea el inglés, el cliente deberá encargarse de la traducción del manual. • No se deberá dar servicio técnico al equipo, sin haber consultado y comprendido este manual de servicio. • La no observancia del presente aviso puede dar lugar a que el proveedor de servicios, el operador o el paciente sufran lesiones provocadas por causas eléctricas, mecánicas o de otra naturaleza. Den här servicehandboken finns bara tillgänglig på engelska. . • Om en kunds servicetekniker har behov av ett annat språk än engelska, ansvarar kunden för att tillhandahålla översättningstjänster. • Försök inte utföra service på utrustningen om du inte har läst och förstår den här servicehandboken. • Om du inte tar hänsyn till den här varningen kan det resultera i skador på serviceteknikern, operatören eller patienten till följd av elektriska stötar, mekaniska faror eller andra faror. Ta servisni priročnik je na voljo samo v angleškem jeziku. • Če ponudnik storitve stranke potrebuje priročnik v drugem jeziku, mora stranka zagotoviti prevod. • Ne poskušajte servisirati opreme, če tega priročnika niste v celoti prebrali in razumeli. • Če tega opozorila ne upoštevate, se lahko zaradi električnega udara, mehanskih ali drugih nevarnosti poškoduje ponudnik storitev, operater ali bolnik. Bu servis kılavuzunun sadece ingilizcesi mevcuttur. • Eğer müşteri teknisyeni bu kılavuzu ingilizce dışında bir başka lisandan talep ederse, bunu tercüme ettirmek müşteriye düşer. • Servis kılavuzunu okuyup anlamadan ekipmanlara müdahale etmeyiniz. • Bu uyarıya uyulmaması, elektrik, mekanik veya diğer tehlikelerden dolayı teknisyen, operatör veya hastanın yaralanmasına yol açabilir. Preface GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Legal notes TRADEMARKS Optima XR200amxTM and Optima XR220amxTM are trademarks of GE Healthcare. WPA and WPA2 are trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance. All other products and their name brands are trademarks of their respective holders. COPYRIGHTS All material copyright © 2011 by General Electric Company, Inc. All rights reserved. The material presented and contained herein may not be reproduced in any form or manner, without the written permission of General Electric Company, Inc. Preface Page 7 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Important precautions DAMAGE IN TRANSPORTATION All packages should be closely examined at time of delivery. If damage is apparent, have notation “damage in shipment” written on all copies of the freight or express bill before delivery is accepted or “signed for” by a General Electric representative or a hospital receiving agent. Whether noted or concealed, damage MUST be reported to the carrier immediately upon discovery, or in any event, within 14 days after receipt, and the contents and containers held for inspection by the carrier. A transportation company will not pay a claim for damage if an inspection is not requested within this 14 day period. To file a report, call 1-800-548-3366. Select the option for “Install Support Services for FOA and MIS.” Contact your local service coordinator for more information on this process. CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR STATEMENT All electrical installations that are preliminary to positioning of the equipment at the site prepared for the equipment shall be performed by licensed electrical contractors. In addition, electrical feeds into the Power Distribution Unit shall be performed by licensed electrical contractors. Other connections between pieces of electrical equipment, calibrations and testing shall be performed by qualified GE Healthcare personnel. The products involved (and the accompanying electrical installations) are highly sophisticated, and special engineering competence is required. In performing all electrical work on these products, GE will use its own specially trained field engineers. All of GE’s electrical work on these products will comply with the requirements of the applicable electrical codes. The purchaser of GE equipment shall only utilize qualified personnel (i.e., GE’s field engineers, personnel of third-party service companies with equivalent training, or licensed electricians) to perform electrical servicing on the equipment. IMPORTANT...X-RAY PROTECTION X-ray equipment if not properly used may cause injury. Accordingly, the instructions herein contained should be thoroughly read and understood by everyone who will use the equipment before you attempt to place this equipment in operation. GE Healthcare will be glad to assist and cooperate in placing this equipment in use. Although this apparatus incorporates a high degree of protection against x-radiation other than the useful beam, no practical design of equipment can provide complete protection. Nor can any practical design compel the operator to take adequate precautions to prevent the possibility of any persons carelessly exposing themselves or others to radiation. It is important that anyone having anything to do with x-radiation be properly trained and fully acquainted with the recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) as published in NCRP Reports available from NCRP Publications, 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Room 1016, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, and of the International Commission on Radiation Protection, and take adequate steps to protect against injury. The equipment is sold with the understanding that GE Healthcare, its agents, and representatives have no responsibility for injury or damage which may result from improper use of the equipment. Various protective materials and devices are available. It is urged that such materials or devices be used. LITHIUM BATTERY CAUTIONARY STATEMENT DANGER - Risk of Explosion Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Discard used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions. ATTENTION - Danger d’Explosion Il y a danger d’explosion s’il y a replacement incorrect de la batterie. Remplacer uniquement avec une batterie du même type ou d’un type recommandé par le constructeur. Mettre au rébut les batteries usagées conformément aux instructions du fabricant. TECHNICAL MANUAL UPDATES When operating or servicing GE Healthcare products, please contact your GE representative for the latest revision of product documentation. Product documentation may also be available on-line at the GE Healthcare support documentation library. OMISSIONS AND ERRORS Customers, please contact your GE Healthcare sales or service representatives. GE personnel, please use the GE Healthcare complaint handling process to report all omissions, errors, and defects in this publication. Page 8 Preface GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Revision history Revision Date Reason for change 1 20SEP2011 Initial release of document 2 12SEP2012 Cable ‘5557023 Cricket to breaker’ drawing is incorrect. Instead, 5557032 drawing was shown. Updated Figure 8-8 with the correct drawing. Refer to PR7510828. Updated Ch 2, Sec 2-1 System Architecture Schematic DOC0645488 to Rev 3. Updated wiring diagram 5507000WIR to rev 5 in Figure 2-2. Refer to ECO 2131197. Added text to front material on how to obtain most recent revisions of technical manuals. Satisfies FDA recommendation. Updated Locust drive board part number and drawings from 5350006 to 5350006-2. Refer to PR# 7792277. Updated Hornet UIF board part number and drawings from 5350004 to 5350004-2. Refer to PR# 8915068. 3 17SEP2013 Chapter 13, Section 13.1, added drawings 5557070ADW, 5557071ADW, 5557067ADW. Refer to ECR 2150628. Chapter 5, changed all Spyder board part numbers from 5350002 to 5350002-4 and updated Spyder board schematics to Rev 7. Refer to ECO 2140711. Chapter 7, changed all Locust board part numbers from 5350006 to 5350006-2 and updated Locust board schematics to Rev 7. Refer to ECO 2143023. Chapter 4, changed all Firefly board part numbers from 5350000 to 5350000-2 and updated Firefly board ADW drawing and schematics to Rev 6. Refer to ECO 2140711. Chapter 2, updated Figure 2-2 wiring diagram 5507000WIR to Rev 6. Refer to ECR 2150628. Preface Page 9 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Page 10 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Preface GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Preface - Publi- OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Preface Publication Conventions Standardized conventions for representing information is a uniform way of communicating information to a reader in a consistent manner. Conventions are used so that the reader can easily recognize the actions or decisions that must be made. There are a number of character and paragraph styles used in this publication to accomplish this task. Please become familiar with them before proceeding forward. It is important that you read and understand hazard statements, and not just ignore them. Safety & Hazard Information Proper product safety labeling allows a person to safely use or service a product. The format and style for safety communications reflected in this publication represents the harmonization of IEC/ISO 3864 and ANSI Z535 standards. Within this publication, different paragraph and character styles are used to indicated potential hazards. Paragraph prefixes, such as hazard, caution, danger and warning, are used to identify important safety information. Text (Hazard) styles are applied to the paragraph contents that are applicable to each specific safety statement. Hazard Messages Any action that will, could or potentially cause personal injury will be preceded by the safety alert symbol and an appropriate signal word. The safety alert symbol is the triangle with an exclamation mark within it. It Is always used next to the signal word to indicate the severity of the hazard. Together, they are used to indicate a hazard exists. Signal words describe the severity of possible human injures that may be encountered. The alert symbol and signal word are placed immediately before any paragraph they affect. Safety information includes: 1.) Signal Word - The seriousness level of the hazard. 2.) Symbol or Pictorial - The consequence of interaction with the hazard. 3.) Word Message: a.) The nature of the hazard (i.e. the type of hazard) b.) How to avoid the hazard. The safety alert symbol is not used when an action can only cause equipment damage. Text Format of Signal Words DANGER - INDICATES AN IMMINENTLY HAZARDOUS SITUATION WHICH, IF NOT AVOIDED, WILL RESULT IN DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY. THIS SIGNAL WORD IS LIMITED TO THE MOST EXTREME SITUATIONS. WARNING - INDICATES A POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS SITUATION WHICH, IF NOT AVOIDED, COULD RESULT IN DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY. Caution - Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices. NOTICE - Indicates information or a company policy that relates directly or indirectly to the safety of personnel or protection of property. This signal word is associated directly with a hazard or hazardous situation and is used in place of 'DANGER,' 'WARNING,' or 'CAUTION.' It can include: • Destruction of a disk drive • Potential for internal mechanical damage, such as to a X-ray tube Preface Page 11 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Symbols and Pictorials Used The following Symbols and Pictorials are be used in this publication. These graphical icons (symbols) may be used to make you aware of specific types of hazards that could possibly cause harm. keep_up magnetic biohazard compressgas ppe-hearing fragile impact corrosive heavyobject ppe-2people static_elec heat general laser ppe-respitory keep_dry pinch radiation poisongas ppe-loto general explosive electrical flammable ppe-eye torque crush/mechanical tipping Read Manual ppe-gloves ce instuction poisonmatl entanglement instuction Page 12 Preface GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Publication Conventions General Paragraph and Character Styles Prefixes are used to highlight important non-safety related information. Paragraph prefixes (such as Purpose, Example, Comment or Note) are used to identify important but non-safety related information. Text styles are also applied to text within each paragraph modified by the specific prefix. EXAMPLES OF PREFIXES USED FOR GENERAL INFORMATION: Purpose: Introduces and provides meaning as to the information contained within the chapter, section or subsection (such as used at the beginning this chapter, for example). Note: Conveys information that should be considered important to the reader. Example: Used to make the reader aware that the paragraph(s) that follow are examples of information possibly stated previously. Comment: Represents “additional” information that may or may not be relevant to your situation. Page Layout Publication Part Number & Revision Number The current section and its title are always shown in the footer of the left (even) page. An exclamation point in a triangle is used to indicate important information to the user. Paragraphs preceeded by Alphanumeric characters (e.g. numbers) contain information that must be followed in a specific order. Publication Title The current chapter and its title are always shown in the footer of the right (odd) page. Paragraphs preceeded by a symbol (e.g. bullets) contain information that has no specific order. Headers and footers in this publication are designed to allow you to quickly identify your location. The document part number and revision number appears in every header on every page. Odd numbered page footers indicate the current chapter, its title and current page number. Even page footers show the current section and its title, as well as the current page number. Preface Page 13 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Computer Screen Output/Input Text Character Styles Within this publication, mono-spaced character styles (fonts) are used to indicate computer text that’s either screen input and output. Mono-spaced fonts, such courier, are used to indicated text direction. When you type at your keyboard, you are generating computer input. Occasionally you will see the math operator “greater-than” and “less-than” symbols used to indicate the start and finish of variable output. When reading text generated by the computer, you are reading it as computer generated output. In addition to direction, characters are italicized (e.g. italics) to indicate information specific to your system or site. Example: Fixed Output This paragraph’s font represents computer generated screen “fixed” output. Its output is fixed from the sense that it does not vary from application to application. It is the most commonly used style used to indicate filenames, paths and text that do not change from system to system. The character style used is a fixed width such as courier. Example: Variable Output This paragraph’s font represents computer screen output that is “variable”. It is used to represent output that varies from application to application or system to system. Variable output is sometimes found placed between greater-than and less-than operators for clarification. For example: <variable_ouput> or <>. In both cases, the < and > operators are not part of the actual input. Example: Fixed Input This paragraph’s font represents fixed input. It is computer input that is typed-in via the keyboard. Typed input that does not vary from application to application or system to system. Fixed text the user is required to supply as input. For example: cd /usr/3p Example: Variable Input This paragraph’s font represents computer input that can vary from application to application or system to system. With variable text, the user is required to supply system dependent input or information. Variable input sometimes is placed between greater-than and less-than operators. For example: <variable_input>. In these cases, the (<>) operators would be dropped prior to input. For example: ypcat hosts | grep <> would be typed into the computer as: ypcat hosts | grep without the greater-than and less-than operators. Buttons, Switches and Keyboard Inputs (Hard & Soft Keys) Different character styles are used to indicate actions requiring the reader to press either a hard or soft button, switch or key. Physical hardware, such as buttons and switches, are called hard keys because they are hard wired or mechanical in nature. A keyboard or on/off switch would be a hard key. Software or computer generated buttons are called soft keys because they are software generated. Software driven menu buttons are an example of such keys. Soft and hard keys are represented differently in this publication. Example: Hard Keys A power switch ON/OFF or a keyboard key like ENTER is indicated by applying a character style that uses both over and under-lined bold text that is bold. This is a hard key. Example: Soft Keys Whereas the computer MENU button that you would click with your mouse or touch with your hand uses over and under-lined regular text. This is a soft key. Page 14 Preface GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Table of contents Chapter 1 Introduction to schematics ........................................................... 19 Section 1.1 Content and organization ............................................................................... 19 Section 1.2 Drawing conventions ...................................................................................... 19 Chapter 2 System interconnects .................................................................. 21 Section 2.1 System architecture ........................................................................................ 21 Section 2.2 System wiring .................................................................................................. 22 Chapter 3 Jumpers, switches, LEDs, test points ......................................... 23 Section 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Section 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3 3.5.4 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4 29 29 30 30 Caterpillar base transition board 5350010 .................................................... 30 Jumpers .............................................................................................................................................. Switches ............................................................................................................................................. LEDs ................................................................................................................................................... Test points .......................................................................................................................................... Section 3.7 27 28 28 28 Cricket battery board 5350008 ....................................................................... 29 Jumpers .............................................................................................................................................. Switches ............................................................................................................................................. LEDs ................................................................................................................................................... Test points .......................................................................................................................................... Section 3.6 26 26 27 27 Locust drive board 5350006-2........................................................................ 27 Jumpers .............................................................................................................................................. Switches ............................................................................................................................................. LEDs ................................................................................................................................................... Test points .......................................................................................................................................... Section 3.5 24 25 25 26 Hornet UIF board 5350004-2........................................................................... 26 Jumpers .............................................................................................................................................. Switches ............................................................................................................................................. LEDs ................................................................................................................................................... Test points .......................................................................................................................................... Section 3.4 23 23 23 24 Spyder system controller board 5350002-4 .................................................. 24 Jumpers .............................................................................................................................................. Switches ............................................................................................................................................. LEDs ................................................................................................................................................... Test points .......................................................................................................................................... Section 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 Firefly charger board 5350000-2 .................................................................... 23 Jumpers .............................................................................................................................................. Switches ............................................................................................................................................. LEDs ................................................................................................................................................... Test points .......................................................................................................................................... 30 30 30 30 Board data module 5350038........................................................................... 31 Table of Contents Page 15 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 3.7.1 3.7.2 3.7.3 3.7.4 Jumpers .............................................................................................................................................. Switches ............................................................................................................................................. LEDs ................................................................................................................................................... Test points .......................................................................................................................................... Section 3.8 3.8.1 3.8.2 3.8.3 3.8.4 3.8.5 31 31 31 31 Collimator lamp supply board 5450200......................................................... 31 Jumpers .............................................................................................................................................. Switches ............................................................................................................................................. LEDs ................................................................................................................................................... Test points .......................................................................................................................................... Potentiometers ................................................................................................................................... Section 3.9 3.9.1 3.9.2 3.9.3 3.9.4 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 31 31 32 32 32 Mantis power supply 5311985........................................................................ 32 Jumpers .............................................................................................................................................. Switches ............................................................................................................................................. LEDs ................................................................................................................................................... Test points .......................................................................................................................................... 32 32 33 33 Section 3.10 LVLE2 power supply 5192958 ........................................................................ 33 3.10.1 3.10.2 3.10.3 3.10.4 Jumpers .............................................................................................................................................. Switches ............................................................................................................................................. LEDs ................................................................................................................................................... Test points .......................................................................................................................................... Chapter 4 33 33 33 33 Firefly charger board 5350000-2................................................... 35 Section 4.1 Firefly schematics ........................................................................................... 36 Section 4.2 Firefly connector cables ................................................................................. 65 Chapter 5 Spyder system controller 5350002-4 ........................................... 75 Section 5.1 Spyder schematics.......................................................................................... 76 Section 5.2 Spyder connector cables.............................................................................. 136 Chapter 6 Hornet UIF board 5350004-2 ....................................................... 147 Section 6.1 Hornet schematics ........................................................................................ 148 Section 6.2 Hornet connector cables .............................................................................. 155 Chapter 7 Locust drive board 5350006-2 .................................................... 159 Section 7.1 Locust schematics ........................................................................................ 160 Section 7.2 Locust connector cables .............................................................................. 184 Chapter 8 Cricket battery board 5350008.................................................... 195 Section 8.1 Cricket schematics........................................................................................ 196 Section 8.2 Cricket connector cables.............................................................................. 199 Page 16 Table of Contents GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Chapter 9 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Caterpillar base transition board 5350010 ................................ 205 Section 9.1 Caterpillar schematics .................................................................................. 206 Section 9.2 Caterpillar connector cables ........................................................................ 209 Chapter 10 LVLE2 power supply 5192958 .................................................... 215 Section 10.1 LVLE2 connector cables............................................................................... 216 Chapter 11 Mantis power supply 5311985 .................................................... 223 Section 11.1 Mantis connector cables .............................................................................. 224 Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) ......................................................................... 229 Section 12.1 Generator Interconnections ......................................................................... 230 Section 12.2 Main auxiliary 15kW module 5338768 ......................................................... 231 12.2.1 Rotor control board 5133326-3......................................................................................................... 233 Section 12.3 Optional auxiliary module 30kW 5338767 ................................................... 246 12.3.1 Beetle CAPA board 5395972 ........................................................................................................... 248 Section 12.4 Power module 5396857................................................................................. 250 12.4.1 Power board 5367800 ...................................................................................................................... 251 12.4.2 Filament board 5394517................................................................................................................... 257 12.4.3 Control board 5305042-2.................................................................................................................. 263 Section 12.5 HV tank 5140761-2......................................................................................... 264 12.5.1 Int measurement board 5309420 ..................................................................................................... 265 12.5.2 HV BIP board 5395639..................................................................................................................... 268 Section 12.6 Generator connector cables......................................................................... 270 Chapter 13 DPS (Detector Power Supply) assembly ................................... 285 Section 13.1 DPS assembly drawing................................................................................. 286 Section 13.2 DPS connector cables .................................................................................. 291 Chapter 14 PC .................................................................................................. 297 Section 14.1 PC connector cables..................................................................................... 298 Chapter 15 Other ............................................................................................. 305 Section 15.1 Drive login board 5378850 and Overlay board 5368325 ............................ 305 15.1.1 Drive login board 5378850 ............................................................................................................... 305 login board schematics ........................................................................... 306 login board connector cables .................................................................. 310 login electrode board 5378852................................................................ 311 15.1.2 Overlay board 5368325 .................................................................................................................... 314 Table of Contents Page 17 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN board connector cables....................................................................... 316 Section 15.2 Cord reel......................................................................................................... 317 15.2.1 Cord reel connector cables............................................................................................................... 318 Section 15.3 Collimator lamp supply (CLS) 5450200 ....................................................... 320 15.3.1 Collimator lamp supply schematics .................................................................................................. 321 15.3.2 Collimator lamp supply connector cables ......................................................................................... 324 Section 15.4 Power switch ................................................................................................. 327 15.4.1 Power switch connector cables ........................................................................................................ 328 Section 15.5 Wireless USB host radio board assembly 5390144-2 ................................ 330 15.5.1 Wireless USB host radio board schematics...................................................................................... 330 15.5.2 Wireless USB host radio board connector cable .............................................................................. 336 Page 18 Table of Contents GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Chapter 1 Introduction to schematics Section 1.1 Content and organization This service manual contains schematics for the assemblies that make up the Optima XR200amx/Optima XR220amx system. Schematics are arranged in alpha-numeric order, using the reference designators assigned each assembly. Reference designators are brief codes used to identify and locate the assembly within a system. Section 1.2 Drawing conventions Some schematics contained in this document use a hierarchical design philosophy. This hierarchical philosophy allows for easier schematic representation of complex circuitry. To a typical schematic user however, the hierarchical schematics may seem difficult to follow. So to address this issue, there are listed below, some informative highlights which should help in the understanding of hierarchical design schematics. • Hierarchical schematics are structured from a high level (i.e.,complete system) to a low level (i.e., discrete components). In circuit board schematic applications this means that there will typically be a block diagram on the first schematic sheets, which represents the entire circuit board. Then from this diagram, each of the blocks is broken down into the discrete component circuitry. • For individual signal connections, a similar schematic structuring technique is used. At the block diagram schematic level, signals are grouped together into buses, which travel between the blocks. The individual signal connections are first shown separately when the blocks are broken down into the discrete component circuitry. • Buses are drawn thicker than the individual signal lines and they also have two numbers shown in parentheses, immediately following the bus name. These numbers indicate how many individual signals are contained in the bus. For example, (7:0) indicates that there are eight total signals in the bus, ranging from 0 through 7. If the buses happen to be data or address buses, the numbers in parentheses also indicate the most significant bit and least significant bit as follows, (MSB:LSB). • When an individual signal line enters or leaves a bus, it is drawn using a diagonal line called a ripper. Next to the ripper, a number is also drawn. This ripper number is unique to the signal line that it represents. In other words, if a ripper number is 3 and the signal line name that leaves the bus is XAC, every time XAC leaves or enters that bus, the ripper number, will always be 3. • There are some special symbols, called ports and pages, used to link buses and signal lines from one sheet of the schematic to others. Port symbols link signals between different functional blocks, while the page symbols link signals within the same functional block. This was just a brief summary of some of the more significant differences associated with hierarchical design schematics. In general, most other schematic guidelines used before the hierarchical applications, still apply. For example; schematic inputs are still on the left and outputs on the right, and schematic flow is from left-to-right and top-to-bottom. Also, signal names are still consistent throughout an entire schematic design, whenever possible. Chapter 1 Introduction to schematics Page 19 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Page 20 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 1.2 Drawing conventions GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Chapter 2 System interconnects Section 2.1 System architecture 1 2 802.15.3a UWB Detector 3 802.15.4 Zigbee Zigbee Barcode Reader 8 mMNL PLG 8 mMNL REC A J6 J5 J9 6 Molex Pin J13 J14 9 Sub-D REC E I/O Expander I/F J16 10 Header 0.1" FPGA JTAG 5 PCN NO. CLS 5450200 +Batt J4 3.15A Firefly Charger Board 5350000 - X J9 J5 DESCRIPTION J6 MADE CHECK APPR Update to Detector Power Supply Update to DPM & Board #’s to -X OTHER 6 APPROVALS Butzine DD-MM-YY J2 J3 G Collimator Lamp 2MOPP Batt +Batt Secondary Isolation Barrier 2000V dielectric 6.1mm cr / 5mm cl First revision as DOC Update to connectors 2140711 Field Light Enable J1 5 MnL Plug J3 F Column TS 4 DATE 12 Aug 2009 8 Apr 2010 6 Dec 2011 18 Apr 2013 J7 Unused 4 mMnL Plug J12 J15 14 Header 0.1" AC Present Lamp RTN 3 mMnL Plug AC Line Filter MADE BY Butzine Butzine Jablonowski Sulma MFG Interface J11 6 Molex pin REV 1 2 3 4 15A Fast-Blow J10 6 Molex Rec Pack 4 CN2 15 Hsub-D Plug J2 4 mMnL Plug 4 mMnL REC Pack 3 CN2 15 HSub-D REC J1 3 mMnL Plug 3 mMnL REC Pack 2 CN2 2 mMnL REC 4 mMnL Rec Pack 1 CN2 6 Molex Rec 3 Molex Pin 3 6 MicroMatch REC 6 MicroMatch Plug Breaker Trip 15 Hsub-D Rec 3 Molex Rec 2 CN5 Battery Temp Feedback 15 HSub-D Plug J8 9 SubD Rec 9 SubD Plug Cord Reel 802.15.4 Zigbee Wireless Handswitch 5350048 5350050 REVISIONS 4mm cr / 2.5mm cl Line/Gnd and Neutral/Gnd Battery Temp Feedback 6 MnL Rec 6 MnL Plug J3 *1MOPP A/C * 10 MnL Plug 2MOPP 24Vdc Prep, Exp, Light 2 mMnL Plug 2MOPP Batt 9 MnL Rec 9 MnL Plug J1 3 Terminal 0.375" 9 SubD Rec 2MOPP A/C A/C Isolation Barrier 4000V dielectric 8mm cr / 5mm cl 9 SubD Plug Mantis Supply (SL Power) J2 5311985 Breaker J10 10 MnL REC RJ11-REC 5 MnL Plug Breaker Trip Hospital Outlet 85-264 VAC 50/60 Hz RJ-11 Plug J1 5 MnL REC 6 MnL Rec J5 RJ11-REC Future 6 MnL Plug J7 2 Phoenix Plug -Batt J11, J12, J13, J14 Cricket Battery Board 5350008 2 Phoenix REC 1 4 MnL REC Battery Temp 150VDC Battery Stack (12) 17Ah VRLA; (4) 36VDC Packs 15A D 10A J6 3A F1 J1, J2, J3, J4 H F3 5 MnL Plug F2 Drive Login Active Board 5378850 Drive Login Electrode Board 5378852 15 HSub-D Plug 5 MnL REC J8 15A 5 MnL REC 2 Phoenix Plug 2 Phoenix REC G 3 Phoenix REC J5 I/O 6 MicroMatch REC 6 MicroMatch Plug J7 Touch Screen 15 HSub-D REC 24VDC 4 MnL REC FPGA JTAG C +24VDC Wireless Handset Charge Receptacle 3 Phoenix Plug J2 Overlay Board 5368325 I/O Expander I/F RJ-11 Plug J12 10 Header 0.1" J8 4 MnL REC 4 MnL Plug J2 J1 HS 5 MnL Plug F J7 Board Data Module 5350038 J1 I/O Inverter CN4 J11 14 Header 0.1" MFG Interface 10 MicroFit Plug 10 MicroFit REC 9 Sub-D Plug 9 Sub-D REC 9 Sub-D REC J6 J3 2MOPP Batt J10 2 mMnL Plug 2mMnLREC J6, J7 LVLE2 5192958 2 mMnL REC 3mMnLPlug J5 2mMnLPlug J4 9 Sub-D Rec 1MOPP Batt 9 Sub-D Plug J2 3mMnLREC S P Y D E R J9 J9 2mMnLPlug T O J8 2mMnLREC 24 VDC 4 mMnL REC J7 15“ LCD CN3 L O C U S T 802.15.4 Zigbee J1 Pwr, Dim, On/Off 5 AMPMODU REC 15 Sub-D REC J4 J5 8 Bit LVDS Power 5 AMPMODU Plug 2 Phoenix Plug J1 14 Socket 0.1" T O Spyder System Controller 5350002 - X 14 Header 0.1" J3 15 Sub-D Plug 4 mMnL Plug 6 mMnL Plug 15 Hsub-D Plug J2 15 HSub-D REC 3 mMnL Plug 3 mMnL REC 2MOPP Batt J3 4 MnL Plug 2 mMnL Plug J1 2 mMnL REC 12 MiniFit Plug Locust Drive Board 5350006 - X 2MOPP Batt J2 2 Phoenix REC +48VDC 12 VDC B J4 CN2 30kW Optional Aux. Module Sensor J8 J11 10 Header 0.1" CPLD JTAG J12 2 Header 0.1" SPARE PIEZO J4 2 Phoenix Plug J3 Power Module 6 mMnL REC J13 20 Header 0.1" SPARE I/O J10 14 Header 0.1" DSP JTAG 8 MnL Plug J5 J22 1MOPP Batt 14 Socket 0.1" 12 MnL Plug 12 MnL REC J6 J23 14 Header 0.1" 15 Sub-D Plug 15 Sub-D REC J1 USB B REC USB A REC J3 J18 15kW Main Aux. Module Drive 8 MnL REC 9 Sub-D Plug Column TS 12 MiniFit REC +Batt Tube Park Latch Very High Voltage 6 MicroFit Plug 6 MicroFit REC Detector Park Switch USB B REC J19 26 Hsub-D Plug Rotational Brake Speaker J5 20 MDR Plug J2 USB B Plug 26 Hsub-D Plug Bumper Speaker USB A Plug 26 Hsub-D REC 12 MnL Plug Hard Brake Release Switch 4 Phoenix Plug 4 Phoenix REC USB B Plug 4 Microfit Plug 4 Microfit REC 15 Sub-D Plug USB A Plug 20 MDR REC Mini-75 Plug 120A 20 MDR REC 4 Medi-Snap PLUG 4 Medi-Snap REC BSCAN (Service Access) 15 Hsub-D Plug 2 MnL Plug 3 mMnL REC 3 mMnL PLG 20 MDR Plug J10 USB A REC A AC Line Voltage LVDS 15 Hsub-D REC 3 mMnL Plug J9 Toshiba E7901X J3 15 Sub-D Plug 4 mMnL Plug Arm Brake J8 15 Sub-D REC 12 MnL REC Vertical Brake J7 5 SL Plug 15 Sub-D REC Lock Release Switches J6 J11 5 SL REC 2 MnL REC Halls, Bar J9 Mini-75 REC 1MOPP Batt J1 2 Phoenix Plug J2 3 mMnL REC Drive Handle E J10 J7 J12 HV Tank 4 mMnL REC 9 Sub-D REC D J11 HV 2 Phoenix REC J8 Detector Power Supply (DPS 5419392) USB A REC PC HV Caterpillar Base Transition Board 5350010 USB A REC 1MOPP 240Vac 2MOPP 60Vdc 1500V J13 Coil Power Relay Contact USB A REC 11 Molex REC J7 USB A Plug USB A REC 20 Hirose REC J3 USB A Plug USB A REC 11 Molex PLUG J4 USB A Plug SMA AC Battery Voltage 20 Hirose PLUG 2 mMnL REC USB A Plug USB A Plug DC Mean of Patient Protection xMOPP = Levels of MOPP 6 MicroFit Plug 4 MnL REC USB A Plug Dose Area Product Meter (DAP) 6 MicroFit REC 5 HDR REC USB Bulkhead 10 Molex Plug 2 mMnL REC USB A Plug USB A REC USB Thumbdrive (Service Key) 8 10 Molex REC 4 MnL REC RJ-45 R J1 power data 7 20 Molex Plug 5 HDR REC RJ-45 R J2 Keyboard 20 Molex REC 2 mMnL Plug RJ-45 P UWB Adapter (Detector) 802.15.4 Zigbee 6 DVD/CD Burner Hornet UIF Board 5350004 - X 26 Hsub-D REC 4 MnL Plug Zigbee Adapter (Barcode) 802.15.3a UWB Ring Term 5 HDR Plug 802.11 WiFi Screw Term 2 mMnL Plug 24VDC RJ-45 P Federal Plug 4 MnL Plug RJ-45 P Federal REC 5 HDR Plug C 12 Microfit PLG 12 Microfit REC M3W3C P B R Hypertronics 5 12VDC 3 mMnL REC 3 mMnL PLG Brake Brake L Hospital Network M3W3P R Halls Backup Tether Hypertronics 3 mMnL REC 3 mMnL PLG Halls 4 Detector Charge Receptacle On / Off Button TITLE REV SuperBee System Architecture Diagram FIRST MADE FOR: SuperBee GE HEALTHCARE GE MEDICALTECHNOLOGIES SYSTEMS MILWAUKEE, WISCONSINWIUSA MILWAUKEE, 7 MADE USING VISIO PRO 2003 DOC0645488 SHEET 1 4 OF H 1 8 Figure 2-1 System architecture schematic Chapter 2 System interconnects Page 21 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 2.2 System wiring 1 2 802.15.3a UWB Detector 3 802.15.4 Zigbee Zigbee Barcode Reader 3 mMnL REC 3 mMnL PLG A Halls Halls 5 HDR Plug 4 MnL Plug 2 mMnL Plg 4 MnL REC 2 mMnL REC J3 J7 J5 802.11 WiFi 802.15.4 Zigbee UWB 802.15.3a Adapter UWB (Detect or) º RJ-45 P RJ-45 P USB A Plug USB A Plug USB A Plug USB A Plug USB A Plug RJ-45 R SMA USB A REC USB A REC USB A REC USB A REC USB A REC J2 J1 J12 J9 J6 J7 J8 J13 3 Phoenix REC 3 Phoenix PLG 5 MnL Rec 5 MnL Plug J8 J14 J12 9 Sub-D REC J1 J1 J2 2 Microfit 2 Microfit PLG REC 2mMnL PLG 2mMnL REC J4 J3 4 Minifit REC E J17 10 Header 0.1" SPI Programmer J7 J3 J13 24 AC Present Lamp F Thorax Bulkhead 36 J1 J3 47 5 MnL PLG 5 MnL REC FPGA JTAG 5 MnL PLG 5 MnL Rec I/O Expander I/F J16 10 Header 0.1" 59 3 mMnL Rec 3 mMnL Plug J15 14 Header 0.1" 2140711 Update DPM & Bd Part # w/- X 5 Section 2.2 System wiring 6 MADE CHECK APPR OTHER APPROVALS A. ALCALA DD-MM-YY 23-04-10 35 J5 44 On / Off Button Collimator TITLE REV SuperBee System Wiring Diagram FIRST MADE FOR: SuperBee GE HEALTHCARE GE MEDICALTECHNOLOGIES SYSTEMS MILWAUKEE, WISCONSINWIUSA MILWAUKEE, 7 G Field light enable. Collimator lamp pwr J2 2MnL PLG DESCRIPTION CHANGED TO DET. PWR. SUPPLY ADDED CABLE 72 46-2 WAS 46 40 2MnL REC 04/08/2013 PCN NO. 2117013 2124431 2131197 2 MnL PLG J6 2 MnL REC J4 J5 4 MnL Rec 4 MnL Plug Firefly Charger Board 5350000 - X J9 REVISIONS E.SULMA MFG Interface 4 MnL Plug 4 MnL REC Pack 4 J10 J11 3 mMnL Plug 3 mMnL REC Pack 3 6 mMnL REC J2 4 mMnL Rec Pack 2 6 Micromatch REC 6 Micromatch Plug Thorax Bulkhead CN2 3 Microfit REC CN5 3 Microfit PLG CN4 CN2 15 HSub-D REC Faston Tab 2 mMnL REC Faston REC 6 mMnL PLG 3 Molex REC 15 HSub-D Plug 3 Molex plg 9 SubD Rec Pack 1 CN2 5 AMPMODU REC RJ-11 Plug 802.15.4 Zigbee 2188371-2 23(b) 2 mMnL Plug J1 Figure 2-2 System wiring Page 22 RJ11-REC 9 SubD Plug 4 6 MnL Rec 3 6 MnL Plug AC Line Filter 10 mMnL PLG 20 REV MADE BY DATE 3 A. ALCALA 05/26/2011 4 M.ZIMMERMANN 10/25/2011 5 L.NZUDIE 04/19/2011 6 2 19 37 38 10 mMnL REC 15A Fast-Blow 9 MnL Rec 30 Hospital Outlet 85-264 VAC 50/60 Hz Drive Login Electrode Board CLS 5450200 3 Terminal 0.375" 23 Cord Reel 1 9 SubD Rec J1 9 SubD Plug 10 mMnL PLG J3 Breaker 6 MnL Rec 10 mMnL REC 2 Phoenix Plug J10 H 2 Phoenix REC J5 J2 9 MnL Plug 07 Mantis Supply (SL Power) 5311985 Breaker Trip 06 RJ11-REC 5 MnL REC 6 MnL Plug J7 5 MnL Plug J11, J12, J13, J14 Cricket Battery Board 5350008 5 MnL REC Battery Temp J1, J2, J3, J4 4 MnL PLG J6 4 MnL REC J8 2 Phoenix REC 3 Phoenix REC 2 Phoenix Plug G 4 MnL REC D Drive Login Active Board HS RJ-11 Plug 5 MnL Plug J1 Wireless Hand Switch Receptacle 6 Micromatch REC 6 Micromatch Plug Wireless Handswitch 05 09 21 3 Phoenix Plug 14 N4600 Rec J5 J6 15 HSub-D REC 02 4 MnL Plug 14 N4600 Plug J9 5 MnL REC 22 16 34 Breaker Trip 2 mMnL Plug J3 5 MnL Plug Hard Brake Release Switch Board Data Module 5350038 Overlay Board C Touch Screen 15 HSub-D Plug J5 J6, J7 49-2 J2 29 Inverter I/O Expander I/F 10 MicroFit Plug J4 2 mMnL REC TBD 2 mMnL Plug 15 Hsub-D Plug 2 mMnL REC 4 MnL PLG 3 mMnL Plug J2 15 HSub-D REC 3 mMnL REC 39 J3 4 MnL REC 2 mMnL Plug Vertical Brake 2 mMnL REC 3 mMnL REC 3 mMnL Plug J1 08 LVLE2 5192958 MFG Interface 10 MicroFit REC SPARE PIEZO J2 9 Sub-D REC J11 14 Header 0.1" 14 N4600 Plug CPLD JTAG 2 Header 0.1" J8 04 15 Hsub-D Plug 14 Header 0.1" J12 J10 J9 15 Hsub-D REC J11 4 mMnL REC 9 Sub-D PLG J8 J7 9 Sub-D REC DSP JTAG 2 mMnL Plug 14 Header 0.1" 2 mMnL REC J10 25 6 mMnL Plug SPARE I/O Locust Drive Board 5350006 - X 5503004 F 4 mMnL Plug 8 mMnL Plug 20 Header 0.1" J4 Arm Brake J5 J13 J9 5503006 Collimator / Lock Release Switches J6 6 mMnL REC J7 12 MiniFit Pin 12 MiniFit REC E 12 MnL Plug 12 MnL REC 8 mMnL REC 43 15 Sub-D Plug 15 Sub-D REC 2 Phoenix PLG 6 mMnL REC 15 9 Sub-D Plug 9 Sub-D REC Drive Handle J8 14 N4600 REC D J7 5 AMPMODU Plug 10 2 Phoenix REC 6 mMnL PLG 802.15.4 Zigbee J1 28 CN3 J1 32 J4 01 J5 CN2 J2 9 Sub-D Plug 11^ 15kW Main Aux.Module 9 Sub-D REC 2MnL PLG Detector Park Switch J2 Spyder System Controller 5350002 - X J1 J3 2 MnL REC Tube Park Latch 2 Phoenix REC 2 Phoenix Plug 46-2º 6 MicroFit Plug 6 MicroFit REC 5503002 13 14 56* 15 SubD REC 15 SubD PLG 3 Phoenix PLG 3 Phoenix REC 03 J22 18 15“ LC D CN2 4 Microfit PLG 4 Microfit REC 2 MnL Plug 2 Phoenix Plug 2 Phoenix REC J1 J18 J4 11 Molex REC 2 MnL REC Rotational Brake 4 Phoenix Plug 4 Phoenix REC Power Module J6 Thorax Bulkhead J23 11 Molex PLUG 55* 60 USB B REC J3 20 Hirose REC 3 mMnL REC 3 mMnL PLG USB A REC J19 20 Hirose PLUG 12 MnL Plug USB B REC J2 B 6 MicroFit Plug 15 Sub-D Plug 20 MDR Plug 4 Microfit PLG 4 Microfit REC 6 MicroFit REC 2 MnL Plug 15 Sub-D Plug 15 Sub-D REC USB B Plug 10 Molex Plug 3 mMnL Plug HV Tank USB A Plug 3. DASHED LINES SHOW ALTERNATE CONNECTIONS (DEPENDING ON DIGITAL OR DIGITAL READY/ANALOG ) (WIRING PART OF DPS ASSEMBLY) 5503005º 10 Molex REC 4 mMnL Plug 30kW Optional Aux. Module 50^ USB B Plug A * - USED IN DIGITAL SYSTEMS ONLY ^ - USED IN DIGITAL AND DIGITAL READY SYSTEMS ONLY º - USED WITH ACCESSORIES ONLY ~ - USED IN ANALOG SYSTEMS ONLY 20 Molex Plug 12 MnL REC Mini-75 REC 12^ 20 MDR REC 1. ALL CABLES HAVE BASE NUMBER 55570XX EXCEPT OTHERWISE INDICATED BY A FULL PART NUMBER. FOR EACH PART NUMBER, REPLACE THE XX WITH THE TWO DIGITS SHOWN. 