ABSTRACT Background: Postoperative acute kidney injury (AKI) is common following cardiac surgery. Body mass index may be an amenable variable by representing the summation of the nutritional and fluid status. However, the predictive role of perioperative BW changes in CS patients with severe postoperative AKI is never explored. This study aimed to evaluate this association. Methods & Materials: We performed prospective cross-sectional research on the effect of body mass index on the kidney function of patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting and valve replacement surgery. This research was performed under the permission of the board of the Punjab Institute of Cardiology. Our research examined 107 patients in the operative ward of PIC undergoing open-heart cardiopulmonary bypass surgery. Results: Our study has identified many perioperative variables that work synergistically with the body mass index of the patient, and are significantly important in stratifying risk for the development of post-operative acute kidney failure. Key Words: Body Mass Index; Acute Kidney Injury; coronary artery bypass grafting: Overweight; Normal weight; isolated valve surgeries; NYHA class; Diuretics; Urea; Creatinine; Urine Output; Bypass time; Cross clamp time; Dialysis; 1 1.0: INTRODUCTION This study aimed to determine whether weight is an independent predictor of postoperative renal insufficiency in patients undergoing cardiac surgeries, including patients undergoing isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), isolated valve surgeries, and combined CABG and valve surgeries. We also investigated the possible association between obesity and increased severity of postoperative renal failure (that is, postoperative renal failure requiring in-hospital dialysis). 1.1 Body Mass Index (BMI) and its categories: According to Weir C. et al. (2019), body mass index or BMI is a statistical index using a person's weight and height to provide an estimate of body fat in males and females of any age. It is calculated by taking a person's weight, in kilograms, divided by their height, in meters squared, or BMI = weight (in kg)/ height^2 (in m^2). The number generated from this equation is then the individual's BMI number. The National Institute of Health (NIH) now uses BMI to define a person as underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese instead of traditional height vs. weight charts. These classifications for BMI are in use by the NIH and the World Health Organization (WHO) for White, Hispanic, and Black individuals. 2 Table no# 1: Categories of BMI Categories Range of BMI Severely underweight BMI less than 16.5kg/m^2 Underweight BMI less than 18.5 kg/m^2 Normal weight BMI greater than or equal to 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m^2 Overweight BMI greater than or equal to 25 to 29.9 kg/m^2 Obesity BMI greater than or equal to 30 kg/m^2 1.2 Underweight patients: According to Robbert H. et al. (2005) even after rigorous matching of body size cohorts to normal size counterparts, we found that large deviations from normal (very small and very obese) are independently associated with increased postoperative morbidity and worse longterm survival. Small patients also exhibited greater operative death, which is perhaps linked to increased on-pump hemodilution, transfusions, and associated complications. We suggest that these effects in small patients are potentially modifiable by changes in current CPB practice. Current CABG demographic trends for our practice show that very obese is the only growing CABG subpopulation and this occurs at the expense of the normal cohort. The very obese cohort was also associated—even after accounting for other comorbidities—with the most perioperative morbidity and the highest relative death hazard after the first year. 1.3 Obesity an epidemic: According to David et al (2007) obesity is now reaching epidemic proportions in both developed and developing countries and is affecting not only adults but also children and adolescents. Over the last 20 years, obesity has become the most prevalent nutritional problem in the world, eclipsing undernutrition and infectious disease as the most significant contributor 3 to ill health and mortality. It is a key risk factor for many chronic and noncommunicable diseases. Since the prevalence of comorbid factors is itself increased by morbid obesity, then the risks we report for very obese status may underestimate its true effects. These data in CABG outcomes are consistent with the effects of obesity in the general adult population and underscore the importance of reversing the well-documented obesity epidemic from a coronary artery disease perspective. There is compelling evidence that Obesity is associated with a cluster of risk factors for health problems, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, coronary artery disease, stroke, osteoarthritis, and certain forms of cancers. 1.4 Kidney diseases and obesity A study by Amann et al. (2013) showed that apart from cardiovascular disease kidney diseases also have been shown to be associated with obesity. Epidemiologic studies have indicated that obese patients, in general, are at an increased risk for developing acute kidney injury (AKI) due to their disproportionately higher burden of comorbidities and due to underlying structural changes that occur in the kidneys of obese patients irrespective of the presence or absence of diabetes, arterial hypertension, and other comorbidities. According to Chagnac et al. (2000), excess body weight is associated with functional and structural renal changes, such as increased glomerular filtration rate (GFR), renal plasma flow (RPF), and urinary albumin excretion. According to Katie E. et al. (2015) acute kidney injury (AKI) occurs in approximately 30% of patients undergoing cardiac surgery and significantly increases short- and long-term morbidity and mortality. 4 According to Karkouti K. et al (2015) preoperative anemia, intraoperative anemia, and RBC transfusion on the day of surgery are interrelated risk factors for AKI after cardiac surgery. Targeting these risk factors may reduce the burden of AKI. By Kandler et al. (2014) research, more than 28% of the patients undergoing elective or subacute cardiac surgery developed AKI in this contemporary cohort. Furthermore, acute kidney injury was an independent predictor of increased mortality irrespective of the perioperative risk factors. 1.5 Acute Kidney Diseases (AKD) and classification: According to Ricci et al. (2011), the term ‘acute kidney injury (AKI) is currently recognized as the preferred nomenclature for the complex clinical syndrome formerly known as acute renal failure (ARF). This transition in terminology also serves to emphasize that the spectrum of disease is much broader than the subset of patients who experience renal failure requiring dialysis treatment. AKI occurs in a variety of settings and has clinical manifestations ranging from a minimal elevation in serum creatinine levels to anuric renal failure. AKI exists along a continuum of diseases: the acute decline in kidney function is often secondary to an injury that causes functional or structural changes in the kidneys. As the severity of the underlying renal injury increases, the risk of an unfavorable outcome rises. 1.6 The RIFLE criteria: The definition of RIFLE criteria, and uses the following categories: ‘at Risk’ is the least severe category of AKI, followed by ‘Injury’, ‘Failure’, ‘Loss’, and ‘End-stage renal disease’. This definition was intended to establish the presence or absence of clinical AKI in a given patient or situation and to describe the severity of this syndrome. Table 2 | RIFLE Classification and staging systems for AKI 5 System Serum creatinine criteria Urine output criteria Risk Serum creatinine increase to <0.5ml/kg/h for 6h 1.5-fold OR GFR decrease >25% from baseline Injury Serum creatinine increase to <0.5ml/kg/h for 12h 2.0-fold OR GFR decrease >50% from baseline Failure Serum creatinine increase to Anuria for 12h 3.0-fold OR GFR decrease >75% from baseline OR serum creatinine ≥354μmol/l (≥4mg/dl) with an acute increase of at least 44μmol/l (0.5mg/dl) 1.7 AKIN criteria: The AKIN criteria state that “diagnosis based on the urine criterion alone will require exclusion of urinary tract obstructions that reduce urine output or of other easily reversible causes of decreased urine output” and that application of the diagnostic criteria “should be used in the context of the clinical presentation and following adequate resuscitation when applicable”. 