Uploaded by Rose Valerie Manalo

Lab Safety: 10 Essential Rules for Medical Technologists

Rose Valerie P. Manalo
10 Basic Laboratory Safety Roles
1. Make sure you are wearing proper
laboratory attire or personal protective
equipment in a laboratory.
2. All chemicals should be avoided
coming into touch with your skin or
3. Know where the safety showers,
extinguishers are in the lab. The safety
equipment may be found at the
laboratory entrance in the corridor.
4. Pipetting or beginning a siphon
should not be done with oral suction.
5. No eating/drinking inside the lab.
Relevance and Consequences
It is essential to dress appropriately
while entering the laboratory. Wearing
personal protection equipment, such as
a laboratory gown, goggles, mask, and
gloves, is important to protect yourself
from potential risks and accidents in
the laboratory.Injury risk is
considerably increased by poor PPE
compliance. The list goes on and on:
burns, cuts, punctures, electrocution,
and slides.
It is critical to proceed with caution
when handling chemicals in the
laboratory. Assume that all unknown
toxicity substances are extremely
toxic.This is a general rule when
working with chemicals.If chemicals are
handled incorrectly, they may come
into contact with your skin and eyes
causing little to permanent damage,
A medical laboratory scientist must be
familiar with the locations and proper
usage of fire extinguishers, eyewash
stations, and safety showers. Because
this could save his or her life if he or
she is involved in an accident in a
laboratory.If a medical technologist has
no knowledge about the proper
procedures he/she might not save
his/her self when caught up in an
accident inside the laboratory.
A chemical should never be tasted,
touched, or smelled. When working
with chemicals in a laboratory, this is a
crucial precaution to take. When
smelling and tasting chemicals, a
medical technologist risk causing
damage to mucous membranes/lungs
or injury to health.
There is no eating or drinking allowed
6.Label the chemicals and specimens
7.Keep a clean workspace.
8. Use equipment only for its intended
9.When adding acid to water, combine
the reagents in the right order.
10 Laboratory coats should not be kept
in offices or break rooms since they
can transfer contamination to other
within the lab. If any chemicals come
into contact with your food or drink, a
medical technologist may become ill.
All containers must be labeled properly.
Hazardous chemical labels Identify
information on how to safely use
them.Chemicals and specimens that
aren't labeled should never be utilized.
If a medical technologist mislabel or did
properly, it is possible to have
significant accidents.
It is important for medical technologist
to keep his/her workspace clean. .It
can assist in avoiding inaccuracies in
results.It's possible that results will be
harmed if laboratory isn't clean.
Incorrectly cleaned glassware can lead
to inaccurate measurements, which
can lead to inaccurate results. These
mistakes could lead to a waste of
money or possibly erroneous positive
or negative results.Unclean laboratory
can be dangerous as there are a lot of
hazardous chemicals and possibly
infectious bacteria that can harm the
medical technologist.
It is essential to use laboratory
equipments for its designated purpose
only. To run or operate laboratory
instruments, a medical technologist
must have the necessary knowledge. If
they aren't used properly for its true
purpose, they can cause problems.
Safe handling is the best way to
prevent accidents in the laboratory.
As a medical technologist, It is
important to remember to always mix
acid with water rather than vice versa.
If not, the acid will spray and splash
causing accidents inside the laboratory.
For safety and convenience, lab coats
should be provided. In the lab, they
must be worn at all times. Lab coats
should not be worn in the lunchroom or
anywhere else outside the laboratory
due to the possibility of chemical
absorption and accumulation in the