Uploaded by Katie Tarazi

Morning Briefing: School Announcements & Reminders

Morning Briefing
Date: 2 NOVEMBER 2015
Interim Progress reports: Any reports not given out yesterday please hand to student
today. Conference letters from your Head , PTA nomination letter can be pick up from
Conferences - Thursday 5 November: Please have all assessments up to date and a
sound understanding of your students’ weaknesses and strengths when discussing
with parents. Be precise without making subjective comments. Remember parents are
very sensitive about their children. Do not question their parenting skills but indicate
ways you can work with them to support their child’s learning.
Sign on: PLEASE sign on DAILY on the biometric. This is linked to the icampus and
determines payment etc. Still many staff whom do not signing in. if there is a machine
issue inform Rizwan but make sure you sign on, on the hardcopy.
Hobgoblin Theater performance today: grades 3-6: 12.15 - 1.15 in the Gym, followed
by workshop grade 3: 1.30-2.30.
Secondary Staff icampus training: Student Conduct, Merit –Demerit @ 3 pm in ICT lab.
Newsletter items with photos today please by lunchtime - email to Costas
Have a spectacular day