HI 1670 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK Summer examinations 2007/08 DEVELOPING SOUTH ASIA: FROM COLONIALISM TO GLOBALISATION ________________________________________________________________________ (i) For candidates who are offering a whole-unit paper: Time allowed: 3 hours Answer THREE questions. (ii) For candidates who are offering a half-unit paper: Time allowed: 2 hours Answer TWO questions Answers should NOT include any significant amount of material already presented in ANY assessed essays. Read carefully the instructions on the answer book and make sure that the particulars required are entered on each answer book. ________________________________________________________________________ 1. ‘Colonialism was a development project.’ Discuss. 2. What is the relationship between modernisation and colonialism? 3. ‘The Green Revolution was a success.’ Discuss. 4. How did Indians leaders nationalise development under colonial rule? 5. Do you agree with Jawaharlal Nehru’s claim that megadams were India’s ‘new temples to modernity’? 6. Why does population control matter to the history of development in South Asia? 7. ‘The South Asian peasant has proved impervious to development.’ Discuss. 8. ‘Knowledge is power.’ Discuss in relationship to EITHER the history of colonialism in South Asia OR the history of development in independent South Asia. CONTINUED 1 HI 1670 9. ‘Women’s bodies are the palimpsest upon which successive regimes inscribe their writ.’ Discuss. 10. ‘Whereas colonialism produced docile bodies, development produces consumers.’ Discuss. END 2