6 Table 3 | AKIN Classification and staging systems for AKI System Serum creatinine criteria Urine output criteria 1 Serum creatinine increase <0.5ml/kg/h for 6h ≥26.5μmol/l (≥0.3mg/dl) OR increase to 1.5–2.0-fold from baseline 2 Serum creatinine increase <0.5ml/kg/h for 12h >2.0–3.0-fold from baseline 3 Serum creatinine increase <0.3ml/kg/h for 24h OR >3.0-fold from baseline OR anuria for 12h OR need for serum creatinine ≥354μmol/l RRT (≥4.0mg/dl) with an acute increase of at least 44μmol/l (0.5mg/dl) OR need for RRT 1.8: Acute Kidney diseases after cardiac surgery ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (AKI) following cardiac surgery is a well-known complication occurring in 1% to 56% of patients depending largely on the AKI definition used and the study cohort. The mortality has been shown to be raised substantially, even in lower stages of AKI such as the Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) stage, which is defined as a postoperative increase in serum creatinine (sCr) of 450% compared to baseline. The etiology of AKI is multifactorial, and several patient-related risk factors have been found, including female gender, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, peripheral vascular disease, and low ejection fraction. According to Mitchell et al. (2005) some of the patient-related risk factors contributing to AKI after cardiac surgery are given below: Female gender Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 7 Diabetes Peripheral vascular disease Renal insufficiency Congestive heart failure LV ejection fraction <35% Need for emergent surgery Cardiogenic shock (IABP) Left main coronary disease Some of the procedure-related risk factors contributing to AKI after cardiac surgery are given below: Weight Length of CPB Cross-clamp time Off-pump versus on-pump Nonpulsatile flow Hemolysis Hemodilution In addition to these contributing factors to cardiovascular risk, obesity is an independent predictor of incident AKD after cardiac surgery. There have been relatively few studies examining obesity (based on BMI) as an independent predictor of postoperative AKI in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (AKICPB). In this retrospective analysis, the authors explored the association between obesity (based on BMI) and the risk of developing AKICPB. We conducted this study to address three questions: 1. Does BMI predict AKI after cardiac surgery? 8 2. What are the early clinical renal outcomes in normal-weight patients after undergoing cardiac surgery? 3. What are the early clinical renal outcomes in overweight patients after undergoing cardiac surgery? 9 2.0: LITERATURE REVIEW Kristian K. et al. (2014) present a study conducted on an up-to-date cohort, who underwent cardiac surgery in 2012, in which the majority of patients received ibuprofen and gentamicin. The principal finding of the study was a high incidence of AKI after isolated CABG or CABG in combination with valve surgery. The majority of patients had the lowest stage AKI according to AKIN criteria. However, even AKIN stage 1 was associated with a marked increase in mortality compared to patients without AKIN. AKIN stage 1 was present in 23% of the patients. The authors found a high incidence of AKI in a contemporary cohort of cardiac surgical patients, the majority of whom received ibuprofen and gentamicin. AKI was associated independently with higher mortality even in AKIN stage 1 regardless of the perioperative risk evaluation. The use of nephrotoxic and potentially nephrotoxic medications, such as gentamicin and ibuprofen, and their relation to AKI, should be investigated further. According to the research of Barnaby C. et al. (2003), obese patients do not experience greater morbidity and mortality than normal-weight patients after CABG after taking into account imbalances in key prognostic factors. The overweight group did not have significantly worse outcomes than the normal weight group for any of the adverse outcomes studied. Obese and severely obese groups fared worse than the normal weight group only with respect to the likelihood of staying in hospital 7 days after the operation. In contrast, underweight patients appeared to have a higher risk of death and common complications and to recover more slowly. Their research also concluded that obese patients with severe ischemic heart disease (e.g., the extent of coronary disease, ejection fraction, left main stem stenosis; are relatively underrepresented among patients undergoing CABG. Conversely, there appears to be a relative 10 excess of low-weight patients with severe ischemic heart disease and important comorbidities who needed urgent or emergency CABG. G. Mariscalco et al. (2017) performed a retrospective, observational cohort study encompassing all adult cardiac surgical procedures per-formed in the United Kingdom and Ireland. They found that overweight and obese patients had lower in-hospital mortality compared with normal-BMI patients, whereas underweight patients had increased mortality. This relationship was unchanged when patients with low BMI, severe chronic disease, or severe limitation of exercise tolerance were excluded. Reductions in mortality associated with increasing BMI class were greater in older patients and those with clinical complications of obesity. The relationship between obesity and secondary outcomes demonstrated heterogeneity; obesity was associated with a reduction of primarily ischemic complications such as low cardiac output and stroke but not RRT or infections. In a systematic review of 27 studies that included patients from 13 countries, we observed similar results. Subgroup and metaregression analyses also demonstrated greater reductions in mortality associated with obesity in the elderly and in patients with coronary artery disease. M. Kuduvalli et al. (2002) research has shown that obesity is not a risk factor for in-hospital mortality, re-exploration for bleeding, post-operative cerebrovascular accidents and renal failure. This is in concurrence with previously published studies. They could not find an association between obesity and perioperative myocardial infarction. They identified a significant increase in the duration of post-operative mechanical ventilation for severely obese patients, who were 2.74 times more likely to be ventilated for more than 48 h. This could be due to impaired respiratory function as a result of relatively decreased vital capacity and a prolonged depression of respiratory drive due to slow release of anesthetic agents stored in fatty tissues into the bloodstream. 11 There was a significant increase in the incidence of post-operative atrial arrhythmia in both the obese categories in our study, the association being more prominent in the severely obese group. Obesity increases oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction, and inflammation, but the effect of obesity on postoperative AKI is not known. Frederic T. et al. (2012) reported that BMI is an independent risk factor for AKI after cardiac surgery. In addition, this study is the first to report that an intraoperative marker of oxidative stress (plasma concentrations of F2-isoprostanes) predicts AKI after cardiac surgery. Their r data suggest that the association between obesity and AKI is partially mediated by BMI’s effect on oxidative stress but not inflammation or antifibrinolysis. They found increases in BMI of 5 kg/m2 to be independently associated with 26.5% increases in the odds of postoperative AKI. Salim S. et al. (2009) conducted a retrospective cohort analysis of 17,630 consecutive patients who underwent surgical procedures (CABG, valve surgery, or both) at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital. They found that obesity was associated with a significant increase in postoperative renal insufficiency in patients undergoing cardiac surgeries. This effect seen in the entire cohort, as well as in patients undergoing isolated CABG or isolated valve surgeries—was attributable mostly to an increase in postoperative renal failure that did not require dialysis. The risk was graded with the increasing risk that is associated with an increase in the severity of obesity. The development of postoperative renal insufficiency was associated with a significantly higher mortality rate and with a longer length of stay. Obesity is associated with oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction. Obese patients are at a higher risk of developing hypertension and diabetes, which are also associated with elevated inflammatory response and impaired endothelial function. The use of cardiopulmonary bypass for cardiac surgeries has been shown to be associated with an up-regulation of the inflammatory 12 cascade. This, together with the prevalence of risk factors associated with the development of postoperative renal insufficiency and the risk associated with obesity itself, means that obese patients may have a higher incidence of postoperative renal insufficiency. Their showed that the presence of even mild forms of obesity (a BMI of 30 to 34.99 kg/m 2) was independently associated with the occurrence of postoperative renal insufficiency and that patient cohorts with higher BMIs have higher incidences of postoperative renal insufficiency— which suggests a dose-response relationship. Most of the postoperative renal failure attributable to obesity did not require dialysis, but it was associated with a significantly longer hospital stay. Their findings extend the findings from earlier studies to show that