Uploaded by Thokozani Masondo

Scope of Work- Danielskuil

Registration No 2017/100783/07
VAT: 4010280388
PO Box 968, Walkerville, 1876
E–Mail: jepumprepairs@gmail.com
Cell 083 255 5058
Scope of work – Danielskuil
Start Date – 10 September 2021
Both sites complete on - 12 September 2021
Identify work area
All safety to be in place - Daily
Inspect PPE to all parties - Daily
Tool Box Talk - Daily
Inspect riggers - Daily
1. Pump over Product
2. Strip out old pipes
3. Tank rigging
4. Tank removal of old tank
5. Install new tank
6. Pipe work connections
7. Bulk pump instalation
8. Diesel delivery on same time
9. Electrical connections and COC
10. Commission and handover
Down time during change over 8 hrs from new tank is installed.
Customer must make sure all vehicle’s is top up prior to disconnection.
JE PUMP REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE (PTY)LTD, REGISTRATION NO:2017/100783/07, Director: Kobus vd Merwe