2. KEY: 20 Molex REC 15 Sub-D REC Bumper USB A Plug 26 Hsub-D Plug 2 MnL REC 27 20 MDR REC BSCAN (Service Access) 26 Hsub-D Plug 3 mMnL REC 26 J10 USB A REC 26 Hsub-D REC 4 mMnL REC USB A Plug 4Microfit PLG 4 Microfit REC 5503001 15 Sub-D Plug J1 15 Sub-D REC J2 15 SubD Plug 15 SubD REC C J10 5 Pin C-Grid Plug 45 5 Pin C-Grid REC Toshiba E7901X Mini-75 Plug J11 Dose Area Product Meter (DAP) 4 Medi-Snap PLUG 4 Medi-Snap REC 58 J3 20 MDR Plug Speakers Federal Plug Federal REC Ring Term (DPS 5419392) USB Thumbdrive (Service Key) PC Screw Term Detector Power Supply 52^ RJ-45 R J11 8 NOTES: 52^ 52^ 54* J9 Power Relay Contact 7 USB Bulkhead Coil Caterpillar Base Transition Board 5350010 J8 6 Hornet UIF Board 5350004 - X 26 Hsub-D REC B J6 RJ-45 P 5 Zigbee Adapter (Barcode) 51^ 12 Microfit PLG 12 Microfit REC 3 mMnL REC 3 mMnL PLG 2 mMnL REC 5 HDR REC Hypertronics Positronic P 4 MnL Plug 4 MnL REC Hospital Network Positronic R 2 mMnL Plg 5 HDR Plug 5 HDR REC J4 R Hypertronics Backup Tether 41* 72* Brake Brake L 8 mMNL PLG 8 mMNL REC 66* 4 Detector Charge Receptacle 57* MADE USING VISIO PRO 2003 5507000WIR 8 SHEET 1 6 OF 1 H GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Chapter 3 Jumpers, switches, LEDs, test points Section 3.1 Firefly charger board 5350000-2 3.1.1 Jumpers Jumper • J17 - Mantis Safe Charge J20 - Mantis Heartbeat Description Jumper across pins 1 and 2 is the default - Normal operation. The Mantis charger requires the Firefly to be powered and communicating in order to charge the batteries.(Also true if the Jumper is lost or not connected) • Jumper across pins 2 and 3 - Safe Charge Mode. Used if the system batteries are too low to turn the system on, setting this jumper and plugging in the system will trickle charge the batteries. WARNING: IF the jumper is left in this mode, it is not possible to charge at full power and will generate Error messages to the user if the jumper is left in this way. This is for recovery only. • Jumper across pins 1 and 2 is the default - Normal operation. Heartbeat communication from Firefly to Mantis is required for charger operation. (Also true if the Jumper is lost or not connected). • Jumper across pins 2 and 3 - Firefly to Mantis Heartbeat communication is not required. Used for troubleshooting ONLY 3.1.2 Switches Switch Description S1 FPGA Reset S2 Unused 3.1.3 LEDs LED Color Name Description DS1 Green 1V2 Regulated power supply status DS2 Green 5V0 Regulated power supply status DS3 Green 3V3 Regulated power supply status DS4 Green 2V5 Regulated power supply status DS5 Green NIOS APP Firmware App DS6 Yellow NIOS SAFE Firmware Safe/Boot DS7 Green NIOS HB Firmware heartbeat DS8 Green VHDL HB VHDL heartbeat DS9 Green 100% System batteries 100% DS10 Green 80% System batteries 80% DS11 Green 60% System batteries 60% DS12 Yellow 40% System batteries 40% DS13 Red 20% System batteries 20% DS14 Red E0 FPGA error E0 DS15 Red E1 FPGA error E1 DS16 Red E2 FPGA error E2 Chapter 3 Jumpers, switches, LEDs, test points Page 23 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN LED Color Name Description DS17 Red E3 FPGA error E3 DS18 Green 5V0_ISO Regulated power supply status DS19 Yellow VHDL SAFE Safe VHDL DS20 Green VHDL APP App VHDL 3.1.4 Test points Test Point Name Description TP1 LGND Logic ground (in low voltage area of board) TP2 24V0 Power In from LVLE2 TP3 1V2 1.2Vdc power supply TP4 5V0 5.0Vdc power supply TP5 2V5 2.5Vdc power supply TP6 3V3 3.3Vdc power supply TP7 LGND Logic ground (in low voltage area of board) TP8 LGND Logic ground (in low voltage area of board) TP9 LGND Logic ground (in low voltage area of board) TP10 PGND Power ground (in high voltage area of board) TP11 On_Off_Switch Status LVLE2 interface signal TP12 AC_Present Status LVLE2 interface signal TP13 PGND Power ground (in high voltage area of board) TP14 PGND Power ground (in high voltage area of board) TP15 5V0_ISO 5.0Vdc isolated power supply TP16 PGND Power ground (in high voltage area of board) TP17 PGND Power ground (in high voltage area of board) TP18 LGND Logic ground (in low voltage area of board) TP19 LGND Logic ground (in low voltage area of board) Section 3.2 Spyder system controller board 5350002-4 3.2.1 Jumpers None Page 24 Section 3.2 Spyder system controller board 5350002-4 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 3.2.2 Switches Switch Name S1 MODE S2 TAP 3.2.3 LEDs LED Color Name DS1 Green ISO_3V3 DS2 Green 24V0 DS3 Green 12V0 DS4 Green 5V0 DS5 Green 3V3 DS6 Red USB DS7 Red BD_OVRHT DS8 Green VHDL_HB DS9 Red HEADER DS10 Red FPGA_OVRHT DS11 Green UP1_HB DS12 Red BSCAN DS13 Red XR_ON DS14 Green UP2_HB DS15 Red DEBUG DS16 Red EXP_INH DS17 Red ERROR_PRES DS18 Green 2V5 DS19 Green 1V2 DS20 Green DJINN DS21 Green ZBEE HB DS22 Green FPGA_NORM DS23 Yellow FPGA_SAFE DS24 Red BAD TERM DS25 Red BAD TERM DS26 Red BAD TERM DS27 Red BAD TERM DS30 Green DRIVE DS33 Green CHARGE DS36 Green MFG DS37 Green RESET DS38 Green XR_CMD Chapter 3 Jumpers, switches, LEDs, test points Page 25 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN LED Color Name DS41 Green EXP_EN DS45 Yellow XR_ON 3.2.4 Test points Test Point Name Description TP1 12V 24V --> 12V TP2 5V 24V --> 5V TP3 GND Test points located around board TP4 GND Test points located around board TP5 GND Test points located around board TP6 GND Test points located around board TP7 GND Test points located around board TP8 1V2 5V --> 1.2V TP9 3V3 12V --> 3.3V TP10 2V5 3.3V --> 2.5V TP11 ISO_3V3 ISOLATED: 24V --> ISO_3.3V TP12 GND Test point located in isolated region TP13 TRSTB0_N "Use TP to disable OE" TP14 I/O FPGA I/O TP15 I/O FPGA I/O TP16 I/O FPGA I/O TP17 I/O FPGA I/O TP18 I/O FPGA I/O TP19 I/O FPGA I/O TP20 I/O FPGA I/O TP21 I/O FPGA I/O TP22 DEV_OE Connected to pin of U35 TP23 DEV_NCLR Connected to pin of U35 Section 3.3 Hornet UIF board 5350004-2 3.3.1 Jumpers None 3.3.2 Switches None Page 26 Section 3.3 Hornet UIF board 5350004-2 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 3.3.3 LEDs LED DS1 Color Green Name 5V DS2 Green 24V DS3 Green 12V DS4 Green 3.3V 3.3.4 Test points Test Point Name TP1 5V TP2 24V TP3 GND TP4 12V TP5 GND TP6 3.3V TP7 GND TP8 GND (rear of board) Section 3.4 Locust drive board 5350006-2 3.4.1 Jumpers None Chapter 3 Jumpers, switches, LEDs, test points Page 27 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 3.4.2 Switches Switch Description S1 Manual Reset 3.4.3 LEDs LED Color Name Description DS1 Red LMOTOR Left motor Fuse - Indicates that the left motor fuse is blown DS2 Red RMOTOR Right motor Fuse - Indicates that the right motor fuse is blown DS3 Red PERIPH Peripheral Fuse - Indicates that peripheral power fuse is blown DS4 Red BRAKES Brakes Fuse - Indicates that a Brake fuse is blown DS5 Red SYSTEM_RESET System Reset - Indicates that board has been reset DS6 Red E3 IO_B1 activity DS7 Red E2 IO_B3 activity DS8 Red E1 IO_B4 activity DS9 Red E0 IO_B5 activity DS10 Green CPLD_HEARTBEAT Indicates that CPLD is running DS11 Green DSP_HEARTBEAT Indicates that DSP is running DS12 Red BUZZER Indicates status of Buzzer on DS13 Green 5V0 Indicates that the 5V is present DS14 Green 3V3 Indicates that the 3.3V is present DS15 Green 15V0 Indicates that the 15V is present DS16 Green 1V8 Indicates that the 1.8V is present DS17 Green DRIVE_EN_BARr 24V_RETURNS<4> DS18 Yellow DSP_SAFEMODE Indicates that DSP is in safe mode 3.4.4 Test points Page 28 Test Point Name Description TP1 2V048 Reference TP2 5V0 Power supply TP3 3V3 Power supply TP4 15V0 Power supply TP5 1V8 Power supply TP6-TP11 LGND Ground TP12 JTAG Mux Enable Low Tied to OE_N pin of U4 TP13 JTAG Mux Enable High Through pullup resistor to 3V3 TP14 BATT Battery power TP15 BATTSW Switched Battery Power Section 3.4 Locust drive board 5350006-2 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Test Point Name Description TP17-TP19 PGND Power Ground TP20 VBRAKE Vertical Brake Output TP21 ABRAKE Arm Brake Output TP22 SOL Solenoid Output TP23 ROTBRAKE Rotational Brake Output TP24 RBRAKE Right Motor Brake Output TP25 LBRAKE Left Motor Brake Output Section 3.5 Cricket battery board 5350008 3.5.1 Jumpers None 3.5.2 Switches None Chapter 3 Jumpers, switches, LEDs, test points Page 29 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 3.5.3 LEDs LED Color Description DS1 Yellow Breaker ON 3.5.4 Test points Test Point Description Meaning Measurement of total battery stack voltage AFTER the system circuit breaker. This power goes to the Djinn, Locust (through Fuses F2 and F3), and Firefly (through F1). TP1 Breaker_Out TP2 Pack 3+ Measurement of voltage sum of battery packs 1, 2, and 3. TP3 Pack 2+ Measurement of voltage sum of battery packs 1 and 2. TP4 Charge Fuse Out Test point for checking battery voltage after the fuse to the Firefly board. This is the path for recharging the batteries, powering the LVLE2, the On/Off button, and the Collimator Lamp Supply. TP5 Pack 1+ Measurement of battery pack 1 voltage. TP6 GND Chassis ground, Battery stack (-) TP7 Pack 4+ Measurement of total battery stack voltage BEFORE the system circuit breaker. TP8 Drive Fuse1 Out Test point for checking battery voltage after the main fuse to the Locust board. This power used for driving, brake/lock releases, solenoid. TP9 Drive Fuse2 Out Test point for checking battery voltage after secondary fuse to the Locust board. This power used for emergency brake release only. Section 3.6 Caterpillar base transition board 5350010 3.6.1 Jumpers None 3.6.2 Switches None 3.6.3 LEDs None 3.6.4 Test points None Page 30 Section 3.6 Caterpillar base transition board 5350010 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 3.7 Board data module 5350038 3.7.1 Jumpers None 3.7.2 Switches None 3.7.3 LEDs None 3.7.4 Test points None Section 3.8 Collimator lamp supply board 5450200 3.8.1 Jumpers None 3.8.2 Switches None Chapter 3 Jumpers, switches, LEDs, test points Page 31 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 3.8.3 LEDs LED Color Name Description DS1 Green 24VOUT Indicates the power supply is ON 3.8.4 Test points Test Point Name Description TP1 GND_POWER Chassis Ground Test Point TP2 GND_LOGIC Power Supply Output Return Test Point TP3 BATT Supply Input (Battery Voltage) Test Point TP4 VOUT Power Supply Output Voltage Test Point TP5 SW_OUT Collimator Lamp switch signal out (24V when the system is on) TP6 SW_RTN Collimator Lamp switch return signal (24V when button is pressed on collimator) 3.8.5 Potentiometers Pot R3 Description 10k single-turn potentiometer. Turning clockwise increases the power supply output voltage. Turning counter-clockwise decreases the power supply output voltage. Adjust as needed to meet light output requirements. Section 3.9 Mantis power supply 5311985 3.9.1 Jumpers None 3.9.2 Switches None Page 32 Section 3.9 Mantis power supply 5311985 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 3.9.3 LEDs LED Color Description Green AC Detect Green Main Output ON 3.9.4 Test points None Section 3.10 LVLE2 power supply 5192958 3.10.1 Jumpers None 3.10.2 Switches None 3.10.3 LEDs None 3.10.4 Test points None Chapter 3 Jumpers, switches, LEDs, test points Page 33 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Page 34 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 3.10 LVLE2 power supply 5192958 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Chapter 4 Firefly charger board 5350000-2 Breaker Trip 05 09 15 HSub-D Plug 6 mMnL PLG 2 mMnL REC 15 HSub-D REC 6 mMnL REC J2 J10 J1 J8 J11 J12 9 Sub-D REC MFG Interface SPI Programmer J13 J9 J5 36 40 J6 2 MnL PLG J4 Firefly Charger Board 5350000 - X J3 4 MnL Plug J17 10 Header 0.1" 3 mMnL Plug FPGA JTAG 2 MnL REC 9 SubD Rec J16 10 Header 0.1" J7 4 MnL Plug 4 MnL REC 6 MnL Rec 9 SubD Plug I/O Expander I/F 3 mMnL Plug 3 mMnL REC 10 mMnL REC 6 MnL Plug J15 14 Header 0.1" 59 4 mMnL Rec J14 3 Molex plg 2 mMnL Plug 3 Molex REC 10 mMnL PLG 20 9 MnL Rec 9 MnL Plug 19 5 MnL REC 5 MnL Plug 07 23(b) 35 Figure 4-1 Firefly portion of wiring diagram Chapter 4 Firefly charger board 5350000-2 Page 35 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 4.1 Firefly schematics Figure 4-2 5350000ADW Page 36 Section 4.1 Firefly schematics GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 127(6 7+( 9$5,$7,21 3:$ ,6 $ 5(9,6,21 (&5(&2 '$7( 6,*1 129 6(3 2&7 $ $1' 9(56,21 )25 7+,6 ' $1' $ 7+,6 &29(5 6+((7 &21752/6 7+( 5( 9,6,21 67$786 2) 7+( (17,5( '2&80(17 7+( 5(9,6,21 2) $// 6+((76 2) 7+,6 '2&80(17 :,// %( $7 7+( 6$0( /(9(/ 7+,6 6&+(0$7,& 0((76 7+( 63(&,),&$ 7,216 2) 7+( */2%$/ 6&+(0$7,& 67$1'$5' *8,'(/,1(6 *63 (/(&7521,& 6,*1$785(6 )25 %27+ 7+( 6&+(0$7,& 5(9,(:(5 6 $1' $33529(5 6 &$1 %( )281' :,7+,1 0< :25.6+23 81/(66 27+(5:,6( 63(&,),(' 5(6,67256 $5( ,1 2+06 &$3$&,7256 $5( ,1 )$5$'6 ,1'8&7256 $5( ,1 +(15,(6 7+,6 6&+(0$7,& :$6 &$3785(' :,7+ &$'(1&( &21&(37 +'/ 9(56,21 $&7,9(/2: ',))(5(17,$/ 6,*1$/ 3$,56 $5( ,1',&$7(' :,7+ 7+( B+ 68)),; )25 7+( $&7,9(+,*+ 6,*1$/ $1' 7+( B/ 68)),; )25 7+( $&7,9(/2: 6,*1$/ &855(17 ,1',&$7,216 $33/< 72 7+( ;1(7 2)) % 6,*1$/6 $5( ,1',&$7(' % :,7+ 7+( B1 68)),; )25 $1< 1(7 2) 7+,6 6&+(0$7,& & ' ' %\ 'DWH &KULV %ORFN 7KX 1RY 7LWOH 2&7 3DWK ),5()/< %ORFN &+$5*( &21752/ 6KHHW RI ILUHIO\BFKDUJHU -DEORQRZVNL 'ZJ 1R 6&+ *( +HDOWKFDUH &RPSDQ\ 5HY 5HVWULFWHG 6KHHW RI % 6L]H 0DGH 5(9 -XO\ & Figure 4-3 5350000SCH_s1 Chapter 4 Firefly charger board 5350000-2 Page 37 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN '(6,*1 +,(5$5&+< ),5()/<B32:(5B6833/,(6 $ $ ),5()/<B&/2&.B$1'B021 % & & 63,B%86B$'&! 0$67(5B567B5(4B1 % % & 0$67(5B567B5(4B1 :$7&+'2*B(1$%/( % $ & ),5()/<B)3*$ :$7&+'2*B(1$%/( )3*$B&/. 5(6(7B1 )3*$B&/. 5(6(7B1 ),5()/<B%$77(5<B0($685( ' $ %$77(5<B3$&.B7(03! $ % % $ % 3$&. 3$&. 3$&. %$77B67$&. & & & & ),5()/<B&21),*B$1'B0(025< 63,B%86B$'&! & % & %$77(5<B3$&.B7(03! 3$&. 3$&. 3$&. %$77B67$&. )$1B7$&+ 0$17,6B,17)&B9! 63<'(5B,17)&B9! 63,B%86B$'&! % & & & & ' & $ %$77B/9/( %$77B/9/( &/. 5(6(7B1 6'5$0B$''5! 6'5$0B%$! 6'5$0B&/. 6'5$0B&7/! 6'5$0B'$7$! 6'5$0B'40! 63,B&21),*! )$1B7$&+ 0$17,6B,17)&B9! 63<'(5B,17)&! 63,B%86B$'&! 0$67(5B567B5(4B1 :$7&+'2*B(1$%/( & % 63,B%86B%$77B9! 63,B%86B&855(17B0($6! 63,B%86B%$77B9! 63,B%86B&855(17B0($6! & & & & ' ,267,&.B,&B,17537 %5($.(5B75,33('B)3*$ $ & & /$03B6:B5(7851B9 % & & & , % % 63,B%86B%$77B9! 63,B%86B&855(17B0($6! )3*$B75,3B&0'B1 )3*$B/$03B32:(5B21 )86(B75,3! 63$5( 63$5( ),5()/<B,//80 )3*$B0)*B,17)&! & & $ /$03B6:B5(7851B9 % & & )3*$B/$03B32:(5B21 /$03B6:B5(7851B9 )3*$B/$03B32:(5B21 /$03B6:B5(7851B9 /$03B32:(5B21 /$03B32:(5B21B1 /$03B6:B5(7851B9 /$03B32:(5B21 /$03B32:(5B21B1 % $ & & ' $ )3*$B75,3B&0'B1 ' )3*$B/$03B32:(5B21 & ,267,&.B,&! ,267,&.B63,B%86! ,267,&.B,&! ,267,&.B63,B%86! 63$5( 63$5( $ $ )3*$B-7$*! )3*$B-7$*! ,267,&.B,&B,17537 %5($.(5B75,33('B)3*$ 0$67(5B567B5(4B1 :$7&+'2*B(1$%/( 6'5$0B$''5! 6'5$0B%$! 6'5$0B&/. 6'5$0B&7/! 6'5$0B'$7$! 6'5$0B'40! 63,B&21),*! 0$17,6B,&! 0$17,6B,17)&B9B'5,9(! 63<'(5B,2! 0$17,6B,&! 0$17,6B,17)&B9B'5,9(! 63<'(5B&$1! /$03B6:B5(7851B9 )86(B75,3! ' 6'5$0B$''5! 6'5$0B%$! 6'5$0B&/. 6'5$0B&7/! 6'5$0B'$7$! 6'5$0B'40! 63,B&21),*! & & & % & ' ' & $ & & ' & & % ' & ' & & )3*$B0)*B,17)&! ' % & $ $ & % & $ & ' & ),5()/<B'(&283/,1* , ),5()/<B,2 $ 63<'(5B,2! 63<'(5B,17)&B9! & % ' $ % ' ' ' & % & $ 21B2))B6: & $ %5($.(5B75,33(' % ,267,&.B,&! $ & )3*$B0)*B,17)&! % 63<'(5B,2! 63<'(5B,17)&B9! )86(B6(16(! 0$17,6B,&B%8)B%86! 0$17,6B,17)&B9! 0$17,6B,&B%8)B%86! 0$17,6B,17)&B9! 75,3B&0'B+ 63<'(5B&$1B,2! 63<'(5B,17)&B9! $&B35(6(17B%$77 21B2))B6: & % 0$17,6B,&! 0$17,6B,17)&B9! 0$17,6B,17)&B9B'5,9(! )3*$B75,3B&0'B1 %5($.(5B75,33(' ,267,&.B,&! )3*$B0)*B,17)&! )86(B6(16(! %5($.(5B75,33('B)3*$ ,267,&.B,&B%8)! 0)*B,17)&! )86(B75,3! 75,3B&0'B+ & % % & & $ 63<'(5B&$1B,2! 63<'(5B,17)&B9! $&B35(6(17B%$77 %5($.(5B75,33('B)3*$ $ % & % ,267,&.B,&B%8)! 0)*B,17)&! $ & % $ & & $ )86(B75,3! ),5()/<B63$5(6 ' % & ' ' & ' % 5(9 -XO\ 0$17,6B,&! 0$17,6B,17)&B9! 0$17,6B,17)&B9B'5,9(! )3*$B75,3B&0'B1 *( +HDOWKFDUH &RPSDQ\ %ORFN 7KX 2FW %ORFN 6KHHW RI ILUHIO\BFKDUJHU 3DWK 'ZJ 1R 6&+ 5HY 5HVWULFWHG 6KHHW RI % 6L]H & % & & ' & % ' & % % o Figure 4-4 5350000SCH_s2 Page 38 Section 4.1 Firefly schematics GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN &211(&7256 - 9 32:(5 )/ %/03*61 )(55,7( % & $ - 2+0 $7 0+= 63<'(5B&$1B,2! ' 3,1 675$,*+7 0$7(B1B/2. 5$7(' )25 $ - 2+0 $7 0+= 00=<% )/ 63<'(5B&$1B/ )/ )/ 706 63<'(5B&$1B+ 63$5( )/ )/ )/ )/ 7', 7'2 *1' & 63$5( 5 & 5 . : 1& &$1B*1' 1& * * * * 62&.(7 675$,*+7 +,*+B'(16,7< $ 75$&( 63<'(5 ,17(5)$&( )3*$B-7$*! 9 $ - 5 63$5(B5 2+0 $7 0+= 00=<% 7&. )(55,7(6 63<'(5B,17)&B9! ' '59B(1B9 $&B35(6(17B9 .(<B67$786B9 75,3B&0'B9B1 5$7(' )25 0$ *1' % % )/ )/ )/ )/ )/ *1' - &2//,0$725 /$03 6:,7&+ /$03B6:B5(7851B9 & *1' , )/ - 0$17,6 ,17(5)$&( 9B$8; 0$17,6B,17)&B9! & %/03*61 2+0 9 - 5 )/ 1& . : %/03*61 2+0 )/ %/03*61 & )/ )/ &20021 0$17,6B,1+,%,7 2+0 6'$ 6&/ 3,1 675$,*+7 0$7(B1B/2. & - 00=<% 2+0 $7 0+= 0$17,6B,&B%8)B%86! 0$17,6B6$)(B&+$5*(B1 $&B35(6(17 +%B29(55,'(B1 0$17,6B287387B21 * * * * - 62&.(7 675$,*+7 67'B'(16,7< 1250$/ - *1' +% 29(55,'( -803(5 *1' & 1250$/ 6$)( *1' -803(5 ' 5(9 -XO\ *1' *( +HDOWKFDUH &RPSDQ\ %ORFN 7KX 1RY %ORFN 6KHHW RI ILUHIO\BFKDUJHU 3DWK 'ZJ 1R 6&+ 5HY 5HVWULFWHG 6KHHW RI % 6L]H ' Figure 4-5 5350000SCH_s3 Chapter 4 Firefly charger board 5350000-2 Page 39 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN - &2//,0$725 - %$77(5,(6 /$03B32:(5B21 /$03B32:(5B21B1 & & $ 6:,7&+ - $ 9 2)) 21 212)) %$77(5,(6 ) 7,0(B'(/$< 21/2: 2))/2: /$03 6833/< 32:(5 $ 23(1 23(1 - & 21B2))B6: ' 3,1 675$,*+7 0$7(B1B/2. 3,1 675$,*+7 0$7(B1B/2. 21B2))B6: ,6 5,6,1* ('*( 6,*1$/ &$1 %( (,7+(5 020(17$5< %87721 25 6:,7&+ 3 *1'B32:(5 % % % )86(B6(16(! ' - - &+$5*( )$1 9 35(6(17 /$03 9B$8; & & 9B$8; $& 5 63$5(B5 )$1B7$&+ % 5 : )/ %0%$ ) 5(6(77$%/( $ 9 - 2+0 ) 5(6(77$%/( $ - 9 1& 1& 3,1 675$,*+7 0$7(B1B/2. 3,1 675$,*+7 :,5(B72B%2$5' 5 63$5(B5 *1' *1' *1' ' *( +HDOWKFDUH &RPSDQ\ %ORFN 0RQ 1RY %ORFN Figure 4-6 5350000SCH_s4 Page 40 Section 4.1 Firefly schematics 6KHHW RI ILUHIO\BFKDUJHU 3DWK 'ZJ 1R 6&+ 5HY 5HVWULFWHG 6KHHW RI % 6L]H 5(9 -XO\ ' GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN - 0$17,6 32:(5 ,1 - %5($.(5 ,) 9 $ %$77(5,(6 - ) 7,0(B'(/$< $ 5 . : %5($.(5B75,33(' ' $ 9$&B9'& 3,1 675$,*+7 0$7(B1B/2. 1& 75,3B&0'B+ 1& 75,3B&0'B/ ' % ' ' %4 9 3,1 675$,*+7 7+58+2/(B%2$5'/2&. )86(B6(16(! - *1' *1' %5($.(5B75,33(' ,6 &211(&7(' 72 7+( 12 7(50,1$/ 2) 7+( %5($.(5 7+,6 ,6 23(1 :+(1 7+( %5($.(5 +$6 75,33(' +,*+ %5($.(5 75,33(' 25 ',6&211(&7(' /2: %5($.(5 +$6 127 75,33(' 3 *1'B32:(5 % % - /9/( 5 . : ' % ' $ %$77B/9/( $&B35(6(17B%$77 21B2))B6: ' 30 21B2))B6: 7,1 5 . : .9 3 *1'B32:(5 % % % - %$77(5,(6 - 73 73 $&B35(6(17 7,1 & - ,17(5)$&( 3$&. 3$&. %$77B67$&. 1& 1& 3$&. & % 3,1 675$,*+7 0$7(B1B/2. 3 *1'B32:(5 3 *1'B32:(5 3,1 675$,*+7 0$7(B1B/2.B:+,7( ' *( +HDOWKFDUH &RPSDQ\ %ORFN 0RQ 1RY %ORFN 6KHHW RI ILUHIO\BFKDUJHU 3DWK 'ZJ 1R 6&+ 5HY 5HVWULFWHG 6KHHW RI % 6L]H 5(9 -XO\ ' Figure 4-7 5350000SCH_s5 Chapter 4 Firefly charger board 5350000-2 Page 41 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN - %$77(5< )(('%$&. - 0)* ,17(5)$&( 9 $ - %$77(5<B3$&.B7(03! % '5$,1 1& - 0)*B&$1B/ 1& 3,1 675$,*+7 0$7(B1B/2. * * 3 *1'B32:(5 3 *1'B32:(5 $ 5 . : 0)*B,17)&! ' 1& 0)*B&$1B+ 1& )3*$B0)*B,17)&! ' & * * 3,1 675$,*+7 67'B'(16,7< *1' *1' % % - ,2 67,&. - ,267,&.B63,B%86! & )3*$ -7$* 9 - ' 1& 63,B&/. 63,B6/&7 ,267,&.B,&B&/.B%8) ,267,&.B9 63,B,17537 ' 63,B'$7$287 63,B6/&7 ,267,&.B,&B'$7$B%8) ,267,&.B,&B,17537 63,B'$7$,1 1& & % 5 . : ,267,&.B,&B%8)! 3,1 675$,*+7 '8$/B52:B+($'(5B%5($. ) 5(6(77$%/( $ 9 ,267,&.B9 % - )3*$B-7$*! *1' *1' 9 $ 7&. 7', 706 7'2 1& 1& 1& 3,1 675$,*+7 '8$/B52:B+($'(5B%5($. 5 . : & ' ' *1' 5(9 -XO\ *1' *( +HDOWKFDUH &RPSDQ\ %ORFN 0RQ 1RY %ORFN Figure 4-8 5350000SCH_s6 Page 42 Section 4.1 Firefly schematics 6KHHW RI ILUHIO\BFKDUJHU 3DWK 'ZJ 1R 6&+ 5HY 5HVWULFWHG 6KHHW RI % 6L]H 5 & GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN $ $ *1' $1' *1'B32:(5 6+257(' 72*(7+(5 ,03/,(6 &855(17 67((5,1* 21/< %87 7+(,5 86( ',675,%87( *5281' 7(67 32,176 $5281' 7+( 3:$ 3/$&( 7:2 21 %$&. 6,'( '2 127 &211(&7 817,/ 9(5< (1' 73 % 73 73 73 73 73 :,7+ 21( 1($5 )3*$ 73 % 9 7,1 3 *1'B32:(5 *1' 7,1 /*1' 5 . : 9 7,1 /*1' 7,1 /*1' 7,1 /*1' 7,1 /*1' 7,1 /*1' *1' 0+ 0+3B7%B 0+ 0+3B7%B 0+ 0+3B7%B ',675,%87( 32:(5 *5281' 7(67 32,176 $5281' 7+( +,*+ 92/7$*( $5($ 2) 3:$ 3/$&( 7:2 21 %$&. 6,'( 0+ 0+3B7%B 0+ 0+3B7%B 73 0+ 0+3B7%B 73 73 73 73 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,1 3*1' 3*1' 3*1' 3*1' 3*1' & & 3 *1'B32:(5 *1' ' *( +HDOWKFDUH &RPSDQ\ %ORFN 0RQ 1RY %ORFN 6KHHW RI ILUHIO\BFKDUJHU 3DWK 'ZJ 1R 6&+ 5HY 5HVWULFWHG 6KHHW RI % 6L]H 5(9 -XO\ ' Figure 4-9 5350000SCH_s7 Chapter 4 Firefly charger board 5350000-2 Page 43 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 32:(5 6833/,(6 92 72 9 73 9 7,1 9 8 /0 & 8 9 & 8 9 9 5 . : 6:,7B287 ,1387 )(('%$&. %2267 21B2)) *1' 7$%B*1' / & 1 9 8 $ ' %$ 9 & 8 9 *1' 92 72 9 5 . : 8 /0 9 & 1 9 8 $ ' %$ 9 $ 0$; $ & 8 9 & 8 9 '6 +60*& *5((1 9 5 : 5 . : *1' (;3(&7(' 5 . : 6:,7B287 ,1387 )(('%$&. %2267 21B2)) *1' 7$%B*1' / % 9 73 9 7,1 9 & (;3(&7(' '6 +60*& *5((1 9 *1' % & 8 9 $ 0$; 5 : *1' & 8 9 $ 5 . : *1' & 8 9 $ & 8 9 5 . : $ 9 *1' *1' & *1' ' *( +HDOWKFDUH &RPSDQ\ %ORFN 0RQ 1RY %ORFN Figure 4-10 5350000SCH_s8 Page 44 Section 4.1 Firefly schematics 6KHHW RI ILUHIO\BSRZHUBVXSSOLHV 3DWK 'ZJ 1R 6&+ 5HY 5HVWULFWHG 6KHHW RI % 6L]H 5(9 -XO\ ' GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 72 9 9 7,1 95 /7 %<3 *1' *1' *1' 9 *1' & 8 9 5 . : & 1 9 & 8 9 & 3 9 & 1 9 *1' 5 . : *1' *1' *1' 7,1 9287 6(16(B$'- *1' 7$%B*1' & 8 9 9 $ 0$; $ & 8 9 9 (;3(&7(' '6 +60*& *5((1 9B,62 3 *1'B32:(5 5 : % 3 *1'B32:(5 5 : $ 0$; 5 . : $ 9 '6 +60*& *5((1 9 (;3(&7(' & 5 & 8 9 & 8 9 : 72 9 % 5 4 00%7 ( & . : *1' *1' 1& 75,0 92873 92871 8 /7$ & 8 9 & 8 9 21B2)) 9,13 9,11 *1' 9 73 & 5 . : 9 72 9 9,1 6+'1B1 5 : & 8 9 9B,62 7,1 8 6&$$= *1' *1' 9 & 8 9 $ 9B,62 (;3(&7(' '6 +60*& *5((1 9 *1' % 9 $ 9 0$; 9 73 5 : *1' 72 9 9 $ 9287 6(16(B$'- & 8 9 & 8 9 *1' 9,1 6+'1B1 5 . : ,62/$7(' 9 73 9 9 $ *1' *1' *1' *1' ' *( +HDOWKFDUH &RPSDQ\ %ORFN 0RQ 1RY %ORFN 6KHHW RI ILUHIO\BSRZHUBVXSSOLHV 3DWK 'ZJ 1R 6&+ 5HY 5HVWULFWHG 6KHHW RI % 6L]H 5(9 -XO\ ' Figure 4-11 5350000SCH_s9 Chapter 4 Firefly charger board 5350000-2 Page 45 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN &/2&.6 $1' 021,725,1* 9 )/ %/03*61 2+0 5 . : 9&& 9287 (1$%/( )/ %/03*61 *1' 2+0 9 5 )3*$B&/. : $ 287 )/ %/03*61 2+0 0+= *1' & 8 9 $ < 9B&/($1 *1' 3/$&( &$3$&,7256 *1' 5 . : % 8 /0 963 9287 *1' 7(03 *1' & 963 9287 *1' 7(03 & 8 9 & 8 9 & 8 9 a9 & 8 9 *1' *1' 5 . : 3/$&( 7(50 5(6 $&$3 72 )3*$ 5 . : % % 9B&/($1 *1' & 8 9 5 : 3/$&( 7(03 $&$3 72 )3*$ 3/$&( 7(03 $&$3 72 6:,7&+(56 5 . : 5 5 5 $9'' '9'' 6&/. 6',1 &6B1 )6 & $,1 $,1 5() % & 7(03 7(03 &+ &+ &+ &+ &+ &+ &+ &+ 6'287 & 3/$&( $&$3 72 $'& 5 : 02 $*1' '*1' $,1 & *1' *1' *1' *1' ' a9 & 8 9 5 . : : 8 7/9&3: 9 9 5 : a9 & *1' *1' 9 % & 8 9 & 8 9 *1' *1' *1' 9B&/($1 & 8 9 9 *1' 9 *1' 5 . : & % 63,B%86B$'&! 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( . : * 6 287 & /2: 21 23(1 % 21 ' 006=% 9 3 *1'B32:(5 1& /$03B32:(5B21B1 3 *1'B32:(5 & 8 9 ' &2,/ 5(6,675$1&( 2+06 4 6711)/ 2)) 1& )3*$B/$03B32:(5B21 & /2: 23(1 2)) & ' 006=% 9 & & ,1 5 ' %4 9 5 . : 287 3 *1'B32:(5 5 . : *1' 3 *1'B32:(5 3/$&( ',2'(6 $1' &$3$&,725 $&$3 72 - 3 *1'B32:(5 ' *( +HDOWKFDUH &RPSDQ\ %ORFN 0RQ 1RY %ORFN 6KHHW RI ILUHIO\BLOOXP 3DWK 'ZJ 1R 6&+ 5HY 5HVWULFWHG 6KHHW RI % 6L]H 5(9 -XO\ ' Figure 4-23 5350000SCH_s21 Chapter 4 Firefly charger board 5350000-2 Page 57 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN ),5()/< ' ,2 63<'(5B,2! : 9 63<'(5B&$1B+ 8 61+9'' 5 5 ' 56 5 ' 63<'(5B&$1B,2! 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Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Section 4.2 Firefly connector cables Figure 4-31 5557005, Firefly to Spyder Chapter 4 Firefly charger board 5350000-2 Page 65 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 4-32 5557024, Firefly to AC present lamp Page 66 Section 4.2 Firefly connector cables OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557036ADW_r2.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 4-33 5557036, Firefly to CLS J1 Chapter 4 Firefly charger board 5350000-2 Page 67 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 4-34 5557040, Firefly to CLS J2 Page 68 Section 4.2 Firefly connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 4-35 5557035, Firefly to on/off button Chapter 4 Firefly charger board 5350000-2 Page 69 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557047ADW_r3.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 4-36 5557047, CLS to collimator lamp Page 70 Section 4.2 Firefly connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 4-37 5557044, Firefly to power switch Chapter 4 Firefly charger board 5350000-2 Page 71 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 4-38 5557020, Firefly J4 to Mantis J3 Page 72 Section 4.2 Firefly connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 4-39 5557019, Firefly J9 to Mantis J2 Chapter 4 Firefly charger board 5350000-2 Page 73 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557009ADW_r4.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 4-40 5557009, Firefly to LVLE2 Page 74 Section 4.2 Firefly connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Chapter 5 Spyder system controller 5350002-4 52 52 54* 52 USB A Plug USB A Plug USB A Plug USB A Plug USB A REC USB A REC USB A REC USB A REC J6 J7 J8 J11 Dose Area Product Meter (DAP) 4 Medi-Snap PLUG 4 Medi-Snap REC Thumbdrive (Service Key) USB A Plug PC 20 MDR Plug USB A REC 20 MDR REC USB A Plug 12^ 50^ 20 MDR REC USB B Plug USB A Plug USB B Plug 20 MDR Plug USB B REC USB A REC USB B REC J2 J19 5350004 - X J22 J6 Thorax Bulkhead 802.15.4 Zigbee 26 Hsub-D REC 10 MicroFit Plug 26 Hsub-D Plug 14 N4600 Plug J11 14 Header 0.1" 14 N4600 Rec 9 Sub-D REC MFG Interface 14 N4600 Plug J1 Board Data Module 5350038 I/O Expander I/F 3 Mo RJ-11 Plug RJ11-REC J6 15 HSub-D REC 3M R J5 RJ11-REC J9 RJ-11 Plug 15 Hsub-D Plug 26 Hsub-D Plug 9 Sub-D REC 06 01 J8 J7 15 Hsub-D REC 49-2 10 MicroFit REC J4 46-2º 14 N4600 REC Spyder System Controller 5350002 - X J10 04 4 Microfit PLG 4 Microfit REC 26 Hsub-D REC 15 Sub-D Plug 9 Sub-D Plug 10 J18 J1 3. 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(7+B0',2 (7+B3+<B567B1 (7+B&/.B; +517B,&B%8)B%86! &$1B,2! 86%B'$7$! 86%B$''5B%86! 86%B&7/! 86%B+267B3(5,3+B,'B6(77,1* 86%B9&&,2B2.B1 86%B,17537! 86%B'0$B5(4! 86%B+267B3(5,3+B$&.! 86%B&/. 86%B68631'B:$.(83! $B72B)3*$! )3*$B72B$! /2&$/B+517B,&B%86! /2&$/B/9/(B,&B%86! /2&$/B,267,&.B,&B%86! '-,11B57/B5&95B287! '-,11B57/B&7/B'$7$! &$1B,2B)3*$! &$1B7(50B&+.! &$1B$'&! 7;'B287B$! 6+((7 )3*$ &! &! $! '$3B&200B;&95B%86! '-,11B57/B%86! ,267,&.B,&B%8)B%86! &! 86%B),)2B((3520B%86! '-,11B57/B%86! 7;'B287B$! $ $! % 86%B7<3(%B32:(5B9 =,*%((B-7$*! &! '! 86%B'$7$B3257! 6&+ ' 5(9 -XO\ 86%B'$7$B3257! , 6+((7 , &20081,&$7,216 '! *( +HDOWKFDUH &RPSDQ\ 5HY 5HVWULFWHG 6KHHW RI % 6L]H o Figure 5-4 5350002SCH_s2 Page 78 Section 5.1 Spyder schematics GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 6+((7 , %2$5'B021,7256 $ $ %'0B9B)86(B2. %'0B9B)86(B2. &! &+5*B9B)86(B2. &+5*B9B)86(B2. $! +517B9B)86(B2. +517B9B)86(B2. %! +6B9B)86(B2. +6B9B)86(B2. &! 0)*B9B)86(B2. 0)*B9B)86(B2. $! $'&! 507B7(03B%86! $'&! & 507B7(03B%86! &! )3*$B7(03! )3*$B7(03! %! )86(B67$786! )86(B67$786! & , 6+((7 /(9(/B75$16/$7,21 '5,9(B&+5*B6,*6! '5,9(B&+5*B6,*6! %! +6B6,*6B,1B9! +6B6,*6B,1B9! '! +6B6,*6B287! +6B6,*6B287! '! /9/(B',6$%/(B1 /9/(B',6$%/(B1 '! 0)*B63$5( 0)*B63$5( 0,&725B9B)86(B2. 0,&725B9B)86(B2. &! 86%B9B)86(B2. 86%B9B)86(B2. '! +%B29(55,'( +%B29(55,'( '! /9/(B$//B2873876B21 /9/(B$//B2873876B21 '! % &! '5,9(B&+5*B6,*6B9! '5,9(B&+5*B6,*6B9! +6B6,*6B,1! +6B6,*6B287B9! /9/(B',6$%/(B9 0)*B63$5(B9 025(B)86(B67$786! +%B29(55,'(B9B1 /9/(B2873876B21B9B1 6+((7 $! +6B6,*6B,1! ' +6B6,*6B287B9! $ /9/(B',6$%/(B9 ' 0)*B63$5(B9 ' 025(B)86(B67$786! & +%B29(55,'(B9B1 ' /9/(B2873876B21B9B1 & % , $8',2 & $8',2! %! 63($.(5B287! $8',2! 6+((7 63($.(5B287! & % , &/2&.*(1 &3/'B&/. 6+((7 '(&283/,1* , &3/'B&/. )3*$B&/. )3*$B&/. )3*$B&/. )3*$B&/. )3*$B&/. 6+((7 6+((7 63$5(6 ' )3*$B&/. )3*$B&/.6! ' , 32:(5B6833/,(6 , &)B3:5B&7/ %! &)B3:5B&7/ &)B32:(5 &)B32:(5 % ' *( +HDOWKFDUH &RPSDQ\ %ORFN :HG 6HS %ORFN 6KHHW RI VS\GHUBV\VWHPBFRQWUROOHU 3DWK 'ZJ 1R 6&+ 5HY 5HVWULFWHG 6KHHW RI % 6L]H 5(9 -XO\ ' Figure 5-5 5350002SCH_s3 Chapter 5 Spyder system controller 5350002-4 Page 79 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN &211(&7256 $// 75$1=25%6 $1' )(55,7(6 6+28/' %( 3/$&(' $&$3 72 &211(&7256 7+,6 $33/,(6 72 $// &211(&7256 7+528*+287 7+,6 '(6,*1 796) $ '! &5 &5 &)B$''5! &5 796) .9 &5 %! &)B&7/! &5 &5 &5 &5 &5 5 . : &5 *1' &)B%$792/7! '! &5 &5 &5 &5 &5 5 5 5 : &5 & &5 &5 &5 &5 &5 &5 &5 &5 &' 5 5 5 5 5 &6(/ 96 5(6(7 ,25'< '0$54 '0$&. '$63 3',$* - &6 96 ,25' ,2:5 :( ,1754 796) .9 5 . : &)B32:(5 '! 9 &5 % $ .9 &203$&7 )/$6+ 5 . : 5 . : *1' &5 &5 &5 &5 &5 &5 5 5 5 5 5 &6 $7$ :3B,2,6B1 &'B1 &5 &5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 . : ,2&6 &' % &5 5 6(/ 3,1 5,*+7B$1*/( )/$6+B&$5'B+($'(5B7<3(B,, *1' 3/$&( 7(50 5(6,67256 &5 : *1' &5 &5 &5 &5 &5 &5 &5 &5 ' ' & *1' $&$3 72 &211(&725 &)B'$7$! &5 &! &5 &5 &)B67$7! &5 127( 6,*1$/ /$%(/6 21 7+,6 6+((7 '2 127 )2//2: 7+( *(+& 6&+(0$7,& 67$1'$5' ,1 25'(5 72 0$7&+ 7+( &203$&7 )/$6+ 63(& &! &! :3B,2,6B1 &'B1 ' ' ' *( +HDOWKFDUH &RPSDQ\ %ORFN 7KX 6HS %ORFN Figure 5-6 5350002SCH_s4 Page 80 Section 5.1 Spyder schematics 6KHHW RI VS\GHUBV\VWHPBFRQWUROOHU 3DWK 'ZJ 1R 6&+ 5HY 5HVWULFWHG 6KHHW RI % 6L]H 5(9 -XO\ *1' GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 5;'B,1B$! +517B76B5; )/ %/0$6 ' 7;'B287B$! %! +517B76B7; $ +517B,&B%8)B%86! %! +517B,&B'$7$B%8) +517B,&B&/.B%8) +517B,&B,17537 $! +517B)3B5; % +517B)3B7; 2+0 ' $ +517B,&B,17537 %! +517B/9'6B'$7$! 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(7+B/('B63((' /(' & 8 9 *1' *1' *1' 9 5 * * 3/$&( 21( &$3$&,725 1($5 3,1 $1' 21( 1($5 3,1 $ 5 . : 5 : : *1' * * 62&.(7 5,*+7B$1*/( -$&.B/('B<(/B/('B*5125 *1' *1' (7+B7'B3 (7+B7'B1 (7+B5'B3 (7+B5'B1 & 8 9 /(' 1& 1& 1& 62&.(7 5,*+7B$1*/( 0,1,B'B5,%%21 - (7+B3+<B%86! %! - /9'6B5;BB/ /9'6B5;BB+ (7+(51(7 &211(&725 /9'6B5;B%86! *1' % % &! $! &! %! '-,11 &$1B,2! ,) &$1B'-,11B+ - '-,11B567B/ ;5B&0'B/ ;5B21B/ (;3B(1B/ 1& 1& )/ %/0$6 * * 3,1 675$,*+7 67'B'(16,7< *1' 2+0 & 2+0 )/ %/0$6 '-,11B567B+ ;5B&0'B+ ;5B21B+ (;3B(1B+ 2+0 )/ %/0$6 2+0 )/ %/0$6 2+0 )/ %/0$6 * * 2+0 )/ %/0$6 2+0 )/ %/0$6 1& &$1B'-,11B/ 1& 2+0 ' '-,11B57/B%86! ' $! 5(9 -XO\ )/ %/0$6 *( +HDOWKFDUH &RPSDQ\ %ORFN 7KX 6HS %ORFN Figure 5-8 5350002SCH_s6 Page 82 Section 5.1 Spyder schematics 6KHHW RI VS\GHUBV\VWHPBFRQWUROOHU 3DWK 'ZJ 1R 6&+ 5HY 5HVWULFWHG 6KHHW RI % 6L]H & GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN '5,9( &! &! &5 796) .9 $ '5,9(B-7$*B%86! &! &! %2$5' ,) &5 796) .9 $ *1' &$1B,2! %! '5,9(B67$B567B1 %6&$1B'(%8*B1 ' '! '! &$1B'5,9(B+ 706 &5 796) .9 - 7567 &$1B'5,9(B/ 7', 7'2 *1' '63B(08 * * * * )/ %/0$6 *1' 7&. *1' %! % 2+0 )/ %/0$6 %.5B75,3B&0'B9B1 2+0 63<'(5B'59B(1B9 $&B35(6(17B9 .(<B67$786B9 2+0 )/ %/0$6 '5,9(B&+5*B6,*6B9! 2+0 )/ %/0$6 3,1 675$,*+7 +,*+B'(16,7< % ' 5 )3*$B75,3B&0' 5 . : &+5*B-7$*B%86! 9 ) 5(6(77$%/( $ 9 &+5*B9B)86(B2. & $! &! &! &$1B,2! %! '! $ '! &+$5*(B63$5(B 7', 7'2 706 &$1B&+5*B+ &+$5*(B63$5(B &5 796) .9 7567 &$1B&+5*B/ %/0$6 &5 796) .9 2+0 )/ )/ * * * * *1' 7&. 2+0 )/ %/0$6 62&.(7 675$,*+7 +,*+B'(16,7< & *1' %.5B75,3B&0'B9B1 2+0 )/ %/0$6 63<'(5B'59B(1B9 $&B35(6(17B9 .(<B67$786B9 2+0 )/ %/0$6 *1' ' )/ %/0$6 *1' 4 6711)/ 6 $ - . : ' ' 2+0 5(9 -XO\ &! * *( +HDOWKFDUH &RPSDQ\ %ORFN 7KX 6HS %ORFN 6KHHW RI VS\GHUBV\VWHPBFRQWUROOHU 3DWK 'ZJ 1R 6&+ 5HY 5HVWULFWHG 6KHHW RI % 6L]H &! &+$5*( %2$5' ,) Figure 5-9 5350002SCH_s7 Chapter 5 Spyder system controller 5350002-4 Page 83 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN +$1' 6:,7&+ ,) 9 $ $ ) 5(6(77$%/( $ 9 )/ %/0$6 )/ %/03*61 2+0 2+0 9,%(B&0'B9 %! % $ 635B9 (;3B+2/'B9 635B9 635B9 635B9 2+0 +6B9B)86(B2. 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' 86%B'$7$B3257! * * &5 796) .9 * * ' %$76 9 $. $ 5 . : & 8 9 . 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Figure 5-13 5350002SCH_s11 Chapter 5 Spyder system controller 5350002-4 Page 87 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN %2$5' '$7$ 02'8/( %'0B63,B%86! 9 %'0B63,B'$7$,1 $ ) 5(6(77$%/( $ 9 %'0B9B)86(B2. - &! %'0B63,B,17537 $ %'0B63,B6/&7 %'0B63,B6/&7 %'0B:3 %'0B63,B567 %'0B63,B'$7$,1 %'0B63,B'$7$287 %'0B63,B&/. *1' &5 &5 3,1 675$,*+7 '8$/B52:B+($'(5B%5($. *1' $ 5 . : &5 &5 &5 &5 &5 % % &5 *1' 75$&( '(%8* 0,&725B&/. -7$*B7'2 7&. 706 -7$*B7', 5 5 5 5 .9 &5 &5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 &5 1& 1& 5 5 5 796) : &5 &5 &5 &5 &5 ' - : 3/$&( 2+0 5(6,67256 $&$3 72 -7$* +($'(5 - -7$*B%86! &! $! 75B&/. &5 1& 1& * * * * * * * * * * % & : 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 : 796) .9 &5 &5 &5 &5 &5 *1' $&$3 72 +($'(5 &5 &5 &5 &5 %\ 'DWH -21 %87=,1( %ORFN *1' $8* 3DWK 63<'(5 6<6 &21752/ %ORFN Figure 5-14 5350002SCH_s12 Page 88 &5 7LWOH VS\GHUBV\VWHPBFRQWUROOHU ' &5 &5 &5 0DGH 6HS *1' &5 &5 7KX &! 5 5 0,&725B'$7$! 62&.(7 675$,*+7 %2$5'B72B%2$5' 3/$&( 7(50 5(6,67256 &5 ) 5(6(77$%/( $ 9 0,&725B9B)86(B2. 5(9 -XO\ & 9 Section 5.1 Spyder schematics 6KHHW RI 'ZJ 1R 6&+ *( +HDOWKFDUH &RPSDQ\ 5HY 5HVWULFWHG 6KHHW RI % 6L]H 0,&725B&/.6! &! 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Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Section 5.2 Spyder connector cables Approved Document - 5557046ADW_r3.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 5-62 5557046, Spyder to DAP Page 136 Section 5.2 Spyder connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 5-63 5557001, Spyder to Hornet Chapter 5 Spyder system controller 5350002-4 Page 137 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557049ADW_r4.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 5-64 5557049, Spyder to Board Data Module Page 138 Section 5.2 Spyder connector cables OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557006ADW_r7.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 5-65 5557006, Spyder to wired handswitch Chapter 5 Spyder system controller 5350002-4 Page 139 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557005ADW_r3.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 5-66 5557005, Spyder to Firefly Page 140 Section 5.2 Spyder connector cables OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557004ADW_r6.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 5-67 5557004, Spyder to LVLE2 Chapter 5 Spyder system controller 5350002-4 Page 141 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557003ADW_r4.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 5-68 5557003, Spyder to Djinn Page 142 Section 5.2 Spyder connector cables OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557045ADW_r3.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 5-69 5557045, Spyder to speakers Chapter 5 Spyder system controller 5350002-4 Page 143 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 5-70 5557012, Spyder to PC Page 144 Section 5.2 Spyder connector cables OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: COMPLETE - Production parts may not be defined by this document; it is an uneditable finished draft. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Figure 5-71 5557050, Spyder J20 to PC Chapter 5 Spyder system controller 5350002-4 Page 145 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Page 146 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 5.2 Spyder connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Chapter 6 Hornet UIF board 5350004-2 CN2 CN2 CN2 CN5 CN2 6 Micromatch REC 6 Micromatch Plug 6 MicroFit Plug 6 MicroFit REC Overlay Board CN4 11 Molex REC Inverter CN3 20 Hirose REC 11 Molex PLUG 5 AMPMODU REC Touch Screen 15“ LC D CN2 20 Hirose PLUG 29 5 AMPMODU Plug 14 N4600 Rec J2 Board Data Module 5350038 28 6 MicroFit REC J7 14 N4600 Plug 14 N4600 Plug 49-2 J1 18 10 Molex REC 802.15.4 Zigbee J5 20 Molex REC 01 J4 6 MicroFit Plug 46-2º 26 Hsub-D Plug 26 Hsub-D Plug 14 N4600 REC J7 26 Hsub-D REC J4 4Microfit PLG 4 Microfit REC J22 J6 Thorax Bulkhead 10 Molex Plug B REC 20 Molex Plug B Plug Hornet UIF Board 5350004 - X 26 Hsub-D REC 4 Microfit PLG 4 Microfit REC 34 6 Micromatch REC 6 Micromatch Plug Drive Login Active Board Drive Login Electrode Board R R R R 10 M 10 M HS Figure 6-1 Hornet portion of wiring diagram Chapter 6 Hornet UIF board 5350004-2 Page 147 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 6.1 Hornet schematics Figure 6-2 5350004ADW_r4 Page 148 Section 6.1 Hornet schematics GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN - ) * + +-+,,,* 5 , 3, ) -, , - ))',! * )- ,! + ,!',! ) , -') )-") State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3 +-+,,,*) ) 3 - 3 ))!!- * 3 78 78 3 6 + " ! " 3 3; '#0 3(#<= %& '%( )* +,- 21(& )'),) 91. - * 3(#<= .#/0&1%2$ ),) Approved Document - 5350004SCH_r7.pdf Page)2 of 7 91& 3%1420& .&&1 #$ + >? # +-+,,,* &9(1.<9/& #AB90; &@ &C1/2<1&: .&&1 #$ 3 24& 9:& ) ,'%(;,* " Figure 6-3 5350004SCH_r7_s1 Chapter 6 Hornet UIF board 5350004-2 Page 149 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN ) * - + " "+* * ,6 ,,)+ , 36 * ) +, +, E+,JE ) ) ")3+ )*, -- , -G -G +, 3 +, ) '- , )3G,H )3G,H + ! 3 ) + ) + ! ) * " , ) * 3 " 3 ,3 * )6 ,,)+ , * )6 ,,)+ , 3 D ) 6 ,,)+ , ) ),6 ,,)+ , )6 ,,)+ , D D* D )) 6 ,,)+ , )6 ,,)+ , " 6 ,,)+ , ,6 ,,)+ , D,! +, )* 6 ,,)+ , ))H " ")" , 3 ) +, ), -3H + " ) )3G),H )3G),H 3 3 * +, , 36 * , )3G),H 6 ,,)+ , ) 3 *+ ) - , ) " +, ! , , 3) )6 ,,)+ , ,,- *"H *G , ) )*, ' 3 ) ) * * + 3 )3G),H + 3 )3G),H 3 )3G),H " " ! ! ,6 ,,)+ , ! 6 ,,)+ , -3+H ), 6 ,,)+ , + , ) * + " ! ), ) )) ))* )+ ) ! ), ) )) ))* )+ ) ) ) " 6 ,,)+ , ! - ,6 ,,)+ , , , , , , - , -, ,6 ,,)+ , E7F)+ 8 F *)* +", )+ ) - 3 , ! +, * -*, ) 3 - -" 6 ,,)+ , , , ) - +, + * , +, +)+" +, " , ) * + " ) - -3G G,H G,H )G,H -G,H 6G,H -3G -3G -3G -3G -3G &9(1.<9/& #AB90; /2 '%( - +*,+ 6 3 ),) ) 3(#<= - 91. 3(#<= .#/0&1%2$ * .&&1 ) #$ + Approved Document - 5350004SCH_r7.pdf Page 3 of 7 Figure 6-4 5350004SCH_r7_s2 Page 150 ) ,'%(;,* ) -*H , , Section 6.1 Hornet schematics >? # +-+,,,* &@ &C1/2<1&: .&&1 ) #$ " 3 24& +, + * , ) ,,- , ) * + ) - ) * + " * + " State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. , ) * + - ) ** ,6 ,,)+ , ! 