obesity is associated also with an increased risk of renal insufficiency in subgroups that include patients undergoing isolated CABG or isolated valve surgeries. These subgroups have not been well studied before. Katie E. et al. (2015) study confirmed that obesity was independently associated with an increased incidence of AKI after cardiac surgery. Obesity is a state of chronic inflammation. Central obesity is known to be associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD) independently of other components of the metabolic syndrome. Obesity is also associated with inflammation, and the presence of inflammation modifies the associations of central obesity and CKD. Obesity itself is known to lead to CKD via its association with other risks, such as hypertension, diabetes, and atherosclerosis; however, more recently it has become widely accepted as an independent risk factor itself. Examination of other etiologic factors to date has focused on the proinflammatory properties of adipose tissue ad release of leptin, adiponectin, tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-6 and 10, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, and resistin. Their study concluded that, independently of known risk factors (age, anemia, gender, hyperlipidemia, smoking history, cerebrovascular 13 disease, diabetes, blood transfusion, cardiopulmonary bypass duration, and postoperative blood product transfusion and hematocrit), obesity with BMI 30 kg/m2 or greater is associated with an increased risk of AKI after cardiac surgery. In the study of Avinash B. et al. (2014), BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2 (obesity class III) was associated with an increased risk of developing AKICPB. Class III obese patients were almost four times more likely to develop AKICPB when compared with patients in lower BMI classes. The authors cannot fully explain the disproportionate risk in the relationship between BMI 4 40 kg/m2 and increasing risk of developing AKICPB. Even though the number of patients in the morbidly obese cohort was small, the magnitude of risk of developing AKICPB after adjusting for other covariates was significant. The links between obesity and development of chronic kidney disease have been known for several years, but the association with acute kidney injury is less clear. Visceral adipose tissue, through secreted hormones and cytokines, (including leptin, adiponectin, tumor necrosis factor-α, angiotensinogen, interleukin-6, and C-reactive protein) coupled with insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia in obese patients, can lead to inappropriate activation of the renin-angiotensinaldosterone axis and increased oxidative stress in the kidneys. Obese patients have elevations of both kidney plasma flow and glomerular filtration rate that exceed those of controls by 31% and 51%, respectively, thereby promoting glomerular capillary hypertension3 In addition, there is a higher prevalence of glomerulomegaly, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, mesangial sclerosis, mesangial hypercellularity, and podocyte hypertrophy in patients with BMI 440 kg/m2 even with normal kidney function. Thus, in morbidly obese patients, it is likely that the degree of elevation of BMI per se may increase the risk of developing glomerular lesions. The inflammatory and endocrine factors associated with visceral obesity, underlying occult and declared structural changes in kidneys 14 of obese patients, and the pathophysiologic contribution of CPB may cumulatively account for the increased risk of the AKICPB in the morbidly obese patient. Kerstin A. et al. (2013) Both obesity and the metabolic syndrome have been identified as powerful predictors of CKD and ESRD. The abnormalities of renal structure in obese and morbidly obese individuals include increased kidney weight, glomerulomegaly, disorder of podocytes, mesangial expansion, and, more recently, also abnormalities of the renal interstitium (ie, tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis), and accompanying vascular alterations. This is accompanied by functional abnormalities such as renal hyperperfusion, increased filtration fraction, albuminuria, or proteinuria. The link between progressive kidney disease, diabetic nephropathy, and visceral obesity or the metabolic syndrome is of enormous public health importance. Apart from aggravating most primary kidney diseases, obesity was shown to cause a specific renal disease with uncertain prognosis (ie, ob-FSGS). In addition, obesity and the closely related metabolic syndrome predispose to diabetes mellitus type 2 and diabetic nephropathy, which is the leading cause of endstage renal failure in the world. It is of major clinical importance, however, that at least in obesity an improvement of renal symptoms could be achieved by loss of body weight, for example, by lifestyle modification or perhaps more importantly by bariatric surgery. Thus, prevention and treatment of the common phenomenon of obesity may reduce CKD incidence in the general population. This study shows that both GFR and RPF of extremely obese patients are increased, the GFR being relatively more elevated than the RPF, resulting in an increased filtration fraction. The augmented RPF suggests a state of renal vasodilatation involving, mainly or solely, the afferent arteriole. RPF is a determinant of GFR independently of the capillary hydrostatic pressure: its increase is predicted to lower the intraluminal concentration of macromolecules as blood flows axially along the glomerular capillaries. This results in a decrease in glomerular intracapillary 15 oncotic pressure, thus enhancing the net ultrafiltration pressure and contributing to the elevated GFR. However, because the increase in filtration fraction offsets the effect of the increase in RPF on the glomerular oncotic pressure, factors other than oncotic pressure must have contributed to the elevation of GFR. Although within the normal range, the MAP was higher in the obese group than in the control group. The combination of increased arterial pressure abnormally transmitted to the glomerular capillaries through a dilated afferent arteriole is expected to cause an elevated glomerular capillary pressure, resulting in an increased transcapillary pressure gradient ΔP and an elevated GFR. Obesity is associated with marked insulin resistance. The group of obese patients studied here exhibited features suggestive of marked insulin resistance, which was correlated with RPF, GFR, and filtration fraction. In summary, the elevated GFR of very obese nondiabetic patients is associated with an increased RPF. The analysis of dextran-sieving data suggests, but does not prove that the pathogenesis of hyperfiltration differs from that of the diabetic kidney, in that it is mainly or solely due to an increased ΔP. The role of insulin resistance as a factor contributing to these glomerular hemodynamics changes remains to be clarified. Kristian K. et al. (2014) The authors present a study conducted on an up-to-date cohort, who underwent cardiac surgery during 2012, in which the majority of patients received ibuprofen and gentamicin. The principal finding of the study was a high incidence of AKI after isolated CABG or CABG in combination with valve surgery. The majority of patients had the lowest stage AKI according to AKIN criteria. However, even AKIN stage 1 was associated with a marked increase in mortality compared to patients without AKIN. AKIN stage 1 was present in 23% of the patients. Possible contributors to the high incidence of AKI in the authors’ center 16 could be the routine use of gentamicin and ibuprofen. Gentamicin is known to be nephrotoxic, and ibuprofen generally is considered contraindicated in CABG patients. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning on ibuprofen use in CABG patients. This is on the basis of its possible thrombogenic properties and not nephrotoxicity. The rationale behind the possible nephrotoxicity of ibuprofen is its inhibition of the synthesis of prostaglandins that mediate dilation of the afferent arteriole in the glomerulus of the kidney in situations with decreased perfusion pressure. No randomized controlled studies have been published looking at ibuprofen and renal function in cardiac surgery patients. Two large studies have shown an increased cardiovascular risk using ibuprofen in general. However, nothing yet has been concluded about the risk of using ibuprofen for shorter periods of time. Furthermore, the authors found that the relationship between AKI and mortality was statistically independent, taking multiple perioperative confounders into account. This indicated that AKI still continues to be an important cause of mortality regardless of the perioperative risk profile among patients undergoing cardiac surgery. The authors found a high incidence of AKI in a contemporary cohort of cardiac surgical patients, the majority of whom received ibuprofen and gentamicin. AKI was associated independently with a higher mortality even in AKIN stage 1 regardless of the perioperative risk evaluation. Luis F. et al. (2008) indicated that CKD is associated with inflammation and oxidative stress, and this metabolic milieu may contribute significantly to the excessive cardiovascular disease seen in these patients. In the control group, BMI and body fat percentage were also associated with the measured markers, highlighting the contribution of adiposity to the metabolic milieu regardless of kidney function. 