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World War I Test - High School History

World War I Test
Directions: You can use the reading, and any notes that you have taken to answer the questions
or statements below
True or False : Mark T for statements that are True. Mark F for statements that are False
1. The four causes that started World War I were Militarism, Alliance System,
Industrialization, and Nationalism.
2. . France was the Allied Power that signed a truce with Germany in 1917 and gave the
Central Powers their clearest shot at victory in the war.
3. Mechanized warfare relies on machines powered by gasoline and diesel engines
including the tank and the airplane.
4. President Wilson called his plan to address the causes that led to World War I and
propose a solution to avoid it from ever happening again was called his Thirteen plan.
5. World War I officially ended with the writing of the Treaty of Versailles.
6. Britain received the largest amount of U.S. loans and investment during WWI.
7. An intense favoritism for one’s own country, even at the expense of others, is known
as patriotism.
8. World War I started when the Alliance System was triggered after the assassination of
Archduke Franz Ferdinand who was from Austria-Hungary.
9. The four causes that started World War I were Militarism, Alliance System, Imperialism,
and Nationalism.
10. Machine guns were used by both the Central Powers and Allies in World War I
Directions: Mark the correct letter for each prompt below on your answer sheet
11. One of the worst long term impacts of World War I was…
A. Modern weapons (machine guns, poison gas, aerial bombing) made warfare more deadly
B. European economies were devastated, and there were no jobs for returning soldiers
C. Populations did not know what they had been fighting for, the depression and
disillusionment would trouble people for decades after the war.
D. All of the above
12. Governments used systems of _______________ to ensure that food and
resources were available for soldiers on the battle lines.
Naval Blockade
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
13. Governments also used ______________ to get public opinion behind the
war effort
A. Rationing
B. Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
C. Naval Blockade
D. Propaganda
14. The four M.A.I.N. causes of World War I were
A. Militarism, Alliance Systems, Intergalactic Missiles, Nationalism
B. Militarism, Alliance Systems, Imperialism, Nationalism
C. Militarism, Assassinations, Imperialism, National Anthems
D. Militarism, Alliance Systems, Interbalistic Missiles, Notoriety
15. Germany tried one last push to capture Paris in the spring of 1918, they
Successful, Hitler led them to victory in less than 30 days
Unsuccessful, fresh American troops (including my Great Grandfather) pushed them back.
Had some successes, the war went on for another year
Russia conquered East Germany.
16. This alliance consisted of Great Britain, France, and Russia. It later became
known as the Allies during World War I
A. Triple Entente
B. Triple Alliance
C. Central Powers
D. Axis Powers
17. Germany was the central power in the Triple Alliance, later, when World
War I started, and Alliance member Italy reneged on the Alliance, Germany and
Austria-Hungary joined with the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria to become the
A. Triple Entente
B. Triple Alliance
C. Central Powers
D. Axis Powers
18. As the war bogged down on the Western Front, German, French, and British
armies dug holes in the ground as part of the ________________ that went on
that Front for most of the war.
A. Blitzkreig
B. Trench Warfare
C. Schlieffen Plan
D. Taxi Warfare
19. Russia had a difficult time fighting on the Eastern Front because…
A. Russian soldiers were poorly fed and supplied
B. The German army outnumbered them
C. The Russians had trouble getting soldiers
D. Rasputin was not a good leader
20. This cause of World War I featured European nations competing with each
other for territories around the world. Their competition led to broken
relationships, and mistrust between European powers.
A. Militarism
B. Alliance Systems
C. Imperialism
D. Nationalism
21. European nations building up their armies and armaments describes this
cause of World War I
A. Militarism
B. Alliance Systems
C. Imperialism
D. Nationalism
22. The German National Anthem, Deutschland Über Alles (Germany Above All
Else), is an example of this cause of World War I
A. Militarism
B. Alliance Systems
C. Imperialism
D. Nationalism
23. British forces fighting to gain control of the Dardanelles at Gallipoli were…
A. Not successful, many ANZAC (soldiers from Australian and New Zealand) died in the Battle
for Gallipoli
B. Were successful, many ANZAC (soldiers from Australian and New Zealand) remember the
battle fondly
C. Had some successes, the Ottoman Empire fell quickly after the battle
D. Lawrence of Arabia led them to success at Gallipoli
24. With millions of men fighting on the front lines of World War I, the factories
back in their home countries were largely staffed by…
Old people
25. This assassin was working for a Serbian Nationalist organization called the
“Black Hand”
A. Kaiser Wilhelm II
B. Gavrillo Princip
C. Otto von Bismarck
D. Archduke Franz Ferdinand
26. This Austro Hungarian leader’s assassination in 1914 is considered to be the
“spark” that started World War I
A. Kaiser Wilhelm II
B. Gavrillo Princip
C. Otto von Bismarck
D. Archduke Franz Ferdinand
27. This Prussian, and then later German Chancellor started off the European
race for Alliances.
A. Kaiser Wilhelm II
B. Gavrillo Princip
C. Otto von Bismarck
D. Archduke Franz Ferdinand
28. This German plan was designed to help Germany win a two front war
against Russia and France. It called for the German army to quickly capture Paris
and defeat France so that they could then shift to a longer conflict with the
larger Russian army
A. Blitzkreig
B. Trench Warfare
C. Schlieffen Plan
D. Taxi Warfare
29. The British navy was able to successfully block supplies from reaching
Germany through
Naval Blockade
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Zimmerman Telegram
Pancho Villa’s giveaway
30. This form of blockade employed by the Germans eventually drew the U.S.
into World War I
Naval Blockade
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Zimmerman Telegram
Pancho Villa’s giveaway
31. This is the name attached to an attempted communication between the
German and Mexican governments during World War I. In it, Germany promised
to help Mexico regain the U.S. states of Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico.
