STRENGTH OF MATERIALS - TASK 1. CHAPTER 5. 1. A steel pipe (D = 170 mm; d = 150 mm) supports a concentrated load of P as shown in Fig. The span length of the cantilever beam is L = 1.2 m. a. Compute the value of Q for the pipe. b. If the allowable shear stress for the pipe shape is 75 MPa, determine the maximum load P than can be applied to the cantilever beam. 2. The cantilever beam shown in Fig. a., is subjected to a concentrated load of P. The crosssectional dimensions of the rectangular tube shape are shown in Fig. b. a. Compute the value of Q that is associated with point H, which is located 90 mm above the centroid of the rectangular tube shape. b. If the allowable shear stress for the rectangular tube shape is 125 MPa, determine the maximum concentrated load P than can be applied to the cantilever beam.