17 Inflammation and oxidative stress are known to be prevalent in patients with CKD. We previously showed that increased markers of oxidative stress and inflammation are present in stages 3 to 5 CKD before initiation of maintenance dialysis but that levels did not correlate with eGFR. These findings suggest that the mere presence of CKD, regardless of the level of GFR, is an important driver of the inflammatory and oxidative process. Similarly, adiposity is highly correlated with inflammation and oxidative stress. Visceral fat secretes proinflammatory cytokines that attract macrophages to infiltrate adipocytes, leading to further release of cytokines and oxygen free radicals, which may ultimately cause oxidative damage and atherosclerosis. Our findings suggest that adiposity may be a potent, independent amplifier to the inflammatory and oxidative milieu already present in CKD. These findings suggest that obesity, via vascular damage induced by oxidative stress and inflammation, may be an additional nontraditional cardiac risk factor responsible for the accelerated atherosclerosis and high cardiovascular mortality in the earlier stages of CKD. The potential contribution of the inflammatory and oxidative state to atherogenesis is clinically significant when considering that the majority of patients with CKD, approximately 19 million in the United States alone, will succumb to atherosclerotic disease before requiring renal replacement therapy. In addition to contributing to cardiovascular risk, obesity is an independent predictor of incident CKD and progression to ESRD. Thus, it is logical to hypothesize that weight loss may be an effective therapeutic strategy that not only prevents the development of CKD but also mitigates the inflammatory and oxidative burden that may lead to accelerated atherosclerosis in renal disease. According to Robbert et al. (2005), surprisingly little is known about the potential impact of body size at the time of CABG on intermediate to longer term survival. Robert H. et al. (2004) 18 analysis showed that 12-year CABG survival was significantly worse for very small and very obese. For very small, the increased death hazard was evident early during year 1 and late after year 8. In contrast, excluding early deaths increases the very obese adjusted RR from 1.44 to 1.65. Moreover, very obese showed particularly greater death hazard between 1 and 6 years. It is not obvious why very small and very obese do worse than normal in the long-term even after multivariate adjustment. Follow-up data after discharge were limited to patient death only. Yet, one can speculate about possible reasons for these results. First, the two extreme size groups are associated with a greater propensity of post-CABG complications affecting a number of vital organs. Such injury (eg, renal failure) may have sustained long-term effects on organ function and hence on survival. Second, small patients are susceptible to increased CPB hemodilutional anemia, and subsequently require more transfusions. Increased hemodilutional anemia is associated with vital organ injury with possible long-term effects. Both excessive hemodilution and transfusion are linked to worse long-term mortality. Fortunately, these risks in small patients are potentially modifiable by changes in CPB practice so that excessive hemodilution and transfusions are minimized, for example, use of smaller bypass circuits, retrograde autologous priming, or off-pump surgery. Third, compared with comorbidity-matched normal patients, very small and very obese may be associated with an increased likelihood for developing new comorbidities or exacerbation of already existing comorbidities. For example, very obese are probably more likely to become diabetic or develop hypertension at a given interval after CABG. We did not find appreciable differences in survival and death hazard for the slightly small and moderately obese groups when compared with matched normal patients. This is in contrast to 19 two recent population studies that indicated that even mild obesity is associated with increased years of life lost. The development of postoperative renal insufficiency is an important clinical event, because it is associated with an increase in death and with prolonged stays in the intensive care unit after cardiac surgery. The aim of this study was to determine whether obesity is an independent predictor of postoperative renal insufficiency in patients undergoing cardiac surgeries, including patients undergoing isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), isolated valve surgeries, and combined CABG and valve surgeries. We also investigated the possible association between obesity and increased severity of postoperative renal failure (that is, postoperative renal failure requiring in-hospital dialysis) 20 3.0: METHODS 3.1: Objective of Study Prior studies have not demonstrated a consistent association between BMI and AKI after cardiac surgery. This study is aimed to study the effect of BMI of normal weight and overweight patients on AKI after cardiopulmonary bypass. 3.2: Hypothesis It was hypothesized that extreme weight has a worsening effect on the post-operative AKI of patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass. 3.3: Study Design Data were entered prospectively into the Patient Analysis & Tracking System. The research question was posted after the collection of the data but before any data analysis. The study was approved by the Punjab Institute of cardiology board and complies with the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology reporting requirements for observational studies. Renal complication: It included post-operative creatinine 200 mol/l and acute renal failure as defined by the requirement of hemodialysis. Body Mass Index: BMI was defined as the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters. Our study only included the overweight and normal weight patients undergoing cardiac surgery. normal weight (BMI 18.5–<25 kg/m2) overweight (BMI 25–<30 kg/m2) 3.4: Study Duration 21 We performed a prospective, observational cross-sectional study encompassing all adult cardiac surgical procedures performed in the Punjab Institute of Cardiology, Lahore between April 1, 2021, and Sepember 30, 2021. 3.5: Sampling Technique The variables used for our analysis included age, sex, history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, preoperative renal insufficiency, hyperlipidemia, low left ventricular ejection fraction (defined as <0.35), need for urgent or repeat surgery, need for an intra-aortic balloon pump, New York Heart Association class at the time of surgery, and aortic cross-clamp time. Standard data are collected prospectively for all patients undergoing CABG and valve surgery at our institution. The data collection form includes five sections that are filled in consecutively by anesthetist, surgeon, intensive care unit (ICU), high dependency unit (HDU), and ward nurses. Cardiac catheterization was performed using standard methods during the course of routine clinical care. Angiography reports were reviewed before surgery to assess the severity of coronary artery disease, expressed as the number of diseased vessels. Priority of surgery was assessed by the cardiothoracic surgeon and was defined as follows: 1. Emergency (the surgery should be performed within hours to prevent morbidity or death) 2. Urgent (medical factors require the patient to stay in hospital waiting for an operation) 3. Elective (the clinical status of the patient allows discharge from hospital with readmission for surgery at a later date). 3.6: Surgical technique and postoperative management. 22 Anesthetic and surgical techniques were standardized for all patients and have been previously reported. At the end of the surgery, patients were transferred to the ICU and were extubated as soon as they met the following criteria: Hemodynamic stability No excessive bleeding (80 ml/h) Normothermia, Consciousness Pain control. Postoperatively, fluid management and electrolyte deficiency were managed as previously reported. The patient's BMI assessed the extent of obesity in our study. BMI, derived from Quetelet's formula, is calculated by the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters [14,15].* Different techniques of coronary revascularization were used in our study. These included operations done with and without CPB. The technique of myocardial protection for patients done on CPB again varied according to operator preference. Although blood cardioplegia was the favoured choice, cold crystalloid cardioplegia was also used by some surgeons. Mammary arteries were harvested as a pedicle. 