IPE 431 Organization development Final Exam Name: Jeerasak Archasuksan ID: 6105350 1. In your opinion what is the organization development and its importance as a subject for the study? Organizational development can be defined as an objective-based methodology used to initiate a change of systems in an entity. Organizational development is achieved through a shift in communication processes or their supporting structure. Studying the behavior of employees enables professionals to examine and observe the work environment and anticipate change, which is then effect to accomplish sound organizational development. The organization development is very important in every organization which the organization development is an effort that focuses on improving an organization capability through the alignment of strategy, structure people, rewards, metrics and management processes. Other than that, the process of the organization development that applies a broad range of behavioral science knowledge and practices to help the organization build the capacity to achieve more greater effectiveness, financial performance customer satisfaction and the organization member engagement. Furthermore, the organization development process which include science-backed, interdisciplinary field rooted in psychology, culture, innovation, social sciences, adult education, human resource management, change management, organization behavior, and research analysis and design, among others. In detail the organization development process which involve systematic, long-range process of driving organizational effectiveness, solving problems, and improving organizational performance. Organization development also have a different purpose to achieve within per organization, goals are increasing profit, profit margins, market share, and the general adaptability of the organization, increasing the organization competitiveness. Other than the process of the organization development, the important of the organization development also extent to how you solve the problems within your company as well as the ways in which you analyze a process to find more efficient way of how you doing it. You have to understand the important of the organization development as well as the role of organization development which will help you strong course for your busines. In the organization development it also requires the analysis of several kinds of information in order for organization to be successful. Another role of organization development is as an important tool in managing and planning corporate growth. With the managing you can achieve this through an organization development analysis that bring together the sale project and customer demand to help determine the rate of your company growth’s. Analysis work process is important in the organization development, analyzing your company’s work processes is another role of organizational development. When your company is involved in organizational development, you are able to analyze work processes for efficiency and accuracy. You can determine whether or not there is overlap in the things you’re doing, or if you need more employees to take up a task that is under served. Any quality control measures required to attain company standards are put in place. Evaluators analyze a duplicate process or processes that can be combined for greater efficiency, and develop and implement detailed plans on how to improve company methods. According to that you need to continuous improvement in the company, companies that engage in organizational development commit to continually improving their business and offering. Increased communication, which help your employee to share the information and get the feedback form your employee. According to your feedback and you will know how you will improve your employee such employee development Organizational development focuses on increased communication to influence employees to bring about desired changes. The need for employee development stems from constant industry and market changes. This causes an organization to regularly enhance employee skills to meet evolving market requirements. This is achieved through a program of learning, training, skills/competency enhancement and work process improvement. Product and service enhancement also important in organization development, organization development also increases product innovation by using competitive analysis market research and consumer expectation and preference. The last thing is to increased profit in organization development. To conclude, the organization development is very important in the company through the organization development is help your organization to development through managing, analysis, communication and as well as other thing in increase the profit in your company. 2. Explain all process of the organization development briefly. The organizational development process is an action research model designed to understand known problems, set measurable goals, implement changes, and analyze results. According to the history of the organization which have been taken seriously around 1930, so the organizational development process takes advantage of a circular set of steps that can be repeated in order to make changes, test them out, and then adjust further until the desired results have been achieved. There are several process of organization development, let begin with the organization development process cycle this process will begin when a problem is identified. This system can be used to make improvements on just about any situation or problem that a business faces. It is a broad set of steps that are easily understood, and provide companies with the ability to quickly make changes in an attempt to solve issues. Once the changes are made, they can be evaluated to see if the problem was resolved, and if not, it will continue through the development process. This will run through problem identification, a problem can be identifies in a wide range of ways including reports from employees data gathering. And situational assessment and at the same time with action planning, the plan need to be make in to an action on how the problem will be