3")) )), ,,I )3+G * + ! , ) ) * +, )3G,H 3 3 3 3 -! ,6 ,,)+ , -"G , ** +, ), GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN - ) * + " -- )+H G,H , )+H )G,H , ) ) )+H -G,H , - - )+H 6G,H , 6 6 - 6 ) ! ,,- , ) * " , ) * " ), + ! + ! ) * " , ) * " ), - 6 )-G ) 3) * 3 36 )-H )"H 36 )3)G ) * + " ! , * , ,,)+ F,,+ , '+ ) * + " ! , 3 -- 3 ) +, ) 3 + + )H )H 3 ' ) - + - ) - * + ) *+,3,,, *+,3,,, *+,3,,, * *+,3,,, )-H 3 * + ) ,'%(;,* &9(1.<9/& #AB90; 3(#<= &: <1 ) *,,- 3(#<= .#/0&1%2$ ),, Approved Document - 5350004SCH_r7.pdf Page)4 of 7 91. - * .&&1 - #$ + >? # +-+,,,* &@ &C1/2<1&: .&&1 - #$ 3 24& ))G State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3 + ! + ! 3 )+ + + ,,- , , , ) G,H '* )+H ), ) ,6 ,,)+ , 36 -- " Figure 6-5 5350004SCH_r7_s3 Chapter 6 Hornet UIF board 5350004-2 Page 151 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN - ) * + " 3 )-) + ! +, ,6 ,,)+ , + ) * + " ! , +, )! 6 ,,)+ , ),,, , 3- 3) * ) ) 3 - 3 3, 3+ 3 3* ), ! " ) + * ) ) * )" , , - + +, + -) + +, + +)),,-!(#< 3 *I +, E E 3 +-+,,,* +-+,,,*) * 3 3 + 3 3 3 3 3 3 " 3 3 ') State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3 * '+, + " '+, + '+, '+, + )+ , +, , ) , +, , '+, ) * + 3 ) * + )* , +, , 3 +, , ! , ) * + ) + ) * , ) * + **,+ +, - , ! , ) * + ) + ) * " , ) * + -! , , - , , -* -+ 6 ,,)+ , " -" , , + ),) -- ) , , * + **H ))H -, 3 , , , " ) ) ) ) ) ) - 6 ,,)+ , * ) ! ))G **G + ) ,'%(;,* &9(1.<9/& #AB90; 3(#<= &: '%( )+ ,"*+ 3(#<= .#/0&1%2$ ),) Approved Document - 5350004SCH_r7.pdf Page)5 of 7 91. - * * #$ + Figure 6-6 5350004SCH_r7_s4 Page 152 .&&1 Section 6.1 Hornet schematics >? # +-+,,,* &@ &C1/2<1&: .&&1 * #$ " 3 24& **,+ +, GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN - ) * + " 6 36 3 3 3 3 3 3 EEE EEE ) -- + ,-- +, ), 36 3 3 * " )6 , +6 , 3 - * ,, +, , ! 3-*, *, , ,, ), K)* )*, EEE ) ), ,, ), ))+ ,, ), + * -+ , * !, -- ),-- +, ), ) !,!6 , ) ") , EEE * ) ) 6 , ), ) - 36 3 3 ) + * " ,, ), ))+ )) ,, +, , ) 3-*, *, !, ) ,, ), * ", ), )" +6 , )+ ,)6 , )K-- 3 ) ) ) ) )*, , 6 , -- ) *, 6 , * -+ , EEE K)* ))+K) 3 - 3 + )* + ) +, *) !"6 , * !"6 , * -+ , *!"6 , - ,-- +, ), -* +6 , - 6 , +, 36 3 3 * " ,, ), ))+ *) ,, +, , 3-*, *, K)* !, + ) ,, ), ,, ), ---) , -) )6 , ) 3 3 " ) ) ) !, )K+ 3 ) ) ,'%(;,* &9(1.<9/& #AB90; 3(#<= &: <1 ) *,,-* 3(#<= .#/0&1%2$ ),, Approved Document - 5350004SCH_r7.pdf Page)6 of 7 91. - * .&&1 + #$ + >? # +-+,,,* &@ &C1/2<1&: .&&1 + #$ 3 24& State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. )*, ) -- EEE ) " Figure 6-7 5350004SCH_r7_s5 Chapter 6 Hornet UIF board 5350004-2 Page 153 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN ) - * + " -- , , ), , , ) , , , , , , " , , F",), ) , , F",), 3 State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3 +, ) , , " , , *, , , -+ , , )! , , - , , F",), ), * , ), F",), 36 '+ &9(1.<9/& #AB90; 3(#<= &: <1 ) *,,- 3(#<= .#/0&1%2$ ),, Approved Document - 5350004SCH_r7.pdf Page)7 of 7 91. - * #$ + Figure 6-8 5350004SCH_r7_s6 Page 154 .&&1 Section 6.1 Hornet schematics >? # +-+,,,* &@ &C1/2<1&: .&&1 #$ " 3 24& ) ,'%(;,* GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 6.2 Hornet connector cables Figure 6-9 5557018, Hornet to display Chapter 6 Hornet UIF board 5350004-2 Page 155 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557028ADW_r2.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 6-10 5557028, Hornet to inverter Page 156 Section 6.2 Hornet connector cables OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557029ADW_r3.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 6-11 5557029, Hornet to overlay board Chapter 6 Hornet UIF board 5350004-2 Page 157 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Page 158 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 6.2 Hornet connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Chapter 7 Locust drive board 5350006-2 4 mMnL Plug 2 MnL Plug 3 mMnL Plug 14 13 3 mMnL REC 3 mMnL PLG 2 MnL REC Rotational Brake Bumper 12 MnL Plug 55* 27 26 15 Sub-D Plug 2 MnL Plug 56* Tube Park Latch Detector Park Switch 6 mMnL PLG 15 J1 2 Microfit 2 Microfit PLG REC J1 J2 2mMnL PLG 2mMnL REC J3 4 Minifit REC J4 J5 J13 20 Header 0.1" SPARE I/O J10 14 Header 0.1" DSP JTAG J11 14 Header 0.1" CPLD JTAG J12 2 Header 0.1" SPARE PIEZO J9 Locust Drive Board 5350006 - X 5503004 3 mMnL REC 3 mMnL Plug Vertical Brake 39 Hard Brake Release Switch J8 J1 J3 4 MnL REC J2 15 HSub-D REC 4 MnL PLG 15 Hsub-D Plug 2 mMnL Plug 3 Microfit 3 Microfit PLG REC J6 8 mMnL Plug Thorax Bulkhead 12 MnL REC J7 J4 Arm Brake 15 Sub-D REC 6 mMnL REC 2 mMnL REC 12 MiniFit Pin 12 MiniFit REC 5503006 Collimator / Lock Release Switches 12 MnL Plug 8 mMnL REC 43 9 Sub-D Plug 9 Sub-D REC Drive Handle 15 Sub-D Plug 25 08 2 16 2P 2P 4 MnL Plug 3 Phoenix Plug 4 MnL REC 3 Phoenix REC J8 J6 Figure 7-1 Locust portion of wiring diagram Chapter 7 Locust drive board 5350006-2 Page 159 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 7.1 Locust schematics Figure 7-2 5350006ADW Page 160 Section 7.1 Locust schematics GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN ) - + * +-+,,, 5 )))*-* * + )--+- + ) I , I 3 +-+,,,) " ) 3 - 3 ))!!- * 3 78 78 3 6 + " * - State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 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Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. -, " Figure 7-13 5350006SCH_s11 Chapter 7 Locust drive board 5350006-2 Page 171 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN ) * - EEEEEEEE )3)Q ,+ )+* ) -!)6 , -- )! -!)6 , P)* 3"* -) -*- * 6 ,,)+ 3 " + -++ ,6 ,,)+ " ) -- +" )+- 6 ,,)+ EEEEEEEE + P)3"* -+ ,6 ,,)+ - - ), 3 -+* ,6 ,,)+ " * 6 ,,)+ ),,6 -) )! -!)6 , -)+ ) ),,6 6 ,,)+ - )++ " -- P)) 3"* EEEEEEEE + )+- EEEEEEEE ! * * * )!" *6 ,,)+ ! , , ) - , 3 ! * * " , , * E--JE )!, *6 ,,)+ )!! *6 , )! ,6 ,,)+ 3 )3*Q ," ) ) E--JE G*H ! + 3 * * - ) ,'%(;,* State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. 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See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. )) - + " Figure 7-15 5350006SCH_s13 Chapter 7 Locust drive board 5350006-2 Page 173 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN ) * - EEEEEEEE ' " EEEEEEEE -- ) ,6 ,,)+ ), * * *! ,6 ,,)+ - 3 * -- ), * * ) , 3 E--JE 6 + + '* * E--JE 6 + ' ' + G+H " +" )3+Q , "+ + )6 ,,)+ )* 6 ,,)+ - )+ ,6 ,,)+ , )! ,6 ,,)+ ) * )! 6 ,,)+ 3 ,3 3 63 3 3 ,, , ! ! 3* , ,) , ,* ,+ , ) + ) ) - , ) * + 6 3) * ) * , ) * + * ) E--JE ,3 3 3 3 )) 6! 6" '+ )- , ,, , )+Q + + ,,)+ ! ! , 6, , , , " " , , ", " -,, )", ,) 6,) ,) ,) ,) " , ! 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See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. * - 3 ) " Approved Document - 5350006SCH_r5.pdf Page 20 of 24 Figure 7-21 5350006SCH_s19 Chapter 7 Locust drive board 5350006-2 Page 179 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN EEEEEEEE ) * " , ) - + "! +6 ,,)+ 3 - GH ) * G,H - " !, +6 ,,)+ - GH ) * G,H - " + ! +6 ,,)+ , ) - - ) + ,, *!! ,)+ ")+ ,)+ * +, F",), * I+)+,3 ) 3-*, * ) " ! , * , ) - 3 - ) + + I+)+,3 P* *)-)3 -+ )"-* * ) " ! , * , ) - - ) , *!! ,)+ - * ) ),),, 6 P+ P +-,"3,+) 3 ) " 3 ),),, 6 P P" ),+ , ,, + ) * ), 33"))) *!! ,)+ I+)+,3 ")+ ,)+ ), ) 3-*, + -,- ,, 6 3 3 3 ,* *, !" P *)-)3 )"* ,,-- + ) + 6 3 3 3 , +" -,- ,, 3 ! , ," *, * +, F",), ,) ")+ ,)+ *!! ,)+ I+)+,3 *, !! 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See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. + ++ * * 3G)H * - ! ))Q ) GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN )+Q ) )* * GH ) * + 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 * - + ! - G+H G*H G-H G)H GH G,H EEEEEEEEEEEE ) * " , ) 3G+H 3G*H 3G-H 3G)H 3GH 3G,H 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 )3 ) ) ))3) ))) ))) + 6 3 6 )- * )*! ,,)+ - -,- ,, ) + * + ) 3 " - )+ , )*! ,,)+ ) *, ), ) + * + ) " - 3 6 ,, -,- -* ), * P) +6 ,)+ )+ , 3 3 6 ) )! 3 ) I+)+,3 )+ )" * 33"))) *, -*! ),,6 ,)+ - + 33"))) ), ) ) 3 6 ,, -,- * I+)+,3 ), - - )- -! )*! ,,)+ ) -,- ,, )+ , )+ F",), ))-) " ) + * + ) 3 " - " * +6 ,)+ )+ , P- *, - -+, ),,6 ,)+ )+Q EEEEEE 3 6 33"))) ), ) ,, -,- * ), 3 6 - ) I+)+,3 )) -, ) )" EEEEEE + -,- ,, * -,- ,, + 3(#<= %& <1 ) ,),, 91. 3(#<= ) Approved Document - 5350006SCH_r5.pdf Page 22 of 24 - * + .&&1 #$ (#<%C1B&/2B.&/9(C ),, ) ,'%(;,* >? # ) +-+,,, &9(1.<9/& #AB90; &@ &C1/2<1&: .&&1 + ) #$ )- 3 24& State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. 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Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3 6 )* - )- GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN ) * - EEEEEEEE + " " EEEEEEEE -- ! , F",), ), F",), -! , F",), *, F",), * , F",), + , F",), -* , F",), * , F",), +* , F",), +" , F",), ) , F",), " , F",), ) , F",), *) , F",), +, , F",), + , F",), , F",), , F",), -- , F",), ), , F",), )* , F",), )" , F",), -) , F",), - , F",), *, , F",), ** , F",), *" , F",), +) , F",), + , F",), , , F",), * , F",), " , F",), ) , F",), , F",), ", , F",), "* , F",), "" , F",), !) , F",), -- 3 , F",), ) , F",), )+ , F",), )! , F",), -, F",), - , F",), * , F",), *+ , F",), *! , F",), +, F",), + , F",), , F",), + , F",), ! , F",), , F",), , F",), " , F",), "+ , F",), "! , F",), !, F",), +, )) , F",), EEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEE 6 ,,)+ )"! -*) ), - 3 * E--JE * * ), + 3 ) ,'%(;,* &9(1.<9/& #AB90; 3(#<= %& <1 ) ,!-+ 3(#<= ) Approved Document - 5350006SCH_r5.pdf Page 24 of 24 - * + .&&1 #$ (#<%C1:&<#%B(20? ),, 91. >? # +-+,,, &@ &C1/2<1&: .&&1 + )- #$ )- 3 24& State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3 " Figure 7-25 5350006SCH_s23 Chapter 7 Locust drive board 5350006-2 Page 183 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 7.2 Locust connector cables Figure 7-26 5557025, Locust to park latch Page 184 Section 7.2 Locust connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 7-27 5557008, Locust to LVLE2 Chapter 7 Locust drive board 5350006-2 Page 185 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557002ADW_r5.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 7-28 5557002, Locust to Spyder Page 186 Section 7.2 Locust connector cables OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557016ADW_r4.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 7-29 5557016, Locust to Cricket Chapter 7 Locust drive board 5350006-2 Page 187 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557039ADW_r3.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 7-30 5557039, Locust to hard brake release Page 188 Section 7.2 Locust connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 7-31 5557043, Locust to col Chapter 7 Locust drive board 5350006-2 Page 189 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557015ADW_r6.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 7-32 5557015, Locust to drive handle Page 190 Section 7.2 Locust connector cables OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557014ADW_r4.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 7-33 5557014, Locust J6 to Caterpillar J2 Chapter 7 Locust drive board 5350006-2 Page 191 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 7-34 5557013, Locust J5 to Caterpillar J1 Page 192 Section 7.2 Locust connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Some early production units were shipped with cable assembly 5557068 (see Figure 7-35). This cable assembly consisted of a bundle of the following individual cables: • Locust to LVLE2 • Locust to Caterpillar • Locust to Park Latch State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. The original cable (5557068) is not available as a replacement part and must be replaced with the individual cables as identified above. Approved Document - 5557068ADW_r3.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 7-35 5557068, “Super cable” (obsolete) Chapter 7 Locust drive board 5350006-2 Page 193 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Page 194 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 7.2 Locust connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Chapter 8 Cricket battery board 5350008 Vertical Brake 39 4 MnL PLG 15 Hsub-D Plug 22 Hard Brake Release Switch mMnL REC 3 mMnL Plug mMnL Plug 5503004 16 5 MnL P 5 MnL R 3 Phoenix REC J6 J8 J1, J2, J3, J4 J11, J12, J13, J14 J10 10 mMnL REC Cricket Battery Board 5350008 J7 J5 2 Phoenix Plug Pack 4 4 MnL REC 5 MnL Plug Pack 3 3 Phoenix Plug 2 Phoenix REC 4 MnL REC 4 MnL PLG Battery Temp Pack 2 4 MnL Plug 5 MnL REC 2 Phoenix REC 2 Phoenix Plug Pack 1 02 Breaker Trip Breaker 23 10 mMnL PLG Cord Reel Figure 8-1 Cricket portion of wiring diagram Chapter 8 Cricket battery board 5350008 Page 195 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 8.1 Cricket schematics Figure 8-2 5350008ADW Page 196 Section 8.1 Cricket schematics GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 3 2 4 5 7 6 8 A A NOTES: 1. THE VARIATION PWA IS 5350008 REVISION ECR/ECO 1 ------ 2 3 DATE SIGN OFF 16-OCT-06 --- ------ 6-NOV-09 --- ------ 10-AUG-10 --- AND VERSION FOR THIS C. 2. THIS COVER SHEET CONTROLS THE REVISION STATUS OF THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT. THE REVISION OF ALL SHEETS OF THIS DOCUMENT WILL BE AT THE SAME LEVEL. 3. THIS SCHEMATIC MEETS THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE GLOBAL SCHEMATIC STANDARD GUIDELINES 2299773GSP. 4. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES FOR BOTH THE SCHEMATIC REVIEWER(S) AND APPROVER(S) CAN BE FOUND WITHIN MY WORKSHOP. 5. UNLESS OTHERWISE RESISTORS ARE IN CAPACITORS ARE IN INDUCTORS ARE IN B SPECIFIED: OHMS. FARADS. HENRIES. B C D D Date C. Jablonowski Block Tue Aug 17 10:36:20 Path 2 3 4 CRICKET Block cricket_battery 2010 1 Title 10-Aug-2010 5 BATTERY BD Sheet 1 of 6 Dwg No 2 5350008SCH 7 GE Healthcare Company Rev Restricted Sheet 3 1 of 2 B Size Made By REV 2 01July04 C 8 Figure 8-3 5350008SCH_s1 Chapter 8 Cricket battery board 5350008 Page 197 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 3 2 DJINN 4 5 7 6 8 I/F CHARGE I/F CHARGE FUSE OUT TP4 BATT_BRK J6 RED 1B 1C DRAIN_ONLY POWER_GND A 1A 2A 3A 1 2 3 15A SLOW-BLOW 300VDC FUSE 2B 2C 3B 3C J7 R4 100K 0.25W 1% F1 TIME_DELAY BATT_BRK PIN POWER_COMBICON RIGHT_ANGLE GND 15A 600VAC_300VDC BREAKER OUT (LOAD) TP1 DRIVE FUSE1 OUT TP8 RED BATT_BRK BATT_RAW A R9 100K 0.25W 1% F2 TIME_DELAY J5 1 2 3 4 5 PIN RIGHT_ANGLE MATE_N_LOK GND RED 15A SLOW-BLOW 300VDC FUSE R1 100K 0.25W 1% BREAKER I/F 1 2 3 4 5 PACK1 PACK2 PACK3 FUSE_CHRG FUSE_CHRG FUSE_DRV 1A 2A DRIVE 15A 600VAC_300VDC 1 2 DRIVE BATT_RAW SOCKET POWER_COMBICON RIGHT_ANGLE FUSE2 OUT TP9 FUSE_DRV POWER_GND DRAIN_ONLY FUSE_RAW RED 3A SLOW-BLOW 300VDC FUSE R10 100K 0.25W 1% F3 TIME_DELAY B I/F J8 1 2 3 4 B PIN RIGHT_ANGLE MATE_N_LOK GND FUSE_RAW 1 2 3 4 3A 600VAC_300VDC BATTERY FEEDBACK I/F 5V0 J10 PACK 4 I/F PACK 3 I/F 5V0 PACK 2 I/F J14 PACK 1 I/F 5V0 5V0 J13 TEMP_SEN_1_POW TEMP_SEN_2_POW TEMP_SEN_3_POW TEMP_SEN_4_POW DRAIN 2 4 2 4 1 3 1 3 TEMP_SEN_3_RTN TEMP_SEN_3_POW 2 4 2 4 1 3 1 3 TEMP_SEN_2_RTN TEMP_SEN_2_POW 2 4 J11 2 4 1 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10 TEMP_SEN_1_RTN TEMP_SEN_2_RTN TEMP_SEN_3_RTN TEMP_SEN_4_RTN 5V0 J12 PIN RIGHT_ANGLE MATE_N_LOK C TEMP_SEN_4_RTN TEMP_SEN_4_POW 1 2 3 4 5 1 3 TEMP_SEN_1_RTN TEMP_SEN_1_POW 2 4 C 1 3 1 3 2 4 GND PIN STRAIGHT MATE_N_LOK PACK 4+ BREAKER IN (LINE) PIN STRAIGHT MATE_N_LOK GND PIN STRAIGHT MATE_N_LOK GND GND PACK 3+ TP2 PIN STRAIGHT MATE_N_LOK GND PACK 2+ TP3 TP7 PACK 1+ TP5 RED RED BATT_RAW R8 100K 0.25W 1% RIGHT_ANGLE POWER_COMBICON PIN 2A 1A RIGHT_ANGLE POWER_COMBICON PIN 2A 1A 2B 2C 2 1 RED RED R3 100K 0.25W 1% 2B 2C RIGHT_ANGLE POWER_COMBICON PIN 2A 1A 2 1 RIGHT_ANGLE POWER_COMBICON PIN R5 100K 0.25W 1% 2A 1A 2B 2C 2 1 R11 R12 PACK3 R13 PACK2 100K 0.25W 1% MHP4_50TB10_00 MH9 MH10 BLACK NOTE: J1 PACK1 100K 0.25W 1% MH8 100K 0.25W 1% KEEP OUT ON MOUNTING HOLES SHOULD BE SUFFICIENT TO ACCEPT A RING TERMINAL. D GND GND Date C. Jablonowski Block Tue Aug 17 10:52:06 Path CRICKET Block cricket_battery 2010 1 Title 10-Aug-2010 2 3 4 5 Figure 8-4 5350008SCH_s2 Page 198 Sheet 2 of 6 Section 8.1 Cricket schematics BATTERY BD Dwg No 2 5350008SCH 7 GE Healthcare Company Rev Restricted Sheet 3 2 of 8 2 B Size Made By REV 2 01July04 D J2 MH1 2C 2B 1B 1C 1B 1C 1B 1C J4 J3 == PLATED MOUNTING HOLES == GND CHASSIS BATTTP6 1B 1C 2 1 R2 100K 0.25W 1% GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Section 8.2 Cricket connector cables Approved Document - 5557016ADW_r4.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 8-5 5557016, Cricket to Locust Chapter 8 Cricket battery board 5350008 Page 199 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557022ADW_r6.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 8-6 5557022, Cricket to aux box Page 200 Section 8.2 Cricket connector cables OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557021ADW_r5.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 8-7 5557021, Cricket J7 to Firefly J12 Chapter 8 Cricket battery board 5350008 Page 201 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557023ADW_r6.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 8-8 5557023, Cricket to breaker Page 202 Section 8.2 Cricket connector cables OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557030ADW_r3.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 8-9 5557030, Cricket J10 to Firefly J13 Chapter 8 Cricket battery board 5350008 Page 203 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Page 204 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 8.2 Cricket connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Chapter 9 Caterpillar base transition board 5350010 802.15.4 Zigbee 802.15.3a UWB Detector Zigbee Barcode Reader Halls Halls 4 MnL Plug 5 HDR REC 4 MnL REC J4 J3 R 2 mMnL Plg 5 HDR Plug Brake Brake L 5 HDR Plug 4 MnL Plug 2 mMnL Plg 2 mMnL REC 5 HDR REC 4 MnL REC 2 mMnL REC J5 J9 J7 J6 Caterpillar Base Transition Board 5350010 J8 J11 J10 J2 J1 4 mMnL REC 3 mMnL REC 2 MnL REC 15 Sub-D REC 12 MnL REC 4 mMnL Plug 3 mMnL Plug 2 MnL Plug 15 Sub-D Plug 12 MnL Plug 14 13 15 Sub-D Plug 12 MnL Plug 26 Bumper 27 Rotational Brake 55* 2 MnL REC 2 MnL Plug 56* Detector Park Switch 6 6 Figure 9-1 Caterpillar portion of wiring diagram Chapter 9 Caterpillar base transition board 5350010 Page 205 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Section 9.1 Caterpillar schematics Approved Document - 5350010ADW_r2.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 9-2 5350010ADW Page 206 Section 9.1 Caterpillar schematics GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 A A REVISION ECR/ECO 1 2 ------ DATE SIGN NOTES: 1. THE VARIATION PWA IS 5350010 OFF 23-OCT-06 --- 30-NOV-09 --- FOR THIS 2. THIS COVER SHEET CONTROLS THE REVISION STATUS OF THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT. THE REVISION OF ALL SHEETS OF THIS DOCUMENT WILL BE AT THE SAME LEVEL. 3. THIS SCHEMATIC MEETS THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE GLOBAL SCHEMATIC STANDARD GUIDELINES 2299773GSP. 4. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES FOR BOTH THE SCHEMATIC REVIEWER(S) AND APPROVER(S) CAN BE FOUND WITHIN MY WORKSHOP. 5. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: RESISTORS ARE IN OHMS. CAPACITORS ARE IN FARADS. INDUCTORS ARE IN HENRIES. B State: COMPLETE - Production parts may not be defined by this document; it is an uneditable finished draft. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. AND VERSION B. B 6. THIS 7. ACTIVE LOW SIGNALS ARE INDICATED TO THE SIGNAL NAME SCHEMATIC WAS CAPTURED WITH CADENCE CONCEPT HDL 8. DIFFERENTIAL SIGNAL PAIRS ARE INDICATED APPENDED TO THE SIGNAL NAME WITH A '_N' APPENDED WITH A '_H' & '_L' C D D By Date Casey Block Mon Jan 11 15:23:57 Title 10-NOV-2009 Path 2 3 4 CATERPILLAR_BASE Block 5 Sheet 1 of caterpillar_base 2010 1 Richmond 6 Dwg 3 No 5350010SCH 7 GE Healthcare Company Rev Restricted Sheet 2 1 of 3 B Size Made REV 2 01July04 C 8 Figure 9-3 5350010SCH_s1 Chapter 9 Caterpillar base transition board 5350010 Page 207 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 3 5 4 BASE SIGNALS HALL 6 7 SENSORS 8 BUMPER J2 J4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 HALL_5V0 R_H_CASE_GND L_H_CASE_GND R_OUTPUT_H3 R_OUTPUT_H2 R_OUTPUT_H1 L_OUTPUT_H3 L_OUTPUT_H2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 G1 G2 G1 G2 L_OUTPUT_H1 BUMPER_1_RTN BUMPER_1 BUMPER_2 BUMPER_2_RTN DETECTOR_P DETECTOR_P_RTN 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 8 9 1 3 1 2 3 4 5 L_OUTPUT_H3 L_OUTPUT_H2 L_OUTPUT_H1 L_H_5V0 L_H_CASE_GND SILKSCREEN: LEFT HALL J8 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 2 BUMPER_2 BUMPER_2_RTN 4 1 3 2 4 1 3 10 11 BUMPER_1 BUMPER_1_RTN A PIN STRAIGHT MATE_N_LOK PIN STRAIGHT WIRE_TO_BOARD SOCKET RIGHT_ANGLE STD_DENSITY J6 4 5 6 1 2 GND_CHASSIS 1 2 3 4 5 R_OUTPUT_H3 R_OUTPUT_H2 R_OUTPUT_H1 R_H_5V0 R_H_CASE_GND SILKSCREEN: RIGHT HALL 1 2 3 4 5 DETECTOR PARK J10 14 15 PIN STRAIGHT WIRE_TO_BOARD DETECTOR_P DETECTOR_P_RTN 1 2 1 2 PIN STRAIGHT MATE_N_LOK BASE_SIGNALS<15..1> B BASE HIGH VOLTAGE 2 3 5 8 9 11 12 2 ROTBRAKE ROTBRAKE_RTN 3 5 LBRAKE_REL 6 8 RMOTOR_M2 9 RMOTOR_M3 11 LMOTOR_M2 12 LMOTOR_M3 BRAKES MOTORS J1 J3 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12 1 1 BRAKE_REL_RTN 1 4 4 RBRAKE_REL 4 7 7 RMOTOR_M1 7 10 LMOTOR_M1 10 10 10 LMOTOR_M1 11 LMOTOR_M2 12 LMOTOR_M3 LMOTOR_CASE 1 2 3 4 PIN STRAIGHT MATE_N_LOK 1 5 SILKSCREEN: LEFT MOTOR BRAKE_REL_RTN LBRAKE_REL 1 2 1 2 SILKSCREEN: LEFT BRAKE ROTATIONAL PIN STRAIGHT MATE_N_LOK BRAKE J11 2 3 ROTBRAKE ROTBRAKE_RTN 1 2 3 1 2 3 C J5 7 RMOTOR_M1 8 RMOTOR_M2 9 RMOTOR_M3 RMOTOR_CASE DRAIN GND_CHASSIS LAYOUT NOTE: THIS DRAIN SHOULD BE TIED CHASSIS GROUND WITH THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE TRACE. 1 2 3 4 PIN STRAIGHT MATE_N_LOK GND_CHASSIS C J7 1 2 3 4 J9 1 2 3 4 SILKSCREEN: RIGHT MOTOR 1 4 BRAKE_REL_RTN RBRAKE_REL 1 2 PIN STRAIGHT MATE_N_LOK 1 2 SILKSCREEN: RIGHT BRAKE TO GND_CHASSIS PIN STRAIGHT MATE_N_LOK PIN STRAIGHT MATE_N_LOK BASE_HIGH_VOLTAGE<12..1> D Made By Date Casey Block Tue Jan 12 08:28:28 Path 2 3 4 CATERPILLAR_BASE Block 5 Figure 9-4 5350010SCH_s2 Page 208 Title 10-NOV-2009 Section 9.1 Caterpillar schematics Sheet 2 of caterpillar_base 2010 1 Richmond 6 Dwg 3 No 5350010SCH 7 REV 2 01July04 D GE Healthcare Company Rev Restricted Sheet 2 2 of 8 3 B Size State: COMPLETE - Production parts may not be defined by this document; it is an uneditable finished draft. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. B GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Section 9.2 Caterpillar connector cables Approved Document - 5557026ADW_r4.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 9-5 5557026, Caterpillar to bumper Chapter 9 Caterpillar base transition board 5350010 Page 209 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 9-6 5557027, Caterpillar to rot brake Page 210 Section 9.2 Caterpillar connector cables OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: COMPLETE - Production parts may not be defined by this document; it is an uneditable finished draft. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Figure 9-7 5557055, Caterpillar to park sw bulkhead (Optima XR220amx only) Chapter 9 Caterpillar base transition board 5350010 Page 211 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557056ADW_r3.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 9-8 5557056, Caterpillar to det park sw (Optima XR220amx only) Page 212 Section 9.2 Caterpillar connector cables OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557014ADW_r4.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 9-9 5557014, Caterpillar J2 to Locust J6 Chapter 9 Caterpillar base transition board 5350010 Page 213 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 9-10 5557013, Caterpillar J1 to Locust J5 Page 214 Section 9.2 Caterpillar connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Chapter 10 LVLE2 power supply 5192958 45 Mini-75 Plug 5503001 Grid Plug 11^ Mini-75 REC 4 Microfit REC 5503002 15 SubD REC 15 SubD PLG Power Module J1 3 Phoenix PLG 3 Phoenix REC 2 Phoenix REC 2 Phoenix Plug 3 Phoenix REC 3 Phoenix PLG J1 32 10 6 mMnL REC 4 mMnL Plug 4 mMnL REC J8 J9 2 mMnL Plug LVLE2 5192958 J5 04 15 Hsub-D REC 9 Sub-D PLG 3 mMnL REC 3 mMnL Plug J3 2 mMnL REC 2 mMnL REC 2 mMnL Plug J4 J2 9 Sub-D REC 6 mMnL REC 6 mMnL Plug 2 mMnL REC 2 mMnL Plug 22 J2 2 Phoenix PLG 6 mMnL PLG 08 03 9 Sub-D Plug 2MnL PLG J2 2 Phoenix REC 25 15 Sub-D Plug 15 Sub-D REC J3 15kW Main Aux.Module 2 MnL REC Tube Park Latch 2 Phoenix Plug 2 Phoenix REC 15 SubD Plug 15 SubD REC 4 Phoenix Plug 4 Phoenix REC 4 Microfit PLG 60 15 Sub-D REC 30kW Optional Aux. Module HV Tank J6, J7 J1 5 MnL REC 5 MnL Plug 5 MnL Plug 5 MnL Rec 07 02 21 Figure 10-1 LVLE2 portion of wiring diagram Chapter 10 LVLE2 power supply 5192958 Page 215 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Section 10.1 LVLE2 connector cables Approved Document - 5557009ADW_r4.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 10-2 5557009, LVLE2 to Firefly Page 216 Section 10.1 LVLE2 connector cables OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557010ADW_r7.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 10-3 5557010, LVLE2 to Djinn Chapter 10 LVLE2 power supply 5192958 Page 217 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557004ADW_r6.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 10-4 5557004, LVLE2 to Spyder Page 218 Section 10.1 LVLE2 connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 10-5 5557007, LVLE2 to Firefly Chapter 10 LVLE2 power supply 5192958 Page 219 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: COMPLETE - Production parts may not be defined by this document; it is an uneditable finished draft. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Figure 10-6 5557048, LVLE2 to wireless handswitch cradle Page 220 Section 10.1 LVLE2 connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 10-7 5557008, LVLE2 to Locust Chapter 10 LVLE2 power supply 5192958 Page 221 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Page 222 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 10.1 LVLE2 connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 10 mM 6 MnL Rec 9 SubD Rec 20 9 SubD Plug 30 19 6 MnL Plug 3 Terminal 0.375" 9 SubD Plug J3 6 MnL Plug J1 9 SubD Rec Mantis Supply (SL Power) 5311985 6 MnL Rec J2 10 mM Chapter 11 Mantis power supply 5311985 J13 J9 J4 37 38 Cord Reel Schaffner Filter FN2030B-16-06 Figure 11-1 Mantis portion of wiring diagram Chapter 11 Mantis power supply 5311985 Page 223 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 11.1 Mantis connector cables Figure 11-2 5557019, Mantis J2 to Firefly J9 Page 224 Section 11.1 Mantis connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 11-3 5557020, Mantis J3 to Firefly J4 Chapter 11 Mantis power supply 5311985 Page 225 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 11-4 5557037, Mantis to filter Page 226 Section 11.1 Mantis connector cables OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557038ADW_r4.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 11-5 5557038, Filter to fuse Chapter 11 Mantis power supply 5311985 Page 227 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Page 228 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 11.1 Mantis connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Speakers Federal Plug Toshiba E7901X Federal REC 11^ Screw Term Ring Term 3 mMNL REC 3 mMNL Plug 45 Mini-75 Plug 5503001 Mini-75 REC 30kW Optional Aux. Module 4 Microfit PLG 4 Microfit REC 5503002 2 Phoenix Plug 2 Phoenix REC 60 15 SubD Plug 15 SubD REC 4 Phoenix Plug 4 Phoenix REC HV Tank 15 SubD REC 15 SubD PLG Power Module 3 Phoenix PLG 3 Phoenix REC J1 15 Sub-D Plug 15 Sub-D REC 2 Phoenix REC 2 Phoenix Plug 0 J2 2 MnL REC 2MnL PLG 15kW Main Aux.Module J2 J1 3 Phoenix REC 3 Phoenix PLG J3 32 10 2 Phoenix REC 2 Phoenix PLG 4 mMnL Plug 6 6 J8 4 mMnL REC J9 Figure 12-1 Generator portion of wiring diagram Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 229 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 12.1 Generator Interconnections Thermal 2 small wires cable Shielded wire to tube stator Rotor Cathode HV Cable (-) X-ray Tube (+) Anode HV Cable + / Anode Power Module HV Tank - / Cathode Bipolar 2 small wires cable 48V From System J2 Filament Board Ribbon J1 cable 4 wires cable J6 J4 J5 J1 Main Auxiliary 15kW J3 J6 J5 CAN Rotor Board Power Board XJ1 DC Capacitor XJ2 3 wires cable J4 1 very short wire cable J4 1 short wire cable Diodes Int Board J1 HV BIP Diodes XJ3 BB Inductor Shielded wire 2 wires cable J4 DC Capacitor J1 J3 J6 Control Board J5 J7 J6 Small ribbon cable J6 Opt Auxiliary 30kW System Batteries Communication = Chassis Ground Djinn Generator Interconnect Diagram Figure 12-2 Generator Interconnections Page 230 Section 12.1 Generator Interconnections GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 12.2 Main auxiliary 15kW module 5338768 Figure 12-3 Main auxiliary 15kW module 5338768ADW_s1 Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 231 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN XJ3 XJ1 XJ2 2 neons 5393151 5351531-3 5351531 Warning : Positive (+) polarity should be on the top for capacitor and printed bord 5351586 3 turns around tore discharge + 5357599-2 5 turns around tore 5351531-4 + 5351531-2 J8 5352288 + 5352041 + + + 5351566 5357599-2 5390129 State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 5 5 7 1 3 2 3 5352133 - Approved Document - 5338768WIR_r2.pdf Page 2 of 2 BEETLE DJINN AUX MAIN BOX 5338768WIR REV 2 Figure 12-4 Main auxiliary 15kW module 5338768WIR_s1 Page 232 Section 12.2 Main auxiliary 15kW module 5338768 1/ GE / GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 12.2.1 Rotor control board 5133326-3 2 3 A ECR/ECO State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 1 DESCRIPTION 3 DSP PIN 110(VREF2) DSP CONSTRAINT SIGN 23-JUNE-08 ------ PAGE OFF PIN DC_BUS_SENSE NET ADDED TO PIN LED RED UPDATED AS PER TO ROHS. RES 108 54 R L OF DSP. VALUE CHANGED TO 1K. UPDATED AS PER ROHS, FUSE(F2, CHANGED, C46 & C47 VALUE CHANGED TO 10NF EURGE 82016 - F3) RATING FROM 22NF. DC BUS SENSING CKT ADDED AFTER THE FUSES, CURRENT SENSORS(MT1,MT2,MT3) LABEL CHANGED TO LTS15NP FROM LTS25NP. & J7 R L ADDED. FUSE CHANGED TO ROHS. R L R L R L ADDED. EURGE48505 C74 & C75 R L ADDED. ECR/ECO DATE DESCRIPTION CKT CHANGED TO INCLUDE REVISION OF CHANGE DATE DESCRIPTION CREEPAGE TABLE REVISION UPDATED, LAYOUT DESCRIPTION UPDATED R126 FROM 2K TO 1K,R16 13 UPDATED R107 FROM 10E TO 33E 10 ADDED 10 UPDATED RCD SNUBBER SIGN ACROSS R1 FROM 20E ; CHANGED Q1:ADDED TABLE 100E OFF TO 270E,R23 BY FROM 100E FOR GROUND ISSUE CONSTRIANTS UPDATED TO 10E. S A Q3 FROM FZT651 TO FZT851. S A IN D1. S A SERIES WITH S A TO 200E. BRD UPDATED S A --- OF CHANGE FROM 100E C BY AS PER THE CREEPAGE DATE 13 OFF --- 15-JUL-09 ------ PAGE SIGN OF CHANGE MODIFIED ECR/ECO 4 BY S A 06-JAN-09 ------ PAGE OFF --- Q3. ECR/ECO 3 SIGN 08-AUG-08 ------ B R L J8 PAGE AND TRANSFORMER AS PER IEC EDTION T1 SECONDARY TURNS. S A S A 2. D Made By Date SANTHOSH Block Jul 16 09:46:47 1 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: RESISTORS ARE IN OHMS. CAPACITORS ARE IN FARADS. INDUCTORS ARE IN HENRIES R L DISCHARGE MECHANISAM CHANGED TO TOP SWITCH CONFIGURATION 2 D 5. R L 13 2 ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES FOR BOTH THE SCHEMATIC REVIEWER(S) AND APPROVER(S) CAN BE FOUND WITHIN MY WORKSHOP. A R L CONNECTOR CHANGED REVISION C 4. R L EURGE 64652(D24) 13 THIS SCHEMATIC MEETS THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE GLOBAL SCHEMATIC STANDARD GUIDELINES 2299773GSP. R L 10 14 3. R L NEON BULB(DS3) J2 THIS COVER SHEET CONTROLS THE REVISION STATUS OF THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT. THE REVISION OF ALL SHEETS OF THIS DOCUMENT WILL BE AT THE SAME LEVEL. R L ADDED 5 9 R L FOR THIS 2. BY & TP ADD TO 56TH 8 NOTES: 1. THE VARIATION AND VERSION REV 4 PWA IS 5133326-3 OF CHANGE PULLED TO 3.3V 7 --- 4 B Thu DATE 6 djin 2009 2 3 4 Title 15-JUL-2009 Path DJINN Block DJINN 5 ROTATION CONTROL BOARD V3 6 ROTATION Sheet 1 of CONTROL Dwg No 14 5133326-3SCH 7 REV 2 01July04 REVISION 5 4 GE Healthcare Company Rev Restricted Sheet 4 1 of 13 B Size 1 8 Approved Document - 5133326-3SCH_r4.pdf Page 2 of 14 Figure 12-5 Rotor control board 5133326-3SCH_s1 Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 233 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 3V3 C50 A R120 4.99K 0.1W 1% R121 4.99K 0.1W 1% 68 110 65 138 156 C60 2.2U 3V3 R113 R110 4.99K 0.1W 4.99K 0.1W 1% 7B4< DSP_RESET 3A6> 3A6> XTAL EXTAL 6A2< MSCAN_RX TP8 TP28 TP27 1% B 3B3< XTAL R36 VDD<7-0> VDDA<2-0> 2.2U EXTAL A U3 DSP56F807 0.1U 16V 10% C57 0.1U 16V 10% C62 State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3V3 3B3< A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6_GPIOE2 A7_GPIOE3 A8_GPIOA0 A9_GPIOA1 A10_GPIOA2 A11_GPIOA3 A12_GPIOA4 A13_GPIOA5 A14_GPIOA6 A15_GPIOA7 VPP2 VREF2 VCAPC1 VCAPC2 VPP 69 70 98 86 IRQA_N IRQB_N RESET_N EXTBOOT 92 93 XTAL EXTAL 142 MSCAN_RX 147 148 149 150 PHASEA0_TA0 PHASEB0_TA1 INDEX0_TA2 HOME0_TA3 1MEG 0.1W 1% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 MSCAN_TX 139 TXD0_GPIOE0 RXD0_GPIOE1 TXD1_GPIOD6 RXD1_GPIOD7 159 160 55 56 C15 C13 1 4 22P 50V 5% TP3 TP33 22P 50V 5% Y1 MSCAN_TX 6B2< RXD0 DISCH_OK RXD1 13B8> 3V3 B 4.99K 0.1W 1% 5C6> 5C8> 14A8< 7D2< 7D5< 5C3> TCK TMS TDI TRST ADC1 ADC2 ADC3 ADC4 ADC5 ADC6 TP14 TP31 TP32 TP30 TP19 TP20 TP26 TP25 TP24 TP22 3V3 0.1U 16V 10% C65 C 134 135 136 132 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 99 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 SCLK_GPIOE4 MOSI_GPIOE5 MISO_GPIOE6 SS_GPIOE7_N TCK TMS TDI TRST_N RSTO_N CLKO TDO DE_N 97 158 137 121 4.99K 0.1W 1% SS_N TP29 TP9 TP13 TP17 RSTO_N CLKO TDO DE_N D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 D0 PS_N DS_N RD_N WR_N 19 20 22 21 PS_N DS_N RD_N WR_N TD0 TD1 TD2 TD3 TC0 TC1 126 127 128 129 130 131 TD0 TD1 TD2 TD3 TC0 TC1 TCS GND<8-0> GNDA<2-0> 133 ANA0 ANA1 ANA2 ANA3 ANA4 ANA5 ANA6 ANA7 VREF ANB0 ANB1 ANB2 ANB3 ANB4 ANB5 ANB6 ANB7 3V3 144 146 145 143 R17 7A1< 7A1< 7B1< 7A4< PHASEA1_TB0 PHASEB1_TB1 INDEX1_TB2 HOME1_TB3 4.99K 0.1W 1% 151 152 154 155 4.99K 0.1W 1% R109 R103 4.99K 0.1W 1% 4.99K 0.1W 1% R104 4.99K 0.1W 1% R106 R116 3V3 4.99K 0.1W 1% R114 R115 7A1< C SYM 1 OF 2 D REV 2 01July04 DSP SECTION GE Healthcare Company Block Wed Jul 22 16:19:33 1 djin 2009 2 3 4 Path Block DJINN 5 ROTATION CONTROL BOARD V3 3 of 6 Approved Document - 5133326-3SCH_r4.pdf Page 3 of 14 Figure 12-6 Rotor control board 5133326-3SCH_s2 Page 234 Sheet Section 12.2 Main auxiliary 15kW module 5338768 Dwg No 14 5133326-3SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 4 2 of 8 13 B Size 0.1U 16V 10% 0.1U 16V 10% C66 0.1U 16V 10% C67 0.1U 16V 10% C68 0.1U 16V 10% C69 0.1U 16V 10% C61 C51 0.1U 16V 10% 0.1U 16V 10% C64 C58 D GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 4 3 A 5 TP10 EN_T70_MEAS DISP1 TP11 DISCH_INHIBIT TP21 TP18 T70_FAULT TP34 12A1< 12A5< 12B1< 12B5< 12C1< 12C5< PWM_UP PWM_UN PWM_VP PWM_VN PWM_WP PWM_WN 75 77 78 79 80 81 ISA0 ISA1 ISA2 B 8B6> FAULTA0 FAULTA1 FAULTA2 FAULTA3 123 124 125 TP16 82 83 84 85 PWMA0 PWMA1 PWMA2 PWMA3 PWMA4 PWMA5 ISA0 ISA1 ISA2 8 A 14B1< 13D2< 5B8> 14B8> 9D5> 49 50 51 52 53 54 DC_BUS_SENSE U3 7 5A2< GPIOD3 GPIOD0 GPIOD1 GPIOD2 GPIOD3 GPIOD4 GPIOD5 DSP56F807 FAULTA0 FAULTA1 FAULTA2 FAULTA3 PWMB0 PWMB1 PWMB2 PWMB3 PWMB4 PWMB5 57 58 59 60 61 62 PWMB0 PWMB1 PWMB2 PWMB3 PWMB4 PWMB5 ISB0 ISB1 ISB2 64 66 67 ISB0 ISB1 ISB2 FAULTB0 FAULTB1 FAULTB2 FAULTB3 71 72 73 74 FAULTB0 FAULTB1 FAULTB2 FAULTB3 B 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 GPIOB0 GPIOB1 GPIOB2 GPIOB3 GPIOB4 GPIOB5 GPIOB6 GPIOB7 SYM 2 OF 2 DISP5 DISP4 DISP3 DISP2 C 3V3 5B2< 5B2< 5B2< 5B2< R15 1K 0.1W 1% R8 1K 0.1W 1% R11 1K 0.1W 1% R9 0.00 0.1W 5% R10 0.00 0.1W 5% C R12 1K 0.1W 1% TP6 TP5 TP4 TP7 1 R14 0.00 0.1W 5% R13 0.00 0.1W 5% D Wed Jul THE FOLLOWING COMPONENT(S) R10. 1 ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THIS ASSEMBLY: GE Healthcare Company Block 22 16:19:34 1 djin 2009 2 3 4 Path Block DJINN ROTATION CONTROL BOARD V3 5 REV 2 01July04 D 6 Sheet 4 of Dwg No 14 5133326-3SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 4 3 of 13 B Size State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 6 8 Approved Document - 5133326-3SCH_r4.pdf Page 4 of 14 Figure 12-7 Rotor control board 5133326-3SCH_s3 Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 235 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 3V3 1 R134 1K 0.1W 1% R130 1K 0.1W 1% A 2 597-5112-4XXF R129 1K 0.1W 1% RED DS6 RED 1 DS5 HSMY-C190 YELLOW 597-5112-4XXF DS8 1 1 1 State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. R128 1K 0.1W 1% R135 1K 0.1W 1% PCB THERMAL SENSOR 3V3 3V3 3V3 DISP1 U1 DS1822 R95 1K 0.1W 1% DISP2 3 R108 1K 0.1W 1% VDD DQ 4 GND 5 GPIOD3 4A5< R60 R48 2K 0.1W 1% ADC6 3C3< 9B7> ADCIN1 8B2> 100 0.1W 1% R61 R49 2K 0.1W 1% 1 GREEN 9C7> 8B3> R62 ADCIN2. R50 2K 0.1W 1% ADC2 C 3V3 K2 K2 D5 BAV99 70V D6 BAV99 70V 3 C30 C29 0.1U 16V 10% 3 3C3< 100 0.1W 1% 3V3 1 A 0.1U 16V 10% AK C28 3C3< 100 0.1W 1% 3V3 3 ADC1 D7 BAV99 70V CURRENT FEEDBACK SECTION D REV 2 01July04 D GE Healthcare Company Block Wed Jul 22 16:19:34 1 djin 2009 2 3 4 Path Block DJINN 5 ROTATION CONTROL BOARD V3 5 of 6 Approved Document - 5133326-3SCH_r4.pdf Page 5 of 14 Figure 12-8 Rotor control board 5133326-3SCH_s4 Page 236 Sheet Section 12.2 Main auxiliary 15kW module 5338768 Dwg No 14 5133326-3SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 4 4 of 8 13 B Size C A K2 8B2> DISP5 1 A 9A7> B 0.1U 16V 10% DISP4 0.1U 16V 10% 4C5< C53 1 A 4C5< AK B DISP3 AK 4C5< DS2 HSMG-C190 2 4C5< 2 DS7 HSMY-C190 YELLOW DS4 HSMY-C190 YELLOW 4A5< LED 2 2 A 2 STATUS GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 2 4 3 A 8 A 1K 0.1W 1% R118 CAN_H 7C4< R166 0 0.1W +0.05 3V3 S TXD CANH CANL R112 8 1 7 6 C56 100P 50V 5% 68.1 VREF C54 4 RXD 0.1U C55 100P 50V 5% VCC=VCC;GND=GND R111 MSCAN_TX 5 CAN_L 7C5< 3V3 K2 BAV99 D3 B B AK 2 70V 1 A 100K 0.1W 1% DS1 597-5112-4XXF RED 3V3 C14 0.1U 16V 10% R96 1K 0.1W 1% 2K 0.1W 1% R43 1 R30 3 U6 TPS3823 R31 2K C R35 D G Q2 S 3 A B 2K 4 5 VDD 4 3 W DI MR_N PS_RESET 1 RESET_N C 7B4< 2 GND 2K 0.1W 1% D2 BAV99 70V U4 74LVC-LCX14 2N7002 C12 2K 0.1W 1% AK 3 R34 0.1U 16V 10% 3.3V S1 KT11B1JM A 1 VCC=3V3;GND=GND 1 1 3 3 2 2 4 4 CAN RESET SECTION D Wed Jul REV 2 01July04 D GE Healthcare Company Block 22 16:19:34 1 djin 2009 2 3 4 Path Block DJINN ROTATION CONTROL BOARD V3 5 6 Sheet 6 of Dwg No 14 5133326-3SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 4 5 of 13 B Size State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 7 U2 TJA1050 MSCAN_RX 3B7< 6 CAN TRANSCIEVER 3V3 3B3< 5 68.1 1 8 Approved Document - 5133326-3SCH_r4.pdf Page 6 of 14 Figure 12-9 Rotor control board 5133326-3SCH_s5 Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 237 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 3V3 A A 3B3< TCK 3B3< 3B7< 3B3< TMS TDO TDI 1 3 5 7 9 12 A Y 13 11 TRST 3B3< 4.99K R139 J6 4 A 5 B Y 6 ROT_P ROT_C ROT_A G 9C7> 9A7> 9D7> 9B3< B PS_RESET J TAG CONNECTOR R156 4.99K 0.1W 1% R155 U8 4.99K 74LVC-LCX08 0.1W 1% 9 A 8 Y 10 B U8 74LVC-LCX08 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 4.99K 0.1W 1% J4 1 3 5 7 9 R131 4.99K R132 R138 R154 4.99K 0.1W 1% 4.99K 4.99K R137 4.99K R136 State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3V3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 6C8< DSP_RESET R157 4.99K 0.1W 1% 3B3< U8 R158 4.99K 0.1W 1% U8 74LVC-LCX08 1 A 2 B Y MOTOR CONNECTOR 3 B B CONTROL CONNECTOR 48V T70_P. J3 TIN 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 T70__N 14B5< B 6A6< CAN_H VCC R152 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 100K 0.25W 1% C CAN_L 6B6< ROTOR STATE PIN RIGHT_ANGLE 15 PIN DSUB MALE 3 PIN STRAIGHT TERMINAL_BLOCK_HEADER D21 BAV99 70V 48V ENTRY 1 A C63 0.1U R124 100 ADC4 3C3< 3C3< 1 2 K2 R28 2K 0.125W 1% 1 2 R26 4.99K 0.125W 1% 3V3 R29 D22 BAV99 70V C J1 XYZ 1 A 100 0.1W 1% 48V1 G1 G2 K2 2K 0.1W 1% R151 0.1U 16V 10% R125 C72 R153 AK 4.99K 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 G1 G2 4.99K 3V3 3 R33 TIN C11 0.1U C TP12 TP15 100K 0.25W 1% 1 2 10K 1 2 3 4 R25 14B4< 3 4 48V1 AK J5 ADC5 D SECTION GE Healthcare Company Block Wed Jul 22 16:19:35 1 djin 2009 2 3 4 Path Block DJINN 5 ROTATION CONTROL BOARD V3 7 of 6 Approved Document - 5133326-3SCH_r4.pdf Page 7 of 14 Figure 12-10 Rotor control board 5133326-3SCH_s6 Page 238 Sheet Section 12.2 Main auxiliary 15kW module 5338768 Dwg No 14 5133326-3SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 4 6 of 8 13 B Size THERMAL SENSOR/PROTECTION REV 2 01July04 D GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 A 3V3 VCC K2 A B 8 VCC 2 FAULTA0 4B3< B BAV99 VCC R47 4.99K 100K R51 3 2K 2 AR1 LM393A 1 VOUT C 10K R58 R56 R55 10K VCC 10K C U4 74LVC-LCX14 VCC=3V3;GND=GND 8 VCC 3 R52 1 A 3 D17 BAV99 ADCIN2. 