3.7: Inclusion Criteria: For each operation, data were recorded on patient characteristics and demographics, comorbidities, intraoperative factors, and postoperative out-comes. Administrative data were also extracted. 23 The analysis data set was obtained by including all cases with complete data on a set of key preoperative, intraoperative, and post-operative variables as follows: age, BMI, sex, left ventricular ejection fraction category, history of myocardial infarction, renal impairment, diabetes mellitus on medication, previous cardiac surgery, operation type, and cardiopulmonary bypass use. 3.8: Exclusion Criteria: We excluded confused states, transient events and intellectual impairment from our study to avoid any subjective bias. Patients undergoing salvage surgical procedures (cardiac arrest before induction), patients with critical preopera-tive state (ventilated, cardiogenic shock, inotropic support, intra-aortic balloon pump), and patients with stage 5 chronic kidney disease (dialysis) were excluded. Patients for whom it was not possible to calculate the BMI or for whom the sex of the patient, operation type, or discharge status was missing were also excluded. Pre-operative data were collected during the patient's admission as part of routine clinical practice on the following variables: age, sex, BMI, urgency of operation, prior cardiac surgery, New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class, history of myocardial infarction, smoking, diabetes, hypercholesterolaemia, hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, respiratory disease, renal dysfunction, intravenous nitroglycerin therapy, cardiogenic shock, and intra-aortic balloon pump support as well as the extent of coronary disease, and left ventricular ejection fraction. Perioperative data were collected on the use of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and the number and type of grafts were also collected. The Post-operative data for this study were in-hospital mortality, re-exploration for bleeding, renal failure, duration of mechanical ventilation and post-operative length of stay. 3.9: Data Collection 24 Data were prospectively collected on a total of 103 consecutive patients undergoing isolated CABG surgery or valve surgery. Data collection methods and definitions have been described in detail previously These data are collected prospectively and undergo robust validation and checking procedures to maintain data quality. Duplicate records and nonadult cardiac surgery entries were removed Transcriptional discrepancies were harmonized Clinical and temporal conflicts and extreme values were corrected or removed No attempt to replace missing values was made The need to obtain informed consent was waived because patients’ identifiable information was either removed or pseudonymized. 3.10: Statistical Analysis This research was conducted using open epic software. Version 20.00 of the Social Science Statistical Package was used for the statistical analysis. The data of categorical variables were presented as counts and percentages. Descriptive frequencies were used for analyzing all categorical data. 25 4.0: RESULTS Table No 4: Frequency Distribution with Respect to age: AGE OF PATIENTS Mean Standard Deviation 52.23 12 Minimum Age 12 years Maximum Age 75 years Out of 107 patients, their age ranges from as young as 12 years old to as elder as 75 years old patients. The mean age of the patients was 52 12 years (52 years with a standard deviation of 12 years). 26 Graph No 1: Graphical Presentation with respect to Age Stratification The age group 1 has a frequency of 3 which is 2.8% of the total age of patients. The age group 2 (10 – 20 years) has a frequency of 5 (21 – 30 years) which is 4.7% of the total age of under observation patients. The age group 3 (31 – 40 years) has a frequency of 8 which is 7.5% of the total age of under observation patients. The age group 4 (41 – 50 years) has a frequency of 25 which is 23.5% of the total age of under observation patients. The age group 5 (51 – 60 years) has a frequency of 39 which is 36.4% of the total age of under observation patients. 27 The age group 6 (61 – 70 years) has a frequency of 23 which is 21.5% of the total age of under observation patients. The age group 7 (71 – 80 years) has a frequency of 4 which is 3.7% of the total age of under observation patients. As we can see most of our patients were ranging from age 51 years to 60 years. While the minimum age group frequency was in group 1 of age 10 – 20 years. 28 Graph No 2: Pei Chart Presentation with respect to Gender In 107 samples under observation, 76 of them were males (71.0% of the sample size), while 31 of them were females (i.e. 29% of the sample size). 29 Table no# 5: Distribution of Age in normal weight and overweight groups of BMI Groups according to BMI Age of patient (Years) Mean S.D 50.72 15 Frequency 46 Minimum Age 17 Maximum Age 75 Mean S.D 53.38 10 Over weight Frequency 61 (BMI 25-30) Minimum Age 12 Maximum Age 69 Normal weight (BMI 18.5-24) In this table the age distribution across the two groups of normal weight BMI and overweight BMI has been shown. The normal weight BMI group has patients with a mean age of 50.72 15 (Mean Standard deviation) years. The minimum age of the patient in this group is of 17 years. However, the maximum age of 75 years has been recorded in this group. Total 46 patients were present in this group The overweight BMI group has 61 total patients. Among this group patients has a mean age of 53.38 10 (Mean Standard deviation) years. The minimum aged patient in this group is of 12 years. However, the maximum age of 69 years has been recorded in this group. 30 Table no# 6: Distribution of Risk Factors in normal weight and overweight groups of BMI Groups according to BMI Risk Factors Normal weight (BMI 18.524) Gender Surgery type Smoking Hypertension Diabetes Mellitus Asthma CKD Dyslipidemia Over weight (BMI 25-30) Frequency % Frequency % Male 32 69.6% 44 72.1% Female 14 30.4% 17 27.9% Isolated CABG 34 73.9% 52 85.2% Isolated Valve 12 26.1% 8 13.1% CABG + Valve 0 .0% 1 1.6% yes 12 26.1% 17 27.9% no 34 73.9% 44 72.1% yes 14 30.4% 36 59.0% no 32 69.6% 25 41.0% yes 12 26.1% 26 42.6% no 34 73.9% 35 57.4% yes 0 .0% 1 1.6% no 46 100.0% 60 98.4% yes 0 .0% 0 .0% no 46 100.0% 61 100.0% yes 0 .0% 0 .0% no 46 100.0% 61 100.0% 31 Gender: The normal weight BMI group has 32 male patients, which is 69.6 % of the member of this group. It has frequency of 14 female patients, which is 30.4 % of the member of this group. The overweight BMI group has 44 male patients, which is 72.1 % of the member of this group. It has frequency of 17 female patients, which is 27.9 % of the member of this group. Type of surgery: In normal weight BMI, group 34 patients (73.9 %) went isolated CABG (Coronary artery bypass graft) surgery, 12 patients (26.1 %) underwent isolated valve surgery, and no patient had CABG + valve surgery. In overweight BMI group, 52 patients (85.2 %) went isolated CABG surgery, 8 patients (13.1 %) underwent isolated valve surgery, and 1 patient (1.6 %) had CABG + valve surgery. Smoking: In normal weight BMI group, 12 patients (26.1 %) were active smokers, while 34 patients (73.9 %) were not active smoker. In overweight BMI group, 17 patients (27.9 %) were active smokers, while 44 patients (72.1 %) were not active smoker. Hypertension: In normal weight BMI group, 14 patients (30.4 %) were hypertensive patients, while 32 patients (69.6 %) were not hypertensive. In overweight BMI group, 36 patients (59 %) were hypertensive patients, while 25 patients (41 %) were not hypertensive. Diabetes Mellitus: In normal weight BMI group, 12 patients (26.1 %) were diabetic patients, while 34 patients (73.9 %) were not diabetic. In overweight BMI group, 26 patients (42.6 %) were diabetic patients, while 35 patients (57.4 %) were not diabetic. Asthma: In normal weight BMI group, no patient had asthma, while 46 patients (100 %) had not contracted asthma. In overweight BMI group, 1 patient (1.6 %) had asthma, while 60 patients (98.4 %) had not contracted asthma. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): In both normal and overweight BMI group, no patient had chronic kidney disease. Dyslipidemia: In both normal and overweight BMI group, no patient had dyslipidemia. 32 Table no# 7.1: Distribution of prognostic pre-operative variables in normal weight and overweight groups of BMI Groups according to BMI Pre-operative variables Normal weight (BMI Over weight (BMI 25- 18.5-24) 30) Frequency % Frequency % I 1 2.2% 1 1.6% II 20 43.5% 19 31.1% III 20 43.5% 40 65.6% IV 5 10.9% 1 1.6% Pre-operative yes 24 52.2% 25 41.0% Diuretics Use no 22 47.8% 36 59.0% NYHA class NYHA class: In normal weight BMI group, 1 patient (2.2 %) had NYHA class I, 20 patients (43.5 %) had NYHA class II, 20 patient (43.5 %) had NYHA class III, 5 patient (10.9 %) had NYHA class IV. In overweight BMI group, 1 patient (1.6 %) had NYHA class I, 19 patients (31.1 %) had NYHA class II, 40 patient (65.6 %) had NYHA class III, 1 patient (1.6 %) had NYHA class IV. Pre-operative diuretics use: In normal weight BMI group, 24 patients (52.2 %) use diuretics before surgery, while 24 patients (47.8 %) were not taking diuretics before medicine. In overweight BMI group, 25 patients (41 %) use diuretics before surgery, while 36 patients (59 %) were not taking diuretics before medicine. 