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IT Support Interview Questions & Answers

3. have you ever made a mistake and how have u handled it?
Yes, when I was new in IT
I got a request to Delete user account
The company process was first to ‘disable’ account for 30 days
My manager explained to me what the process is and the account was recovered
I learned from my lesson and follow the process
4. if you are at your desk and u hear a co-worker being rude to a client on the phone,
what would you do?
a) I would ask him not to treat the customer that way
b) If he does not listen, I would involve management to resolve the issue
5. name an incident where u had to explain something to a client who was stubborn
Some people do not like changes- client refused computer upgrades
a) I listened to client/customer to understand his problem
b) His worry was losing his files
c) I addressed the issue by backing up his data securely