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Colonialism and Neocolonialism: History & Impact

Colonialism and Neocolonialism
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Colonialism and Neocolonialism
The European forces' early colonization of the newfound world during the late 18th
century opened the gates for capitalism, imperialism, and later neocolonialism in the weaker
states. France, Portugal, Denmark, and Germany were at the frontline of perpetrating these vices.
The colonial powers were seeking the domination of their race over their acquired new colonies
to assert their control in the region. However, when it comes to neo-colonialism, it took place
after the post-colonial period. The early colonial authorities mostly used it to use their economic,
political, and social pressure to control other less developed states. They continued extorting
these countries even long after they assured them of their independence from colonial influence.
Neocolonialism has been attributed to weakening the independent states' social, political,
and economic capabilities from their master's rule. With the vision of attaining industrialization
within the newly independent states, there was an increased need for capital and resources to
fund their projects, resulting in increased dependency on their former colonies for donations and
loans. Neocolonialism often involves stronger countries extorting and undermining their former
colonized and underdeveloped countries (Guichon, 2021). Neocolonialism can be directly linked
to social concerns like borrowing severe cultural effects from other developed and powerful
states and should be eliminated. The USA is considered the primary perpetrator of neocolonialism around the world.
Colonialism involved both the use of physical and territorial occupation of newfound
colonies by the colonizers. Though neocolonialism is considered modern, colonialism took place
in the late 18th century and early 19th century and had different executions like the British used
Indirect rule. At the same time, the French employed assimilation of new cultures and races
(Guichon, 2021). Schoolers regard colonialism to have opened doors to capitalism and
The roots of colonialism and neo-colonialism ought to be disintegrated as the negative
impacts that come about seem to outweigh the minor positive effects that member states can
boast of. They include overdependency on economies, economic brain drains, and many more
(Alashari, & Rahman, 2021). As long as imperialism is still being practiced around the world,
the war against neocolonialism and colonialism cannot be won unless the donor nations come up
with better ways to help their colonies without having to infiltrate their social and political
lifestyles for their selfish interests.
Alashari, M., & Rahman, M. M. Western Neocolonialism.
Guichon, M. L. (2021). (Black) neo-colonialism and rootless African elites: tracing conceptions
of global inequality in the writings of George Ayittey and Kwesi Kwaa Prah, 1980s–
1990s. Intellectual History Review, 1-24.