33 Table no# 7.2: Distribution of prognostic pre-operative variables in normal weight and overweight groups of BMI Groups according to BMI Normal weight (BMI 18.5-24) Over weight (BMI 25-30) Pre-operative variables Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Mean S.D Mean S.D Value Value Value Value Ejection fraction 66.00 20.00 70.00 25.00 62.57 91 53.61 10 % Pre-Operative Hb 19.10 10.30 16.50 7.50 13.43 2 13.13 2 % Pre-operative Urea 60.00 18.00 75.00 10.0 32.76 12 33.30 16 mg/dl Pre-operative Creatinine 1.40 .40 2.20 0.40 0.87 0.27 0.93 0.3 mg/dl Pre-operative Urine output .00 1000.00 0.00 227.65 196 1000.00 223.85 244 mL Ejection fraction: In normal weight BMI group, the mean ejection fraction was 62.57 91, with maximum value of 66% and minimum value of 20% ejection fraction. In overweight BMI group, the mean ejection fraction was 53.61 10, with maximum value of 70% and minimum value of 25% ejection fraction. Pre-Operative Hb: In normal weight BMI group, the mean Pre-Operative Hb was 13.43 2, with maximum value of 19% and minimum value of 10% Pre-Operative Hb. In overweight BMI group, the mean Pre-Operative Hb was 13.13 2, with maximum value of 16% and minimum value of 7.5% Pre-Operative Hb. Pre-Operative Urea: In normal weight BMI group, the mean pre-operative urea was 32.76 12, with maximum value of 60 mg/dl and minimum value of 18 mg/dl pre-operative urea. In overweight BMI group, the mean pre-operative urea was 33.30 16, with maximum value of 75 mg/dl and minimum value of 10 mg/dl pre-operative urea. 34 Pre-Operative Creatinine: In normal weight BMI group, the mean pre-operative creatinine was 0.87 0.27, with maximum value of 1.4 mg/dl and minimum value of 0.4 mg/dl preoperative creatinine. In overweight BMI group, the mean pre-operative creatinine was 0.93 0.3, with maximum value of 2.2 mg/dl and minimum value of 0.4 mg/dl pre-operative creatinine. Pre-Operative Urine Output: In normal weight BMI group, the mean pre-operative urine output was 227.65 196, with maximum value of 1000 ml and minimum value of no preoperative urine output recorded. In overweight BMI group, the mean pre-operative urine output was 223.85 244, with maximum value of 1000 ml and minimum value of 0 ml preoperative urine output. 35 Statistical distribution of prognostic intra-operative variables with respect to BMI based groups: Table no# 8: Distribution of prognostic intra-operative variables in normal weight and overweight groups of BMI Groups according to BMI Intra-operative variables Normal weight (BMI 18.5-24) Mean S.D Maximum Minimum Over weight (BMI 25-30) Mean S.D Maximum Minimum Bypass time (Minutes) 115.70 43 227.00 57.00 121.18 50 320.00 35.00 Cross clamp time (Minutes) 61.54 34 180.00 .00 60.69 31 174.00 .00 Bypass time: In normal weight BMI group, the mean bypass time was 115.70 43, with maximum value of 227 minutes and minimum value of 57 minutes of bypass time. In overweight BMI group, the mean bypass time was 121.18 50, with maximum value of 320 minutes and minimum value of 35 minutes of bypass time. Cross-Clamp time: In normal weight BMI group, the mean cross-clamp time was 61.54 34, with maximum value of 180 minutes and minimum value of 0 minutes of cross-clamp time. In overweight BMI group, the mean cross-clamp time was 60.69 31, with maximum value of 320 minutes and minimum value of 0 minutes of cross-clamp time. 36 Statistical distribution of prognostic post-operative variables with respect to BMI based groups: Table no# 9.1: Distribution of prognostic post-operative variables in normal weight and overweight groups of BMI Groups according to BMI Normal weight (BMI Over weight (BMI 18.5-24) 25-30) Post-operative variables Frequency % Frequency % yes 1 2.2% 0 0.0% no 45 97.8% 61 Dialysis 100.0 % Post-operative yes 31 67.4% 46 75.4% Diuretics Use no 15 32.6% 15 24.6% Blood units used 46 61 Dialysis: In normal weight BMI group, only 1 patients (2.2 %) went on dialysis, while 45 patients (97.8 %) did not required dialysis. In overweight BMI group, no patient required dialysis treatment. Post-operative diuretics use: In normal weight BMI group, 31 patients (67.4 %) use diuretics after surgery, while 15 patients (32.6 %) were not taking diuretics. In overweight BMI group, 46 patients (75.4 %) use diuretics after surgery, while 15 patients (24.6 %) were not taking diuretics after surgery. Blood Units: For normal weight BMI group 46 units of blood were used for patients, while for overweight BMI group, 61 units of blood were used. 37 Statistical distribution of prognostic post-operative variables with respect to BMI based groups: Table no# 9.2: Distribution of prognostic post-operative variables in normal weight and overweight groups of BMI Groups according to BMI Post-operative Normal weight (BMI 18.5-24) Over weight (BMI 25-30) variables Mean S.D Maximum Minimum Mean S.D Maximum Minimum Post-operative Hb 11.05 1 13.70 8.00 10.96 1.4 14.70 7.90 % Post-operative Urea mg/dl Post-operative Creatinine mg/dl Post-operative Urine output mL 47.48 40 174.00 10.0 45.08 36 255.00 14.00 1.21 0.4 3.90 .40 1.17 0.5 2.60 .40 2837.39 1132 4800.00 200 3091.41 847 5020.00 990.00 Post-Operative Hb: In normal weight BMI group, the mean post-Operative Hb was 11.05 1, with maximum value of 13.7% and minimum value of 8% post-Operative Hb. In overweight BMI group, the mean post-Operative Hb was 10.96 1.4, with maximum value of 14.7% and minimum value of 8% post-Operative Hb. Post-Operative Urea: In normal weight BMI group, the mean post-operative urea was 47.48 40, with maximum value of 174 mg/dl and minimum value of 10 mg/dl post-operative urea. In overweight BMI group, the mean post-operative urea was 45.08 36, with maximum value of 255 mg/dl and minimum value of 14 mg/dl post-operative urea. Post-Operative Creatinine: In normal weight BMI group, the mean post-operative creatinine was 1.21 0.4, with maximum value of 3.9 mg/dl and minimum value of 0.4 mg/dl post-operative creatinine. In overweight BMI group, the mean post-operative creatinine was 38 0.93 0.3, with maximum value of 2.6 mg/dl and minimum value of 0.4 mg/dl post-operative creatinine. Post-Operative Urine Output: In normal weight BMI group, the mean post-operative urine output was 2837.39 1132, with maximum value of 4800 ml and minimum value of 200 ml post-operative urine output recorded. In overweight BMI group, the mean post-operative urine output was 3091.41 847, with maximum value of 5020 ml and minimum value of 990 ml post-operative urine output. Table no# 10: Distribution of clinical outcome in normal weight and overweight groups of BMI Groups according to BMI Normal weight (BMI Over weight (BMI 18.5-24) 25-30) Clinical Outcome Frequency % Frequency % Acute Kidney yes 6 13.0% 7 11.5% Injury no 40 87.0% 54 88.5% Acute Kidney Injury: In normal weight BMI group, 6 patients (13 %) had acute kidney injury, while 40 patients (87 %) were not suffering from acute kidney injury. In overweight BMI group, 7 patients (11.5 %) had acute kidney injury, while 54 patients (88.5 %) were not suffering from acute kidney injury. 39 5.0 Discussion: In our study the normal weight BMI group has 32 male patients, which is 69.6 % of the member of this group. It has frequency of 14 female patients, which is 30.4 % of the member of this group. The overweight BMI group has 44 male patients, which is 72.1 % of the member of this group. It has frequency of 17 female patients, which is 27.9 % of the member of this group. While comparing the study of Kristy et al. (2014) Health related Quality of Life was associated with gender and age, but not weight status or socio-economic status; with males and younger adolescents having higher HRQoL scores than their female and older adolescent counterparts (both p < 0.05). There was also a significant interaction of weight status by gender whereby overweight females had poorer HRQoL (-.06 units) relative to healthy weight females (p < 0.05). In our study the normal weight BMI group, 12 patients (26.1 %) were active smokers, while 34 patients (73.9 %) were not active smoker. In overweight BMI group, 17 patients (27.9 %) were active smokers, while 44 patients (72.1 %) were not active smoker. While comparing the study of Tian J. et al. (2015), individuals who quit smoking gained, on average, approximately 4.1 kg or 1.1 kg m−2 BMI units over about 5 years. The MD in weight gain between quitters and continuing smokers was 2.6 kg or 0.6 kg m−2 BMI units. Because of the well-documented health benefits of quitting smoking, clinicians should inform smokers about the likelihood of weight gain and encourage them to maintain or adopt a healthy lifestyle to avoid excess weight gain, such as engaging in moderate physical activity. Better designed observational studies and smaller well-controlled clinical trials are needed to determine what is associated with greater weight gain in quitters than continuing smokers. 