Cross Sectional Formulation Situation (When? Where? What? With whom?) Schemas: Physical (When depressed, what physical sensations did you experience? What did you notice in your body?) Emotional (What emotions came up for you when you felt depressed?) Cognitive (What went through your mind when you felt depressed? What did that say or mean about you or the situation?) Behavioral (What was your first instinct and/or response? What did you do and/or avoid doing?) Schema: Abandonment Approval/RecognitionSeeking Defectiveness/Shame Dependence/Incompetence You Believe or Struggle with: People are going to leave and you’ll end up alone. Approval is way more important than being “real” or authentic. You’re “damaged goods.” You’re incompetent. You can’t make any good choices because you’ll do it wrong. Emotional Deprivation Your emotional needs will be neglected. Emotional Inhibition You have to keep emotions in check so you aren’t rejected. Enmeshment/Undeveloped You aren’t a person separate from others. Self Entitlement/Grandiosity You’re special and deserve things, even if it hurts others. Failure You’re destined to fail, if you haven’t already. Insufficient SelfYou can’t control your behaviors or displays of Control/Discipline emotions. Mistrust/Abuse Others are going to hurt or abuse you. Negativity/Pessimism Life is bad. Even when it’s good, it’s going to get bad again in the future. Punitiveness People should be harshly punished for mistakes. Self-Sacrifice Other’s needs, desires, etc. always come before yours. Social isolation You’re really different from everyone else. Subjugation You’re being coerced into giving up control. Unrelenting Standards You need to be the best. Perfect all the time. Vulnerability The world is really dangerous!