Uploaded by Sanchetta Ferguson

Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Plan Template
Grade Level:
Unit Title:
Lesson Title:
Estimated Time:
Standard/s (Sunshine State, Next Generation Sunshine State, Core Curriculum):
Learning Goal/Target/Objective: (What should students know and be able to do as a result of this lesson?)
Essential/Guiding Question(s): (Higher-order thinking level in student-friendly language)
Content: (Outline what you are going to teach)
Key Vocabulary:
WICOR: AVID Method Strategies:
W Writing: How will students use writing as a tool of learning?
I Inquiry: What questions will I ask? How will I facilitate students asking questions?
C Collaboration: How will I facilitate student collaboration?
O Organization: How will students set goals for their learning? How will I help students manage the
Tasks/materials of the lesson? How will I release responsibility to students for their own learning?
R Reading: What will students read? What strategies will I use to facilitate that reading?
Activate prior knowledge/Anticipatory Set/Hook: What prior knowledge should students have for this
lesson? How will you gain their attention?
Input: Teaching Phase: How will you present the concept or skill to your students?
a. Key vocabulary instruction
b. Teaching of the concept
Modeling: Showing, explaining, demonstrating to the students how to do something that they will then be
expected to do.
Check for understanding: Whatever you do to determine students’ comprehension of what has been
taught thus far (Q & A, cognitive processing strategies, graphic organizers, use of scales, etc.)
Guided practice: What activities or exercises will the students complete with teacher and/or peer
Independent practice: What activities or exercises will students complete to reinforce the concepts and
skills developed in the lesson?
Closure: How will you assist your students in organizing the knowledge gained in the lesson? (Q & A,
exit slip, game, cognitive processing strategies, etc.)
Assessment/Evaluation: How will you assess the students’ attainment of the lesson objectives? The assessment
must be stated in measurable terms. (condition, performance, criteria)
 Formative Assessment and/or Summative Assessment:
Materials/Resources: All materials and equipment needed to teach this lesson.
References: Any sources (e.g., textbooks, internet sites, etc.) used in the planning of this lesson.
Accommodations: Differentiated instruction; any modifications made to the lesson to assist ESE and/or
ELs in the comprehension of the lesson.