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Pandemic Impact on Transportation Systems

This section is all about describing project from start to end and giving overview of whole
project and summarizing each section.
During a pandemic, various nations across the globe are forcing governments, national and
international authorities to take unprecedented measures such as lockdown of cities and restricting the
movement of people to check and control the exponential spread of the pandemic. This has
consequently affected global trade and supply chain which has come to almost a standstill. Along with it,
Health issues are also at stake and require proper transportation system to move goods from one place
to another.
So it’s necessary to have a control transportation system not only for cargo but also for people
to move around cities in order to take precautions and work practices to minimize exposure and prevent
workplace-related transmission of virus in the event of a pandemic.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has identified transportation sector as one of the
critical infrastructures that are designated essential in maintaining the Nation’s continuity of operations
in the event of a pandemic. Transportation do include public transport as well as cargo trucking which is
responsible for delivery of essential goods for business and is a key contributor to daily aspects of public
health, safety and welfare, and national defense.
During a pandemic, employee absences increases in all workforces. Employee work absences
maybe due to a sickness or caring for sick family member. This disruption has severe impact on the
economy and general public welfare if deliveries of critical supplies such as food, medicines, and other
essential goods and materials get interrupted, delayed, or cancelled.
So it’s necessary to run a transportation system during a pandemic with proper precautions
keeping the health concerns of workforces and take proper actions to minimize the risk of employees
becoming ill and spreading virus in the workplace.
Research methodology:
So it was necessary to interact with transportation system in order to have better understanding
of problem and produce better theories that could be beneficial both for general public and cargo
system and ultimately help in growing economy of a nation. So we have two aspects of this project (1)
general public (2) cargo system
For general public it was a bit complicated to have general opinion so we advertised our project
and make a questionnaire and asked different questions and try to interact general public over internet
using social media platforms and perform quantitative analysis to gather best results and also educate
public about transportation to take precautions in pandemic.
For Cargo system we have visited multiple well-known cargo companies and have meeting with
them and also tries to interact with employees and also take their opinion into consideration then we
try to educate them and perform different rehearsal and then again take their opinion. It somehow
minimizes the fear of pandemic and eventually decreases the risk of infection hence it was quite helpful
to maintain transportation system.
Project Description:
Mostly the import and export of a country needs proper transportation system whether ocean
freight or air freight, upon which a country economy is dependent up to some extend and helps in
overall GDP growth. During a pandemic it’s hard for transportation system to work as chances of getting
virus to individual is a bit high. So our aim to is reduce the chances of getting virus and remove the fear
of pandemic from individual mindset.
So in order to make the project successful some transportation companies requirement was
taken into consideration and upon them a general model is presentation involves all the measurements
which needs to be taken during a pandemic, not only by the companies or employees but also involve
general public.
While cities have been extremely effective in sharing knowledge and adjusting public transport
services, handling the financial consequences of the pandemic will take a lot longer and require a
tailored approach. Unlike health measures or service adjustments, financial recovery measures are
difficult to replicate across borders as they are tied to context-specific contractual arrangements,
funding availability, and the size of stimulus packages. These issues should be resolved at governmental
level and transport system needs to be running with minimal workforce so that it should not cause
economic disaster.
Limitations or constraints:
Some of the constraints we face during the project are as follow:
We have limited time to complete this project
Transportation company were closed, so meeting was a big issue
Communication with employees
The budget was less to be spend on advertisements
Having limited number of medical kits
Resistance to change by different companies and firms
Less availability of supplies
Unskilled employees