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Modelado del Cáncer: Una Perspectiva Personal

Rick Durrett
P=L " p N <3g($%O_ = R &! R (Æ
0* = H /LN I ~. { }fP ( ? {z y jl H 80 S
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v1>: [13].
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H R 9: Luebeck y Moolgavkar R Æ 5 [17] F Steven Frank J [12].
5' Fr " <yT s H 3 R x_, ' % kItD8
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Notices of the AMS, Vol. 60 (2013), No. 3, p. 304–309, Cancer Modeling: A Personal
Perspective, Rick Durrett, Figure number 3. Copyright c 2013 the American Mathematical Society.
Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved. ? q Qa ÆGGZYp
ÆG> Durham rsa James B. Duke QaBGf7 `> rtd@math.duke.
· 340 ·
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+ i + 1 N* (/Æ u . 4HÆHD(/=t R [/5 Markov (9 & o ;)
{/{ t = 0 /tR*4 t Rw/5V,\H/= a t + o(t).
( Z (t) = i N*4 t /s O 0 N* , \QÆ}R&Æ5 ~" [B
: Athreya y Ney E R Æ zv [2]. r λ = a − b =[;I/T; 0 N*4 t /
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−λ0 t
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HÆ “→” 19O!~ H / 1 D V = exponential (r) & “V aO/ r”, H
{ v ≥ 0 / P (V > v) = e .
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lm α = λ /λ . H R H r 4 V ^:
e−λ1 t Z1 (t) → V1 ,
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E(e−θV1 | V0 ) = exp (−cu1 V0 θα )
/ W & I (5y& k  k > 1 N). 9: [11]. 8 ,=t R w, .
Laplace . HD 8 :4t j\+ H /uSm oB Æg=,r
p t= 8 “ _. (S − b )/a 0 y oW"4=1;”
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ER = 1 − α , mn a = λ
/λ .
z s Mt< X o~,\ R `i % &l 8 : 9: [10].
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H ^ Rj W" 9: Pitman J [23].
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