Uploaded by Misty Anne Sorongon

Weight Management & BMI: Health Presentation

Weight and Managing It
1. What have you seen in the video/pictures?
2. Are you engage with any sort of physical activities? how often?
1. What can you say about the pictures/video?
2. How does the video/pictures affect our health?
3. How can we prevent these diseases?
4. How could BMI identification beneficial in maintaining health and wellness?
5. What is the formula in identifying your BMI?
1. Obesity- a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the
2. Diabetes- a serious disease in which the body cannot control the amount sugar in your
blood because it does not have enough insulin.
3. Heart Disease- an abnormal condition of the heart or of the heart and circulation (such as
arrhythmia or heart-valve defect)
4. BMI- Body Mass Index
5. Formula in Solving BMI- BMI is equal to Weight in Kilograms/Height in Meter Squared
BMI - Body Mass Index
Formula: Weight in Kilograms/ Height in Meter Squared
BMI Classifications
18.4 And Below – Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 – Normal
25.0 -29.9 – Overweight
30.0 – 34.9 – Obesity (I)
35.0 – 39.9 – Obesity (II)
40.0 And Up – Obesity (III)
1. What do you feel with the result of your BMI?
2. What are the possible effect of being overweight?
3. What are the possible ailments or diseases we can avoid when participating in
physical activities?
Group Activity:
Identify the risk factor related to lifestyle diseases. Post the answers/outputs in the
1. How can we maintain our desired BMI to make sure that we will never
experience health problems?
2. Being a student ,how will you set time for leisure and physical activities?
Group Activity/Presentation
Show understanding on the effects of diseases to one's health through the following:
1. Poem writing
2. Slogan
3. Role Playing