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Rhetorical Analysis Essay: Internet Persuasion

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Adrian Blake Huff
Dr. Vienna
ENG 205
May 29, 2021
Final Exam
The internet was presumably intended to only to enhance our lives offline but overtime
our online and offline existence have become more intertwined and we have failed to come to
terms with the consequences of this situation. That is not to say we are not aware of the
consequences, but rather fail to foresee how said consequences will recoil back to us. Two
authors, Elise Hu and Isaac Gilman within their respective articles, attempt to persuade their
audiences to make changes to their online activities using differing methods of persuasion. In her
article, Hu discerns that the psychological toll of Facebook is unnecessary and presents strong
evidence to her audience so that they will ultimately come to their own conclusion. Conversely,
Gilman provides his evidence with explanation and advisory to his audience with a notable
sympathetic tone. From an objective point of view, the effects have already materialized and will
only intensify without intervention. In order to reverse this trajectory, internet users need to feel
motivated by a trustworthy source to make change.
Both Hu and Gilman calibrated their methods of persuasion in a manner they believe will
best transmit their message to their audience. In her article, Hu primarily uses logos persuasion
to support her argument. She uses a basic yet effective formula by providing statistical evidence
and then providing her interpretation of the data as a warrant. For example, a study concluded
that Facebook users that are most affected by the platform are those who have the most face-toface interaction outside of social media. Hu reasons that increased social interactions leads to
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more comparative behavior, causing dissatisfaction. Isaac uses ethical appeals to his audience.
His target audience appears to be younger people who may be unaware of the consequences their
online activities may have on their future professional prospects. Isaac concedes his sympathy
with their reasoning and does not agree or disagree with their activities but simply advises that
the consequences could be more than it’s worth. Gilman’s persuasion method is best
demonstrated by citing the impertinent online information requested of applicants from the
Obama White House. Even a text message sent in private, never intended to resurface outside of
a conversation could mean the loss of professional and networking prospects.
The authors chose their persuasion method based on confidence in the effectiveness of
conveying their message to their audience. Hu’s factual based appeal is effective because it is
straight-forward and feasible. In concluding her article, Hu simply remits “the prescription for
Facebook despair is less Facebook.” By stating the obvious, Hu is resourceful not to drudge an
unnecessarily debated topic. Gilman’s approach to persuasion is highly effective. He exudes
confidence and demonstrates his knowledge on the topic by acknowledging and centering his
appeal based on his audience’s predisposition. Additionally, Gilman delivers his message in a
level status with his audience while remaining candidly honest in his reasoning. Therefore,
Gilman’s audience gains the impression that Gilman is advocating in their interest and respects
him and his message more because of it.
Throughout the duration of their articles, Hu and Gilman generally utilize logos and ethos
appeal strategies respectively. However, upon closer examination both authors apply other
methods of persuasion when most beneficial. Hu provokes doubt in Facebook’s ethical virtue by
pointing out the social media company’s refusal to acknowledge its role in declining mental
health from its users. By diminishing the audience’s trust in her opposition, she simultaneously
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elevates her own ethical perception as she has demonstrated herself to be advocating in the
audience’s interest. Likewise, Gilman presents evidence that is purposely inflaming to incite an
appalled emotional reaction from his audience. For example, he bestows obscene, sexist social
media posts derived from a medical student networking group to emphasize the need for online
professionalism. Both Hu and Gilman employ supplementary persuasion methods and as a result
their missive becomes less one-dimensional, and entirely covers the audience’s deductive
In times wherein the impaired populace is in a state of denial or nonacceptance regarding
the issue the most effective method of persuasion is to present the populace with logistical
evidence supplemented by impartial guidance. This notion is utilitarian in the context of the topic
specified within this analysis, as well as unrelated topics. In comparison of the persuasion
methods used by the examined authors, Gilman’s strategy is the more superior. The logistical
approach employed by Hu was convincing and logically binding, however fell short of providing
fresh acumen to her audience. In conclusion, any individual can compile and present
information, but exceptional persuasion presents an audience with a renewed attitude to