Uploaded by Ashton Howell


It’s time to travel around the animal kingdom and discover new animal
movements. The aim is to visit as many animals as possible, either with
your team or individually. These animal movements will engage,
energise and active students minds ready to focus on learning in the
classroom. An active mind is a productive mind, and that’s what the
animal kingdom Board Game achieves with students.
Set up like a board game or in a large circle. Teams will use a dice to
roll and move around the board. Each team or individual must complete
the activity they land on, cross the animal off on the game card
before moving on. Play individually or as a team. If you land on
Activate Lucky Dip Card, do as the card instructs and move on.
First team back to the starting line gets to roll the “winners Dice”.
All remaining teams must complete the movement that the dice lands
on. Everyone then returns to the starting line card to start and roll
again (If you have extra time, otherwise you can finish up and start
your lesson). Second round, do 2 laps before getting back to the
starting line. Third round, double reps on each station.
1 - 20 Squats
2 - 30 Lunges
3 - 20 Squat Jumps
4 - 10 Burpees
5 - 15 Sit Ups
6 - 10 Squat Thrusters
Start and Finish Point
Jump on the spot ten times
like a Kangaroo
Complete a 10 metre bear
complete a 10 metre crab
Complete a 10 metre goanna
Complete 10 frog jumps
moving forward
complete 10 walking lunges
roaring like a lion
complete 10 star jumps like a
star fish
complete 10 donkey kicks
Complete 20 beetle core
complete a 10 metre duck walk
slither like a snake for 10
complete 10 bunny hops
complete a 10 metre horse
complete 10 ape squats
complete a 5 second flamingo
hold on each leg
complete 10 controlled sit
ups, like a dolphin would
complete 10 cocoon
extensions into a ball
complete 10 leg raises like an
upside down Gecko
complete 10 jumps in the air
flapping your arms like a bird
trying to fly
Lucky dip - Pick a card
and perform the
Lucky dip - Pick a card
and perform the
Lucky dip - Pick a card
and perform the
Lucky dip - Pick a card
and perform the
Lucky dip - Pick a card
and perform the
Lucky dip - Pick a card
and perform the
Strong winds
outside, go
back two
Forgot your
lunch money,
go back to the
brain break
head quarters
You ordered a
healthy sandwich
instead of a meat
pie, healthy
choice, move
ahead two space
your shoelace
is not tied,
complete 5
lunges on each
you complete
your times
tables in
record time,
move ahead 3
Forgot to
homework, go
back 1 space
did not
complete your
nightly reader,
go back 4
sleep in and
you are late to
school, go back
1 space
help a
complete their
work, go
forward 3
good will card
class Police
give someone
else 10 reps of
star jumps.
class Police
give someone
else 10 reps of
choose someone
else to move
ahead 3 spaces.
class Police
give someone
else 10 reps of
star jumps.
good will card
good will card
choose someone
else to move
ahead 2 spaces.
choose someone
else to move
ahead 1 space.
good will card
class Police
give someone
else 10 reps of
sit ups.
choose someone
else to move
ahead 1 space.
class Police
give someone
else 10 reps of
sit ups.