40 In our study the normal weight BMI group, 14 patients (30.4 %) were hypertensive patients, while 32 patients (69.6 %) were not hypertensive. In overweight BMI group, 36 patients (59 %) were hypertensive patients, while 25 patients (41 %) were not hypertensive. While comparing the study of CHIANG, B. et al. (1969), weight reduction has been shown to lower blood pressure, and it may bring about a more favorable prognosis in obese hypertensive persons. Possible mechanisms that may be responsible for the frequent association between obesity and hypertension have been discussed. Irrespective of the underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms, the adverse metabolic and hemodynamic effects of obesity upon hypertension impose an extra burden and strain on the circulatory system and compromise its functional adequacy. Although it is not precisely known to what extent weight reduction alone may be effective in controlling or preventing the lesser degrees of hypertension, the control of obesity should be an intrinsic part of any therapeutic or preventive antihypertensive regimen. In our study the normal weight BMI group, 12 patients (26.1 %) were diabetic patients, while 34 patients (73.9 %) were not diabetic. In overweight BMI group, 26 patients (42.6 %) were diabetic patients, while 35 patients (57.4 %) were not diabetic. While comparing the study of Mercedes R. et al. (2012), The proportion of adults who were normal weight at the time of incident diabetes ranged from 9% to 21% (overall 12%). During follow-up, 449 participants died: 178 from cardiovascular causes and 253 from noncardiovascular causes (18 were not classified). The rates of total, cardiovascular, and noncardiovascular mortality were higher in normal-weight participants (284.8, 99.8, and 198.1 per 10 000 person-years, respectively) than in overweight/obese participants (152.1, 67.8, and 87.9 per 10 000 person-years, respectively). After adjustment for demographic characteristics and blood pressure, lipid levels, waist circumference, and smoking status, hazard ratios comparing normal-weight participants with overweight/obese participants for total, cardiovascular, and noncardiovascular mortality were 2.08 (95% CI, 1.52-2.85), 1.52 (95% CI, 41 0.89-2.58), and 2.32 (95% CI, 1.55-3.48), respectively. Adults who were normal weight at the time of incident diabetes had higher mortality than adults who are overweight or obese. In our study the normal weight BMI group, no patient had asthma, while 46 patients (100 %) had not contracted asthma. In overweight BMI group, 1 patient (1.6 %) had asthma, while 60 patients (98.4 %) had not contracted asthma. While comparing the study of Fernendo et al. (2011), The study population consisted of 1049 subjects, and the median age for asthma onset was 10 years (interquartile range, 4-25 years); 48% had late-onset asthma (≥12 years of age), and 52% had early-onset asthma (<12 years of age). Compared with obese subjects with lateonset asthma, obese subjects with early-onset asthma had more airway obstruction, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and higher odds ratios of ever having 3 or more previous oral steroid tapers per year or intensive care unit admissions for asthma per preceding year (interactions between obesity and age of asthma onset were P = .055 and P = .02, respectively). In subjects with early-onset asthma but not in subjects with late-onset asthma, there was a significant association between increasing BMI and duration of asthma after adjusting for confounders. The interaction between asthma duration and age of asthma onset was a P value of less than .01. Asthmatic subjects are differentially affected by obesity based on whether they had asthma early (<12 years of age) or later in life. These results highlight the need to understand obesity as a comorbidity that affects specific clinical phenotypes and not all asthma subjects alike. In normal weight BMI group, 1 patient (2.2 %) had NYHA class I, 20 patients (43.5 %) had NYHA class II, 20 patient (43.5 %) had NYHA class III, 5 patient (10.9 %) had NYHA class IV. In overweight BMI group, 1 patient (1.6 %) had NYHA class I, 19 patients (31.1 %) had NYHA class II, 40 patient (65.6 %) had NYHA class III, 1 patient (1.6 %) had NYHA class IV. 42 While comparing the study of Wuhua J. et al. (2016), preoperative NYHA scores >2, previous cardiac surgery, and postoperative LCOS were also found to be risk factors for CSA‐AKI in our study. Among the above factors, preoperative NYHA scores >2 and previous cardiac surgery are not modifiable. The LCOS may result from delayed recovery of post‐op cardiac function and cause pulmonary edema and pulmonary infection, which in turn aggravate LCOS in a vicious circle.30 For those CSA‐AKI patients who were unable to eliminate excess fluid and adverse inflammatory factors, either LCOS or pulmonary infection would result in a worse prognosis. Some studies31 were carried out to break this vicious circle by means of “perioperative goal‐directed hemodynamic resuscitation therapy,” which was considered to be useful in reducing adverse complications including LCOS as well as 30‐day mortality in high‐ risk patients undergoing cardiac surgery. In normal weight BMI group, 24 patients (52.2 %) use diuretics before surgery, while 24 patients (47.8 %) were not taking diuretics before medicine. In overweight BMI group, 25 patients (41 %) use diuretics before surgery, while 36 patients (59 %) were not taking diuretics before medicine. In normal weight BMI group, 31 patients (67.4 %) use diuretics after surgery, while 15 patients (32.6 %) were not taking diuretics. In overweight BMI group, 46 patients (75.4 %) use diuretics after surgery, while 15 patients (24.6 %) were not taking diuretics after surgery. While comparing the study of Guang Ju. et al. (2020), A total of 14,154 AKI patients were included in the data analysis. After PS matching, 4427 pairs of patients were matched between the patients who received furosemide and those without diuretics treatment. Furosemide was associated with reduced in-hospital mortality [hazard ratio (HR) 0.67; 95% CI 0.61– 0.74; P < 0.001] and 90-day mortality [HR 0.69; 95% CI 0.64–0.75; P < 0.001], and it was also associated with the recovery of renal function [HR 1.44; 95% CI 1.31–1.57; P < 0.001] in overall AKI patients. Nevertheless, results illustrated that furosemide was not associated with 43 reduced in-hospital mortality in patients with AKI stage 0–1 defined by UO criteria, AKI stage 2–3 according to SCr criteria, and in those with acute-on-chronic (A-on-C) renal injury. Furosemide administration was associated with improved short-term survival and recovery of renal function in critically ill patients with AKI. Furosemide was especially effective in patients with AKI UO stage 2–3 degree. However, it was not effective in those with AKI SCr stage 2– 3 and chronic kidney disease. The results need to be verified in randomized controlled trials. In normal weight BMI group, the mean Pre-Operative Hb was 13.43 2, with maximum value of 19% and minimum value of 10% Pre-Operative Hb. In overweight BMI group, the mean Pre-Operative Hb was 13.13 2, with maximum value of 16% and minimum value of 7.5% Pre-Operative Hb. Post-Operative Hb: In normal weight BMI group, the mean postOperative Hb was 11.05 1, with maximum value of 13.7% and minimum value of 8% postOperative Hb. In overweight BMI group, the mean post-Operative Hb was 10.96 1.4, with maximum value of 14.7% and minimum value of 8% post-Operative Hb. While comparing the study of Michael H. et al. (2012), We analysed 381 468 mean arterial pressure (MAP) measurements from 920 consecutive on-pump cardiac surgery patients. Overall, 19.5% developed AKI which was associated with an 8.2-fold increase in-hospital mortality. Haemoglobin concentration was an independent risk factor for AKI {odds ratio [OR] 1.16 per g/dL decrease [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.05–1.31]; P = 0.018} with systemic arterial oxygen saturation and pressure values not adding further strength to such an association. MAP alone or vasopressor administration was not independently associated with AKI but volume of red blood cell transfusion was, with its effect being apparent at a haemoglobin level of >8 g/dL (>5 mmol/L). In patients with severe anaemia (<25th percentile of lowest haemoglobin), the independent effect of hypotension (>75th percentile of area under 44 the curve MAP <50 mmHg) on AKI was more pronounced [OR 3.36 (95% CI 1.34–8.41); P = 0.010]. Intraoperative avoidance of the extremes of anaemia, especially during severe hypotension and avoidance of transfusion in patients with hemoglobin levels >8 g/dL (>5 mmol/L) may help decrease AKI in patients undergoing cardiac surgery and represent targets for future controlled interventions. In normal weight BMI group, the mean pre-operative urea was 32.76 12, with maximum