Suggestions for Happiness Resolutions – Happiness and Work

Suggestions for Happiness Resolutions – Happiness and Work
Try a happy dance to start your day
Random Acts of Workplace Kindness
 Bring someone a cup of coffee
 Leave a small sticky note with a smiley face on a co-worker’s computer screen
 Offer to assist with a project
 Bring lunch to someone working hard to meet a deadline
Try a Level 5 “Greeting”
 Make eye contact
 Smile
 Say “good morning”/”good afternoon”/”hello”
 Ask a secondary follow up (ex. How are you?)
 Touch (ex. offer a handshake or pat a shoulder)
Praise a co-worker – send an email, offer a high five and a thumbs-up, smile and say a sincere
thanks for the help, etc.
At the end of the day, write down 3 good things that happened at work