4.99K D16 1 7 VOUT 4 GND K2 1 A 9B7> AK 5C4< ADCIN1 9C7> 5C6< 4 GND D18 BAV99 R59 3 AR1 LM393A 10K A K2 9A7> 1 A 5C1< 6 AK B 5 2K R45 R123 100K R46 10K 0.1W 1% 10K R57 10K R54 R53 AK VCC D Wed Jul REV 2 01July04 D GE Healthcare Company Block 22 16:19:33 1 djin 2009 2 3 4 Path Block DJINN ROTATION CONTROL BOARD V3 5 6 Sheet 8 of Dwg No 14 5133326-3SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 4 7 of 13 B Size State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. A 8 Approved Document - 5133326-3SCH_r4.pdf Page 8 of 14 Figure 12-11 Rotor control board 5133326-3SCH_s7 Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 239 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 4 3 12C4< 11A5<> State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. A 5 12C3< GWP 10B8> SWP 12B3< GVP 10A8> SVP 6 7 MT2 LT515NP VCC 1 2 3 IN1 IN2 IN3 P5V +5V 6 5 4 OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 VOUT OUT F3 VERY FAST DC_BUS_P. ACTING 4 8B2> ROT_C 7A7< ADCIN1 8B2> 5C1< A 2 3 1 13A2< 11C1<> A 0V OV 12B4< 8 IN1 IN2 IN3 P5V +5V 6 5 4 OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 VOUT OUT B 5C4< 0V 10 9 E3 G3 E6 G6 E5 E4 G4 3 4 11 12 ROT_P 7A7< ACTING 4 2 GUN 12A7< 400V 10A C 11C5<> 12B7< GVN 12C7> GWN C MT3 LTS15NP COMMAN 10B8> VCC 1 2 3 IN1 IN2 IN3 P5V +5V 6 5 4 OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 VOUT OUT OV R159 100K 1W 5% 8B3> 5C6< 0V R160 3V3 47K 1W 5% ROT_A R161 1K 0.1W 1% R162 2K 0.1W 1% 1 R163 4.99K 0.1W 1% U4 74LVC-LCX14 A C K E 4 13 7A7< 3V3 R117 4.99K 0.1W 1% U18 TLP281 D ADCIN2. A B D DC_BUS_SENSE 12 4A5< REV 2 01July04 12A8< VCC=3V3;GND=GND 2 3 GE Healthcare Company Block Wed Jul 22 16:20:10 1 djin 2009 2 3 4 Path Block DJINN 5 ROTATION CONTROL BOARD V3 9 of 6 Approved Document - 5133326-3SCH_r4.pdf Page 9 of 14 Figure 12-12 Rotor control board 5133326-3SCH_s8 Page 240 Sheet Section 12.2 Main auxiliary 15kW module 5338768 Dwg No 14 5133326-3SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 4 8 of 8 13 B Size 3 1 2 3 OV 2 1 VCC N N G5 G 7B7< F2 VERY FAST DC_BUS_N. G1 C46 10N 250V 20% 7 8 DS3 1MH NEON_BULB 13D2< E2 2 1 2M 1 PIN STRAIGHT TAB E1 2 4 U V W 2 3 U V W 1 2 2.2U 450V R148 PE-62917 1 A1 Q7 MT1 LTS15NP C47 10N 250V 20% C44 R99 220K 0.5W 5% J7 1 FL1 1 B BSM30GD60DLC P 220K PIN STRAIGHT TAB SUP 10A8> P R100 220K 0.5W 5% R149 A1 11A1<> 220K 1 12A4< 6 5 R101 220K 0.5W 5% J2 GUP 12A3< G2 400V 10A GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 2 7 P1A 1A 63V R24 10K 1W 5% A 8T * P1B D19 MBRS1100T3 100V 1 R21 10K 1W 5% P2A 100U 16V C8 0.47U 50V 10% C1 2 * 2T P2B R5 10K 0.125W 1% D1 MURS120T3 R4 4.7K 0.25W 1% R3 R6 100K C48 0.1U 25V 5% C2 R165 100 1W 5% P3A 2T 1T 11A1<> S1N 6V SUP_NEG 11B1< S2P 18V SVP_POS 11C1< SVP S2M * 1T 11C1<> S2N 6V S3P 18V SWP_POS S3N 6V SWP_NEG 11B5< S4P 18V SUVWN_POS 11C5< SVP_NEG SWP S3M * 1T 11A5<> S IRF640NS G C9 2.2U 63V 10% R133 300 1W 1% 1T SUVWN_NEG 6V S4N 11C5<> 11D5< TP2 3 VOUT1 VOUT2 2 4 ADJ_GND 1 3.3V C VR2 LF50CDT 1 VIN VCC VOUT 3 GND 4 5V 100U 16V 20% 1N C52 1 1W R22 R20 C7 VIN 2 0.1U C5 10K 3V3 VR1 LT1117-3V3 K R164 300 1W 1% C6 1N 50V 5% 1N 12A8< B COMMAN S4M D25 BAV99 70V AK 1K 0.1W 1% 9C4< 3T A 3 R2 10K 0.1W 1% 12C4< * C3 200 0.25W 1% 9A4< 11A5< C10 6 Q1 12B4< 3T MBRS1100T3 100V C4 OUTP D 9A4< 11D1< * VCC 8 R1 A 3T 100U 16V 20% VREF 12A4< 1 C VP VN RT_CT VFB COMP ISENSE 9B4< * D20 R98 SUP S1M * * C77 2.2N 200V 5% PS1 UC3845A 7 5 4 2 1 3 C49 11A1< TP1 1N 50V 5% R7 4.99K 0.125W 1% SUP_POS 3T * P3B 18V S1P * 200V B 100K 0.1W 0.1% 8 T1 TP23 F1 TIME_DELAY 100V D Wed Jul REV 2 01July04 D GE Healthcare Company Block 22 16:19:36 1 djin 2009 2 3 4 Path Block DJINN ROTATION CONTROL BOARD V3 5 6 10 Sheet of Dwg No 14 5133326-3SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 4 9 of 13 B Size State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 6 100U 16V 20% 48V D24 MBRS1100T3 5 1U 25V 10% 48V1 4 3 WINDING OF THE TRANSFORMER 1 8 Approved Document - 5133326-3SCH_r4.pdf Page 10 of 14 Figure 12-13 Rotor control board 5133326-3SCH_s9 Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 241 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 4 3 D14 MBRS1100T3 6 SWP_POS Q1_POS SUP_POS 10A8> 5 7 D11 MBRS1100T3 Q3_POS 10A8> 12A4< 8 100V 12C4< 100V C20 4.7U 25V 10% C19 4.7U 25V 10% 4.7U 25V 10% C21 4.7U 25V 10% 4.7U 25V 10% C25 C26 A SW P 9B4< 9B4< SUP 10A8> 10A8> 12C4< SUP_NEG 10A8> 9A4< 10B8> 12C4< 9A4< 10B8> 4.7U 25V 10% 12A4< 12A4< C27 D15 MBRS1100T3 Q1_NEG 12B4< 10B8> SWP_NEG 100V D10 MBRS1100T3 Q3_NEG 12D4< 100V B B D12 MBRS1100T3 Q2_POS SVP_POS SUVWN_POS 12B4< Q4_POS 10B8> 12C4< C COMMAN SUVWN_NEG Q2_NEG SVP_NEG 4.7U 25V 10% 9C4< 4.7U 25V 10% 12A8< C17 10B8> C18 9C4< 4.7U 25V 10% 12A8< D13 MBRS1100T3 10A8> C16 4.7U 25V 10% SVP 10A8> 10A8> C22 9A4< 9A4< C23 C24 12B4< 12B4< 12A8< 100V 4.7U 25V 10% 100V C D8 MBRS1100T3 10B8> 4.7U 25V 10% 10A8> D9 MBRS1100T3 Q4_NEG 10B8> 100V 12A8< 100V D REV 2 01July04 D GE Healthcare Company Block Wed Jul 22 16:19:36 1 djin 2009 2 3 4 Path Block DJINN 5 ROTATION CONTROL BOARD V3 11 6 Approved Document - 5133326-3SCH_r4.pdf Page 11 of 14 Figure 12-14 Rotor control board 5133326-3SCH_s10 Page 242 Section 12.2 Main auxiliary 15kW module 5338768 Sheet of Dwg No 14 5133326-3SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 4 10 8 of 13 B Size State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. A GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 Q4_POS VO 3 VO 7 6 Q1 5 SUP 9A4< 4B3< 9B4< VEE C42 2 VO 3 VO 7 6 1U 50V +-20% C35 9C4< 10B8> 9C4< DC_BUS_N GUN 5 VEE R79 1K 0.1W 1% A COMMAN 11C5<> Q4_NEG 11D8> R80 Q1_NEG Q1 VCC 8 VO 7 6 PWM_VP R92 Q2 2 3 SVP 9A4< VO 10A8> 11C1<> 4B3< 9A4< PWM_VN R84 8 VO 7 6 2 100 0.1W 1% GVP 5 VEE VCC R71 100 1W R89 B 5% 9C4< GVN 5 VEE R77 1K 0.1W 1% 1U 50V +-20% 10K 0.125W 1% VO 3 C33 1U 50V +-20% C39 10K 0.125W 1% 100 1W 5% R72 R65 DC_BUS_N U10 HCPL3120_300 1U 50V +-20% R83 1K 0.1W 1% Q2 C40 4B3< R66 11C4> 1U 50V +-20% B Q2 100 0.1W 1% Q2_POS Q2 U13 HCPL3120_300 11B4> C34 100 0.1W 1% R78 2 R81 1K 0.1W 1% 3 VCC 8 VO 7 6 R64 10K 0.125W 1% Q3 VO Q3 100 0.1W 1% PWM_WN R87 100 0.1W 1% 10B8> 11A5<> 9A4< GWP 5 VCC 8 2 VO 7 6 3 VO R63 10K 0.125W 1% R69 100 1W 5% 1U 50V +-20% 11A8> 4B3< SW P 9A4< DC_BUS_N U9 HCPL3120_300 C 9C4< GW N 5 VEE R76 1K 0.1W 1% R88 VEE C38 R82 100 0.1W 1% Q3 1U 50V +-20% PWM_WP R91 4B3< Q3 R70 100 1W 5% Q3 Q3_POS 11D4> 1U 50V +-20% U12 HCPL3120_300 Q2_NEG C31 C Q2 1U 50V +-20% 100 0.1W 1% 100 0.1W 1% 11A1<> 100 0.1W 1% R86 100 0.1W 1% 10A8> GUP R74 R73 100 1W 5% 8 R90 1U 50V +-20% R85 1K 0.1W 1% 2 VCC PWM_UN C32 100 0.1W 1% 10K 0.125W 1% 1U 50V +-20% 4B3< 100 1W 5% 8 10K 0.125W 1% C36 VCC PWM_UP R93 R67 DC_BUS_N U11 HCPL3120_300 Q1 C37 Q3_NEG 100 0.1W 1% 11B8> D Wed Jul REV 2 01July04 D GE Healthcare Company Block 22 16:19:32 1 djin 2009 2 3 4 Path Block DJINN ROTATION CONTROL BOARD V3 5 6 12 Sheet of Dwg No 14 5133326-3SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 4 11 of 13 B Size State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. A R68 1U 50V +-20% Q1 11A4> C41 U14 HCPL3120_300 11C8> Q1_POS Q1 8 Approved Document - 5133326-3SCH_r4.pdf Page 12 of 14 Figure 12-15 Rotor control board 5133326-3SCH_s11 Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 243 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 A State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. A DC_BUS_P. 9A2< R32 470 0.5W 5% D4 BZX84C12 12V 5% R38 470 0.5W 5% 3V3 3 R119 1 S G C76 1N 630V 5% IXTT11P50 Q26 100 B R122 4.99K 0.1W 1% 2 D R94 220K 0.5W 5% U5 TLP281 R23 4 C2 B R97 220K 0.5W 5% Q3 FZT851 3 R107 33 1W 5% C 10 0.1W 1% R27 1K 0.1W 1% 2 C1 1 B U4 74LVC-LCX14 A C K E DISCH_OK 4 5 A B 6 3B7< VCC=3V3;GND=GND 2 3 1 E R16 270 0.1W 1% C R102 220K 5% 1W R37 100 D27 RUR1S1560S 600V R105 1K 100W 5% DC_BUS_N. J8 U7 TLP281 R18 R19 1 DISCH_INHIBIT 4A5< 100 0.1W 1% 100 0.1W 1% A1 A C K E 2 D 4 R39 100 0.1W 1% 1 PIN STRAIGHT TAB 3 D REV 2 01July04 3V3 GE Healthcare Company Block Wed Jul 22 16:19:32 1 djin 2009 2 3 4 Path Block DJINN 5 ROTATION CONTROL BOARD V3 13 6 Approved Document - 5133326-3SCH_r4.pdf Page 13 of 14 Figure 12-16 Rotor control board 5133326-3SCH_s12 Page 244 Section 12.2 Main auxiliary 15kW module 5338768 Sheet of Dwg No 14 5133326-3SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 4 12 8 of 13 B Size 9C2< GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 48V A A SECTION ADC3 R150 R127 2K 0.1W 1% 3C3< 1K R126 100 0.1W 1% 2 3V3 K D23 BAV99 70V E 7C3< 1 0.1U 2K R140 R144 T70_FAULT R142 9 10K 0.1W 1% C75 1U 50V 10% C74 1U 50V 10% Q4 PMBTA42 2K 0.1W 1% 10K 0.125W C B U4 74LVC-LCX14 7C3< R141 4.99K A A B 8 4A5< B 10K 0.1W 1% VCC=3V3;GND=GND 4.99K 0.1W 1% R44 4.99K 0.1W 1% B T70__N T70_P. R146 R145 R147 R41 10K 0.25W 1% C71 AK 100K 0.25W 1% EN_T70_MEAS 4A5< 3 2K C R40 10K 0.125W 1% R75 Q6 PMBT2907A R143 B R42 2K 0.1W 1% E VCC MH2 MHP4_50TB10_00 C MH3 MHP4_50TB10_00 0.1U 16V 10% 1 MH4 MHP4_50TB10_00 C45 0.1U 16V 10% C43 0.1U 16V 10% 0.1U 16V C59 10% C73 C70 0.1U 16V 10% 1 MH1 MHP4_50TB10_00 1 C 1 D Wed Jul REV 2 01July04 D GE Healthcare Company Block 22 16:19:33 1 djin 2009 2 3 4 Path Block DJINN ROTATION CONTROL BOARD V3 5 6 14 Sheet of Dwg No 14 5133326-3SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 4 13 of 13 B Size State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. TEMP SWITCH 8 Approved Document - 5133326-3SCH_r4.pdf Page 14 of 14 Figure 12-17 Rotor control board 5133326-3SCH_s13 Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 245 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN DRAFT - WORK-IN-PROCESS. Production parts may not be defined by this document. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Section 12.3 Optional auxiliary module 30kW 5338767 Figure 12-18 Optional auxiliary module 30kW 5338767ADW_s1 Page 246 Section 12.3 Optional auxiliary module 30kW 5338767 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 0$,1$8;,/,$5< DRAFT - WORK-IN-PROCESS. Production parts may not be defined by this document. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. !"#$"% %((7/('-,11$8;237%2;$':BUHY10SDJH Figure 12-19 Optional auxiliary module 30kW 5338767ADW_s2 Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 247 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 12.3.1 Beetle CAPA board 5395972 Approved Document - 5395972ADW_r1.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 12-20 Beetle CAPA board 5395972ADW Page 248 Section 12.3 Optional auxiliary module 30kW 5338767 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 A A H2 H3 H4 J4 R4 J1 VP1 PIN FASTON 6,4 90D R2 14K 0.25W 1% 14K 0.25W 1% VP2 PIN FASTON 6,4 90D P B B D1 DSI30-08AS 800V D2 DSI30-08AS 800V D3 DSI30-08AS 800V MH1 J3 N J2 1 PIN RIGHT_ANGLE TAB C R3 R1 A1 VN1 14K 0.25W 1% 14K 0.25W 1% H1 A1 1 VN2 PIN RIGHT_ANGLE TAB C H5 D Made By Date SYSTECH Block Tue May 25 08:45:27 1 Title 07-MAY-2010 Path Block beetle_capa_v2 2010 2 3 4 BEETLE 5 1 of 6 GE Healthcare CAPA Sheet Company Dwg No 1 REV 2 01July04 D 5395972SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 1 1 of 1 B Size State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. MH2 8 Approved Document - 5395972SCH_r1.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 12-21 Beetle CAPA board 5395972SCH Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 249 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 12.4 Power module 5396857 Figure 12-22 Power module 5329919ADW Page 250 Section 12.4 Power module 5396857 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 12.4.1 Power board 5367800 Approved Document - 5367800ADW_r5.pdf Page 2 of 3 Figure 12-23 Power board 5367800ADW Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 251 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 VCC C10 T1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A 1 2 Vcc 0.1U 50V 10% 9 3 4 11 Vout Vref 6 GND 7 12 10 C9 10N 50V 10% C5 0.1U 50V 10% 8 HXS_50_NP L1 150V 100A 150V 100A C 50A 600V STRAP A BB_IN_P2 B D72_H36 50A C2 15UF 450V 10% 22 50A C1 15UF 450V 10% D1 RUR1S1560S 600V D2PAK 0V TO 440V State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. R93 B 1W 5% 22 R104 1W 5% 22 1W 1W 22 5% D2 5% DSEP60-06A APT94N60L2C3 20 1W 1% 4A2< 5B2< 2D4< 1C8> DC_BUS_N R46 BB_BOOST_A_CMD_P 200 2 R113 2K C G3_P12V C71 VCC 8 VO 7 6 5C7> BB_BOOST_B_CMD_N SP2 SPARE0805 1 2 U2 R12 SP1 SPARE0805 1 2 R65 2K 8 2 VO 7 6 3 VO S APT94N60L2C3 C12 6,8NF 630V 5% RA01 R86 D Q6 C19 2.2N 2KV 5% G 10 5% 1W R83 10K S R17 R64 2 0.25W 1% NO POPULATED 2D4< 4A2< 4B2< 1C1<> 5B2< DC_BUS_N R84 2 0.25W 1% C REV.2 : REPLACE DRIVERS ( SHEET 2 ) 0.47U 50V 10% BB_BOOST_B REVISION C46 5 0.47U 50V 10% G3_0V G3_N8V R85 2K BB_SNUB_CMD_N R112 2 0.25W 1% VEE R19 BB_SNUB_CMD_P D G3_P12V C37 C36 MOSFET IXDD409YI ECR/ECO BY IXDD430YI DATE SIGN 21-DEC-2010 C59 VCC 8 2 VO 7 6 3 VO 4.7U 25V 10% 0.47U 50V 10% G3_0V 4.7U 25V 10% 2110541 SYSTECH 4 2114074 16-MAR-2011 SYSTECH 5 2118057 04-JUL-2011 SYSTECH G3_N8V D BB_SNUB C57 5 VEE 0.47U 50V 10% G3_0V G3_N8V Made By Date SYSTECH Block Title 16-MAR-2011 Path Block beetle_djinn_power_v2b 2011 Beetle Djinn Sheet 1 of Power V2 Dwg No 5 5367800SCH GE Healthcare Company Rev Restricted Sheet 5 1 of Approved Document - 5367800SCH_r5.pdf Page 2 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 12-24 Power board 5367800SCH_s1 Page 252 OFF 3 G3_P12V 200 14:18:49 R61 10K B 1K 1W 5% C70 VCC R11 200 04 1K NO POPULATED 1W 5% Q3 R78 5% C47 HCPL3120_300 Mon Jul 1W G3_P12V HCPL3120_300 U4 5C1> 22 0.47U 50V 10% G3_0V G3_N8V R44 0 200 5C7> 20 1W 1% C42 6.8UF 450V 10% 5 200 5C1> G C32 6.8UF 450V 10% R27 1W 5% D R66 5A2< VEE 200 R47 0 0.47U 50V 10% VO 3 R43 BB_BOOST_A_CMD_N BB_BOOST_B_CMD_P C33 6,8NF 630V 5% RA01 C18 6.8UF 450V 10% 4,7UH 10% 21SP_128X0.1 DC_BUS_N HCPL3120_300 5C1> 22 4A2< L2 BB_IN_P3 100A U9 5C7> S BB_BOOST_A 4B2< Q9 G R111 10K 1W 5% APT94N60L2C3 D R114 22 600V R135 1W 5% 2A4< R24 R69 22 DC_BUS_P 100A BB_IN_P3_C 600V R134 R127 A D6 DSEP60-06A 600V 600V D16 DSEP60-06A R126 440V D3 DSEP60-06A BB_IN_P3_B 0V TO 440V 4C2< 4C2< D11 DSEP60-06A BB_IN_P3_A A 2X200UH 4C2< 4C2< BB_IN_P3_B REV 2 01July04 BB_IN_P 5C6< BB_IN_P3_A Section 12.4 Power module 5396857 6 7 8 5 B Size 5A6> 5C1< I_BB_MEAS_REF R9 10K 0V TO 440V 4B2< I_BB_MEAS 5 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 4 3 5A2< 4A2< 5 6 7 8 DC_BUS_P 1A8> G1_P12V 3C7> C35 4.7U 25V 10% DC_BUS_P G1_0V 3C7> 2 R51 2K APT94N60L2C3 G2_0V D24 BAV99 70V 50V 3C7> VCC EN 7 IN GND 5 HCPL2211 C44 4.7U 25V 10% BH2 R119 2K 3 2 AK VO R121 3 A GND 5 50V 120P TO_CAPA_IN G2_N8V C7 6.8UF 450V 10% E3435-1 U11 IXDD630YI + DISSIPATEUR 2 0.25W R122 7 3 10K 6 4 C15 6.8UF 450V 10% E3435-1 5 MEAS_1 2 FIS105 1/50 RATIO R37 2K G3_P12V G3_P12V 1 R15 INV_A_L 100 G3_N8V 1K C51 GND HCPL2211 7 IN 120P 50V 5% 5 C50 4.7U 25V 10% S 04 14:08:54 APT94N60L2C3 D Q8 R95 G NPP C27 33N 630V 5% S 5.6 BL2 R89 DC_BUS_N 0 0.25W R79 OUT 10K 10K + DISSIPATEUR 5B2< 4B2< R92 10 8 7 IN 4A2< 1C8> 1C1<> DC_BUS_N 8 VO 0.1U 50V 10% 7 GND INV_OK C62 4.7U 25V 10% C23 4.7U 25V 10% C HCPL2201 D27 BAV99 70V U6 INV_B_L_P VCC R99 2K 3 2 AK VO R103 A GND R32 1K C65 HCPL2211 50V 120P INV_B_L 5D7> 100 D 5% GE Healthcare Block beetle_djinn_power_v2b Sheet 2 of Dwg No 5 5367800SCH Rev Restricted Sheet 5 2 of Approved Document - 5367800SCH_r5.pdf Page 3 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 5D7> K Company Path 5D7> 5 G3_N8V Block 2011 5A2< 3 3 5 + DISSIPATEUR 5A2< OUT_HT_A G3_0V U14 IXDD630YI OUT CAPA_IN SP7 R26 2K R100 U?13 IXDD630YI C16 4.7U 25V 10% 1W G3_0V R107 0 0.25W 600V C22 4.7U 25V 10% 0 0.25W G3_N8V Mon Jul R87 47K 1W 5% 0 0.25W VCC EN 8 3 1 D A VO AL2 R68 47K 1W 5% G3_P12V 2 2K G3_0V R80 GND PPAD R77 VCC 3 AK 2 2K 3B7> R14 2K R71 10 2 U3 R73 1W R70 SP6 K 5D7> 5.6 NPP C17 33N 630V 5% 5.6 1W S Q7 APT94N60L2C3 EN VCC 2 G3_0V D25 BAV99 70V APT94N60L2C3 Q5 D R76 G C14 4.7U 25V 10% G R39 C29 10N 50V 10% 5D7< 2 S D14 MURS360T3G R91 I_INV_MEAS_N B C67 1 APT94N60L2C3 BL1 5D1< 2 Q4 D PPAD GND 1W NPP C21 33N 630V 5% R16 47K 1W 5% MID_BL1_BL2 G R13 47K 1W 5% 1 NPP C13 33N 630V 5% D I_INV_MEAS_P VCC U8 1 600V MID_AL1_AL2 5.6 INV_A_L_P 3C7> R108 150 0.25W 1% 1 3 MEAS_8 8 5 VGH_23X11_5X25 1/50 C38 6.8UF 450V 10% E3435-1 C6 6.8UF 450V 10% E3435-1 T3 1 D15 MURS360T3G C 5D7> 5% T4 G3_P12V AL1 G3_0V 5D1> + DISSIPATEUR OUT R72 3B7> INV_B_H 100 G1_N8V VCC 3A7> R50 1K C73 HCPL2211 C39 4.7U 25V 10% 1W R116 2 1 5 1 5.6 S 0 C8 4.7U 25V 10% 5% 120P NPP C41 33N 630V 5% VCC 7 C72 4.7U 25V 10% 3 A 1K C45 100 4 IN 0 0.25W R123 10K GND PPAD R10 INV_A_H OUT Q11 APT94N60L2C3 D R120 G 0.25W R63 R55 10 8 VO 1 5D1> 2 K 8 REV 2 01July04 2 0 VCC 3 AK 2 R60 R115 47K 1W 5% 1W Q10 S APT94N60L2C3 0 0.25W R67 R8 2K SP5 K R57 2K AH2 R54 U1 B S R53 47K 1W 5% 5.6 R117 10 7 5 B Size INV_A_H_P 1W 5.6 NPP C11 33N 630V 5% R118 G 2 5D7> C4 4.7U 25V 10% 1 State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 3B7> APT94N60L2C3 Q2 D R59 G G2_P12V BH1 5D7> 2 3B7> S D 1 Q1 NPP C34 33N 630V 5% R42 47K 1W 5% A INV_B_H_P U10 PPAD GND 1W R7 47K 1W 5% MID_BH1_BH2 G MID_AH1_AH2 5.6 NPP C3 33N 630V 5% D R56 SP8 U15 IXDD630YI EN VCC AH1 6 3 A D26 BAV99 70V 8 Figure 12-25 Power board 5367800SCH_s2 Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 253 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 4 3 5 6 A 7 A DS3 HSMG-C190 2 D8 MBRS1100T3 100V 1 GREEN C56 4.7U 25V 10% C58 4.7U 25V 10% R18 2.49K 0.125W 1% ISO G3_P12V G3_0V G3_P12V 1MM ISO D7 MBRS1100T3 100V C55 22U 10V 10% C54 22U 10V 10% 2C1< 1MM G3_0V ALIM MOS C + BOOST + MEAS G3 2C1< G3_0V ISO 0.8MM G3_N8V 2D1< G3_N8V B B 48V C28 4.7U 100V 10% F1 FAST_ACTION 3A 63V C24 4.7U 100V 10% P1 D1 C60 0.1U 100V 10% C76 4.7U 100V 10% ISO T2 2T C77 4.7U 100V 10% 4T D5 MBRS1100T3 100V 1T 4T ISO 1,3MM 2T C52 4.7U 25V 10% ISO G2_P12V 2B1< G2_0V 2B1< G2_N8V 2C1< G1_P12V 2A8< G1_0V 2A8< G1_N8V 2B8< 1MM ISO 1MM ALIM G2 MOS A 1T R130 SP4 1 VCC GATE_INV_SUPPLY_CMD VDD 7 O_N GND 2 DISSIPATEUR R98 5.1V 5% SP3 1 Q12 IRF640NS D23 BZX84C5V1 3 IN 110 0.25W D D9 ES2D-E3 200V C20 2.2N 200V 5% G S R29 10K 0.25W VCC 1T 2T D2 0 D2A 2 ISO 0.8MM 1T ELP_32_6_20 P2A R22 300 1W 1% R21 300 1W 1% 6 VDD 5 O_N GND 4 4.2MM D13 MBRS1100T3 100V C68 22U 10V 10% ISO 4.2MM C 1MM ISO ISO ISO 1MM ALIM G1 MOS B 0.8MM D10 BAV99 70V K 3 IN CH2 R129 0 C69 4.7U 25V 10% A AK U5 TC4426A D12 MBRS1100T3 100V 2 ISO 3 12V R101 1K CH3 1T D4 MBRS1100T3 100V 1 12V U5 TC4426A 6 5C7> 3T P2 R94 4.99K C 3T C53 22U 10V 10% 4.2MM 2 12V C64 D D REV 2 01July04 0.1U 50V 10% GE Healthcare Company Block Wed Mar 16 08:57:50 Path Block beetle_djinn_power_v2b 2011 Sheet 3 of Dwg No 5 5367800SCH Rev Restricted Sheet 5 3 of Approved Document - 5367800SCH_r5.pdf Page 4 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 12-26 Power board 5367800SCH_s3 Page 254 Section 12.4 Power module 5396857 6 7 8 5 B Size State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 8 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 12V C63 1A8> DC_BUS_P A R34 R30 R31 R33 R38 100K 0.25W 0.1% 100K 0.25W 0.1% 100K 0.25W 0.1% 100K 0.25W 0.1% 100K 0.25W 0.1% 0.1U 50V 10% C66 10N 50V 10% 5B2< 4B2< 2D4< 1C8> 1C1<> DC_BUS_N R109 2K 0.125W 1% 3 INP 2 INN R110 8.66 0.125W 1% R28 7 VP5 REFP 2A4< R132 2K 0.125W 1% AR1 INA117 6 VOUT NOTE: PIN 8 FOR INA117 IS COMP PIN 8 FOR AD629 IS NC BOTH PARTS ARE APPROVED FOR PI NUMBER 2369296 C25 100K 0.25W 0.1% 100K 0.25W 0.1% C61 10N 50V 10% 5B2< 4A2< 2D4< 1C8> 1C1<> DC_BUS_N 5C6< C79 4.7U 25V 10% 0.1U 50V 10% R90 2K 0.125W 1% 3 INP 2 INN R88 20 0.125W 1% R35 7 VP5 REFP R62 DC BUS 0 0.125W +0.05 R133 2K 0.125W 1% B N12V AR2 INA117 6 VOUT NOTE: PIN 8 FOR INA117 IS COMP PIN 8 FOR AD629 IS NC BOTH PARTS ARE APPROVED FOR PI NUMBER 2369296 4 1 VN 8REFN COMP V_IN_MEAS_P 5C1< V_IN_MEAS_N 5C6< SCALE: R96 1V => 100V BB_IN 0 0.125W +0.05 0 C75 N12V 0.1U 50V 10% G3_P12V C 1A8> D22 MURS360T3G BB_IN_P3_A 600V 1A8> D20 MURS360T3G BB_IN_P3_B 600V C U12 R75 2K 0.125W 1% C48 1N 50V 10% R74 2K DC_BUS_N D21 MMSZ5226BT1 VCC VCC 2 VO 8 7 VCC C49 0.1U 50V 10% _BB_ZVS_OK 3 3.3V GND 5C1< 5 HCPL2201 DC_BUS_N D REV 2 01July04 D GE Healthcare Company Block Wed Mar 16 08:57:50 Path Block beetle_djinn_power_v2b 2011 Sheet 4 of Dwg No 5 5367800SCH Rev Restricted Sheet 5 4 of Approved Document - 5367800SCH_r5.pdf Page 5 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 B Size State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. 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B R58 DC_BUS_MEAS_N => 100V C78 4.7U 25V 10% C74 BB_IN_P R102 0,4V 12V 0.1U 50V N12V 10% 12V 5A6> A 5C1< SCALE: 0 MEAS_OUT 1A1< DC_BUS_MEAS_P 4 1 VN 8REFN COMP 5A2< 8 Figure 12-27 Power board 5367800SCH_s4 Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 255 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 C40 OUT_HT_B 160NF 5% 1000V SP2815-3 CAPA_IN 2B8> OUT_HT_A 2C8> 2C8> J3 PIN STRAIGHT PRESSFIT POWER ELEMENT OUT_HT_A A 4A2< 2A4< A PIN STRAIGHT PRESSFIT POWER ELEMENT BB_IN_P DC_BUS_P 1A8> J4 1A1< 4B2< J1 4B2< 4A2< 2D4< 1C8> R2 R1 499K 0.25W 1% 200K 0.25W 1% DS1 1MH 1 R4 R5 200K 0.25W 1% 100K 0.25W 1% 2 1A 2A 3A R6 DS2 1MH 1 R3 2 499K 0.25W 1% PIN POWER_COMBICON RIGHT_ANGLE DC_BUS_N 1C1<> 1 2 3 499K 0.25W 1% DC_BUS_N DC_BUS_N H1 KFH-M5-15-ET VCC 12V 48V BB_SPARE_01_CMD_N MH4 BB_SPARE_03_CMD_N MH3 INV_A_H 0 R97 CH1 1 2B1< SPARE_INV INV_B_H 2B8< 0 R20 MH1 I_INV_MEAS_P 2B8> C31 4.7U 25V 10% 2 VDD 402 0.25W 1% C43 0.1U NO POPULATED 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 D18 SMAJ4733A D17 SMAJ4733A 5.1V 5% 5.1V 5% C80 4.7U 25V 10% NO POPULATED DQ 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 I_BB_MEAS_REF V_IN_MEAS_N DC_BUS_MEAS_N SPARE_BB2 BB_CMD_P CH4 R49 0 R41 BB_SNUB_CMD_P 1D1< 0 R45 BB_BOOST_A_CMD_P 1C1< FX4 KFE-4.2-6-ET R48 BB_BOOST_B_CMD_P 1C1< GATE_INV_SUPPLY_CMD 3C1< INV_OK 2C8> INV_B_L 2D8< 0 R105 INV_B_L_P 2D8< 0 R106 INV_B_H_P 2A8< 0 R81 INV_A_L_P 2D1< 0 R82 INV_A_H_P 2B1< MH2 R23 C 1A8> 4B7> 4A7> 0 0 C30 4.7U 25V 10% 1 FX5 KFE-4.2-6-ET 1 1 FX6 KFE-4.2-6-ET 1 1 1 FX1 KFE-4.2-6-ET GND J2 D FX2 KFE-4.2-6-ET DQ 5 3 5.1V 5% PIN FX3 KFE-4.2-6-ET 4 INV_A_L 2D1< I_INV_MEAS_N 2B8> D 0 N12V REV 2 01July04 1D1< 1C1< 1D1< 4C8> BB_BOOST_B_CMD_N BB_BOOST_A_CMD_N BB_SNUB_CMD_N _BB_ZVS_OK 48V 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 SPARE_BB1 10 1 I_BB_MEAS V_IN_MEAS_P DC_BUS_MEAS_P 12V STRAIGHT 1A8> 4B7> 4A7> 1 C CH5 R125 R124 R25 10K 0.25W 1% R40 2.49K RIBBON_CABLE_STANDARD R52 0 VCC D19 SMAJ4733A VCC C26 4.7U 25V 10% U16 DS1822 1 R36 1K 48V B DS4 HSMG-C190 GREEN 1 DS6 HSMG-C190 GREEN 1 DS5 HSMG-C190 GREEN GE Healthcare Company Block Wed Mar 16 08:57:51 Path Block beetle_djinn_power_v2b 2011 Sheet 5 of Dwg No 5 5367800SCH Rev Restricted Sheet 5 5 of Approved Document - 5367800SCH_r5.pdf Page 6 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 12-28 Power board 5367800SCH_s5 Page 256 Section 12.4 Power module 5396857 6 7 8 5 B Size B 2 H2 2 State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. STRAP B KFH-M5-15-ET GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 12.4.2 Filament board 5394517 Approved Document - 5394517ADW_r2.pdf Page 2 of 3 Figure 12-29 Filament board 5394517ADW Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 257 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 5 4 ECR/ECO REV-2 ECR-2107032 DATE SIGN 13-SEP-10 D6 MBRS1100T3 OFF VCC T4 VCC IR2110S C51 R75 4.99K A HEAT_1_INV_B_H HEAT_1_INV_B_L 4C2< 4C5< R81 R80 R74 0 VB VS VCC VDD 12 HIN 13 SD 14 LIN HO 100V LO COM GND 8 12V INVERTER D4 MBRS1100T3 1U 25V 10% NOT EQUIPED 1 100V S 1% C46 47N 250V 10% C49 47N 500V 10% G 20 0.25W 7 6 Q8 IRFZ44ES 8 C26 Q10 IRFZ44ES 1 D R20 2 15 48V NOT EQUIPED D R18 12V 4.99K 4B5> 3 11 0.1U 50V 10% 4.99K 4B2> 1U 25V 10% --C22 1U 25V 10% 7 C16 C54 1U 25V 10% 20 0.25W 1% C53 47N 250V 10% C56 47N 500V 10% G S C18 2.2U 63V 10% P8208 1/100 RATIO TR1 C34 47N 250V 10% L2 R83 20 0.25W S Q6 IRFZ44ES D C44 47N 500V 10% R16 G 20 0.25W 1% S 1% 0.1W A 1% Q4 IRFZ44ES PLANAR_72UH E43_10_28 C41 47N 250V 10% C17 1U 25V 10% R14 G L3 PLANAR_72UH E43_10_28 220N 630V 10% SP2830 402 D C37 47N 500V 10% 7 REVISION 6 C21 12V 3 3 8 2 1 1 I_INV_HEAT_1_MEAS_GROUND I_INV_HEAT_1_MEAS T2 VCC IR2110S VCC VDD VB VS 7 6 12 HIN HO 8 13 SD 14 LIN 48V 12V LO COM GND K 1 2 15 B K1 ST2_NIL_DC48V D8 BAV99 V AK C42 1U 25V 10% 6 4 A 1 1K T3 1 VB VS 7 6 12 HIN HO 8 13 SD 14 12V LO 4.99K COM GND C24 1U 25V 10% C47 1U 25V 10% R21 VCC 20 0.25W R77 0 1U 25V 10% 12 HEAT_2_INV_A_L R71 D 3 11 VB VS VCC VDD HIN 13 SD 14 LIN HO 7 6 Q9 IRFZ44ES 220N 630V 10% SP2830 R19 8 COM GND Mon Sep I_INV_HEAT_2_MEAS_GROUND 4C5< I_INV_HEAT_2_MEAS 13 15:01:13 1 C43 47N 250V 10% C23 2.2U 63V 10% Q11 IRFZ44ES D G 1% C48 47N 250V 10% C45 47N 500V 10% S 402 1 PLANAR_72UH E43_10_28 PLANAR_72UH E43_10_28 R82 0.1W 1% 2 C19 1U 25V 10% Q7 IRFZ44ES RATIO C36 47N 250V 10% 20 0.25W S L4 1/100 P8208 R17 G L5 TR2 Q5 IRFZ44ES D C33 47N 500V 10% R15 G 20 0.25W 1% S 1% By Date Title 13-SEP-2010 Path beetle_filament 2010 4 BEETLE Block 5 6 Figure 12-30 Filament board 5394517SCH_s1 Section 12.4 Power module 5396857 FILAMENT Sheet 1 of Approved Document - 5394517SCH_r2.pdf Page 2 of 6 Page 258 D C40 47N 500V 10% INVERTER D Block 3 100V C HEATER POWER SHEET SYSTECH 2 1U 25V 10% 2 15 Made 4C2< C55 47N 250V 10% C52 47N 500V 10% S D5 MBRS1100T3 NOT EQUIPED C27 20 0.25W LO 4.99K 4B5> HEAT_2_INV_A_H IR2110S C38 R70 4B2> C35 0.1U 50V 10% 1% NOT EQUIPED T1 12V VCC D G C20 48V 7 R76 4.99K 1U 25V 10% 100V 1 2 15 12V C25 D7 MBRS1100T3 12V LIN 4C3< S 1 VCC VDD 4C3< H2A 8 8 3 11 H2B 7 3 HEAT_2_INV_B_L R78 4B5> HEAT_2_INV_B_H R79 4B2> 4.99K C R25 10K IR2110S 0.1U 50V 10% 4C3< 7 8 C50 4C3< H1B Q12 2N7002 G VCC H1A 6 D R24 RELAY_CMD 4C5> 5 5 4 Dwg No 5 5394517SCH 7 GE Healthcare Company Rev Restricted Sheet 2 1 of 8 5 REV 2 01July04 3 11 4.99K _ENABLE_F R73 4B5> HEAT_1_INV_A_L R72 4B5> HEAT_1_INV_A_H 4.99K 4B2> 0.1U 50V 10% 4.99K State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. B B Size C39 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 48VA R12 10K 0.25W 1% R52 12VA 10K 0.1% C32 C31 12VA 0.1U 50V 10% 12VA 4 10K 0.1% 10 AR2 8 VOUT R67 C5 2.2N 50V 10% 1K Q3 FDV301N S R35 10K VN 5 2 1K R40 R39 OHM 12VA VP 10K 1 0.25W 1% 1N 50V 5% 13 B Q1 MJD32C C AR1 TL084B C30 0.1U 50V 10% 0.1U 50V 10% B R10 1K 0.25W 1% K D2 BAV99 70V 4C3< C14 0.1U 100V 10% R62 10K 0.25W 1% 12VA N12VA C29 R63 10K 0.25W 1% E C10 0.1U 100V 10% 14 VOUT 12 D10 100V 2 R41 4 4 N12VA 3 AK R65 10K A N12VA R13 N12VA 10K N12VA N12V 10 10K CH6 12VA 1U 50V 10% 1 1 CH7 8 VOUT AR1 TL084B 3 11 C6 1U 25V 10% FL1 BLM11A102S 9 VN 10K 2 41.2K R1 1 0.25W 1% 48VA C11 POLAR_P 100 0.25W 1% R11 VP 12VA 1N 50V 5% 1 VOUT AR1 TL084B VN 10K VP R37 R47 4 CH5 12VA VN C7 1U 25V 10% U1 OPA551UA 48V R6 1 0.25W 1% R4 6 0.1U 50V 10% C4 11 R38 OHM VOUT 3 AR1 TL084B N12VA D11 MBRS1100T3 100V 100V 10% E 7 2 C9 2 1K Q2 MJD31C 48VA R53 10K 20K 6 7 VOUT C2 11 N12VA POLAR_N 4C3< 0 R8 0 R66 20K C R69 R50 11 N12VA NOT EQUIPED 3 11 20K 7 VOUT AR2 TL084B 1 VOUT AR2 R68 D3 BAV99 70V 3 BIAS_VOLTAGE_MEAS AK 1K A TL084B 4B5< C15 0.1U 50V 10% 1 A AK R60 R55 4 VN 5 10K VP 2 10K VP 6 R7 20K K 4 20K 1 3 12VA 70V K 2 12VA 2 D1 BAV99 R46 R51 VCC R59 20K 20K C 20K VN N12VA MAGNITUDE DETECTOR D BIAS REV 2 01July04 D SHEET GE Healthcare Company Block Fri Apr 30 13:23:06 1 Path Block beetle_filament 2010 2 3 4 5 Sheet 2 of 6 Dwg No 5 5394517SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 2 2 of 5 B Size State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 12VA 20K 2 12VA 1 B R42 C3 0.1U B 1 4 5 8 G R44 0 0.1W +0.05 48VA C 22P 100V 5% R36 41.2K FL2 BLM11A102S 0 A 48VA C8 VP R48 0 0.1W +0.05 3 R43 12V R2 20K 0.25W 0.1% MID_48V 1 R58 10K R5 20K 0.25W 0.1% R45 N12VA D 4.99K R54 10K 0.1% 4 BIAS_PWM_16KHZ 4B2> R49 TL084B 10K R57 C13 0.1U 50V 10% R9 10K 0.25W 1% N12VA VP N12VA 11 C12 0.1U 50V 10% 0.1U 50V 10% 11 12 VN 10K 9 11 BIAS_CMD 4B2> R61 VP 13 R56 AR2 14 VOUT TL084B VN VP 4 A OUTPUT AMPLIFIER MID_48V MBRS1100T3 MAGNITUDE SQUARE GENERATOR VN1 VN2 VN3 FLAG VARIABLE 8 Approved Document - 5394517SCH_r2.pdf Page 3 of 6 Figure 12-31 Filament board 5394517SCH_s2 Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 259 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 A A 12V 6 U3 TC4427 VDD 5 4 IN F2 TIME_DELAY 48V CH9 O 1A 63V GND 3 R26 4.99K 6 VDD 7 2 IN R27 4.99K GND D R22 O 3 49.9 0.25W 1% Q13 IRFR024 G R23 4.99K R31 10K 0.25W 1% R32 49.9K 0.25W 1% R28 10K 0.25W 1% R30 4.99K J3 FAN_N FAN_SUPPLY_FB S 4C2< C C NOT EQUIPED VCC U2 DS1822 VCC 3 C57 0.1U 50V 10% VDD DQ 4 GND 5 THERMAL_SENSOR 4C5< D REV 2 01July04 D FAN SHEET GE Healthcare Company Block Mon Sep 13 14:19:39 1 Path Block beetle_filament 2010 2 3 4 5 3 of 6 Approved Document - 5394517SCH_r2.pdf Page 4 of 6 Figure 12-32 Filament board 5394517SCH_s3 Page 260 Sheet Section 12.4 Power module 5396857 Dwg No 5 5394517SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 2 3 of 8 5 B Size State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. FAN_CMD J5 B 1 4C2< C1 68U 50V 20% 1 330U 20% 1.1A U3 TC4427 R33 49.9K 0.25W 1% 1 12V C28 68U 50V 20% DS1 HSMY-C190 YELLOW HIGH 2 L6 C58 0.1U 100V 10% 1 FAN FUNCTION 0.3A LOW 2 60V 2 FAN_P 2 F1 RESETTABLE B D9 MBRS1100T3 100V PIN RIGHT_ANGLE WIRE_TO_BOARD PIN RIGHT_ANGLE WIRE_TO_BOARD GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 3 2 4 FROM AUX J1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CH2 INT_CAN_H 4B5< A 8 L1 CH3 INT_CAN_L 48V J2 48VIN 4B2< 1 2 MH6 D10_H4_50 10U 10% 250MA 1 2 48V R3 A 0 0.25W PIN RIGHT_ANGLE TERMINAL_BLOCK_HEADER CH4 PIN RIGHT_ANGLE STD_DENSITY 1 MH5 D10_H4_50 1 MH3 D10_H4_50 1 MH4 D10_H4_50 1 1 1 MH2 D10_H4_50 7 NOT EQUIPED G1 G2 G1 G2 MH1 D10_H4_50 6 48VIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 5 REMPLACER PAR LE MEME AVEC FIXATION PHOENIX 1913714 R34 0 0.1W R64 ROTOR_STATE CH1 CH8 0 48V OUT FROM CONTROL VCC 4A5> 2B1< 2A1< INT_CAN_L BIAS_PWM_16KHZ BIAS_CMD 1A1< HEAT_1_INV_A_H 1A1< 1D1< HEAT_1_INV_B_H HEAT_2_INV_A_H 1D1< HEAT_2_INV_B_H 1B1> 1D1> 3C7> I_INV_HEAT_1_MEAS_GROUND I_INV_HEAT_2_MEAS_GROUND R29 FAN_SUPPLY_FB 3C2< FAN_CMD 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 INT_CAN_H BIAS_VOLTAGE_MEAS _ENABLE_F HEAT_1_INV_B_L HEAT_1_INV_A_L PIN STRAIGHT RIBBON_CABLE_LOW_PROFILE C POLAR_P POLAR_N H1A H1B H2A H2B 2B8> 2C8> 1B8> 1B8> 1C8> 1C8> 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 4A2> B 2C8> 1B1< 1A1< 1A1< HEAT_2_INV_B_L HEAT_2_INV_A_L 1D1< 1D1< I_INV_HEAT_1_MEAS 1B1> I_INV_HEAT_2_MEAS THERMAL_SENSOR RELAY_CMD 1D1> 3D5> 1C1< N12V C J6 TO HV-TANK PIN RIGHT_ANGLE TERMINAL_BLOCK_HEADER REMPLACER PAR LE MEME AVEC FIXATION PHOENIX 1913756 CONNECTOR SHEET GE Healthcare Company Block Mon Sep 13 14:20:19 1 Path Block beetle_filament 2010 2 3 4 5 Sheet 4 of 6 Dwg No 5 5394517SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 2 4 of 5 REV 2 01July04 D D B Size State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. B J4 12V 8 Approved Document - 5394517SCH_r2.pdf Page 5 of 6 Figure 12-33 Filament board 5394517SCH_s4 Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 261 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 REMARKS SHEET A A DEFAULT RESISTOR GEOMETRIE : 0603 POWER : 100MW TOLERANCE : 1% State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. B B C D D GE Healthcare Company Block Mon Sep 13 14:25:53 1 Path Block beetle_filament 2010 2 3 4 5 5 of 6 Approved Document - 5394517SCH_r2.pdf Page 6 of 6 Figure 12-34 Filament board 5394517SCH_s5 Page 262 Sheet Section 12.4 Power module 5396857 Dwg No 5 5394517SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 2 5 of 8 5 B Size REV 2 01July04 C GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 12.4.3 Control board 5305042-2 No drawings are available for this board due to proprietary restrictions. Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 263 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 12.5 HV tank 5140761-2 5 PUNEETH BENJAMIN 11/07/11 ECR2120094 TORQUE PUNEETH SHAJI State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 4 05/07/11 ECR2119199 LABEL ADDED 5 Approved Document - 5140761-2ADW_r5.pdf Page 3 of 5 Figure 12-35 HV tank 5140761-2ADW Page 264 Section 12.5 HV tank 5140761-2 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 12.5.1 Int measurement board 5309420 Figure 12-36 Int measurement board 5309420ADW_s1 Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 265 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 12-37 Int measurement board 5309420ADW_s2 Page 266 Section 12.5 HV tank 5140761-2 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 4 5 7 6 TEST_MA_CA TP5 0 0.25W +0.05 J5 1 2 3 4 H2B H2A H1B H1A CR2 SMBJ90CA 105.5V PIN RIGHT_ANGLE TERMINAL_BLOCK_HEADER CR4 SMBJ90CA 105.5V CR3 SMBJ90CA 105.5V CR1 SMBJ90CA 105.5V 10 1W 5% NOT POPULATED 1 2 3 4 C12 0.47U 25V 10% CR5 SMCJ15CA 15.1V NOT POPULATED 0 TP2 C11 0.47U 25V 10% VCC B CONTINUITY J6 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 TEST_MA_AN KV_CA_N KV_AN_P 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 DQ TEST_MA_CA MA_AN_0V MA_AN_N MA_CA_0V MA_CA_P CONTINUITY DQ R15 10 0.25W 1% 2 4 6 8 10 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 0 0.25W +0.05 TP4 R3 20K 0.1W 0.1% C5 1N 100V 1% R5 1K 0.0625W 0.1% C3 47N 100V 1% R1 KV_CA C8 1N 100V 1% R8 1K 0.0625W 0.1% C7 4.7N 100V 1% P2 MH12 D8_H4_20 MH2 D8_H4_20 MH1 D8_H4_20 MH7 D8_H4_20 MH8 D8_H4_20 MH3 D8_H4_20 MH4 D8_H4_20 MH10 D8_H4_20 C4 47N 100V 1% R4 20K 0.1W 0.1% R7 Made Block 09:27:25 By Date 1 Title 24-JUN-2009 Path 2 3 4 HV TANK INT Block djinn_hv_interco_v5 2009 KV_CA_N 10 0.25W 1% D SYSTECH 03 C2 27N 100V 1% MH9 D8_H4_20 Approved Document - 5309420SCH_r3.pdf Page 2 of 2 Mon Aug C1 27N 100V 1% C 1K 0.25W 1% MH11 D8_H4_20 KV_AN_P R10 20K 0.1W 0.1% CONN_POWER MH5 D8_H4_20 B TEST_MA_AN R9 20K 0.1W 0.1% E1 SC90Q 90V MH6 D8_H4_20 MA_AN_N TP1 10 0.25W 1% CONN_POWER H2 KFS2_M5 MA_AN_0V 0.25W R20 1K 0.25W 1% P1 H1 KFS2_M5 1% 100 0.25W 1% R6 C6 4.7N 100V 1% E2 SC90Q 90V MA_CA_0V 0.25W C9 0.47U 25V 10% R2 KV_AN SOCKET STRAIGHT DUAL_ROW_HEADER_PWR PIN RIGHT_ANGLE RIBBON_CABLE_LOW_PROFILE C R18 MA_AN 2 4 6 8 10 10 1W 5% 0 R11 4.99 0.25W 1% R19 J2 1% R21 R12 4.99 0.25W 1% CR6 SMCJ15CA 15.1V VCC R16 402 0.25W 1% R22 TIN 0.635 A C10 0.47U 25V 10% R13 4.99 0.25W 1% TP6 PIN STRAIGHT TERMINAL_BLOCK_HEADER MA_CA_P 100 0.25W 1% R14 4.99 0.25W 1% 5 Sheet 1 of 6 MEAS Dwg No 1 5309420SCH 7 REV 2 01July04 1 2 3 4 R23 R24 J1 1 2 3 4 8 TP3 R17 MA_CA A D 3 2 GE Healthcare Company Rev Restricted Sheet 3 1 of 1 B Size State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 1 8 Figure 12-38 Int measurement board 5309420SCH_s1 Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 267 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 12.5.2 HV BIP board 5395639 Approved Document - 5395639ADW_r2.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 12-39 HV BIP board 5395639ADW Page 268 Section 12.5 HV tank 5140761-2 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 3 2 4 C101 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 A C102 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 5 C103 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 C104 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 C105 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 C106 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 C107 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 7 6 C108 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 C109 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 C110 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 C111 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 C112 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 C113 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 8 C114 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 A C100 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 CR100 CI_5252247 A1 7 6 K1 K2 5 4 K3 3 K4 1 K6 2 K5 C1 CI mA AN R100 INTERCO C118 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 C119 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 C120 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 C121 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 100M 16W 0.5% PLANAR_89X25+CAPA S ESS/28/21 2x4.5turn 16uH MH1 D8_H4_20 R202 1 MH9 ETD59 12/360 C215 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 C C2 C216 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 C217 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 C218 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 C219 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 C220 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 C125 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 C126 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 C127 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 C128 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 C129 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 C130 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 C131 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 ANODE C132 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 1K 0.5% 16W PLANAR B R101 MH11 MH13 100M 16W 0.5% PLANAR_89X25+CAPA MH10 MH14 R201 OUT OF BOARD 100M 0.5% 16W PLANAR_89X25+CAPA 100M 0.5% 16W PLANAR_89X25+CAPA MH2 D8_H4_20 C124 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 MH12 1 1 R102 1 MH8 MH7 TR1 C123 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 C122 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 1 C117 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 1 C221 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 C222 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 C223 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 C224 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 C225 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 C226 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 C227 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 C228 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 C229 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 C230 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 C231 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 C232 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 R200 CATHODE C 1K 0.5% 16W PLANAR mA CA 4.7uF 50V 10% SP2853 CR200 CI_5252247 K6 K4 K5 K3 K2 K1 A1 C200 D1 BAT54S 30V 3 DS1822 VDD C3 0.1U 100V 10% DQ 4 GND 5 J1 1 D 3 C201 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 AK A U1 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 2 DQ 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 C202 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 C203 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 C204 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 C205 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 C206 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 C208 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 MH3 D8_H4_20 MH4 D8_H4_20 MH5 D8_H4_20 C211 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 C212 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 By Date SYSTECH C214 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 Title 04-MAY-2010 Path 3 4 DJINN Block djinn_hv_bip_v5 2010 2 C213 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 MH6 D8_H4_20 Made 1 C210 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 D IPS1-105-01-S-D 16:15:04 C209 2.4nF 4.8KV 10% SP2814 MA_CA MA_AN KV_AN KV_CA Block Wed May 05 C207 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 REV 2 01July04 K 5 Sheet 1 of 6 GE Healthcare HV BIP Company Dwg No 1 5395639SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 1 1 of 1 B Size State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. B C116 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 1 C115 4.7nF 4.8KV 10% SP2813 1 CI 4.7uF 50V 10% SP2853 MEZ 8 Approved Document - 5395639SCH_r1.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 12-40 HV BIP board 5395639SCH_s1 Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 269 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Section 12.6 Generator connector cables Approved Document - 5557003ADW_r4.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 12-41 5557003, Djinn control J1 to Spyder J1 Page 270 Section 12.6 Generator connector cables OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557010ADW_r7.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 12-42 5557010, Djinn Filament J2 to LVLE2 J9 Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 271 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Approved Document - 5557032ADW_r7.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 12-43 5557032, Djinn to aux box Page 272 Section 12.6 Generator connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: COMPLETE - Production parts may not be defined by this document; it is an uneditable finished draft. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Figure 12-44 5557033, Cable filament board to aux box Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 273 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557022ADW_r6.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 12-45 5557022, Cricket to Djinn Page 274 Section 12.6 Generator connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Approved Document - 5557060ADW_r3.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 12-46 5557060, Djinn Aux Box to Djinn Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 275 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5503001ADW_r5.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 12-47 5503001, Aux Box to Rotor Page 276 Section 12.6 Generator connector cables State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 12-48 5503002, Aux Box to Rotor Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 277 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557063ADW_r4.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 12-49 5557063, Shielded Cable Assy- Djinn Aux Box to Djinn Power Page 278 Section 12.6 Generator connector cables OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557064ADW_r4.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 12-50 5557064, BoardCable filament Board to Auxillary Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 279 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Approved Document - 5159146ADW_r5.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 12-51 5159146, CABLE-FILAMENT TO HV TANK Page 280 Section 12.6 Generator connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Approved Document - 5396123ADW_r2.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 12-52 5396123, DJINN HVTank to Power Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 281 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5144844ADW_r5.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 12-53 5144844, Flat Cable Control to HV Tank Page 282 Section 12.6 Generator connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Approved Document - 5396127ADW_r2.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 12-54 5396127, Djinn HVtank to power-Long Chapter 12 Generator (Djinn) Page 283 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Page 284 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 12.6 Generator connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Chapter 13 DPS (Detector Power Supply) assembly Figure 13-1 DPS portion of wiring diagram Chapter 13 DPS (Detector Power Supply) assembly Page 285 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 13.1 DPS assembly drawing No schematic is available for this power supply. Figure 13-2 5419392ADW Page 286 Section 13.1 DPS assembly drawing GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 13-3 5557069, Cable (Optima XR220amx only) Chapter 13 DPS (Detector Power Supply) assembly Page 287 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 13-4 5557070, Jumper cable from LVLE2 to relay and power supply (Optima XR220amx only) Page 288 Section 13.1 DPS assembly drawing GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 13-5 5557071, relay to power supply cable (Optima XR220amx only) Chapter 13 DPS (Detector Power Supply) assembly Page 289 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 13-6 5557067, Cable Asm - DPS Pigtail (Optima XR220amx only) Page 290 Section 13.1 DPS assembly drawing GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Section 13.2 DPS connector cables Approved Document - 5557041ADW_r4.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 13-7 5557041, DPM/PC to detector tether connection (Optima XR220amx only) Chapter 13 DPS (Detector Power Supply) assembly Page 291 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557011ADW_r6.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 13-8 5557011, DPM to LVLE2 Page 292 Section 13.2 DPS connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 13-9 5557066, DPM to detector charge receptacle (Optima XR220amx only) Chapter 13 DPS (Detector Power Supply) assembly Page 293 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: COMPLETE - Production parts may not be defined by this document; it is an uneditable finished draft. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Figure 13-10 5557057, Detector charge receptacle (Optima XR220amx only) Page 294 Section 13.2 DPS connector cables OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557022ADW_r6.