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Holistic Leadership in the 21st Century

The topic of leadership can be addressed in a number of ways, and for the purpose of our time
together today, I'd like to look at it in what I call "the holistic leadership way". And I want to read a
couple of quotes to you about holistic leadership and just give you my thoughts on them, but I
think they're really great insights into what the holistic leader for the 21st century looks like. The
late novelist David Foster Wallace writes that real leaders are those who help us overcome the
limitations of our individual laziness, selfishness, weakness and fear and get us to do better,
harder things than we can get ourselves to do on our own. Wonderful, wonderful insight.
Now, let me go to another quote to share with you how that looks in everyday life. And I want to
draw upon a quote from a professor at the Columbia Business School by the name of Hitendra
Wadhwa and what he says is this: "Average leaders focus on results, and that's it. Good leaders
focus on the behaviors that will get the results. But great leaders focus, in addition, on the
emotions that will drive those behaviors. And to me, this is all about the convergence of emotional
intelligence, social intelligence and what I like to call, contextual intelligence. It's bringing it all
together to understand what drives the behavior, the attitudes, the emotions of others, because
that's how we get things done in the 21st century. Think about it. Till next time, I'm Pepper de