E-ROZGAAR UNDERTAKING FORM FOR PENDING DOCUMENTS I__Muhammad Abu Bakar_S/o/D/oW/o___Muhammad Bashir___have applied for e-Rozgaar Programme in _Non- Technical domain (course track) at (Govt. Post Graduate College, Hafizabab) training center. I undertake that the following documents/certificates are pending for submission and I will submit the same by_25/08/2020 date. 1. ___________Domicile____ 2. _________________________________ 3. _______________________________ 4. _________________________________ In case I fail to submit the documents/certificates by date as mentioned above or any information or particulars have been suppressed or omitted there from, I am liable to be disqualified and my admission may be cancelled. Furthermore, e-Rozgaar program reserves the right to take any other action as deemed appropriate without any notice to me. I shall have no claim whatsoever against the e-Rozgaar program or for any training certificate. Muhammad Abu Bakar _____________________________ Signature/Name of the Applicant: CNIC #: 34302-4554723-7 Date: 25/08/2020