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 13-11 5557022, Cricket to Djinn (Optima XR220amx only) Chapter 13 DPS (Detector Power Supply) assembly Page 295 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Page 296 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 13.2 DPS connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Chapter 14 PC Detector Charge Receptacle Hypertronics Backup Tether Hospital Network Hypertronics RJ-45 P 51^ 41* 802.15.4 Zigbee UWB 802.15.3a Adapter UWB (Detect or) º 54* USB Bulkhead 52^ 52^ 52^ RJ-45 P RJ-45 P USB A Plug USB A Plug USB A Plug USB A Plug USB A Plug RJ-45 R RJ-45 R USB A REC USB A REC USB A REC USB A REC USB A REC Positronic P wer Supply S)* Positronic R 12 Microfit PLG 12 Microfit REC 802.11 WiFi Zigbee Adapter (Barcode) PC 20 MDR Plug USB A REC 20 MDR REC USB A Plug 12^ 50^ MNL Figure 14-1 PC portion of wiring diagram Chapter 14 PC Page 297 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Section 14.1 PC connector cables Approved Document - 5557041ADW_r4.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 14-2 5557041, PC/DPM to LVLE2 (Optima XR220amx only) Page 298 Section 14.1 PC connector cables State: COMPLETE - Production parts may not be defined by this document; it is an uneditable finished draft. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 14-3 5557051, PC to hospital network (Ethernet) Chapter 14 PC Page 299 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557054ADW_r6.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 14-4 5557054, PC to UWB (detector) antenna (Optima XR220amx only) Page 300 Section 14.1 PC connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 14-5 5557052, PC to USB bulkhead Chapter 14 PC Page 301 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: COMPLETE - Production parts may not be defined by this document; it is an uneditable finished draft. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Figure 14-6 5557050, PC to Spyder J20/J19 Page 302 Section 14.1 PC connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 14-7 5557012, PC to Spyder J2 Chapter 14 PC Page 303 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Page 304 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 14.1 PC connector cables GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Chapter 15 Other Section 15.1 Drive login board 5378850 and Overlay board 5368325 15.1.1 Drive login board 5378850 5 AMPMODU REC Touch Screen 6 Micromatch REC 6 Micromatch Plug 6 MicroFit Plug 6 MicroFit REC 29 Overlay Board 34 6 Micromatch REC 6 Micromatch Plug Drive Login Active Board Drive Login Electrode Board HS Figure 15-1 Drive login portion of wiring diagram Chapter 15 Other Page 305 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Drive login board schematics Figure 15-2 5378850ADW Page 306 Section 15.1 Drive login board 5378850 and Overlay board 5368325 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 A A NOTES: 1. THE VARIATION PWA IS 5378850 REVISION ECR/ECO DATE SIGN 1 ------ 11-10-2009 --- 2 ------ 6-25-2010 --- OFF B AND VERSION FOR THIS B. 2. THIS COVER SHEET CONTROLS THE REVISION STATUS OF THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT. THE REVISION OF ALL SHEETS OF THIS DOCUMENT WILL BE AT THE SAME LEVEL. THE DOCUMENT REVISION MAY BE DIFFERENT THAN THE PHYSICAL ITEM REVISION. 3. THIS SCHEMATIC MEETS THE SPECIFICATIONS OF GLOBAL SCHEMATIC STANDARDS 2299773GSP. 4. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES FOR BOTH THE SCHEMATIC REVIEWER(S) AND APPROVER(S) CAN BE FOUND WITHIN MY WORKSHOP. 5. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: RESISTORS ARE IN OHMS. CAPACITORS ARE IN FARADS. INDUCTORS ARE IN HENRIES. 6. PARTS MARKED AS NPP ARE SELECTED FROM THE NOT PREFERRED LIBRARY SEE DOCUMENT 5240397GSP. B C D D GE Healthcare Company Block Fri Jun 25 10:46:37 Block drive_login_active 2010 1 Path 2 3 4 5 Sheet 1 of 6 Dwg 3 No 5378850SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 2 1 of 3 B Size REV 2 01July04 C 8 Figure 15-3 5378850SCH_s1 Chapter 15 Other Page 307 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 === TO OVERLAY BOARD === TO IMPROVE AC PERFORMANCE, PCB SHOULD BE DESIGNED FOR SEPERATE GROUND PLANES FOR VIN AND VOUT, WITH EACH GROUND PLANE CONNTED ONLY AT THE GND PIN OF THE DEVICE. IN ADDITION GROUND OF OUTPUT CAP SHOULD CONNECT DIRECTLY TO THE PIN OF THE DEVICE. 1 === TO ELECTRODE BOARD === J1 3V3 5V0 NPP J7 A 2 4 6 I2C_SDA U1 TPS78001 5V0 1 3 5 2 4 6 1 3 5 CHANGE_N I2C_SCL 5V0 SOCKET STRAIGHT MICROMATCH_WITH_LOCKING C17 1U 16V 10% IN 3 EN 5 OUT 4 VSET_FB 2 GND R26 1MEG 0.1W 1% 5V0 5V0 R14 10K 0.1W 1% GND 1 R6 1.74MEG 0.1W 1% GND U3 P82B715 R15 10K 0.1W 1% 8 I2C_SDA I2C_SCL 3 6 1 5 C4 0.1U 16V 10% 1.22V TO 5.25V GND_REG GND VCC SX SY LX LY GND NC1 NC2 GND_REG BUTTON_LOCK BUTTON_FOUR BUTTON_THREE BUTTON_TWO BUTTON_ONE C1 1U 16V 10% GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 A PIN STRAIGHT ONE_PIECE_INTERFACE === SPARE HEADERS === GND_REG J5 2 I2C_SDA_CAP 7 I2C_SCL_CAP 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 J4 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 PIN STRAIGHT ONE_PIECE_INTERFACE B 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 PIN STRAIGHT ONE_PIECE_INTERFACE B GND 3V3 3V3 3V3 J2 R5 J6 BUTTON_ONE NPP U2 AT42QT1060 R23 100K 0.1W 1% 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 5V0 U4 C CHANGE_N4 3 Y VCC 5 OE_N 1 2 A VDD1 VDD2 VDD3 25 RST_N LED_ONE LED_TWO LED_THREE LED_FOUR LED_LOCK_BLUE LED_LOCK_GREEN LED_LOCK_RED GND 22 C3 0.1U 16V 10% GND C24 0.1U 16V 10% GND_REG GND 2 5V0 C6 1U 16V 10% C7 1U 16V 10% C10 1U 16V 10% C13 1U 16V 10% C11 1U 16V 10% 10K 0.1W 1% 1 2 3 4 5 6 C21 0.1U 16V 10% GND_REG C20 0.1U 16V 10% GND_REG IO0 IO1 IO2 IO3 IO4 IO5 IO6 CHG_N SNS0K SNS0 SNS1K SNS1 SNS2K SNS2 SNS3K SNS3 SNS4K SNS4 SNS5K SNS5 28 10 1 11 2 12 7 13 8 14 9 15 SDA SCL 23 24 VSS1 VSS2 4 18 PPAD 29 BUTTON_TWO C19 3.3N 50V 10% 10K 0.1W 1% 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 PIN STRAIGHT ONE_PIECE_INTERFACE R3 BUTTON_THREE C22 3.3N 50V 10% PIN STRAIGHT ONE_PIECE_INTERFACE J3 10K 0.1W 1% 1 2 3 4 5 6 R2 BUTTON_FOUR I2C_SDA_CAP I2C_SCL_CAP C23 3.3N 50V 10% 10K 0.1W 1% 1 2 3 4 5 6 C PIN STRAIGHT ONE_PIECE_INTERFACE R1 BUTTON_LOCK C25 3.3N 50V 10% 1 2 3 4 5 6 10K 0.1W 1% GND_REG 1.KEEP SENSE CAPS AND RESISTORS CLOSE TO THE IC 2.PLACE BYPASS CAPACITORS BETWEEN VDD AND VSS NEAR THE PART 3.PLACE QT1060 NEAR ONE PIECE HEADER 4.FOR LAYOUT - DONT USE GROUND FILL (ADDS CAPACITIVE LOADING) TRY WITH RETURN TRACES INSTEAD MH3 MH3_20 MH2 MH3_20 MH5 MH3_20 MH6 MH3_20 MH7 MH3_20 MH10 MH3_20 MH9 MH3_20 MH1 MH3_20 MH4 MH3_20 POLARIZATION MH2_00 C2 1U 16V 10% D GE Healthcare Company Block Tue Jun 22 08:36:43 Block drive_login_active 2010 1 Path 2 3 4 5 Sheet 2 of 6 Dwg 3 No 5378850SCH 7 Figure 15-4 5378850SCH_s2 Page 308 Section 15.1 Drive login board 5378850 and Overlay board 5368325 Rev Restricted Sheet 2 2 of 8 3 B Size GND REV 2 01July04 D 19 20 21 26 27 5 6 GND R16 1K 0.1W 1% R27 10K 0.1W 1% R4 3 16 17 LED<6..0> 74AHC1G125 R7 10K 0.1W 1% C18 3.3N 50V 10% GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 3 2 4 === 5 6 7 8 LED CONTROL === LED<6..0> LED_ONE LED_TWO LED_THREE LED_FOUR LED_LOCK_BLUE LED_LOCK_GREEN LED_LOCK_RED 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 A 5V0 A 5V0 5V0 5V0 C5 C12 SP4 10K 0.1W 1% 1N 50V 10% S R13 DS5 LW E6SG-AABA-JKPL-1 CR7 2SJ168 G LED_ONE SP1 10K 0.1W 1% 2.1K 0.1W 1% A1 B G 49.9 0.1W 1% A3 5V0 DS2 LW E6SG-AABA-JKPL-1 CR4 2SJ168 2.1K 0.1W 1% K A2 5V0 S R10 LED_FOUR R17 D 1N 50V 10% R20 D A1 K A2 A3 WHITE WHITE C8 GND SP3 10K 0.1W 1% GND 1N 50V 10% S R12 2.1K 0.1W 1% 5V0 DS4 LW E6SG-AABA-JKPL-1 CR6 2SJ168 G LED_TWO B 49.9 0.1W 1% C15 SP7 10K 0.1W 1% R18 D A1 K A2 A3 49.9 0.1W 1% R24 1N 50V 10% LED_LOCK_BLUE S 2.1K 0.1W 1% WHITE C 5V0 G 5V0 CR3 2SJ168 R8 C R9 D SP5 10K 0.1W 1% GND 5V0 5V0 5V0 49.9 0.1W 1% C14 LED_LOCK_RED C9 SP2 10K 0.1W 1% R11 LED_THREE 2.1K 0.1W 1% 2.1K 0.1W 1% 1N 50V 10% S G DS3 LW E6SG-AABA-JKPL-1 CR5 2SJ168 D K A2 A3 G 5V0 CR2 2SJ168 49.9 0.1W 1% CR1 2SJ168 G 2.1K 0.1W 1% WHITE R21 R22 A1 S R25 LED_LOCK_GREEN GND DS1 Q65110A7237 D SP6 10K 0.1W 1% R19 A1 1N 50V 10% S 5V0 49.9 0.1W 1% GND D C2 C1 K1 C3 K3 49.9 0.1W 1% K2 A2 GND A3 C16 C1=RED;C2=GREEN;C3=BLUE GND 1N 50V 10% D GE Healthcare Company Block Tue Jun 22 08:36:46 Block drive_login_active 2010 1 Path 2 3 4 5 Sheet 3 of 6 Dwg 3 No 5378850SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 2 3 of 3 B Size REV 2 01July04 D 8 Figure 15-5 5378850SCH_s3 Chapter 15 Other Page 309 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Drive login board connector cables Approved Document - 5557034ADW_r3.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 15-6 5557034, Drive login to overlay board Page 310 Section 15.1 Drive login board 5378850 and Overlay board 5368325 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. Drive login electrode board 5378852 Approved Document - 5378852ADW_r2.pdf Page 3 of 3 Figure 15-7 5378852ADW Chapter 15 Other Page 311 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 A A 1 ------ 29-10-2009 JRH NOTES: 1. THE VARIATION PWA IS 5378852 2 ------ 25-06-2010 JRH 2. THIS COVER SHEET CONTROLS THE REVISION STATUS OF THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT. THE REVISION OF ALL SHEETS OF THIS DOCUMENT WILL BE AT THE SAME LEVEL. 3. THIS SCHEMATIC MEETS THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE GLOBAL SCHEMATIC STANDARD GUIDELINES 2299773GSP. 4. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES FOR BOTH THE SCHEMATIC REVIEWER(S) AND APPROVER(S) CAN BE FOUND WITHIN MY WORKSHOP. 5. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: RESISTORS ARE IN OHMS. CAPACITORS ARE IN FARADS. INDUCTORS ARE IN HENRIES. REVISION ECR/ECO DATE SIGN OFF DRAFT - WORK-IN-PROCESS. Production parts may not be defined by this document. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. B AND VERSION B. FOR THIS B C D D REV 2 01July04 C GE Healthcare Fri Jun 25 14:08:20 Block drive_login_electrode 2010 1 Path 2 3 4 5 1 of 6 Figure 15-8 5378852SCH_s1 Page 312 Sheet Section 15.1 Drive login board 5378850 and Overlay board 5368325 Dwg No 2 5378852SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 2 1 of 8 2 B Size Company Block GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A A 01 KEEP TRACES FROM ELECTRODES TO CONNECTOR AS THIN AS POSSIBLE TO AVOID CAPACITIVE LOADING 02 CENTER GOLDFINGERS IN MIDDLE SHOWN IN DIAGRAM TO THE LEFT 03 HOLES ARE PLATED,HOWEVER, USE VIAS SHOWN IN DIAGRAM TO THE LEFT ONE MH4_00 TWO MH4_00 THREE MH4_00 FOUR MH4_00 OF PCB AS OFF OF ELECTRODES LOCK MH4_00 I9 J1 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 GOLDFINGERS NA ONE_PIECE_INTERFACE ISLOCALPART DRAFT - WORK-IN-PROCESS. Production parts may not be defined by this document. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 04 HOLE IS FOR POLARIZATION LABEL SILKSCREEN ON CONNECTOR SIDE POLARIZATION MH3_20 MH1 MH3_20 MH2 MH3_20 POLARIZATION MH3 MH3_20 MH4 MH3_20 C D D REV 2 01July04 C GE Healthcare Wed Jun 30 12:36:36 Block drive_login_electrode 2010 1 Path 2 3 4 5 Sheet 2 of 6 Dwg No 2 5378852SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 2 2 of 2 B Size Company Block 8 Figure 15-9 5378852SCH_s2 Chapter 15 Other Page 313 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 15.1.2 Overlay board 5368325 EF To be tested per Test Specification 5555005TST. THIS DRAWING WAS MADE BY DELTATECH CONTROLS FOR GE HEALTHCARE. PWA Overlay 5368325 Figure 15-10 5368325DDW Page 314 Section 15.1 Drive login board 5378850 and Overlay board 5368325 03 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 5 REV ECR/ECO 4 DATE SIGN OFF PAGE 3 2 1 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1 B0109 24-JUIN-2010 MICHEL POPA Change J2 GND connexion from pin 6 to 2, and Q6 transistor position 1 B0110 15-JUIN-2011 MICHEL POPA Connect fixing pads to GROUND Layer C B A D State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. D NOTES: 1. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED RESISTORS ARE IN OHMS. CAPACITORS ARE IN FARADS INDUCTORS ARE IN HENRIES 2. CORRESPONDING LAYOUT MECHANICAL DRAWING REF: 8f1396b0108 C B A This document and the information it contains are property of DeltaTech and confidential. They shall not be reproduced or disclosed to any person except to those having a need to know them without prior written consent of C&K. DRAW N CHECKED APPROVED Approved Document - 5368325SCH_r3.pdf Page 2 of 3 5 4 3 2 M. POPA P.MAZY DATE W ednesday, June 15, 2011 DATE DATE SIZE ARLINGTON SQUARE, Bat B A3 2 bd MICHAEL FARADAY SHEET SERRIS - MARNE LA VALLEE 77716 FRANCE 1 / 2 CUSTOMER NUMBER 5368325 SCH DESIGNATION REV 3 PCB Overlay Schematic PCB 8F1396B0110 NUMBER 8F1396B0110-SC REV 1 1 Figure 15-11 5368325SCH_s1 Chapter 15 Other Page 315 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Overlay board connector cables State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. For 5557034 (Cable Assy - Drive Login to Overlay Board), see Drive login board schematics on page 306. Approved Document - 5557029ADW_r3.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 15-12 5557029, Cable Assy - Hornet to Overlay Board Page 316 Section 15.1 Drive login board 5378850 and Overlay board 5368325 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 15.2 Cord reel 37 38 Cord Reel Schaffner Filter FN2030B-16-06 Figure 15-13 Cord reel portion of wiring diagram Chapter 15 Other Page 317 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 15.2.1 Cord reel connector cables Approved Document - 5557038ADW_r4.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 15-14 5557038, Cable Assy - Fuse to Filter Page 318 Section 15.2 Cord reel GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 15-15 5557037, Cable Assy - Mantis to Filter Chapter 15 Other Page 319 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 15.3 Collimator lamp supply (CLS) 5450200 Thorax Bulkhead 4 MnL Rec 4 MnL Plug 4 MnL Plug 40 5 MnL PLG CLS 5450200 47 5 MnL REC J3 5 MnL PLG J1 5 MnL Rec 3 mMnL Rec 3 mMnL Plug 3 mMnL Plug 36 J5 J2 Collimator / Lock Release switches/ Field Light Enable / Coll. Lamp Figure 15-16 Collimator portion of wiring diagram Page 320 Section 15.3 Collimator lamp supply (CLS) 5450200 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 15.3.1 Collimator lamp supply schematics Approved Document - 5450200ADW_r2.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 15-17 5450200ADW Chapter 15 Other Page 321 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 NOTES: 1. THE VARIATION PWA IS 5450200 2. A REVISION ECR/ECO DATE SIGN OFF 1 ------ 25-JAN-10 --- 2 ------ 25-MAY-10 --- 3. AND VERSION B. 8 FOR THIS THIS COVER SHEET CONTROLS THE REVISION STATUS OF THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT. THE REVISION OF ALL SHEETS OF THIS DOCUMENT WILL BE AT THE SAME LEVEL. THE DOCUMENT REVISION MAY BE DIFFERENT THAN THE PHYSICAL ITEM REVISION. THIS SCHEMATIC MEETS THE SPECIFICATIONS OF GLOBAL SCHEMATIC STANDARDS 2299773GSP. A 4. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES FOR BOTH THE SCHEMATIC REVIEWER(S) AND APPROVER(S) CAN BE FOUND WITHIN MY WORKSHOP. 5. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: RESISTORS ARE IN OHMS. CAPACITORS ARE IN FARADS. INDUCTORS ARE IN HENRIES. 6. PARTS MARKED AS NPP ARE SELECTED FROM THE NOT PREFERRED LIBRARY SEE DOCUMENT 5240397GSP. B SIGNALS ARE INDICATED B 7. ACTIVE-LOW 8. DIFFERENTIAL SIGNAL PAIRS ARE INDICATED WITH: THE _H SUFFIX FOR THE ACTIVE-HIGH SIGNAL, AND THE _L SUFFIX FOR THE ACTIVE-LOW SIGNAL WITH THE _N SUFFIX 9. CURRRENT INDICATIONS APPLY TO THE XNET FOR ANY NET OF THIS SCHEMATIC C D D C. Block Tue Oct 19 14:44:45 Date Jablonowski Path 2 3 4 collimator Block 5 Figure 15-18 5450200SCH_s1 Page 322 Title 25-MAY-2010 Section 15.3 Collimator lamp supply (CLS) 5450200 6 lamp Sheet 1 of collimator_lamp_supply 2010 1 By Dwg 2 supply No 5450200SCH 7 GE Healthcare Company Rev Restricted Sheet 2 1 of 8 2 B Size Made REV 2 01July04 C GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 ==== 2 J1 4 3 SWITCH TO FIREFLY ==== 5 ==== J3 6 COLLIMATOR SW_OUT TP5 FIELD_LIGHT_SWITCH_OUT NC FIELD_LIGHT_SWITCH_RETURN 1 2 3 LIGHT FIELD_LIGHT_SWITCH_OUT FIELD_LIGHT_SWITCH_RETURN MINI NC LAMP_24V_OUT LAMP_24V_RETURN PIN STRAIGHT MATE_N_LOK MATE N LOK A R5 100K 0.1W 1% J3 SW I/F 1 2 3 ==== RED R4 FIELD J1 INTERFACE 8 SW_RTN TP6 RED A 7 1 2 3 4 5 COLLIMATOR I/F 1 2 3 4 5 PIN STRAIGHT MATE_N_LOK_WHITE GND SPACING REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DESIGN ARE AS FOLLOWS: 2MM CREEPAGE / 1.6 MM CLEARANCE INPUT TO GND OF U1 6.1MM CREEPAGE / 5 MM CLEARANCE INPUT TO OUTPUT OF U1 ISOLATE! B ==== J2 POWER INTO SUPPLY ==== ==== COLLIMATOR LAMP POWER SUPPLY B ==== ALL 4.7N 1600V 5% P GND_POWER SUPPLY POWER RED OPEN = ON; LOW = OFF OPEN = OFF; LOW = ON LAMP_POWER_ON LAMP_POWER_ON_N 1 2 3 4 BATTERIES R1 100K 0.1W 1% BE RATED FOR 10A GND U1 VE253EU 1 4 P GND_POWER CR1 P6KE220A 220V C1 10U 250V 20% LAMP_POWER_ON 2 NC3 INP INN GATEIN GATEOUT OUTP OUTN TRIM SENSEP SENSEN C2 1U 25V 10% 24V MIN R2 100K 0.1W 1% RT1 F1 SL22 RESETTABLE OUTP PIN STRAIGHT MATE_N_LOK C 10N 500V 20% 5 9 8A 30V 5R012 LAMP_24V_OUT 12A 7 24VOUT DS1 HSMG-C190 GREEN 2 J2 OF THE POWER SUPPLY TO RED 6 8 R6 56.2K 0.1W 1% R7 71.5K 0.1W 1% 2 C 1 BATTERIES 1 2 3 4 VOUT TP4 C4 C3 BATT TP3 TRACES AT THE OUTPUT R8 2.1K 0.1W 1% CW 3 R3 10K 500MW 1 10% GND GND P GND_POWER MH2 MHP4_50TB10_00 GND_POWER TP1 MH1 MHP4_50TB10_00 MH3 MHP4_50TB10_00 BLACK P GND_POWER GND D GND REV 2 01July04 D BLACK MH4 MHP4_50TB10_00 GE Healthcare Company Block Mon Oct 18 15:16:34 Block 2 3 4 5 Sheet 2 of collimator_lamp_supply 2010 1 Path 6 Dwg 2 No 5450200SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 2 2 of 2 B Size ALL TRACES AT THE INPUT TO THE POWER SUPPLY TO BE RATED FOR 5A MIN GND_LOGIC TP2 8 Figure 15-19 5450200SCH_s2 Chapter 15 Other Page 323 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 15.3.2 Collimator lamp supply connector cables Approved Document - 5557036ADW_r2.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 15-20 5557036, Cable Assy - Firefly to CLS Page 324 Section 15.3 Collimator lamp supply (CLS) 5450200 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 15-21 5557040, Cable Assy- Firefly to CLS Chapter 15 Other Page 325 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 Approved Document - 5557047ADW_r3.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 15-22 5557047, Cable Assy - CLS to Thorax Column Bulkhead -Collimator Page 326 Section 15.3 Collimator lamp supply (CLS) 5450200 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 15.4 Power switch 2MnL PLG 2MnL REC 2 MnL PLG 35 44 On / Off Button Figure 15-23 Power switch portion of wiring diagram Chapter 15 Other Page 327 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 15.4.1 Power switch connector cables Figure 15-24 5557035, Cable Assy - Firefly to Power Switch Page 328 Section 15.4 Power switch GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Figure 15-25 5557044, Cable Assy - Power Switch Pigtail Chapter 15 Other Page 329 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN Section 15.5 Wireless USB host radio board assembly 5390144-2 State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 15.5.1 Wireless USB host radio board schematics Approved Document - 5390144-2ADW_r1.pdf Page 2 of 3 Figure 15-26 5390144-2ADW Page 330 Section 15.5 Wireless USB host radio board assembly 5390144-2 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 NOTES: 1. THE VARIATION AND VERSION A. PWA IS 5390144-2 THIS COVER SHEET CONTROLS THE REVISION STATUS OF THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT. THE REVISION OF ALL SHEETS OF THIS DOCUMENT WILL BE AT THE SAME LEVEL. 3. THIS SCHEMATIC MEETS THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE GLOBAL SCHEMATIC STANDARD GUIDELINES 2299773GSP. 4. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES FOR BOTH THE SCHEMATIC REVIEWER(S) AND APPROVER(S) CAN BE FOUND WITHIN MY WORKSHOP. 5. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: RESISTORS ARE IN OHMS. CAPACITORS ARE IN FARADS. INDUCTORS ARE IN HENRIES 5 4 WUSB HOST RADIO FOR THIS 2. 6 7 8 BOARD A State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. A 3 B REVISION ECR/ECO 5390144 R2 2103481 15JUNE2010 JPH 5390144 R3 2114055 04MAY2011 JPH 5390144 R4 2110638 17MAY2011 JPH 2120219 15JULY2011 JPH 5390144-2 R1 DATE SIGN OFF B C D D By Date Jeremy Block Tue Jul 12 13:44:33 Title 15JULY2011 Path 2 3 4 WUSB Host Block 5 Sheet 1 of wusb_host_radio 2011 Approved Document - 5390144-2SCH_r1.pdf Page 2 of 6 1 Hannon 6 Radio Board Dwg No 5 5390144-2SCH 7 GE Healthcare Company Rev Restricted Sheet 1 1 of 5 B Size Made REV 2 01July04 C 8 Figure 15-27 5390144-2SCH_s1 Chapter 15 Other Page 331 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 MAC USB_DM USB_DP 8 A R32 330 0.0625W 1% VCC33 R30 330 0.0625W 1% R27 330 0.0625W 1% R26 330 0.0625W 1% 1 VCC12 R33 330 0.0625W 1% 2 C87 10U 6.3V 20% 2 C47 SPARE_C0402 VCC33 2 C88 10U 6.3V 20% PIN RIGHT_ANGLE USB_TYPEA 2 7 2 1 2 3 4 A R22 1MEG 0.1W 1% 6 2 1 2 3 4 G1 G2 5 VCC5 J2 G1 G2 4 3 D1 HSMG-C190 GREEN 1 D2 HSMG-C190 GREEN 1 D3 HSMG-C190 GREEN 1 1 C77 0.1U 10V 10% DATA6 DATA7 NC NOT C47 DATA_EN DATA4 DATA5 1 SER_DIO NC NC DATA0 DATA1 DATA2 DATA3 PCLK THE FOLLOWING COMPONENT IS INCLUDED ON THIS ASSEMBLY: D4 HSMG-C190 GREEN 1 D5 HSMG-C190 GREEN FUTURE: CONNECT USB SHIELD AND LOGIC GND WITH 1000PF CAP C76 0.1U 10V 10% LED_DATA LED_READY LED_RESP 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 R18 1K 0.0625W 1% R16 1K 0.0625W 1% PHY_ACT STOPC PHY_RST_N VCC12 LED_DATA LED_READY LED_RESP I2C_SDA I2C_SCL VCC33 C41 0.1U 10V 10% NC NC LED_BEACON LED_PWR NC C43 0.1U 10V 10% DATA9 DATA8 PHY_ACTIVE STOPC PHY_RESETB GPIO7 GPIO6 GPIO5 GPIO4 SDA SCL VCC12_1 VCC33_1 LED0 LED1 NC1 NC6 NC5 DATA13 PHYCCA DATA14 DATA15 RX_EN VCC12_3 TX_EN USB_DVCC12 XTLO XTLI RGL_CTRL WAKEUP_BUT RREF VBUS 65PIN U6 RTU7300 TAB 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 B NC NC NC CCA_STATUS NC NC RXEN VCC12S VCC12 TXEN XO XI PHYREG_EN NC Y1 XO C82 0.1U 10V 10% VCC33S C81 0.1U 10V 10% R17 1 22 0.0625W 1% GND1 GND2 R31 6.19K 0.0625W 1% R20 3 C39 22P 50V 5% 65 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LED_PWR MPI_SERD DATA10 DATA11 DATA0 DATA1 DATA2 DATA3 PCLK VCC12_4 DATA_EN DATA4 DATA5 VCC33_2 DATA6 DATA7 DATA12 R19 1K 0.0625W 1% B LED_BEACON NC2 EECS EESK EEDI EEDO UTXD URTS URXD UCTS VCC12_2 USB_AVCC12 NC3 HSDP HSDM USB_AVCC33 NC4 XI 22 0.0625W 1% C42 2 4 22P 50V 5% 12MHZ C 2 VCC33S NC TP8 URXD FL6 BLM15AG601SN1 600 OHM AT 100MHZ 8 VCC SPI_CS_N 1 3 7 CS_N WP_N HOLD_N SPI_SCK 6 SPI_MOSI 5 TP11 SCK SI SO 2 GND 4 1 UTXD SON8L NPP U12 AT25DF041A R34 4.7K 0.0625W 1% VCC12S C46 0.1U 10V 10% 2 TP9 VCC33 TP10 D VCC12 C78 0.1U 10V 10% R29 4.7K 0.0625W 1% C85 0.1U 10V 10% SPI_MISO D C86 0.1U 10V 10% GE Healthcare Company Block Wed Jul 13 19:59:22 1 Path Block 2 3 4 5 Figure 15-28 5390144-2SCH_s2 Page 332 Section 15.5 Wireless USB host radio board assembly 5390144-2 Sheet 2 of wusb_host_radio 2011 Approved Document - 5390144-2SCH_r1.pdf Page 3 of 6 REV 2 01July04 1 FL3 BLM15AG601SN1 600 OHM AT 100MHZ 6 Dwg No 5 5390144-2SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 1 2 of 8 5 B Size USB_DP USB_DM NC SPI_CS_N SPI_SCK SPI_MOSI SPI_MISO NC State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. VCC33 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 4 3 1 3 6 7 XTALN V33P GND1 GND2 A C52 8.2P 50V +/-0.25P 2 4 C61 6.8P 50V +/-0.25P 66MHZ 8 PHY Y2 XTALP 5 L12 OPEN MAC SIGNAL IS ACTIVE RXEN BG1_SEL_N RF_BG3_TX 5 VCC 3 1 A<0> A<1> RF_BG3_RX 2 A RFSWITCH RX_SEL_N IS ACTIVE LOW 2 C64 open U8 74AUP2G14 RXEN HIGH C48 0.1U 10V 10% RF_BG1_RX RF_BG1_TX Y<0> Y<1> 4 6 GND 2 RX_SEL_N BG3_SEL_N BG1_SEL_N V33A THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS ARE NOT INCLUDED ON THIS ASSEMBLY: C47, C64 L12, R4, R24 V33A2 RF2_TX RF2_RX VDDA4 RF1_RX RF1_TX V33A1 VDDD13 CHIP_EN AUX VDDD12 STOP_C V15A R11 22 0.0625W 1% V33P XTALP XTALN C30 0.1U 10V 10% R12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 C C31 1U 6.3V 20% 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 TAB 49 C33 1U 6.3V 20% 8 VCC BG3_SEL_N RX_SEL_N 5 6 A<0> B<0> BG1_SEL_N RX_SEL_N 1 2 A<1> B<1> C49 0.1U 10V 10% CCA_STATUS PHY_ACT SER_DIO NPP R13 DATA_EN DATA7 DATA6 3 TX_BG3_SEL_N Y<1> 7 TX_BG1_SEL_N 4 PCLK R24 SPARE_R0402 1 2 22 0.05W 1% R4 SPARE_R0402 1 2 2 C V15A 2 V33A NPP C34 0.1U 6.3V 10% VCC14 D NPP C66 0.1U 6.3V 10% NPP C68 0.1U 6.3V 10% NPP C72 0.1U 6.3V 10% NPP C65 0.1U 6.3V 10% NPP C55 0.1U 6.3V 10% NPP C57 0.1U 6.3V 10% NPP C67 0.1U 6.3V 10% NPP C74 0.1U 6.3V 10% NPP C63 0.1U 6.3V 10% NPP C62 0.1U 6.3V 10% NPP C58 0.1U 6.3V 10% NPP C60 0.1U 6.3V 10% NPP C56 0.1U 6.3V 10% NPP C59 0.1U 6.3V 10% V33A NPP FL5 BLM03AG601SN1 V33P NPP C71 0.1U 6.3V 10% B DATA2 DATA3 DATA4 DATA5 PHY_RST_N RXEN TXEN DATA0 DATA1 Y<0> GND 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 C32 0.1U 10V 10% VDDD11 VIO4 CCA PHY_ACT SER_DIO VDDD10 U4 DATA_EN RTU7012 PCLK DATA7 DATA6 VDDD9 VIO3 VDDD6 PHY_RSTB RXEN TXEN DATA0 DATA1 VDDD7 DATA2 DATA3 DATA4 DATA5 VDDD8 22 0.0625W 1% XTALP XTALN VDDA1 VDDA2 VDDA3 VDDD1 VREG VIO1 VDDD2 ACLK VDDD3 VIO2 U7 74AUP2G08 V33P 10K 0.05W 1% NPP C29 0.1U 6.3V 10% NPP C73 0.1U 6.3V 10% 600 1 OHM AT 100MHZ C51 1U 6.3V 20% D REV 2 01July04 State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. B V33A NPP R25 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 2 GE Healthcare Company Block Wed Jul 13 19:59:23 Block 2 3 4 5 Sheet 3 of wusb_host_radio 2011 Approved Document - 5390144-2SCH_r1.pdf Page 4 of 6 1 Path 6 Dwg No 5 5390144-2SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 1 3 of 5 B Size V15A STOPC VCC14 8 Figure 15-29 5390144-2SCH_s3 Chapter 15 Other Page 333 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 LC FILTER 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 FREQ = 1/(2*PI*SQRT(C*L)) RF FRONT END BFU725 GAIN V33A A RXEN NPP R5 200K 0.05W 1% NPP R6 100 0.05W 1% 2.7NH AND 2.0PF FILTERS 2.17GHZ 1.5NH AND 0.1PF FILTERS 5.4GHZ V33A RXEN NPP C11 0.1U 6.3V 10% RF_435 NPP C10 0.1P 25V +/-0.02P RF_436 NPP C18 0.1P 25V +/-0.02P NPP L5 1.5N 0.3N 300MA NPP L3 1.5N 0.3N 300MA NPP C13 10P 25V 5% C E2 E1 4 RF_441 State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. RF_226 NPP C8 2P 25V +/-0.25P NPP C3 2P 25V +/-0.25P NPP L2 2.7N 0.3N 300MA NPP L1 2.7N 0.3N 300MA RXEN RX_SEL_N NPP C1 100P 25V 5% RF_431 1.5P 25V +/-0.25P NPP C22 1.5P 25V +/-0.25P NPP R1 120K 0.05W 1% RF_225 U3 UPG2163T5N NPP C16 B RF_432 NPP C21 VCONT1 VCONT2 OUT1 3 OUT2 1 7 GND PPAD RF_434 B NPP C14 10P 25V 5% BG3 RX RF_433 Q2 BFU725F_N1 BG3_SEL_N BG1_SEL_N NPP R2 100 0.05W 1% IN 5 2 NPP C12 6 RF_224 NPP R3 RF_223 5.6 0.05W 1% 10P 25V 5% NPP R7 5.6 0.05W 1% C Q1 BFU725F_N1 B NPP C5 U1 UPG2163T5N SMA ANTENNA PORT RF_221 SHORT CENTER PIN, 1.5P 25V +/-0.25P E2 E1 FL212B RF_BG3_RX B RX RF_222 1.5P 25V +/-0.25P NPP C2 100P 25V 5% BG1 RX RF_BG1_RX VCONT1 VCONT2 RF_227 4 OUT1 RF_211 3 OUT2 1 7 GND PPAD IN 5 2 6RF_102 1 FL1 HFCN-3100+ 3 IN OUT 2 4 G0 G1 G2 G3 TX_BG3_SEL_N TX_BG1_SEL_N NPP C6 10P 25V 5% C NPP C25 NPP R8 RF_BG1_TX RF_413 RF_414 0 0.05W +/-0.05 L7 OPEN 3 NPP L8 OUT GND1 GND2 NPP C15 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 SOCKET STRAIGHT ANT-SMA142_4701_801 NPP C7 10P 25V 5% C TX U2 UPG2163T5N 10P 25V 5% G1 G2 RF_411 4 OUT1 RF_421 3 OUT2 1 7 GND PPAD VCONT1 VCONT2 IN 5 2 6 NPP C4 RF_212 4P 25V +/-0.25P 0.5-2GHZ RF_422 0.5P 25V +/-0.25P C19 open 1 NPP C9 RF_423 0.9N 0.2N 520MA RF_101 5 6 2RF_412 NPP C17 NPP L6 NPP C26 0.1P 25V +/-0.02P IN FILTER RF_424 0.9N 0.2N 520MA D 1 10P 25V 5% 2ND HARM FILTER 13-15GHZ RF_BG3_TX BG1 TX FL2 FI212B396001 EDGE LAUNCH J1 NPP 0.5P L4 25V 0.6N +/-0.25P 0.2N 600MA 3 D THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS ARE NOT INCLUDED ON THIS ASSEMBLY: C19, L7 REV 2 01July04 NPP C24 0.1U 6.3V 10% BG3 TX 3 GE Healthcare Company Block Wed Jul 13 19:59:24 Block 2 3 4 5 Figure 15-30 5390144-2SCH_s4 Page 334 Section 15.5 Wireless USB host radio board assembly 5390144-2 Sheet 4 of wusb_host_radio 2011 Approved Document - 5390144-2SCH_r1.pdf Page 5 of 6 1 Path 6 Dwg No 5 5390144-2SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 1 4 of 8 5 B Size A GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 POWER VCC5 A VCC5 VCC15 C54 10U 6.3V 20% C27 0.1U 10V 10% L11 U5 NCP1529 4 SW 3 FB 5 GND 2 VIN 1 EN C28 22P 50V 5% C53 10U 6.3V 20% R10 150K 0.0625W 1% State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. C45 10U 6.3V 20% FB_VCC16 R9 100K 0.0625W 1% VCC16 CAN BE 1.35-1.9V. USUALLY C89 0.1U 10V 10% VCC5 VCC33S L10 U13 NCP1529 2.2U 20% 1.1A PHYREG_EN RTU7012 VCC12S 4 VIN SW 3 1 EN FB 5 GND 2 L9 U11 NCP1529 2.2U 20% 1.1A C40 10U 6.3V 20% C44 22P 50V 5% R21 100K 0.0625W 1% C80 10U 6.3V 20% FB_VCC12S R23 100K 0.0625W 1% C79 0.1U 10V 10% 4 VIN 1 EN A SW 3 FB 5 GND 2 2.2U 20% 1.1A C36 10U 6.3V 20% C38 22P 50V 5% R15 453K 0.0625W 1% FB_VCC33S R28 100K 0.0625W 1% SET TO 1.5-1.8V. B B V15A VCC15 FL4 BLM15AG601SN1 1 2 600 OHM AT 100MHZ 10V C20 10U 6.3V 20% THERE IS RTU7012 VCC13 CAN BE 1.2V-1.5V. BETTER Q3 SI2302DS S C50 1U 6.3V 20% SLIGHTLY VCC12 VCC14 D6 PMEG1020EA DIGITAL DUE TO CURRENT NOISE ON VCC14 -> U9 TPS2065DBV VCC33S VCC33 D G C84 1U 6.3V 20% C23 0.1U 10V 10% VCC12S C83 1U 6.3V 20% PHYREG_EN 5 IN 4 EN C70 1U 6.3V 20% 2.7 OUT 1 OC_N 3 GND 2 NC TO 5.5V C69 1U 6.3V 20% VCC15 PHYREG_EN SURGE THROUGH D1. COULD TRY LDO. PERFORMANCE ABOVE 1.3V. C C U10 TPS2065DBV VCC33 C37 1U 6.3V 20% IN 4 EN C35 1U 6.3V 20% 2.7 OUT 1 OC_N 3 GND 2 VCC5 VCC33 TP6 VCC33 FIDUCIALS GFID3 GFID2 GFID1 NC C75 1U 6.3V 20% TO 5.5V VCC33S TP4 VCC33S VCC14 TP1 VCC14 MOUNTING HOLES RF SHIELD D VCC15 TP2 VCC15 VCC12S TP5 VCC12S VCC12 TP7 VCC12 V33P TP3 MT1 MT3 HOLES MT2 MH1 MHP3_10TB5_60 MH2 MHP3_10TB5_60 D V33P REV 2 01July04 100K 0.0625W 1% 5 VCC5 TP12 GE Healthcare Company Block Wed Jul 13 19:59:20 Block 2 3 4 5 Sheet 5 of wusb_host_radio 2011 Approved Document - 5390144-2SCH_r1.pdf Page 6 of 6 1 Path 6 Dwg No 5 5390144-2SCH 7 Rev Restricted Sheet 1 5 of 5 B Size PHYREG_EN R14 V33P 8 Figure 15-31 5390144-2SCH_s5 Chapter 15 Other Page 335 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM SCHEMATICS AND DRAWINGS DIRECTION 5336116-1EN State: RELEASE - Document is released and under formal Change Control. Changes are subject to the ECR/ECO Process. See the GEHC Myworkshop System to determine the status of this document. 15.5.2 Wireless USB host radio board connector cable Approved Document - 5557054ADW_r6.pdf Page 2 of 2 Figure 15-32 5557054, Cable Assy - PC to UWB Antenna Page 336 Section 15.5 Wireless USB host radio board assembly 5390144-2 © 2011 General Electric Company. GE Medical Systems, a General Electric Company, going to market as GE Healthcare. 3000 N. Grandview Boulevard Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188 USA 338 GE Healthcare Optima XR200amx DICOM Conformance Statement Direction 5336117-1EN Revision 3 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT ATTENTION LES APPAREILS A RAYONS X SONT DANGEREUX A LA FOIS POUR LE PATIENT ET POUR LE MANIPULATEUR SI LES MESURES DE PROTECTION NE SONT PAS STRICTEMENT APPLIQUEES Bien que cet appareil soit construit selon les normes de sécurité les plus severes, la source de rayonnement X représente un danger lorsque le manipulateur est non qualifié ou non averti. Une exposition excessive au rayonnement X entraîne des dommages a l’organisme. Par conséquent, toutes les précautions doivent être prises pour éviter que les personnes non autorisées ou non qualifées utilisent cet appareil créant ainsi un danger pour les autres et pour ellesmêmes. Avant chaque manipulation, les personnes qualifiées et autorisées à se servir de cet appareil doivent se renseigner sur les mesures de protection etablies par la Commission Internationale sur la Protection Radiologique, Annales 26: Recommandations de la Commission Internationale sure la Protection Radiologique et les normes nationales en vigueur. WARNING X-RAY EQUIPMENT IS DANGEROUS TO BOTH PATIENT AND OPERATOR UNLESS MEASURES OF PROTECTION ARE STRICTLY OBSERVED. Though this equipment is built to the highest standards of electrical and mechanical safety, the useful x-ray beam becomes a source of danger in the hands of the unauthorized or unqualified operator. Excessive exposure to x-radiation causes damage to human tissue. Therefore, adequate precautions must be taken to prevent unauthorized or unqualified persons from operating this equipment or exposing themselves or others to its radiation. Before operation, persons qualified and authorized to operate this equipment should be familiar with the Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), contained in Annals Number 26 of the ICRP, and with applicable national standards. ATENCION LOS APARATOS DE RAYOS X SON PELIGROSOS PARA EL PACIENTE Y EL MANIPULADOR CUANDO LAS NORMAS DE PROTECCION NO ESTAN OBSERVADAS Aunque este aparato está construido según las normas de seguridad más estrictas, la radiacion X constituye un peligro al ser manipulado por personas no autorizadas o incompetentes. Una explosicion excesiva a la radiación X puede causar daños al organismo. Por consiguiente, se deberán tomar todas las precauciones necesarias para evitar que las personas incompetentes o no autorizadas utilicen este aparato, lo que seria un peligro para los demás y para si mismas. Antes de efectuar las manipulaciones, las personas habilitadas y competentes en el uso de este aparato, deberán informarse sobre las normas de protección fijadas por la Comisión Internacional de la Protección Radiológica, Anales No 26: Recomendaciones de la Comisión Internacional sobre la Protección Radiológica y normas nacionales. ACHTUNG RÖNTGENAPPARATE SIND EINE GEFAHR FUR PATIENTEN SOWIE BEDIENUNGSPERSONAL, WENN DIE GELTENDEN SICHERHEITSVORKEHRUNGEN NICHT GENAU BEACHTET WERDEN Dieser Apparat entspricht in seiner Bauweise strengsten elektrischen und mechanischen Sichereitsnormen, doch in den Händen unbefugter oder unqualifizierter Personen wird er zu einer Gefahrenquelle. Übermäßige Röntgenbestrahlung ist für den menschlichen Organismus schädlish. Deswegen sind hinreichende Vorsichtsmaßnahmen erforderlich, um zu verhindern, daßunbefugte oder unqualifizierte Personen solche Geräte bedienen oder sich selbst und andere Personen deren Bestrahlung aussetzen können. Vor Inbetriebnahme dieses Apparats solite sich das qualifizierte und befugte Bedienungspersonal mit den geltenden Kriterien für den gefahrlosen Strahleneinsatz durch sorgfältiges Studium des Hefts Nr. 26 der Internationalen Kommission für Strahlenschutz (ICRP) vertraut machen: Empfehlungen der Internationalen Kommission für Strahlenschutz und anderer nationaler Normenbehörden. Warning Page 2 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Important information WARNING (EN) ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ (BG) 警告 (ZH-CN) 警告 (ZH-HK) 警告 (ZH-TW) This service manual is available in English only. • If a customer's service provider requires a language other than English, it is the customer's responsibility to provide translation services. • Do not attempt to service the equipment unless this service manual has been consulted and is understood. • Failure to heed this warning may result in injury to the service provider, operator or patient from electric shock, mechanical or other hazards. Tова упътване за работа е налично само на английски език. • Ако доставчикът на услугата на клиента изиска друг език, задължение на клиента е да осигури превод. • Не използвайте оборудването, преди да сте се консултирали и разбрали упътването за работа. • неспазването на това предупреждение може да доведе до нараняване на доставчика на услугата, оператора или пациентa в резултат на токов удар, механична или друга опасност. 本维修手册仅提供英文版本。 • • • 如果客户的维修服务人员需要非英文版本,则客户需自行提供翻译服务。 未详细阅读和完全理解本维修手册之前,不得进行维修。 忽略本警告可能对维修服务人员、操作人员或患者造成电击、机械伤害或其他形式的伤 害。 本服務手冊僅提供英文版本。 • 倘若客戶的服務供應商需要英文以外之服務手冊,客戶有責任提供翻譯服務。 • 除非已參閱本服務手冊及明白其內容,否則切勿嘗試維修設備。 • 不遵從本警告或會令服務供應商、網絡供應商或病人受到觸電、機械性或其他的危險。 本維修手冊僅有英文版。 • 若客戶的維修廠商需要英文版以外的語言,應由客戶自行提供翻譯服務。 • 請勿試圖維修本設備,除非 您已查閱並瞭解本維修手冊。 • 若未留意本警告,可能導致維修廠商、操作員或病患因觸電、機械或其他危險而受傷。 UPOZORENJE (HR) Ovaj servisni priručnik dostupan je na engleskom jeziku. • Ako davatelj usluge klijenta treba neki drugi jezik, klijent je dužan osigurati prijevod. • Ne pokušavajte servisirati opremu ako niste u potpunosti pročitali i razumjeli ovaj servisni priručnik. • zanemarite li ovo upozorenje, može doći do ozljede davatelja usluge, operatera ili pacijenta uslijed strujnog udara, mehaničkih ili drugih rizika. VÝSTRAHA (CS) Tento provozní návod existuje pouze v anglickém jazyce. • V případě, že externí služba zákazníkům potřebuje návod v jiném jazyce, je zajištění překladu do odpovídajícího jazyka úkolem zákazníka. • Nesnažte se o údržbu tohoto zařízení, aniž byste si přečetli tento provozní návod a pochopili jeho obsah. • V případě nedodržování této výstrahy může dojít k poranění pracovníka prodejního servisu, obslužného personálu nebo pacientů vlivem elektrického proudu, respektive vlivem mechanických či jiných rizik. Denne servicemanual findes kun på engelsk. • Hvis en kundes tekniker har brug for et andet sprog end engelsk, er det kundens ansvar at sørge for oversættelse. • Forsøg ikke at servicere udstyret uden at læse og forstå denne servicemanual. • Manglende overholdelse af denne advarsel kan medføre skade på grund af elektrisk stød, mekanisk eller anden fare for teknikeren, operatøren eller patienten. ADVARSEL (DA) Preface Page 3 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 WAARSCHUWING (NL) HOIATUS (ET) VAROITUS (FI) ATTENTION (FR) WARNUNG (DE) ΠΡΟΕΙ∆ΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ (EL) FIGYELMEZTETÉS (HU) AÐVÖRUN (IS) Page 4 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Deze onderhoudshandleiding is enkel in het Engels verkrijgbaar. • Als het onderhoudspersoneel een andere taal vereist, dan is de klant verantwoordelijk voor de vertaling ervan. • Probeer de apparatuur niet te onderhouden alvorens deze onderhoudshandleiding werd geraadpleegd en begrepen is. • Indien deze waarschuwing niet wordt opgevolgd, zou het onderhoudspersoneel, de operator of een patiënt gewond kunnen raken als gevolg van een elektrische schok, mechanische of andere gevaren. See teenindusjuhend on saadaval ainult inglise keeles • Kui klienditeeninduse osutaja nõuab juhendit inglise keelest erinevas keeles, vastutab klient tõlketeenuse osutamise eest. • Ärge üritage seadmeid teenindada enne eelnevalt käesoleva teenindusjuhendiga tutvumist ja sellest aru saamist. • Käesoleva hoiatuse eiramine võib põhjustada teenuseosutaja, operaatori või patsiendi vigastamist elektrilöögi, mehaanilise või muu ohu tagajärjel. Tämä huolto-ohje on saatavilla vain englanniksi. • Jos asiakkaan huoltohenkilöstö vaatii muuta kuin englanninkielistä materiaalia, tarvittavan käännöksen hankkiminen on asiakkaan vastuulla. • Älä yritä korjata laitteistoa ennen kuin olet varmasti lukenut ja ymmärtänyt tämän huolto-ohjeen. • Mikäli tätä varoitusta ei noudateta, seurauksena voi olla huoltohenkilöstön, laitteiston käyttäjän tai potilaan vahingoittuminen sähköiskun, mekaanisen vian tai muun vaaratilanteen vuoksi. Ce manuel d’installation et de maintenance est disponible uniquement en anglais. • Si le technicien d'un client a besoin de ce manuel dans une langue autre que l'anglais, il incombe au client de le faire traduire. • Ne pas tenter d'intervenir sur les équipements tant que ce manuel d’installation et de maintenance n'a pas été consulté et compris. • Le non-respect de cet avertissement peut entraîner chez le technicien, l'opérateur ou le patient des blessures dues à des dangers électriques, mécaniques ou autres. Diese Serviceanleitung existiert nur in englischer Sprache. • Falls ein fremder Kundendienst eine andere Sprache benötigt, ist es Aufgabe des Kunden für eine entsprechende Übersetzung zu sorgen. • Versuchen Sie nicht diese Anlage zu warten, ohne diese Serviceanleitung gelesen und verstanden zu haben. • Wird diese Warnung nicht beachtet, so kann es zu Verletzungen des Kundendiensttechnikers, des Bedieners oder des Patienten durch Stromschläge, mechanische oder sonstige Gefahren kommen. Το παρόν εγχειρίδιο σέρβις διατίθεται μόνο στα αγγλικά. • Εάν ο τεχνικός σέρβις ενός πελάτη απαιτεί το παρόν εγχειρίδιο σε γλώσσα εκτός των αγγλικών, αποτελεί ευθύνη του πελάτη να παρέχει τις υπηρεσίες μετάφρασης. • Μην επιχειρήσετε την εκτέλεση εργασιών σέρβις στον εξοπλισμό αν δεν έχετε συμβουλευτεί και κατανοήσει το παρόν εγχειρίδιο σέρβις. • Αν δεν προσέξετε την προειδοποίηση αυτή, ενδέχεται να προκληθεί τραυματισμός στον τεχνικό σέρβις, στο χειριστή ή στον ασθενή από ηλεκτροπληξία, μηχανικούς ή άλλους κινδύνους. Ezen karbantartási kézikönyv kizárólag angol nyelven érhető el. • Ha a vevő szolgáltatója angoltól eltérő nyelvre tart igényt, akkor a vevő felelőssége a fordítás elkészíttetése. • Ne próbálja elkezdeni használni a berendezést, amíg a karbantartási kézikönyvben leírtakat nem értelmezték. • Ezen figyelmeztetés figyelmen kívül hagyása a szolgáltató, működtető vagy a beteg áramütés, mechanikai vagy egyéb veszélyhelyzet miatti sérülését eredményezheti. Þessi þjónustuhandbók er aðeins fáanleg á ensku. • Ef að þjónustuveitandi viðskiptamanns þarfnast annas tungumáls en ensku, er það skylda viðskiptamanns að skaffa tungumálaþjónustu. • Reynið ekki að afgreiða tækið nema að þessi þjónustuhandbók hefur verið skoðuð og skilin. • Brot á sinna þessari aðvörun getur leitt til meiðsla á þjónustuveitanda, stjórnanda eða sjúklings frá raflosti, vélrænu eða öðrum áhættum. Preface GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 AVVERTENZA (IT) (JA) 경고 (KO) BRÎDINÂJUMS (LV) ĮSPĖJIMAS (LT) ADVARSEL (NO) OSTRZEŻENIE (PL) AVISO (PT-BR) ATENÇÃO (PT-PT) OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Il presente manuale di manutenzione è disponibile soltanto in lingua inglese. • Se un addetto alla manutenzione richiede il manuale in una lingua diversa, il cliente è tenuto a provvedere direttamente alla traduzione. • Procedere alla manutenzione dell'apparecchiatura solo dopo aver consultato il presente manuale ed averne compreso il contenuto. • Il mancato rispetto della presente avvertenza potrebbe causare lesioni all'addetto alla manutenzione, all'operatore o ai pazienti provocate da scosse elettriche, urti meccanici o altri rischi. このサービスマニュアルには英語版しかありません。 • サービスを担当される業者が英語以外の言語を要求される場合、翻訳作業はその業者の責任で行 うものとさせていただきます。 • このサービスマニュアルを熟読し理解せずに、装置のサービスを行わないでください。 • この警告に従わない場合、サービスを担当される方、操作員あるいは患者 さんが、感電や機械 的又はその他の危険により負傷する可能性があります。 