solved step by step. Implement Plan, taking the plan made in the previous step, and putting it into action. Depending on the complexities of the change, this may include training and other steps needed to ensure the action plan is put in place correctly. Gather Data, as soon as the change is put in place, it is time to start gathering data. This should be done with a focus on identifying whether or not the changes made are having a positive impact on the problem at hand. Analyze Results, looking at the data that is gathered to see if it improved the problem, eliminated the problem, did nothing to the problem, or made the problem worse. In addition, watching to see if the changes had any secondary, negative, impacts on other issues is also done here. Get Feedback, gathering feedback from all impacted parties is also important. If the problem is eliminated, but it increases the risk of injury for employees, for example, then it wasn't a good solution. Repeat, if necessary, the process will be repeated. If the changes made had some positive impact, then the process will begin with the current system in place. If they didn't, it may be beneficial to go back to the original way things were done in order to reevaluate. So following the step of process cycle the company can make significant improvement in a very orderly fashion and other than that they will also be able trace the change that are made in order to have real data when it comes to finding solution to problems. Engaging the process is the process to improve the system in organization development, this system can actually take advantage of other process improvement methodologies while it is being used. Choosing what type of solution to use when going through the process is one of the most important things that can be done. Focusing on the whole organization in the organization development, focusing on the whole organization is the process part from many other system is that it can help make improvements throughout a company. Getting everyone involve in organization, by taking ideas from everyone, it is more likely that the best solutions to problems will be found. Another benefit is that employees are more likely to accept changes when they know that they had a hand in developing the changes in the first place. And ideas for solution should also be sought from all level of organization. Due to many process of organization development, the ensuring improvement have to kept when the organization improvement step by step. 3. What do you mean when referring to “organization intervention”? And please provide two examples of the organization intervention. Organization intervention are structured program designed to solve a problem, thus enabling an organization to achieve the goal. These intervention activities are designed to improve the organization’s functioning and enable managers and leaders to better manage their team and organization cultures. These OD interventions are required to address the issues that an organization might be facing ranging from process, performance, knowledge, skill, will, technology, appraisal, career development, attrition, top talent retention and the list can actually be pretty exhaustive. So, there are three type of intervention that an organization able to identity and plan to implement such individual in which intervention pertaining to an individual, group in which intervention pertaining to a group and organization in which intervention related to the organization strategy and policy. An organization should be able to identify the kind of organization intervention required. Once the intervention is identified the organization should then plan to address or eradicate the issue at hand in an effective manner. There are Organization intervention that address at any intervention. And they are Entering and Contracting, here we establish the fact that require Organization intervention to address an issue. Diagnosis, in this process we identify the intervention and establish the root cause of the issue. Designing Intervention, in this process we design the approach to address the issue or intervene to sort the issue out and bring value to business. Leading and Managing Change, here we establish a focus group with management buy in and implement the designed intervention. OD intervention is a structured program driven from top to bottom. Evaluating and Institutionalizing Interventions, here we evaluate the course of actions implemented and see if we are on track or if we need to re-design the approach so that the objective if met. According to the Organization intervention there are the process of human process intervention, in this intervention is targeting interpersonal relationship and the dynamics of group performance. On an individual basis, they can be used to change the way an individual such as a manager communicates with employees or even the way employees communicate with one another. They can be used to alter unproductive behaviors, to create productive habits and to increase overall self-esteem. Group interventions look at the way groups are formed and how they function to achieve their goals. Interventions may include things like team building skills to change the dynamics within a group or evaluate and address intergroup communication. These interventions may also target large groups such as one consisting of management, employees and stakeholders. For example: companies that are known for given newly employed staffs upfront salary so as to be comfortable within the first six months of his or her employment no longer does that due to some present financial constraints that is affecting the organization as a result of cost of doing business now compare to before. The next one is government policies, which is most common this days and has made so many organization to relocate to nearby countries whose policies are more favorable for their business. A very good example of this government policies within my own country is the down stream policies. This process has withdraw the licence for importation of refined crude products which was initially given to every oil and gas companies to specific companies and making others to close Business thanks.