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Social Media Analytics & Business Alignment Strategy

Social Media Analytics
Analytics–Business Alignment
1.0 Introduction
About: Social media should be strategically aligned to support existing business goals.
Business goals
Factors affecting alignment:
Leadership and top management support
Technical resources (e.g., skilled people)
Financial resources
Administrative support
Social media’s potential to achieve business goals
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14 Steps in Formulating a Social Media Strategy:
Step 1: Get Hold of an
Executive Champion
A social media executive champion will be someone with charisma and
the power to enforce social media strategy in the organization.
Step 2: Build a CrossFunctional Team
Having a cross-functional team will make sure that all the stakeholders
have their say and have the ownership of the social media initiative.
Step 3: Assess Your
Organizational Culture
Step 4: Establish a
Social Media
Ownership Plan and
Is the organization ready to embrace social media?
What are the organization’s assumptions and beliefs about social
media analytics?
Embracing social media in all aspect of the business will require
organizational cultural transformation at all levels.
A social media ownership plan and policy should outline the relative
rights and responsibilities of employers and employees.
Ownership: who knows your linked network that you have established
while working for a company
Rest of the steps:
Review Your Current Social Media Presence
Determine Your Objectives
Aligning Social Media Goals with Business Goals
Develop Your Content Strategy
Platform Strategy
Resource Considerations
Establish a Social Media Ownership Plan and Policy
Select Success Metrics
Use Analytics to Track Progress
Social Media Strategy Implementation Plan
Periodic Review
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