본 서비스 매뉴얼은 영어로만 이용하실 수 있습니다 . • 고객의 서비스 제공자가 영어 이외의 언어를 요구할 경우 , 번역 서비스를 제공하는 것은 고객의 책임입니다 . • 본 서비스 매뉴얼을 참조하여 숙지하지 않은 이상 해당 장비를 수리하려고 시도하지 마십시오 . • 본 경고 사항에 유의하지 않으면 전기 쇼크 , 기계적 위험 , 또는 기타 위험으로 인해 서비스 제공자 , 사용자 또는 환자에게 부상을 입힐 수 있습니다 . Šī apkopes rokasgrāmata ir pieejama tikai angļu valodā. • Ja klienta apkopes sniedzējam nepieciešama informācija citā valodā, klienta pienākums ir nodrošināt tulkojumu. • Neveiciet aprīkojuma apkopi bez apkopes rokasgrāmatas izlasīšanas un saprašanas. • Šī brīdinājuma neievērošanas rezultātā var rasties elektriskās strāvas trieciena, mehānisku vai citu faktoru izraisītu traumu risks apkopes sniedzējam, operatoram vai pacientam. Šis eksploatavimo vadovas yra tik anglų kalba. • Jei kliento paslaugų tiekėjas reikalauja vadovo kita kalba – ne anglų, suteikti vertimo paslaugas privalo klientas. • Nemėginkite atlikti įrangos techninės priežiūros, jei neperskaitėte ar nesupratote šio eksploatavimo vadovo. • Jei nepaisysite šio įspėjimo, galimi paslaugų tiekėjo, operatoriaus ar paciento sužalojimai dėl elektros šoko, mechaninių ar kitų pavojų. Denne servicehåndboken finnes bare på engelsk. • Hvis kundens serviceleverandør har bruk for et annet språk, er det kundens ansvar å sørge for oversettelse. • Ikke forsøk å reparere utstyret uten at denne servicehåndboken er lest og forstått. • Manglende hensyn til denne advarselen kan føre til at serviceleverandøren, operatøren eller pasienten skades på grunn av elektrisk støt, mekaniske eller andre farer. Niniejszy podręcznik serwisowy dostępny jest jedynie w języku angielskim. • Jeśli serwisant klienta wymaga języka innego niż angielski, zapewnienie usługi tłumaczenia jest obowiązkiem klienta. • Nie próbować serwisować urządzenia bez zapoznania się z niniejszym podręcznikiem serwisowym i zrozumienia go. • Niezastosowanie się do tego ostrzeżenia może doprowadzić do obrażeń serwisanta, operatora lub pacjenta w wyniku porażenia prądem elektrycznym, zagrożenia mechanicznego bądź innego. Este manual de assistência técnica encontra-se disponível unicamente em inglês. • Se outro serviço de assistência técnica solicitar a tradução deste manual, caberá ao cliente fornecer os serviços de tradução. • Não tente reparar o equipamento sem ter consultado e compreendido este manual de assistência técnica. • A não observância deste aviso pode ocasionar ferimentos no técnico, operador ou paciente decorrentes de choques elétricos, mecânicos ou outros. Este manual de assistência técnica só se encontra disponível em inglês. • Se qualquer outro serviço de assistência técnica solicitar este manual noutro idioma, é da responsabilidade do cliente fornecer os serviços de tradução. • Não tente reparar o equipamento sem ter consultado e compreendido este manual de assistência técnica. • O não cumprimento deste aviso pode colocar em perigo a segurança do técnico, do operador ou do paciente devido a choques eléctricos, mecânicos ou outros. Preface Page 5 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 ATENŢIE (RO) ОСТОРОЖНО! (RU) UPOZORENJE (SR) UPOZORNENIE (SK) ATENCION (ES) VARNING (SV) OPOZORILO (SL) DİKKAT (TR) Page 6 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Acest manual de service este disponibil doar în limba engleză. • Dacă un furnizor de servicii pentru clienţi necesită o altă limbă decât cea engleză, este de datoria clientului să furnizeze o traducere. • Nu încercaţi să reparaţi echipamentul decât ulterior consultării şi înţelegerii acestui manual de service. • Ignorarea acestui avertisment ar putea duce la rănirea depanatorului, operatorului sau pacientului în urma pericolelor de electrocutare, mecanice sau de altă natură. Данное руководство по техническому обслуживанию представлено только на английском языке. • Если сервисному персоналу клиента необходимо руководство не на английском, а на каком-то другом языке, клиенту следует самостоятельно обеспечить перевод. • Перед техническим обслуживанием оборудования обязательно обратитесь к данному руководству и поймите изложенные в нем сведения. • Несоблюдение требований данного предупреждения может привести к тому, что специалист по техобслуживанию, оператор или пациент получит удар электрическим током, механическую травму или другое повреждение Ovo servisno uputstvo je dostupno samo na engleskom jeziku. • Ako klijentov serviser zahteva neki drugi jezik, klijent je dužan da obezbedi prevodilačke usluge. • Ne pokušavajte da opravite uređaj ako niste pročitali i razumeli ovo servisno uputstvo. • Zanemarivanje ovog upozorenja može dovesti do povređivanja servisera, rukovaoca ili pacijenta usled strujnog udara ili mehaničkih i drugih opasnosti. Tento návod na obsluhu je k dispozícii len v angličtine. • Ak zákazníkov poskytovateľ služieb vyžaduje iný jazyk ako angličtinu, poskytnutie prekladateľských služieb je zodpovednosťou zákazníka. • Nepokúšajte sa o obsluhu zariadenia, kým si neprečítate návod na obluhu a neporozumiete mu. • Zanedbanie tohto upozornenia môže spôsobiť zranenie poskytovateľa služieb, obsluhujúcej osoby alebo pacienta elektrickým prúdom, mechanické alebo iné ohrozenie. Este manual de servicio sólo existe en inglés. • Si el encargado de mantenimiento de un cliente necesita un idioma que no sea el inglés, el cliente deberá encargarse de la traducción del manual. • No se deberá dar servicio técnico al equipo, sin haber consultado y comprendido este manual de servicio. • La no observancia del presente aviso puede dar lugar a que el proveedor de servicios, el operador o el paciente sufran lesiones provocadas por causas eléctricas, mecánicas o de otra naturaleza. Den här servicehandboken finns bara tillgänglig på engelska. . • Om en kunds servicetekniker har behov av ett annat språk än engelska, ansvarar kunden för att tillhandahålla översättningstjänster. • Försök inte utföra service på utrustningen om du inte har läst och förstår den här servicehandboken. • Om du inte tar hänsyn till den här varningen kan det resultera i skador på serviceteknikern, operatören eller patienten till följd av elektriska stötar, mekaniska faror eller andra faror. Ta servisni priročnik je na voljo samo v angleškem jeziku. • Če ponudnik storitve stranke potrebuje priročnik v drugem jeziku, mora stranka zagotoviti prevod. • Ne poskušajte servisirati opreme, če tega priročnika niste v celoti prebrali in razumeli. • Če tega opozorila ne upoštevate, se lahko zaradi električnega udara, mehanskih ali drugih nevarnosti poškoduje ponudnik storitev, operater ali bolnik. Bu servis kılavuzunun sadece ingilizcesi mevcuttur. • Eğer müşteri teknisyeni bu kılavuzu ingilizce dışında bir başka lisandan talep ederse, bunu tercüme ettirmek müşteriye düşer. • Servis kılavuzunu okuyup anlamadan ekipmanlara müdahale etmeyiniz. • Bu uyarıya uyulmaması, elektrik, mekanik veya diğer tehlikelerden dolayı teknisyen, operatör veya hastanın yaralanmasına yol açabilir. Preface GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Legal notes TrademarkS Optima XR200amxTM and Optima XR220amxTM are trademarks of GE Healthcare. WPA and WPA2 are trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance. All other products and their name brands are trademarks of their respective holders. Copyrights All material copyright © 2011 by General Electric Company, Inc. All rights reserved. The material presented and contained herein may not be reproduced in any form or manner, without the written permission of General Electric Company, Inc. Preface Page 7 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Important precautions DAMAGE IN TRANSPORTATION All packages should be closely examined at time of delivery. If damage is apparent, have notation “damage in shipment” written on all copies of the freight or express bill before delivery is accepted or “signed for” by a General Electric representative or a hospital receiving agent. Whether noted or concealed, damage MUST be reported to the carrier immediately upon discovery, or in any event, within 14 days after receipt, and the contents and containers held for inspection by the carrier. A transportation company will not pay a claim for damage if an inspection is not requested within this 14 day period. To file a report, call 1-800-548-3366. Select the option for “Install Support Services for FOA and MIS.” Contact your local service coordinator for more information on this process. CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR STATEMENT All electrical installations that are preliminary to positioning of the equipment at the site prepared for the equipment shall be performed by licensed electrical contractors. In addition, electrical feeds into the Power Distribution Unit shall be performed by licensed electrical contractors. Other connections between pieces of electrical equipment, calibrations and testing shall be performed by qualified GE Healthcare personnel. The products involved (and the accompanying electrical installations) are highly sophisticated, and special engineering competence is required. In performing all electrical work on these products, GE will use its own specially trained field engineers. All of GE’s electrical work on these products will comply with the requirements of the applicable electrical codes. The purchaser of GE equipment shall only utilize qualified personnel (i.e., GE’s field engineers, personnel of third-party service companies with equivalent training, or licensed electricians) to perform electrical servicing on the equipment. IMPORTANT...X-RAY PROTECTION X-ray equipment if not properly used may cause injury. Accordingly, the instructions herein contained should be thoroughly read and understood by everyone who will use the equipment before you attempt to place this equipment in operation. GE Healthcare will be glad to assist and cooperate in placing this equipment in use. Although this apparatus incorporates a high degree of protection against x-radiation other than the useful beam, no practical design of equipment can provide complete protection. Nor can any practical design compel the operator to take adequate precautions to prevent the possibility of any persons carelessly exposing themselves or others to radiation. It is important that anyone having anything to do with x-radiation be properly trained and fully acquainted with the recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) as published in NCRP Reports available from NCRP Publications, 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Room 1016, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, and of the International Commission on Radiation Protection, and take adequate steps to protect against injury. The equipment is sold with the understanding that GE Healthcare, its agents, and representatives have no responsibility for injury or damage which may result from improper use of the equipment. Various protective materials and devices are available. It is urged that such materials or devices be used. Page 8 Preface GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Lithium Battery Cautionary Statement DANGER - Risk of Explosion Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Discard used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions. ATTENTION - Danger d’Explosion Il y a danger d’explosion s’il y a replacement incorrect de la batterie. Remplacer uniquement avec une batterie du même type ou d’un type recommandé par le constructeur. Mettre au rébut les batteries usagées conformément aux instructions du fabricant. TECHNICAL MANUAL UPDATES When operating or servicing GE Healthcare products, please contact your GE representative for the latest revision of product documentation. Product documentation may also be available on-line at the GE Healthcare support documentation library. OMISSIONS AND ERRORS Customers, please contact your GE Healthcare sales or service representatives. GE personnel, please use the GE Healthcare complaint handling process to report all omissions, errors, and defects in this publication. Preface Page 9 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Revision history Revision Date 1 12OCT2011 Initial release of document 2 20FEB2012 No changes to content. Only changed the revision number to rev "2". 3 23AUG2012 Added text to front material on how to obtain most recent revisions of technical manuals. Satisfies FDA recommendation. Page 10 Reason for change Preface GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Preface Publication Conventions Standardized conventions for representing information is a uniform way of communicating information to a reader in a consistent manner. Conventions are used so that the reader can easily recognize the actions or decisions that must be made. There are a number of character and paragraph styles used in this publication to accomplish this task. Please become familiar with them before proceeding forward. It is important that you read and understand hazard statements, and not just ignore them. Safety & Hazard Information Proper product safety labeling allows a person to safely use or service a product. The format and style for safety communications reflected in this publication represents the harmonization of IEC/ ISO 3864 and ANSI Z535 standards. Within this publication, different paragraph and character styles are used to indicated potential hazards. Paragraph prefixes, such as hazard, caution, danger and warning, are used to identify important safety information. Text (Hazard) styles are applied to the paragraph contents that are applicable to each specific safety statement. Hazard Messages Any action that will, could or potentially cause personal injury will be preceded by the safety alert symbol and an appropriate signal word. The safety alert symbol is the triangle with an exclamation mark within it. It Is always used next to the signal word to indicate the severity of the hazard. Together, they are used to indicate a hazard exists. Signal words describe the severity of possible human injures that may be encountered. The alert symbol and signal word are placed immediately before any paragraph they affect. Safety information includes: 1.) Signal Word - The seriousness level of the hazard. 2.) Symbol or Pictorial - The consequence of interaction with the hazard. 3.) Word Message: a.) The nature of the hazard (i.e. the type of hazard) b.) How to avoid the hazard. The safety alert symbol is not used when an action can only cause equipment damage. Text Format of Signal Words DANGER - INDICATES AN IMMINENTLY HAZARDOUS SITUATION WHICH, IF NOT AVOIDED, WILL RESULT IN DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY. THIS SIGNAL WORD IS LIMITED TO THE MOST EXTREME SITUATIONS. WARNING - INDICATES A POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS SITUATION WHICH, IF NOT AVOIDED, COULD RESULT IN DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY. Caution - Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices. NOTICE - Indicates information or a company policy that relates directly or indirectly to the safety of personnel or protection of property. This signal word is associated directly with a hazard or hazardous situation and is used in place of 'DANGER,' 'WARNING,' or 'CAUTION.' It can include: Preface Page 11 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT • Destruction of a disk drive • Potential for internal mechanical damage, such as to a X-ray tube Symbols and Pictorials Used The following Symbols and Pictorials are be used in this publication. These graphical icons (symbols) may be used to make you aware of specific types of hazards that could possibly cause harm. Page 12 keep_up magnetic biohazard compressgas ppe-hearing fragile impact corrosive heavyobject ppe-2people static_elec heat general laser ppe-respitory keep_dry pinch radiation poisongas ppe-loto general explosive electrical flammable ppe-eye torque crush/mechanical tipping Read Manual ppe-gloves ce instuction poisonmatl entanglement instuction Preface GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Publication Conventions General Paragraph and Character Styles Prefixes are used to highlight important non-safety related information. Paragraph prefixes (such as Purpose, Example, Comment or Note) are used to identify important but non-safety related information. Text styles are also applied to text within each paragraph modified by the specific prefix. EXAMPLES OF PREFIXES USED FOR GENERAL INFORMATION: Purpose: Introduces and provides meaning as to the information contained within the chapter, section or subsection (such as used at the beginning this chapter, for example). Note: Example: Comment: Conveys information that should be considered important to the reader. Used to make the reader aware that the paragraph(s) that follow are examples of information possibly stated previously. Represents “additional” information that may or may not be relevant to your situation. Page Layout Publication Part Number & Revision Number The current section and its title are always shown in the footer of the left (even) page. An exclamation point in a triangle is used to indicate important information to the user. Paragraphs preceeded by Alphanumeric characters (e.g. numbers) contain information that must be followed in a specific order. Publication Title The current chapter and its title are always shown in the footer of the right (odd) page. Paragraphs preceeded by a symbol (e.g. bullets) contain information that has no specific order. Headers and footers in this publication are designed to allow you to quickly identify your location. The document part number and revision number appears in every header on every page. Odd numbered page footers indicate the current chapter, its title and current page number. Even page footers show the current section and its title, as well as the current page number. Preface Page 13 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Computer Screen Output/Input Text Character Styles Within this publication, mono-spaced character styles (fonts) are used to indicate computer text that’s either screen input and output. Mono-spaced fonts, such courier, are used to indicated text direction. When you type at your keyboard, you are generating computer input. Occasionally you will see the math operator “greater-than” and “less-than” symbols used to indicate the start and finish of variable output. When reading text generated by the computer, you are reading it as computer generated output. In addition to direction, characters are italicized (e.g. italics) to indicate information specific to your system or site. Example: Fixed Output This paragraph’s font represents computer generated screen “fixed” output. Its output is fixed from the sense that it does not vary from application to application. It is the most commonly used style used to indicate filenames, paths and text that do not change from system to system. The character style used is a fixed width such as courier. Example: Variable Output This paragraph’s font represents computer screen output that is “variable”. It is used to represent output that varies from application to application or system to system. Variable output is sometimes found placed between greater-than and less-than operators for clarification. For example: <variable_ouput> or <>. In both cases, the < and > operators are not part of the actual input. Example: Fixed Input This paragraph’s font represents fixed input. It is computer input that is typed-in via the keyboard. Typed input that does not vary from application to application or system to system. Fixed text the user is required to supply as input. For example: cd /usr/3p Example: Variable Input This paragraph’s font represents computer input that can vary from application to application or system to system. With variable text, the user is required to supply system dependent input or information. Variable input sometimes is placed between greater-than and less-than operators. For example: <variable_input>. In these cases, the (<>) operators would be dropped prior to input. For example: ypcat hosts | grep <> would be typed into the computer as: ypcat hosts | grep without the greater-than and less-than operators. Buttons, Switches and Keyboard Inputs (Hard & Soft Keys) Different character styles are used to indicate actions requiring the reader to press either a hard or soft button, switch or key. Physical hardware, such as buttons and switches, are called hard keys because they are hard wired or mechanical in nature. A keyboard or on/off switch would be a hard key. Software or computer generated buttons are called soft keys because they are software generated. Software driven menu buttons are an example of such keys. Soft and hard keys are represented differently in this publication. Example: Hard Keys A power switch ON/OFF or a keyboard key like ENTER is indicated by applying a character style that uses both over and under-lined bold text that is bold. This is a hard key. Example: Soft Keys Whereas the computer MENU button that you would click with your mouse or touch with your hand uses over and under-lined regular text. This is a soft key. Page 14 Preface GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Table of contents Chapter 1 Introduction.......................................................................................... 19 Section 1.1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 19 Section 1.2 Overall DICOM conformance statement document structure......................... 19 Section 1.3 Intended audience............................................................................................... 21 Section 1.4 Scope and field of application ........................................................................... 21 Section 1.5 Important remarks............................................................................................... 22 Section 1.6 References ........................................................................................................... 23 Section 1.7 Definitions............................................................................................................ 23 Section 1.8 Symbols and abbreviations................................................................................ 23 Chapter 2 Network conformance statement ....................................................... 25 Section 2.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 25 Section 2.2 Implementation model ........................................................................................ 26 2.2.1 Application data flow diagram ................................................................................................................. 2.2.2 Functional AE definition .......................................................................................................................... 2.2.3 Sequencing of real-world activities.......................................................................................................... 2.2.4 Worklist server AE specification.............................................................................................................. Association establishment policies ............................................................................................... Association acceptance policy ...................................................................................................... 26 26 26 27 27 30 Section 2.3 Communication profiles ..................................................................................... 30 2.3.1 Supported communication stacks (PS 3.8, PS 3.9) ................................................................................ 2.3.2 OSI stack................................................................................................................................................. Physical media support................................................................................................................. 2.3.3 TCP/IP stack ........................................................................................................................................... API ................................................................................................................................................ Physical media support................................................................................................................. 2.3.4 Point-to-point stack ................................................................................................................................. 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Section 2.4 Extensions, specializations, privatizations ...................................................... 31 2.4.1 Standard extended, specialized, private SOPs....................................................................................... 31 2.4.2 Private transfer syntaxes......................................................................................................................... 31 Section 2.5 Configuration....................................................................................................... 31 2.5.1 AE Title/presentation address mapping .................................................................................................. 31 2.5.2 Configurable parameters......................................................................................................................... 31 Section 2.6 Support of extended character sets .................................................................. 31 Section 2.7 Security profiles .................................................................................................. 32 Table of Contents Page 15 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Chapter 3 Media Storage conformance statement............................................. 33 Section 3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 33 Chapter 4 Digital X-ray information object implementation.............................. 35 Section 4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 35 Chapter 5 Study Root Query/Retrieve information model definition ............... 37 Section 5.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 37 Chapter 6 Modality Worklist information model definition ............................... 39 Section 6.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 39 Section 6.2 Modality Worklist information model description ............................................ 39 Section 6.3 Modality Worklist information model entity-relationship model..................... 39 6.3.1 Entity descriptions ................................................................................................................................... Scheduled Procedure Step entity description ............................................................................... Requested Procedure entity description ....................................................................................... Imaging Service Request entity description .................................................................................. Visit entity description ................................................................................................................... Patient entity description ............................................................................................................... 6.3.2 Optima XR200amx system mapping of DICOM entities ......................................................................... 40 40 41 41 41 41 41 Section 6.4 Information model module ................................................................................. 41 Section 6.5 Information model keys ...................................................................................... 42 6.5.1 Supported matching ................................................................................................................................ 6.5.2 Scheduled Procedure Step entity............................................................................................................ SOP Common module .................................................................................................................. Scheduled Procedure Step module .............................................................................................. 6.5.3 Requested Procedure entity.................................................................................................................... Requested Procedure module ...................................................................................................... 6.5.4 Imaging Service Request entity .............................................................................................................. Imaging Service Request module ................................................................................................. 6.5.5 Visit entity ................................................................................................................................................ Visit Identification module ............................................................................................................. Visit Status module ....................................................................................................................... Visit Relationship module.............................................................................................................. Visit Admission module ................................................................................................................. 6.5.6 Patient entity ........................................................................................................................................... Patient Relationship module ......................................................................................................... Patient Identification module ......................................................................................................... Patient Demographic module........................................................................................................ Patient Medical module................................................................................................................. 42 43 43 43 44 44 45 45 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 46 47 47 Section 6.6 Private data dictionary........................................................................................ 47 Page 16 Table of Contents GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Chapter 7 Network Print SCU conformance statement ..................................... 49 Section 7.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 49 Chapter 8 Print Management SOP class definition............................................ 51 Section 8.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 51 Chapter 9 Storage Commitment Push Model SOP class definition ................. 53 Section 9.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 53 Chapter 10 Modality Performed Procedure Step implementation .................... 55 Section 10.1 Modality Performed Procedure Step modules ............................................... 55 Table of Contents Page 17 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 Page 18 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Table of Contents GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Chapter 1 Introduction Section 1.1 Overview This DICOM Conformance Statement is divided into sections as described below: • Chapter 1 Introduction, which describes the overall structure, intent, and references for this Conformance Statement. • Chapter 2 Network conformance statement, which specifies the GEHC equipment compliance to the DICOM requirements for the implementation of networking features. • Chapter 3 Media Storage conformance statement (applicable only to Optima XR220amx systems), which specifies the GEHC equipment compliance to the DICOM requirements for the implementation of media storage features. • Chapter 4 Digital X-ray information object implementation (applicable only to Optima XR220amx systems), which specifies the GEHC equipment compliance to DICOM requirements for the implementation of a digital X-ray information object implementation feature. • Chapter 5 Study Root Query/Retrieve information model definition (applicable only to Optima XR220amx systems), which specifies the GEHC equipment compliance to DICOM requirements for the implementation of the Study Root Query/Retrieve information model feature. • Chapter 6 Modality Worklist information model definition, which specifies the GEHC equipment compliance to DICOM requirements for the implementation of Basic Worklist Management Service feature. • Chapter 7 Network Print SCU conformance statement (applicable only to Optima XR220amx systems), which specifies the GEHC equipment compliance to DICOM requirements for the implementation of the Network Print feature. • Chapter 8 Print Management SOP class definition (applicable only to Optima XR220amx systems), which specifies the GEHC equipment compliance to DICOM requirements for the implementation of the Network Print Management SOP class. • Chapter 9 Storage Commitment Push Model SOP class definition (applicable only to Optima XR220amx systems), which specifies the GEHC equipment compliance to DICOM requirements for the implementation of the Storage Commitment Push Service feature. • Chapter 10 Modality Performed Procedure Step implementation (applicable only to Optima XR220amx systems), which specifies the GEHC equipment compliance to DICOM requirements for the implementation of Performed Procedure Step (PPS) SCU features Section 1.2 Overall DICOM conformance statement document structure The documentation structure of the GEHC Conformance Statements and their relationship with the DICOM V3.0 Conformance Statements is shown in Figure 1-1. Chapter 1 Introduction Page 19 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Figure 1-1 Documentation structure of GEHC conformance statements Page 20 Section 1.2 Overall DICOM conformance statement document structure GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT This document specifies the DICOM implementation. It is entitled: Optima XR200amx DICOM Conformance Statement Direction 5336117-1EN This DICOM Conformance Statement documents the DICOM Conformance Statement and Technical Specification required to inter-operate with the GEHC network interface. Introductory information, which is applicable to all GEHC Conformance Statements, is described in the document: Introduction to the Integrated DICOM/Network v3.0 (ID/Net v3.0) Conformance Statement Direction: 2118780 This Introduction familiarizes the reader with DICOM terminology and general concepts. It should be read prior to reading the individual products' GEHC Conformance Statements. The GEHC Conformance Statement, contained in this document, also specifies the Lower Layer communications that it supports (for example, TCP/IP). However, the Technical Specifications are defined in the DICOM Part 8 standard. For more information including Network Architecture and basic DICOM concepts, Refer to the Introduction. For more information regarding DICOM, copies of the Standard may be obtained on the Internet at Comments on the Standard may be addressed to: DICOM Secretariat NEMA 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1847 Rosslyn, VA 22209 USA Phone: +1.703.841.3200 Section 1.3 Intended audience The reader of this document is concerned with software design and/or system integration issues. It is assumed that the reader of this document is familiar with the DICOM Standards and with the terminology and concepts which are used in that standard. If readers are unfamiliar with DICOM terminology they should first refer to the document listed below, then read the DICOM Standard itself, prior to reading this DICOM Conformance Statement document. Introduction to the Integrated DICOM/Network v3.0 (ID/Net v3.0) Conformance Statement Direction: 2118780 Section 1.4 Scope and field of application It is the intent of this document, in conjunction with the Introduction to the Integrated DICOM/ Network v3.0 (ID/Net v3.0) Conformance Statement, Direction: 2118780, to provide an unambiguous specification for GEHC implementations. This specification, called a Conformance Statement, includes a DICOM V3.0 Conformance Statement and is necessary to ensure proper processing and interpretation of GEHC medical data exchanged using DICOM V3.0. The GEHC Conformance Statements are available to the public. The reader of this DICOM Conformance Statement should be aware that different GEHC devices are capable of using different Information object definitions. For example, a GEHC CT Scanner may Chapter 1 Introduction Page 21 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT send images using the CT Information Object, MR Information Object, Secondary Capture Object, etc. Included in this DICOM Conformance Statement are the module definitions which define all data elements used by this GEHC implementation. If the user encounters unspecified private data elements while parsing a GEHC Data Set, the user is well advised to ignore those data elements (per the DICOM standard). Unspecified private data element information is subject to change without notice. If, however, the device is acting as a “full fidelity storage device”, it should retain and re-transmit all of the private data elements that are sent by GEHC devices. Section 1.5 Important remarks The use of these DICOM Conformance Statements, in conjunction with the DICOM Standards, is intended to facilitate communication with GE imaging equipment. However, by itself, it is not sufficient to ensure that inter-operation will be successful. The user (or user's agent) needs to proceed with caution and address at least four issues: • Integration - The integration of any device into an overall system of interconnected devices goes beyond the scope of standards (DICOM V3.0), and of this introduction and associated DICOM Conformance Statements when interoperability with non-GE equipment is desired. The responsibility to analyze the applications requirements and to design a solution that integrates GE imaging equipment with non-GE systems is the user's responsibility and should not be underestimated. The user is strongly advised to ensure that such an integration analysis is correctly performed. • Validation - Testing the complete range of possible interactions between any GE device and non-GE devices, before the connection is declared operational, should not be overlooked. Therefore, the user should ensure that any non-GE provider accepts full responsibility for all validation required for their connection with GE devices. This includes the accuracy of the image data once it has crossed the interface between the GE imaging equipment and the nonGE device and the stability of the image data for the intended applications. Such a validation is required before any clinical use (diagnosis and/or treatment) is performed. It applies when images acquired on GE imaging equipment are processed/displayed on a nonGE device, as well as when images acquired on non-GE equipment are processed/displayed on a GE console or workstation. Page 22 • Future Evolution - GE understands that the DICOM Standard will evolve to meet the user's growing requirements. GE is actively involved in the development of the DICOM Standard. DICOM will incorporate new features and technologies and GE may follow the evolution of the Standard. The GEHC protocol is based on DICOM as specified in each DICOM Conformance Statement. Evolution of the Standard may require changes to devices that have implemented DICOM. In addition, GE reserves the right to discontinue or make changes to the support of communications features (on its products) reflected on by these DICOM Conformance Statements. The user should ensure that any non-GE provider, which connects with GE devices, also plans for the future evolution of the DICOM Standard. Failure to do so will likely result in the loss of function and/or connectivity as the DICOM Standard changes and GE Products are enhanced to support these changes. • Interaction - It is the sole responsibility of the non-GE provider to ensure that communication with the interfaced equipment does not cause degradation of GE imaging equipment performance and/or function. Section 1.5 Important remarks GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Section 1.6 References A list of references that is applicable to all GEHC Conformance Statements is included in the Introduction to the Integrated DICOM/Network v3.0 (ID/Net v3.0) Conformance Statement, Direction: 2118780. The information object implementation refers to DICOM PS 3.3 (Information object definition). Section 1.7 Definitions A set of definitions which is applicable to all GEHC Conformance Statements is included in the Introduction to the Integrated DICOM/Network v3.0 (ID/Net v3.0) Conformance Statement, Direction: 2118780. Section 1.8 Symbols and abbreviations A list of symbols and abbreviations which is applicable to all GEHC Conformance Statements is included in the Introduction to the Integrated DICOM/Network v3.0 (ID/Net v3.0) Conformance Statement, Direction: 2118780. Chapter 1 Introduction Page 23 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 Page 24 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Section 1.8 Symbols and abbreviations GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Chapter 2 Network conformance statement Section 2.1 Introduction This section of the DICOM Conformance Statement specifies the compliance to DICOM conformance requirements for the relevant Networking features on this GEHC product. Note that the format of this section strictly follows the format defined in DICOM Standard PS 3.2 (Conformance). Refer to that part of the standard while reading this section. The details of the DICOM conformance related to other information objects and information models supported by this product are included in subsequent sections of this DICOM Conformance Statement. The Optima XR200amx system is an Integrated Digital X-ray System: • It allows a user to query for and display DICOM modality worklist information from a remote hospital or radiology department information system computer. For example, a user may wish to query for all procedures scheduled to be performed on the system. In this situation, the Optima XR200amx system is providing the DICOM Modality Worklist SOP class service as a service class user (SCU). Chapter 2 Network conformance statement Page 25 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Section 2.2 Implementation model 2.2.1 Application data flow diagram The Basic and Specific Application models for this device are shown in Figure 2-1: Figure 2-1 Basic and specific application models for this device Note: Refer also to Chapter 3 Media Storage conformance statement and Chapter 7 Network Print SCU conformance statement of the current document for Media Storage and Network Print Management SCU Conformance Statement. 2.2.2 Functional AE definition WORKLIST SERVER AE: The WORKLIST SERVER AE is automatically brought up when the Optima XR200amx system is powered on. The remote Worklist SCP must be manually configured on the Optima XR200amx system. The configuration of remote Worklist SCP is done through the UTILITIES > NETWORK CONNECTIONS. The WORKLIST SERVER AE is invoked by the real-world activity Refresh Worklist. For this operation, the user selects the REFRESH WORKLIST button of the Worklist screen in order to obtain latest modality worklist from the RIS. The WORKLIST SERVER sends a query defined by the user to remote AEs and returns the results to the user interface. The WORKLIST SERVER AE initiates the following functions: • Build the Worklist query according to the criteria defined by the user in the Query Definition Window. • Send the query to Worklist Provider: Initiates a DICOM association with the Worklist Provider. If the remote Worklist Provider accepts a presentation context applicable to modality worklist, the WORKLIST SERVER AE issues a modality worklist query request via the C-FIND service. 