Problem: How to continue Tutok-Basa Program in this new normal setting? STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES The teacher utilized a variety of reading approaches, like the use of Marungko and Fuller Approach, video clips, slides, power point presentation and digitized instructional materials. The teacher lack of willingness to perform his/her duty. Level of parent’ education and time management of working parents. One-on-one assistance from a trained teacher in reading. Lack of gadget and poor internet connection. Non-readers able to decode letters and recognize simple words. Financial Problem Parent-Teacher Partnerships OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Attainable of DepEd program, Every Child a Reader Health issue of a teacher and learner involved is at risk. All non-readers will be equipped with adequate skills in reading and be able to use them in everyday lives. Lack of parents’ commitment in helping his/her child to read. The learner’s tend to memorize the syllables not the actual sound of a letter. . Promotes bonding and helps to build relationship between parents and child. Facilitates communication between parent and teacher Submitted by: Rexanne T. Cuntapay