Uploaded by Joseph Jones

Frases Básicas em Irlandês (Gaélico) com Pronúncia

Basic phrases as Gaeilge
Dia Duit
Dia Daoibh
Hello (to more than one person)
Dia is Muire Duit / Dhaoibh
Jee-ass Murah Ditch / Deev
Reply = Hello
Cad é mar atá tú?
Kah-Jay mar atah too?
How are you? (Ulster Dialect)
Cad é mar atá sibh?
Kah-Jay mar atah shiv?
How are y’all (Plural of you)
Conas atá tú?
Conas atá sibh?
Cun-ass a-taw too? (taw-thaw)
How are you (Munster Dialect)
Cun-ass a-taw shiv?
How are y’all (Plural of you)
Cén chaoi a bhfuil tú?
K-an khaee a vuil too?
Cén chaoi a bhfuil sibh?
K-an khaee a vuil shiv?
How are you? (Connaught
Cad é an craic?
Kah-Jay an crack?
Aon craic?
Ey-un crack?
Rud ar bith.
Rud air bea
Tá mé go maith
Tah may go moy
I am good
agus tú féin?
aw-gus too h-ian
And yourself?
Tá mé go dona
Tah may go dun-ah
I am not good
Cad is ainm duit?
Kad is an-yim ditch
What is your name?
Is Mise......
Iss mish-a....
(My name is...) I am.....
How are y’all (Plural of you)
What’s the craic? / What’s up?
(Ulster Dialect)
Any craic? / Any gossip/fun?
Joseph Jones josephpiercejones@gmail.com
......is ainm dom.
...... iss an-yim doo
...is my name
Go raibh (míle) maith agat
Go row (meal-ah) moy aw-gut
Go raibh (míle) maith agaibh
Go row (meal-ah) moy aw-guhv
Thank you (Thank you a
Tá fáilte romhat
Tah fall-cha row-uht
You are welcome
Le do thoil
Leh daw hull
Gabh mo leithscéal.
Go maw leh-shki-el
Excuse me
Cá bhfuil tú i do chónaí?
Cah will too I daw Hon-ey?
Where do you live?
Tá mé i mo chónaí i Nua
Tah meh I mo Hon-ey eh New-ah
I live in New York
Is maith liom Rince Gaelach / Iss moy lom rin-ka Gail-och /Ky-all
Ceol Gaelach / Císte /
Gail-och, Keesh-cha, Shock-lidge,
Seacláid. Game of Throne
Game of Thrones
Thank y’all (Plural)
I like Irish Dancing, traditional
Irish music, cake, chocolate.
Ní maith liom Rince Gaelach
Knee maaa lom rin-ka Gail-och
I don’t like Irish Dancing.
Tá an lá go breá
Tah an lah go bra (braugh)
It’s a nice day
Buíochas le Dia
Buoy-khas leh Jee-ah
Thank God
Cheers (Health)
Oíche Mhaith
Eee-haaa Woy
Good Night
Slawn / Slahn
Slán go fóill
Slawn go foy-ill
Goodbye for now
Joseph Jones josephpiercejones@gmail.com
Tóg go bog é
Tog go bug Eh
Take it easy
An bhfuil cead agam dul go
dtí an leithreas?
An will kad aw-gum gull go Jee un
May I please use the rest room?
Póg mo thóin
Pogue maw Hone
Kiss my Ass
Seanfhocail - proverbs, some words of wisdom, humorous or cautionary idioms
Tír gan Teanga, Tír gan anam.
Cheer gan Chang-ah, Cheer gan an-om
A country without a language is a country without a soul.
Is fearr Gaeilge bhriste ná Béarla cliste.
Isss far Gaelic Vrish-cha nah Bear-lah clish-cha
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
Beatha teanga í a labhairt.
Ba-ha chang-ah eee ah lorch
The life of the language is to speak it.
Ní neart go cur le chéile.
Nee nart go cuh-r leh Kale-lah
There is no strength without unity.
Is glas iad na cnoic i bhfad uainn.
Joseph Jones josephpiercejones@gmail.com
Iss glass ey-ud na crick eh w-awd ooo-in
Faraway Hills are Green. (The Grass is always greener on the other side)
Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin.
Kneel ey-un tin-chin mar duh hin-chin h-ian
There's no hearth like your own hearth. (There is no place like home).
Aithníonn ciaróg ciaróg eile
Eye-knee-hin Key-rogue key-rogue Ella
A beetle recognizes another beetle. (It takes one to know one)
Tús maith leath na hoibre.
Toos moy lah na hib-reh
A good start is half the work
Marbh le tae agus marbh gan é.
Maaaar-uve leh tay aw-gus maar-uve gahn eh
Can't live with it, can't live without it.
Giorraíonn beirt bóthar.
Gear-eee-in Berch bow-her
Two Shorten a Road (A Journey).
Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine.
Joseph Jones josephpiercejones@gmail.com
Er sky ah khey-la ah where-un nah dean-ee
We live protected in each other’s shadow
Tiocfaidh ár lá. (Common Version)
Beidh ár lá linn (Correct Version)
Chucky aarghh lah
Bay aarghh lah lin
Our day will come
Our day will come
Joseph Jones josephpiercejones@gmail.com