2.2.3 Sequencing of real-world activities WORKLIST SERVER AE: The user will usually refresh the Worklist before the image acquisition in order to get the very latest information from the RIS. 1. Page 26 Upon user request, the system initiates a modality worklist query (as a modality worklist SCU) Section 2.2 Implementation model GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT to the modality worklist SCP with a given set of query parameters. 2. The modality worklist SCP returns responses that match the query parameters. 3. Items from the returned worklist responses are filtered according to the query parameters 4. Only the items matching the query parameters are presented to the user. 5. Each item of the returned worklist responses selected for image acquisition is included in acquired DICOM images related to the responses. 2.2.4 Worklist server AE specification This Application Entity provides Standard Conformance to the following DICOM V3.0 SOP classes as an SCU: SOP class name SOP class UID Modality Worklist Information Model – FIND 1.2.840.10008. Association establishment policies General The DICOM Application Context Name (ACN), which is always proposed, is: Application Context Name 1.2.840.10008. The Maximum Length PDU negotiation is included in all association establishment requests. The maximum length PDU for an association initiated by the WORKLIST SERVER AE is: Maximum Length PDU 28Kbytes The SOP class Extended negotiation is not supported. The maximum number of Presentation Context Items that will be proposed is 1. The user information Items sent by this product are: • Maximum PDU Length • Implementation UID Number of associations The WORKLIST SERVER AE (SCU) will initiate only one DICOM association at a time to perform a modality worklist query of a single remote AE. Asynchronous nature Asynchronous mode is not supported. All operations will be performed synchronously. Implementation identifying information The implementation UID for this DICOM implementation is: Optima XR200amx system implementation UID 1.2.840.113619.6.308 Optima XR200amx system implementation version name Optima XR200amx Chapter 2 Network conformance statement Page 27 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Association initiation by real-world activity Real-world activity: Worklist query Associated real-world activity The operator of the system initiates a query for a modality worklist by pressing the REFRESH WORKLIST button of the Worklist screen. The Worklist Server will then initiate an association with the remote AE in order to query for the worklist A user can configure a number of parameters that directly control the worklist query request. The user can request worklist items that are intended for the system the user is working at, all items that apply to the modality of the system the user is working at or all worklist items available. These selections and their affects on worklist query parameters are given below: This system: • Modality, (0008,0060) - set to DX • Scheduled Station AE Title, (0040,0001) - set to Query AE title This modality: • Modality, (0008,0060) - set to DX • Scheduled Station AE Title, (0040,0001) - zero-length (universal matching) All systems: • Modality, (0008,0060) - zero-length (universal matching) • Scheduled Station AE Title, (0040,0001) - zero-length (universal matching) The scheduled dates of procedures of interest can be specified for query by selecting a specific date range. The date ranges available are Today, Tomorrow or between two given dates. These selections and their affects on worklist query parameters are given below: Today: Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date, (0040,0002) - set to YYYYMMDDYYYYMMDD, where YYYYMMDD is the current date. Tomorrow: Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date, (0040,0002) - set to YYYYMMDDYYYYMMDD, where YYYYMMDD is tomorrow date. Between 2 dates: Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date, (0040,0002) - set to YYYYMMDDYYYYMMDD’, where YYYYMMDD is set to given From date and YYYYMMDD’ is set to given To date. Patient name: Patient Name, (0010,0010) - set to given Patient Name Patient ID: Patient ID, (0010,0020) - set to given Patient ID Page 28 Section 2.2 Implementation model GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Proposed presentation context table The following table shows the proposed presentation contexts for the Worklist Server AE after realworld activity “Worklist Query” has been initiated: Presentation context table - proposed Abstract syntax Transfer syntax Name UID Name list UID list Modality Worklist Information Model - FIND 1.2.840.10008. Implicit VR Little Endian 1.2.840.10008.1.2 Role Extended negotiation SCU None SOP Specific DICOM conformance statement for the Worklist SOP class Following are the Status codes that are more specifically processed when receiving messages from a Modality Worklist SCP: If the remote AE does not support the proposed Presentation Context, an appropriate error is logged and the operator is notified. This implementation can receive multiple C-FIND results over a single association. Only one association is opened at a time. Each C-FIND response received from the remote AE is parsed to verify the length/type of the items in the response. Upon detecting any error in the response data, the Worklist Server AE will ignore the bad data and carry on to the next C-FIND response. On receipt of any error from the remote AE, the Worklist Server will issue a CFIND-CANCEL and, upon receipt of a C-FIND-RSP (or if an applicable timer expires), will close the association. Warnings received from the remote AE are ignored. Each C-FIND operation supports an “Association Timer.” This timer starts when the association request is sent or received and stops when the association is established. The default time-out value is 15 seconds. If the above timer expires, the association is aborted (A-ABORT) and the operation in progress is considered to have failed. Any previously received worklist items are kept. Record acceptance policy All worklist items coming from the remote AE are accepted. Nevertheless, the system filters each received worklist item checking that it matches the query parameters. If the received worklist item matches the query parameter, then it is stored in the local Worklist database and displayed to the user, else it is ignored. The filter checks the following fields: Tag value Worklist attribute Acceptance 0008,0005 Specific Character Set Check that value is empty or equal to ISO_IR 100 0008,0060 Modality Check that value is empty or equal to DX 0010,0010 Patient Name If value defined in Query Definition Window, check that value matches the defined value 0010,0020 Patient ID If value defined in Query Definition Window, check that value matches the defined value 0040,0001 Scheduled Station AE Title If matching is defined in the query parameters, then check that value is empty or equal to the defined value in query parameters setting. Chapter 2 Network conformance statement Page 29 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Tag value Worklist attribute Acceptance 0040,0002 Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date If matching is defined in the query parameters, then check that value is empty or equal to the defined value in query parameters setting. Association acceptance policy The Worklist Server AE does not respond to attempts by a remote AE to open an association. Section 2.3 Communication profiles 2.3.1 Supported communication stacks (PS 3.8, PS 3.9) DICOM Upper Layer Protocol is supported using TCP/IP as specified in DICOM PS 3.8. 2.3.2 OSI stack OSI stack not supported. Physical media support Not applicable. 2.3.3 TCP/IP stack The TCP/IP stack is inherited from a LINUX operating system. API Not applicable to this product. Physical media support DICOM is indifferent to the Physical medium over which TCP/IP executes (e.g. Ethernet V2.0, IEEE 802.3, ATM, FDDI) Note: For more information about the Physical Media available on Optima XR200amx system, Refer to the Product Data Sheet. 2.3.4 Point-to-point stack A 50-pin ACR-NEMA connection is not applicable to this product. Page 30 Section 2.3 Communication profiles GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Section 2.4 Extensions, specializations, privatizations 2.4.1 Standard extended, specialized, private SOPs None supported. 2.4.2 Private transfer syntaxes None supported. Section 2.5 Configuration 2.5.1 AE Title/presentation address mapping The Optima XR200amx system allows the user to Add, Remove, and Update the mapping of remote AE titles to IP addresses and ports. These options can be selected from the Network Connections displayed when the Utilities Button is selected on the Worklist. The system allows the configuration of the following Worklist Server AE AE Title, IP Address, Port Number 2.5.2 Configurable parameters The following fields are configurable: • Local IP Address • Local IP Netmask • Default Router IP Address for local network. Only one default router IP Address can be configured for all remote nodes. The Local Listening Port Number for C-STORE SCP DICOM service is not configurable and set to 4010. The Local Listening Port Number for STORAGE COMMITMENT DICOM service is not configurable and set to 4010. The following fields are configurable for every remote DICOM AE including Worklist provider: • Remote AE Title • Remote IP Address • Listening TCP/IP Port Number Section 2.6 Support of extended character sets The Optima XR200amx system will support only the ISO_IR 100 (ISO 8859-1:1987 Latin alphabet N 1. supplementary set) as extended character sets. Chapter 2 Network conformance statement Page 31 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Section 2.7 Security profiles The product does not conform to any defined DICOM Security Profiles. It is assumed that the product is used within a secured environment. It is assumed that a secured environment includes at a minimum: Page 32 1. Firewall or router protections to ensure that only approved external hosts have network access to the product. 2. Firewall or router protections to ensure that the product only has network access to approved external hosts and services. 3. Any communications with external hosts and services outside the locally secured environment use appropriate secure network channels (such as a Virtual Private Network (VPN)) The Optima XR200amx system will support only the ISO_IR 100 (ISO 8859-1:1987 Latin alphabet N 1. supplementary set) as extended character sets. Section 2.7 Security profiles GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Chapter 3 Media Storage conformance statement Section 3.1 Introduction Not applicable to Optima XR200amx system. Chapter 3 Media Storage conformance statement Page 33 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 Page 34 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Chapter 4 Digital X-ray information object implementation Section 4.1 Introduction Not applicable to Optima XR200amx system. Chapter 4 Digital X-ray information object implementation Page 35 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 Page 36 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Chapter 5 Study Root Query/Retrieve information model definition Section 5.1 Introduction Not applicable to Optima XR200amx system. Chapter 5 Study Root Query/Retrieve information model definition Page 37 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 Page 38 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Chapter 6 Modality Worklist information model definition Section 6.1 Introduction This section specifies the use of the DICOM Modality Worklist information model used to organize data and against which a Modality Worklist Query will be performed. The contents of this section are: Section 6.2 Modality Worklist information model description Section 6.3 Modality Worklist information model entity-relationship model Section 6.4 Information model module Section 6.6 Private data dictionary Section 6.2 Modality Worklist information model description In order to serve as a Service Class Provider (SCP) of the Modality Worklist Service Class, a DICOM Application Entity (AE) possesses information about the attributes of a number of managed worklist items. These items are organized into Modality Worklist information modules. In this Service Class, the information model plays a role similar to an information object definition of most other DICOM Service Classes. Section 6.3 Modality Worklist information model entityrelationship model The Entity-Relationship diagram for the Modality Worklist information model schema is shown in Figure 6-1. It represents the information that composes a Worklist Item. In this figure, the following diagrammatic convention is established to represent the information organization: • each entity is represented by a rectangular box • each relationship is represented by a diamond shaped box. • the fact that a relationship exists between two entities is depicted by lines connecting the corresponding entity boxes to the relationship boxes. Chapter 6 Modality Worklist information model definition Page 39 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Figure 6-1 Modality Worklist information model E/R diagram 6.3.1 Entity descriptions Refer to DICOM Standard PS 3.3 (Information object definitions) and PS 3.4 (Service Class Specifications) for a description of each of the Entities contained within the Modality Worklist information model. Scheduled Procedure Step entity description A Scheduled Procedure Step is an arbitrarily defined scheduled unit of service that is specified by the Procedure Plan for a Requested Procedure. It specifies one or more Action Items (events) Page 40 Section 6.3 Modality Worklist information model entity-relationship model GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT involving equipment (i.e. imaging modality equipment), human resources, location and time (i.e. start time, stop time, duration). Requested Procedure entity description A Requested Procedure is an instance of a Procedure of a given Procedure Type. An instance of a Requested Procedure includes all of the items of information that are specified by an instance of a Procedure Plan that is selected for the Requested Procedure by the imaging service provider. Imaging Service Request entity description An Imaging Service Request is a set of one or more Requested Procedures selected from a list of Procedure Types. An Imaging Service Request is submitted by one authorized imaging service requester to one authorized imaging service provider in the context of one Service Episode. Visit entity description A Visit is the context in which the treatment or management of an arbitrary subset of a Patient’s medical conditions occurs. A Visit is limited to the description of a Patient’s activities at a single facility. Patient entity description A Patient is a person receiving, or registered to receive, healthcare services. 6.3.2 Optima XR200amx system mapping of DICOM entities Table 6-1 Mapping of DICOM entities to Optima XR200amx system entities DICOM entity Optima XR200amx system entity Scheduled Procedure Step Series Requested Procedure Study/Exam Imaging Service Request Study/Exam Visit Study/Exam Patient Patient Section 6.4 Information model module Within an entity of the DICOM V3.0 Modality Worklist information model, attributes are grouped into related set of attributes. A set of related attributes is termed a module. A module facilitates the understanding of the semantics concerning the attributes and how the attributes are related with each other. A module grouping does not infer any encoding of information into data sets. Table 6-2 identifies the defined modules within the entities that comprise the DICOM V3.0 Modality Worklist information model. Modules are identified by module name. See DICOM V3.0 PS 3.3 and PS 3.4 for a complete definition of the entities, modules, and attributes. Table 6-2 Modality Worklist information model modules Entity name Module name Section reference Scheduled Procedure Step SOP Common SOP Common module Chapter 6 Modality Worklist information model definition Page 41 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 Entity name OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Module name Section reference Scheduled Procedure Step Scheduled Procedure Step module Requested Procedure Requested Procedure Requested Procedure module Imaging Service Request Imaging Service Request Imaging Service Request module Visit Visit Identification Visit Identification module Visit Status Visit Status module Visit Relationship Visit Relationship module Visit Admission Visit Admission module Patient Relationship Patient Relationship module Patient Identification Patient Identification module Patient Demographic Patient Demographic module Patient Medical Patient Medical module Patient Section 6.5 Information model keys Refer to DICOM Standard PS 3.3 (Information object definitions) and PS 3.4 (Service Class Specifications) for a description of each of the Entities contained within the Modality Worklist information model. The following module descriptions are included to specify what data elements are supported and what type of matching can be applied. It should be noted that they are the same ones as defined in the DICOM V3.0 Standard PS 3.4 (Service Class Specifications) and include: • Name • Tag group and element numbers • Expected matching key type: R-required, O-optional • Expected Return Key Type: - 1 - non-zero value required - 1C - conditionally of type 1 - 2 - required to be present, possibly with zero-length value - 2C - conditionally of type 2 - 3 - optional • Mapped into The Image - whether this data is mapped into subsequently acquired images • Notes - clarification of this implementation’s use/treatment of this attribute All data elements in the following module descriptions are requested by default by the Worklist Server AE. Data elements for which values can be sent for matching purposes are described as such. Data elements for which values are Not sent are sent with zero length and universal matching will apply. This is the default case if no other description to the contrary is provided. 6.5.1 Supported matching Following are the types of matching that can be request by the implementation: Page 42 • Single Value matching • Universal Matching Section 6.5 Information model keys GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 • OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Range of date, Range of Time 6.5.2 Scheduled Procedure Step entity SOP Common module Table 6-3 SOP Common module attributes Attribute name Tag Expected Expected Mapped matching returned into key type key type image Specific Character Set (0008,0005) O 1C No Displayed Updatabl to user e by user Note No Matching is supported, matching value is “ISO_IR100” and it is not dynamically configurable. No Scheduled Procedure Step module Table 6-4 Scheduled Procedure Step module attributes Attribute name Tag Expected Expected Mapped matching returned into key type key type image Displayed Updatabl to user e by user Note Scheduled (0040,0100) R Procedure Step Sequence 1 No N/A N/A >Scheduled (0040,0001) R Station AE Title 1 No No No Matching is supported as follows: either no AE title is supplied (universal matching), or the Query AE title (See Note) is supplied for matching; this is user selectable. >Scheduled (0040,0002) R Procedure Step Start Date 1 No Yes No Matching is supported as one of the following; this is user selectable: • today only, • tomorrow only, • from date1 to date2, date1 and date2 being defined by user Returned values must be exactly 8 numeric characters, in YYYYMMDD or YYYY.MM.DD format Chapter 6 Modality Worklist information model definition Page 43 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 Attribute name Tag OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Expected Expected Mapped matching returned into key type key type image Displayed Updatabl to user e by user Note Matching is supported as follows: either no Modality is supplied (universal matching), or the system’s Modality is supplied (i.e. DX) for matching: this is user selectable. >Modality (0008,0060) R 1 Yes Yes No >Scheduled Performing Physician's Name (0040,0006) R 2 Yes Yes Yes (0040,0007) O >Scheduled Procedure Step Description 1C Yes Yes Yes >Scheduled Action Item Code Sequence (0040,0008) O 1C No No No >>Code Value (0008,0100) O 1C No No No >>Coding Scheme Designator (0008,0102) O 1C No No No >>Code Meaning (0008,0104) O 3 No No No >Scheduled (0040,0009) O Procedure Step ID 1 No No No If not provided by HIS 6.5.3 Requested Procedure entity Requested Procedure module Table 6-5 Requested Procedure module attributes Attribute name Tag Expected Expected Mapped matching returned into key type key type image Displayed Updatabl to user e by user Requested Procedure ID (0040,1001) O 1 Yes Yes No Requested Procedure Description (0032,1060) O 1C Yes Yes Yes Page 44 Section 6.5 Information model keys Note If not provided by HIS GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Attribute name Tag Expected Expected Mapped matching returned into key type key type image Displayed Updatabl to user e by user Requested Procedure Code Sequence (0032,1064) O 1C Yes No No >Code Value (0008,0100) O 1C Yes No No >Coding Scheme Designator (0008,0102) O 1C Yes No No >Code Meaning (0008,0104) O 3 Yes No No Study Instance UID (0020,000D) O 1 Yes No No Referenced Study Sequence (0008,1110) O 2 Yes No No >Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150) O 1C Yes No No >Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155) O 1C Yes No No Note 6.5.4 Imaging Service Request entity Imaging Service Request module Table 6-6 Imaging Service Request module attributes Attribute name Tag Expected Expected Mapped matching returned into key type key type image Displayed Updatabl to user e by user Accession Number (0008,0050) O 2 Yes Yes Yes if not provided by HIS Referring Physician Name (0008,0090) O 2 Yes Yes Yes Note 6.5.5 Visit entity Visit Identification module None of the data element from Visit Identification module are requested. Visit Status module None of the data element from Visit Status module are requested. Chapter 6 Modality Worklist information model definition Page 45 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Visit Relationship module Table 6-7 Visit Relationship module attributes Expected Expected Mapped matching returned into key type key type image Displayed Updatabl to user e by user Attribute name Tag Referenced Patient Sequence (0008,1120) O 2 Yes No No >Referenced SOP Class (0008,1150) O UID 2 Yes No No >Referenced SOP Instance UID 2 Yes No No (0008,1155) O Note Visit Admission module None of the data elements from Visit Admission module are requested. 6.5.6 Patient entity Patient Relationship module None of the data elements from Patient Relationship module are requested. Patient Identification module Table 6-8 Patient Identification module attributes Attribute name Tag Patient's Name (0010,0010) R 1 Patient ID (0010,0020) R 1 Page 46 Expected Expected Mapped matching returned into key type key type image Displayed Updatabl to user e by user Note Yes Yes Yes if not provided by HIS Matching is supported as follows: either no patient name is supplied (universal matching), or the patient name entered by the user in the Query Definition screen is supplied for matching Yes Yes Yes if not provided by HIS Matching is supported as follows: either no patient ID is supplied (universal matching), or the patient ID entered by the user in the Query Definition screen is supplied for matching Section 6.5 Information model keys GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Patient Demographic module Table 6-9 Patient Demographic module attributes Attribute name Tag Expected Expected Mapped matching returned into key type key type image Displayed Updatabl to user e by user Patient Birth Date (0010,0030) O 2 Yes Yes Yes Patient's Sex 2 Yes Yes Yes (0010,0040) O Note Patient Medical module None of the data elements from Patient Medical module are requested. Section 6.6 Private data dictionary The Optima XR200amx system implementation does not define any private attributes within the Modality Worklist information model. Chapter 6 Modality Worklist information model definition Page 47 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 Page 48 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Section 6.6 Private data dictionary GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Chapter 7 Network Print SCU conformance statement Section 7.1 Introduction Not applicable to Optima XR200amx system. Chapter 7 Network Print SCU conformance statement Page 49 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 Page 50 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Chapter 8 Print Management SOP class definition Section 8.1 Introduction Not applicable to Optima XR200amx system. Chapter 8 Print Management SOP class definition Page 51 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 Page 52 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Chapter 9 Storage Commitment Push Model SOP class definition Section 9.1 Introduction Not applicable to Optima XR200amx system. Chapter 9 Storage Commitment Push Model SOP class definition Page 53 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 Page 54 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT Chapter 10 Modality Performed Procedure Step implementation Section 10.1 Modality Performed Procedure Step modules Not applicable to Optima XR200amx system. Chapter 10 Modality Performed Procedure Step implementation Page 55 GE HEALTHCARE DIRECTION 5336117-1EN, REVISION 3 Page 56 OPTIMA XR200AMX DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT © 2011 General Electric. GE Medical Systems, a General Electric Company, going to market as GE Healthcare. 3000 N. Grandview Boulevard Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188 USA 58 To view this Operator Manual, please refer to Operator Manual DVD 5336121-399, provided with the system. Front cover GE Healthcare Optima XR200amx/XR220amx System Manual Direction 5336122-1EN, Rev 15 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 15 Warning OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM MANUAL DIRECTION 5336122-1EN ATTENTION LES APPAREILS A RAYONS X SONT DANGEREUX A LA FOIS POUR LE PATIENT ET POUR LE MANIPULATEUR SI LES MESURES DE PROTECTION NE SONT PAS STRICTEMENT APPLIQUEES Bien que cet appareil soit construit selon les normes de sécurité les plus severes, la source de rayonnement X représente un danger lorsque le manipulateur est non qualifié ou non averti. Une exposition excessive au rayonnement X entraîne des dommages a l’organisme. Par conséquent, toutes les précautions doivent être prises pour éviter que les personnes non autorisées ou non qualifées utilisent cet appareil créant ainsi un danger pour les autres et pour ellesmêmes. Avant chaque manipulation, les personnes qualifiées et autorisées à se servir de cet appareil doivent se renseigner sur les mesures de protection etablies par la Commission Internationale sur la Protection Radiologique, Annales 26: Recommandations de la Commission Internationale sure la Protection Radiologique et les normes nationales en vigueur. WARNING X-RAY EQUIPMENT IS DANGEROUS TO BOTH PATIENT AND OPERATOR UNLESS MEASURES OF PROTECTION ARE STRICTLY OBSERVED. Though this equipment is built to the highest standards of electrical and mechanical safety, the useful x-ray beam becomes a source of danger in the hands of the unauthorized or unqualified operator. Excessive exposure to x-radiation causes damage to human tissue. Therefore, adequate precautions must be taken to prevent unauthorized or unqualified persons from operating this equipment or exposing themselves or others to its radiation. Before operation, persons qualified and authorized to operate this equipment should be familiar with the Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), contained in Annals Number 26 of the ICRP, and with applicable national standards. ATENCION LOS APARATOS DE RAYOS X SON PELIGROSOS PARA EL PACIENTE Y EL MANIPULADOR CUANDO LAS NORMAS DE PROTECCION NO ESTAN OBSERVADAS Aunque este aparato está construido según las normas de seguridad más estrictas, la radiacion X constituye un peligro al ser manipulado por personas no autorizadas o incompetentes. Una explosicion excesiva a la radiación X puede causar daños al organismo. Por consiguiente, se deberán tomar todas las precauciones necesarias para evitar que las personas incompetentes o no autorizadas utilicen este aparato, lo que seria un peligro para los demás y para si mismas. Antes de efectuar las manipulaciones, las personas habilitadas y competentes en el uso de este aparato, deberán informarse sobre las normas de protección fijadas por la Comisión Internacional de la Protección Radiológica, Anales No 26: Recomendaciones de la Comisión Internacional sobre la Protección Radiológica y normas nacionales. ACHTUNG RÖNTGENAPPARATE SIND EINE GEFAHR FUR PATIENTEN SOWIE BEDIENUNGSPERSONAL, WENN DIE GELTENDEN SICHERHEITSVORKEHRUNGEN NICHT GENAU BEACHTET WERDEN Dieser Apparat entspricht in seiner Bauweise strengsten elektrischen und mechanischen Sichereitsnormen, doch in den Händen unbefugter oder unqualifizierter Personen wird er zu einer Gefahrenquelle. Übermäßige Röntgenbestrahlung ist für den menschlichen Organismus schädlish. Deswegen sind hinreichende Vorsichtsmaßnahmen erforderlich, um zu verhindern, daßunbefugte oder unqualifizierte Personen solche Geräte bedienen oder sich selbst und andere Personen deren Bestrahlung aussetzen können. Vor Inbetriebnahme dieses Apparats solite sich das qualifizierte und befugte Bedienungspersonal mit den geltenden Kriterien für den gefahrlosen Strahleneinsatz durch sorgfältiges Studium des Hefts Nr. 26 der Internationalen Kommission für Strahlenschutz (ICRP) vertraut machen: Empfehlungen der Internationalen Kommission für Strahlenschutz und anderer nationaler Normenbehörden. Page 2 GE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM MANUAL OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM MANUALADVANCED Important information WARNING (EN) ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ (BG) 警告 (ZH-CN) 警告 (ZH-HK) 警告 (ZH-TW) This service manual is available in English only. • If a customer's service provider requires a language other than English, it is the customer's responsibility to provide translation services. • Do not attempt to service the equipment unless this service manual has been consulted and is understood. • Failure to heed this warning may result in injury to the service provider, operator or patient from electric shock, mechanical or other hazards. Tова упътване за работа е налично само на английски език. • Ако доставчикът на услугата на клиента изиска друг език, задължение на клиента е да осигури превод. • Не използвайте оборудването, преди да сте се консултирали и разбрали упътването за работа. • неспазването на това предупреждение може да доведе до нараняване на доставчика на услугата, оператора или пациентa в резултат на токов удар, механична или друга опасност. 本维修手册仅提供英文版本。 • • • 如果客户的维修服务人员需要非英文版本,则客户需自行提供翻译服务。 未详细阅读和完全理解本维修手册之前,不得进行维修。 忽略本警告可能对维修服务人员、操作人员或患者造成电击、机械伤害或其他形式的伤 害。 本服務手冊僅提供英文版本。 • 倘若客戶的服務供應商需要英文以外之服務手冊,客戶有責任提供翻譯服務。 • 除非已參閱本服務手冊及明白其內容,否則切勿嘗試維修設備。 • 不遵從本警告或會令服務供應商、網絡供應商或病人受到觸電、機械性或其他的危險。 本維修手冊僅有英文版。 • 若客戶的維修廠商需要英文版以外的語言,應由客戶自行提供翻譯服務。 • 請勿試圖維修本設備,除非 您已查閱並瞭解本維修手冊。 • 若未留意本警告,可能導致維修廠商、操作員或病患因觸電、機械或其他危險而受傷。 UPOZORENJE (HR) Ovaj servisni priručnik dostupan je na engleskom jeziku. • Ako davatelj usluge klijenta treba neki drugi jezik, klijent je dužan osigurati prijevod. • Ne pokušavajte servisirati opremu ako niste u potpunosti pročitali i razumjeli ovaj servisni priručnik. • zanemarite li ovo upozorenje, može doći do ozljede davatelja usluge, operatera ili pacijenta uslijed strujnog udara, mehaničkih ili drugih rizika. VÝSTRAHA (CS) Tento provozní návod existuje pouze v anglickém jazyce. • V případě, že externí služba zákazníkům potřebuje návod v jiném jazyce, je zajištění překladu do odpovídajícího jazyka úkolem zákazníka. • Nesnažte se o údržbu tohoto zařízení, aniž byste si přečetli tento provozní návod a pochopili jeho obsah. • V případě nedodržování této výstrahy může dojít k poranění pracovníka prodejního servisu, obslužného personálu nebo pacientů vlivem elektrického proudu, respektive vlivem mechanických či jiných rizik. Denne servicemanual findes kun på engelsk. • Hvis en kundes tekniker har brug for et andet sprog end engelsk, er det kundens ansvar at sørge for oversættelse. • Forsøg ikke at servicere udstyret uden at læse og forstå denne servicemanual. • Manglende overholdelse af denne advarsel kan medføre skade på grund af elektrisk stød, mekanisk eller anden fare for teknikeren, operatøren eller patienten. ADVARSEL (DA) Page 3 GE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM MANUAL WAARSCHUWING (NL) HOIATUS (ET) VAROITUS (FI) ATTENTION (FR) WARNUNG (DE) ΠΡΟΕΙ∆ΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ (EL) FIGYELMEZTETÉS (HU) AÐVÖRUN (IS) Page 4 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM MANUALADVANCED Deze onderhoudshandleiding is enkel in het Engels verkrijgbaar. • Als het onderhoudspersoneel een andere taal vereist, dan is de klant verantwoordelijk voor de vertaling ervan. • Probeer de apparatuur niet te onderhouden alvorens deze onderhoudshandleiding werd geraadpleegd en begrepen is. • Indien deze waarschuwing niet wordt opgevolgd, zou het onderhoudspersoneel, de operator of een patiënt gewond kunnen raken als gevolg van een elektrische schok, mechanische of andere gevaren. See teenindusjuhend on saadaval ainult inglise keeles • Kui klienditeeninduse osutaja nõuab juhendit inglise keelest erinevas keeles, vastutab klient tõlketeenuse osutamise eest. • Ärge üritage seadmeid teenindada enne eelnevalt käesoleva teenindusjuhendiga tutvumist ja sellest aru saamist. • Käesoleva hoiatuse eiramine võib põhjustada teenuseosutaja, operaatori või patsiendi vigastamist elektrilöögi, mehaanilise või muu ohu tagajärjel. Tämä huolto-ohje on saatavilla vain englanniksi. • Jos asiakkaan huoltohenkilöstö vaatii muuta kuin englanninkielistä materiaalia, tarvittavan käännöksen hankkiminen on asiakkaan vastuulla. • Älä yritä korjata laitteistoa ennen kuin olet varmasti lukenut ja ymmärtänyt tämän huolto-ohjeen. • Mikäli tätä varoitusta ei noudateta, seurauksena voi olla huoltohenkilöstön, laitteiston käyttäjän tai potilaan vahingoittuminen sähköiskun, mekaanisen vian tai muun vaaratilanteen vuoksi. Ce manuel d’installation et de maintenance est disponible uniquement en anglais. • Si le technicien d'un client a besoin de ce manuel dans une langue autre que l'anglais, il incombe au client de le faire traduire. • Ne pas tenter d'intervenir sur les équipements tant que ce manuel d’installation et de maintenance n'a pas été consulté et compris. • Le non-respect de cet avertissement peut entraîner chez le technicien, l'opérateur ou le patient des blessures dues à des dangers électriques, mécaniques ou autres. Diese Serviceanleitung existiert nur in englischer Sprache. • Falls ein fremder Kundendienst eine andere Sprache benötigt, ist es Aufgabe des Kunden für eine entsprechende Übersetzung zu sorgen. • Versuchen Sie nicht diese Anlage zu warten, ohne diese Serviceanleitung gelesen und verstanden zu haben. • Wird diese Warnung nicht beachtet, so kann es zu Verletzungen des Kundendiensttechnikers, des Bedieners oder des Patienten durch Stromschläge, mechanische oder sonstige Gefahren kommen. Το παρόν εγχειρίδιο σέρβις διατίθεται μόνο στα αγγλικά. • Εάν ο τεχνικός σέρβις ενός πελάτη απαιτεί το παρόν εγχειρίδιο σε γλώσσα εκτός των αγγλικών, αποτελεί ευθύνη του πελάτη να παρέχει τις υπηρεσίες μετάφρασης. • Μην επιχειρήσετε την εκτέλεση εργασιών σέρβις στον εξοπλισμό αν δεν έχετε συμβουλευτεί και κατανοήσει το παρόν εγχειρίδιο σέρβις. • Αν δεν προσέξετε την προειδοποίηση αυτή, ενδέχεται να προκληθεί τραυματισμός στον τεχνικό σέρβις, στο χειριστή ή στον ασθενή από ηλεκτροπληξία, μηχανικούς ή άλλους κινδύνους. Ezen karbantartási kézikönyv kizárólag angol nyelven érhető el. • Ha a vevő szolgáltatója angoltól eltérő nyelvre tart igényt, akkor a vevő felelőssége a fordítás elkészíttetése. • Ne próbálja elkezdeni használni a berendezést, amíg a karbantartási kézikönyvben leírtakat nem értelmezték. • Ezen figyelmeztetés figyelmen kívül hagyása a szolgáltató, működtető vagy a beteg áramütés, mechanikai vagy egyéb veszélyhelyzet miatti sérülését eredményezheti. Þessi þjónustuhandbók er aðeins fáanleg á ensku. • Ef að þjónustuveitandi viðskiptamanns þarfnast annas tungumáls en ensku, er það skylda viðskiptamanns að skaffa tungumálaþjónustu. • Reynið ekki að afgreiða tækið nema að þessi þjónustuhandbók hefur verið skoðuð og skilin. • Brot á sinna þessari aðvörun getur leitt til meiðsla á þjónustuveitanda, stjórnanda eða sjúklings frá raflosti, vélrænu eða öðrum áhættum. GE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM MANUAL AVVERTENZA (IT) (JA) 경고 (KO) BRÎDINÂJUMS (LV) ĮSPĖJIMAS (LT) ADVARSEL (NO) OSTRZEŻENIE (PL) AVISO (PT-BR) ATENÇÃO (PT-PT) OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM MANUALADVANCED Il presente manuale di manutenzione è disponibile soltanto in lingua inglese. • Se un addetto alla manutenzione richiede il manuale in una lingua diversa, il cliente è tenuto a provvedere direttamente alla traduzione. • Procedere alla manutenzione dell'apparecchiatura solo dopo aver consultato il presente manuale ed averne compreso il contenuto. • Il mancato rispetto della presente avvertenza potrebbe causare lesioni all'addetto alla manutenzione, all'operatore o ai pazienti provocate da scosse elettriche, urti meccanici o altri rischi. このサービスマニュアルには英語版しかありません。 サービスを担当される業者が英語以外の言語を要求される場合、翻訳作業はその業者の責任で行 うものとさせていただきます。 このサービスマニュアルを熟読し理解せずに、装置のサービスを行わないでください。 この警告に従わない場合、サービスを担当される方、操作員あるいは患者さんが、感電や機械 的又はその他の危険により負傷する可能性があります。 