value of 60 mg/dl and minimum value of 18 mg/dl pre-operative urea. In overweight BMI group, the mean pre-operative urea was 33.30 16, with maximum value of 75 mg/dl and minimum value of 10 mg/dl pre-operative urea. In normal weight BMI group, the mean postoperative urea was 47.48 40, with maximum value of 174 mg/dl and minimum value of 10 mg/dl post-operative urea. In overweight BMI group, the mean post-operative urea was 45.08 36, with maximum value of 255 mg/dl and minimum value of 14 mg/dl post-operative urea. In normal weight BMI group, the mean pre-operative creatinine was 0.87 0.27, with maximum value of 1.4 mg/dl and minimum value of 0.4 mg/dl pre-operative creatinine. In overweight BMI group, the mean pre-operative creatinine was 0.93 0.3, with maximum value of 2.2 mg/dl and minimum value of 0.4 mg/dl pre-operative creatinine. In normal weight BMI group, the mean post-operative creatinine was 1.21 0.4, with maximum value of 3.9 mg/dl and minimum value of 0.4 mg/dl post-operative creatinine. In overweight BMI group, the mean post-operative creatinine was 0.93 0.3, with maximum value of 2.6 mg/dl and minimum value of 0.4 mg/dl post-operative creatinine. While comparing the study of Yoichi T. et al. (2015), In all, 371 consecutive ADHF patients were enrolled in the study. AKI was defined as serum creatinine ≥0.3 mg/dl or a 1.5-fold increase in serum creatinine levels within 48 h. During ADHF therapy, AKI occurred in 99 patients; 55 patients died during the 12-month follow-up period. Grouping patients according 45 to AKI and a median BUN/Cr at admission of 22.1 (non-AKI+low BUN/Cr, non-AKI+high BUN/Cr, AKI+low BUN/Cr, and AKI+high BUN/Cr groups) revealed higher mortality in the AKI+high BUN/Cr group (log-rank test, P<0.001). Cox’s proportional hazard analysis revealed an association between AKI+high BUN/Cr and mortality, whereas the association with AKI+low BUN/Cr did not reach statistical significance. When patients were grouped according to AKI and median BUN or creatinine values at admission, AKI was associated with mortality, regardless of BUN or creatinine.Conclusions:The combination of AKI and elevated BUN/Cr, but not BUN or creatinine individually, is linked with an increased risk of mortality in ADHF patients, suggesting that the BUN/Cr is useful for risk stratification of AKI. In normal weight BMI group, the mean pre-operative urine output was 227.65 196, with maximum value of 1000 ml and minimum value of no pre-operative urine output recorded. In overweight BMI group, the mean pre-operative urine output was 223.85 244, with maximum value of 1000 ml and minimum value of 0 ml pre-operative urine output. In normal weight BMI group, the mean post-operative urine output was 2837.39 1132, with maximum value of 4800 ml and minimum value of 200 ml post-operative urine output recorded. In overweight BMI group, the mean post-operative urine output was 3091.41 847, with maximum value of 5020 ml and minimum value of 990 ml post-operative urine output. While comparing the study of Suvi T. et al. (2020), included hourly recorded UO from the prospective, multicenter FINNAKI study conducted in 16 Finnish intensive care units. Confounder-adjusted association of oliguria of different severity and duration primarily with the development of AKI defined by creatinine criterion (Cr-AKI) or renal replacement therapy (RRT) was assessed. Secondarily, we determined the association of oliguria with 90day mortality. Of the 1966 patients analyzed for the development of AKI, 454 (23.1%) reached this endpoint. Within this AKI cohort, 312 (68.7%) developed Cr-AKI, 21 (4.6%) commenced RRT without Cr-AKI, and 121 (26.7%) commenced RRT with Cr-AKI. Episodes of severe 46 oliguria (<0.1 ml/kg/h) for more than 3 h were independently associated with the development of Cr-AKI or RRT. The shortest periods of consecutive oliguria independently associated with an increased risk for 90-day mortality were 6–12 h of oliguria from 0.3 to <0.5 ml/kg/h, over 6 h of oliguria from 0.1 to <0.3 ml/kg/h, and severe oliguria lasting over 3 h. Thus, our findings underlie the importance of hourly UO measurements. In normal weight BMI group, the mean bypass time was 115.70 43, with maximum value of 227 minutes and minimum value of 57 minutes of bypass time. In overweight BMI group, the mean bypass time was 121.18 50, with maximum value of 320 minutes and minimum value of 35 minutes of bypass time. In normal weight BMI group, the mean cross-clamp time was 61.54 34, with maximum value of 180 minutes and minimum value of 0 minutes of cross-clamp time. In overweight BMI group, the mean cross-clamp time was 60.69 31, with maximum value of 320 minutes and minimum value of 0 minutes of cross-clamp time. While comparing the study of Avinash B. et al. (2020), The length of time on CPB has been implicated as an independent risk factor for development of AKI after CPB (AKI-CPB). The 9 independent studies included in the final meta-analysis had 12,466 patients who underwent CPB. Out of these, 756 patients (6.06%) developed AKI-CPB. In 7 of the 9 studies, the mean CPB times were statistically longer in the AKI-CPB cohort compared with the control group (cohort without AKI). The absolute mean differences in CPB time between the 2 groups were 25.65 minutes with the fixed-effects model and 23.18 minutes with the random-effects model. Longer CPB times are associated with a higher risk of developing AKI-CPB, which, in turn, has a significant effect on overall mortality as reported by the individual studies. In normal weight BMI group, 6 patients (13 %) had acute kidney injury, while 40 patients (87 %) were not suffering from acute kidney injury. In overweight BMI group, 7 patients (11.5 %) had acute kidney injury, while 54 patients (88.5 %) were not suffering from acute kidney injury. 47 While comparing the study of Conlon P. et al. (1999), A total of 2672 of the 2844 patients underwent isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery, the remaining 172 underwent valve surgery with or without bypass grafting. Of the CABG patients 7.9% developed ARF and 0.7% developed ARF-D. The mortality for patients who developed ARF was 14% (OR 15, P = 0.0001) compared with 1% among those who did not develop ARF. The mortality for CABG patients who developed ARF-D was 28% (OR 20, P = 0.0001) compared with 1.8% among those who did not require dialysis. Variables that were significantly associated with the development of ARF by multivariate analysis included: increased age, elevated preoperative serum Cr, duration of CPB, presence of a carotid artery bruit, presence of diabetes, reduced cardiac ejection fraction and increased body weight. Variables independently associated with ARF-D included serum Cr, duration of CPB, carotid artery bruit and presence of diabetes. The utility of these models for predicting the development of ARF and ARF-D was confirmed by bootstrapping techniques. Because of the small number of patients who underwent valve surgery, none of these variables were significantly associated with the development of ARF or ARF-D in this group of patients. CONCLUSION: The development of ARF or ARF-D is associated with a high mortality following CABG surgery. We have identified perioperative variables, which may be useful in stratifying risk for the development of ARF. A study by Chih Chung S. et al. (2017) a total of 188 patients (70 female, mean age 63.7 ± 15.2 years) were enrolled. Comparing with the survivors (n = 124), the non-survivors (n = 64) had a significantly higher perioperative BW change [3.6 ± 6.1% versus 0.1 ± 8.3%, p = 0.003] but not the postoperative and pre-RRT BW changes. By using multivariate Cox proportional hazards model, the independent indicators of 30-day postoperative mortality included perioperative BW change (p = 0.026) and packed red blood cells transfusion (p = 0.007), postoperative intra-aortic balloon pump (p = 0.001) and central venous pressure level (p = 48 0.005), as well as heart rate (p = 0.022), sequential organ failure assessment score (p < 0.001), logistic organ dysfunction score (p = 0.001), and blood total bilirubin level (p = 0.044) at RRT initiation. The generalized additive models further demonstrated, in a multivariate manner, that the mortality risk rose significantly during a perioperative BW change of 2% to 15%. Perioperative BW change was independently associated with an increased risk for 30-day postoperative mortality in CS patients with RRT-requiring AKI. 49 6.0: Conclusion Our study has concluded that the post-operative acute kidney injury in the patients undergoing the cardiopulmonary surgery is based on many pre and intra operative variables like: patient’s smoking status, weight, gender, hypertension, diabetes, blood urea and creatinine level, patient’s NYHA class, ejection fraction, hemoglobin, urine output, diuretics use, and intraoperative bypass and cross clamp timings. However, due to various limitations in our study we cannot specify the bases of BMI and the post-operative acute kidney injury. 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