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Electromyography (EMG) & Muscle Physiology Presentation

Electromyography Lab
3 Types of Muscle
Primary function of muscle: Conversion of chemical energy into mechanical energy
• Skeletal
– “Voluntary”; striated, attached to the skeleton
– Locomotion, heat
– Contracts in response to somatic motor neuron only
• Cardiac
– Involuntary; striated
– Only in heart
– Autonomic control
– Endocrine modulation
• Smooth
– Involuntary; no striations
– Internal organs: stomach, bladder, blood vessels
– Autonomic control
– Endocrine modulation
Motor Unit
A single motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers it controls is a motor unit.
Motor unit recruitment: The increase in the number of simultaneously
active motor units within a muscle based on demand.
Control of skeletal muscle contraction
- the number of motor units within a muscle that are activated
- the frequency of motor neuron impulses in each motor unit
Skeletal Muscle Structure
Each skeletal muscle contains
numerous muscle fibers
-Each muscle fiber encloses a
bundle of 4 to 20 elongated
structures called myofibrils
-Each myofibril in turn is
composed of thick and thin
Skeletal Muscle Structure
A bands = Stacked thick & thin myofilaments
-Dark bands
H bands = Center of the A band, consisting of
thick bands only
I bands = Consist only of thin myofilaments
-Light bands
-Divided into two halves by a disc of protein
called the Z line
Sarcomere = Distance between two Z lines
-Smallest subunit of muscle contraction
Skeletal Muscle Contraction
A muscle contracts and shortens because the
myofibrils contract and shorten
-Myofilaments themselves do not shorten
-Instead, the thick and thin filaments slide
relative to each other
-Sliding filament mechanism
-Z lines move closer together, as
the I and H bands become shorter
-A band does not change in size
Skeletal Muscle Contraction
A thick filament is composed of several myosin subunits packed together
-Myosin consists of two polypeptide chains wrapped around each other
-Each chain ends with a globular head
A thin filament is composed of two chains of actin proteins twisted together in a
Cross Bridge Cycle
Muscle contraction involves a series of events called the cross-bridge cycle
-Hydrolysis of ATP by myosin, activates the head for the later power stroke
-The ADP and Pi remain bound to the head, which binds to actin forming a
-During the power stroke, myosin returns to its original shape, releasing ADP
and Pi
-ATP binds to the head which releases actin
Skeletal Muscle Contraction
When a muscle is relaxed, its myosin heads cannot
bind to actin because the attachment sites are
blocked by tropomyosin
-In order for muscle to contract, tropomyosin
must be removed by troponin
-This process is regulated by Ca2+ levels
in the muscle fiber sarcoplasm
Skeletal Muscle Contraction
-In low Ca2+ levels, tropomyosin inhibits crossbridge formation
-In high Ca2+ levels, Ca2+ binds to troponin
-Tropomyosin is displaced, allowing the
formation of actin-myosin cross-bridges
Skeletal Muscle Contraction
A muscle fiber is stimulated to contract by motor
neurons, which secrete acetylcholine at the
neuromuscular junction
-The membrane becomes depolarized
-Depolarization is conducted down the
transverse tubules (T tubules)
-Stimulate the release of Ca2+ from
the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
Skeletal Muscle Contraction
Skeletal Muscle
A motor unit consists of a motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers it
-All fibers contract together when the motor neuron produces impulses
Muscles that require precise control have smaller motor units
Muscles that require less precise control but exert more force, have larger
motor units
Recruitment is the cumulative increase in motor unit number and size leading
to a stronger contraction
Skeletal Muscle Contraction
A muscle stimulated with a single AP quickly contracts and relaxes
in a response called a twitch
Summation is a cumulative response when a second twitch “piggybacks” on the first
Tetanus occurs when there is no relaxation between twitches
-A sustained contraction is produced
Muscle Contraction
Muscle tension: force created by muscle
Load: weight that opposes contraction
Contraction: creation of tension in muscle
Relaxation: release of tension
Steps leading up to muscle contraction:
– Events at the neuromuscular junction
– Excitation-contraction coupling
– Contraction-relaxation cycle
Tonus: Slight tension constantly present to maintain the readiness of the muscle.
Results from alternate periodic activation of a small number of motor units within
the muscle by motor centers in the brain and spinal cord.
Asynchronous Recruitment: Recruitment of different motor units within the same
to carry out the same task. The number may stay the same but the actual motor
units might be different.
Grading: Changes in the strength of muscle contraction or the extent of
contraction in proportion to the load on the muscle. Grading is responsible for
the smooth movements like swimming, walking etc..
Electromyography: The detection, amplification, and recording of changes in skin
voltage produced by underlying skeletal muscle contraction is electromyography.
Motor unit activation causes muscle fibers to generate and conduct electrical
impulses resulting in contraction of the muscle fibers. Many fibers simultaneously
conducting electrical signals induce voltage differences that can be measured by
surface electrodes.
Electromyogram : The reading obtained from electromyography.
Dynamometry: Measurement of power. The graphic record derived from the use
of a dynamometer is known as a dynamogram.
Fatigue: Decrease in the muscle’s ability to generate force. Reversible.
Electromyography Lab
Experimental Objectives :
1. To observe and record skeletal tonus.
2. To record maximum clench strength for right and left hands
3. To observe, record and correlate motor unit recruitment with increased power
of skeletal muscle contraction
4. To listen to EMG “sounds” and correlate sound intensity with motor unit
1. To determine the maximum clench strength for right and left hands and compare
differences between male and female subjects.
2. To observe and record, and correlate motor unit recruitment with increased
power of skeletal muscle contraction.
3. To record the force produced by clench muscles, EMG when inducing fatigue.