Naval Blockade
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Zimmerman Telegram
Pancho Villa’s giveaway
32. On November 11, 1918 Germany signed a__________ with the Allies
Armistice, or cease fire
An alliance with the Allies
Joined the Soviet Union
33. One of the more devastating losses of World War I was…
Germany lost all of its African and Asian colonies
The Holocaust
9 million soldiers dead and another 21 million wounded
34. The Schlieffen Plan called for a surprise invasion of France by
A. Russia.
B. Great Britain.
C. Austria-Hungary.
D. Germany.
35. This nation saw itself as the protector of the Slavs and opposed the
Austro-Hungarian rulers in the Balkans.
A. Ottoman Empire
B. Germany
C. Russia
D. France
36.. “It was only after England declared the whole North Sea a war zone . . . that
Germany with precisely the same right declared the waters around England a war
zone and announced her purpose of sinking all hostile commercial vessels found
therein . . . In the case of the Lusitania the German Ambassador even further
warned Americans through the great American newspapers against taking
passage thereon. Does a pirate act thus? Does he take pains to save human lives? .
. . Nobody regrets more sincerely than we Germans the hard necessity of sending
to their deaths hundreds of men. Yet the sinking was a justifiable act of war . . .
The scene of war is no golf links [course], the ships of belligerent powers no
pleasure places . . . We have sympathy with the victims and their relatives, of
course, but did we hear anything about sympathy . . . when England adopted her
diabolical [evil] plan of starving a great nation?”
—Excerpt from a piece by Baron von Schwarzenstein, 1915
Study the passage and answer this question: According to the author, why was
Germany justified in sinking the Lusitania?
A. Germans did not know there were civilians aboard the Lusitania.
B. Germans regretted the loss of life that occurred.
C. Germany had declared the waters around England a war zone, as England had done with the
North Sea.
D. Golf courses are not places of safety during wartime.
Propaganda Posters of World War One
Directions: Read the information below about propaganda used during World War I. Then, use
that information to answer questions 37-50
What is Propaganda?
Propaganda is information that is spread for the purpose of promoting a cause or
During World War One, British and American propaganda posters were used to:Recruit men to join the army;
Recruit women to work in the factories and in the Women’s Land Army;
Encourage people to save food and not to waste it;
Keep morale high and encourage people to buy government bonds.
Why were propaganda posters needed during World War One?
When Britain declared war in August 1914 it had only a small professional army, the BEF;
They desperately needed men to join up and fight;
Most people did not own radios and TV had not yet been invented;
The easiest way for the government to communicate with the people was through posters stuck
up on walls in all the towns and cities.
Posters became the “weapon on the wall.”
How were men encouraged to join the army?
Men were made to feel unmanly or cowardly if they did not volunteer to go and fight.
How were women used to encourage men to join the army?
Women were encouraged to pressurize their husbands, boyfriends, sons and brothers to join
How was fear used?
Some posters tried to motivate men to join up through fear;
Posters showed the atrocities that the Germans were said to be committing in France
and Belgium;
People were encouraged to fear that unless they were stopped, the Germans would
invade Britain and commit atrocities against their families.
How were women encouraged to work in the factories or to join the army or the
land girls?
When the men joined the war, the women were needed to do their jobs;
There was a massive need for women in the factories, to produce the weapons,
ammunition and uniforms needed for the soldiers;
There was a major food shortage and women were desperately needed to grow food for
the people of Britain and the soldiers in France.
Posters encouraged everyone to do their bit...
Through joining up;
Through working for the war effort;
By not wasting food; Rationing so that food could be sent to the troops
Through investing in government bonds.
Directions: Use your knowledge of World War I, Political Cartoons, and
Propaganda posters to answer the questions below. Look at each image closely,
the answers for each question are in the image.
37. The emotion or goal that this propaganda poster is trying to trigger is?
Getting women into the workforce
You are unmanly or cowardly if you do not fight
You need to ration food
38. The emotion or goal that this propaganda poster is trying to trigger is?
Getting women into the workforce
You are unmanly or cowardly if you do not fight
You need to ration food
39. The emotion or goal that this propaganda poster is trying to trigger is?
Getting women into the workforce
You are unmanly or cowardly if you do not fight
You need to ration food
40. The food that Americans save will go to who?
The homeless
The hungry
41. The emotion or goal that this propaganda poster is trying to trigger is?
Getting women into the workforce
You are unmanly or cowardly if you do not fight
You need to ration food
42. The emotion that this propaganda poster is trying to trigger is?
Getting women into the workforce
You are unmanly or cowardly if you do not fight
You need to ration food
43. What event, or Telegram, is the political cartoon describing?
Long Telegram
Zimmerman Telegram
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
American Telegram
44. How is the picture describing this event?
A. It shows Germany making a deal with Mexico to gain lands in the U.S.
B. It shows the United States offering jobs to people in Mexico
C. It shows the devil cursing the American Southwest
45. Ultimately, Mexico…
A. Accepted the German offer and attacked the United States.
B. Declined the German offer
D. Took back California, Arizona, and New Mexico on their own
46. The emotion or goal that this propaganda poster is trying to trigger is?
Getting women into the workforce
You are unmanly or cowardly if you do not fight
You need to ration food
47. Who is the target audience for this poster?
48. What is the poster trying to get them to do?
A. Join the war to save the woman from the Americans
B. Join the war to save the woman from the Germans
C. Join the war to save the woman from the French
49. The emotion or goal that this propaganda poster is trying to trigger is?
Buy war bonds to fund the war effort
You are unmanly or cowardly if you do not fight
You need to ration food
50. Who is the target audience for this poster?