본 서비스 매뉴얼은 영어로만 이용하실 수 있습니다 . • 고객의 서비스 제공자가 영어 이외의 언어를 요구할 경우 , 번역 서비스를 제공하는 것은 고객의 책임입니다 . • 본 서비스 매뉴얼을 참조하여 숙지하지 않은 이상 해당 장비를 수리하려고 시도하지 마십시오 . • 본 경고 사항에 유의하지 않으면 전기 쇼크 , 기계적 위험 , 또는 기타 위험으로 인해 서비스 제공자 , 사용자 또는 환자에게 부상을 입힐 수 있습니다 . Šī apkopes rokasgrāmata ir pieejama tikai angļu valodā. • Ja klienta apkopes sniedzējam nepieciešama informācija citā valodā, klienta pienākums ir nodrošināt tulkojumu. • Neveiciet aprīkojuma apkopi bez apkopes rokasgrāmatas izlasīšanas un saprašanas. • Šī brīdinājuma neievērošanas rezultātā var rasties elektriskās strāvas trieciena, mehānisku vai citu faktoru izraisītu traumu risks apkopes sniedzējam, operatoram vai pacientam. Šis eksploatavimo vadovas yra tik anglų kalba. • Jei kliento paslaugų tiekėjas reikalauja vadovo kita kalba – ne anglų, suteikti vertimo paslaugas privalo klientas. • Nemėginkite atlikti įrangos techninės priežiūros, jei neperskaitėte ar nesupratote šio eksploatavimo vadovo. • Jei nepaisysite šio įspėjimo, galimi paslaugų tiekėjo, operatoriaus ar paciento sužalojimai dėl elektros šoko, mechaninių ar kitų pavojų. Denne servicehåndboken finnes bare på engelsk. • Hvis kundens serviceleverandør har bruk for et annet språk, er det kundens ansvar å sørge for oversettelse. • Ikke forsøk å reparere utstyret uten at denne servicehåndboken er lest og forstått. • Manglende hensyn til denne advarselen kan føre til at serviceleverandøren, operatøren eller pasienten skades på grunn av elektrisk støt, mekaniske eller andre farer. Niniejszy podręcznik serwisowy dostępny jest jedynie w języku angielskim. • Jeśli serwisant klienta wymaga języka innego niż angielski, zapewnienie usługi tłumaczenia jest obowiązkiem klienta. • Nie próbować serwisować urządzenia bez zapoznania się z niniejszym podręcznikiem serwisowym i zrozumienia go. • Niezastosowanie się do tego ostrzeżenia może doprowadzić do obrażeń serwisanta, operatora lub pacjenta w wyniku porażenia prądem elektrycznym, zagrożenia mechanicznego bądź innego. Este manual de assistência técnica encontra-se disponível unicamente em inglês. • Se outro serviço de assistência técnica solicitar a tradução deste manual, caberá ao cliente fornecer os serviços de tradução. • Não tente reparar o equipamento sem ter consultado e compreendido este manual de assistência técnica. • A não observância deste aviso pode ocasionar ferimentos no técnico, operador ou paciente decorrentes de choques elétricos, mecânicos ou outros. Este manual de assistência técnica só se encontra disponível em inglês. • Se qualquer outro serviço de assistência técnica solicitar este manual noutro idioma, é da responsabilidade do cliente fornecer os serviços de tradução. • Não tente reparar o equipamento sem ter consultado e compreendido este manual de assistência técnica. • O não cumprimento deste aviso pode colocar em perigo a segurança do técnico, do operador ou do paciente devido a choques eléctricos, mecânicos ou outros. Page 5 GE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM MANUAL ATENŢIE (RO) ОСТОРОЖНО! (RU) UPOZORENJE (SR) UPOZORNENIE (SK) ATENCION (ES) VARNING (SV) OPOZORILO (SL) DİKKAT (TR) Page 6 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM MANUALADVANCED Acest manual de service este disponibil doar în limba engleză. • Dacă un furnizor de servicii pentru clienţi necesită o altă limbă decât cea engleză, este de datoria clientului să furnizeze o traducere. • Nu încercaţi să reparaţi echipamentul decât ulterior consultării şi înţelegerii acestui manual de service. • Ignorarea acestui avertisment ar putea duce la rănirea depanatorului, operatorului sau pacientului în urma pericolelor de electrocutare, mecanice sau de altă natură. Данное руководство по техническому обслуживанию представлено только на английском языке. • Если сервисному персоналу клиента необходимо руководство не на английском, а на каком-то другом языке, клиенту следует самостоятельно обеспечить перевод. • Перед техническим обслуживанием оборудования обязательно обратитесь к данному руководству и поймите изложенные в нем сведения. • Несоблюдение требований данного предупреждения может привести к тому, что специалист по техобслуживанию, оператор или пациент получит удар электрическим током, механическую травму или другое повреждение Ovo servisno uputstvo je dostupno samo na engleskom jeziku. • Ako klijentov serviser zahteva neki drugi jezik, klijent je dužan da obezbedi prevodilačke usluge. • Ne pokušavajte da opravite uređaj ako niste pročitali i razumeli ovo servisno uputstvo. • Zanemarivanje ovog upozorenja može dovesti do povređivanja servisera, rukovaoca ili pacijenta usled strujnog udara ili mehaničkih i drugih opasnosti. Tento návod na obsluhu je k dispozícii len v angličtine. • Ak zákazníkov poskytovateľ služieb vyžaduje iný jazyk ako angličtinu, poskytnutie prekladateľských služieb je zodpovednosťou zákazníka. • Nepokúšajte sa o obsluhu zariadenia, kým si neprečítate návod na obluhu a neporozumiete mu. • Zanedbanie tohto upozornenia môže spôsobiť zranenie poskytovateľa služieb, obsluhujúcej osoby alebo pacienta elektrickým prúdom, mechanické alebo iné ohrozenie. Este manual de servicio sólo existe en inglés. • Si el encargado de mantenimiento de un cliente necesita un idioma que no sea el inglés, el cliente deberá encargarse de la traducción del manual. • No se deberá dar servicio técnico al equipo, sin haber consultado y comprendido este manual de servicio. • La no observancia del presente aviso puede dar lugar a que el proveedor de servicios, el operador o el paciente sufran lesiones provocadas por causas eléctricas, mecánicas o de otra naturaleza. Den här servicehandboken finns bara tillgänglig på engelska. . • Om en kunds servicetekniker har behov av ett annat språk än engelska, ansvarar kunden för att tillhandahålla översättningstjänster. • Försök inte utföra service på utrustningen om du inte har läst och förstår den här servicehandboken. • Om du inte tar hänsyn till den här varningen kan det resultera i skador på serviceteknikern, operatören eller patienten till följd av elektriska stötar, mekaniska faror eller andra faror. Ta servisni priročnik je na voljo samo v angleškem jeziku. • Če ponudnik storitve stranke potrebuje priročnik v drugem jeziku, mora stranka zagotoviti prevod. • Ne poskušajte servisirati opreme, če tega priročnika niste v celoti prebrali in razumeli. • Če tega opozorila ne upoštevate, se lahko zaradi električnega udara, mehanskih ali drugih nevarnosti poškoduje ponudnik storitev, operater ali bolnik. Bu servis kılavuzunun sadece ingilizcesi mevcuttur. • Eğer müşteri teknisyeni bu kılavuzu ingilizce dışında bir başka lisandan talep ederse, bunu tercüme ettirmek müşteriye düşer. • Servis kılavuzunu okuyup anlamadan ekipmanlara müdahale etmeyiniz. • Bu uyarıya uyulmaması, elektrik, mekanik veya diğer tehlikelerden dolayı teknisyen, operatör veya hastanın yaralanmasına yol açabilir. GE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM MANUAL OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM MANUALADVANCED Legal notes TRADEMARKS Optima XR200amxTM and Optima XR220amxTM are trademarks of GE Healthcare. WPA and WPA2 are trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance. All other products and their name brands are trademarks of their respective holders. COPYRIGHTS All material copyright © 2011 by General Electric Company, Inc. All rights reserved. The material presented and contained herein may not be reproduced in any form or manner, without the written permission of General Electric Company, Inc. Page 7 GE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM MANUAL OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM MANUALADVANCED Important precautions DAMAGE IN TRANSPORTATION All packages should be closely examined at time of delivery. If damage is apparent, have notation “damage in shipment” written on all copies of the freight or express bill before delivery is accepted or “signed for” by a General Electric representative or a hospital receiving agent. Whether noted or concealed, damage MUST be reported to the carrier immediately upon discovery, or in any event, within 14 days after receipt, and the contents and containers held for inspection by the carrier. A transportation company will not pay a claim for damage if an inspection is not requested within this 14 day period. To file a report, call 1-800-548-3366. Select the option for “Install Support Services for FOA and MIS.” Contact your local service coordinator for more information on this process. CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR STATEMENT All electrical installations that are preliminary to positioning of the equipment at the site prepared for the equipment shall be performed by licensed electrical contractors. In addition, electrical feeds into the Power Distribution Unit shall be performed by licensed electrical contractors. Other connections between pieces of electrical equipment, calibrations and testing shall be performed by qualified GE Healthcare personnel. The products involved (and the accompanying electrical installations) are highly sophisticated, and special engineering competence is required. In performing all electrical work on these products, GE will use its own specially trained field engineers. All of GE’s electrical work on these products will comply with the requirements of the applicable electrical codes. The purchaser of GE equipment shall only utilize qualified personnel (i.e., GE’s field engineers, personnel of third-party service companies with equivalent training, or licensed electricians) to perform electrical servicing on the equipment. IMPORTANT...X-RAY PROTECTION X-ray equipment if not properly used may cause injury. Accordingly, the instructions herein contained should be thoroughly read and understood by everyone who will use the equipment before you attempt to place this equipment in operation. GE Healthcare will be glad to assist and cooperate in placing this equipment in use. Although this apparatus incorporates a high degree of protection against x-radiation other than the useful beam, no practical design of equipment can provide complete protection. Nor can any practical design compel the operator to take adequate precautions to prevent the possibility of any persons carelessly exposing themselves or others to radiation. It is important that anyone having anything to do with x-radiation be properly trained and fully acquainted with the recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) as published in NCRP Reports available from NCRP Publications, 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Room 1016, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, and of the International Commission on Radiation Protection, and take adequate steps to protect against injury. The equipment is sold with the understanding that GE Healthcare, its agents, and representatives have no responsibility for injury or damage which may result from improper use of the equipment. Various protective materials and devices are available. It is urged that such materials or devices be used. Page 8 GE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM MANUAL OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM MANUALADVANCED LITHIUM BATTERY CAUTIONARY STATEMENT DANGER - Risk of Explosion Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Discard used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions. ATTENTION - Danger d’Explosion Il y a danger d’explosion s’il y a replacement incorrect de la batterie. Remplacer uniquement avec une batterie du même type ou d’un type recommandé par le constructeur. Mettre au rébut les batteries usagées conformément aux instructions du fabricant. TECHNICAL MANUAL UPDATES When operating or servicing GE Healthcare products, please contact your GE representative for the latest revision of product documentation. Product documentation may also be available on-line at the GE Healthcare support documentation library. OMISSIONS AND ERRORS Customers, please contact your GE Healthcare sales or service representatives. GE personnel, please use the GE Healthcare complaint handling process to report all omissions, errors, and defects in this publication. Page 9 GE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM MANUAL OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM MANUALADVANCED Revision history Optima Class A Revision Date 1 28SEP2011 Reason for change Initial release of document. Updated Regulatory Testing chapter. Refer to SPR HCSDM00103500. Validation updates Refer to SPRs: HCSDM00103500, HCSDM00104175, HCSDM00104185, HCSDM00104239, HCSDM00104254, HCSDM00104548, HCSDM00104550, HCSDM00104554, HCSDM00105012, HCSDM00105013, HCSDM00105014, HCSDM00105016, HCSDM00105017, HCSDM00105018, HCSDM00105019, HCSDM00105021, HCSDM00105022, HCSDM00105023, HCSDM00105027, HCSDM00105246, HCSDM00105247, HCSDM00105248, HCSDM00105249, HCSDM00105252, HCSDM00105253, HCSDM00105257, HCSDM00105259, HCSDM00105262, HCSDM00105479, HCSDM00105537 2 28OCT2011 3 09NOV2011 Updated Load From Cold sections. Refer to SPR HCSDM0010749. 4 14NOV2011 Validation updates. Refer to SPRs: HCSDM00108056, HCSDM00108058, HCSDM00108059, HCSDM00108068, HCSDM00108075, HCSDM00108076, HCSDM00108095, HCSDM00108096, HCSDM00108097, HCSDM00108098 5 17NOV2011 Validation updates. Refer to SPRs: HCSDM00109056, HCSDM00109082 6 05DEC2011 Validation updates. Refer to SPR HCSDM00111281 Added Chapter 4, Section 4.13 - IP Address Change Procedure. 7 05FEB2012 Added Note to Chapter 3, Sections (after step 14) and (after step 15) on changing the Internal IP Address. Updated Chapter 8, Section (step 15) to correct wiring connection from NO to NC. Refer to SPR HCSDM00120703. 8 12JUL2012 9 18JUL2012 Page 10 Added "Perform QAP" step to Finalization Sections,,,,,,, Refer to SPR HCSDM00140842. Updated Chapter 8, Sections 8.4.1 - Drive Wheel and 8.4.4 - Front Caster to show proper lifting/supporting of unit. Refer to TrackWise 8111422. Updated Chapter 8, Sections 8.4.1 - Drive Wheel and 8.4.4 - Front Caster to show proper lifting/supporting of unit. Refer to SPR HCSDM00147300. GE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM MANUAL Revision OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM MANUALADVANCED Date Reason for change Updated Chapter 8, Section 8.6.5 - Tube mount - detent side (cathode side) and Section 8.6.6 - Tube mount - friction side (anode side) to show new version of tube mounts. Refer to ECO 2122380. Added text to front material on how to obtain most recent revisions of technical manuals. Satisfies FDA recommendation. 10 29SEP2012 Updated PM Checklist and PM Procedures to add hand switch visual inspection, functional checks, cleaning and 3-year replacement. Refer to CAPA 5970812. Added ’Detector firmware download’ procedure to the System Data & Software chapter. Refer to SPR HCSDM00157822. Updated Chapter 7, Section Step 4 to "Verify that the selected kVp and mAs are displayed in the protocol modification frames and the left side of the status bar. Both displays should match." Refer to TrackWise 8987140. Chapter 8, added new Section 8.4.6 - Column replacement. Refer to ECO 2147940. Chapter 7, Section 7.2.2, added Note about potential test equipment damage. Refer to HCSDM00188252. Chapter 4, Section 4.13, updated text in Steps 3 and 6. Refer to HCSDM00185329. Chapter 7, Section 7.1.1, corrected spelling error 'equipmentte'. Refer to HCSDM00188263. Chapter 2, Section 2.4, deleted Section 2.4.3 - PM Checklist. Refer to HCSDM00188249. Chapter 8, added new Section 8.2.4 - Spyder to Board Data Module Cable Replacement. Refer to ECR 2144543. Chapter 8, Section 8.5.11, updated procedure to support new BDM cable. Refer to ECR 2144543. 11 19SEP2013 Chapter 4, Sections and, added Notes about need to reset system after DAP reconnection. Refer to HCSDM00188256. Chapter 8, Section, added Note about need to reset system after DAP reconnection. Refer to HCSDM00188256. Chapter 8, added new Section - Battery Pack Integration. Refer to HCSDM00188260. Chapter 8, Section, added Loctite 242 (2 places). Refer to HCSDM00191982. Chapter 8, Section, updated text in Steps 2 and 4 to save existing hardware for reuse. Refer to HCSDM00202552. Chapter 7, added new Section 7.3 - Tube Radiation Leakage Test. Refer to HCSDM00192198. Chapter 8, Section - Column replacement, added note before Step 1 regarding carriage safety lock. Refer to HCSDM00202552. Chapter 3, Section 3.4, updated steps 3-5 with correct navigation links. Refer to HCSDM00188263. Chapter 5, added new Section 5.6.3 - DAP Calibration. 12 14NOV2013 Chapter 2, Table 2-4, added DAP Calibration reference. Chapter 8, Section, added step for DAP Calibration. Refer to HCSDM00159583. Page 11 GE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM MANUAL Revision OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM MANUALADVANCED Date Reason for change Chapter 4, Section 4.10.3, changed Figures 4-9 and 4-10 to show DAP meter in lower set of collimator rails. Refer to HCSDM00264083. Chapter 4, Section, added steps to remove cable cover and then put back on at end of procedure. Refer to ECO 2160317. Chapter 4, Section 4.10.4, added Wireless Handswitch Installation section. Refer to ECO 2162103. 13 01MAY2014 Chapter 3, Section, step 4, added to check and record existing system IP address prior to SW download. Refer to HCSDM00264080. Chapter 3, Section and Section, added step 16 instruction to load operator manual. Reference link to Section 4.8 Installing the operator manual. Refer to HCSDM00264101. Chapter 7, Section 7.2.1, changed bin measurement point in Table 7-20 to "Screw used for mounting strain relief of wired handswitch cable". Changed Fig 7-16 to show new measurement point. Refer to ECO 2148874. Chapter 8, Section 8.3, added cable cover installation procedure. Refer to ECO 2160317. Chapter 4, Section 4.2.6, added “FIPS ON” column in table 4-7 and table 4-8 for wireless Authentication requirement. Chapter 4, Section 4.8, Section 4.9, Section 4.13, added notes regarding consulting your administrator for Account and Password information. 14 03DEC2014 Chapter 4, Section 4.10.4, added tablet holder assembly installation procedure. Chapter 8, Section 8.7.16, added tablet support arm assembly replacement procedure. Chapter 8, Section 8.7.16, added Tablet clamp assembly replacement procedure. Chapter 8, added torque requirement in some parts replacement procedure. Refer to DOC1633766. 15 Page 12 06FEB2015 Chapter 4, Section 4.10.4 revised tablet holder assembly installation procedure refer to ECR/O 2186522 Chapter 8 Section 8.7.16 revised tablet holder assembly replacement procedure refer to ECR/O 2186522 Preface publication conventions GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 15 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM MANUAL DIRECTION 5336122-1EN Preface Publication Conventions Standardized conventions for representing information is a uniform way of communicating information to a reader in a consistent manner. Conventions are used so that the reader can easily recognize the actions or decisions that must be made. There are a number of character and paragraph styles used in this publication to accomplish this task. Please become familiar with them before proceeding forward. It is important that you read and understand hazard statements, and not just ignore them. Safety & Hazard Information Proper product safety labeling allows a person to safely use or service a product. The format and style for safety communications reflected in this publication represents the harmonization of IEC/ ISO 3864 and ANSI Z535 standards. Within this publication, different paragraph and character styles are used to indicated potential hazards. Paragraph prefixes, such as hazard, caution, danger and warning, are used to identify important safety information. Text (Hazard) styles are applied to the paragraph contents that are applicable to each specific safety statement. Hazard Messages Any action that will, could or potentially cause personal injury will be preceded by the safety alert symbol and an appropriate signal word. The safety alert symbol is the triangle with an exclamation mark within it. It Is always used next to the signal word to indicate the severity of the hazard. Together, they are used to indicate a hazard exists. Signal words describe the severity of possible human injures that may be encountered. The alert symbol and signal word are placed immediately before any paragraph they affect. Safety information includes: 1.) Signal Word - The seriousness level of the hazard. 2.) Symbol or Pictorial - The consequence of interaction with the hazard. 3.) Word Message: a.) The nature of the hazard (i.e. the type of hazard) b.) How to avoid the hazard. The safety alert symbol is not used when an action can only cause equipment damage. Text Format of Signal Words DANGER - INDICATES AN IMMINENTLY HAZARDOUS SITUATION WHICH, IF NOT AVOIDED, WILL RESULT IN DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY. THIS SIGNAL WORD IS LIMITED TO THE MOST EXTREME SITUATIONS. WARNING - INDICATES A POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS SITUATION WHICH, IF NOT AVOIDED, COULD RESULT IN DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY. Caution - Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices. NOTICE - Indicates information or a company policy that relates directly or indirectly to the safety of personnel or protection of property. This signal word is associated directly with a hazard or hazardous situation and is used in place of 'DANGER,' 'WARNING,' or 'CAUTION.' It can include: Page 13 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 15 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM MANUAL DIRECTION 5336122-1EN • Destruction of a disk drive • Potential for internal mechanical damage, such as to a X-ray tube Symbols and Pictorials Used The following Symbols and Pictorials are be used in this publication. These graphical icons (symbols) may be used to make you aware of specific types of hazards that could possibly cause harm. Page 14 keep_up magnetic biohazard compressgas ppe-hearing fragile impact corrosive heavyobject ppe-2people static_elec heat general laser ppe-respitory keep_dry pinch radiation poisongas ppe-loto general explosive electrical flammable ppe-eye torque crush/mechanical tipping Read Manual ppe-gloves ce instuction poisonmatl entanglement instuction GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 15 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM MANUAL DIRECTION 5336122-1EN Publication Conventions General Paragraph and Character Styles Prefixes are used to highlight important non-safety related information. Paragraph prefixes (such as Purpose, Example, Comment or Note) are used to identify important but non-safety related information. Text styles are also applied to text within each paragraph modified by the specific prefix. EXAMPLES OF PREFIXES USED FOR GENERAL INFORMATION: Purpose: Introduces and provides meaning as to the information contained within the chapter, section or subsection (such as used at the beginning this chapter, for example). Note: Example: Comment: Conveys information that should be considered important to the reader. Used to make the reader aware that the paragraph(s) that follow are examples of information possibly stated previously. Represents “additional” information that may or may not be relevant to your situation. Page Layout Publication Part Number & Revision Number The current section and its title are always shown in the footer of the left (even) page. An exclamation point in a triangle is used to indicate important information to the user. Paragraphs preceeded by Alphanumeric characters (e.g. numbers) contain information that must be followed in a specific order. Publication Title The current chapter and its title are always shown in the footer of the right (odd) page. Paragraphs preceeded by a symbol (e.g. bullets) contain information that has no specific order. Headers and footers in this publication are designed to allow you to quickly identify your location. The document part number and revision number appears in every header on every page. Odd numbered page footers indicate the current chapter, its title and current page number. Even page footers show the current section and its title, as well as the current page number. Page 15 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 15 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM MANUAL DIRECTION 5336122-1EN Computer Screen Output/Input Text Character Styles Within this publication, mono-spaced character styles (fonts) are used to indicate computer text that’s either screen input and output. Mono-spaced fonts, such courier, are used to indicated text direction. When you type at your keyboard, you are generating computer input. Occasionally you will see the math operator “greater-than” and “less-than” symbols used to indicate the start and finish of variable output. When reading text generated by the computer, you are reading it as computer generated output. In addition to direction, characters are italicized (e.g. italics) to indicate information specific to your system or site. Example: Fixed Output This paragraph’s font represents computer generated screen “fixed” output. Its output is fixed from the sense that it does not vary from application to application. It is the most commonly used style used to indicate filenames, paths and text that do not change from system to system. The character style used is a fixed width such as courier. Example: Variable Output This paragraph’s font represents computer screen output that is “variable”. It is used to represent output that varies from application to application or system to system. Variable output is sometimes found placed between greater-than and less-than operators for clarification. For example: <variable_ouput> or <>. In both cases, the < and > operators are not part of the actual input. Example: Fixed Input This paragraph’s font represents fixed input. It is computer input that is typed-in via the keyboard. Typed input that does not vary from application to application or system to system. Fixed text the user is required to supply as input. For example: cd /usr/3p Example: Variable Input This paragraph’s font represents computer input that can vary from application to application or system to system. With variable text, the user is required to supply system dependent input or information. Variable input sometimes is placed between greater-than and less-than operators. For example: <variable_input>. In these cases, the (<>) operators would be dropped prior to input. For example: ypcat hosts | grep <> would be typed into the computer as: ypcat hosts | grep without the greater-than and less-than operators. Buttons, Switches and Keyboard Inputs (Hard & Soft Keys) Different character styles are used to indicate actions requiring the reader to press either a hard or soft button, switch or key. Physical hardware, such as buttons and switches, are called hard keys because they are hard wired or mechanical in nature. A keyboard or on/off switch would be a hard key. Software or computer generated buttons are called soft keys because they are software generated. Software driven menu buttons are an example of such keys. Soft and hard keys are represented differently in this publication. Example: Hard Keys A power switch ON/OFF or a keyboard key like ENTER is indicated by applying a character style that uses both over and under-lined bold text that is bold. This is a hard key. Example: Soft Keys Whereas the computer MENU button that you would click with your mouse or touch with your hand uses over and under-lined regular text. This is a soft key. Page 16 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 15 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM MANUAL DIRECTION 5336122-1EN Table of contents Chapter 1 Safety / Before You Begin ............................................................ 23 Section 1.1 Energy sources........................................................................... 23 Section 1.2 Lock Out/Tag Out (LOTO) procedure for electrical power...... 24 1.2.1 Preparing for LOTO...................................................................................................... 24 1.2.2 Performing LOTO......................................................................................................... 26 1.2.3 Returning system to service......................................................................................... 29 Section 1.3 Electrostatic discharge (ESD) ................................................... 30 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 Chapter 2 Important ESD considerations when working on a mobile system .............................. Generating static .......................................................................................................... Personal grounding methods and equipment .............................................................. Grounding the work area.............................................................................................. Recommended materials and equipment .................................................................... 30 30 31 31 32 Planned Maintenance.................................................................... 33 Section 2.1 Before you begin ........................................................................ 33 Section 2.2 Planned maintenance schedule ................................................ 33 Section 2.3 System performance .................................................................. 33 Section 2.4 Planned maintenance procedures ............................................ 33 2.4.1 Before you begin - safety precautions.......................................................................... 33 2.4.2 Tools required .............................................................................................................. 33 2.4.3 PM Procedures ............................................................................................................ 34 Chapter 3 System data and software ............................................................ 43 Section 3.1 Backing up system data ............................................................ 43 3.1.1 What is included in a system backup? ......................................................................... 43 3.1.2 Performing a system backup........................................................................................ 43 Section 3.2 Performing Load From Cold (LFC)............................................ 44 3.2.1 Loading or upgrading system software ........................................................................ 44 Section 3.3 Performing a FW Load From Cold (LFC) .................................. 47 Section 3.4 Restoring generator firmware only ........................................... 47 Section 3.5 Detector firmware download ..................................................... 48 Section 3.6 Restoring system data ............................................................... 48 3.6.1 Before you begin .......................................................................................................... 48 3.6.2 Restoring system data ................................................................................................. 48 Section 3.7 System self recovery.................................................................. 49 Chapter 4 Configuration ................................................................................. 51 Section 4.1 When should I configure the system?...................................... 51 Page 17 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 15 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM MANUAL DIRECTION 5336122-1EN Section 4.2 Using the System Configuration Tool (SUIF) ........................... 51 4.2.1 Site configuration ......................................................................................................... 4.2.2 Networking configuration ............................................................................................. 4.2.3 General configuration .................................................................................................. 4.2.4 Hardware configuration................................................................................................ 4.2.5 Generator configuration ............................................................................................... 4.2.6 Wireless configuration ................................................................................................. 4.2.7 Options configuration................................................................................................... 4.2.8 InSite configuration ...................................................................................................... 4.2.9 PNF configuration ........................................................................................................ 4.2.10 Time Server configuration.......................................................................................... 4.2.11 Secure Login configuration ........................................................................................ 52 53 53 54 54 55 58 58 58 60 60 Section 4.3 Changing Auto Protocol Assist settings .................................. 61 Section 4.4 DICOM connectivity configuration ............................................ 61 4.4.1 Network host configuration .......................................................................................... 61 4.4.2 Printer configuration..................................................................................................... 64 Section 4.5 Image management..................................................................... 66 Section 4.6 Image processing........................................................................ 66 4.6.1 Enabling EMI reduction................................................................................................ 66 Section 4.7 Loading demo images ................................................................ 67 4.7.1 Loading images from CD ............................................................................................. 67 Section 4.8 Installing the Operator Manual .................................................. 67 Section 4.9 Login and user management ..................................................... 68 Section 4.10 Installing hardware options ....................................................... 68 4.10.1 4.10.2 4.10.3 4.10.4 4.10.5 Installing the barcode reader ..................................................................................... Configuring the barcode reader ................................................................................. Installing the Dose Area Product (DAP) meter .......................................................... Installing the tablet holder assembly.......................................................................... Installing the wireless exposure handswitch.............................................................. 68 71 74 79 82 Section 4.11 Importing custom IP looks from Definium AMX 700................ 92 Section 4.12 Enabling Advanced Service mode ............................................ 93 Section 4.13 IP Address Change Procedure .................................................. 93 4.13.1 Snapshot Tool Configuration ..................................................................................... 94 Chapter 5 Calibration .................................................................................... 103 Section 5.1 Preparing for calibrations ........................................................ 103 5.1.1 Saving changes ......................................................................................................... 103 Section 5.2 Touchscreen calibration........................................................... 103 5.2.1 Calibrating the touchscreen ....................................................................................... 103 Section 5.3 Generator calibration................................................................ 104 5.3.1 Setting filament drive level......................................................................................... 104 5.3.2 Viewing and resetting tube and generator usage data .............................................. 104 Section 5.4 Detector calibration .................................................................. 105 Page 18 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 15 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM MANUAL DIRECTION 5336122-1EN 5.4.1 Executing bad pixel and gain calibrations .................................................................. 105 Section 5.5 Image quality calibration ......................................................... 107 5.5.1 Calibrating the printer................................................................................................. 107 Section 5.6 Hardware calibration ................................................................ 108 5.6.1 Drive handle calibration.............................................................................................. 108 5.6.2 Touch screen calibration ............................................................................................ 108 5.6.3 DAP calibration .......................................................................................................... 108 Section 5.7 PACS image tests ..................................................................... 110 5.7.1 5.7.2 5.7.3 5.7.4 Chapter 6 Comparing PACS test images ................................................................................... Determining PACS burn/no-burn configuration.......................................................... Optional PACS tests .................................................................................................. PACS image comparison results ............................................................................... 111 111 114 117 Mechanical adjustment procedures .......................................... 119 Section 6.1 Column related assemblies ..................................................... 119 6.1.1 Column balance procedure ........................................................................................ 119 6.1.2 Tube latch to arm pin adjustment procedure.............................................................. 122 6.1.3 Column rotational detent procedure........................................................................... 125 Chapter 7 Regulatory testing....................................................................... 129 Section 7.1 U.S. federally required tests .................................................... 129 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.1.4 7.1.5 7.1.6 Required test equipment ............................................................................................ Preparing for testing................................................................................................... Collimator testing ....................................................................................................... Generator tests .......................................................................................................... Beam Quality Test...................................................................................................... Testing generator operator indicators ........................................................................ 129 129 130 136 143 144 Section 7.2 Testing electrical safety ........................................................... 144 7.2.1 Performing ground resistance testing ........................................................................ 145 7.2.2 Performing leakage current testing ............................................................................ 154 Section 7.3 Tube Radiation Leakage Test - Optional ................................ 157 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.4 7.3.5 Chapter 8 Personnel Requirements............................................................................................ Preliminary requirements ........................................................................................... Purpose...................................................................................................................... Common Errors:......................................................................................................... X-Ray Tube Leakage Radiation Requirement: .......................................................... 157 157 158 158 158 Replacement procedures .......................................................... 163 Section 8.1 Cover management .................................................................. 163 8.1.1 8.1.2 8.1.3 8.1.4 8.1.5 8.1.6 Side cover removal .................................................................................................... Top cover removal ..................................................................................................... Front cover removal ................................................................................................... Front bin removal ....................................................................................................... Rear bin removal........................................................................................................ Column skirt cover removal........................................................................................ 164 164 166 170 171 174 Page 19 GE HEALTHCARE REVISION 15 OPTIMA XR200AMX/XR220AMX SYSTEM MANUAL DIRECTION 5336122-1EN 8.1.7 Tube head cover removal .......................................................................................... 175 Section 8.2 Cable replacement .................................................................... 176 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 General cable replacement........................................................................................ High voltage cable replacement ................................................................................ "Super cable" 5557068 cable replacement................................................................ Spyder to Board Data Module Cable Replacement................................................... 176 181 190 192 Section 8.3 Cable cover installation............................................................ 195 Section 8.4 Software Load From Cold ........................................................ 196 Section 8.5 Base assembly .......................................................................... 197 8.5.1 Drive wheel ................................................................................................................ 8.5.2 Battery packs ............................................................................................................. 8.5.3 Front bumper assembly or bumper switch................................................................. 8.5.4 Front caster................................................................................................................ 8.5.5 Spring applied brake (column rotational brake) ......................................................... 8.5.6 Column support assembly ......................................................................................... 8.5.7 Rear bin kickplate ...................................................................................................... 8.5.8 Rear bin mounting bracket - Optima XR200amx only ............................................... 8.5.9 Motor brake and motor reducer assembly ................................................................. 8.5.10 Caterpillar base transition board.............................................................................. 197 201 207 210 215 218 229 232 234 237 Section 8.6 Thorax assembly....................................................................... 239 8.6.1 Spyder system controller ........................................................................................... 8.6.2 Locust drive board ..................................................................................................... 8.6.3 Locust drive board fuses............................................................................................ 8.6.4 Firefly charger board.................................................................................................. 8.6.5 Firefly board fuses ..................................................................................................... 8.6.6 Cricket battery board ................................................................................................. 8.6.7 Cricket board fuses.................................................................................................... 8.6.8 Hornet UIF board ....................................................................................................... 8.6.9 Drive login active board collector............................................................................... 8.6.10 Top cover or display & inverter collector.................................................................. 8.6.11 Board data module .................................................................................................. 8.6.12 System PC............................................................................................................... 8.6.13 Wireless USB host radio board................................................................................ 8.6.14 Whip antenna........................................................................................................... 8.6.15 Digital detector......................................................................................................... 8.6.16 Detector bin park switch .......................................................................................... 8.6.17 Detector charge cable assembly ............................................................................. 8.6.18 Detector bin shock absorber.................................................................................... 8.6.19 Docking connector: detector side ............................................................................ 8.6.20 Beetle Djinn set of cables ........................................................................................ 8.6.21 Djinn 15kW Auxiliary module ................................................................................... 8.6.22 Djinn power module ................................................................................................. 8.6.23 Djinn HV tank........................................................................................................... 8.6.24 Djinn 30kW auxiliary module ................................................................................... 8.6.25 Drive handle assembly ............................................................................................ 8.6.26 Mantis power supply ................................................................................................ 8.6.27 EMI filter..................................................